English Language subject guide 2015

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La h s i l g n E … ion t a c i n u m & Com

* Linguistics explained * Staff and students spell it out * Graduates on the ‘write track’


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Welcome. We’re going to give you the lowdown on life and learning in the Department of English Language and Communication. You will be hearing tales from students past and present who will be talking your language, while our supportive and experienced staff will be spelling out how great Bedfordshire is. And our fantastic facilities will, of course, speak for themselves. We promise, if you choose to study at Bedfordshire, you’ll definitely be on the ‘write track’…

© University of Bedfordshire, 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part strictly prohibited without the permission of the publishers. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the University of Bedfordshire. Information correct at date of publication, but subject to change.

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All the latest from the Department of English Language and Communication





Staff and students communicate with you

Value-added opportunities to make your CV glow and help you stand out from the crowd

10 SUCCESSFUL ALUMNI Inspirational stories from our former students


Check out our wide range of great courses

Subject Guide English Language & Communication

What is syntax (and why bother)?

The ni U versity ire of Bedfordsh for st fir is ranked ent ud st e th g in improv l na io at experience (N ey rv Su t Studen 2014)

Student satisfaction higher than ever! English Language and Linguistics at the University of Bedfordshire offers one of the best student experiences in the country! It’s official. According to the Complete University Guide 2015 the BA English Language and Linguistics course scored an amazing 4.30 for student satisfaction, the highest score to date. The University of Bedfordshire has been ranked within the top 10 universities for English courses and to date the English Language Studies with TEFL course has received an overall 100% satisfaction with 91% across all English Language Studies courses at the University with the department ranking eighth in the country.

School students get a taste for linguistics The Department of English Language and Communication received an enthusiastic response to our 3rd Annual Taster Day in Linguistics, held on 20 June. More than 40 students from local upper schools attended a day of interactive workshops, including Linguistics: The Magical Mystery Tour; The Sounds of English; Language, Culture and Identity, and Total Physical Response in TEFL, which were presented by the undergraduate teaching team. One visiting teacher commented that the day had been invaluable for the insight it provided into both linguistics and university life, with special appreciation for the student perspective delivered by two of our current undergraduates. Event organiser Alison Hancock said “We were delighted with the feedback we received; by the end of the day the participants felt they had a better understanding of linguistics, and over 75% said they would now consider studying linguistics at university.”

Syntax is a key area in linguistics and concerns how words go together to form sentences and express meanings. For example, ‘Ron quite likes Hermione’ means something different from ‘Hermione quite likes Ron’, but ‘Likes Ron quite Hermione’ is just gobbledegook. Syntax looks at the relationship between words in a sentence, and those relationships can be shown, measured, and compared. So what? Understanding how syntax works touches on many aspects of cognition: how the mind works. Careful analysis reveals complexity in texts. Everyone knows that some texts are harder to read than others; syntactic analysis enables us to show exactly where some texts are more complex than others. Simpler syntactic patterns usually have fewer, shorter arrows; complex sentences have more and longer arrows. Want to know more? Just ask.

Uni joins the celebrations at school graduation Theo Maniski, Head of the University’s Department of English Language and Communication, paid tribute to the boys and girls aged 8-9, as they prepared to leave Eaton Bray Academy and join middle schools. Theo said: “I hope we’ll see some of these ‘junior graduands’ in a decade or so wearing full gowns and mortarboards at a University of Bedfordshire graduation ceremony.” The Department of English Language and Communication has established strong links with the school. Over the past two years more than 10 student teachers, based in the Department of English Language and Communication, have benefited from work experience placements at the school. Former student, Julie Tawney, took a placement at Eaton Bray in spring 2011 and was offered a full-time teaching post at the school following her graduation last summer. Student teacher Julia Fenyvesi (25), who is studying for a BA in English Language Studies with Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), currently spends one day each week at the school working with the class teacher.

