Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
School of Applied Social Sciences

Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
School of Applied Social Sciences
Welcome to the School of Applied Social Sciences (SASS). As a group we are interested in the application of ideas about how society is shaped, how it changes over time, and in particular, where power lies in these processes. This means we are committed to understanding and exploring both structural dynamics and an individual’s ability to shape their social environment. We are particularly attuned to issues of social justice and to the experiences of those with the least power in society. Your studies will help you to reflect on these fundamental social dynamics and will be oriented towards positive social impact.
I am Sandra Roper, the course coordinator for the Childhood and Youth Studies (CAYS) degree. The whole CAYS teaching team are very much looking forward to meeting you in September and to getting to know you over the course of your studies.
Sandra Roper Course Coordinator, Luton CampusWelcome to Childhood and Youth Studies at the Bedford campus, a dynamic and enriching journey into the fascinating world of child development. We are thrilled to have you as part of this engaging academic community. The course will equip you with subject-specific knowledge and skills essential for careers in areas such as education, welfare, and youth and community work, focusing on children, young people, families, and communities; we aim to support you in fostering a commitment to making a positive impact in these areas. The curriculum addresses issues of discrimination, oppression, and inequality in society, guiding you to understand the implications of these issues in your future work.
We explore the intricate and evolving nature of child development, delving into the various factors that shape the growth and experiences of children and young people. From cognitive and emotional development to social interactions. Additionally, we delve into the rich tapestry of narratives surrounding childhood and youth, examining how cultural, historical, and societal perspectives contribute to shaping these stories. By exploring diverse narratives, we seek to broaden your perspectives and encourage critical thinking about the ways in which childhood is understood and represented.
I am Michelle Nelson, the course coordinator for the Childhood and Youth studies (CAYS) degree at the Bedford campus.
I look forward to meeting you in September.
Michelle Nelson Course Coordinator, Bedford CampusCourse Coordinator, Luton Campus
Sandra Roper sandra.roper@beds.ac.uk
Course Coordinator, Bedford Campus
Michelle Nelson michelle.nelson@beds.ac.uk
Portfolio Lead
Adrienne Sharples adrienne.sharples@beds.ac.uk
Your personal academic tutor is Email
Student Information Desk (SiD) beds.ac.uk/sid sid@beds.ac.uk
Treehouse Community & Faith Centre
Mental Health Services
beds.ac.uk/student-support/mentalwell mentalhealth@beds.ac.uk
BedsSU (student union) help@bedssu.co.uk
For us, your university experience is closely tied up with being part of the CAYS community. This means that we see induction as an opportunity to begin to build a sense of community and team. We will, of course, talk you through relevant aspects of studying with us and what to expect over the coming weeks but our focus will be on getting to know one another.
Here are some of the activities that we typically cover during Welcome Week:
Hopes, fears and expectations
Becoming part of the CAYS community: Our vision and some resources
Overview of your course structure
Getting to know each other – social activity (and cake)
Question time with thoughts from current students
For more information on joining your course, visit Begin BA Childhood and Youth Studies @Beds where you will find updated info, tips and dates of your course induction week etc.
Our academic years are divided into 2 semesters
Academic skills
Semester 1
(September to December)
Semester 2
(January to May)
Development in Childhood and Youth
Relationship Based Practice
Narratives of childhood and youth Career planning for social scientists
Introduction to research and social enquiry
How to find your Timetable
Information about your learning with BREO
Get support with your learning and assignments Study Hub
Visit the Library
Begin@Beds Start your student journey
Thrive@Beds My Beds Life
Succeed@Beds Careers and Employability Service
To be a learning community which fuses our practical and embodied experience, our funds of knowledge, with the best of academia to make a real impact in the lives of the children, young people and families with whom we will work.
The Childhood and Youth Studies course will support you to develop the understanding and skills needed to make a valuable contribution in three key areas:
Whichever of these most interests you, our course will give you the relevant knowledge and understanding to make a positive contribution in your future workplace.
We will do this by focusing on topics such as:
• Developmental perspectives
• Sociological perspectives
• Research and Evidence
• Rights and welfare
• Social justice
• Historical inequalities which structure our society: class, gender and race
Developing an understanding of these will give you a framework which you can draw on in your studies, when completing your assignments, and as you move into the world of work.
