Assessment handbook BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science Level 4
Course Coordinator: Rob Cawston School of Society, Community and Health Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................3 What is this Handbook for? ................................................................................................................................4 How do I submit my assignments? ...................................................................................................................4 How can I check if my assignment has been submitted? ..............................................................................4 When are my assignments due? ....................................................................................................................4 When do exams take place? ...........................................................................................................................5 ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE . .............................................................................................................................7 Types of assessment .......................................................................................................................................8 Fairness in Assessment ...................................................................................................................................8 Formative Assessment .....................................................................................................................................8 Summative Assessment...................................................................................................................................8 Completing your assessment ..........................................................................................................................8 Planning for your assessments.......................................................................................................................8 How do I know what is expected of me? .....................................................................................................9 Where can I get help with my work? ............................................................................................................9 What happens if I have a crisis and cannot submit or attend my assessment? ................................. 10 What if I am late for a submission or assessment? ................................................................................. 10 How will my work be marked? .................................................................................................................... 10 University Grading System ............................................................................................................................... 10 Plagiarism checking....................................................................................................................................... 11 How do I access my marks and feedback? ............................................................................................... 11 What happens if I fail? ................................................................................................................................. 11 How can I ensure I obey the rules regarding good academic practice? .............................................. 12 How do I avoid breaking the rules? .......................................................................................................... 12 How many credits do I need to pass the year? ........................................................................................ 12 Assessment Explained – At a Glance.............................................................................................................. 13 Feedback ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Making the Most of Feedback...................................................................................................................... 14 When will I receive my marks and feedback from summative assessments? ..................................... 14 How can I make the most of feedback? .................................................................................................... 14 Feedback Explained – At a Glance.................................................................................................................. 16 Appendix One – Assignment Briefs Semester 1 ....................................................................................... 17 Appendix Two – Assignment Briefs Semester 2 ....................................................................................... 18 2
Glossary Academic Integrity – this phrase relates to academic conduct and means that you ensure that the work you submit is your own and is properly referenced when you submit it Assignment Brief - found in your BREO unit, this is the guide you use for your summative assessment Assessment schedule - this shows you the dates you are expected to submit your work Centrally invigilated exam – this is an exam that will be timetabled during exam weeks and so you must attend on the date, time and venue stated (or online) in order to complete the exam Core unit – this is a unit that you must take to complete the course Feedback – Communication about work you have completed. This can be from academics or peers, in person or electronic. Formative assessment - this is a supportive assessment (ungraded) that supports you in preparation for your summative submission. Mitigation – the process to follow if you cannot hand in work, or attend exam. Moderation – this is the process by which staff check that the grades awarded are fair and consistent. It involves some assignments being first and second marked and then sent to the External Examiner to review grades awarded. Option unit – this is an elective unit, so you can chose the units that interest you the most Practical assessment – assessed work in a clinical or work based environment, for example doing an assessment in a person’s home or in hospital. Referral or Resit date – the date given for your 2nd attempt if unsuccessful at your 1st attempt, found in this handbook and on your BREO unit shell Referral or Resit- the opportunity to retake an assignment that you have failed first time round, referral/resit grades are capped at 40% Rubric – table outlining the assessment criteria used to mark your assignments - found in your assignment brief and on BREO Submission date – the deadline for your work to be uploaded/handed in. Summative assessment- this is your formal assessed work and will be graded i.e. the grade counts to your overall degree – see the rubric on the assignment brief to see how you will be graded. Threshold expectation – you find these on the UIF and they explain the minimum standard you need to achieve on an assignment to attain the pass mark of 40% Turnitin– the software used by the University to check your work against a database of books, journals, websites and other students’ work to make sure your work is genuine
What is this Handbook for?
This Assessment Handbook will give you the information needed to help you understand how and when you will be assessed during this year. For each unit you study, there is a full assignment/exam brief in the appendices, detailing specific guidelines to enable you to achieve to a good standard, along with a rubric that shows how your work will be assessed. This Handbook will be available electronically on BREO, via … (your course shell). This means that you can search rapidly for any specific unit assessment information you want when you want it, and giving you 24/7 access from your desktop, laptop or mobile phone. Assessment information will also be available on your individual unit’s BREO sites. A glossary of terms is provided on the previous page. In Appendices 1 & 2, you will find all your assessments for the whole year. It includes all assignment briefs, including option units N.B. You m ust com plete all core unit assessm ents
and only the assessm ents for the option units you are taking.
How do I submit my assignments?
All written assignments are submitted online through BREO – there are a number of resources to help you learn how to do this. Please see the guidance available to you on the BREO Student Gateway. The cut off point for submissions is 10.00am on the submission date, usually the Friday of that week unless you are given a specific alternative day. Unless you are informed otherwise by your tutor, all your assignments will be submitted via BREO. No emailed assignments will be accepted. Depending on the nature of your assessment, e.g. artefact, there may be different submission arrangements; where relevant, your unit coordinator will advise you of these. For unit-specific deadlines please see the assessment schedule (Pages5/6), and the individual unit assignment brief that you will find in the appendices.
How can I check if my assignment has been submitted? • • •
Open the unit, and find the assignment you want to check Click the assignment link Look for the Attempts section.
BREO provides two pieces of information - the number of attempts you have left that you can submit, and secondly - how many attempts you already made. If you have submitted at least once, you will see ‘1’ submitted (or more). ‘Click this link to and you'll see details of your subm ission tim e/ date’ - click again to view what was submitted. You have three more opportunities to overwrite your first submission before the published deadline in case something goes wrong with your first submission (e.g. wrong file, missing data). However, the markers will grade the later submission ONLY and there will be no opportunity to submit again after the deadline. You will be able to view the assignment at a later date and will receive feedback.
When are my assignments due?
Your assessment schedule (Pages 5/6) states the date that each assignment is due or exam will take place. In cases of practical assessments, there will be an assessment week noted and specific details will be given in class. Assessments for your units are spread throughout the academic year and 4
whilst, where possible, we have tried to avoid them all being due at the same time, there will be some clashes, so good planning is absolutely essential. Get advice at Study Hub
When do exams take place?
For exams that are centrally timetabled, the dates and times are released closer to the assessment time and you will access this information via BREO. • •
Practical and written examinations are not set via central timetable. Referral examinations are therefore not required.
P lease be aw are that holidays are not an accepted m itigating circum stance. Therefore, please take care to ensure that you do not book holidays during ex am ination tim es (m ain and referral).
ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE (in date order) Unit code and title
Core/ Option
Unit Leader
SEM1PAR001-1 Introduction to Academic Studies
5th November 2021
3rd December, 2021
17th December, 2021
28th January, 2022
19th November, 2021
17th December, 2021
13th May, 2022
10th June, 2022
Week commencing 17th January, 2022
Week commencing 14th February, 2022
25th February, 2022
25th March, 2022
25th March, 2022
6th May, 2022
0% Pass/Fail
26th August, 2022
23rd September, 2022
R Sargent
SEM1-3PAR005-1 Professional Values and Relationships
R Cawston
TYPAR004-1 Health Sciences for Paramedic Practice
Feedback due date and mode
R Cawston
SEM1PAR002-1 Introduction to Clinical Assessment Skills
Submission date
Al Sunderland
TYPAR003-1 Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice
Summative Assessment (Weighting %)
C Gaskill
Types of assessment Fairness in Assessment
Assessment tasks are prepared by staff teams at the start of each academic year. Staff check assessments for clarity before submitting them to our External Examiners who, in turn, will check that they are good assessment tasks, clearly written, set at a level that is equivalent to that on other similar courses across the UK and will help you meet the unit’s intended learning outcomes.
Formative Assessment
Formative assessments are assessment tasks that do not count towards your final unit grade, however they are a great way for you to gauge whether you are keeping on top of your studies. The goal of formative assessment is to monitor your learning to provide ongoing feedback and is used by staff to improve their teaching, and by you to improve your learning. More specifically, formative assessments: − − −
Help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work. Help the teaching team recognise your academic challenges, where you might be struggling and offer support in a timely fashion Help prepare you for summative assessments.
