From the 18th to the 22nd of March 2019
Cátedra Europa 2019! Cátedra Europa has been established as a flagship program of our institution, with local, regional, national and international recognition. The participation of more than two thousand speakers coming from the most important institutions around the world and the endorsement of the most important European cooperation agencies speak of its quality. Cátedra Europa, an annual event completely open and free, has brought together thousands of national and international participants and speakers to Universidad del Norte and Barranquilla, Colombia for 21 consecutive years. Cátedra Europa is one of the largest annual academic event of its kind in the world, where acknowledged representatives of culture, history, science, environment, among many other areas, foster the continuous dialogue and collaboration between Europe, Colombia and Latin America. Germany is our Guest Country of Honor in our twenty-second anniversary of Cátedra Europa 2019. Universidad del Norte and Cátedra Europa invite you to experience Germany in the Caribbean.
Adolfo Meisel Roca President
With more than 390 universities: research, applied sciences, arts and humanities Universities (higher education is free in Germany even for foreigners)
During the latest years Uninorte has welcomed more than 500 German students, and more than 390 Uninorte students have had the opportunity to go to Germany as exchange students
Most important thinkers: Friedrich Nietzsche, Alexander von Humboldt, Immanuel Kant, JĂźrgen Habermas
Most important writers: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Patrick SĂźskind, Thomas Mann, Los hermanos Grimm
Most Important Musicians: Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Robert Schumann
Germany is considered the land of poets and thinkers “Das Land der Dichter und Denker”
Party to the G8, OTAN, Unión Europea and Schengen space Founding Member of the European Union
Type of government: Parliamentary Federal Republic
It’s the biggest economy in the European Union with a GDP of 3.49 trillion EUR and it is the fourth most powerful economy in the world after the U.S, China and Japan
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Angela Merkel President: Frank-Walter Steinmeier
82 million people and a population density of 232 per KM2, is the country with greater population in the EU
Oktoberfest, is the most famous festival in Germany held during October and it is a tribute to all German traditions
Known for its: Cars, sausages, castles, German beers and soccer - “Die Mannschaft"
Christmas tree tradition was originated in Germany
CONTENIDO AVIATION • SCADTA 100 years: an introduction to cultural history and literature of aviation (1919-2019)
HUMBOLDT • Homenaje Homage for the birth of Alexander von Humboldt. (250 years) • Measuring America – Von Humboldt Kolleg • Humboldtian Studies Seminar
11 11 12
II WWW • The fall of the Berlin wall and the transformation of a continent. • German film cycle – Second World War. • Holocaust literature: a way of social memory construction.
13 14 14
SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMET • Plenary Conference: Former Minister of Environment, Protection of Nature and Nuclear Security – Germany (2013 – 2018) • XIII Symposium of European and Latin-American Cities: Lanscape modification on urban environments and biodiversity enhancement. • Biodiversity Management in exemplar regions of Colombia. • Where rivers meet the ocean: Dynamics of Deltas and Estuaries, Insights from Colombia and Germany. • Air and Water Quality • Conventional and clean energies • Sustainable cities and construction • Energy, climate change and sustainable development Human Rights Day: Impact over human rights • Why insects are great survivors in evolution? • Uninorte Ecocampus. Environmental Education: Acting for sustainability RESEARCH • Research Internationalization Seminar
15 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 42 44 21
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY • Levitating in Physics: 108 years of Superconductivity • Intellecta • Google scale Software Development
22 24 22
COMMUNICATIONS • Deutsche Welle: Journalism and Memory
LAW AND PEACE • II UN Caribbean Catedra – Truth and Historic Memory in societies that have gone through violent conflicts: Reflections of the German and Colombian cases. • Transitional Justice and Human Rights in Colombia: Debates around transitional Justice in Colombia. • Transforming Constitutionalism
23 26 27
POLITICS • Plenary Conference: Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Germany.