Julia Fenyvesi’s work placement at the Academy is helping her develop a range of skills in preparation for a career in teaching.

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meet the people

Talking your language

Our staff and students say life and learning in the Department of English Language and Communication is as easy as ABC… The University has a great international reputation for offering full- and part-time English language courses to improve your language skills and help you become a more socially, professionally and academically adept speaker. You’ll have the benefit of learning in a relaxed language school setting, but within a wider University environment with great facilities and plenty of social events, so you’ll get the best of both worlds. All of our classes are multinational, with students from all over the world, as well

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as from the UK. You’ll learn from friendly and experienced staff, who use interactive teaching methods, so you will have ample opportunity for group discussions and to develop your understanding. Plus, we know how daunting it can be to study in another country, which is why we support students from across the University with a range of English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills modules. So, our courses will enable you to flourish, whatever you decide to do in the future. And you don’t just have to take our word for it. Our courses are inspected

and accredited by the British Council, and English Language Teaching (ELT) has received very positive inspection reports from The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). So, whether you want to teach English abroad for a couple of years; want to gain the language skills necessary for international business; want to boost your abilities before embarking on a degree at the University; or you want to study English language at postgraduate level, we have the right courses for you.

Subject Guide English Language & Communication

“I am enjoying my time studying in the department and have met lots of interesting people from around the world“ Yichin Lin (International Foundation Course student)


Alison Hancock Title

Senior Lecturer in English Teaching (ELT) Q Why do you enjoy teaching your subject? A I have always loved language. When reading, I’ll find myself marvelling at the workings of a particular sentence, of its construction, or imagery, or meaning, or all three! The intricacies of language intrigue me. Q How did you get into linguistics? A I originally trained to teach English literature and drama. After completing my degree at Cambridge, I worked in Italy in TEFL. On my return to the UK, I worked as an English language examiner for Cambridge UCLES, as well as designing and delivering bespoke Italian and English language courses for individuals and groups and companies. Q What you think about the courses offered in the department? A Excellent! They provide exciting preparation for the world of work across a number of career paths. Q What is the best thing about the department? A The people! I’m part of a great team who take a real interest in students as individuals. The support adds value to our teaching and makes Bedfordshire a great choice for linguistics!

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meet the people Name

Michaela Sebkova Course

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) What is the best thing about your course? The teaching style. It is very different from my native Czech Republic, where students study from books and don’t work in groups. At Bedfordshire, the relationship between students and teachers is closer and much more friendly. What was the biggest challenge? The groups have students from around the world, all with strong accents. It can be hard to understand pronunciation, but it’s also interesting to learn about other cultures. We laughed a lot! What are your career ambitions? I am moving back to the Czech Republic and hope to find a job in which I can use my English, which has improved so much in my time at Bedfordshire. Any advice for prospective students? Don’t be shy. Everyone makes mistakes when they are speaking another language. This is a really good opportunity to try out your English.


Jagoda Hoffmann Course

BA (Hons) English Language Studies with TEFL (2012). FURTHER STUDIES

Currently on an MA in Applied Linguistics course with TEFL and working part-time as an assistant in the Language Centre at the University of Bedfordshire. Q H ow do you feel studying English Language improved your skill set? A T hree years of studying English with TEFL at the University of Bedfordshire were a life-changing experience for me. Also, from the very beginning of my studies I felt very welcomed here. Speaking from a perspective of a non-native speaker of English, I can say that the studies really helped me to improve my own use of English through extensive reading and writing, giving presentations, and group work. In particular I enjoyed the projects in which I had to develop my own teaching materials, try them out on real students, video-record myself teaching, and then self-evaluate. It was a very revealing and useful experience.