Work with young people and communities
Work in and around schools
Work in and around social care with children and families
Our focus is on marginalized children and young people who miss out on advantages and experience trauma. We reflect on evidence-based practice, research, and theory to broaden our understanding while also keeping our focus on the rights of children and young people.
We encourage our students to develop interpersonal skills and self-belief to create social change. Further, we guide you towards careers that positively impact children’s lives. By supporting research with staff and students, we strive to create a thriving learning community.
We use a wide range of assessments. During your course you will write some essays and reports, but you will also deliver presentations, prepare posters, take part in role plays, curate objects (around childhood) and use new technology (e.g. to make short informative videos).
• https://www.facebook.com/groups/3916995885006387
• https://twitter.com/UoB_SASS
• Eating and drinking on-campus – University of Bedfordshire
• Luton
• Bedford
We will give you a hard copy of your timetable during induction and it will also be available via the mybedslife app. We will ensure that you have this installed during induction.
How can I get the best grades during my time at university?
Attend as many of your lectures and seminars as possible by managing your multiple responsibilities and the time available for your studies. Ask for support if there is something you don’t understand or are struggling with; we will help you get the support you need.
Is there someone who can help me with my assessments?
Details are in your assessment handbook, so check out the guidance there. Your course team are always available to guide you with curriculum content and you might want to book a 1:1 tutorial with your Unit Lead. If you need more time to complete an assignment, please contact Student Engagement and Mitigation (SEAM) who deal with extensions for assessments. Their email is mitigation@beds.ac.uk
Is there somewhere for me to get support if I have a learning difference such as Dyslexia?
Yes! There is plenty of help available and some students may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, stating any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations.
What happens if I miss class due to being unwell or having difficulties with childcare or travel?
We understand that everyone will face some difficulties now and again and we aim to be flexible and supportive. You are encouraged to discuss ongoing issues with your Personal Academic Tutor or Unit Lead.
What can I do to supplement my degree to help me in the future?
Take up the opportunities offered by the Careers and Employability Service, (careers@beds.ac.uk); Beds Student Union, (beds.su@beds.ac.uk), and other organisations within the university to develop your networks and gain skills relevant for your future graduate destination and personal development.
Are there student societies and activities I can get involved with?
Yes! Here in SASS we run a number of #SASS Change Maker events, Student Inclusivity Network Groups (SING) and also have our own Social Learning Space up on the fourth floor of C block that you can book for extra curricular activities with your classmates. The Student Union also have information about the sporting clubs and events available for all students beds.su@beds.ac.uk
What if I’m struggling with my mental health at university?
We will support you and have a range of services who can offer specialist help. mentalhealth@beds.ac.uk – new or on-going mental health support and counselling@beds.ac.uk – access to counselling support.
Can I talk to someone about my money worries?
Yes. We recognise the cost of living crisis is impacting significantly on students. Our financial advisors can help you. Contact studentmoney@beds.ac.uk
There is a lot to take in when you begin studying. The teaching team have been working in the Childhood and Youth sector for many years and here are our top 10 reasons to study this course:
The CAYS team has a relational approach to working with our students. As a community we all learn from each other. Over the next three years we hope to support you in developing your academic confidence into applied professionalism in your chosen career where you can positively impact the lives of children and young people.
You will bring your own experience to the knowledge you will gain during your studies. You will develop skills in applying these to practice in your future work with children, young people and families.
You will be taught by staff who are passionate about making a difference to the lives of children and young people and who want you to share that passion.
You’ll have the opportunity to get involved in our #SASS Change Maker events and other extra curricular activities, meet other students, increase your knowledge and develop new skills.
We value everyone, respect your lived experience and recognise how it contributes to our vibrant, inclusive, academic community.
We’ll make sure you feel that you belong to your academic community and are confident about your ability to succeed; everyone is helpful and wants you to do well.
We’ll take care of you; mental health is important for all of us, students and staff alike.
You’ll focus on your employability skills right from the start of your studies, so you can plan for your dream graduate destination working with children, young people and families.
We’ll listen to you and will respond to your ideas about teaching, learning and the wider aspects of your student experience, by co-creating solutions with you.
We’ll help you think about the difference you can make in the world by promoting social justice; you’ll become one of our #SASS Change Makers.