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION • European cooperation for peace in Colombia • Colombian industrial geography atlas • The Caribbean in association with EU-CELAC
30 31 31
STUDIES ABROAD • International Student’s Fair
EDUCATION • Language, Culture and Education • XII German professors meet • VII International Seminar on Education and Childhood: Children´s Quality and Education • CLIL Colloquium • XII Symposium: Societies facing the Digital Challenge and UNESCO Catedra International Seminar: E-Learning, Higher Education and Quality. • The German Pedagogic missions in Colombia MUSIC, ART AND LITERATURE • Studies on processes of transculturation in Latin-American music. THE CASE OF THE COLOMBIAN CARIBBEAN REGION • Presentation about Joachim Fest´s life and work. • Great European Mysteries: The German Romanticism and the motive of the sentiment • Presentation of new Uninorte editorial publications. • Euro-Caribbean Concert – IX Beethoven Symphony ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN • Bauhaus at Uninorte – 100 years
33 33 34 33 41 42 37 40 43 43 45 39
March 19th - 22nd
SCADTA 100 years: an introduction to cultural history and literature of aviation (1919-2019) The international event´s proposition is to provide a broad introduction to the cultural history of aviation. A theoretical overview will be presented about the relationship between the history of mobility, the means of transportation, and a aesthetic and ethic appreciation of the airplane in modern literature. The following approach in Latin America will take a step back in time, including the excursus on “the conquest of the celestial space” undertaken in the continent between the XVIII and XIX centuries; then will dive into the introduction of international narratives and poems related to aviation (among them: Romain Gary, La promesse de l’aube; Antonio Iturbe, A cielo abierto, etc.), to set focus in Latin American, including the most recent, that bring aviatic studies from the work of Ramón Illán Bacca; as well as a science-fiction classic text on the local importance that claims to be read internationally: Barranquilla 2132 (1932), by José Antonio Osorio Lizarazo. Among the most recent work, we find the novel by Héctor Moreno Reyes about about the arrival of a German pilot to Barranquilla, which crystallizes the start of SCADTA. This masterpiece narrates a moment when “Colombia will surmount to the skies” but does not set aside the obscure aspects that are inscribed in the modernization of the transatlantic transportation. Activities: An aesthetic-cultural reading of the aviation history. History of aviation in Barranquilla exhibition, SCADTA 100 years. German model planes exhibition. Exhibition of the book about SCADTA. Conferences: • More than means of transportation: aesthetics and ethics of the airplane in modern literature. • The story of a German pilot in Barranquilla. • Flying Icarus, air balloons and artifacts. The enlightened conquest of he celestial space in the colonial America (c. XVIII-XIX). • Aviation papers in the Latin American narrative and poetry. • The challenges for the future of the aeronautical industry • The cooperation of the aeronautical industry with universities and institutes. Speakers: Adolfo Meisel Roca Rike Bolte Rolando Carrasco Wolfram Nitsch Ramón Illán Bacca Gabriel Nuñez
Santiago Villamil Billy Series Wilson Casas Stephan Rinke Julián Lázaro
Institution: University of Cologne Osnabrück University Airbus German School of Barranquilla Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Free University of Berlin 9
March 19th - 21st
Homage to the birth of
Alexander von Humboldt
250 years
Measuring America - Von Humboldt Kolleg (March 19 - 21)
This event is part a portfolio of activities driven by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation in Germany, designed to strengthen and create research networks with former Foundation fellows and researchers/students of Colombia. Conferences: • Dealing with highly intervened estuaries. Lessons learned from the German systems • Mesoscale circulation throughout the water column in the Colombian Caribbean. • Red-headed Amazon River Turtles in Venezuela and Colombia: population separation and connection along the famous route of Alexander von Humboldt • Paleodiversity of Colombia • 2D materials for efficient thermoelectrics • High throughput design for novel topological insulators • Challenges on Higher Education for scientific development in Colombia • Integrated Biodiversity Management in Exemplar Regions of Colombia • Caribbean Flora • Variational image processing: from theory to practical implementation • Computing study of chemical processes dynamics • Quantum knots and Computation • More about modular functors • Homotopical Aspects of De Rham Theory • Connected components of spaces of commuting matrices Speakers: Christian Winter Yuley Cardona Peter Holterman Mario Vargas Edwin Cadena Yamirka Rojas Yenny Hernandez Pedro Prieto Hongbin Zhang
