4 richard resl geociudadano aplicaciones

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The Geo-Citizen approach: Implementation of a collaborative participation framework for citizen collaboration


FundaciĂłn CEC, 2014.

Anton Eitzinger International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Karl Atzmanstorfer Department of Geoinformatics – ZGIS, University of Salzburg Richard Resl Universidad San Francisco de Quito, rresl@usfq.edu.ec


The Geo-Citizen approach

Outline •  Background and previous efforts •  Volunteered Geographic Information, Web 2.0, Participation and Empowerment •  The GeoCitizen-framework and the GeoCitizen-platform •  Case Study Applications

Background and previous efforts

Working experiences from Ecuador


Can GIS challenge existing power structures?

Mapping the Community

Shuar Indians – Transkutuku - Ecuador

Data Structuring



“Every other month” Events and Working Groups from 2001-2012 ; USFQ

Managing Territorial Conflicts Cordillera del Condor Ecuador - Peru




DESIGN for GENERATION of structured LIFE PLANS within the administrative TERRITORY and by constitution assigned COMPETENCES in REGIONAL PLANNING

11 Indigenous Nations and 2 Communities

SIG-CODENPE 2010-2011


What is it all about?

People GIS Communication Understanding - historical aspects in a spatial context Building consciousness within today's spatial context Identifying - Spatial Problems Communicating - Spatial Problems and Solutions Capacity Building

the Citizen’s Spatial Context … the missing gap Social Networking

Expert GIS

“Collaborative Spatial Problem Solving”

… by citizens

Volunteered Geographic Information, Web 2.0, Participation and Empowerment CEGeoIC 2013

Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS) ! mid-1990s non-expert stakeholders in spatial planning processes collaborative mapping initiatives


“real-world(time)� GIS

For a long time, collaborative mapping initiatives dominated real-world PPGIS applications!!

Volunteered Geographic Information, Web 2.0, Participation and Empowerment CEGeoIC 2013

geospatial web-platforms ! enabling citizen participation in the management of their living environment ! Mostly related to lack of public services

A Citizen reports

The Authority solves

Professional Business WEBGIS & data

Professional Business WEBGIS & data

Professional Business WEBGIS & data ‌ for experts not available for developing countries yet >even less for rural areas like the Amazonian Lowlands >and just too complex for non-experts of our neighborhood

Citizen service


‌ driven and directed by specific public or private forces

Social networking FixVegas iPhone Application

‌ used by initiatives ‌ applying static maps

The GeoCitizen-framework and the GeoCitizen-platform CEGeoIC 2013

The Geocitizens’ View “Geociudadano”

Who is GIS?

“It is about the citizen that lives in a neighborhood, and needs certain issues/problems/ideas about his living space to be addressed/solved/designed collectively!”

The GeoCitizen-framework and the GeoCitizen-platform CEGeoIC 2013

The Platform

What is Geociudadano?

“… provides the citizen with the opportunity to identify, report, discuss, solve and monitor problems related planning at a local level, merging geoweb technologies and social media in one single, comprehensive and interactive tool for participatory spatial planning.”


Fundación CEC


The Method Current situation

Problem Observation “Spatial Information”

Changed situation

Monitoring (Success of Solution)

Process Problem Solving “Voting upon proposed Solutions”


Reporting “Attributes within Themes and Categories”

Communication “Structured Group Discussions”

Map of actors Best practice GCs

Global experts


Regional – Global Local


Neighborhood Local authorities

Local experts GCs

… it might be your neighbor!


accessibility and user-friendliness

to be considered wizard-driven standardized approach


social inclusion


respect for local ident

spatial dimension with neighborhood focus in a global view

collaborative awareness building and planning incentive problem oriented place and process specific social networking


responsible social cont

historic views of all processes

spatial and thematic scope of citizens´ observed and processed prob highlighting of best practice cases integration and legitimacy of local knowledge enhancement of local thinking towards global acting


Design and Implementation

Designed as a platform for web-browsers on desktop computers and mobile devices like smart-phones and tablets

ArcGIS for Server Javascript API

Case Study Applications Current Initiatives planning to use the GC plattform:

CEGeoIC 2014


QUITO – “Mobilidad para Todos¨

VALLE DE TUMBACO – “Modelo del Buen Vivir¨

GALAPAGOS – “GEOcomunidad para una planificación de recursos, desarrollo y conservación con monitoreo comunitaria¨ ILALO – “GESTION de una zonificación AIER para el volcán y sus habitantes¨ AMAZONIA – “Gestión Territorial de las Nacionalidades Amazónicas del Ecuador¨

Case Study 1: Spatial Decision Making in the municipality of Tumbaco, Ecuador •  supporting collective urban planning within a rapidly growing suburban area of Quito which lacks information and support by public administration Case Study 2: Mitigating the effects of climate change in rural communities, Tanzania & Colombia •  explaining climate and crop science to communities •  empower farmers to be part of the global effort to mitigate climate change

Aplicaciones en la AMAZONIA CEGeoIC 2014

APORTE para el monitoreo participativo del manejo de los BOSQUES en la AMAZONIA Ecuatoriana: Con el Geociudadano, tanto expertos, guarda-parques, funcionarios, como los habitantes de la selva amazónica pueden compartir información georeferenciada en línea sobre el estado del bosque, actividades y patrones de deforestación y reforestación. Fuera de llenar un registro desde su computadora o celular, pueden entrar en un dialogo en línea con sus colegas, miembros de la comunidad, otras comunidades y documentando el proceso de búsqueda de soluciones a la situación actual, pueden hacer propuestas, y publicar la información respectiva acerca de cada punto de monitoreo colectivo. En este momento, se capacita un grupo de 20 técnicos locales y 7 nacionalidades amazónicas en el uso del GEOciudadano "Amazonia" dentro de un curso de GESTION TERRITORIAL y SIG en el Geocentro de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito. http://amazongisnet.blogspot.com

Aplicaciones en la AMAZONIA CEGeoIC 2014

APORTE para el monitoreo participativo del manejo de los BOSQUES en la AMAZONIA Ecuatoriana:

Aplicaciones en la AMAZONIA CEGeoIC 2014

APORTE para el monitoreo participativo del manejo de los BOSQUES en la AMAZONIA Ecuatoriana:

Aplicaciones en la CIUDAD CEGeoIC 2014 APORTE para ela gestion AMBIENTAL y de SALUD En el manejo de los espacios de vida de NUESTROS BARRIOS:

Aplicaciones en Iniciativas APORTE para ela gestion de una INICIATIVA colectiva en el manejo de la MOVILIDAD:

CEGeoIC 2014

The Geo-Citizen approach

Thank you for your attention!

geoCiudadano Make your neighborhood work! Make our world work! Anton Eitzinger, Karl Atzmanstorfer, Richard Resl Fundaci贸n CEC, 2014. http://amazonia.geociudadano.org info@geoCitizens.org Contact: Richard Resl, rresl@usfq.edu.ec

The Geo-Citizen approach

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