UOW 2016 Report on Giving

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2016 Report on Giving

Stands for purpose

2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Contents 1

Vice-Chancellor’s Message


What a Bright Idea: McKinnon Walker Trust UOW Cares… (we really do!) Get Some Experience: Early Start Discovery Space In Your Corner: Improving youth mental health through boxing

SCHOLARSHIPS 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 18 19 20

Scholarships in Numbers Winifred Bullot Smith Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing On the Move: Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship True Determination: Southern Highlands Foundation Indigenous Scholarship Digital Happiness: Telstra’s gift-in-kind Full Circle: Carol Marshman gives back Cycle of Giving: Suzanne Payne Straightforward Philanthropy: Scholar Morgan Way gives back Ancient Philanthropy: Diana Wood Conroy’s archaeological scholarship Numbers Add Up: NAB Scholarship support

RESEARCH 23 24 26 28 30 31

Right State of Mind: Kate Swaffer dementia advocate Anatomy of Philanthropy: UOW’s Body Donation Program The Locals: Illawarra Cancer Carers Professor Marie Ranson on Progress in Cancer Research A Small Leap to Save the Southern Corroboree Frog Stems of Growth: Barry Osmond supports photosynthesis research team


Our Supporters

Cover Photo: Five of the seven UOW students who participated in the 2016 McKinnon Walker Trust Study Tour (left to right): Mr Mitchell Brown, Mr Bailey Bond, Ms Sophie-May Kerr, Ms Troy She Tze Yan, Mr Angus Brooks

Vice-Chancellor’s Message

Our students are at the heart of the University and our commitment to them is paramount. In 2016 a total of 34,444 students studied with the University of Wollongong across our domestic and international campuses. It is our responsibility to do what it takes to ensure that our graduates are equipped for the global workforce as fierce competitors for the highest calibre positions. This is no small task as we continue to enhance our students’ educational experiences through your support.

Our research has been headlined across the globe for our innovative work in areas such as cancer and Motor Neurone Disease. Also UOW’s work in our Global Challenges Program to transform our communities into dementia-friendly environments has been recognised by the World Health Organisation. Each of these initiatives have been supported by generous alumni, staff and community members.

2016 Report on Giving

The University of Wollongong is ranked in the top 1% for graduates as rated by global employers and we are in the top 2% of world universities. We are a research-intensive university with an outstanding reputation for its learning environment across a broad range of disciplines. In 2016 UOW officially opened the iAccelerate Centre which is the Illawarra’s first business incubator and accelerator for innovation.

University of Wollongong

Every year we set out to develop our report on giving and show our appreciation for your generous support. This year is no exception. We want you to see what we see, that your philanthropy extends far beyond your donation.

The University is proud of our strong partnerships that continue to elevate its impact in our communities. It takes a committed network of supporters to achieve the goals we have set out before us.

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Paul Wellings CBE Vice-Chancellor


We are grateful for all of your contributions and your aligned partnership as we journey towards transforming lives and regions.


2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Community Impact

What a Bright Idea

“The spur comes from the experience Suzanne and I have gained through more than 40 years in several government and academic consultative roles, of the desirability to have funds, in addition to normal carefully budgeted institutional funds, with which the Vice-Chancellor can bring life to ideas likely to improve the University,” explains Professor McKinnon.

In 2016 seven current UOW students, alongside UOW staff, took part in the McKinnon Walker Trust international study tour. Our students travelled to nine universities across the globe to examine how different campus environments and resources impact student life and their academic experience.

Professor McKinnon and Ms Walker are very passionate about seeing the brightest and most talented minds taking advantage of opportunities to soar and make impactful changes in our lifetime. And they are proud to be able to have a part in that through their philanthropy.

“The core goal is to foster widespread commitment to innovation and be a particular avenue of support for excellence.”


Emeritus Professor Ken McKinnon sees this Trust as an opportunity to let creative ideas flourish. He sees the role of the University to truly educate our students and not just as an institution that teaches courses. As educators at a university level, evidence of growth within our students should be about more than book-smart individuals equipped with the skills to fit in the workplace. Educators should also aim to develop genuinely good people that reflect the leadership at UOW.

Professor Ken McKinnon and Ms Suzanne Walker

2016 Report on Giving

Their combined vision to seed innovative ideas has meant that Professor McKinnon and Ms Walker were delighted to announce a personal philanthropic gift of $1.3 million to the University of Wollongong. They established the McKinnon Walker Trust to foster innovation and support excellence.

University of Wollongong

It is refreshing to see philanthropists craft a strategy tied to the heart of the organisation they are supporting. The heart of the University of Wollongong is our students. And Former University of Wollongong (UOW) Vice-Chancellor Emeritus Professor Ken McKinnon AO and his wife Ms Suzanne Walker, a UOW alumna, have a life-long commitment to the importance of investing in bright ideas.