Javier Botero Brigitta Schütt Thomas Borsch Juan Carlos de los Reyes Gloria Moyano César Galindo Christoph Schweigert Sebastián Vélez José Manuel Gómez Rachel Page
Institutions: University of Kiel Univeristät Hamburg Technische Universität Darmstadt Freie Universität Berlin Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research World Bank
Escuela Politécnica Nacional Universidad Nacional de Colombia Universidad del Rosario Universidad de los Andes Universidad del Valle Universidad de Antioquia Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Homage to the birth of
Alexander von Humboldt
250 años
March 18th
Humboldian Studies Seminar, first session First session of the year of the Humboldian Studies Seminar. Speakers: Alberto Gómez Sandra Rebok Reinhard Andress Institutions: Universidad Javeriana. Loyola University Chicago
Memorial del Muro de Berlín
Wednesday and Friday, March 20th - 21st
The fall of the Berlin wall and the transformation of a continent
The fall of the Berlin Wall in the late evening of November 9, 1989 represents, without a doubt, one of the most dramatic events of the 20 th century, with enormous repercussions until nowadays. As the most visible tranche of the so called Iron Curtin that since the end of World War II divided the European Continent, the fall of the wall marks the beginning of the dissolution of the Communist Block, dominated by the Soviet Union. It stands for the end of the Cold War that made possible the reunification of Germany and put an end to the division of Europe by integrating its Eastern parts into the common project of the European Union. After 30 years, the conference seeks to shed light on this event from different ‘Central European’ perspectives and invites to reflect on its long term-consequences for Germany, the countries of Eastern Europe as well as on the relations between the European Union and Russia, the great neighbor on the Eastern flank. Panel Topics: • The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Collapse of the Soviet System in Eastern Europe • Long-Term Effects: the Political Transformation of the European Continent • The Burdens of the Past: a Balance 30 Years after • Workshop: How to Deal with a Violent Past? Experiences from East Germany • Poetry Reading Other Activities: • Exhibitions: “Total East. Life in the GRD”; “The fall of the Berlin Wall”. • German Film Cycle ‘The Fall of the Berlin Wall on the Screen’ • How to deal with a conflictive past? Experiences on the German Communist Dictatorship. • Poetic reading. Participating Institutions: Speakers: University of Halle, Germany Till Kössler University of São Paulo, Brazil Anna Pelka Stasi Records Agency, Berlin Jan Grill Universidad del Valle Roberto González ICESI Vladímir Rouvinski Angélica Rodríguez Sponsors: Krzysztof Ruchniewicz German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Brigitte Weiffen Heinrich Böll Foundation Christoph Saurenbach Goethe Institute Helge Heidemeyer Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
March 18th - 22nd
German Film Cycle Second World War
Films: • Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes. Artistic Director: Werner Herzog, 1972. • Berlin Alexanderplatz – Remastered. Artistic Director Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1980. • Goethe. Artistic Director: Philip Stölz, 1980. • Hannah Arendt – Su pensamiento cambió el mundo. Artistic Director: Margarethe von Trotta, 2011/12. • Lili Marleen. Artistic Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1980 Institutions: Goethe Institute
Thursday, March 21
Holocaust Literature: A way of building collective memory
Reading and analysis of the literary works by the survivors of the concentration camps and German extermination, that have become a benchmark for the construction of historic memory around the atrocities of this event. The chosen authors for the reading carry great importance due to the fact that they were relevant figures for history, politics and Nobel Prize winners. Amongst them: Primo Levi; Imre Kértez; Jorge Semprúm; Paul Steinberg. For the analysis of each of the chosen masterpieces we will start with the concept “Grey Area” introduced by Primo Levi that sets forth the complexity of judging the actions of those that have been part of wars and conflicts, and also, formulates an analysis about the good and the bad of the behavior of the people. Speakers: Deyana Acosta Viridiana Molinares Giselle Massard Institutions: Universidad del Norte
Monday, March 18th
Plenary Conference:
