36 minute read
Education & Teaching
With academic roots going back to 1882, the University’s Bedford campus is the largest provider of teacher education in our region. This expertise means we deliver rich learning experiences, exceptional teaching and internationally recognised research opportunities.
On-the-job training is an integral part of becoming a teacher and we take this very seriously. We work with a diverse mix of partner schools to provide you with a real classroom environment in which to practise and refine your skills. Our well-established relationships with more than 500 primary and secondary schools and 13 further education colleges mean that we are constantly at the forefront of educational development, and can tailor our provision to meet the needs of teachers and other educational professionals.
Juliet Fern
Executive Dean
What opportunities does Bedfordshire offer that students might not find elsewhere?
There are a number of postgraduate education pathways and optional units of study to choose from, allowing you to personalise your course to suit your particular needs. The suite of awards is designed as a flexible continued professional development (CPD) offer that enables you to build your credits and progress at your own pace.
Did you know?
Our Forest School provides opportunities for students and teachers to train in outdoor learning so their classes can experience the long-term educational benefits of outdoor play.
School of Education and English
Find out more about the range of CPD Education Studies courses on offer 80
Teacher Education
Discover the range of routes into becoming a qualified teacher 88
Applied Linguistics (TESOL) MA Physical Education & Sport (Pedagogy) MA
94 156
For more information on any of the courses, visit: beds.ac.uk/pg-study For up-to-date information on part-time study options, see: beds.ac.uk/part-time

Our experience of delivering flexible continuing professional development (CPD) education courses allows us to offer a range of full- and part-time options to suit your needs. We also have research expertise in the areas of special needs and social justice.
Education (Early Years) MA Education (Leadership) MA Education (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination) PgCert Education (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-Ordination) PgCert Education (Practice) MA Education (Social Justice) MA Education (Special Educational Needs) MA Education MA 81 81
82 83 84 84 85
Research Degrees in the Institute of Research in Education (IRED) MA by Research/MPhil/PhD 85 International Education (English Language Teaching) MA 86 International Education (Leadership & Administration) MA 86 International Education (Teaching) MA 87
Primary Education PGCE Secondary English PGCE 80 84
Did you know?
We offer a wide range of work experience placements at local schools, nurseries and charitable organisations.
For more information on any of the courses, visit: beds.ac.uk/pg-study For up-to-date information on part-time study options, see: beds.ac.uk/part-time
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October, February Bedford campus 3 years part-time UK/EU students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
This course aims to further develop professional knowledge, understandings in Early Years Education and Care, applicable to a wide range of practice-based settings.
Key features
• Explore contemporary research about key areas of interestto early years educators • Critically engage with the impact of key policy documents, such as the EYFS, on practice • Engage with a range of theoretical perspectives that look to explain the development of the child
Career opportunities
This MA will support you in developing your expertise within early years, and includes options to allow you to develop leadership and management skills and knowledge, for more senior positions.
Areas of study may include:
• Early Years Education and Care • Meeting Diverse Needs
To find out more contact: Dr Cathal Butler t: +44 (0)1234 793045 e: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October, February Bedford campus 3 years part-time UK/EU students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
This course aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of the complex factors that educational leaders and managers need to be able to engage with, to support the continued development of their setting.
Key features
• Explore a range of theories of educational leadership and management, and the different ways that schools can address challenges • Engage with contemporary research and debate on the current dominant models of leadership in schools • Contribute to development and change in your setting, utilising ideas from change management research
Career opportunities
Students on this course often go on to senior leadership roles in their setting.
Areas of study may include:
• Educational Leadership in Context • Leading Change in Education • Exploring Coaching and Mentoring
To find out more contact: Dr Cathal Butler t: +44 (0)1234 793045 e: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Distance learning 1 year part-time UK/EU students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject. Applicants without a degree may be granted entry on the basis of previous work experience. In addition, course participants will need to be practising teachers working in the area of special educational needs provision in schools, early years settings or FE colleges.
The National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCO), is a legally required qualification for all new Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) that must be completed within three years of appointment. This course will support you to improve your knowledge of current legislation, theory and practice in Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision in schools/colleges and your skills in meeting those needs.
Key features
• Explore course content highly relevant to mainstream and special school practitioners alike, focusing on issues related to literacy difficulties and dyslexia in schools, and how potential barriers to learning can be removed • Develop your understanding of concepts, theories and approaches to literacy difficulties, including dyslexia, and inclusion in schools, and explore your potential for influencing change • All course materials are available online so you can opt for a distancelearning version of the course, if preferred
Career opportunities
Teachers often undertake PgCerts to help them develop knowledge and skills that can support both academic and professional development.