University of Wollongong 2016 Report on Giving

UOW Cares®… (we really do!) Here at UOW we are proud of our staff’s role in contributing to the communities we are connected to. Through the UOW Cares® Workplace Giving program, UOW staff support charities that have a significant impact on the development of our world. Through our philanthropy we are showing how we care about young lives and the importance of investing in their well-being. We are showing that we understand the importance of taking care of our environment and the community we live in. Our giving aligns with our strategic plan, to create a greater impact.



We support



OUR CURRENT CHARITIES ARE: –– S.C.A.R.F Strategic Community Assistance to Refugee Families –– Landcare Illawarra Community groups who care for a broad range of environmental activities –– Indigo Foundation Community development –– UOWs Learning and Development Scholarship Fund Supports vital student scholarships


of the money received goes to our designated charities

University of Wollongong


caring donations made every fortnight

To learn more about UOW’s workplace giving program please visit: uow.edu.au/about/community/giving


$480,000 donated to charities through UOW Cares program


More than

One of the benefits of giving (other than that great feeling of making a difference) is knowing that collectively our gifts are making an impact on the lives of many people around the world. UOW Cares® is striving to improve lives around the globe and encourages you to join us in saving refugees, ending avoidable blindness and supporting those with mental illnesses.

2016 Report on Giving

–– Headspace Wollongong Providing mental health services to the community –– The Fred Hollows Foundation Ending avoidable blindness –– The Smith Family Learning for life program –– AIME Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience – students aiming for success –– Autism Spectrum Aspect South Coast School Provides programs for children with autism and their families

In the year since its launch, the Early Start Discovery Space has steadily grown and added more experiences for children and the young at heart to enjoy. The Early Start Discovery Space has created fun ways to enjoy real-life experiences in an environment that encourages parent-child engagement.

We all know that we continue to grow through experience. And with 190 donors contributing towards the experiences, my my – look how Early Start Discovery Space is growing! In 2015 we started out with 14 experiences for child participation. In 2016 there were multiple new activities and enhancements to the current experiences, which included plans for further expansion, including the new Crawlers’ Beach Experience. The Crawlers’ Beach experience features various activities to engage children from birth to two years old. It is a purposebuilt experience to develop various sensory and motor skills in children such as their vision, self-awareness and self-recognition. There is also opportunity for tummy time to help strengthen the neck muscles and encourage rolling and crawling as well as reading space to encourage quiet time. To learn more about how you can support Early Start Discovery Space please contact us at donations@uow.edu.au or 02 4221 3042.

Shipyard: Load the cargo and set sail

2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Get Some Experience


Construction: A solid foundation is key to solid beginnings

Tummy Tour: Beans beans good for the heart – how many children made the tummy fart? 160,800 to be exact

Crawlers’ Beach – a fun day at the beach (without the sand-filled nappy)


University of Wollongong

2016 Report on Giving


University of Wollongong

In Your Corner: Improving youth mental health through boxing


2016 Report on Giving

Growing up with ADHD, Canadian native Kevin Rourke knows first-hand how difficult school can be for some youths.

Learning and Development Scholar Kevin Rourke

The UOW medical student has a special interest in adolescent psychology. He has spent the past few years based in the Shoalhaven region and has witnessed the high rate of mental health issues, particularly among younger people. After witnessing the effect that drugs were having on local teens Kevin decided to design a free fitness program for high school students in the hope of boosting their mental wellbeing. He understands how giving time and money helps teens build relationships and open the world around them and he wanted to give the Shoalhaven youths positive alternatives. The four-week program at Shoalhaven PCYC gave students from Bomaderry High and Nowra High free transport to the classes, which incorporated boxing elements and was open to all levels. At the end of the program, all Year 12 students who participated will have the opportunity to apply for a $1,000 scholarship to attend UOW’s Shoalhaven Campus in 2017. Kevin said he was passionate about helping kids find a good path in life and believes society has a large role to play in achieving this. “Parents aren’t perfect, and when kids fall through the cracks I think the community has a responsibility to help in raising the child.” Now networking for a purpose, Kevin has rallied much support from the Shoalhaven community and has raised more than $5000 in philanthropy for his program. Kevin is keen to stay in Australia and practise rural medicine as either a paediatrician or general practitioner.

