Welcoming students who are studying:
BSc Psychology
BSc Forensic Psychology
BSc Psychology, Counselling and Coaching

A very warm welcome to the School of Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire.
You have made an excellent decision to study psychology, learning how to make a positive difference in people’s lives and your communities. The skills that you will acquire include critical thinking, excellent oral and written communication and data analysis. These are attractive to any employer.
I am proud to lead a diverse and talented team of academics to deliver exceptional teaching and learning, high levels of community engagement, applied research and life-changing practice.
I encourage you to make good use of all the opportunities we offer to become an active member of our vibrant School culture. For example, drop into our study hub, have a cuppa with other students in The Metro café or come to one of our research seminars to hear what is at the cutting edge of psychology.
I look forward to meeting you during Welcome Week.
Professor Ann Weatherall Head of SchoolWELCOME FROM THE PORTFOLIO LEAD

BSc Psychology, Counselling and Coaching
If you’re interested in helping people understand themselves better or supporting people in reaching their goals, then Psychology, Counselling and Coaching course is the one for you!
As well as learning about the core areas of psychology you will have the opportunity to learn about the specialist areas of counselling and coaching. Throughout your course you will have the opportunity to learn counselling and coaching skills and use them to support others, providing excellent experience for further training or employment.
BSc Forensic Psychology
Have you ever wondered what makes individuals commit crimes? Are you intrigued by the intersection of human behaviour and the legal system? If these questions excite you, then Forensic Psychology is the right course for you. You will learn about the psychology of offenders, how psychology can help reduce the risk of miscarriages of justice and learn about the tools available to practitioner forensic psychologists. We have excellent connections with our local courts, police force and probation service; and you will have the opportunity to meet professionals in these settings.
Hello, my name is Isabella McMurray and I am a Portfolio Lead in the School of Psychology. Whether your interest in psychology has been driven by watching lots of crime series, or you have a strong desire to help people create positive change, your thirst for knowledge of the origins and applications of human thinking, emotions and behaviour has begun.
We are committed to supporting you to achieve your goals through inspiring teaching, promoting creativity and creating a safe environment in which to study. Our aim is for you to graduate as a professional, confident, independent and competent person who is ready for the workplace.
During your studies, you will have a course coordinator, unit coordinator, tutors and a personal academic tutor (known as PAT) who are here to support you. We will be with you every step of the way as you start your academic journey.
Isabella McMurray Portfolio Lead
BSc Psychology
Psychology is a fascinating and exciting subject to study, exploring aspects of the human mind, behaviour, social interaction and beyond. You will be exposed to theoretical and applied areas of Psychology, immersing yourself in the latest research underpinning key areas of study. We offer a wide range of laboratory facilities and technical equipment that is integrated into our teaching and research practices. At Level 4 and 6 we offer a variety of option units which is an excellent path to a degree that is tailored to individual interests and career aspirations.
Dr Anastasia Giannakopoulou Anastasia.giannakopoulou@beds.ac.uk

Welcome Week is your academic induction to studying Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire.
An example of a typical welcome week schedule is shown below*. We run two full days of face-to-face sessions where you will get to know the School, your academic team and your fellow students and we help you prepare for your future studies.
* Please note that this is an example – sessions may not necessarily be held on the Tuesday and Wednesday of Welcome Week.
Session 1 Getting to know your School community – meet your teaching team and learn how your course operates.
A big welcome to the University of Bedfordshire!
When you join the University you automatically become a member of our SU community for FREE! We are here to help every student get the most out of their university experience. We offer advice, support and the opportunity for you to have your voice heard. We want to ensure that you have fun, try new things, deepen your passions for hobbies and interests and meet wonderful new friends.
Beds SU has offices in Luton and Bedford where you will also find venues and a whole host of weekly events for students.
There will be plenty of events for you to enjoy during Welcome Week – keep an eye on our website for more or follow us on social media. We can’t wait to meet you.
Chidera, Amina, Ryan and Chidinma
Your current Beds SU Executive Team
Beds SU (Luton and Bedford) bedssu.co.uk help@bedssu.co.uk

Session 2 Get to know your peers – enjoy some team challenges.
Session 1 Meet your Personal Academic Tutor – get to know them and find out how they can support you throughout your studies.
Session 2 Prepare for your first week of study – learn how to access our systems and resources so you can have the best possible start.
We will be in touch with you closer to the time to let you know about specific activities and where they will be held.
Our colleagues in the student support and learning resources teams will also host sessions to help you explore the essential services you will use throughout your time with us.
Of course, Welcome Week wouldn’t be Welcome Week without the Freshers’ Fair, which is run by the University of Bedfordshire Students’ Union. They will host plenty of events and activities, so keep an eye on their website and follow them on social media to find out more.

