University of Bedfordshire Undergraduate 2021 Mini Prospectus

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Join a society


The University of Bedfordshire Students’ Union is the perfect place to meet other students and get involved in a wide range of exciting, fun activities. You can join any of our wide range of cultural, political or recreational societies to meet other like-minded people, and if there are no existing societies that really interest you, you can even create your own!

Get Active is our recreational sports programme, open to all staff and students regardless of ability or experience. For a small cost each semester, this fantastic initiative enables you to try a range of great sports and activities like yoga and pilates, swimming, badminton, tai chi, football, archery, cricket and much more.

Represent your peers You can choose to become a course or faculty representative, and become the voice for your fellow students. You will have access to full student rep training, run by the Students’ Union. If you want to get involved even further and make an impact in a wider community, you could run in elections to represent students as one of the sabbatical officers in the Students’ Union. Visit:

The Bedfordshire Bulls is the name for all the competitive sports clubs here at the University of Bedfordshire. Each club has an elected committee of students to look after the day-to-day running of the club. Most clubs compete in weekly (Wednesday) BUCS (British University and College Sport) fixtures, within leagues against universities in the Midlands and elsewhere in the UK. We also have great facilities in our Aspire gyms in Luton and Bedford. For more info, visit:

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