“Parents aren’t perfect, and when kids fall through the cracks I think the community has a responsibility to help in raising the child.” To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113


University of Wollongong

2016 Report on Giving


Scholarships in Numbers

2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

The cost of attending the university is significant, ranging anywhere from $19,500 to $67,700 to complete a degree. And when you add to that rent, food, transport and other costs it can make the effort to invest in higher education overwhelming. We are all cheerleaders for our students to excel and achieve immeasurable outcomes because they are our next generation of leaders. So we are always seeking and very appreciative of philanthropic gifts towards the University of Wollongong’s scholarship programs. Scholarships are often that extra bit of support and encouragement for many students endeavouring to pursue higher learning at a university level. It is for this reason that UOW continues to seek support to create meaningful differences to its students’ lives. There are a range of scholarships that you can support from work experience in a particular industry to equity-based scholarships that support students from disadvantaged circumstances. All of our scholarships have a unique but equally significant impact on our students. When we support students we create experiences and change that often outlasts the scholarship itself. So we would like to share with you some of the great things your support has done by featuring a few of our scholarship success stories. To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.


2016 Donations and Bequests

$2,172,000 2016 Scholarships and Prizes

$1,173,000 2016 Number of active Scholarships


2016 Number of Donors


Catherine Stephens

Winifred Bullot Smith Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing

“I really wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing right now without it,” said Catherine. “It was absolutely a pivotal moment in my career.”

“The scholarship made where I am today entirely possible, I have two children and was taking on a degree as an adult,” Catherine said.

“I was walking the path least travelled and the scholarship, while helping with the financial burden, was also a big motivation to keep going,” she said. “It validated what I was trying to do and sent a message that someone believes in me.” Winifred Bullot Smith was a passionate leader in Nursing Education in the Illawarra and Bowral communities. Her love of nursing was crystallised through the Winifred Smith Scholarship for

Catherine acknowledged that it was a big responsibility to honour Winifred’s legacy. It appears she’s more than lived up to that responsibility. Her passionate research at UOW continues, and the impact it could make, may echo well into all our futures. For more information on bequests please contact: Monique Harper-Richardson Director of Advancement University of Wollongong 02 4221 5759 moniqueh@uow.edu.au


Today she has just completed first class Honours and is embarking on her PhD with a focus on cardiovascular risk factors for Australian women. No small feat for a mother of two.

Excellence in Nursing (established in 2011), which is awarded to a second or third year UOW nursing student each year. This scholarship was made possible through Winifred’s gift in her will. 2016 Report on Giving

Catherine knew in her first year of study that she’d found her life purpose and was in this for the long haul. After losing both her parents in her 20s to chronic disease she pursued studies with a focus in this area. As she had started her nursing degree as a mature-aged student and mother of two children, there were many hurdles to jump.

University of Wollongong

There are small moments in life that change everything. For Catherine Stephens one of those moments was receiving UOW’s Winifred Bullot Smith Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing.

“It validated what I was trying to do and sent a message that someone believes in me.”

Last year UOW’s mechanical engineering student, James Turner, surprised the world with his strong spirit and courageous heart. James won the 800m event at the Paralympics in Rio and set a new world record. He completed the race with a time of 2:02.29, seven seconds ahead of Britain’s Paul Blake, and New Zealand’s William Stedman who took home bronze. James is the recipient of UOW’s Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship in Engineering. Valued at $7,500 per year, the scholarship is awarded for up to four years.

The scholarship aims to help students with movement disorders obtain a degree in engineering. There is also an underlying intention that the scholarship recipient ultimately


2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

On the Move

James Turner Photo courtesy of the Australian Paralympic Committee

assists other patients who suffer from movement disorders via innovative technology. James has cerebral palsy – a neurological condition that affects

True Determination movement and posture and is commonly associated with seizures.

In his third year of studying at UOW, James says “I had a few options for studying engineering but UOW was always my first choice with its strong reputation and background in the field of engineering.” When asked about the impact of his scholarship he said: “It took a huge amount of pressure off me. It allowed me to not only to focus more on my studies but also gave me more time for athletics.”

“We were delighted to see James excel at the Paralympics,” he said. “And we hope his natural athletic ability, and scholarly focus, will inspire other young people in his field.” For now James is back to the books while he continues to train for a bright future. To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/ donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.

“The first few months were really stressful,” said Natasha. “I was on a really tight budget and even tighter time frame.” With a five-year-old and a teenager with autism she was limited in which lectures she could attend, found it difficult to study at home and could barely afford textbooks, petrol or parking. A laptop was a future dream. When her first scholarship application wasn’t successful Natasha almost didn’t apply for another one. “I was shocked when I actually got a scholarship,” Natasha said about the Southern Highlands Community Foundation – The Williams and Cosgrove Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Scholarship. “It’s a miracle really.” Natasha can now plan out a budget for textbooks, petrol and parking for the year ahead. Knowing that she can actually get to campus and that she has the resources she needs has taken a lot of stress out of studying.

