Unijules Profile

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Our Story ➜ Founded in 1932 by Mr. Saleh Vali, beginning as a small town Dispensing pharmacy of Nagpur. Now a corporate ➜ professional having six manufacturing sites and business in 21 countries employing cutting edge Technology.

➜ Specialized in Generic including Tablets, Capsules, Injectables, Liquids & Semisolids.

➜ Niche areas targeted NDDS & PFIs, Herbal Specialities Cosmetics, Contrast Media & Diagnostics. Media & Diagnostics.


A success story emerging from Determination, Adaptability & Spirit of Innovation The Pharmaceutical sector is one where trends and technologies are in a state of flux. New breakthroughs in the world and Healthcare occur at a hectic pace. This demands for expertise and skill to stay ahead. Unijules Life Sciences Ltd. exemplifies an organisation displaying these very traits. Headquartered and set-up in the industrial belt of Nagpur City of Central India, UNIJULES has established itself as one of the preferred healthcare solution providers in the field of New Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS) while keeping its grass roots expertise like Mother Tinctures, classical herbals alive offering time tested benefits to the common man. The Group Companies of UNIJULES are supported by excellent technical team & sufficient capacity to produce large requirements for different market segments. UNIJULES Group Companies are

engaged in the activities of ... 端 Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing of Allopathic and Herbal for Human and Veterinary consumption. 端 Product lines include all dosage forms (Solids, Liquids, Semisolids, Powder, Parenterals). 端 Organic Cultivation of in house phytochemicals and extraction facility. UNIJULES has pioneered several innovative technologies & products particularly in the spheres of Pellets, Multiplets, Resinates, and Herbals & Diagnostics. Multiparticulates & Modified Release Oral Solid Dosage Forms have been identified as a thrust area & key formulations developed. Taste masking and ORO dispersible products are focus areas. The wide appreciation for its quality and prompt services to clients, have ensured a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.


Value Driven Culture Our value provide the safety STRAP for associates on board our fight to success. Our Corporate philosophy which percolates through the entire organisation and forms the core can be explained in the following terms: ü Striving for Customer Satisfaction through all our actions.

Our Mission We will exploit our Zeal for excellence and spirit of innovation in the field of medicine to ensure our position as a premier pharmaceutical manufacturing organisation specialising in.. ü Niche products and markets ü Original research based herbals for chronic ailments. ü Biotechnology based products and processes. ü Thereby contributing to availability of high quality

AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE for the common man and meeting our obligation to our employees, investors and the shareholders.

ü Transacting Business with Integrity & Transparency. ü Respecting the Rights of all Stake- holders & Associates. ü Aspiring for a responsible corporate citizenship through our r e g a r d f o r environment, promotion of education, and contribution towards disease - free humanity in constant harmony and peace. ü Pursuing Excellence Through Continuous Innovation. This distinguishes UNIJULES amongst other technology companies, enabling us to excel and innovate in what we do and in what we stand for as a company. All these connote the clarity of purpose & sense of commitment that have lead each one at UNIJULES to evolve as a true professional & global citizen.

K e y P e r s o n s

Mr. Z. S. Vali (B. Pharm) Founder & Chairman

Mr. Faiz Vali (B. Pharm, MBA) MD & CEO

Mr. Anwar Daud (M. Pharm) Director

Mr. I. A. Trivedi (B.Sc.) Director

Mr. D. K. Bellani (B. Pharm) Director


Our Vision We believe that the pharmaceutical business is today poised for a great leap forward. Truly innovative technologies with the potential to change the nature of human health and longevity have already appeared and each day brings better and better innovations. At the same time, the fruits of these discoveries are becoming prohibitively unaffordable for the majority of the human race. There is a desperate need for solutions that emerge out of these innovative technologies to reach the common man at an affordable cost so that these benefits do not remain accessible only to the rich and affluent sections of society. Ever changing regulatory guidelines, advance in drug therapy and delivery systems, drug industry mergers aquisitions, globalisation and evolving markets such as those for nutritional supplements, old age and alternative therapy medicines pose challenges to every pharmaceutical organisation to manage and accelerate the drug development process. We, at UNIJULES, aspire to play a significant role in making the fruits of such technologies available as affordable healthcare solutions, teaming with like-minded associates in the pharmaceutical technology business, aiming for customer satisfaction, while respecting the rights of others. Uniquely positioned to provide & expertised in new drug delivery systems, we support our own and customers objectives with specialised formulations to reach the market faster and easier than ever. We are committed towards providing our national and international clients an easy and timely access to sophisticated process technologies and products, give value for money and to offer our customer innovative and exclusive quality products that differentiate them from their competitors and significantly impacts their bottom line. That’s why, every day we continue to put our zeal for excellence and spirit of innovation into all our actions.

