TGM Final Preview

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Roshni | Academy Song


The OTA song ‘Roshni’ was composed by the combined efforts of Sub SP Gautam, GCs and Officers in 1987, under the then Commandant Maj Gen N Vishwanathan .

The Presidential Colours Presented on 18th of August 1990 by Shri R Venkataraman, the then President of India

From Shri Pranab Mukherjee Hon’ble President of India 7 It is indeed a matter of great national honour

Many of them continued to serve the Indian

As one goes back in time, one is amazed to

As the supreme commander of the Indian

that the Officers Training Academy, Chennai is

Army beyond their minimum service liability

note the inspirational legacy of the institution

Armed Forces, I felicitate the combatants and

celebrating its golden jubilee this year.

and formed the backbone of our national

which started with the bare essentials. I am

the non combatants who are part of this great

defence system. Scores of alumni moved to

sure, the spirit of un flinching patriotism and

institution, which has been a true symbol

The genesis of the OTA marks an unparalleled

different sectors where they made their pres-

excellence shall continue to guide the coming

of patriotism and selfess service for half a

chapter in our national history when educated

ence felt by their ethical work culture and the

generations of trainees, even as the OTA


young men took the bold decision to wear

selfsame spirit of honour and dedication. Fifty

keeps its date with modernity and technologi-

the uniform, even as the nascent nation of

years later, one comes across the footprints

cal development.

ours was faced with war with China. They

of the distinguished alumni of OTA Chennai, in

volunteered to brave enemy bullets, instead of

practically every field of national importance,

opting for a comfortable existence elsewhere.

ranging from sports to corporates and the civil

Their achievements have far surpassed the

services to governance.

limits of human fortitude, which is evident from the number of alumni of the OTA, who have distinguished themselves in combat, in a series of outstanding heroic actions, often at the cost of their lives.

From Dr Manmohan Singh Hon’ble Prime Minister of India It is indeed heartening to know that the Officers

The worthy alumni of this hallowed institution

In today’s turbulent times, the military work

I am very confident that this premier institu-

Training Academy, Chennai has completed

have acquitted themselves admirably not only

ethic and resoluteness of purpose hold the key

tion will continue to serve the nation with

fifty years of its glorious existence. It marks an

in times of war and threats of armed invasion,

to social progress and national development.

excellence in the years that lie ahead. All of

important chapter in our national history as the

but also in times of natural calamities like

The Officers Training Academy stands out as

you have my best wishes and those of the

OTA truly represents the secular fabric of the

floods, earthquakes and other natural disas-

an exemplary national institution propagating

nation for your future endeavours.

nation wherein members of all communities,

ters. A large number of Emergency and Short

this spirit.

caste and creed unite and dedicate their lives to

Service Commissioned Officers trained by this

the highest national cause.

Academy have distinguished themselves in the central and allied services, sports, bureaucracy, corporate and politics and other sectors of national significance. The laurels earned by them reflect positively on their grooming at the OTA.

From Shri AK Antony Hon’ble Raksha Mantri


On the occasion of the golden jubilee of the

The qualities of the Indian Army officer have

This era has witnessed extensive deployment

I am also certain that the successive genera-

Officers Training Academy Chennai, I salute

been extolled universally. Even our adversaries

of the Indian Army for counter-insurgency op-

tions of officers passing out of this institution

this institution which has trained genera-

have gone on record, praising the excellent

erations and a plethora of asymmetric threats

would leave behind an inspirational saga

tions of officers who have made outstanding

leadership skills exuded by them, both in war

incorporating weapons of mass destruction

which shall match their predecessors’ illustri-

contributions to our nation’s defence.

and peace. The credit goes to the training

not only nuclear but also biological, chemical

ous contributions to our motherland.

academies in general and the Officers Training

and radiological, in nature.