Natasha has had more challenges in life than most. Caring for her children and supporting her quadriplegic father adds to the demands of study. And it’s because of these hurdles that she will make a compassionate and accomplished professional in the social work field. “I want to help others when they need it most – whether that’s a time of trauma, accident or death,” Natasha said of her desire to become a hospital support worker. “If it wasn’t for all the support I’ve received in life, especially as a mother to an autistic child I wouldn’t be here.” Natasha is focused right now on completing her degree. She’s determined despite travel and family demands to finish and graduate. To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.

“The scholarship gave my life a whole different story,” she said. “It made my life – mixing study and family – work.”


“The MDF is all about providing opportunities for talented young Australians wishing to pursue careers that will assist patients with disorders affecting movement,” said Brendan McNally, from the Movement Disorder Foundation.

Friends told her she was crazy taking on a social work degree. But her determination and belief in herself propelled her forward.

“It’s definitely lightened the financial burden of study … but more importantly it’s given me the flexibility to get home as quickly as possible.”

2016 Report on Giving

For over 25 years, the Movement Disorder Foundation (MDF) has worked hard to improve the lives of those with physical disabilities. A core function of the Foundation has been to help fund medical research into new treatments and medical technology, including a major focus on functional electrical stimulation (FES) research in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

“When I graduate I’m showing my kids this - even when it’s a struggle, even when it’s hard, it’s possible,” said second year social work student Natasha Raybould. “I’m a mature-age student, I’m a mum, I have a child with autism, I’m Aboriginal and I live over an hour drive to campus but I’m going to complete this degree.”

University of Wollongong

When his soccer team, the Para-Roos didn’t qualify for Rio, Athletics Australia contacted him about running the 800m event at the 2016 Paralympics. He had only been training for a year before winning gold.

University of Wollongong 2016 Report on Giving 14

Digital Happiness Living in the fast-paced age of technology and not having access to digital tools can be a major setback to a student’s learning and development. Telstra endeavours to assist UOW in enabling our students to excel in their academic aspirations and to encourage them to remain as competitive as possible.

EMILY ATHERTON “I was really happy when I received the letter and didn’t expect it in addition to my scholarship. I’m very thankful for the computer as I can take notes on it in class and do assignments on it.”

Acting on this initiative to give our student a level playing field, Telstra donated Surface Pro 3 i5/256gb tablets to the university. Telstra understands that sometimes it’s best to give students exactly what they need in efforts to ease the stress of them stretching funds to accommodate their growing list of university costs. Ten of our 2016 Learning and Development scholars each received a Surface Pro 3 i5 to complement their scholarship. They are all very grateful and some of them describe their surprise in the form of an emoji.


To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.

“Receiving the tablet was a very nice surprise because I have never owned one. This was a big enhancement for my uni studies.”


“The tablet was really beneficial because it’s portable and had so many useful programs on it. It really helped with assignments because I could write the formulas straight down, rather than having to copy and paste them. The benefits will be ongoing as I’ll use it throughout my degree.“

“It was too good to be true. I was pretty super excited as it has helped immensely with my Journalism and International Studies degrees.”

University of Wollongong


2016 Report on Giving 15

OWEN ALSULAIBI “Having the tablet made things a lot easier for me. I can take notes straight onto an electronic device which speeds up the process when in lectures. I don’t have to print as much and it helps with organising my studies. “

Have you ever started out on a journey and along the way realised you have done a full circle, somehow ending up back at the beginning; but in a better position? This is the case for Carol Marshman who was part of the first group of alumni the university contacted during our appeal campaign for the Learning and Development Scholarship (L&D) Fund. After completing high school, Carol was very grateful to receive scholarships to Alexander Mackie College of Advanced Education to study Secondary School Teaching. She later received a scholarship to the University of Wollongong to study English and History, as well as Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). She leveraged her scholarship opportunities to achieve Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education degrees and embark on a new journey, creating a better life for herself along the way. Carol transitioned from a high school student who grew up in a large public housing area, to a university student who gained a valuable education, to a teacher and then a High School Principal with remarkable life-skills to share. And now she is back at the start of her journey, but in a better position. This time Carol is supporting high school students who have had the same beginning as she did many years ago.

The personal growth Carol experienced on her journey has strengthened her commitment to ensuring equity for all students. It was always on her bucket list to give back to students in need who wanted to further their education after high school. So when Carol received the call to support students through the Learning and Development Scholarship Fund, it provided the perfect opportunity for her to give back. Carol decided to take her involvement with the Learning and Development Scholarship a step further by mentoring the student callers in preparation for the 2016 calling campaign. Being a principal she was able to motivate the student callers to ask for donations with confidence. Carol says she has an absolute buzz of excitement and an incredible feeling knowing her contribution – donations and mentoring – has been influential in changing young lives. To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.

Cycle of Giving


2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Full Circle

Suzanne Payne has created a cycle of giving that stems from opportunities which were awarded to her through the philanthropy of others. Suzanne Payne



Suzanne’s personal understandings of how crucial financial support is in overcoming obstacles lead her to establish a nursing scholarship to help students to stay focused on their goals.

