YouthSpeak Toolkit 15.16

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CONTENT 1.  Global YouthSpeak Ini9a9ve •  Why •  How •  What 2. Youth Speak Forum Alignment

•  Concept •  Agenda •  Brand Management •  Timeline •  Repor:ng 3. Contact Informa9on

"Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” -­‐STEVE JOBS

YouthSpeak CONCEPT

WHY Global YouthSpeak Inni9a9ve?

YouthSpeak allows young people to engage and take ac9on over issues that maJer to them. Having this in mind, we acknowledge that the Global YouthSpeak Ini:a:ve could be a big booster of Engagement with AIESEC and a way to increase the organiza:onal relevance. We also realize that for YouthSpeak to succeed and reach its full poten:al, we need it to be a united organiza:onal effort where we join forces to show the greatness of youth and what we can achieve when working as one. Our global network needs to be working in collabora:on to make the posi:ve impact by making our organiza:on the leader in providing youth leadership experiences and engaging and developing every young person in the world. Therefore we as AIESEC need to work together to enable more and more young people to engage with us, while at the same :me increasing and showcasing our relevance to the world. The society needs young people to take ac9on and we, as AIESEC, will become the plaLorm to allow this youth empowerment.

WHY Global YouthSpeak Ini9a9ve?


YouthSpeak is a Global ini9a9ve that aims to make AIESEC louder. In order to achieve this we need to work as one network, which means we are looking to: •  Align all en99es to the YouthSpeak strategy and brand •  Report the impact around the world together •  Shape global and na:onal strategies around what maSers to young people •  Showcase our relevance at all levels (both global and na:onal.


Through the insights we gather, we will are able to understand what young people care about and therefore: •  Showcase our opportuni9es in a more aSrac:ve way to our customers •  Plan our opera9ons to become more relevant in our countries/territories •  Generate beJer aJrac9on strategies for our ELD programs •  Create the right interna9onal partnerships according to our target markets •  Collaborate with the government thanks to the credibility of the YouthSpeak Survey •  Use YouthSpeak Insights in our mee:ngs for a beSer pitching of our sales porYolio •  Support our statements about youth with credible data when speaking to externals, to be able to become the Global Youth Voice


the Global YouthSpeak Ini9a9ve?

The YouthSpeak Survey collects youth insights from around the world to beSer understand what young people care about. This survey will provide decision makers (companies, the government, organiza:ons, AIESECers) with key insights to generate projects and ac:ons to impact the world. The more responses we get, the more credible we are. The YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-­‐sector and mul:-­‐genera:onal space for inspiring conversa:ons around pressing global issues. The forum aims to create an environment to gain new perspec:ves to create ac:onable outcomes and projects to push the world forward. This projects are connected to the insights we gain from the survey. The more aSendees we get, the more credible we become. The YouthSpeak Insights is the report that comes out of the YouthSpeak Survey and allows AIESEC and the world to take decisions that influence strategy and opera:ons of our organiza:on. This insights reflect the data gathered in the YouthSpeak Survey We, as organiza:on, are in charge of making this insights available to the world The more reach we get, the more credible we become.


the Global YouthSpeak Ini9a9ve?

The more AIESEC projects we implement, the bigger impact we have.

1 W e s t a r t w i t h t h e YouthSpeak Survey, which will help us to know and be aware what really maSers for youth.

We will look for companies and organiza:ons willing to sponsor AIESEC projects that will be created during the Ac:on space and executed a^er the YouthSpeak Forum. Projects should be aligned to the themes tackled in the YouthSpeak Forum

The more responses we get, the more credible and relevant we become.



The more aSendees we get, the more credible and relevant we become. The main themes of the YouthSpeak Forum will b e d e fi n e d b y t h e YouthSpeak insights and will shape the projects we want to create as a call to ac:on a^er the forum.

YouthSpeak Insights will come from the YouthSpeak Survey, and will define the main topics we should have a s t h e m e s f o r o u r YouthSpeak Forums


The more reach we get, the more credible and relevant we become.

