Our unique course in Advanced Clinical Practice has been specifically designed for those healthcare professionals with skills and knowledge, to allow them to expand their scope of practice to better meet the needs of the people they care for.
It will help develop the healthcare professional to lead, innovate, improve and enhance healthcare in a diverse range of settings, extending advanced practitioner knowledge, skills and expertise.
ACPs are deployed across all healthcare settings and work at a level of advanced clinical practice that pulls together the four ACP pillars of clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research (HEE, 2017).
Our team is here to support you and work with you as you develop your academic skills in your chosen area of study. We are looking forward to welcoming you into the course.
Rachel BrucePrincipal Lecturer and Course Coordinator
Course Coordinator
Rachel Bruce
Your personal academic tutor is Email
Student Information Desk (SiD)
beds.ac.uk/sid sid@beds.ac.uk
Treehouse Community & Faith Centre
Debbie Buck Senior Lecturer and ApprenticeLead
Mental Health Services
beds.ac.uk/student-support/mentalwell mentalhealth@beds.ac.uk
BedsSU (student union) help@bedssu.co.uk
Welcome information will be available online. Once you pay your fees and you complete your registration, you will be able to access BREO (Bedfordshire Resources for Education Online), where you will have all welcome information about your course.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rachel Bruce, your course lead rachel.bruce@beds.ac.uk or Senior Lecturer and Apprentice Lead, Debbie Buck, debbie.buck@beds.ac.uk.
For more information on joining your course, visit Begin MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Apprenticeship) @Beds where you will find updated info, tips and dates of your course induction week etc.
For those who are enrolled on the Advanced Clinical Practice course, you will be focusing on:
Education in Healthcare
Leadership and Supervision in Healthcare
Research Methods in Healthcare
Work Based Learning surrounding History Taking, Assessment, Planning and Evaluation
Mental Health Skills for Healthcare Practitioners
Non-Medical Prescribing
Service Improvement
How to find your Timetable
Information about your learning with BREO
Study Hub is the Library academic support service, a one-stop-shop for any academic, resourcing or general IT assistance to create the best assignments you can.
Visit the Library
Begin@Beds Start your student journey
Thrive@Beds My Beds Life
Succeed@Beds Careers and Employability Service
The assessment strategy encompasses a wide range of assessment formats including: Essays
Projects Reports
Peer observation
OSCE and presentations
Formative assessments will give you an opportunity to receive developmental feedback as you prepare your final submissions.
Ensure to check your welcome information on your individual unit for more details about the first teaching session.
• Stories as mirrors: reflective practice in teaching and learning
The Luton Campus Centre holds a wide range of facilities including the main reception, careers centre, the campus gallery space & Café Neo on the ground floor. There's a large central lecture theatre as well as a range of study rooms & breakout spaces on the upper floors.
It's also the place to build your social life with our modern Students’ Union in the Metro Bar & Kitchen; home to tasty food & drink and hosting regular live music, DJ nights and student events.
• Luton Campus
Scheduled teaching is face-to-face each week for 10 weeks per semester, with some guided and autonomous hours as well.
Sample timetable – Semester 1 MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Tue Wed Thu Fri
Is there someone who can help me with my assessments?
The lecturing team are always available to guide you with the theory based content and you might want to book a 1:1 tutorial with your Unit Lead or your Personal Academic Tutor. If you need more time to complete an assignment, please contact Student Engagement and Mitigation (SEAM) who deal with extensions for assessments. Their email is mitigation@beds.ac.uk
Is there somewhere for me to get support if I have a learning difference such as Dyslexia?
Yes! There is plenty of help available and students may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, stating any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations.
What are the student support services available?
The university provides various services to support students such as:
• Student Engagement
• Mitigation Team
• Student Engagement Monitors (SEMs)
• Disability
• Counselling Service
• Mental Well-being
• Community & Faith
• Student Money Advice
• Student Health
• Student Safeguarding
Are there activities aimed at mature students that I can get involved with?
Yes! The Student Union will provide lots of information about the events available for all students at UoB. For more information visit bedssu.co.uk
Simulation suite beds.ac.uk/simulation
Learning Difference support information beds.ac.uk/student-support/disabilities2