She can attest to just how beneficial scholarships can be. When she first enrolled in her undergraduate degree Suzanne did not receive a scholarship and had to work full-time while studying, which was a difficult balance to manage. During this period there were times when Suzanne was unable to afford all of the recommended text books for her courses,

resulting in a failed subject. Amidst the ongoing strains of trying to stay afloat, this felt like a major setback as she later had to repeat the course at a higher cost to herself. In Suzanne’s third enrolment to UOW she was given a scholarship to undertake a postgraduate Certificate in Health Leadership and Management. She says that “the scholarship enabled me to focus on my study rather than trying to make money to survive—it gave me the time to spend on my studies which in turn made my time at UOW more rewarding”. Suzanne’s philanthropic philosophy is that, “All past students and alumni who have an opportunity to attend university should give back where they can” and hopes that her contribution will encourage others to give back to the university one day also, continuing that cycle of giving. To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.


Working in the health industry herself, Suzanne decided to give back to UOW students following a similar career path in medicine and established The Suzanne Payne Scholarship for Health and Medicine. The scholarship aims to provide support and encouragement to single parents who wish to study in these two disciplines. Suzanne hopes that this token of support “in some way relieves financial burden for the students involved”.

2016 Report on Giving

Carol Marshman

Higher Education is a gift. Gaining a degree or several degrees places you in a much more secure place in society. You really wouldn’t miss the regular monthly donation from your wages, but you always have that wonderful knowledge that someone in need really appreciates your helping hand.

University of Wollongong

Think about how you have been helped or how fortunate you are in life. Then give what you can, when you can. I have found having a direct debit is just wonderful. I don’t have to think about it at all, but I know each week someone is appreciating the gift of learning.


2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Straightforward Philanthropy

At just 25 years of age, Morgan Way has already cracked a notoriously difficult industry as one half of Way Ward Films – a production company he co-founded with fellow Bachelor of Digital Media (2012) graduate Sam Doyan during the final year of their degree. Morgan, who had always aimed for a career in film, said that receiving a $3,000 scholarship in 2011 from the Learning and Development Scholarship Fund (L & D) was integral to realising his entrepreneurial dream so quickly. Originally from Nowra, the scholarship also helped lessen the financial burden of living away from home, allowing him to focus on creating and learning, and on setting the wheels in motion for his business. “I used it to help with equipment purchases for the business and for our filmmaking ventures, so it really gave us a base to create better work with better equipment,” he said. “The scholarship gave us a head start; it allowed us to really push to make the high quality work that we wanted to make, and set in stone our creative style. That meant we could make a name for ourselves much more quickly.”

The L&D scholarship allowed Morgan to gain a leg up in the notoriously difficult industry. He now pays it forward through hands-on philanthropy by providing inspiration and opportunities to others looking to emulate his success. He has given talks on entrepreneurship to alumni and students, and delivered lectures to digital media classes. Where possible, he also offers young people the chance to gain valuable on-set experience. “It’s hard to get a foothold in this industry; it’s hard to get an opportunity to see some of the work actually happening.” To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.

Ancient Philanthropy

Morgan Way

As Professor Wood Conroy said of her philanthropy, “Well, it was a nice thing to do. It’s wonderful to fire people up – inspire them so to speak. I wanted artists to find the extraordinary art and history of Greece a catalyst for their own individual creativity.” Professor Wood Conroy was herself a student of classicism and art in Athens in her early 20s, and wanted to give others that same opportunity. She hopes the residents will be fulfilled and focussed in their chosen field of study and take advantage of an experience that’s so different from Australia.

Emeritus Professor Wood Conroy

The inaugural recipient, Hannah Gee, a first class Honours graduate of the Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCA) Visual Arts, also spoke compellingly about the transformative nature of the experience. This experience included absorbing herself in everyday life, visiting remarkable sites of antiquity and museums, and particularly the opportunity to immerse in her own art practice through drawing, animation and video. She also found a strong parallel between Australia’s Indigenous arts and culture drawing a powerful connection between the arts and cultural experiences of two very different worlds. The residency is open to a graduate of an Honours or postgraduate degree from the School of the Arts, English and Media at UOW, or any staff member having completed their PhD within the last five years and working permanent full or part time within the School of the Arts, English and Media. To learn more about this program please visit our website at contact us at hos-taem@uow.edu.au


“I’m very proud of the business that we have created. We’ve built something from basically nothing; it’s just been through hard work and dedication, and our passion for this industry.”

This program has paved the way for University of Wollongong graduates to experience this distinctive month abroad. Emeritus Professor Wood Conroy’s generous decision to donate $9000 over three years to sponsor the program encouraged the Faculty of Law, Humanities & the Arts to contribute funding to continue the program through to 2020.