Remember to reply to your offers!
If you have received decisions from all the universities you applied to before 16 May, the UCAS deadline for replies is Thursday 6 June. Reply to your offers by signing into your UCAS application.
Registering for your course
Once you have met the conditions of your offer, you will receive an email to complete your online registration. Keep an eye on your emails and junk box to ensure you don’t miss it!
Everything you need for moving to university
If you’re moving home, here’s a handy checklist from UCAS to make sure you pack everything you need.
We want you to have the best possible start during your first week. To help you prepare, here are some useful links:
Your Psychology degree is accredited by the British Psychology Society. Its website is a great resource full of interesting blogs and articles including this one, which explores why we need to study psychology.
• Why do we need psychology? And what does psychology need? | BPS
Enjoy this clip of our Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology, Joseph Adonu, where he explores the psychology of one of the hardest feelings to define: love!
• Does love at first sight actually exist?
Take time to familiarise yourself with the layout of our campus and the names of buildings. This will help you get around with ease when you arrive.
• Luton campus
Once you enrol as a student, you will have access to a range of discounts nationally, locally and on campus.
• Get the latest student discounts with TOTUM, the National Union of Students discount card and app.
• Check out the latest offers from the University of Bedfordshire SU
• Find out if you are eligible for scholarships, bursaries and other discounts
• In Bedfordshire
• Let Luton surprise you
• Love Bedford
Your personal timetable will be available on the website once you have fully registered with the University as a student. You can also access your timetable via the MyBedsLife app (see p.17 for more on how to download our award-winning app).
Remember, it is important that you attend all timetabled classes and course inductions.
Academic Calendar
Academic information
Guide to referencing
Student Information Desk (SiD)
Student Support

Our teaching model includes significant time for sharing and discussing ideas in a supportive group. That is why you are expected to attend classes, actively engage in lectures, seminars, and workshops and become involved in our community of learning by taking part in extracurricular activities organised by the School.
Some students work part-time alongside their studies, while others have family commitments or even both. It can be challenging to balance competing priorities without over-stretching (or stressing) yourself, particularly as assessments loom. Assessments are usually due in the middle and towards the end of the semester. We will tell you about these in the first week so you can start to carefully plan your schedule.
Here are some examples of the units you will study in your first year:
Foundations to Psychology
Introduction to Research Methods
Psychology in Everyday Life
BSc Psychology Counselling and Coaching
BSc Forensic Psychology
Introduction to Counselling Psychology and Criminal Behaviour
BSc Psychology Choose either unit

The course assessment strategy is closely aligned to the University’s teaching and learning strategy which is designed to:
• have an immediate relevance to the workplace
• draw on expertise by experience
• foster active learning and be learner-centred in approach.
A distinct feature of the course is the range of assessment tasks including authentic assessments designed in collaboration with professionals. This helps put into practice what you are learning in university and can help increase your confidence.
These can vary depending on the course you are studying, but here’s an example of what your assessments might include:
Leaflets and posters
Reflective journal
Practice based learning
In-class tests
Web portfolios
Case studies.
Assessments are purposefully diverse and created to relate to industry practices.
We use a virtual learning environment called BREO (Bedfordshire Resources for Education Online) which helps our students keep up to date with everything that’s happening.
Here you will find a range of online tools to support you during your studies, from information about your teaching team and links to live online sessions, to lecture slides and assessment information.
We advise all students to log in to BREO every day once you arrive on campus as it is regularly updated. You can only access BREO once you have registered with us as a student but you can read more about it on our website
Get support with your learning and assignments Study Hub
Visit the Library
Begin@Beds Start your student journey
Thrive@Beds My Beds Life
Succeed@Beds Careers and Employability Service Student Support