For example, • Draw a concept map in class to represent your understanding of a topic. • Complete a quiz that tests your understanding of the unit so far. • Take part in a ‘mock’ assessment. • Submit a research proposal for early feedback.
Summative Assessment
The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate your learning, during or at the end of a unit, comparing it against agreed standards or benchmarks both within the university and externally. Summative assessments do count towards your final unit grade and are often high stakes, which means that they have a high point value. For example, • • •
An end of year practical assessment. A written assignment. An end of year written examination. A presentation.
Completing your assessment Planning for your assessments
By making sure you have identified your submission dates from the assessment schedules, you will be able to develop a study timetable to complete your assignments in a timely manner. You need to work backwards from the submission date, to build in time in the library or online, accessing suitable resources, and to do a thorough proof read and check your referencing is correct. If you are doing a group assessment, you will need to establish a 8
timeframe and meetings with your group from the outset, so there is no last-minute panic. Get advice at Study Hub and
How do I know what is expected of me?
You will be able to find out what is expected of you in each individual assignment by looking at the ‘Threshold Expectations’ included on your assignment brief. These expectations will tell you the minimum you need to do to pass each assessment. In order to surpass the threshold for the assignment (40%), you will need to look at the assessment criteria on the rubric. These criteria will be the standards that you are assessed against, so knowing what level is expected for each grade is important.
Where can I get help with my work?
There are many useful people and resources at the University to help you with the knowledge and skills you need to demonstrate in your assessment. Please see the following list for where you can go for different forms of assistance in the first instance: •
Your classes - the best support you can get to support you to pass your assessments is to attend your classes, as this is where the assignment requirements are discussed with peers and your teaching staff and any queries addressed. The unit coordinator – this person has designed the assessment and may well be marking it, so they know what they want to see – attend assessment support sessions on your timetable and ask them your questions directly. Your dissertation supervisor – this person is there to support you from proposal stage to submission. Make sure you establish a schedule of regular meetings and plan milestones for each one to keep you on track. Importantly, listen and respond appropriately to their feedback. Your Personal Academic Tutor – you should already have been informed of whom your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) is. This person will be very important to you getting help with any of your assessments or understanding your feedback. If you are not sure who your PAT is then you can find out by accessing SITS or asking your
Course Coordinator Study Hub – this is your place to go to for help with any part of your assessments,
whether you are just starting them and need some help understanding what it is you must do, or you are having trouble creating your assessment. Go to the Study Hub BREO site to see what online resources they can offer and see their events page to attend one of their face-to-face sessions. Communication Skills – if you are an international student, the University has created a core programme of timetabled communication skills classes, which you must attend. These will help develop your academic and intercultural communication skills so you can fulfil your potential in assessments. Student Information Desk (SID) – the SID is where you go for any personal needs or issues. The advisors at the desk will be able to point you to any services such as finance, health and wellbeing, mitigation and careers.
What happens if I have a crisis and cannot submit or attend my assessment?
It’s important that you take part in and complete all unit assessments. Failure to do so can, in some cases lead to a record of non-engagement and in extreme cases, being exited from your course. The University appreciates that sometimes unforeseen situations outside your control may prevent you from carrying out your academic work. These are referred to as ‘mitigating circumstances’. You must apply for mitigation BEFORE the submission deadline visit the Student Information Desk and ask for a mitigation form. Your ow n course staff
cannot give you an extension.
What if I am late for a submission or assessment?
Late submissions are not accepted as first attempts. If you are late submitting an assessment, even by a few minutes, you will be given a 0% grade as your first attempt. You will then be given a re-sit opportunity at a date specified. Re-sit grades are capped at a D/40% so it is in your best interest to be organised with your submissions. If you turn up late for a practical assessment, you will not be permitted entry. Again, you will need to complete the re-sit opportunity and will be capped at a grade D-/40%.
How will my work be marked?
Most 15-credit units will have one assessment (100% weighted) and 30-credit units, two assessments (e.g. 40/60 or 30/70% weighted). All assessments are marked out of 100%. Markers are from the teaching team for each unit. Marking standards are assured by the use of second marking and moderation processes, followed by scrutiny by one or more External Examiners. External Examiners are highly experienced academics bought in from other universities to ensure that our marking standards are similar to those on equivalent courses elsewhere in the UK and beyond. We use the following grading system:
University Grading System
Numerical scale
Undergraduate Classification
Post Graduate Classification
First Class
100 95 85 78 75 72
68 65
Upper Second Class
62 58 55
Lower Second Class
48 45
Third Class
42 38 35 32 25
20 10 0
Plagiarism checking
We use a system called Turnitin to ensure that your work is your own (authentic) and you have not copied or bought your work from someone else. The grade you are initially awarded is provisional, reflecting the quality of the submission and subject to its authenticity being checked. It may also change when Turnitin has been checked and the moderation process is completed and confirmed by the Exam Board.
How do I access my marks and feedback?
Provisional marks and feedback for all assignments are available online in BREO through your My Grades. The same marks will also be available via e-Vision (within 10 working days of them being published in BREO). Find out how to access your grades in BREO here, and how to access E-Vision here.
What happens if I fail?
You get two attempts at any assignment (a first attempt and, if you fail your first attempt a re-sit for which the mark will be capped at 40%). For both of these assessment attempts, we use the same marking/second marking/moderation and External Examiner scrutiny outlined above to ensure that valid and appropriate marks are awarded. 11
How can I ensure I obey the rules regarding good academic practice? Cheating at University is a very serious matter. You may be tempted to buy an assignment online (these are called essay mills), copy someone else’s work or incorrectly cite an author or lend someone else your work. DON’T! You will be caught and it will be recorded on your student record. You will be referred to the Academic Conduct Panel as either an ‘academic concern’ or academic offence’ depending upon the nature of your offence, the level of study and whether you’ve been caught before. If your offence is deemed as a concern, you will be required to attend a meeting with a staff member to make sure you understand your mistake and the severity of the issue. If you are deemed to have committed an offence, your case with be reviewed by the Academic Conduct Panel made up of senior academics who will determine the outcome. If you are on a professional course, e.g. social work or nursing, there are often very serious consequences following an academic concern, as this type of behaviour is a reflection of poor professional integrity. A serious academic offence or repeated offences could result in your being referred to the University’s Fitness to Practice Panel and you losing your place on the programme. How do I avoid breaking the rules? By being well organised, giving yourself time for your assessments and if you need an extension, applying for mitigation before the submission date. Another way to protect yourself from the temptation to cheat is to use the resources available to learn how to develop your own academic integrity, use the Academic Integrity Resource on BREO and
How many credits do I need to pass the year?
At the end of the academic year you must have achieved 30 credits in order to be offered the opportunity to retake any failed elements of the course and attempted and passed at least 90 to be considered for progression with a resit, progression with a retake or be compensated (unit result must be 30% or above). Please check your course information form if there are any exceptions to this. If you pass 120 credits, you will automatically progress to your next level. There are a maximum of four attempts (first attempt and resit attempt at the assessment for the first sitting of the unit and the same again if you are recommended to retake the whole unit). If you fail a unit and need to retake it, you will be expected to pay for the unit again. Overall failure in the second attempt at the unit will lead to you being exited from the programme.
Assessment Explained – At a Glance
Feedback Making the Most of Feedback
Throughout your course, you will receive feedback in a variety of forms and from different sources. These forms of feedback all play a vital role in your learning process. Some of this feedback will be oral, for example when a tutor comments on your contribution in class, or when you meet with your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) to review your progress, or when Unit Co-ordinators give class and/or individual feedback after formative assessments. Sometimes you will also get peer feedback, for example, when fellow students respond constructively to something you say or do or when students are asked to mark each other’s mock or formative work. Much of your feedback will be written, and this includes marks and comments on written work, on group presentations, and practical examinations. You may also receive audio feedback where appropriate. In particular, − − −
Feedback identifies strengths and areas for development in your work and gives advice on ways in which you can improve your grade in future work. Feedback is developmental and as such forms a fundamental part of the learning process. Feedback can be both oral and written, and whatever form it takes, you should expect it to be clear, constructive, and delivered in a timely manner.
When will I receive my marks and feedback from summative assessments?