Former Minister of Environment, Protection of Nature and Nuclear Security – Germany (2013-2018)*
Actividad: • Plenary Conference Speakers: Barbara Anne Hendricks. Institutions: Social Democratic Party of Germany. *To be confirmed
Thursday, March 21st
XIII Symposium of European and Latin American cities:
landscape modification in urban realms and biodiversity enhancement. The trends towards urbanization is increasing at a fast rate, not just because of the construction and transformation of the place, yet because of the accelerated demand of resources and the impact of the dynamics of the urban centers upon the whole planet. The symposium of European and Latin-American cities will foster an open debate around the land use trends, its threats and risks, the urbanization and the resulting problems derived from land-use conflicts. The debates pretends to combine the action and evaluation approach of territory management by utilizing of urban landscape tool and its modification through the improvement of urban biodiversity and ecosystem services offered to the community. Diverse European and Latin-American management case studies will be presented in order to establish a dialogue concentrated in possible solutions to reach a better territorial development. Speakers: José Luis Serrano Montes Jörg Löffler Juan David Amaya Espinel Maritza Duque Gutiérrez Alexander Niño Soto Nils Hein Institutions: Universidad de Granada Bonn University Universidad Javeriana
Tuesday, March 19th
Biodiversity Management in exemplar regions of Colombi This will be a space for debate where the progress of research will be disseminated in the framework of the Comprehensive Biodiversity Management Plan in the Colombian Caribbean and under the cooperation agreement of the University of Berlin and Uninorte. The current state and the joint proposals will be discussed for the right development of the research lines: Biodiversity, use of land, landscape sensitivity and political and socio-cultural aspects. Activities: • II Comprehensive Biodiversity Management on the Colombian Caribbean Symposium- ColBioDiv II • Roll-out of the UNO herbarium Speakers: Prof. Dr. Britta Schütt Prof. Dr. Thomas Borsch Robert Lücking Grischa Brokamp Markus Rauchecker Astrid de Mestier Henry Schubert Brigitta Schutt Institutions: Free University of Berlin Berlin Botanical Garden Von Humboldt Institute Corporación Autónoma Regional del Atlántico
Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 of March
Where rivers meet the ocean:
Dynamics of Deltas and Estuaries. Insights from Colombia and Germany. This symposium will deal with contemporary research topics in estuarine dynamics, covering physical and environmental processes and the interactions with the societies developed around them, such as Hamburg in Germany and Barranquilla in Colombia. Activities: • Hydrodynamics and sedimentology in estuarine systems. • Hydrodynamic modelling of estuaries and adjacent oceanic and coastal zones • Sediment Geochemistry and paleoceanography • Connectivity between marine and fluvial systems Speakers: Christian Winter Peter Holtermann Klaus Schwarzer Matthias Zabel
Institutions: Institute of Geosciences, University of Kiel Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Engineering and Management, University of Twente MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Science, University of Bremen
Tuesday, March 19th
Air and Water Quality Conferences: • Biological treatment of hydrocarbons in water: Oxygenases as key enzymes • Innovative and easy-handling membrane-based water system for decentralized applications and wastewater reuse • Enhanced erosion as an alternative to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere • Measuring and Analysis of NO2 by passive tubes • Quality and Sustainability in Barranquilla • Industrial toxic air management. Speakers: Diego Salamanca José Ordóñez Janine Boerker Jong Chol Lee Dayana Agudelo Jong Min Park Young Gyu Kwon Carlos Juliao
Institutions: University of Stuttgart. University of Kassel University of Hamburg Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology Korea International Cooperation Agency-KOICA Triple A Universidad del Norte
Wednesday, March 20th
Clean and CoNventional Energy Conferences: • Biomass for valuable chemical products and energy • German experience on the integration of Renewable Energies to the grid • BioGAS based Energy generation • Wind Energy: Perspectives and challenges • Electric vehicles and the integration to the renewable energy microgrids Speakers: David Schlipf Arturo Gonzalez Kalle Rauma
Institutions: Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Flensburg Dortmund University Siemens
Thursday, March 21st
