USD 15 Juta untuk upaya Indonesia dalam mendukung korban gempa bumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi

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PRESS RELEASE RILIS PERS PRESS RELEASE $15 million for Indonesia’s efforts to support earthquake and tsunami USD juta untuk upaya Indonesia mendukung korban and gempa $15 15 million for Indonesia’s effortsdalam to support earthquake tsunami victims in Sulawesi bumi danintsunami di Sulawesi victims Sulawesi (New York, 2 October 2018): Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian

Affairs, Mark Lowcock,2018): announced today an allocation of $15 million from the Central Emergency Response (New York, Koordinator Bantuan Darurat dan Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal untuk Urusan (New(CERF) York,22Oktober October 2018): Emergencyfor Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General forand Humanitarian Fund to bolster relief assistance people affected by the 7.4 magnitude earthquake Kemanusiaan, Mark Lowcock, hari ini mengumumkan alokasi juta AS dari Dana Respon tsunami Keadaan Affairs, Mark Lowcock, announced today an allocation of $15 15 million fromDollar the Central Emergency Response that struck Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on 28 September. Darurat Pusat (Central Emergency Response Fund/CERF) untuk menyokong bantuan darurat bagi orangFund (CERF) to bolster relief assistance for people affected by the 7.4 magnitude earthquake and tsunami orang yang Central terkena Sulawesi, dampak gempa berkekuatan 7,4 SR dan tsunami yang melanda Sulawesi Tengah, thatearthquake struck Indonesia onestimated 28 September. The and tsunami damaged an 66,000 homes as well as vital infrastructure, including Indonesia pada 28 September. roads and bridges. Thousands of people are unable to return to their damaged or destroyed homes and The earthquake and tsunami damaged an estimated homes well astirelessly vital infrastructure, including aftershocks continue. While the Government and first 66,000 responders areasworking to deliver life-saving roads and bridges. Thousands of people are unable to return to their damaged or destroyed homes and Gempa bumi dan tsunami aid, the needs remain vast.merusak sekitar 66.000 rumah serta infrastruktur penting, termasuk jalan dan aftershocks continue. Government first mereka responders working to deliver jembatan. Ribuan orangWhile tidakthe dapat kembali keand rumah yangare rusak atau tirelessly hancur dan gempalife-saving susulan aid, the needs remain vast. terus berlanjut. Sementara Pemerintah dan upaya penanganan cepat telah bekerja tanpa lelah untuk “The Government of Indonesia is experienced and well-equipped in managing natural disasters, but memberikanas bantuan kebutuhan bencana masihand sangat banyak.of this sometimes, with allpenyelamatan, other countries,dan outside help ispenanggulangan also needed. Given the scale complexity “The Government of Indonesia is experienced and well-equipped in managing natural disasters, but emergency, UN agencies and humanitarian organizations are working closely with government counterparts sometimes, as with all other countries, outside help is also needed. Given the scale and complexity “Pemerintah Indonesia berpengalaman sangat siap dalam menangani bencana alam, namun, to provide life-saving assistance. CERFdan funds will support UN agencies already on the ground to helpof this emergency, UN agencies and humanitarian organizations are working closely with government terkadang halnyaidentified dengan semua negara lain, bantuan dari luar juga Mengingat respond to seperti key priorities by the Government and assist the tens of diperlukan. thousands of peoplecounterparts in skala need. to provide life-saving assistance. CERF funds will support UN agencies already on the ground to help To just one example, clear that many health clinics hospitals are damaged and dangive kompleksitas keadaanreports daruratmake ini, badan-badan khusus PBB dan and organisasi kemanusiaan bekerja respond to keyStaff priorities identifiedare byalready the Government andCERF assistmoney the tens thousands of people in need. overstretched. from UNFPA inbantuan Palu, and willofbe used to help them and other sama dengan pemerintah untuk menyediakan kemanusiaan. Dana CERF akan mendukung upaya To give just one example, reports make clear that many health clinics and hospitals are damaged and agencies meetkhusus the needs women and di girls, who we knowmemenuhi from experience round thepenanggulangan world are often badan-badan PBBofyang berada lapangan dalam prioritas utama overstretched. Staff from UNFPA are already in Palu, and CERF money will be used to help them and other particularly vulnerable in circumstances like this.” Mr. Lowcock said. bencana yang diidentifikasi oleh Pemerintah dan membantu puluhan ribu orang yang membutuhkan. agencies meet the needs of women and girls, who we know from experience round the world are often Sebagai contoh, laporan yang masuk menggambarkan banyaknya klinik kesehatan dan rumah sakit yang particularly vulnerable in circumstances like this.” Mr. organizations Lowcock CERF funds will memadai. allow UN agencies and humanitarian the government-led response rusak dan tidak Staf dari UNFPA sudah berada di Palu, dan dana CERF akan digunakan untuk in the areas of logistics, shelter, safe water and sanitation, health care, camp coordination and camp membantu mereka danUN lembaga lain and memenuhi kebutuhan perempuan dan anak perempuan, yang kami in CERF funds will allow agencies humanitarian organizations support the government-led response management, emergency livelihoods and protection services. tahu dari pengalaman seluruh dunia seringkali sangat rentan keadaan seperti ini.” Lowcock. the areas of logistics, di shelter, safe water and sanitation, health dalam care, camp coordination andkata camp management, emergency livelihoods and protection Established by the United Nations General Assembly services. in 2005 as a global fund ‘for all, by all’ CERF is a Dana CERF akan memungkinkan badan-badan khusus PBB dan organisasi kemanusiaan mendukung critical enabler of effective, timely and life-saving humanitarian action, helping frontline partners on the upaya yang dipimpin pemerintah di General bidang logistik, tempat tinggal, bersih dan perawatan Established the or United Nations Assembly in 2005 aair global fund ‘forsanitasi, all, assisted by all’ CERF is a of ground to kickbystart reinforce emergency activities. Since its as inception, the fund has hundreds kesehatan, kamp koordinasi dan manajemen, layanan mata pencaharian darurat dan perlindungan. critical enabler of effective, timely and life-saving humanitarian action, helping frontline partners on millions of people with more than $5 billion across 100 countries and territories due to the generous the and ground to support kick startfrom or reinforce emergency activities. Since its inception, the fund has assisted hundreds of consistent its donors. millions of people withUmum more than billion across countries territories due to the generous and Didirikan oleh Majelis PBB $5 pada tahun 2005100 sebagai danaand global ‘untuk semua, oleh semua’ CERF consistent support from its donors. adalah pendukung penting untuk aksi kemanusiaan yang efektif, tepat waktu dan menyelamatkan nyawa, membantu mitra di lapangan untuk memulai atau memperkuat kegiatan tanggap darurat. Sejak didirikan, atasfurther dukungan konsisten dari para pendonornya, dana tersebut telah membantu ratusan juta orang dengan For information, please contact: total bantuan lebih dari USD 5 miliar di 100 negara dan wilayah. Jens Laerke, Deputy Spokesperson, For further information, please contact: Jens Laerke, Deputy Spokesperson, Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi: Jens Laerke, Wakil Juru Bicara,

Central Emergency Response (CERF) is managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) | Central Emergency Response (CERF) is managed by the United. Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) | .

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