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Q H ow did the University of Bedfordshire open up opportunities? A T he University of Bedfordshire opened up new and interesting possibilities, for example, during the first two years of studies I worked for the Professional and Academic Development Team helping students with their academic skills. In my final year I chose the Professional Practice Unit for which I undertook a work experience placement in the University’s Language Centre. After its completion, I was offered a part-time position while studying my MA course. Q What is it about the University of Bedfordshire which makes it a great place to study? A I strongly believe it is the staff that makes the Department of English Language and Communication a great place to study. The teachers and lecturers are experts in their field, with interesting personalities and life experience. On top of that, they are very approachable, helpful, and friendly.

Subject Guide English Language & Communication Name

Barbora Mackova TITLe

Departmental Administrator for the Department of English Language and Communication Q W hat is your role at the University of Bedfordshire? A I look after the various administrative and organisational needs of the department, in particular its teachers and students. Q W hat do you feel is the teaching style here at the University? A All of the academic and administration staff are very approachable and knowledgeable, always going the extra mile for the student. I feel that the

teachers’ emphasis is mainly placed on the individual, his/her experience, and supporting their career path. The teachers are keen to share their extensive expertise in English language and communication, as well as their own experiences, leading the students towards excellence and success.

professional environment in which students can develop and grow under the supervision of inspiring and supportive staff.

Q W hat other opportunities does the University of Bedfordshire offer? A For its students, the department also offers a variety of opportunities to get involved in the local community and also in the departmental activities, where students can put their knowledge and skills into practice. Overall, I believe the Department of English Language and Communication is a homely, friendly and


Theo Maniski TITLE

Head of the Department of English Language and Communication Q What is the best thing about Bedfordshire? A The focus on people as individuals. Q Do the courses equip students for jobs in the real world when they leave? A Those studying TEFL options are well placed to work as teachers of English. Other courses prepare graduates for careers as translators and interpreters. Our courses are a good choice for those seeking jobs requiring high-level communication skills. Q Are there work placements or internships? A For our BA English Language courses – a credit-bearing unit is built into the course and there are school placements for prospective teachers. We support students on placement with weekly group sessions where they can discuss their experiences.


Q What’s the most rewarding part of your job? A The sense of achievement we get from our consistently good academic results – and when we hear from students that we have changed their lives. That’s the biggest accolade a teacher can receive. Q How do you rate the facilities? A The latest British Council inspection rated our facilities as ‘excellent’. The Language Centre has since been refurbished, with heavy investment in books, software and other material for language learning.

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OPENING UP OPPORTUNITIES Fostering your employability – value-added opportunities to make your CV glow and help you stand out from the crowd

Our degree courses in linguistics can open up career possibilities in a number of areas, including: interpreting; education; media; intelligence; PR; commerce; law and marketing. Both within the department and across the University there is a considerable range of opportunities available to you which can foster your communication and discussion skills, and enhance your employability. IN-HOUSE CLUBS

These are weekly-held clubs which are informal and student-driven, run by students for students. They are open to first, second and third-year students alike and help you to develop your subject knowledge. They allow you to benefit from each other’s understanding, knowledge and experience, and to ask any of those questions that you may still have after class. Among these, at present we have the Phonology Club and the Grammar Club. VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES

Doing something worthwhile for your local community can make your CV stand out when it comes to applying for a job. While the University’s Careers and Employment Service is a source of volunteering opportunities, the Department of English Language and Communication can offer you the chance to 8 www.beds.ac.uk

volunteer in the following schemes in areas related to your area of interest: • The Speech Therapy Rehabilitation Centre at the Luton & Dunstable Hospital • The Headway Centre for head injury rehabilitation in Bedford • Embrace Life Luton (HIV charity) • Eaton Bray Academy (a lower school in Dunstable) TEACHING PRACTICE

Students have the chance to provide the local community with free language classes. This gives our students essential practice of classroom management, critical for those interested in a career in TEFL. Regular attendance of the classes is rewarded with a certificate: another plus for your CV. GUEST SPEAKERS