Areas of study may include:
• Introduction to special education needs coordination in schools • Further development of special education needs coordination in schools
To find out more contact: Professor Janice Wearmouth t: +44 (0)1234 793153 e: janice.wearmouth@beds.ac.uk Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Bedford campus 1 year part-time UK/EU students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject. Applicants without a degree may be granted entry on the basis of previous work experience. In addition, course participants will need to be practising teachers working in the area of special educational needs provision in schools, early years settings or FE colleges.
The National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCO), is a legally required qualification for all new Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) that must be completed within three years of appointment. This course will support you to improve your knowledge of current legislation, theory and practice in Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision in schools/colleges and your skills in meeting those needs.
Key features
• Explore course content highly relevant to mainstream and special school practitioners alike, focusing on issues related to literacy difficulties and dyslexia in schools, and how potential barriers to learning can be removed • Develop your understanding of concepts, theories and approaches to literacy difficulties, including dyslexia, and inclusion in schools, and explore your potential for influencing change • All course materials are available online so you can opt for a distancelearning version of the course, if preferred
Career opportunities
Teachers often undertake PgCerts to help them develop knowledge and skills that can support both academic and professional development.
Areas of study may include:
• Introduction to special education needs coordination in schools • Further development of special education needs coordination in schools
To find out more contact: Professor Janice Wearmouth t: +44 (0)1234 793153 e: janice.wearmouth@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October, February Bedford campus 3 years part-time UK/EU students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
Pathway options
• Education (Early Years) • Education (Leadership) • Education (Practice) • Education (Special Educational Needs) These courses are designed for practising professionals, or those interested in research, teaching and learning or educational leadership – usually in schools, the life-long learning sector and universities. Its modular structure allows you to personalise your choice of units and progress at a pace that best suits you. The part-time Education courses engage you with key issues in education and aim to encourage your evidence-based practice. You will broaden your knowledge of educational ideas and research findings, and be in a better position to develop your work as a classroom practitioner or school leader.
Key features
• Explore the process of teaching, learning support and/or educational leadership, focusing on personal, academic and vocational interests relevant to your educational context • Broad unit topics allow you to apply your experience to focus on your own areas of interest
Career opportunities
Your work will help you to link theory directly to everyday practice, so that you are in a better position to make informed decisions about how to go forward as a classroom practitioner or school leader.
Areas of study may include:
• Early years care • Educational leadership in context • Enhancing professional practice • Exploring mentoring and coaching • Meeting diverse needs
To find out more contact: Dr Cathal Butler t: +44 (0)1234 793045 e: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October, February Bedford campus 1 year full-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
The MA Education (Social Justice) critically explores the ways that educational settings in particular look to address disadvantage. A strong sociological focus provides a critical insight into the challenges facing educators, as well as key concepts and processes to address disadvantage.
Key features
• Increase awareness of and access to a range of academic ideas and research findings in relation to issues of education and social justice • Promote personalisation of broad themes around the challenges posed by changing global political, social and economic landscapes and to meet the needs and interests of students while providing a focused line of study • Promote vocationally relevant and varied assessment formats with a negotiated focus to support individual and organisational needs • Promote engagement with key issues in education and social justice, involving critical examination of a wide range of key sources and texts
Career opportunities
The award will strengthen your ability, and equip you to apply for jobs (or further training) in a wide range of educational settings as teachers, community workers, social workers, police, probation officers, education welfare workers, home school link or family welfare workers and professionals working across the voluntary sector.
Areas of study may include:
• Education and social justice • Children’s Voice: Researching and Analysing Children’s Lives
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October, February Bedford campus 3 years part-time UK/EU students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
The MA Education (SEN) aims to explore the different ranges of need that students can have. Practitioners are supported to develop their understanding of these needs, the dilemmas associated with options for support, the policy that underpins current practice, and evidence informed research on interventions to meet need.
Key features
• Staff on this course have a wealth of practical and research experience in this area • Explore national and international policy around inclusion of those with Special Educational Needs and Disability in detail
Career opportunities
Graduates from this course often continue in, or gain promotion to more senior roles related to inclusion and SEN within educational settings.