2016 Report on Giving

The University of Wollongong’s Athens Artist in Residence program has made this possible through a unique relationship with the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA), a research centre of the University of Sydney. This exciting program provides recent graduates and academics from UOW’s School of the Arts, English and Media with the opportunity to undertake a one month residency at the AIAA hostel in Athens. This allows for an intensive immersion in the rich cultural life of Athens including access to its ancient archaeological sites, museums and galleries.

University of Wollongong

The opportunity to spend a one-month residency in Athens exploring the ancient ruins, accessing local experiences and cultural life and immersing yourself in inspiration for your artistic goals is a dream come true for those in the creative arts.

Jessica Thornton: 2016 Rio Olympic Games athlete

NAB’s 30 years of support to University of Wollongong confirms its commitment to our purpose which is: to empower our graduates with the experience and qualities needed for their responsibilities and success in the community and global workplace irrespective of destination. NAB’s financial support for sporting and academic excellence has been vital in helping students leverage opportunities to recreate boundaries to suit their personal aspirations. NAB’s partnership has been instrumental in enabling our institution as a whole to grow competitively so we can enhance the university experience for our students as well as our staff and the greater community. To learn more about our scholarships program please visit our website at uow.edu.au/donations or contact us on 02 4221 8113.


2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Numbers Add Up

UOW Sporting Hall of Fame

Tristan Knowles receiving Young Alumni Award 2013


$50,000 scholarship dollars committed in 2016

average scholarship value per student


University of Wollongong


scholars to date and counting

years of partnership


number of Olympic athletes supported

Number of opportunities that lay ahead All this adds up to


appreciative university



2016 Report on Giving



2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong


The Right State of Mind University of Wollongong

Society’s experience of people living with dementia usually comes after someone has been diagnosed in the later stages of the disease leaving the impression that living with dementia means one can’t function on their own.

Kate Swaffer has set out to change this very state of mind. She is determined to break through the underestimation people have of those diagnosed with dementia and their capacity to continue to contribute to society. Kate is also very passionate about teaching people that they can actually live with dementia, and that it’s not just a disease you die from. But there is still a lot of work and management to be done to help people living with dementia integrate into society post-diagnosis. Kate notes a good example of that would be, “rehabilitation and assessments of disabilities, and then provide proactive support in exactly the same way they do for someone post-stroke or a brain injury”.

Since her diagnosis at the age of 49, Kate graduated in 2014 with a Master of Science in Dementia Care from UOW. Since then she has commenced her PhD with UOW with a concentration in improving the lives of those living with dementia. Kate said the reason she decided to study at the University of Wollongong is that she sees UOW as progressive and supportive of students with disabilities and feels supported to continue with her PhD. To learn more about our research projects please visit our website at globalchallenges.uow.edu.au/living/UOW164773.html


Kate has been active in accomplishing a lot of her personal goals since her younger onset of dementia. She has won several awards along the way as an advocate for the disease, one of her most recent being the South Australia 2017 Australian of the Year. Kate is very humbled by the accolades and feels the recognition of her work allows her to give back by having a broader and louder platform to advocate for real change. When people change their mindset and way of thinking they often change their behaviour. She says, “I feel a deep responsibility to ensure I work as hard as I possibly can to ensure the confidence that has been afforded me is lived up to”. Kate also takes pride in her achievement and work as co-founder of Dementia Alliance International (DAI) a global voice for people with dementia advocating for human rights. DAI has a membership of more than 2,500 people from 38 countries.

Kate’s means of philanthropy shines through her tireless dedication and contribution as a volunteer to be the face for dementia campaigns. She is also aware of the huge costs this demanding role has on invaluable time with her family, due to domestic and international travel. She really hopes that philanthropists find it in their hearts to donate not only to dementia research for a cure, but to research that actually might improve the quality of life of those diagnosed, their families and carers.

2016 Report on Giving

The health sector is now diagnosing dementia much earlier in the disease process than they did 30 or 40 years ago, while patients are still fluid in day-to-day life. But society continues to struggle with the stigma associated with dementia.

University of Wollongong 2016 Report on Giving

Anatomy of Philanthropy: UOW’s Body Donation Program Giving your body to science when you die is perhaps the ultimate bequest. It’s an invaluable gift that helps to educate the next generation of doctors, medical scientists and health professionals. More than 270 people have donated their body to UOW’s Body Donation Program over the past eleven years. Most bodies are used for anatomical examination and dissection; some are used for medical research. Fourth year Medical and Health Sciences Honours student Kate Mikilewicz, who has completed five subjects in anatomy as part of her Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences Advanced Honours, credits the Body Donation Program for giving her a greater understanding of the human body.