Sustainable Cities Conferences: • Energy Smart Cities: Successful cases on the implementation of SmartGrids • Sustainability on Port-Cities Speakers: Carolina Tranchita Stefan Voss. Institutions: Hamburg University Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Thursday, March 21st
Human Rights Seminar: Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Day Will address International Law in the Human Rights, that represent great challenges and a special relevance for the Latin American – European relations, and its impact upon the world. The subjects to be briefed, will derive from strategic topics, which will allow comparisons and exchange of experiences by addressing comprehensive discuss. The topics are: Human Rights – Climate Change – Production and Use of Energy – Sustainable Development. Speakers: Soledad García Eduardo Viedma Henry Jiménez Florián Huber Tatiana Roa Juan José Trujillo
Institutions: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Universidad Politécnica y Artística de Paraguay Heidelberg Center for Latin America Heinrich Böll Foundation University of Oldenburg
Internationalization Research Series Activities: • Workshops and Conferences to promote the internationalization of research by presenting best practices in Colombia, Germany and international best practices. Speakers: Andreas Trepte Raimundo Abello Reinhard Babel Kathrin Winkler Institutions: Max Planck Institute Colciencias Colombia’s Ministry of Education ICETEX Colombian Universities German institutions and organizations
Wednesday, March 20th
Levitating in Physics:
108 years of Superconductivity
Even though there are now various applications of superconductivity that make planet earth a better place to live, such as magnetic levitation trains that travel at 600 Km/h, electromagnetic resonance imaging, for which the diagnoses have saved millions of lives, the great CERN hadrons collider located near to Geneva, that allowed to discover the Higgs Boson, amongst many others, the average human ignores the fascinating physical phenomena that derives from superconductivity. The main objective of this seminar is to unravel the historical facts for the public of the Caribbean Region, the most recent and shocking discoveries, as well as the amazing applications of the superconductivity in electronics as in medicine. An analysis of the future applications of superconductivity that will continue revolutionizing humanity as well. Activities: • Conferences on Superconductivity Speakers: Prof. Dr. Milorad Milošević Prof. Dr.Francois Peeters Institutions: Antwerp University
Wednesday, March 20th
Google Scale Software Development Google has more than two million lines of codes spread in more than nine million source files. This talk will cover the challenges on developing software at this scale along with the set of tools and best practices that are used on a daily basis by Google Engineers. Speaker: Luis Fernando Pino Duque Institution: Google
Deutsche Welle: Journalism and Memory
Activities: • Colombian experiences on the process that DW follows in violent areas of Antioquia and Vokaribe. • Radio to the streets Speakers: David Olmos Mathias Kopp Thomas Sparrow Ramon García Farouk Caballero Alberto Martínez
Institutions: Deutsche Welle Colombian-German Chamber of Commerce
Monday, March 18th
II Cátedra UN Caribe: Truth and Historical Memory in the societies that have endured violent conflicts:
Reflections on the German and Colombian Cases
To know the truth about the events related to the violent conflicts, is a previous requirement for facing it, solving it and moving forward towards the social reconciliation and forgiveness. To that extent, it is relevant to provide spaces for epistemological, theoretical and methodological reflection, around the institutional mechanisms implemented to move on to a non-violent setting in the Colombian Context. Likewise, it turns out pertinent to know and compare theoretical and methodological reflections on the approach of the Truth and Memory in other countries that have experienced violent conflicts, as it happened in Germany. Speakers: Anika Oettler Martti Zeyer Flor Alba Romero Viridiana Molinares Zeneida López Diana Rico Luz Díaz
Institutions: Philipps University of Marburg PMU Instituto de Sociología DVV International. Bonn, Alemania University of Bosfor, Istanbul J.E.P. Colombia Truth Commission of Colombia Casa de la Memoria en ETCR de Pondores
INTELLECTA DIALOGUES The researchers that were part of the magazine´s third edition of Uninorte scientific journalism, Intellecta, tell the international guests of the Catedra Europa the outcomes of their research. Intellecta Dialogues is a new space to share research experiences in a pleasant format, with the participation of journalists and the use of audiovisual tools.