The department was proud to host the renowned Professor David Crystal as part of the University of Bedfordshire Business School’s Leadership Futures Programme. Prolific writer, editor, lecturer and broadcaster, Professor Crystal is known as ‘the public face’ of linguistics in the UK. This was a rare opportunity to listen to one of the leading lights in contemporary linguistics. Professor Crystal spoke to a packed audience of over 250, which included school

groups and our own linguistics students. The event also provided photo opportunities and book signings, which Professor Crystal was happy to provide. We plan to run further events like this, inviting different linguists to speak on their areas of expertise, so watch this space! CROSS-UNIVERSITY STUDENT SOCIETIES

The University offers a number of societies (academic, cultural, faith, recreational and sports) to promote student participation and involvement. However, it is always possible to set up new societies. Among students in the Department of English Language and Communication there are currently moves afoot to establish a Debating Society. If you have an idea for a new society, you just need 10 students who would be interested in joining your group. Go to www.bedssu.co.uk for a society registration form. OPPORTUNITIES ABROAD: CHINA 2013

Last year 150 University of Bedfordshire students had the chance of going to Beijing College for two weeks. The International Office is planning future trips to up to six different destinations, encompassing the university’s Global Leadership programme and furthering its commitment to added value for students.

Subject Guide English Language & Communication

SPELLING IT OUT From fantastic labs to a brilliant research centre, our English Language and Communication facilities speak for themselves

Language Centre

At the heart of the Department of English Language and Communication, the Language Centre is the place to come if you are seeking self-access materials, private study or a quiet space for study group meetings. We are also the main point of contact for the Communication Skills programme and Pre-Sessional English courses, as well as the undergraduate courses offered within the department. If you have queries about registration and timetables, just ask. REVOLUTIONARY RESEARCH

The department proudly boasts the Centre of Research in Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) based at Putteridge Bury and led by the world-famous specialist in language testing, Professor Cyril Weir. The Centre offers assistance in quality research and development in English language learning and assessment to domestic and foreign scholars, examining boards and government organisations. Since its inception in 2005, CRELLA has won national and international recognition as a centre for research into language testing and as the source of a socio-cognitive validation framework on which governments can base their English examinations. In the 2008 Government Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), CRELLA’s research was

rated “world-leading” and “internationally excellent”. The department also hosts several visiting scholars from overseas universities each year, who come to observe classes, and to pursue their research interests, so students will learn from the very best. In line with this, we encourage our students to develop their own research potential by undertaking a small-scale research project on a topic of their choice, with guidance from their personal tutor, in stage three of their course. THE DEPARTMENT’S ASSESSED PRACTICE ROOM

Our Assessed Practice Room is put to various uses: for students practising presentations, and trainee teachers delivering their teaching practice among others. A valuable resource for our students, you have the chance to film and monitor your own performance and progression across a variety of disciplines. 24/7: LEARNING RESOURCES CENTRES

Open seven days a week, the Learning Resources Centres at the Luton campus in University Square and the Bedford campus in Polhill Avenue have thousands of books and periodicals, hundreds of PCs as well as video viewing rooms. Students can communicate through podcasting, voice email and voice discussion boards using the Wimba suite of voice tools.


For each of your units you can access your lecture notes, discussion boards, blogs, podcasts and announcements anywhere, any time, by logging on to the web-based distance learning system BREO. SUPPORTIVE STAFF

All of our students benefit both inside and outside of the classroom from our knowledgeable, approachable and experienced teaching staff. Plus, each student has a Personal Academic Tutor who will provide one-to-one support throughout the course. This supportive learning environment that we create is key in developing our students’ confidence, which enhances their learning experience. But you don’t have to take our word for it – our English Language and Communication courses are consistently highly ranked nationally, both for the subject area and for Student Satisfaction, last year coming second after Cambridge and ahead of Oxford universities. BEYOND GRADUATION