Your level of study and course will determine how quickly you get your feedback. These timescales are indicated on your assignment brief • •
Foundation Year and Level 6 – 15 working days L4/5 and Level 7– 20 working days
Marking attempts to provide you with (a) an indication of how the mark was derived, using the rubric, (b) encouragement to you, through identification of positive aspects of your work – how you met the assessment criteria, and (c) guidance to you, regarding elements of your work that you could strengthen. This is called 2Q feedback – what you did well, and how you can improve in the future. This feedback may be given in written or audio format and will be available to you on the BREO unit shell. You will be notified when your grade is available by each unit co-ordinator; the nature of it will differ according to the type of assessment and when the assessment happens throughout the academic year. In addition to this, we use the rubric to show you the standard of each of the elements of your work and an indication of how your final mark was calculated
How can I make the most of feedback?
One of the best things you can do with feedback is to use it to create a plan as to what you can improve on before your next assessment. However, before you do this you might need to ensure you have all the understanding needed to create a plan (use the Study Hub actionplanning template). Firstly, consider if you are in the right state of mind to digest your
feedback. You may be excited or disappointed by your grade and perhaps coming back to your feedback later would be more beneficial. Take a breath! Next, you need to make sure you understand the feedback you have been given. If you are not sure about any of it then go to person who marked it or your Personal Academic Tutor and ask for some clarification, and then consider how you could improve for next time. If you do not know how you could improve, try taking your feedback to the Study Hub team, or looking on their webpages at Study Hub, to see if they can give you some direction. Also, think about these top tips: 1. Do not just focus on the mark, particularly if this was lower than you were hoping. 2. Read (or listen) to the comments carefully making note what you did well and what needs to be improved, and try to apply this in the next piece of work you are submitting. 3. Do not get defensive about critical elements in feedback; learning to accept constructive criticism as an important part of your academic development. 4. If you are unclear about what you need to do to improve your work, contact the unit co-ordinator or marker directly to make an appointment to discuss your work. 5. If it is clear that you have a problem which is picked up repeatedly make sure you discuss this with your Personal Academic Tutor and get referred to student support if appropriate
Feedback Explained – At a Glance
Appendix One – Assignment Briefs Semester 1 Core units
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Introduction to Academic Studies (SEM1PAR001-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment One
Assignment type
Coursework – Essay (CW-ESS) Third person writing style
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
500 words (+10% allowance)
Unit learning outcomes
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Distinguish between different types and of evidence and explain how evidence can be used to influence health care and enhance patient experience.
Apply a range of study and literacy skills to access and interpret evidence-based literature and to convey information and arguments in an effective academic writing style.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Formative assessment •
Undertake a short answer paper examining academic conventions of writing and appropriate citations within academic work. You will receive feedback verbally during the assessment.
Small group debates on what is appropriate evidence and questions that will be considered when seeking and selecting evidence. Groups will feedback to peers and tutor feedback will be provided verbally during this time.
Summative assessment •
Write a brief overview on how evidence can be used to influence health care practice.
Additional Information: •
Focus on how Evidence-based Practice (EBP) influences the development of pre-hospital care. • You should research and understand the term evidence-based practice and how this relates to pre-hospital care. • Your research should explore one of the clinical areas below: o Cardiac Care o Respiratory Care o Mental Health Care o Trauma Care • Ensure that you cite and reference your work according to the University Harvard reference system.
Presenting your work: • • • •
Font size: 12pt Font type: – Arial or Calibri Line spacing: – 1.5 – 2.0 Referencing: Approximately one – three for each key point.
The following links offer guidance on presenting your work: • • •
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) • • •
Explain and discuss the meaning of ‘evidence-based practice’ Discuss and evaluate how evidence-based practice influences health care practice/s and enhances the patient experience within pre-hospital care. Apply correct academic referencing using Harvard both within text / citations and including a referencing list.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade? • • • • • •
You are expected to focus clearly on all elements of the task. You must show good depth throughout. The evidence and discussion(s) you explore must be relevant to contemporary practice, showing evidence of analysis. Your presentation must be of a high standard, with attention and accuracy to the task. Ensure your referencing conforms with the University of Bedfordshire’s Harvard Referencing Guidance, and consistently enhances your discussions. Demonstrate an understanding of both the knowledge and theory bases of your chosen topic, showing a clear application and appreciation for the evidence.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? The assignment will: • Support you in developing a knowledge and understanding of how the skills of literacy and information technology enhance your learning and contribute to evidence-based care. • Enable you to develop understanding of how you learn and provide you with the opportunities to develop the fundamental skills associated with academic practice. • Expose you to the skills necessary for all academic assignments. • These skills are an integral part of your undergraduate studies.
Assignment Brief
How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
42-48% (3rd Class)
Threshold Domains
70%+ (1st Class)
62-68% (2:1)
52-58% (2:2)
Explain and discuss the meaning of ‘evidencebased practice’
Comprehension and application of evidencebased practice is clear with attempts to analyse its role against the chosen topic.
The meaning and purpose of evidence-based practice and its associated components are explained clearly.
Understanding of evidence-based practice is presented, however, not all aspects have been explored.
A basic understanding is made, however, is generalised in both explanation and discussion.
There is an attempt to understand evidencebased practice.
There is a clear focus with a consistent depth and appreciation that starts to analyse both the relationships and influences of evidencebased practice in and for pre-hospital care.
There is clear evidence of both discussion and evaluation and offers some depth relating to practice influences.
The main elements of this task are covered; however, more consistency can be applied.
Had broadly discussed and evaluated the evidence-base.
Failed to address some elements of the task.
Referencing is correct, follows the guidelines given and consistently supports and enhances the work.
Referencing is correct, supporting and enhancing the quality of the work. Few errors seen.
An appropriate number of references are used. They are generally cited correctly and integrated well with few errors.
Referencing is sufficient with a relevant number of references. However, referencing errors are seen.
An inadequate or irrelevant number of references with many referencing errors.
Had either failed to reference or had very few incorrectly produced references that do not follow the guidelines.
Presentation shows attention to detail and is logical.
Presentation is acceptable, generally logical, and neat.
Presentation is acceptable but improvements could be made.
Presentation is poor, showing a lack of care.
Presentation is very poor, showing a significant lack of attention to detail.
Meaning clear with few written expression errors seen.
Meaning clear with good written expression. Few errors seen.
Presentation is acceptable. Gets to the point, although clarity could be improved.
30% Weighting
Discuss and evaluate how evidence-based practice influences health care practice/s and enhances the patient experience within pre-hospital care 30% Weighting
Apply correct academic referencing using Harvard both within text / citations and including a referencing list. 20% Weighting
Presentation and written expression 10% Weighting
The use of contemporary literature 10% Weighting
Threshold Standard
Each component of this domain is covered, however, in a superficial manner.
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail) Has failed to understand and discuss evidence-based practice.
The information presented does not capture the whole meaning. Clearly failed to address the task as set out in this brief.
The submission does not focus on the relationships set out.
No significant errors seen.
Understanding of the A reasonable knowledge and theory base understanding and application of knowledge is clear and applied well. and theory with relevant Some evidence of analysis recent material included. seen.
Some written expression errors seen.
Written expression lacks clarity and errors were seen.
Some understanding of relevant knowledge, theory and evidence but is descriptive and lacks application at times.
Some understanding of relevant knowledge, theory and evidence but limited in application and lacks depth.
Written expression is also poor with numerous errors seen.
Inadequate understanding of knowledge and theory. Poor understanding demonstrated of supporting evidence.
Written expression is poor with numerous errors seen.
Does not demonstrate an understanding of the relevant knowledge, theory and evidence. Inaccuracies seen.
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Foundations of Paramedic Practice (PAR003-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment One
Assignment type
Practical Other (PR-OT) First person writing style
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
Equivalent to 1500 words
Unit learning outcomes
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of professional standards and the impact on the paramedic profession and the individual practitioner
Underpin professional practice with a range of core paramedic skills.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Summative assessment 1. Complete a record of statutory and mandatory skills, preparatory to entering placement.
Additional Notes: You need to consider how you will present your certificates: •
You will need to add the same certificates to your Placement Assessment Document (PebblePAD) and it is best to do this as you complete each piece of mandatory training.