Wednesday, March 20th
Transitional Justice and Human Rights in Colombia:
Debates around the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP, for its acronym in Spanish)
National and international experts will analyze the progress, outcomes and challenges of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). Speakers: Stefan Peters Camilo Andrés Suarez Janiel David Melamed Eduardo Porras Ana María Ramos Sabine Kurtenbach Annelen Micus 26
Institutions: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ) Corporación Excelencia para la Justicia (CEJ) JEP – Special Jurisdiction for Peace German Institute of Global and Areas Studies (GIGA) Bonavero Institute for Humans Rights, Oxford University
March 19th
Transformative Constitutionalism
The proposal is intended to address the transformative constitutionalism, as theoretical and practical proposal that summons German and Colombian researchers around the current north and south global issues such as: environment, the material and symbolic political violence, the transitional justice, global and regional migrations, human rights and the post conflict. Speakers: Pedro Villarreal Marie-Christine Fuchs Manuel José Cepeda Manuel Góngora Leonardo Jaramillo Natalia Ángel Magdalena Correa María Claudia Pulido Álvaro Botero Mariela Morales Institutions: Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México Max Planck Institut Universidad de los Andes Universidad EAFIT Universidad Externado de Colombia Organization of American States Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Monday, March 18th
Plenary Conference:
The Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Germany* Activities: Plenary Conference Speaker: Heiko Maas. Institutions: German Federal Foreign Office. Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. *To be confirmed
Wednesday, March 20th
European Cooperation for Peace in Colombia This year we present the fourth version of this seminar during Cátedra Europa, enables us to update the commitment of the European Union for Peace in Colombia. In this case the European Union delegation of Colombia will update the contribution of the highest actor of international cooperation in the world on the implementation of the Peace Accord between the Colombian Government and the FARC. The European Trust Fund for Peace in Colombia will specially be monitored, is linked to the implementation of the agreement’s item 1, comprehensive rural reform. Speakers: Matilde Ceravolo Carlo Tassara Luca de Paoli Jairo Agudelo Taborda Institutions: Delegation of the European Union in Colombia “La Sapienza” University in Rome Italian Embassy in Colombia Universidad del Norte
Monday, March 18th
Atlas of the Colombian Industrial Geography The Atlas that will be presented was conceived as an operational instrument useful for the public economic program and for decision making of the private sector. It has about 300 analyzed maps and statistic tables within a publication of about 600 pages. Institutions: EU-LAC Foundation Observatorio Pyme de Argentina Foundation Italian Embassy in Bogotรก, Colombia
Tuesday, March 19th
The Caribbean on the UE-CELAC Association The outcome presentation of a specific commissioned investigation will be presented by the European Union (EU) - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Foundation that intended for the analysis of the following question: How can the participation of the Caribbean in the CELAC be reinforced to strengthen CELAC and the Bi-regional Strategic Association? Institutions: EU-LAC Foundation West Indies University
Thursday, March 21st
German students meet at Uninorte. DAAD Young Engineers Program of alumni meeting. International Student fair. International study abroad opportunities and scholarship sessions. Institutions: DAAD German Universities University of Northeastern Other German universities EXCEED-SWINDON KAAD
Tuesday, March 19th
Language, Culture and Education This academic event intends to provide opportunities to reflect and discuss about the relationship between language, culture and education from diverse perspectives.
