Assessment Handbook BSc Paramedic Science Level 6

Page 18

What am I required to do in this assignment?

Summative •

Critically analyse a case presentation from practice of a ‘critically unwell’ patient that has influenced your personal and professional development.

(Your essay must be accompanied by written verification from your mentor that the topic has been selected by you from your practice experiences in agreement with your mentor).

Additional Guidance •

Identify a critically unwell case from practice that allows you to construct a convincing argument for the most appropriate paramedic intervention(s). o You should focus on 2 or 3 interventions and critically analyse your rationale for this case, this needs to be mapped against contemporary evidence-based practice. o Your discussions should interpret and validate against approved scope of practice. o As a key part of your writing, you should have a forward-looking perspective that synthesises your case against future practices and the profession’s direction.

Add your mentor verification form as an appendix.

Your case study must be accompanied by a signed statement from your mentor verifying that permission has been sought from the patient/service user to discuss their case. If you do not include your verification form with your submission, this will trigger a ‘fail’ grade for the respective grading domain. See the grading rubric for clarification.

Presenting Your Work Assignment is written using the following: • • •

Font size - 12 Font type – Arial or Calibri Line spacing - 1.5 – 2.0.

The following links offer guidance on presenting your work. • • •

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