When presenting your certificates: o Create/Embed in Word - the certificate must be legible (NO hyperlinks) and in the following order:
Conflict Resolution (Level 1) Data Security Awareness (Formerly Information Governance) (Level 1) Data Security Awareness (Level 2) Data Security Awareness (Level 3) Equality & Diversity, and Human Rights (Level 1) Fire Safety (Level 1) Health, Safety, and Welfare (Level 1) Infection, Prevention and Control (Level 1) Infection, Prevention and Control (Level 2) Moving & Handling (Level 1) Moving & Handling eAssessment (Level 2) Preventing Radicalisation - Basic Prevent Awareness Preventing Radicalisation - Awareness of Prevent (Level 3) Safeguarding Children (Level 1) Safeguarding Children (Level 2) Safeguarding Adults (Level 1) Safeguarding Adults (Level 2) Resuscitation (Level 1) Resuscitation Adults (Level 2) Resuscitation Paediatrics (Level 2) Resuscitation Newborn (Level 2)
You will then write your reflections within the document, including appropriate referencing.
If you must complete your e-learning more than once, then all certificates must be submitted.
Presenting your work You should format your document as follows: • Font size: 12pt • Font type: – Arial or Calibri • Line spacing: – 1.5 – 2.0 Links to any Study Hub self-help guides relevant to your assessment or a generic signpost/link to the StudyHub guides • • •
Save and submit as a pdf document for submission with a summary contents page. What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assignment One, you will need to discuss and analyse the following key factors: •
Complete the mandatory and statutory online training skills required, prior to placement.
On completion of the mandatory and statutory e-learning units, upload your certificates to your Practice Assessment Documentation. (PAD)
Reflect on your personal development, learning and analyse how this will influence your knowledge skills and a student Paramedic
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
• • • • • •
You are expected to focus clearly on all elements of the task by completing the mandatory and statutory online training prior to placement. You must show good depth throughout. The evidence and discussion(s) you explore must be relevant to contemporary practice, showing evidence of analysis. Your presentation must be of a high standard, with attention and accuracy to your written expression. Ensure your referencing conforms with the University of Bedfordshire’s Harvard Referencing Guidance, and consistently enhances your discussions. You will be insightful into your personal learning journey and analyse how this will influence your knowledge skills and understanding as a student paramedic.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? The assignment will: • •
introduce you to key aspects of paramedic practice: you will explore what it means to be a paramedic within a professional framework. This encompasses codes of conduct which govern professional behaviour, plus the legal, ethical and professional responsibilities of the paramedic in the prehospital care environment. assisting you to develop core skills, which underpin all aspects of paramedic practice
Assignment Brief How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Grading Domains Complete the mandatory and statutory online training skills required, prior to placement. 30% Weighting On completion of the mandatory and statutory e-learning units, upload your certificates to your Practice Assessment Documentation. (PAD) 20% Weighting Reflect on your personal development, learning and analyse how this will influence your knowledge skills and a student Paramedic 30% Weighting Ensure your referencing conforms with the University of Bedfordshire’s Harvard Referencing
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard
70%+ st (1 Class)
62-68% (2:1)
52-58% (2:2)
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail)
All elements completed with pass grades above 100% (e-learning grade). One attempt taken to complete.
All elements completed with pass grade above 90% (elearning grade). One attempt taken to complete.
All elements completed with pass grade above 80% (elearning grade). One attempt taken to complete.
All elements completed with a pass grade above 80% (e-learning grade). More than one attempt required.
One or two elements are not completed.
Three or more elements are not completed.
All certificates are uploaded correctly on the PAD immediately on completion.
All certificates are uploaded correctly on the PAD in a timely manner.
All certificates are uploaded correctly on the PAD.
All certificates are uploaded correctly on the PAD in an untimely manner.
The certificates have not been uploaded correctly.
Certificates not uploaded.
(<3 days after completion).
(>1 Week).
(Uploaded on the day of completion).
(<2 days after completion).
Had focused with some depth on the key elements of the task set. A broad range of Issues are handled competently showing excellent understanding of their role.
Had addressed the main elements of the task set showing some depth at times. The key relevant issues are described, and a good understanding of their role is evident.
Had addressed the main elements of the task set but in a superficial manner at times. Most relevant issues are described, and some understanding of their role is evident.
Had broadly addressed the task set but often in a superficial manner. Some relevant issues are described and used but in a superficial manner.
Had not fully addressed the task set, often in a superficial manner. Some issues are described and lacked relevance or very superficial understanding of role.
Had not fully addressed the task set. Only one or two issues are described but were not relevant to role.
Consistently insightful use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary
Consistently good use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary sources, to
Sound use of relevant knowledge and materials to support the argument, including
Adequate use of relevant knowledge and materials to support the argument, showing limited analysis.
Limited use of relevant materials to support the argument, showing no or very limited analysis.
Very limited or absent use of relevant materials to support the argument, showing
Grading Domains Guidance, and consistently enhances your discussions. 10% Weighting
Your presentation must be of a high standard, with attention and accuracy to your written expression. 10% Weighting
70%+ st (1 Class)
62-68% (2:1)
52-58% (2:2)
sources, to support, develop and hypothesise the argument. Referencing fully meets course requirements in text and reference list, with very few slips in consistency, clarity or format
support and develop the argument. Referencing overall consistently meets course requirements in text and reference list with few slips in consistency, clarity or format
some primary and varied sources. Referencing generally meets course requirements, in text and reference list, but may include slips in consistency, clarity or format
Expression and structure are excellent throughout and enhance the argument. Grammar, spelling and structure are of a very high standard with very minor errors, meeting high professional standards
Expression and structure are consistently clear and enhance the argument. Grammar and spelling are of a high standard, with few errors, and consistently meet professional standards
Expression and structure are generally clear and make the argument readily accessible. Grammar and spelling are good, with few errors, and generally meet professional standards
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail)
Inconsistent referencing, in text and/or reference list, which may not fully meet course requirements.
Absent or very poor referencing, in text and reference list, which does not meet course requirements
no or very limited analysis. Absent or very poor referencing, in text and reference list, which does not meet course requirements
Expression and/or structure demonstrate basic understanding of the argument. Grammar and spelling adequately meet professional standards
Expression and/or structure make the argument difficult to access. Grammar and spelling are below acceptable professional standards
Expression and/or structure make the argument incoherent. Grammar and spelling are significantly below acceptable professional standards
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Introduction to Academic Studies (SEM1PAR001-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment Two
Assignment type
Coursework – Essay (CW-LR) Third person writing style
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
1500 words (+10% allowance)
Unit learning outcomes
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Distinguish between different types and of evidence and explain how evidence can be used to influence health care and enhance patient experience.
Apply a range of study and literacy skills to access and interpret evidence-based literature and to convey information and arguments in an effective academic writing style.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Formative assessment •
Undertake a short answer paper examining academic conventions of writing and appropriate citations within academic work. You will receive feedback verbally during the assessment.
Small group debates on what is appropriate evidence and questions that will be considered when seeking and selecting evidence. Groups will feedback to peers and tutor feedback will be provided verbally during this time.
Summative assessment •
Undertake a literature search to answer a guided research question. The question will be provided in the assignment brief. This assignment will review contemporary evidence and discuss reasons for choosing the evidence presented. The assignment will demonstrate effective academic writing applying accurate referencing.
Guided Research Question: •
Identify, by means of a literature search, a major contributing factor of out of hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA).
Additional Information: • •
• • •
Using contemporary literature, discuss how you conducted your literature search. Consider how the following academic search engines/filters allow for an effective literature search: o BREO ‘Discover’ o Google Scholar o Boolean Search Terms Understand what is meant by Out of Hospital? Identify three pieces of contemporary literature to support your chosen contributing factor and discuss the relevance of each in your wider review. Your literature search should be presented within your discussion.
Presenting your work: • • • •
Font size: 12pt Font type: – Arial or Calibri Line spacing: – 1.5 – 2.0 Referencing: Approximately one – three for each key point.
The following links offer guidance on presenting your work. • • • • •
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) 1. 2. 3.