WHAT Global and Na9onal Elements

AIESEC Global YouthSpeak Survey AIESEC Global YouthSpeak Insights Global YouthSpeak Forums 15.16

Regional YouthSpeak Forums

IC 2015 & IPM 2016

Regional Conferences

Na:onal YouthSpeak Forums Your en:ty’s YouthSpeak Forums

“Just imagine what solu:ons might be found if young people are given the space and encouragement to par:cipate and lead,” -­‐KOFI ANNAN

YouthSpeak FORUM

TOPICS Aligning all global and na9onal forums to survey results Millennials are largely unsa:sfied with the educa:on system, with a global Net Promoter Score being -­‐42, as found in YouthSpeak survey. In total, 53% of Millennials see a disconnec:on between what they are learning today versus what they will need tomorrow. There is a significant challenge for government, youth, employers and the third sector to bridge the gap between educa:on and employment and ensure that educa:on is leaving young people prepared for the future. And with the global youth popula:on reaching 1.8 billion, out of which 89% is in less developed countries, there is an urge to iden:fy solu:ons for bridging this gap. To develop the next genera:on, which will by 2025 comprise 75% of the global workforce, all stakeholders must come together for a cross-­‐sector collabora:on. According to YouthSpeak Survey, 61% of Millennials have plans to become an entrepreneur and another 8.7% already are. And with 31.3% of respondents sta:ng that they want to become an entrepreneur in the next 5 years, we recognize the growing trend among the Millennial genera:on that will greatly impact their career choices and how they view the role of employers. We want to help shape this trend and capitalize on it, since so many young people want to become an entrepreneur. “Entrepreneurship is fast emerging as a transformational megatrend of the 21st century given its capacity to reshape economies and industries throughout the world. As key drivers of economic growth, entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of any expanding economy, generating jobs, introducing new products and services…” -­‐ Waddah Barkawi, Entrepreneur ar:cle

TOPICS Aligning all global and na9onal forums to survey results The world’s popula:on of 7 billion is likely to increase to 9 billion by 2050. The demand for diminishing natural resources is growing. Income gaps are widening. What does a sustainable future actually look like? “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” -­‐ 1987’s Brundtland Report We will examine the many facets of sustainability -­‐ sustainable development, resilience, sustainable entrepreneurship, Triple BoSom Line, corporate social responsibility, and how they intersect, zooming in on some key issues, breaking it down by sector. Looking ahead, we will iden:fy what changes are needed to make the transi:on from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals, and the role of youth across sectors in making the goals a reality. According to YouthSpeak insights more than 90% of Millennials want to work for a company that cares about the world and generates a posi:ve impact in the world.

Global & Regional Forums in 2015-­‐2016 September 15’

October 15’

October 15’

October 15’

October 15’

October 15’

November 15’


Youth Speak Forum



Youth Speak Forum


Youth Speak Forum


Youth Speak Forum MENA CO 2015 LEBANON

Youth Speak Forum


Global & Regional Forums in 2015-­‐2016 March 16’

March 16’

March 15’

March 16’

March 16’

March 15’

February 16’

Youth Speak Forum EuroXPRO BULGARIA


Youth Speak Forum


Youth Speak Forum AfroXLDS COTE D'IVOIRE

Youth Speak Forum MENA XLDS 2016 EGYPT

Youth Speak Forum


Youth Speak Forum IPM 2016

“The Forum generates the YouthSpeak output of concrete ideas and ac:ons.”

YouthSpeak AGENDA

AGENDA Inspire, Engage, Act Framework




What our partners should know Top business and thought leaders from around the world are invited to share their knowledge with the delegates about the chosen forum theme. This sec:on of the day is delivered through short and powerful talks and aims to inspire delegates and help to form their opinions for the rest of the day.

Addi9onal informa9on you should know Keynotes where speakers relate to the main topic and how they or the company they represent connect to it. Each key note shall take no longer than 30 minutes. Focus on inspiring talker, these people are a l s o a n a n c h o r t o a S r a c t b e S e r organiza:ons

Our partner organiza:ons engage with the youth delegates to give new perspec:ves on issues rela:ng to the forum theme through workshops, conversa:ons and idea genera:on spaces. Youth and business are able to interact, exchange opinions and understand what is being done in the world already to address the ques:on of the day.

Workshop where organiza:ons and youth interact in order to learn methodologies in how to impact the world. Organiza:ons can get insights on what youth think about their ini:a:ves or create a new project with them 90 minutes each workshop. Normally 5+ workshops happen at the same :me, so the plenary is divided

The youth delegates take their learning and insights from the day into a space where they are able to co-­‐create ideas and solu:ons with their peers and experts in the room. The aim is to switch their ideas into ac:ons that each stakeholder can take forward to contribute to the theme of the day, resul:ng in commitments and projects that organiza:ons and stakeholders can support.

