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The School of Psychology has a strong identity nationally and internationally for excellence in research. We offer a knowledge base and set of skills that equip you for the many careers that exist in psychology, as well as preparing you practically and intellectually for other careers. All our MSc courses are accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS).
Many of our courses deal with applying theory to real-life situations, ensuring you receive an ideal balance of theory and practice. Subject areas include eye-witness testimonies; the origins of prejudice and stereotypes; decision making; and much more. You develop skills which are highly desirable to employers, including the ability to conduct research; manage projects; solve problems; think critically; communicate clearly; and work as part of a team. You also get the chance to present work at prestigious conferences, giving you valuable experience in a real-life professional scenario.
Ann Weatherall
Head for School of Psychology
What unique opportunities does studying at Bedfordshire offer?
You have access to state-of-the-art facilities and can attend guest lectures as well as assessment centre days. We enhance your student experience by developing employability skills through the structure of our courses and by providing opportunities to be involved in research projects, volunteering and work placements.
Did you know?
Our specialist facilities provide first-class psychology laboratories and computing environments for all our students. They include a biological and cognitive psychology lab; cognitive neuropsychology lab; and a suite of research cubicles with a range of specialist equipment.
Applied Psychology (Conversion) MSc Forensic Psychology MSc Health Psychology MSc
Criminology MA Education MA
For more information on any of the courses, visit: beds.ac.uk/pg-study For up-to-date information on part-time study options, see: beds.ac.uk/part-time
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Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Luton campus 1 year full-time (options available: part-time day) UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject from a recognised higher education institution.
This BPS-accredited conversion course is open to anyone with a recognised undergraduate degree in any subject who now wants to take the first step towards becoming a chartered psychologist. This unique course – accredited to the British Psychological Society (BPS) - provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to go on to develop a successful career in the field of psychology. You study the essential core topics of individual difference, developmental, social, cognitive and biological psychology. You need to have studied these areas to gain BPS Graduate Membership, the first step towards becoming a chartered psychologist specialising in a chosen area such as health, forensic, counselling, education or clinical.
Key features
• Gain the skills and expertise necessary to use the qualitative and quantitative methodologies commonly used by professional psychologists • Explore intellectual functions, the biological basis of behaviour and the effects of impairments on the mind • Successful completion of this course will allow you to register with the
British Psychological Society (BPS) as a graduate member
Career opportunities
As a Graduate Chartered member of the BPS, you will be eligible to apply for doctorate psychology degrees to become a health, forensic, educational, counselling or clinical psychologist. You could also apply for graduate posts which will increase your chance of later going on to these specific pathways of psychology.
Areas you may study include:
• Biological and neuropsychological perspectives of behaviour • Cognition and performance • Developmental psychology • Personality, intelligence and assessments • Research methods
To find out more contact: Dr Lynne Wood t: +44 (0)1582 489370 e: lynne.wood@beds.ac.uk
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Luton campus 1 year full-time (options available: part-time day) UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject and should provide evidence of the Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR) with the British
Psychological Society (BPS). An interview is required.
Supporting the requirements of the British Psychological Society's Division of Forensic Psychology, this course focuses on developing the expertise and qualities you need to gain employment at a senior level. Covering all the main topics and involving advanced study in research methods and professional skills, you will receive stage one training towards becoming a chartered psychologist.
Key features
• Develop a systematic understanding and critical awareness of current problems, and gain new insights into the theory and practice of forensic psychology • Publish your research in nationally and internationally recognised journals • Gain a high level of knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods which will allow you to perform complex data analysis, interpretation, evaluation and synthesis
Career opportunities
Careers include prison and probation services, and roles within the NHS. An advanced route to chartership in forensic psychology is another possibility.
Areas of study may include:
• Criminal psychology • Research methods for forensic psychology • Legal psychology • Professional skills for forensic psychologists • Victimology
Key facts
Apply direct to the University
October Luton campus 1 year full-time (options available: part-time day) UK/EU/International students Applicants should have a 2:2 Honours degree in a related subject and should provide evidence of the Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR) with the British
Psychological Society (BPS).
This course is for students who want to study how psychology helps us understand health-related behaviours, and how it can have a positive impact on wellbeing. It forms stage one of the training you need to become a chartered psychologist member of the Division of Health Psychology within the British Psychological Society (BPS).
Key features
• Benefit from the development of a strong sense of personal responsibility and professionalism that will enable you to practise or conduct research within ethical guidelines • Study important topics facing society such as obesity, lifestyle and stress
Career opportunities
As a chartered psychologist and registered health psychologist, your career options include working for the government (advising on policy making, effective interventions and advertising strategies); research (preventing illnesses, especially coronary heart disease and cancer; and patient/practitioner communication and teaching. Graduates also work in the NHS on preparing for surgery and psychological methods to manage stress, pain or terminal illness.
Areas of study may include:
• Advanced research methods for health psychologists • Health psychology in context • Lifestyle and individual differences • Mechanisms of health and disease • Stress, coping and chronic disease