“You can learn anatomy from a textbook, but it’s never going to be the same as looking at an actual body,” she said. “Going back to my very first anatomy class, I remember thinking how amazing it was that people so courageously gave their bodies so I could learn.” Kate, who is also teaching anatomy at UOW to first and second year students, said, “To learn the way muscle fibres run, and then see them in reality is really fantastic, it really does give us a true understanding of the human body and it’s something that wouldn’t be possible without the Body Donation Program.” Last year the University commissioned a memorial, housed at the UOW Library, to honour those who have donated their body to UOW’s body donation program. The UOW Body Donation Program Memorial Book is a permanent part of the memorial.

“Most donors are fairly pragmatic and there’s greater discussion these days around body donation,” says Glenice Maxwell, Body Donation Program Co-ordinator. “We receive donations from our immediate community in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands, as well as further afield in NSW.” “Those who choose to participate in the UOW Body Donation Program are guaranteed that their remains will be treated with dignity, respect and anonymity at all times, with students made aware of the special and unique privilege that has been accorded to them,” adds Anatomy Technical Officer and Team Leader, Natalia Munoz. The rights of donors are safeguarded through strict laws, including the NSW Human Tissue Act 1983 and Anatomy Legislation Amendment Act 2003 and the Anatomy Act 1977. People donate their body to UOW’s Body Donation Program for many reasons but a common thread unites them – it’s a big-hearted bequest that helps the next generation. To learn more about the Body Donation program please contact us on 02 4221 3800 or visit our website at: bodydonation.uow.edu.au

Katie Gaskin and Natailia Munoz

University of Wollongong

2016 Report on Giving


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2016 Report on Giving

L to R: Darilyn Cox, Sue Maidman, Pam Lynch, Reina French

The Locals: Illawarra Cancer Carers You would do everything in your power to help your mother, brother, or friend if they told you they had cancer. For most it’s a frightening journey of diagnosis, tests, treatments, side effects and pain.

For that same reason a volunteer group of 12 women (many of them former cancer patients) got together 27 years ago to help people with cancer. Today the Illawarra Cancer Carers has grown to include 250 volunteers who have raised over $3 million – all of which has gone to help improve the lives of cancer patients in the region. The Illawarra Cancer Carers helps cancer patients with emotional and practical support. Originally it was simple things like driving patients to appointments and fundraising cake sales – things they continue to do today. However, their role has vastly grown and they now provide major gifts of equipment to Wollongong Hospital (such as chemotherapy chairs and ultrasound machines). In 2014 they even used their grassroots power by gathering 30,000 signatures on a petition to help secure a PET scanner for the hospital. Over the years they have also made significant donations to cancer research at the University of Wollongong. “We want to see improved diagnosis and improved treatments for cancer patients,” said Ian Mackay, President of the Illawarra Cancer Carers, when asked about their ongoing mission. “Funding UOW cancer research is about lessening suffering and creating better outcomes.” Over the past 13 years, the Cancer Carers have donated $680,000 to cancer research at UOW.

University of Wollongong

One of their many generous gifts to UOW has included $100,000 towards the Illawarra’s first clinical trial. In what was a rigorous process, the investigation tested new cancer chemotherapy (a reformulated drug called Deflexifol) on humans. Phase one finished last year and the data is currently being analysed. “It’s the first investigative trial ever in the Illawarra and its implications could be major for cancer patients.” said Professor Ranson. The clinical trial took a monumental effort and the Cancer Carers were instrumental in the lead up to the trial.

It’s this joint approach and co-operative effort that serves Illawarra cancer patients more directly, addressing their needs today and into coming years. And it’s a relationship that’s rare. “The Cancer Carers’ support our work by actively giving their time too,” said Professor Ranson. “They came in several times during funding troughs in our projects to help get us through.” They have also helped UOW further its pancreatic cancer research with $100,000 in the past two-years. The funding supported the development of a new type of anti-metastatic therapy to prevent tumours from invading other tissues.

And the Cancer Carers aren’t resting, their next major fundraising banquet will be held in July. They hope to fully fund, or contribute to, two new pieces of equipment worth over $250,000 each. The philanthropic support provided by the Illawarra Cancer Carers has kept UOW’s cancer research programs progressing at times when it was most needed. Coming together with mutual hopes and a shared mission, UOW and the Cancer Carers have created a philanthropic success story. More than that, it’s a story about what happens when we come together to serve others. It may just become a story that one day serves cancer patients all over world.


“There’s a long history of support and dialogue,” said Professor Ranson of the long-standing relationship between UOW and the Cancer Carers. “Ian comes to me and says what do you need next?”

Most recently, they have provided a large donation to help UOW researchers understand the biology of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (aka non-melanoma skin cancer). Skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common lethal cancer in Australia and often requires extensive surgery and radiotherapy.