Academy Chennai in particular, which shares

I wish the Commandant, the staff and the

a legacy of courage, resilience and determina-

The officers of tomorrow shall be called upon

tion. The OTA’s alumni have distinguished

to deliver collective and innovative measures

themselves not only in their primary role of

to counter and defeat the ever expanding

safeguarding our national territories and dis-

arsenal of the inimical forces. I am certain that

aster management, but a host of other tasks

in the times to come, the OTA would draw

related to nation building.

up a comprehensive approach to equip its trainees to evolve institutional frameworks to defeat such challenges.

cadets of the OTA Chennai all the very best.

From The Chief of Army Staff General Bikram Singh PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary

The Indian military history is replete with

I have no doubt whatsoever, that the Com-

of the Officers Training Academy, Chennai,

numerous saga of the alumni of this hallowed

mandant and the members of staff of OTA

I wish to compliment the Commandant, the

Academy, whose personal commitment to

Chennai shall continue to nurture and groom

serving ranks, the alumni and the cadets, for

their duties has contributed to the Indian

the institution upholding the standards set

the distinguished track record of the Academy

Army’s preeminence as a bastion of selfless

by their worthy predecessors, in the manner

in training young men and women to defend

service. Many of them have carried forward

that would inspire generations to come.

our country and our democratic ideals.

this selfless spirit to other professions and fields of human endeavour, even after their departure from uniformed service. Together they constitute the glorious legacy which is cherished with sublime pride, by the Nation in general and the Indian Army in particular.

From The GOC-IN-C, ARTRAC Lt Gen K Surendra Nath PVSM, AVSM, VSM The Officers Training Academy, Chennai is an

The institution has also acquitted itself credit-

esteemed constituent of the Indian Army, which

ably in breaking the glass ceiling by training

has played a glorious role in the history of our

women for the officer cadre, thereby opening

Nation since its inception. Its alumni have dis-

a glorious chapter in gender equality in the

tinguished themselves by virtue of their qualifi-

history of the country.

cations, skills, integrity of character, knowledge and physical as well as mental endurance, not

The Golden Jubilee of the OTA, Chennai is

only in the military context but also various

truly a moment of national honour and pride

other fields wherein they have carved a niche

for all of us, and I take this opportunity to

for themselves by their drive, clear focus and

greet the Commandant, his team, the cadets

high standards which reflects on their grooming

and their families and wish them luck in all

at their alma mater.

their future endeavours.


The Seat of Authority The White House has been the headquarters of the OTA since 1962.



Left and Above: The Old Theatre

The Tea Room at the Old Lecture Halls

A nightscape of the Centurion Tank standing proud by the erstwhile Science Block


The Old Sports Complex Legacy of fitness


An Old Squad Post


The Old Obstacle Training Area

Left:The sunbathed walls of the Tagore Art Gallery and the Museum Right: The living barracks of yore


Left: The erstwhile lecture halls now house the OTA Shopping Complex Right: The Chanakya Auditorium


The former Cadets’ Mess now hosts The Gym named after Lt N Parthiban KC (P)


The Swimming Pool

A PAN O R A M IC V IEW O F T H E R E C E N T ST R UC T U R E S F R O M T H E ‘P ’ H I L L The 760 acres of real estate, next to the Anna International Airport, dotted with firing ranges, simulators for modern warfare techniques, stables, PT grounds, play grounds and several other indoor and outdoor facilities, testifies to the physically and mentally challenging curriculum of the OTA. Apart from a few grand Victorian structures inherited from the Madras Presidency, the OTA remained in temporary accommodation for close to four decades. In 1999, a decision was taken to locate the Academy permanently in Chennai and to finalise its key location plan with an enhanced capacity of 750 cadets as against the existing 500. This decision presaged the construction of modern facilities and world class architectural structures, which are fast changing the landscape of the Academy.


The ‘P’ Hill


The Academic Department and the Central Library have been shifted to an imposing and centrally air conditioned complex and christened as The Gaur Academic Block and Radhakrishnan Library. The lecture halls of the Gaur Academic Block have been equipped with state of the art interactive boards and multimedia facilities.