Thursday, March 21st and Friday, March 22nd
XII Meeting of German Professors The growing demand of German courses in the region brings new challenges, which requires continuous theoretical and practical updates. For twelve consecutive years, this workshop has facilitated the exchange of experiences and the enrichment of the teaching pedagogy.
Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th of March
VII International Seminar of Education and Childhood:
Quality and Childhood Education
The quality of early education and its measurement becomes a global goal for the countries, which was considered specifically in Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that sets for 2030 “to make sure that all girls and boys have access to care and development services during early childhood and a quality education through preschool, so that they can prepare for primary education”. This Goal generated local, regional, national and international dynamics of monitoring and evaluation of the comprehensive care services for early childhood, based on the construction of indicators that enable the understanding and commissioning of the early childhood quality education idea in the physical environment, education level of the staff, number of kids and educators per classroom, administrative management of the services, curriculum and pedagogic processes, among other aspects. This space allows us to generate reflections around the thematic in the local, national and international context and proposes routes to face this great challenge. Speakers: Dr. Jeanette Roos Dr. Sergi Fábregas Institutions: Heildelberg University. Universidad Oberta de Cataluya Colombia’s Ministry of Education. District Education Secretary. Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar familiar. ICFES Universidad de América
Colegio Alemรกn de Barranquilla 35
Wednesday, March 20th
Studies on transculturation processes in Latin American Music. The case of the Colombian Caribbean Region.
Activities: • The Transculturation concept by Fernando Ortiz on the research about the musical traditions. • The Tambora as an instrument and as a dance in the Colombian Caribbean. • Musical show by the percussionists of the Música y Tambores de Barranquilla Foundation. • Chants, rhythms, children and burial dances in San Basilio de Palenque. • Musical show by teachers and students of the Music Department of Universidad del Norte and members of the Música y Tambores Foundation. • Historic background of Vallenato on the Colombian Caribbean. • Participation of musician Lacides Romero, acordeon player and songwriter. • From the origins of the Carnival Festivity in Barranquilla to the “province classics” by Carlos Vives. • Musical performance by Musica y Tambores. Speakers: Tiago de Oliveira Pinto Guillermo Carbó Ronderos Leonardo Donado Rodrigo Villalón Einer Escaf Domingo Sanchez Sotomayor Tomás Terán Jorge Villalón Alonso Sánchez Baute. Maestro Lácides Romero Institutions: Friedrich Schiller University Sorbona University. París IV. Tubinga University. Universidad Nacional of Colombia. Colonia University
18th - 22nd, March
Bauhaus at Uninorte 100 years
Colombia is one of the countries in Latin America that is starting to lead in terms of design, the planning of artifacts, whether tangible, virtual or mixed. The centenary of Bauhaus emerges as an important benchmark of the Design History, given that it represents an evident influence on the current trends. Activities: • The significance of Henry van de Velde and his Arts and Crafts Movement for Bauhaus • Ups and Downs of Bauhaus Reception in the GDR. • The Color Interaction, based on Josef Albers’ studies. • Contradictions of Progress. The Bauhaus, a Centenary. Element of Development. • Workshop No. 1 The Color Interaction, based on Josef Albers’ studies. • Workshop No. 2: Urbanism under dictatorships. The European Experience during the XX century. Speakers: Norbert Korrek Marcela Quijano Max Welch Guerra Institutions: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar HfG-Archiv Ulm
Life and Work of Joachim Fest Actividad: • Presentation of the book “Yo No”, as a recommended reading by Uninorte’s program “El Poder de la Lectura” (The Power of Reading) Institutions: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bogotá, Colombia. Goethe Institute
Thursday and Friday, March 21st and 22nd
XII Symposium: The Societies regarding the Digital Challenge and the Cátedra UNESCO’s International Seminar
E-Learning, Higher Education and Quality
