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Unieboek | Het Spectrum Geri Brandjes | phone: +31 20 615 3473

Kinderdromen | Children’s Dreams José Sagasser


t bedtime we often say to our children things like “good night, sleep tight” and “sweet dreams” but this is not always what they experience. Sometimes scary, frightening or anxiety ridden dreams can really disrupt the child and parents during the night. This book tells you everything you need to know about your children’s dreams, what they mean, how children sleep and what you can do when your child experiences terrible nightmares. You actually can teach your child how they can change their nightmares into happy dreams! This is a book for parents and children to read and enjoy together and learn how to navigate the wonderful world of dreams. • Includes many useful tips to help your child dream happy and pleasant dreams. • Solutions for sleepless nights and nightmares • A must read for all parents

José Sagasser is an experienced child psychologist and manages the parental support and education office Opvon ( José authors books on parenting and pregnancy. She has also worked at Ouders van Nu (Today’s Parents).Currently she is employed by the Pabo ITT at the University of Utrecht.

Psychology Paperback 144 pages 17 x 20 cm

Unieboek | Het Spectrum Publishing Ltd P.O. Box 97 NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Foreign rights Contact: Geri Brandjes

Chakra lifestyle | Chakra Lifestyle Elske Feitsma


hakra lifestyle is an inspiring book about personal development, self-awareness and yoga. Let it guide you and help you to take a closer look at your mental, physical and spiritual life in order to experience more balance, peace and inner strength. Chakras are energy centers that serve as a blueprint for your life. The knowledge of this ancient wisdom can help you put your daily stress and busy lifestyle into perspective. Using issues like: trust, emotions, ego, relationships, love, communication, intuition and consciousness, you can learn more about yourself, your challenges and possibilities. Balanced chakras allow you to feel more energetic, happy and healthy. By practicing the exercises and yoga postures you bring these issues to the surface and stimulate the inner workings of the chakras. Bring yourself into balance and improve your emotional, mental and physical health with Chakra lifestyle! • A personal and accessible book • Filled with practical (yoga) exercises • Increased attention for chakras and yoga • Suitable for a wide audience “This book is well written and an easy read, it holds your attention from start to finish. It is also really good to keep around as a reference.” - Yoga Magazine

Elske Feitsma studied history and journalism. Later, she immersed herself in yoga and holistic lifestyles. She studied to become an (energy) coach, healer, reader and yoga teacher. She has a private practice and provides individual consultations, yoga classes and offers a variety of courses including intuition and chakras.


Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:


Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

184 pages

P.O. Box 97

19 x 24,5 cm

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Leven in acceptatie | Living in acceptance Annemarie Postma


ow do I stop criticizing and judging myself? What can I do about my fears? My child is sick, how can you ask me to just accept this? Why do I always fall back into my old patterns? Is acceptance not a very passive and fatalistic way of looking at life? How do I hold on to acceptance in my life? How can I apply all those wonderful insights from The healing power of Acceptance to my daily life? In Living in acceptance Annemarie Postma decides to answer the most frequently asked questions by her readers and offers them clear solutions, practical exercises and surprising insights. It is a soothing and comforting guide to help us in the hectic pace of our daily life. • Written by the number one spiritual author in The Netherlands • Its predecessor The healing power of acceptance sold well over 10,000 copies in four months • Practical, useful and for everyday use “To sum it all up in one sentence, Annemarie’s books are about accepting things in life. Most of us have a lot to learn about that!” Dutch newspaper -

Annemarie Postma (1969) has written some of the following bestsellers The deeper Secret (2007), Ziels Eigenwijs (The Secret Within) (2009), Ziels Gezond (2010) and The healing power of acceptance (2011). Her books are published worldwide; she is the most popular spiritual author in The Netherlands at the moment. Sample translation available.


Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:


Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

144 pages

P.O. Box 97

13,5 x 17,6 cm

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Weg met de weegschaal | Away with the scale Meijke van Herwijnen


ith this easy 12 week program Away with the scale you can forever change your eating habits and life style with great easy to follow steps. Discover what is the best way for you to lose weight, how much you should eat and what you should eat. You will also learn: - How to motivate yourself in making healthy choices - How to always have the right food within reach - How to enjoy eating healthy food - How to exercise without too much effort - How to relax on time That’s how you lose weight without dieting! The Away with the scale 12 week program is not just an instruction manual, but helps you understand how this healthy way of living really works. It’s easy and enjoyable to keep up with the steps, because they teach you what you should do – but nothing is really “forbidden”. The book may start out as a diet, but will soon become a lifestyle you want to continue for the rest of your life.

Meijke van Herwijnen is author, speaker and trainer/coach in personal development. She runs her own company named Visiom, where she teaches people how the can feel good. • The Away with the scale method: a proven success! • Online support and option to ask questions by e-mail • Updated edition with a brand new look “This book is for anyone interested in learning a new and healthier lifestyle, not just for those who want to lose weight.”


Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:


Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

224 pages

P.O. Box 97

17 x 22 cm

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Dummie de mummie en de gouden scarabee Dummy the Mummy and the Golden Scarab Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


arwishi Ur-Atum Msamaki Minkabh Yahya, the son of an Egyptian pharaoh, is only nine years old when he dies. He is mummified and laid to rest in a tomb, with the powerful Golden Scarab of Muktagara hanging around his neck. Thousands of years later, during a transport of three precious sarcophaguses, there is a terrible storm. Lightning strikes, the lorry plunges from a flyover and the sarcophaguses are hurled through the air. During all this, a little white shape escapes the wreckage unnoticed… Goos Guts is ten and has an absolutely normal life. Then one night a little mummy appears out of nowhere in his room! Goos’ father decides to let him stay and be part of their family, but in secret to protect the mummy from scientific experiments. Life changes completely. Goos and Dummy (short for his real name) become best friends. A few weeks later Dummy goes with him to school, pretending to be a badly burned Egyptian boy. But not everybody is happy with this creepy stranger in their midst. One dreadful day, Dummy’s golden scarab goes missing. Without the scarab Dummy falls terribly ill. Goos must now do everything he can to find the powerful scarab, so that Dummy doesn’t have to face death a second time around. Who could have stolen the scarab? And can Dummy be saved in time?

This is the first part of the Dummy the Mummy Series Sold to Germany and Poland

Age 8+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

256 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21, 5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany and Poland

Dummie de mummie en de Tombe van Achnetoet Dummy the Mummy and the Tomb of Achnetoet Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


n this second book, Dummy, Goos and his father Klaas travel to Egypt. It is Dummy’s greatest wish to return to “his country” to visit the grave of his father, Pharaoh Achnetoet. Unfortunately, Egypt has completely changed in four thousand years and Achnetoet’s grave seems untraceable. To make matters even worse, Klaas falls ill and Goos and Dummy set off without him. Then something terrible happens… Dummy has to give everything he’s got to save his best friend. Though he’s also determined to find his father’s grave. Fortunately, he remembers more and more about his life long ago and this proves to be very handy! An exciting and moving sequel to Dummy the Mummy and the Golden Scarab, naturally with lots of laughs too!

Age 8+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

256 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21, 5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany

Dummie de mummie en de sfinx van Shakaba Dummy the Mummy and the Sphinx of Skahaba Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


fter his trip to Egypt, Dummy is back in the Netherlands and planning for the future. As the son of a pharaoh, he is determined to become as famous as his father. But soon he has to accept the truth: in the village of Polderdam he is nothing more than a small Egyptian boy with burns that needs to keep a low profile. And what is even worse: he will never get any bigger or older! Fortunately, his teacher Mr. Scribble has discovered a mysterious secret. There is a clue in Achnetoet’s scepter that indicates the existence of a powerful figurine – the Sphinx of Shakaba. Dummy is familiar with the statue and believes the Sphinx can help him become a normal boy. Is there something special in store for him then? In that case, he must find the statue. Yet this seems next to impossible…

November 2012 part four in the Dummy the Mummy series will be published: A new adventure.