Technical Services Departments (Quality Assurance & Control) “Creating world class manufacturing facilities is easy, running them daily and continuously as per GMP norms is a way of life at UNIJULES.”

Business Development and Logistics “Customer satisfaction through accurate understanding of needs and Schedules and all round service.”


Research and Development: 1.

Formulation development will continue to be the bench mark of success at the newly upgraded R&D facility. Unique and tricky formulations have already been identified for development.


The benefits derived are l Being unique, the margins are much above the industry standards. l Since very few players, helps in commercialization of common products thus tying up capacities and bringing in the required job work equivalent. l Cost cutting by changing formulations. l Generation of stability data. l International recognition as quality service provider.


Future Plan of Action Development of New technologies like mouth dissolve, gels with better penetration and safe disinfectants. l Major thrusts towards preventive medication health solutions. l New plants to replace existing capacities in Herbals and Parenterals. l

S e r v i c e s

TECHNOLOGY “We are focused towards enhancing medicament acceptability through innovative modification of physicochemical attributes of drug molecules."

PRODUCT & METHOD DEVELOPMENT: “Serving an industry that is r apidly changing means keeping our focus on the future.”

SPECIALISED PRODUCTS “Providing a distinct market advantage and immense value addition.”

SOURCING OF NATURAL PRODUCTS AND BOTANICALS “Scientific identification, Organic cultivation and strict GAP adherence are the key fundamentals to consistency of product quality at UNIJULES.”


Technology Absorption, Adaptation and Innovation: “UNIJULES offers to itsefforts clients & made towards technology, absorption, adoption and innovation 1. Continuous in brief l customers Using stateaofwide the art equipment, instrumentation and software. l Deputation of Personnel for Training. spectrum of value added & l Participation in symposium and exhibitions. cost effective services l Review of technical literature and patents in relevant technology areas pertaining to l Analysing feed back from users to improve process and services Manufacturing, Product l Use of alternate materials Development, Pharmaceutical & 2. Benefits derived arel Analytical Product quality performance in view of new business opportunities. Method l Expansion of product range and export opportunity Development, Technical l Product improvement Assistance or Regulatory l Cost reduction and reduced delivery time Affairs......" l Exposure to internatiuonal developments and opportunity to show case products developed l Improvement in job knowledge and capability development for global acceptance 3.

REGULATORY AFFAIRS: “Monitoring a global regulatory and registry environment is a full time process at UNIJULES.”

Information regarding Technology imported-Nil.

CONTRACT RESEARCH COORDINATION “Maximizing yield, minimizing wastages are key result areas for customer benefit.”

TECHNICAL SERVICES “From product concept through formulation development to final production in reduced cost & time frames.”

Liquid Oral & Semi Solid Manufacturing Facility at Nagpur

Injectables Manufacturing Facility at Hingna

Solid dosage form manufacturing Facility-1 at Kalmeshwar (ZIM Laboratories Ltd.)

Herbal Formulation Manufacturing Facility at Wadi


We are committed towards providing our National & International clients an easy & timely access to sophisticated process technologies & products, give value for money, & to offer our customers Innovative & exclusive quality products that differentiate them from their competitors & Significantly imparts their bottom line.

Partnership solicited for Product Under Licensing. Supply of - Pre formulation Intermediates. - Herbal Extracts & Neutraceuticals. - Contrast Media (Oral & Parenteral).

Contract Research Services. Plant Tissue Culture and Contract Farming.

Upcoming Projects Herbal formulations & Extraction unit

Parenteral Facility


N a g p u r ( M S ) I n d i a Our location provides numerous advantages such as: ü Easy access by rail, road and air to all parts of the world. ü Plentiful electricity and water. ü A dry dock facility and customs both facilitate direct export & / import. ü Easy and economical availability of raw and packing materials. ü Surrounded by vast tribal forest areas having their own wealth of plants of medicinal value giving it easy, local availability of the required plant raw materials. ü Being an educational city provides easy availability of qualified & technical manpower. ü A cosmopolitan, secular atmosphere and work culture with a vibrant city life.

C O R P O R A T E O F F I C E B # 3 4 3 6 M I D C I n d u s t r i a l A r e a K a l m e s h w a r , N A G P U R 4 4 1 5 0 1 M . S . ( I N D I A ) P H : + 9 1 7 1 1 8 2 7 1 0 1 0 , 2 7 1 0 0 8 F a x : + 9 1 7 1 1 8 2 7 2 5 2 2 , e m a i l : i n f o @ u n i j u l e s . c o m

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