This symposium invites academia (professors, researchers and students) and the general community (government officials, industry leaders and the general public) to meet with the purpose of reflecting, debating, disseminating and exchanging knowledge and experiences linked to the relation between the ICTs, education and its development in the world, especially on a topic of global interest such as the quality of online education, or online learning. International speakers: Olaf Zawacki-Richter Albert Sangrà Josep M. Duart Paul Marca Institutions: Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Stanford University Colombia’s Ministry of Education MINTIC RedUnete
The German pedagogic missions in Colombia This colloquium presents the role played by the German pedagogical missions in Colombian education, emphasizing on aspects such as architecture, pedagogical models, the creation of institutions and the development of the vision and fundamentals of public education in Colombia at all educational levels. Conferencistas: Alexandra Toro Luis Alarcón Meneses Manfred Peter Hans-Werner Huneke Institutions: Padagogische Hochschule Heidelberg Colegio Aleman de Barranquilla Universidad de Santo Tomás Universidad del Atlántico
Tuesday, March 19th
Why are insects the great survivors in evolution? The insects are the most diverse and abundant organisms on the earth. The tropics are wealthy regions and Colombia is a “hot spot” worldwide. Understanding how this group of insects evolved, why are they important to the ecosystem, why so many varieties of shapes, colors, diets, camouflage, flights, is intriguing. A study of their genomes is even more interesting and that brings us to understand why they are the most successful group of little organisms on earth. Speakers: Karen Meusemann Institutions: University of Freiburg
March 18th - 21st
Presentation of new Uninorte Publications Publications: Assembling a collection – biographic pathways of anthropological subjects, objects and knowledges on Konrad Theodor Preuss based on his expedition to Colombia (1913 – 1919) Photography Book about SCADTA – Images: Historic Archive. Institutions: Barranquilla Historic Archive.
Europe’s Great Mysteries:
German Romanticism and the Reason of Sentiment This is a space for reflection within the Cátedra Europa in which aspects related to the perception of literature, aesthetics, arts and music may be discussed from different perspectives, currents, and exponents of the very diverse genres (fantastic, police, marvelous, science fiction, gothic, avant-garde, etc.). The literary, political, and social movement, which was born in Germany, known as Romanticism, is the topic analyzed in the proposed talks, seminars, and round tables. As always, it will be treated in such a way that students recognize its influence in later genres and its transcendence in today’s world. Speakers: Marjorie Eljach María Alejandra Arias David Martínez Hilary Wade 43
Tuesday, March 19th
Ecocampus Uninorte. Environmental Education:
Taking for Sustainability
Within this year’s agenda, Ecocampus proposes to reflect more deeply on the knowing-acting dimension in the education of students by showing what we can do on campus, presenting examples of what Colombian citizens do, and sharing experiences of what has been done in other parts of the world, particularly in Germany. Likewise, the events and activities planned aim to give students the chance to better understand what professors, offices, student groups, and university management and administration do to protect the biodiversity of our campus. Activities: • Talks: Contributions of Civil Society for the Protection of a Healthy Environment • Talks: Actions and Experiences Towards a Greener Campus • Environmental Awareness and Educational Activities: Birdwatching and Campus Biodiversity Tour Speakers: Aleta Bonn Juanita Aldana Maritza Duque Paige Poole Germán Rivillas Daniel Rincón Francisco Velásquez Felipe Lamus Ochoa Guillermo Manjarrés Norelli Schettini Castro FeliNorte, Student group, Universidad del Norte Faunáticos, Student group, Universidad del Norte Green Generation, Student group, Universidad del Norte Institutions: Universidad de Leipzig Universidad del Norte 44
March 21st
Euro-Caribe Concert
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony Institutions: Symphonic Orchestra of Colombia Colombian Opera Comfenalco Cartagena Orchestra Colegio Alemán de Barranquilla Music Department, Uninorte. Lead by: Maestro Julián Gómez. Singers: Alexandra Steiner Lyubov Korytko Philippe Castagner Alexis Trejos
Main Allies Metropolitan area of Barranquilla, Colombia 48