Age 8+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

256 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21, 5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany

De wraak van Knor | The revenge of Oink Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


or her birthday, Bette Babs’ grandpa gives her a piglet. She names him Oink and they quickly become best friends. Oink is quite clever and he grows very fast. Bette Babs’ grandpa is a great guy, who spoils her terribly. Or so it seems… because Bette Babs’ grandpa is not very nice at all. In fact, he is very cruel. He has given Oink to Bette Babs because he has an awful plan in mind… As it happens, Bette Babs’ grandfather used to be a butcher. When the sausage-making contest of the century is announced, he simply cannot resist. He wants to take part, especially if he can beat Best’s Butcher Shop on the corner. Grandfather thinks that Oink will be the finest biological pig ever – perfect for making sausage to win the contest. But Grandpa has seriously underestimated the ingenuity of his granddaughter and her pet. They make sure he gets what he deserves…

Age 8+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

112 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

15,5 X 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to South Africa

De wraak van Lorre | Polly’s revenge Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


ne day a green parrot comes flying over to Jim’s house. To everyone’s amazement, the creature has a peg leg and it can sing a beautiful sort of opera. Jim and the extraordinary bird quickly become buddies, but danger lurks. The shrewd owner of a music label wants to record the parrot singing and earn tons of money. He is also willing to pay a top price for the bird, but Jim is not prepared to give up his good friend. When Polly suddenly vanishes into thin air, Jim and his best friend Sarah set out to investigate.

Age 7+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

176 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

15,5 X 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany

Supervrienden-verhalen uit het Elzen-Eikenbos Fabulous Forest Friends-Stories from the Alder Oak Woods Text by Fiona Rempt, illustrations by NoĂŤlle Smit


even Fabulous Forest Friends inhabit the most beautiful spot in the Alder Oak Woods. There are lovely oak trees beside a pond that runs into a fresh water stream. Between the trees and the pond is a field of tender grass and a fallen tree trunk for climbing. In fifteen different read-aloud stories, the Fabulous Forest Friends experience everything there is to experience. They are fond of pranks and playing jokes on each other. Sometimes they fight and at other times, they are all sad together. They meet new animals in the woods and encourage each other to do things they would not dare to do alone. In short: our Fabulous Forest Friends discover the world around them and all the emotions that go with this!

Age 4+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

120 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

17 X 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany

Supervrienden-kartonboekjes Fabulous Forest Friends- Board Books Text by Fiona Rempt, illustrations by Noëlle Smit


ou can get to know Duck, Beaver, Ant and Squirrel even better than before! As a follow –up to Fabulous Forest Friends- Stories from the Alder Oak Woods, our four friends now have individual books – each with their own adventure. Crafted from sturdy cardboard, all these easy-to-read books have recognizable themes: Duck discovers colour, Ant’s best collection, It is Beaver’s birthday, Hop, Skip, Jump!

Age 2+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

26 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

15 X 15 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Supervrienden-het hol van mol Fabulous Forest Friends – The Mole Hole A learn-to-read book on different levels. Text by Fiona Rempt, illustrations by NoÍlle Smit


ive stages of reading development with the Fabulous Forest Friends

Age 4-7

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

96 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

17 X 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Supervrienden-Prentenboekjes Fabulous Forest Friends- Picture Books Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


en bijzondere wens/A special wish Snail has his birthday. After blowing out the candles on the cake he is allowed one wish. Snail has a very special wish. Then his friends give him very strange presents. What is he supposed to do with nails and chestnuts? But you know what: all the presents together make Snail’s wish come true!


ampioenen/Champions The Fabulous Forest Friends join in a competition. Squirrel thinks he will be the champion. He brushes his tail, because he wants to look good when he wins. The competition starts. It is a relay race and the Fabulous Forest Friends are a team. Together they are super strong and are they will be

Age 2+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

32 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

21,5 x 14 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Korea

Eekhoorn is een held | Our hero Squirrel Text by Tosca Menten, illustrations by Elly Hees


quirrel has a magnificent dream: he is a hero. When he wakes up, he decides that he really wants to be a hero. But that is not so easy! Clumsy Squirrel is a disaster for his friends. Just when he is about to give up, something happens through which Squirrel will be a hero after all.