Describe and discuss your literature search methodology, including use of databases examined, and provide details of the search terminology and parameters used. Identify a number of relevant contemporary research papers from your literature search, select evidence that supports and explains how they influence and enhance health care practice within pre-hospital care. Apply correct academic referencing using Harvard both within text / citations and including a referencing list.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade? • • • • • •
You are expected to focus clearly on all elements of the task. You must show good depth throughout. The evidence and discussion(s) you explore must be relevant to contemporary practice, showing evidence of analysis. Your presentation must be of a high standard, with attention and accuracy to your written expression. Ensure your referencing conforms with the University of Bedfordshire’s Harvard Referencing Guidance, and consistently enhances your discussions. Demonstrate an understanding of both the knowledge and theory bases of your chosen topic, showing a clear application and appreciation for the evidence.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? The assignment will: • Support you in developing a knowledge and understanding of how the skills of literacy and information technology enhance your learning and contribute to evidence-based care. • Enable you to develop understanding of how you learn and provide you with the opportunities to develop the fundamental skills associated with academic practice. • Expose you to the skills necessary for all academic assignments. These skills are an integral part of your undergraduate studies.
Assignment Brief
How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Threshold Domains Describe and discuss your literature search methodology, including use of databases examined, and provide details of the search terminology and parameters used.
70%+ (1st Class)
62-68% (2:1)
The literature search is clearly illustrated, and the methodology is transferrable.
The search methodology is clear and details/discusses a logical approach that supports the identification of appropriate literature for the task set.
There is an attempt to present a clear and methodical literature search.
Contemporary evidence has been selected and attempts to interpret the findings of each are identified.
There is evidence of an appreciation for both differences and discovery when selecting literature.
52-58% (2:2)
The relationships and relevance of the selected papers are organised. There is an investigative tone that focuses on evidence that improves health care.
Discussions around how health care is enhanced or influenced can be seen.
Threshold Standard
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail)
A basic understanding of a literature search is presented. A selection of databases has been used, however, the presentation and discussion surrounding how they have been employed could be improved.
There is an attempt to present a discussion that details how the literature search has been conducted.
Has failed to present a methodical literature search or show understanding of the concept.
The information presented does not effectively describe the steps to allow for the search to be recreated.
No use of databases.
There are attempts to explain how the selected literature influences and enhances health care. Some focus can be noted to explore the selected literature
The chosen literature is relevant, however, how it was finally chosen against other literature needs to be clearer.
Failed to address some aspects of the task. The rationale for the chosen literature is unclear and lacks focus.
Has failed to identify or explain the relevance of the selected literature.
The search has selected appropriate databases and techniques to filter. Errors are found.
30% Weighting Identify a number of relevant contemporary research papers from your literature search, select evidence that supports and explains how they influence and enhance health care practice within pre-hospital care.
42-48% (3rd Class)
There is some explanation surrounding influence, however, could again be clearer.
30% Weighting Apply correct academic referencing using Harvard both within text / citations and including a referencing list.
Referencing is correct, follows the guidelines given and consistently supports and enhances the work. No significant errors seen.
Referencing is correct, supporting and enhancing the quality of the work. Few errors seen.
An appropriate number of references are used. They are generally cited correctly and integrated well with few errors.
Referencing is sufficient with a relevant number of references. However, referencing errors are seen.
An inadequate or irrelevant number of references with many referencing errors.
Had either failed to reference or had very few incorrectly produced references that do not follow the guidelines.
Presentation shows attention to detail and is logical.
Presentation is acceptable, generally logical, and neat.
Presentation is acceptable but improvements could be made.
Presentation is poor, showing a lack of care.
Presentation is very poor, showing a significant lack of attention to detail.
Meaning clear with few written expression errors seen.
Meaning clear with good written expression. Few errors seen.
Presentation is acceptable. Gets to the point, although clarity could be improved.
Understanding of the knowledge and theory base is clear and applied well. Some evidence of analysis seen.
A reasonable understanding and application of knowledge and theory with relevant recent material included.
20% Weighting
Presentation and written expression 10% Weighting
The use of contemporary literature 10% Weighting
Some written expression errors seen.
Written expression lacks clarity and errors were seen.
Some understanding of relevant knowledge, theory and evidence but is descriptive and lacks application at times.
Some understanding of relevant knowledge, theory and evidence but limited in application and lacks depth.
Written expression is also poor with numerous errors seen.
Inadequate understanding of knowledge and theory. Poor understanding demonstrated of supporting evidence.
Written expression is poor with numerous errors seen. Does not demonstrate an understanding of the relevant knowledge, theory and evidence. Inaccuracies seen.
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Week commencing
Week commencing
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Introduction to Clinical Assessment Skills for Paramedics (PAR002-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment One - Simulated Patient Assessment Episode
Assignment type
Practical - Objective Structured Clinical Examination (PR-OSCE)
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
30 minutes, equivalent to 1500 words
Unit learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the evidence base underpinning a range of diagnostic tools and assessment skills and how effective assessment outcomes are used to inform clinical decision making and accurate reporting.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Effectively use a range of patient assessments techniques using appropriate skills to formulate a tentative diagnosis and report findings including recommendations for referral as appropriate.
What am I required to do in this assignment? Assignment Task: There are three separate parts to this OSCE: 1 - During this assessment you will be given a scenario on a common condition encountered in practice: • • •
You will be given a brief scenario like that seen on the Mobile Data Terminal (MDT). You will be asked to assess the patient using an approved clinical assessment model, carry out the required assessments, and history taking. You must not trigger any of the critical fail items.
2 –You will be expected to complete a Patient Clinical Record (PCR) as part of your assessment. 3 - After you have completed your PCR you will hand over to a clinician (assessor) as you would at ED. Additional information: This OSCE has a critical fail component. If triggered, a referral grade will be awarded. What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) In order to pass Assignment One you will need to: •
Identify and perform a range of assessments safely within a simulated situation.
Interpret assessment outcomes to inform clinical decision-making and propose a clinical impression, suggesting recommendations for a referral if appropriate.
Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of clinical assessment underpinning knowledge and diagnostic principles
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade? • • • •
The performance was safe. The skill/s were performed well with reasonable confidence and some fluency. Your manner and behaviour were professional and promoted some confidence. Patient/client dignity was maintained, and a range of relevant needs were met. You Initiate and maintain some good quality communication with some strengths seen in terms of verbal and nonverbal skills. You were responsive where required. Throughout, you conveyed and offered rationale demonstrating a generally broad understanding of significant principles, knowledge and evidence linked to the activity.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? •
This assignment will allow you to demonstrate how you have learnt the range of assessment skills and diagnostic tools commonly used in paramedic practice. Through practice, and placement, you will develop knowledge and skills to aid you in formulating a tentative diagnosis.
You will apply knowledge gained in other units to help you understand the theoretical concepts underpinning these skills and to help you determine the significance of the assessment outcomes.
Assignment Brief How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Grading Domain
Identify and perform a range of assessments safely within a simulated situation.
70%+ (1st Class) The performance was safe. The skill/s were performed well with reasonable confidence and some fluency at times.
62-68% (2:1) The performance was safe, and most skills were performed well, although confidence and fluency could be higher at times.
52-58% (2:2) The performance was generally safe but some skill/s lacked fluency and confidence in execution.
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard The performance was generally safe, but the skill/s lacked significant fluency and confidence in execution.
0-32% (Fail)
The performance was unsafe/critical fail elements triggered. Some aspects of the skill/s required were not demonstrated at the appropriate level.
The performance was unsafe/critical fail elements triggered. Aspects of the skill/s required were not demonstrated at the appropriate level.
If a critical fail is triggered a grade of 35% or lower, depending on overall performance, will be applied.
40% Weighting
Interpret assessment outcomes to inform clinical decisionmaking and propose a clinical impression, suggesting recommendations for a referral if appropriate.
35-38% (Fail)
Interprets assessment outcomes to justify excellent clinical decisions.
Interprets assessment outcomes to choose good clinical decisions.
Interprets assessment outcomes to provide sound clinical decisions.
Interprets assessment outcomes to provide basic clinical decisions.
Unclear in their assessment outcomes and provides poor clinical decisions.
Justifies a clinical impression with differentials.
Justifies a clinical impression.