Areas of study may include:
• Meeting Diverse Needs • Understanding Student Behaviour in Schools
To find out more contact: Dr Cathal Butler t: +44 (0)1234 793045 e: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk To find out more contact: Dr Cathal Butler t: +44 (0)1234 793045 e: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
February, October Bedford campus 1 year full-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
The Education MA allows for a broad exploration of a range of contemporary issues in national and international education. Your study will draw on multidisciplinary research and theory to understand different approaches to learning and teaching.
Key features
• Experience visits to schools and educational organisations • Gain further knowledge and understanding in areas of working with children and adults in a wide variety of settings • Explore sociological and philosophical perspectives surrounding issues of social justice in relation to education
Career opportunities
Previous graduates have gone on to take up enhanced roles within their organisation, whilst some have undertaken PhD study.
Areas of study may include:
• Education and international development • Citizneship and welfare in the 21st Century
To find out more contact: Dr Cathal Butler t: +44 (0)1234 793045 e: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk in Education (IRED) MA by Research/MPhil/PhD
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October, March Bedford campus Variable UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:1 Honours degree or a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant subject area. You will also need to demonstrate high levels of potential and motivation for research.
IRED welcomes full-time international students, and both full- and part-time UK students, practitioners, leaders and policy-makers from all sectors of the education system, early years settings, schools, colleges and further and higher education, and those with a broad interest in educational systems and practice. You will be supervised by an internationally recognised director of studies and a second supervisor. Supervisors in IRED have a wide range of interests that includes but is not limited to: curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, leadership in educational contexts, social justice, inclusion and diversity, philosophy of education, special educational needs, mentoring, action research, literacy and numeracy at primary and secondary levels, and the teaching of modern languages, democracy, citizenship and participation in education. Over the past 10 years our record of supporting our students to completion with studies in these areas to doctoral level is very impressive. In addition to the individual support received, through empirical research, group discussion and activities, and critical engagement with diverse education theories, practices and policies, you will gain world-leading experience and skills in educational research. IRED encourages and supports its students to share their research experiences and findings at internal and external conferences and seminars, and by publishing in relevant journals. You will also be supported to develop your academic research profiles/careers and enhance your employability within educational research and academia more broadly.
Key features
• The ability to undertake independent research • Monthly PhD seminar programme complements the supervision activities and provides feedback on research content and progress
Career opportunities
A doctorate is increasingly essential for those seeking to establish careers in research (in the public, private and third sector organisations) and academia (teaching, research and various support positions). The research experience acquired through the doctorate can assist applicants in gaining international educational appointments, as well as securing competitive post-doctoral research positions.
To find out more contact: The Research Graduate School t: +44 (0)1582 489056 e: research@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Bedford campus 1 year full-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a good undergraduate degree at Honours level or equivalent.
While expanding your understanding of global trends and thinking in relation to issues that teachers face in schools, you will engage with key theory across a range of disciplines, and explore how they influence the policy and practice of schools. We will support you to develop the skills you need to become a reflective practitioner, helping you to develop these skills through opportunities to observe practice in UK settings and explore how UK schools are run. You will also undertake a substantial observational school placement, where you can explore in greater depth the processes that inform the pedagogical decisions teachers make.
Key features
• Benefit from the opportunity to undertake a placement • Explore contemporary policy and practice within education
Career opportunities
You will have the opportunity to develop as a teacher or undertake careers in leadership and management within an education setting.
Areas of study may include:
• Education and international development • Exploring practice in UK educational settings • English language teaching in international contexts
To find out more, contact: Dr Cathal Butler T: +44 (0)1234 793045 E: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Bedford campus 1 year full-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a good undergraduate degree at Honours level or equivalent.
This course enhances your knowledge, skills and understanding in specialist areas of education. It enables you to develop your critical engagement in specific areas of interest, such as leadership, special educational needs, early years and issues related to classroom studies. The course will allow you to gain further knowledge and understanding in areas of working with children and adults in a wide variety of local authority or social care settings as well as in nurseries, schools and colleges.
Key features
• Benefit from the opportunity to undertake a placement • Explores contemporary policy and practice within education
Career opportunities
You will have the opportunity to develop as a teacher or undertake careers in leadership and management within an education setting.
Areas of study may include:
• Education and international development • Administration and leadership of educational settings • Understanding teaching and learning in international contexts
To find out more, contact: Dr Cathal Butler T: +44 (0)1234 793045 E: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk
International Education (Teaching) MA
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Bedford campus 1 year full-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a good undergraduate degree at Honours level or equivalent.