October 2012 a new picture book in the Fabulous Forest Friends series will be published: Een vreemde vogel/ A strange bird

Age 2+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

24 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

21 x 21 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Superjuffie! | Super Miss! Text by Janneke Schotveld, illustrations by Annet Schaap


hough Miss Josie looks like any ordinary teacher, she has a remarkable talent. Whenever an animal is in danger, she turns into a super hero. The minute she takes a bite of a piece of chalk, her powers come into play: she flies through the air as a green tornado and rescues animals in need. Miss Josie tries to conceal her true identity from the kids in her class, but she does not manage for long. Luckily, they promise not to reveal her secret to the strict headmaster. Because naturally it is unacceptable: a teacher who flies away in the middle of a spelling lesson. Together they think up all kinds of reasons for why Miss Josie is late again and again – and then with twigs in her hair or a baby duck in her pocket. Meanwhile, weird things are going on in the city zoo. Will Super Miss and the children be able to save the zoo from disaster?

Super Miss! Sold over 20.000 copies in the Netherlands.

Age 8+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

144 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

17 x 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Superjuffie komt in actie! | Super Miss to the Rescue! Text by Janneke Schotveld, illustrations by Annet Schaap


he summer holiday has just begun and Miss Josie is looking forward to a few quiet weeks. But apparently the mayor has a plan to renovate the City Park and that is where her house is located. He wants to replace a 200-year-old oak with “New Nature�. The mayor is beaming with pride about this technological advance: New Nature is completely computer driven! And though it is an imitation that can hardly be distinguished from the real thing, Super Miss soon discovers it is toxic. She has her hands full saving animals that have accidentally eaten some of it. The mayor refuses to admit New Nature is bad and Super Miss does not have any solid proof. How can she stop the mayor from continuing with his poisonous plans?

Age 8+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

160 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

17 x 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Oma ontsnapt! | Granny’s great escape! Text by Janneke Schotveld, illustrations by Annet Schaap


ost children have a brother or a sister, but not Tibble; she only has her grandmother. Grandma Babs lives in a small cottage in Tibble and her mother’s backyard. Despite the fact that Grandma is not so young anymore, she can still do a handstand and always wins at the Wii. There is never a dull moment because Grandma is around. But suddenly Tibble’s mother needs the cottage for her work and Grandma is packed off to an old folks’ home. Tibble totally disagrees and runs away to rescue her grandmother. However, this is not as easy as Tibble thinks…

Age 7+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

144 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

17 x 23 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Vuurbom- De geschiedenis van een vriendschap Fire bomb- The story of a Friendship Text by Harm de Jonge


immy has landed in the hospital. He does not remember how he was injured. But one thing is certain: he has killed his best friend Bram. Bram was fascinated by people, especially by their reactions to seemingly small things. He made it more and more his business to provoke people and involved Jimmy in his escapades. Meanwhile, Jimmy did not really want to take part because the pranks were getting completely out of hand. Jimmy tells his nurse about this early friendship with Bram and how it all began to go wrong. Through Jimmy sharing his emotional memories, the reader discovers how many people absolutely hated Bram. But who actually killed him? And is Bram dead for sure?

Awarded with the Silver Pencil 2012 Selected for the White Ravens 2012

Age 10+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

160 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21,5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

De kleine Odessa-Het levende boek The little Odessa-The living book Text by Peter van Olmen


ouldn’t it be wonderful if a city existed where everybody loved books? Where all the inhabitants were famous writers, or where you could live if you wanted to be a famous writer yourself? Such a city exists! Odessa is twelve when she discovers Scribopolis. Here she is introduced to a colorful array of characters and writers who are all looking for the Chosen One. Only the Chosen One may write in the Book of Bookus… and everything inscribed there actually happens! This book takes the reader along with Odessa on a great literary journey of discovery. From the Muses to Hamlet and from Kafka to the Brontë sisters. A grand account and introduction to famous writers from world literature, their work and their personages.