Offers a clinical impression
Reports a clinical impression
Reports a wrong clinical impression.
Selects an appropriate referral pathway.
Selects an unsafe referral pathway.
Justifies appropriate referral pathway.
Justifies appropriate referral pathway.
Associates appropriate referral pathway.
Unable to interpret assessment outcomes to provide an unsafe clinical decision. Unable to state a clinical impression. Unaware of referral pathways.
25% Weighting Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of clinical assessment underpinning knowledge and diagnostic principles 25% Weighting Communication 10% Weighting
Conveyed through the rationale given a generally broad understanding of significant principles, knowledge and evidence linked to the activity.
Relevant rationale was identified and linked to knowledge and principles in a helpful way at times.
Some relevant rationale was identified and linked to knowledge and principles in a helpful way at times.
Some relevant rationale was identified but was only superficially linked at times to the relevant knowledge and principles.
Very little relevant rationale was identified and was rarely linked to knowledge and principles.
Able to recall some facts but unable to demonstrate understanding of underpinning knowledge or rationale.
Initiated and maintained some good quality communication with some strengths seen in terms of verbal and non-verbal skills. Was responsive where required.
Initiated and maintained some helpful communication with some strengths seen in terms of verbal and non-verbal skills. Was generally responsive where required.
The communication and interpersonal skills utilised were helpful in terms of supporting the situation. The depth and range of these was adequate.
Communication skills were adequate and at times helpful in terms of supporting the situation. As with interpersonal skills, the range and depth of these should be enhanced.
The communication skills utilised were inadequate and limited in depth and range. The interpersonal skills lacked sensitivity to the parts of the situation.
The communication skills utilised were poor and very limited in depth and range. The interpersonal skills lacked sensitivity completely to the situation.
Appendix Two – Assignment Briefs Semester 2 Core units
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Health Sciences for Paramedic Practice (PAR004-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment One
Assignment type
Written Assignment (CW-CS) Third-person writing style
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
2000 Words
Unit learning outcomes
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Discuss the meaning of health and wellbeing from a range of perspectives and explain the biopsychosocial factors that affect health and wellbeing.
Apply health promotion strategies to promote the health and well-being of service users.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Summative Assessment: •
A case study that explores either a case presentation from practice or a case provided in the Unit, which explains the importance of health and wellbeing, and how the biopsychosocial determinants directly impact on an individual’s activities of daily living and circumstances.
(If selecting a case from practice, your essay must be accompanied by a mentor verification form confirming that the Practice Educator has sought permission from the patient/service-user for you to explore the case for the purpose of education)
Additional Information: •
If using a case from practice, your case study must be accompanied by a signed statement from your mentor verifying that permission has been sought from the patient/service user to discuss their case. If you do not include your verification form with your submission, this will trigger a ‘fail’ grade for the respective grading domain. See the grading rubric for clarification.
Presenting your work: • • •
Font size –12 Font type: – Arial or Calibri Line spacing: of 1.5 – 2.0.
The following links offer guidance on presenting your work. o o o
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of health and wellbeing against a case from practice, with a focus on health promotion from a paramedic science perspective.
Identify and analyse the biopsychosocial determinants of health of the chosen case including the activities of daily living.
There is a requirement to both consider and include normal physiological. structures and pathophysiological parameters of your case from practice
A broad range of high-quality evidence and literature is utilised skillfully to support discussion and critical analysis.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
• • • •
Clear focus on all elements of the task in a constructive and critical manner. The issues identified are all highly relevant and are analysed in an insightful and considered manner demonstrating significant skills of synthesis. Referencing is correct and follows the guidelines to consistently support and enhance the work. A broad range of high-quality evidence and literature is utilised skillfully to support discussion and critical analysis.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
• • • •
This unit aims to introduce you to the biopsychosocial determinants of health and wellbeing, facilitating your understanding of health promotion frameworks and practices. The concepts of health and well-being are relevant to the paramedic who has a responsibility for helping patients and their carer’s to understand the factors that affect their health. The role of psychosocial theories will be explored in relationship to health and well-being. A detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology will help you as a Paramedic to formulate preliminary diagnoses and determine appropriate management strategies.
Assignment Brief
How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Grading Domains Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of health and wellbeing against a case from practice, with a focus on health promotion from a paramedic science perspective. 25% Weighting Identify and analyse the biopsychosocial determinants of health of the chosen case including the activities of daily living.
(1 Class)
They have consistently demonstrated both focus and appreciation for the concept of health and wellbeing and promotion, against paramedic science.
Has demonstrated a good level of understanding towards health and wellbeing, and health promotion.
No significant errors.
Has a good understanding of the task in hand and demonstrates a broad range of organisation towards the material introduced. Some discussions seen relating to paramedic science.
Had focused clearly on all elements of the task in a thoughtful and constructively critical manner.
Good analysis of the information presented.
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard
Has demonstrated a fragmented understanding of health and wellbeing, and health promotion.
Has failed to demonstrate an understanding of health and wellbeing or health promotion.
With some errors seen.
Has demonstrated an adequate understanding of both health and wellbeing, and health promotion; however, improvements could be made.
Focused on the key elements of the task in a generally thoughtful and constrictive manner.
Had focused on the main elements of the task, set in a reasonably structured manner with some evidence of depth
Had focused on some elements of the task set in a reasonably structured manner; however, lacked depth at times.
Had focus one or two elements of the task which was delivered in a poorly structured manner and was lacking in depth.
Had not focused on the elements of the task and lacked structure. Descriptive in nature and lacked depth.
A good correlation of information that supports the case study. A clear understanding towards Anatomy and Physiology with its associated pathophysiology.
A good comprehension of anatomy and physiology, with relevant pathophysiology towards the chosen case.
A descriptive approach towards anatomy and physiology with minimal consideration for pathophysiology.
The work is often unsupported and describe, showing a lack of attention to the chosen case.
A poor or absent appreciation for the case study relating to anatomy and physiology.
Does not show any relationship of the two components in their case study.
Few errors seen.
25% Weighting
There is a requirement to both consider and include normal physiological. structures and pathophysiological parameters of your case from practice. 25% Weighting
A clear distinction has been made that differentiates the anatomy and physiology with the pathophysiology.
A few errors seen
Some errors seen.
Some reference to the case from practice. Improvements can be made.
Significant errors found. Fragmented anatomy and physiology understanding.
No understanding of key structures or the impact of disease.
Grading Domains A broad range of highquality evidence and literature is utilised skillfully to support discussion and critical analysis. 25% Weighting
(1 Class)
Referencing is correct, supporting and enhancing the quality of the work. Few errors seen.
An appropriate number of references are used. They are generally cited correctly and integrated well with few errors.
An adequate number of references which are generally cited correctly; however, with some errors seen.
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard A barely adequate or relevant number of references with referencing errors being seen.
A barely adequate or relevant number of references with referencing errors being seen.
An absence of any intext or end of assignment referencing that supports the work presented.
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Professional Values and Relationships (PAR005-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment One
Assignment type
Coursework – Reflective writing (CW-RW) First Person writing style
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
2000 words - (1500 words = Reflection + Eq. 500 words = Leaflet).
Unit learning outcomes
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Identify and understand the interpersonal factors that affect the service user experience in a pre-hospital care context and analyse these in the context of professional conduct.
Ability to assess and evaluate effective clinical practice, engaging with service users and the multidisciplinary team.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Formative Assessment: •
Group based seminar on the NHS Constitution with lecturer feedback.
Summative Assessment: •
Create a detailed leaflet that explores the key relationships between the ‘Standards’ set by the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Additional Information: •
To support your leaflet, you are required to write a 1500-word reflective commentary that discusses three HCPC standards and how you have seen them applied in practice.
You will create a leaflet (Eq, 500 words) using Microsoft Word and add as an appendix to your reflective narrative. You may refer to your leaflet within your work.
Think about your presentation design and content to your intended audience. It could be an information leaflet to either work Patient care, Health Care Practitioner, or other service provider.
When the term ‘Standards’ is used, it refers to the following: o Standards of Proficiency for Paramedics o Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics o Standards of Continuing Professional Development
You are not expected to cover all the standards in one article, therefore, consider the ‘key’ relationships and use this as your focus.