Who do I contact if I struggle to attend classes or submit work?
We understand that everyone will face some difficulties now and again and we aim to be flexible. You are encouraged to discuss ongoing issues with your personal academic tutor or unit lead. For independent advice or for ongoing attendance issues you can contact studentengagement@beds.ac.uk. You can apply for an extension on your assignment by emailing mitigation@beds.ac.uk. You can find out more on our website
Who can help me with my assessments?
If you need support with your assignments you can contact our Study Hub which offers free professional support to help you develop a wide range of relevant and valuable academic skills. You can find out more on our website
What support is available for students with a learning difference or disability?
Our Disabilities team supports students with a range of disabilities including sensory and physical impairments, mental health difficulties, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, and medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, sickle cell anaemia and arthritis. You may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, where you can discuss any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations. You can email disability@beds.ac.uk for further information and advice.
Are there clubs and activities I can get involved with?
Yes, the Students’ Union can tell you everything you need to know about sports clubs, activities and events for all our students. You can even set up your own society! Contact Beds SU by emailing beds.su@beds.ac.uk
All our students and staff can sign up for a free gym membership This membership will also give you free Get Active sessions.
What if I’m struggling with my mental health at university?
The University has a range of services offering specialist help. You can email mentalhealth@beds.ac.uk for new or ongoing mental health support needs. To access our counselling services, email counselling@beds.ac.uk
Is there any support to help me manage my finances?
Our dedicated Student Money Advice team offers confidential financial advice, information and support. They can advise you on a range of funding options such as grants, loans, bursaries and scholarships, as well as guiding you on the best way to manage your finances. You can contact them by emailing studentmoney@beds.ac.uk
Our award-winning app MyBedsLife gives you access to everything the University has to offer. You can have a look around the app before you enrol on your course to get an idea of how it works. Once you’re a student, it will give you access to your emails, timetable, MyPrint balance, support services and much more. Plus you’ll get notifications to ensure you are always up to date.
Throughout your degree, you will have access to our Student Support teams, offering you practical and confidential advice and support.
Careers and Employability
Our Careers and Employability Service offers advice and support with everything from drafting the perfect CV and preparing for interviews to volunteering and graduate placements. You can access a range of online tools to help you in your career development and job search.
Community and faith
All students are welcome to join our exciting programme of activities or access our confidential, personal support – as well as a range of social activities and events. Visit us at the Tree House Centre at our Luton and Bedford campuses or find out more on the website
Student Voice
Help us to enhance your student experience by using your student voice to celebrate the positives, make suggestions for change and let us know when and where we can do things better. Find out how you can get involved
Cost of Living Hub
Our Cost of Living Hub brings together the latest information, support and guidance for students affected by the rising cost of living. You can access the Hub via the MyBedsLife app (see p.17) or our website
Student Engagement
Mental Wellbeing
Disability Support
Student Money Advice
Student Support
We offer a wide range of support for students with varying needs and experiences including those with caring responsibilities; those facing homelessness; students who are estranged from their families; and much more. Find out how we can support you during your studies.
Support and Report
Respect, tolerance and inclusion are core values of our academic community. Support and Report is a confidential, centralised point of contact for all our students and staff to share concerns about offensive, threatening or anti-social behaviour, on or off campus. Find out more
Always remember, our team is here for you!
We know there’s a lot to take in when you start university. We’ll support you throughout, especially at the beginning. We are confident that you’ll love our friendly campus and everything the University of Bedfordshire has to offer.
All our BSc and MSc courses are accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS).
In the National Student Survey 2023, 94% of our students gave positive responses when asked how good our teaching staff were at explaining things.
Our research and practice expertise directly informs our teaching, creating a focus on the real-life application of psychology. Some of our academics continue to work in industry as consultants for the police, councils and charities.
Your career prospects are strong. Our graduates have gone on to work in a variety of careers including human resources and coaching and within the NHS, police and Probation Service.
You can work on cutting-edge research projects with our academics through our Research Assistant Scheme and have the opportunity to present your supervised research to your peers and psychology professionals at our annual Student Research Conference.
Our courses are reviewed and developed in conjunction with a panel of industry professionals from the NHS, mental health support and commercial organisations to ensure they align with the needs of employers.
All our courses offer field-trip opportunities to highlight the relevance of the topics you are learning including real-life court cases at crown court.
You will have access to specialist, industry-standard psychology laboratories and computing environments including a biological and cognitive psychology lab; cognitive neuropsychology lab; VR lab; and a suite of research cubicles with a range of specialist equipment.