We want to generate projects that impact the society and are based on issues young people care about. Projects should involve our exchange programs. For project r e q u i r e m e n t s , p l e a s e v i s i t : hSps:// We highly recommend you to have a panel of judges to give feedback to the projects. Organiza:ons could decide to invest and co-­‐execute the project with AIESEC (since the beginning of the nego:a:on you should pitch this idea).

AGENDA Proposed Agenda Structure

Opening (30 minutes) Keynote 1 ( 30 minutes) Keynote 2 ( 30 minutes) Coffee Break ( 30 minutes) Keynote 3( 30 minutes) Keynote 4 ( 30 minutes) Panel ( 30 minutes) Lunch ( 60 minutes) Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop (90 minutes)

(90 minutes)

(90 minutes)

(90 minutes)

(90 minutes)

(90 minutes)

Networking Space ( 30 minutes) Ac9on Space: Designing ideas ( 120 minutes) Break ( 30 minutes) Ideas Pitches ( 60 minutes) Closing ( 30 minutes)

(90 minutes)

AGENDA Agenda Parts Explana9on






The opening should be a 30 plenary session with a really outstanding host . Think about someone in your country/territory very relevant for the main topic of the forum . If you have a really good host imagine about who you can invite as speaker. We will hear inspiring speeches from the experts in the areas sharing their experiences and knowledge. The insights will be focused on the main topic of the forum and leadership stories, stories of success and failure. Invite important and relevant speakers These 15-­‐30 minute panel sessions will consist of presenta:ons and open discussions presented by 4-­‐6 panelists directly engaging with the conference audience. The host should prepare really good ques:ons and delegates are going to be able to add some of them. The speakers of the panel, could be the speakers of the keynotes, so delegates could solve doubts they might have a^er the speeches and have deeper interac:on with them. In these interac:ve sessions, par:cipants learn more deeply about a specific topic in order to spark ideas to design projects and commitments. It shouldn’t be a presenta:on. Speakers should provide context and a framework (10% of the :me of the whole session), then provide 60% of working space, 10% to share ideas and 10% to wrap up the session and have a clear output for the Ac:on Space. This is an op:onal space where partners can have specific booths to have a closer approach with the delegates, answer ques:ons, provide materials, etc.

AGENDA Agenda Parts Explana9on

ACTION SPACE: Designing ideas

Par:cipants brainstorm and generate answers to specific “how” ques:ons, crea:ng forward-­‐thinking solu:ons and refining new approaches to global challenges. In teams, par:cipants materialize ideas by iden:fying goals, :meline, and resources required. All the ideas they created in the workshops should be transformed into specific projects .


Delegates “pitch” their commitments to ac:on and project ideas to an expert panel (the panel could be built by the speakers in the workshops and people from the companies or organiza:ons that want to sponsor the projects created in the Youth ´peak Forum)

Host closes the YouthSpeak Forum with strong conclusions and

CLOSING with a call to ac:on for all the delegates, encouraging them to act

around the topics discussed during the forum and enabling them to execute the projects they have created during forum’s ac:on space.

BRAND YouthSpeak Brand Management

Please find here brand management materials: h"ps://

REPORT YouthSpeak Brand Management If we want to become more relevant and impacYul AIESEC, we need to be gathering the informa:on about na:onal YouthSpeak Forums to share it to the world and to showcase our reach. That’s why we need to start measuring our impact at every level. So , ader every YouthSpeak Forum, please report your reach: How to get the numbers from Facebook? A^er you have p o s t e d a b o u t YouthSpeak, go to your Facebook fan page and get the numbers as explained in the pictures below.

CONTACT YouthSpeak Team Contact Details

Natalia Farfan Global BD Manager 15.16 YS Team: Regional Forums

Federico Restrepo Global BD Manager 15.16 YS Team: Team Leader

Dmitriy Dubovik Global VP DM 15.16 YS Team: Digital Engagement

Natalia Farfan is also responsible for network communica:on. If you have any ques:ons regarding Regional YouthSpeak Forums please approach her. If you have ques:ons regarding the survey, contact Dmitriy Dubovik. And for any ques:ons regarding integra:on of YouthSpeak into opera:ons, please contact Hamza Merzguioui.

Mona Pan Ivana Gusic Global BD Manager 15.16 Global VP PR 15.16 YS Team: External Comms YS Team: Regional Forums

Hamza Merzguioui Global Mena Opera9ons VP 15.16 YS Team: Strategy and OperaMons

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