Consider performing a thematical analysis of the standards to generate your themes. If you go to YouTube and search Thematic Analysis, you can identify a video that best suit your needs.
Presenting your work: •
Normal academic presentation is split. For your written element: o Font size 12pt o Font type – Arial or Calibri o Line Spacing 1.5 - 2.0 Your leaflet does not have any academic constraints other than, it must be clear and appropriate to your audience, for example: o If your audience is a child, you may use larger font, less technical language, and more pictures, conversely for an adult this may be switched, more text, greater control of language, and smaller pictures.
Links to any Study Hub self-help guides relevant to your assessment or a generic signpost/link to the StudyHub guides:
• • •
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Identify an interpersonal encounter from placement that impacted on a service user’s experience of pre-hospital care.
Identify and analyse the factors which influenced the service users experience by making reference to no more than three standards from the HCPC Conduct, Performance, and Ethics (2016).
Consider suitable relationships or strategies with patients, carers, or MDT to enhance future practice.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
• • • • •
You should focus clearly in some depth on all elements of the task set in a carefully structured manner. The issues addressed are highly relevant and are analysed in a structured and considered manner. Referencing is correct, follows the guidelines given and consistently supports and enhances the work. No significant errors seen. Presentation is good throughout showing close attention to detail. Written expression is also good with no significant errors seen. Analysis and application of the knowledge and theory base is clearly evident and substantial. Relevant evidence had also been analysed in a competent manner.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? • •
The learning in this unit is linked to your experiences of working with service users. You will develop paramedic skills and practice these, demonstrating application of professional values. A key aim of this unit is for you to appreciate the importance of collaborative working in professional practice. Through group activities and assessment, you will begin to develop the skills needed for effective collaboration in practice.
Assignment Brief How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Grading Domains
70%+ (1st Class)
62-68% (2:1)
52-58% (2:2)
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail)
Identify an interpersonal encounter from placement that impacted on a service user’s experience of prehospital care. 20% Weighting
Identifies an interpersonal encounter and communicates the circumstances of the impact on a service user to an excellent standard.
Identifies an interpersonal encounter and communicates the circumstances of the impact on a service user to a very good standard.
Identifies an interpersonal encounter and communicates the circumstances of the impact on a service user to a consistent standard.
Identifies an interpersonal encounter and communicates the circumstances of the impact on a service user to an adequate standard.
Vaguely identifies an interpersonal encounter and communicates the circumstances of the impact on a service user to a poor standard.
Does not identify an interpersonal encounter or does not communicate the circumstances of the impact on a service user.
Identify and analyse the factors which influenced the service users experience by making reference to no more than three standards from the HCPC Conduct, Performance, and Ethics (2016). 20% Weighting
The presentation is submitted in an innovative manner. The presentation investigates and critically analyses the factors that influenced the chosen audience.
The presentation is submitted in an illustrative manner. The presentation appraises the factors that influenced the chosen audience.
The presentation is submitted in a manner that details key information. The presentation examines the factors that influenced the chosen audience.
The presentation is submitted in a format that is accessible to the audience. The presentation applies the factors that influenced the chosen audience.
The presentation format does not capture all the goals for this task. The presentation describes the factors that influenced the chosen audience.
The presentation format lacks care and attention and does not meet the goals set by this task. The presentation does not describe the factors that influenced the chosen audience.
The presentation consistently investigates and analyses the relationships with the chosen audience and enhances future practice.
The presentation shows good consideration for suitable relationships with the target audience. Some aspects consider enhancing future practice. Limited errors seen.
The presentation explores, some key ways where suitable relationships with the target audience can contribute to enhancing future practice. Some errors seen.
The presentation describes the way in which suitable relationships with the target audience can be made. Limited reference is made to enhance future practice.
The presentation offers some comment on the way suitable relationships can be built. Minimal reference to future practice.
The presentation does not consider the way in which suitable relationships can be built and does not link to practice.
Expression and structure are excellent
Expression and structure are consistently clear
Expression and structure are generally clear and
Expression and/or structure demonstrate basic
Expression and/or Expression and/or structure make the structure make the argument difficult to argument
Consider suitable relationships or strategies with patients, carers, or MDT to enhance future practice. 20% Weighting Communication and expression 10% Weighting
Grading Domains
Use of references 10% Weighting
42-48% (3rd Class)
70%+ (1st Class)
62-68% (2:1)
52-58% (2:2)
throughout and enhance the argument. Grammar, spelling and structure are of a very high standard with very minor errors, meeting high professional standards.
and enhance the argument. Grammar and spelling are of a high standard, with few errors, and consistently meet professional standards.
make the argument readily accessible. Grammar and spelling are good, with few errors, and generally meet professional standards.
understanding of the argument. Grammar and spelling adequately meet professional standards.
access. Grammar and spelling are below acceptable professional standards.
incoherent. Grammar and spelling are significantly below acceptable professional standards.
Consistently insightful use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary sources, to support, develop and hypothesise the argument. Referencing fully meets course requirements in text and reference list, with very few slips in consistency, clarity or format.
Consistently good use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary sources, to support and develop the argument. Referencing overall consistently meets course requirements in text and reference list with few slips in consistency, clarity or format.
Sound use of relevant knowledge and materials to support the argument, including some primary and varied sources. Referencing generally meets course requirements, in text and reference list, but may include slips in consistency, clarity or format.
Adequate use of relevant knowledge and materials to support the argument, showing limited analysis. Inconsistent referencing, in text and/or reference list, which may not fully meet course requirements.
Limited use of relevant materials to support the argument, showing no or very limited analysis . Absent or very poor referencing, in text and reference list, which does not meet course requirements.
Very limited or absent use of relevant materials to support the argument, showing no or very limited analysis. Absent or very poor referencing, in text and reference list, which does not meet course requirements.
Threshold Standard
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail)
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Foundations of Paramedic Practice (PAR003-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment Two
Assignment type
Practical Other (PR-OT) Third person writing style
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
Equivalent to 1500 words
Unit learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding •
Demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of professional standards and the impact on the paramedic profession and the individual practitioner
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Underpin professional practice with a range of core paramedic skills.
What am I required to do in this assignment? Formative assessment 1. Participate in a group debate, chaired by a member of the teaching team, examining how professional standards have not been met in Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Fitness to Practice (FTP) cases or scenarios. 2. Deliver a two-minute presentation that identifies and links your professional values against HCPC Standards of Conduct, Performance, and Ethics (2016). Summative assessment •
Create a Pecha-Kucha 10x10 presentation that provides a case review of a Fitness to Practice case.
Additional information • •
Your aim will be to produce a PowerPoint (ten slides, each slide for 1-minute) that discusses fitness to practice cases or scenarios. Refer to professional standards and frameworks that underpin practice and can look at how these are able enhance paramedic practice.
Pecha Kucha means ‘chitchat’ and was designed and patented in 2003 by Klein and Dytham who are architects. It is an alternative and powerful method for producing PowerPoint presentations. You can find more information at the following website: The above link provides rough Guidelines for Your PowerPoint Templates and Getting the Most out of Pecha Kucha. You can also go straight to this link to watch a YouTube video that explains the concept of Pecha Kucha and gives advice. Links to any Study Hub self-help guides relevant to your assessment or a generic signpost/link to the StudyHub guides • • •
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assignment Two, you will need to discuss and analyse the three following key factors: •
Prepare and submit a Pecha-Kucha presentation with visible narration.
Identify and review the professional standards and frameworks that underpin paramedic practice.
Apply understanding of professional standards and frameworks to fitness to practice cases or scenarios, explore the scope for enhancing paramedic practice.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
• • • • • •
You had focused clearly on all elements of the task in a thoughtful and constructively critical manner. Your narration was eloquent and engaging facilitating significant learning. The issues are all highly relevant and are analysed in an insightful and considered manner demonstrating significant skills of synthesis. You consistently demonstrate an excellent understanding of professional standards and frameworks in interpreting them to enhance practice. Consistently insightful use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary sources, to support, develop and hypothesise the argument. Referencing fully meets course requirements in text and reference list, with very few slips in consistency, clarity or format. Expression and structure are excellent throughout and enhance the argument. Grammar, spelling and structure are of a very high standard with very minor errors, meeting high professional standards.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? •
Within this unit you will prepare for a debate with peers by accessing, reading and reviewing documents relating to professional behaviour and standards of paramedic practice. You will explore your role as a paramedic and consider the expectations the public have regarding paramedics.