On this course, we will support you to develop and enhance your teaching skills. While exploring global trends and thinking in relation to issues teachers face in schools, you will engage with theory across a variety of disciplines, and explore how these theories influence the policy and practice of schools.
Key features
• Spend a substantial period observing practice in an English educational setting • Explore the interplay between policy, research and practice in the classroom
Career opportunities
You will have the opportunity to develop further as a teacher with a view to attaining advanced practitioner roles in your teaching career.
Areas of study may include:
• Education and international development • Exploring practice in UK educational settings • Theories of learning and their application in international contexts
To find out more, contact: Dr Cathal Butler T: +44 (0)1234 793045 E: cathal.butler@beds.ac.uk

We have a long-established history of teacher training, offering a wide range of PGCE routes into teaching and successful partnerships with over 500 schools, colleges and other organisations.
Early Years Birth to 5 (with EYTS) Employment Pathway 89 Primary Education (3-7) PGCE 90 Primary Education (5 -11) PGCE 90 Secondary Art & Design PGCE 91 Secondary Design & Technology PGCE 92 Secondary Drama PGCE 92 Secondary English PGCE 93 Secondary Geography PGCE 94 Secondary History PGCE 95 Secondary Mathematics PGCE 96 Secondary Music PGCE 97 Secondary Physical Education PGCE 98 Secondary Religious Education PGCE 98 Secondary Science with Biology PGCE 99 Secondary Science with Chemistry PGCE 100 Secondary Science with Physics PGCE 101
Education MA Applied Linguistics (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) MA 74
Did you know?
Over 95% of our trainees gain graduate teaching employment in school or education settings, within six months of graduating.
For more information on any of the courses, visit: beds.ac.uk/pg-study For up-to-date information on part-time study options, see: beds.ac.uk/part-time
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education ‘Apply’ service
September Bedford campus 1 year part-time day UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution; GCSE grade 4/C in English, mathematics and science; and be working in an early years setting. DBS and medical checks required.
All applicants will also be interviewed.
This DfE-funded, work-based course offers a flexible route to achieving Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS). Integrating theory and practice, the course develops the practical skills and knowledge you need to thrive as an early years teacher, able to lead across a range of early years settings, from pre-schools and nurseries to children’s centres and schools. You will explore pedagogical theory and apply it to early years teaching and learning, gaining a deep understanding of the complexity of early education; child development from birth to five; and the learning that takes place in that time. You gain your practical experience on placement in early years settings supported by experienced tutors and a placement-based mentor.
Key features
• The course takes a flexible approach, fitting your additional placements around your work commitments • You benefit from an experienced early years teaching team, backed up by our partnership with Pen Green Research Base which specialises in early years research and development
Career opportunities
On meeting the required professional standards, you will be recommended to the DfE for the award of Early Years Teacher Status, opening up a career as an early years teacher across a range of settings. The University has a 100% employment rate, with many students earning promotion or taking up new posts during the course. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/ MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• Early years placement experience • The early years teacher • Leading high-quality practice in the early years
To find out more, contact: Michelle Sogga T: +44 (0)1234 793451 E:pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education ‘Apply’ service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution; GCSE grade 4/C in English, mathematics and science; and be working in an early years setting. For all PGCEs - safeguarding checks including Enhanced DBS and Occupational Health. All applicants will also be interviewed.
Develop as a creative, innovative and reflective teacher, specialising in working with the youngest children in primary schools (aged 3-7), on a course that meets the requirements for Qualified Teacher Status. Through a specialist placement in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, you will develop a secure understanding of early years teaching and learning, supported by experienced early years and primary teachers. Your University-based sessions will develop your awareness and understanding of general professional issues; the content of the National Curriculum; and aspects of teaching such as lesson planning and assessment.
Key features
• Study at our Bedford campus, home to the largest provider of teacher education in the region, with a largely consistent 100% graduate employment rate • Benefit from our well-established links to schools across the eastern region, a network that puts us at the forefront of educational developments • Develop your creativity and team-working skills, preparing you to influence and lead in educational settings
Career opportunities
On graduating, you achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), enabling you to work in as an early years or primary teacher. You may also like to progress to further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• Evidence-informed primary teacher • School experience at two different placements • School experience in two primary early years’ settings • The reflective primary teacher
To find out more, contact: Nicola Sayers T: +44 (0)1234 793451 E:pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, GCSE grade 4/C in English, mathematics, and science, and be working in an Early Years setting. DBS check and medical check required. An interview is required.