A nightscape of the New Tennis Courts

The New Quarter Guard

A Company building by the River Adyar


The OTA Environmental Park


The “New White House” nearing completion


The Flag Staff House Constructed in 1928 as the residence of the Garrison Commander of the Madras Presidency Army. Since the inception of the Officers Training Academy in 1962, the building has been the residence of the Commandant of the Academy.


The indispensables who help us “Serve With Honour� The splendour and the grandeur of the Academy depends on the sweepers, barbers, washers, boot repairers, gardeners, tailors and a slew of other tradesmen.


New Cadets arrive at the Chennai Central railway station


Measuring up for the “Olive Greens”


Beginning a life of regular haircuts, pressed uniforms, polished boots...


A Cadet’s Evening Preparing for the morrow...


“The Drill Instructor is the cadets’ first window to military life...A ruthless, tough acting Drill Sergeant (Ustad)... but you know the guy has a heart. And you know deep down how much he cares. His job is to mould a bunch of total novices into army shape. Along the way he’s hilarious but strict and comical in the way he disciplines his charge” Adapted from Seven Amazing Drill Sergeants in Movies -



The Women Entry Scheme In 1992 OTA commenced the training of women for induction into the Officer cadre of arms and services other than the AMC and the MNS. Above: Lt Divya Ajith became the first woman to be conferred with the OTA ‘Sword of Honour’ on 18 September 2010.


Drill in PT rig...Yet a while to sport the Olive Greens


The Drill Square Test



Physical Training (PT)


Every so often, conversations are hushed by the sound of an aircraft and all eyes look skywards...The Anna International Airport shares its boundary with the OTA.


“You only ever grow as a human being if you’re outside your comfort zone.” - Percy Cerutty



Weapon Training The Making of a Marksman


The Old Short Range now snuggled among the foliage at the foot of the P Hill

Weapon Training stresses shooting from behind cover, fixing jams and changing magazines - key skills all soldiers need in combat.





Night Firing

The Battle Proficiency and Efficiency Test (BPET) Flagging off for the 5 Km run


The Vertical Rope


Left: The Monkey Crawl along the horizontal rope. Right: “Done!”


A DS sharing a lighter moment with the Cadets after the BPET.


Riding Elegance

The Bicycle Jamboree

The journey of a military leader begins on a bicycle.


The Bridge across The River Adyar - Gateway to the New Training Area



Inter Company March and Shoot Competition

The companies compete with each other by getting past the obstacles in order to get near to the ‘enemy’ and eventually destroy it as quickly as possible.

Camaraderie in Action Brothers in arms and warriors, Tenacious day and night, Miraculous and glorious, Both valiant inside. Two sets of eyes, two sets of ears... Two hearts that beat as one... Their loyalty outlasts the years. Adapted from “Brother in Arms� - Denis Martindale


Lecture Demonstration (LDM)


The Gaur Academic Block Named after Lt Col HS Gaur of Bihar Regiment awarded Ashoka Chakra (P)


A class in progress at the Gaur Academic Block Classroom pedagogy in areas such as Military History, Current Affairs, International Relations, Communication Skills, Science and Warfare, and Computer Skills supplements the predominantly experiential curriculum in Tactics, Weapon Training and the psycho-social dynamics of character based leadership. FGC (now Lt) Mahlatsi TM, commissioned into The Lesotho Army recalls, “...In all fairness, I would not ask for a better opportunity than this to boost my confidence in speaking the Queen’s language... I have no doubt in my mind that this will be of great help in the long run”.

One of the reading rooms at the Radhakrishnan Library


The evening buzz at the New Training Area




The Inter Company Competitions Featuring Basketball, Boxing and Cross Country

The OTA offers a well structured regimen for cultivating soft skills and pursuing hobbies like riding, para sailing, boating, archery, shooting, photography, arts, creative writing, dance and music.