Awarded with the Boekenwelp 2010 (Flemish Literature Prize)

Age 12+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

Sold to: Germany, Spain,

480 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

Catalonia, Korea, Poland

14 x 21,5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Boy 7 | Boy 7 Text by Mirjam Mous

When I opened my eyes, I could not remember anything‌ Not even my own name.


boy wakes up in a scorching hot, desolate landscape. He does not know how he got there, where he came from or even his own name. To his relief, he finds a backpack containing a mobile phone. As he is about to dial the emergency number, he notices he has voicemail. To his astonishment, he hears: Whatever happens, do not contact the police! At that instant, he knows one thing for sure: it is his own voice. He has left this message himself! Using the items he finds in the backpack to point him in the right direction, he determinedly goes in search of his past. But until he can remember something, he does not dare trust anyone- not even Lara. Slowly but surely, he uncovers a terrible truth‌

Worldwide film rights acquired

Age 13+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

288 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21,5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany (reprinted seven times already), Poland and Korea

Vals spel | Nasty game Text by Mirjam Mous


in is locked up in a cell by the Spanish police, suspected of murder. At first he is not worried at all. Valerie will turn up at any moment to help him. Fin met her backpacking and they have been inseparable ever since. Val speaks fluent Spanish and can interpret for him. In any case, she will simply tell the police Fin was with her at the time of the crime and they will release him. But Val does not show up. And what is even worse: the police don’t believe Fin. As it so happens, there is lots of evidence that he is not telling the truth: fingerprints, witnesses and mysterious text messages‌ Fin finds himself deeper and deeper in trouble. How will he prove his innocence?

Age 13+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

224 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21,5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany

Password | Password Text by Mirjam Mous


ick discovers his best friend Jerro unconscious in his bedroom. He immediately calls an ambulance. The ambulance personnel refuse to let him ride along, so he rushes to the hospital on his bike. But when he inquires about Jerro at the emergency room, he is confronted with a strange situation. After school, a man Stefan has never seen before is waiting for him. Stefan does not trust the situation and takes off in a desperate attempt to shake his pursuer off. The lives of these three boys become inextricably intertwined. Strange events follow one after another and Jerro and Stefan are in great danger. Bit by bit, Mick discovers the startling truth. A nerve- wracking thriller in which nothing is what it seems!

Age 13+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

288 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21,5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Sold to Germany

Pokerface, Ik steel, lieg en bedrieg Poker Face I steal, Lie, Cheat Text by Buddy Tegenbosch


em de Wit – sixteen years old, at the top of his class – has been playing hockey his entire life. Whe he is asked to play on the Senior Hockey Team, he does not hesitate for a minute and seizes the chance. He is given two weeks’ time to prove himself, but quickly realizes it is more difficult than he expected. Fortunately, one of his teammates befriends him. Not only does Dave help Sem improve his hockey playing, he also introduces him to the world of poker. Sem seems to have a natural talent for the game and starts taking bigger and bigger risks. Then one night things go horribly wrong…

Age 13+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

256 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

14 x 21,5 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

In een land hier ver vandaan… In a Land Far, Far Away Arend van Dam (text) and Alex de Wolf (illustrations)


n a Land Far, Far Away… tells the stories of fifty spots on earth that make the world an amazing place. About old and new wonders of the world like the Pyramids of Giza and the Taj Mahal, but also about nations of the past and present, such as the Greeks and Romans, the Maori and the Aboriginals. Alex de Wolf’s colorful paintings bring Arend van Dam’s stories to life. Many of the places seem like something from a fairytale, but actually exist

Age 6+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

160 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

23,8 x 22 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

Voorbij de horizon | Beyond the Horizon Arend van Dam (text) and Alex de Wolf (illustrations)


hat makes the countries of Europe remarkable and what is so unique about this continent as a whole? You will discover exactly that in Beyond the Horizon… Van Dam makes the concept of “Europe” easily accessible for children six and up. An overview of the most diverse customs and events in Europe is presented in fifty original stories, beautifully illustrated by De Wolf. All the European countries are included, from the largest to the smallest. But the featured role in this book is reserved for the children of Europe. Their experiences are varied and even if they come from different countries, they have many things in common. This book collection is the ultimate in edutainmentfor reading aloud and/or on your own. Almost 300,000 books from this series already sold in the Netherlands.

Age 6+

Unieboek | Het Spectrum

Foreign rights Contact:

160 pages

Publishing Ltd

Geri Brandjes

23,8 x 22 cm

P.O. Box 97

NL- 3990 DB Houten The Netherlands

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