Develop a variety of teaching approaches to become an effective and confident teacher of children in primary education. Partnerships with local schools give you opportunities to put theory into practice on placements, supported by experienced teachers and academic staff as you develop the knowledge and skills to meet the national requirements for QTS.
Key features
• Gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience during placements in schools, informing your future actions as you evaluate the impact of applying theory to your teaching practice • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Undertake two placements in different schools • Develop your creativity and team working skills
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• Managing the learning environment • Planning, teaching and evaluation of lessons • Reflective practice • Research-informed teaching • The professional teacher role • The school curriculum
To find out more contact: Mr Peter Virnuls t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk

Primary Education PGCE
“I chose this course because of the amount of time spent in school. I spend one day a week in University, and four days at school where I’m able to get involved and gain hands-on experience.”
Key facts

Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of art and design, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject . You will also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (achieving QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • The curriculum specialist: Secondary Art and Design • School experience at two different placements
To find out more contact: Audrey Wood t: +44(0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of design and technology, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject. You will also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Design and Technology • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of drama, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject. You will also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Drama • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Emma Brooks t: +44(0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk To find out more contact: Kalib De Merchant t: +44(0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of literature and English language, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject. You will also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Develop your creativity and team-working skills
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary English • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Dr James Shea t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of geography , putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject; you also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Geography • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Mohammed Amin t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk

Secondary English PGCE
“I’m in school from Monday to Thursday, and almost teaching a full timetable now. A lot of my time is taken up with planning and improving my teaching, but I always try to partake in extra-curricular activities – right now I’m helping with a Journalism after-school club.”

Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of history, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject; you also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary History • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Mohammed Amin t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, effective and confident teacher of mathematics, with the knowledge and skills to teach a broad spectrum of mathematical concepts, including the use of investigational, collaborative and problem-solving activities. You will also achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Undertake two placements in schools
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Mathematics • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Mieka Harris t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of music, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject while achieving Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Music • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Kalib De Merchant t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, effective and confident teacher of physical education, with the knowledge, skills and practical approaches to put innovative teaching approaches into practice – working both independently and collaboratively while achieving Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Develop your creativity and team-working skills
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also build on the PGCE through further study towards an MA in a related area.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Physical Education • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Dr Paul Sammon t: +44 (0)1234 793279 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, creative and confident teacher of religious education, putting theory into practice as you gain specialist knowledge and skills in imaginative ways of teaching your specialist subject while achieving Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Undertake two placements in schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Religious Education • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Mohammed Amin t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, effective and confident teacher of science, able to teach scientific concepts in a variety of inspiring ways. Build your knowledge and skills in teaching science in secondary schools through subject-specific sessions, lectures and seminars, working independently and collaboratively while you achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Undertake two placements in different schools • Develop your creativity and team-working skills • Personalised development and support
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Biology • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Dr Rukshana Hoque t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, effective and confident teacher of science, able to teach scientific concepts in a variety of inspiring ways. Build your knowledge and skills in teaching science in secondary schools through subject-specific sessions, lectures and seminars, working independently and collaboratively while you achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Undertake two placements in different schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Chemistry • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools
To find out more contact: Dr Rukshana Hoque t: +44 (0)1582 743 500 e: pgce.admissions@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply via Department for Education 'Apply' service
September Bedford campus 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree from a recognised higher education institution, and GCSE grade 4/C in English and mathematics.
DBS check and medical check required. An interview is also required.
Develop as a highly qualified, effective and confident teacher of science, able to teach scientific concepts in a variety of inspiring ways. Build your knowledge and skills in teaching science in secondary schools through subject-specific sessions, lectures and seminars, working independently and collaboratively while you achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Key features
• Apply theory to your teaching practice as you gain confidence in analysing the evidence of your own practical experience and using it to inform your future actions • Benefit from a qualification that gives you recommendation for QTS • Undertake two placements in different schools • Personalised development and support • Develop your creativity and team-working skills
Career opportunities
Our graduate teachers gain employment in local schools. You may also choose to build on the PGCE through further study at MA/MSc, MPhil, PhD and EdD levels.
Areas of study may include:
• The curriculum specialist: Secondary Physics • The evidence-informed curriculum specialist • Two placements at different schools