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Performing Arts
Performing Arts
Our postgraduate Performing Arts provision is highly focused on developing your industry skills in the critically reflective context of a university education. Our outstanding facilities and strong professional networks, coupled with the individual attention and mentoring that we offer you, creates a rigorous, professionally grounded and nurturing learning environment.
Each course provides unique experiences aimed at developing your career. Students studying Dance Performance & Choreography undertake a repertory performance tour, in which they also lead workshops, whilst students of Screen Performance & Communication Techniques create a professional show reel. Our graduates work as performers, directors, choreographers, arts managers, teachers, lecturers and researchers, whilst others have established their own performance companies, or published and presented their research internationally.
Dr Tamara Ashley
Course Co-ordinator for Dance Performance & Choreography MA
How do you help students secure jobs after graduating?
We offer career seminars and we help students to prepare professional portfolios and job applications. Additionally, students can lead projects and workshops in professional settings, which help to build their skills and knowledge as well as networks within the sector. Students also benefit from our award-winning Careers and Employability team, who host regular events and workshops including practice interviews and CV clinics.
Did you know?
You will have access to a 260-seat professional theatre, an 80-seat studio theatre, and four fully sprung dance studios.
Dance Performance & Choreography MA 132 Screen Performance & Communication Techniques MA 133
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For more information on any of the courses visit: beds.ac.uk/pg-study For up-to-date information on part-time study options see: beds.ac.uk/part-time
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Bedford campus 1 year full-time (options available: part-time day) UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution. All candidates must undergo an audition and interview.
Refine your practical, theoretical and professional skills in performance and/or choreographic practice using excellent studio, theatre and library facilities as well as our on-campus professional performance work as you enhance your future employability prospects. This exceptional course is designed to enhance your professional skills in a range of artistic, academic, educational and community contexts. It offers you the opportunity for professional-level repertory performance practice, as well as creative and choreographic practice in an industry-focused academic environment, supporting your development as a professionally equipped, independent and self-sufficient dance practitioner and scholar.
Key features
• Study with a dynamic and experienced team of tutors with internationally significant experience as academics, practice-led researchers and dance artists • Develop your professional network through our existing relationships with key organisations
Career opportunities
You will be equipped to pursue a wide variety of professions as a performer; interdisciplinary performance practitioner; choreographer; educator; independent portfolio worker in the creative industries: consultant and researcher; or careers in screen-based performance.
Areas of study may include:
• Choreographic research • Dance research project/dissertation • Repertory and performance • Researching dance • Somatic practice • The dancing mind: dance psychology • The repertory artist: skills, roles and contexts
To find out more contact: Dr Tamara Ashley t: +44 (0)1234 793084 e: tamara.ashley@beds.ac.uk
Screen Performance & Communication Techniques MA
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Luton campus 1 year full-time (options available: part-time) UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution, or significant media industry experience. An interview is required.
This course is intended for individuals who want to perform or present in a variety of situations, including fictional drama and factual programming, and who might have some previous experience in acting, presenting and public speaking. Through a mixture of work-based learning and theory, this course will help build your confidence, and advance your communication, presentation or acting skills enabling you to perform before the camera.
Key features
• Learn how to operate recording and editing facilities to support the final presentation of your show reel • Develop your individual performance skills based on up-to-date practices and techniques of performing before the camera
Career opportunities
The course opens up numerous career opportunities for postgraduates pursuing a professional career in acting and presenting for television, film or the internet. It would also benefit those pursuing careers in journalism, politics and business, who are frequently called upon to appear before a camera.
Areas of study may include:
• Industry approaches and practice • Practice-based research methods for performance to camera • Professional practices in the workplace • Screen performance final project • Working before the camera

To find out more contact: Dr Maria Wiener t: +44 (0)1582 489144 e: maria.wiener@beds.ac.uk
Heidi King
Screen Performance & Communication Techniques MA “This course really appealed to me because it doesn’t just focus on acting, but teaches you how to build a profile for yourself and set up your own website. The facilities here are amazing, too, and I love that you can borrow equipment from the Media Hub.”