We know it can be tough getting a first break in your chosen career, so the Careers and Employment Service is here to help. You can see qualified advisers for careers guidance, to obtain feedback on draft CVs and application forms, to arrange work placements and practise interviews. www.beds.ac.uk 9

successful Alumni

Shipa Begum GRADUATED BA (Hons) English Language with


Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) 2012 (First Class Honours) Professional and Academic Development Administrator

Shipa joined the University after completing her A levels at the local Sixth Form College. “The University was close to home and provided me with financial support which greatly helped me throughout my studies” says Shipa. “However, the key reason for choosing this University was the fact that it was running the English Language Studies degree and facilitated the opportunity to explore various avenues of study of the English language and also specialise in the area of interest.” Shipa says she gained valuable practical experience from the course as it provided the opportunity to prepare and teach English to students for whom English was not their first language. “Another key practical experience I had was completing an individual research project at the end of my course which allowed me to deeply explore my area of interest. The project equipped me with the skills that are required to complete a project such as reading, researching, evaluating and presenting which has proved to be crucial in my current role at the University.” Shipa is currently working with the University of Bedfordshire’s Professional Academic Development team. “I train student representatives at the University on academic skills so that they can support their students on areas such as assignment writing and exam preparation. This involves carrying out a lot of reading and preparing workshop materials and content. I am also a student on the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) which I enjoy very much as it is enabling me to further develop my practical skills in teaching.“

SAY THE WORD English Language graduate Shipa Begum says Bedfordshire’s student-centred approach influenced her studies 10 www.beds.ac.uk

As for the future, Shipa intends to pursue a PGCE and qualify to teach A level English Language so she can stay in touch with her favourite subject.

Subject Guide English Language & Communication

on course We’ve got all the right courses to put your career on the write track BA (Hons) refers to a three- or four-year Bachelor’s Honours degree. BA (Hons)

English Language & Linguistics You will examine the scope of linguistics and its origins, and regard the grammatical, pronunciation, and lexical systems of English. Your understanding of linguistic and communication theory is developed through syntax, phonology and how these areas can be used in professional contexts. BA (Hons)

English Language Studies with Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) You will study the structure of English, how it is used and how it may be taught. You will learn how to plan lessons for different learners, taking into account their cultural and linguistic background.

International Foundation Courses (IFC) IFC Business IFC Computing IFC Engineering (offered at UCMK) These courses are for students who intend to take an undergraduate or postgraduate course and have an IELTS score of around 4.5. The courses have two key aims: first, to raise your competency in the English language to the required level for acceptance on undergraduate and postgraduate courses; and second, to acquaint you with the study skills you will require to cope with the tasks presented by a higher education course.

100% overall satisfaction on the English Lang uage Studies with TEFL course (Natio nal Student Survey 2014)

Pre-Masters courses Pre-Masters in Business Pre-Masters in Computing Pre-Masters in Engineering The Pre-Masters course is targeted at international students holding HND or equivalent qualifications, and is designed to enable them to progress to Masters level study. The courses will develop student’s language, learning and interpersonal skills, relevant subject-specific knowledge and the ability to engage critically with research in business, computing or engineering. It will also allow students to choose an optional unit relating to a specific functional area of activity, from a selection. This optional unit will provide students with experience of deeper specialisation, which may then be extended through their subsequent choice of Masters Course

General English Language Courses

English as a Foreign Language (part-time, evenings) These evening courses are for students who wish to raise their level of English and would like to take one of the Cambridge English exams. All our EFL courses are accredited and validated by the British Council/English UK accreditation scheme.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Brijesh Patel

General English Language Courses

English as a Foreign Language (summer school) These summer school full-time courses run for three weeks in July and August, and are offered at higher levels. The courses involve 15 hours of tuition per week and cover conversation, listening, reading and writing skills. All our EFL courses are accredited and validated by the British Council/ English UK accreditation scheme.

Full details for all our courses are available to download at www.beds.ac.uk/ugcourses

91% overall satisfaction on the English Lang uage Studies course (National Stud ent Survey 2014)

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