This unit will enable you to develop an understanding of how you will function within a professional framework in order to enhance paramedic services.
Assignment Brief How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Grading Domains
70%+ (1st Class)
62-68% (2:1)
52-58% (2:2)
Had focused clearly on all elements of the task in a thoughtful and constructively critical manner.
Had focused on key elements of the task in a generally thoughtful and constructively critical manner.
Their narration was eloquent and engaging facilitating significant learning.
Their narration was engaging and clearly supported learning.
Had focused on the main elements of the task set in a reasonably structured manner with some evidence of depth.
30% Weighting
The issues are all highly relevant and are analysed in an insightful and considered manner demonstrating significant skills of synthesis.
Apply understanding of professional standards and frameworks to fitness to practice cases or scenarios, explore the scope for enhancing paramedic practice.
Prepare and submit a Pecha-Kucha presentation with visible narration. 20% Weighting
Identify and review the professional standards and frameworks that underpin paramedic practice.
42-48% (3rd Class)
35-38% (Fail)
0-32% (Fail)
Had focused on some elements of the task set in a reasonably structured manner but lacked depth at times.
Lacked focus on many elements of the task set in a reasonably structured manner but lacked depth.
The work lacked any focus on the task set in a reasonably structured manner but lacked any depth.
Their narration was of good quality and facilitated learning.
Their narration was solid in terms of quality and helped learning.
The narration was of poor quality making
A broad range of relevant issues are analysed in a considered manner demonstrating skills of synthesis.
A range of relevant issues are analysed demonstrating good skills of analysis.
The relevance and analysis of selected issues is at times superficial.
The relevance and analysis of selected issues is at times superficial.
The relevance and analysis of selected issues is at times superficial.
Limited comprehension is demonstrated on some.
Limited comprehension is demonstrated on some.
Limited comprehension is demonstrated on some.
Consistently demonstrates an excellent understanding of professional standards and frameworks in interpreting them to enhance practice
Consistently demonstrates a very good understanding of professional standards and frameworks in interpreting them to enhance practice
Frequently demonstrates a good understanding of professional standards and frameworks in examining them to enhance practice
Demonstrates they have sound understanding of professional standards and frameworks in applying them to enhance practice.
Demonstrates they have poor understanding of professional standards and frameworks in recalling them to enhance practice.
Demonstrates they have a very poor understanding of professional standards and frameworks in choosing them to enhance practice.
Consistently insightful use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary sources, to support, develop and hypothesise the argument.
Consistently good use of a range and variety of relevant knowledge and materials, including primary sources, to support and develop the argument.
Sound use of relevant knowledge and materials to support the argument, including some primary and varied sources.
Adequate use of relevant knowledge and materials to support the argument, showing limited analysis Inconsistent referencing, in text and/or reference list, which may not fully meet course requirements.
Limited use of relevant materials to support the argument, showing no or very limited analysis.
Very limited or absent use of relevant materials to support the argument, showing no or very limited analysis.
Threshold Standard
30% Weighting Ensure your referencing conforms with the University of Bedfordshire’s Harvard Referencing Guidance, and consistently enhances your discussions. 10% Weighting
Referencing fully meets course requirements in text and reference list, with very few slips in
Referencing overall consistently meets course requirements in text and reference list with few slips in
Referencing generally meets course requirements, in text and reference list, but may include slips in consistency, clarity or format
Absent or very poor referencing, in text and reference list, which does not meet course requirements
Absent or very poor referencing, in text and reference list, which does not meet course requirements
Grading Domains
Your presentation must be of a high standard, with attention and accuracy to your written expression. 10% Weighting
70%+ (1st Class)
62-68% (2:1)
consistency, clarity or format
consistency, clarity or format
Expression and structure are excellent throughout and enhance the argument.
Expression and structure are consistently clear and enhance the argument.
Grammar, spelling and structure are of a very high standard with very minor errors, meeting high professional standards
Grammar and spelling are of a high standard, with few errors, and consistently meet professional standards
52-58% (2:2)
42-48% (3rd Class) Threshold Standard
35-38% (Fail)
Expression and structure are generally clear and make the argument readily accessible.
Expression and/or structure demonstrate basic understanding of the argument.
Expression and/or structure make the argument difficult to access.
Grammar and spelling are good, with few errors, and generally meet professional standards
Grammar and spelling adequately meet professional standards
Grammar and spelling are below acceptable professional standards
0-32% (Fail)
Expression and/or structure make the argument incoherent. Grammar and spelling are significantly below acceptable professional standards
Assignment Brief
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Key assignment details Unit title & code
Professional Values and Relationships (PAR005-1)
Assignment number and title
Assignment Two Practice Assessment
Assignment type
Placement Assessment Document (PR-PLAC)
Weighting of assignment
0% (Pass/Fail)
Size or length of assessment
Equivalent to 2500 words
Unit learning outcomes
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities •
Ability to assess and evaluate effective clinical practice, engaging with service users and the multidisciplinary team.
Ability to assess and evaluate effective clinical practice, engaging with service users and the multidisciplinary team.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Formative Assessment: •
• •
Your PAD will be audited at set points through the year where you will be expected to have achieved the following: o Semester One – 33% o Semester Two – 66% o Semester Three – All completed. Where required, Personal Development Plans can be used to support your progress. Feedback will occur via your PebblePad system
Summative Assessment: •
You will be continually assessed in practice by a Practice Educator (PEd.) on the criteria adapted from the Health and Care Professions Council, Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students (2016).
At the end of your placement year, your PEd. and Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) will meet with you to agree on your progress needs into your subsequent year, working towards your final year submission.
While the placement documentation is a continuous document you are expected to underpin your progress by: o o o
Completing all elements of practice at the required level for your studies. Identifying 2 service users to provide feedback on your practice. Practicing in accordance with your level of study and ensure appropriate professional conduct.
You will enter this information in your PebblePAD and submission will occur automatically after you have shared with your assessor and saved your progress.
DO NOT ACCESS your PebblePad via ATLAS as your work will not be saved. Only use your PebblePad Dashboard.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Complete all elements of practice at the required standard as assisted.
Identify at least two service-users to provide feedback and reflect on your practice.
Practice in accordance with and at the required standard and level of study required whilst ensuring appropriate acknowledgement to your professional conduct throughout.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
This is a pass/fail assessment and so the threshold expectations must be achieved.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
You will be able to apply the skills and knowledge you have gained during lectures and practical sessions to then apply to practice under the watchful guidance of an experienced Practice Educator. By doing this you will be able to develop your personal professional knowledge by bridging the gap between theory to practice.
Assignment Brief How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Grading Domains Complete all elements of practice at the required standard as ‘Assisted’. Identify at least two serviceusers to provide feedback and reflect on your practice.
Practice in accordance with and at the required standard and level of study required whilst ensuring appropriate acknowledgement to your professional conduct throughout.
Threshold Standard
Marginal Fail
Complete all elements of practice at the required minimum standard.
A few elements of practice were not completed at the required minimum standard.
Many elements of practice were not completed to the required minimum standard of assisted.
Identified at least two serviceusers to provide feedback and reflected on their practice.
Less than two service users were identified to give feedback, or no reflection of your practice was given.
No service user feedback was provided, and no reflection of your practice given.
Practice in accordance with and at the required standard and level of study required whilst ensuring appropriate acknowledgement to their professional conduct throughout. If a Personal Development Plan is in place, it must not be restrictive to progression.
Your practice was deemed to be not fully in accordance with and at the required standard and level of study required whilst ensuring appropriate acknowledgement to your professional conduct throughout. Personal Development Plan in place, however, is restrictive to progression.
Your practice was deemed to be not in accordance with and at the required standard and level of study required whilst ensuring appropriate acknowledgement to your professional conduct throughout. Personal Development Plan in place, PEd and PAT unwilling to allow the student to progress.