Cycle Expedition to Mahabalipuram (2012) En route to take up the mass cleaning of the beach near the Shore Temple at Mahabalipuram.


The Chanakya

The Chanakya Auditorium continues to host addresses, guest lectures, movies, debates and the Variety Entertainment Programme. Right: The Commandant addressing the Cadets


Lt Col MS Dhoni during a guest lecture at the Chanakya


The Battle Inoculation The battle inoculation simulates a battlefield environment. The cadet is required to pass through a number of obstacles, with live rounds flying overhead and explosions nearby, just like “what you would expect when you are in a battle�.




Realistic Combat Training The Battle Inoculation approximates the realities of the risks and precautions of actual battle. Role Players are outfitted with weapons, equipment, first aid and evacuation backups.



Right: The Hanumanthapuram Firing Range on Chennai’s fringes at Singaperumal Koil near Chengalpattu resembling a battle zone. Left: Skydiving at the site by the members of the Parachute Brigade and the Aakash Ganga of the Indian Air Force.



Unambiguous instructions and rigorous monitoring hold the key to safety and success.


The Razor’s Edge

Crawling to evade live rounds (real bullets) shooting overhead and simulated explosions all around.


“Out of a close shave”

“Band Of Brothers�

Sharing the thick and thin of battle training leads to a fun, safe, and secure mindset which absorbs the impact of military lifestyle stressors through military career and beyond...


“Cry and you cry alone, snore and the whole world snores with you.”


Camps and Exercises

Training at the OTA is interspersed by a series of battle exercises in a variety of terrains that simulate the battlefield environment and enable the cadets to hone the skills they need to lead in combat.


Digging into the ground for protection from enemy artillery and small arms fire is an age old practice.


“Cosmetics of the martial brand�





A quick bite at the campsite


A Company Defended Locality


The Nocturnal Watch

Traditionally, night time is the friend of the soldier.



“Martial grace glides on blistered feet...� Runbacks - a way of life at the OTA



Visitors From Left: Governor of Chattisgarh, Shekhar Dutt, SM an alumnus who later joined the IAS HRH Prince Andrew, the current Duke of York Gen VK Singh PVSM, AVSM, YSM, ADC Former Chief of Army Staff

Gentlemen Cadets of the Royal Military College, Duntroon


Run up to the Passing out Parade


In sunshine and in rain



Marshalling the next generation...


The Commandant’s Parade



“Buddy Pair!”

Time to Celebrate

“Sound, sound the clarion, fill the fife! To all the sensual world proclaim, One crowded hour of glorious life Is worth an age without a name.�-Sir Walter Scott


The Adyar Officers’ Mess “Pillars” Waiters attired for the ceremonials


The Young Officers at the Officers’ Mess


Glimpses of The Main Hall


The Adyar Officers’ Mess Interior Its hard to miss the typically Victorian building, amidst the age old trees on the GST Road. The building was erected by the Govt of Madras in 1815 and was used as the Officers Mess of the Madras Artillery affiliated to the Madras Presidency garrison. The building was handed over to the OTA In 1962. The architecture is typically Victorian with massive vertical columns for the façade and beautiful arches bordered with intricate designs in the three main halls inside.


The Yoddha Cadets’ Mess


One of the many celebrations in the wake of the POP, at the Yoddha Cadets’ Mess

Inside the Yoddha Cadets’ Mess


The Dinner Night

A covenant of sorts for the Young Officers as they transition into the officer cadre.



‘The Combined Display’

Showcasing horse riding, tent pegging, traditional art and folk, martial arts and dog show a day prior to the POP.


The Passing Out Parade Featuring the parade on 15 September 2012 Left: The Adjutant Maj Naveen D Prabhu atop his charger


The Reviewing Officer at the Passing out Parade on 15 September 2012 Lt Gen AK Singh, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC General Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Command



Our Comrades for Ever... Maj R Parameshwaran Maj Jas Ram Singh Capt Jasbir Singh Raina Brig CA Pithawala Lt Col HS Gaur Col Jojan Thomas Maj D Sreeram Lt Navdeep Singh Brig KS Chandpuri Lt SS Samra Lt Col PS Ganapathy Maj KG Chatterjee Lt Rajeev Sandhu Maj Padmapani Acharya Lt Balwan Singh Maj Sonam Wangchuk Lt KC Nongrum Capt Pratap Singh



Kirti Chakra Vir Chakra Shaurya Chakra Sena Medal

18 60 101 491

As on 15 th September 2012


The tribune’s tongue and poet’s pen May sow the seed in prostrate men For it is the soldier’s sword alone Can reap the crop so bravely sown No more I’ll sing no more I’ll pine But train my soul to lead a line A soldier’s life is the life for me… From ‘A Soldier’s Life’ Originally composed by Thomas Davis

The Local Guardians

Lt Gen Suneel Sadanand Jog, SM, VSM, Commandant, OTA Chennai Mrs Sanjana Jog

Endnote It goes without saying that when an institution reaches a landmark milestone, it is a cause for celebration, reflection and commemoration. The Golden Milestone is an attempt to honour the Officers Training Academy, Chennai, which transforms youngsters into leaders of men dedicated to the highest values of mankind. What better way to commemorate this evolution, other than a graphic compendium that celebrates the institution and the spirit which strikes an intense personal chord in the newest entrant to the OTA Chennai as much as the oldest alumnus of the OTS Madras? We live in the times of information overflow. There is a surfeit of material related to every institution in the public domain. And OTA Chennai is no exception. A click of the mouse returns hundreds of accounts about its history and past successes. We frequently see wellintentioned accounts fall flat and failing to capture the reader’s interest, because they end up reproducing the material that is abundantly present elsewhere. The idea behind publishing The Golden Milestone is to make a memorable institutional statement by highlighting its specific spirit and culture, the zeal and the passion and the interpersonal strength which binds generations together.

The Golden Milestone defies the conventions of morphology and content of a ‘book’. It is intended to be an album of sorts, a compilation of the slices which strike instant identification among the 24000+ alumni. The book has a contemporary theme which is intended to provide an intimate look at the outcomes of dedicated training and teamwork, that underscores the transformation of a young civilian to a military commander. I trust this would qualify its photo to text ratio and the absence of detailed history. It shall be a remiss if I fail to mention my trust and confidence in the team which was assigned to compile and package the hardback you now hold in your hands - Maj RK Chaudhary and Shubhojit Chatterjee. We have seen the production and the editorial team spending quite a few early mornings and late nights, shooting, processing, editing and proof reading, as demanded by the span and the scale of such a complex endeavour. However, the final word has to come from you. We eagerly await the comments of the alumni and other readers about the merits of The Golden Milestone.


Editor Maj Ranjan Kumar Chaudhary Chief of Production (Photography & Design) Shubhojit Chatterjee Photographers Sidharth Nair | Himanshu Tomar Editorial Assistance Amrita Singh Training Team Col AK Mishra, SM Lt Col VK Mishra Maj AK Singh Academics Department Col V Ravindra Kumar Lt Col PK Thakur Maj Shyam Krishna TP | Maj Leena Bajaj Maj Amarjeet Singh Weapon Training Team Lt Col Amiya Tripathi and the Weapon Training Team Adjutant’s Branch Lt Col VS Rajput| Maj Naveen D Prabhu Special Thanks R Sivasailam IAS (Retd) | Capt Ravi (Retd) | Brig VS Saini | Brig Arul Dennis, VSM Col Shekhar Gupta | Col Puneet Srivastava | Maj Mohit Singh, SM Maj Syed Ashrat Ali | Maj Ashish Mamgain

Published at the Isis Lifestyle Pvt Ltd | New Delhi on behalf of The Commandant, OTA Chennai

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