2016 Report on Giving

“They’re a strong advocate for our research and they remain very active in fundraising,” said Biological Sciences Professor Marie Ranson. “They raise funds locally and it stays local.”


2016 Report on Giving

University of Wollongong

Professor Marie Ranson on Progress in Cancer Research The University of Wollongong relies heavily on philanthropic gifts for a variety of initiatives that benefit the lives of many on a local, national and international level. Professor Marie Ranson and her cancer research team have been proactive in many areas and making remarkable progress with cancer medications in clinical trials. Below Professor Ranson shares just some of the accomplishments and highlights from 2016 and how philanthropy has made an invaluable impact on their research. You are currently the principal supervisor of five PhD students and co-supervise an additional three PhD students. Your team also consists of one research assistant and a visiting post-doctoral fellow from Italy. What are your successes to date with the donations given towards your research initiatives? In December 2016 we successfully completed our Phase 1 clinical trial of our new reformulated cancer chemotherapy called Deflexifol. This mixes together for the first time two drugs that more effectively kill cancer cells while reducing side effects. The patients tolerated the drug very well during the trial. This data is currently being analysed. The Illawarra Cancer Carers were instrumental in the preparatory work that led up to the trial. The Illawarra Cancer Carers also supported a new initiative on a project to better understand the biology of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (aka non-melanoma skin cancer) which is now well underway. Skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common lethal cancer in Australia and often

requires extensive surgery and radiotherapy for people in whom the cancer is most aggressive. Additional highlights in 2016: Completing the Phase 1 clinical trial has been a monumental effort as well as getting two projects off the ground that are being conducted by local clinicians (one an oncologist and one a surgeon) as their PhD projects. These are being hailed as instructional paradigms for translational research for clinicians and scientists. We also hosted a one day Clinical & Translational Research Interest Workshop in Wollongong in 2016. We had 92 registrants from the Illawarra, South West Sydney and ACT ranging from cancer clinicians and cancer research academics to allied health professionals and community members. They all promoted translational research and fostered collaborative partnerships between the university and local health districts. Also two of my PhD students completed and submitted their PhD theses. We’ve had success in attaining a national competitive grant (NHMRC) for the development of a small molecule anticancer drug. My colleagues in this research and I recently submitted a provisional patent through UOW. There also have been several research manuscripts published.

Ms Elahe Minaei and Professor Marie Ranson

University of Wollongong

What’s on the cards moving forward for your team regarding projects you are trying to get funding for or get off the ground?

This is an expensive process. The Illawarra Cancer Council and Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (IHMRI) provided the seed funding in

Many people think universities have the resources to fund their own research and research teams. When considering giving to large universities they are often sceptical about how the money will actually be used – how would you respond to that? The successful chemotherapy trial started in the lab at centres like the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (IHMRI) at UOW and ended up with the human trials being conducted at a clinic. At various stages, there was no funding available for this project. Without the philanthropic help we obtained this project would have long since ceased. Universities are not provided with enough research funds to allow researchers to rely solely on them as resources. What is your take on philanthropy? We should all consider donating within our capacity because collectively we make a difference. To learn more about our research programs please contact us on 02 4221 4333 or visit our website at ihmri.uow.edu.au/ research-program


This is likely to reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients that present late, as often happens, with metastatic disease. However, in order to establish “cancer gene signatures” for this disease, we really need to do more extensive and sophisticated analyses on our tumour DNA samples using state-of-the-art, next generation sequencing techniques.

There is also a new gastric cancer-focussed project to look for better biomarkers to predict responsiveness to treatment

2016 Report on Giving

We are trying to get further funding for the skin cancer project. This project aims for the first time to explore the genetic differences (or mutations) between the skin SCCs that spread (metastasize) to lymph nodes and beyond, from those that do not have the capacity to spread. With an understanding of clinically actionable gene mutations, the aim is to produce a test to identify those mutations in the early stages of a skin SCC which could identify aggressive tumours in a more predictable manner. Doctors could potentially use these so-called gene signatures to stratify risk (i.e., how aggressive is a particular skin SCC) and to help guide their treatment choices (i.e., is it enough to just freeze off the lesion or does the patient require surgery and drug treatment).

2016 we needed to get enough preliminary data to allow us to apply to larger funding bodies.

University of Wollongong 2016 Report on Giving 30

A Small Leap to Save the Southern Corroboree Frog The Wiggles wrote a song about them and they’ve been immortalized as a giant, lantern-sculpture at Sydney’s Vivid Festival. Not surprisingly, children love them. But they’re running out of time. It was estimated in 2014 that less than 50 remain in the wild.

drought and warmer temperatures, and, in turn, frog breeding pools and vegetation diminish.

The Southern Corroboree Frog, known for its striking yellow and black markings, grows only to three-centimetres long, and it’s on the brink of extinction. The remaining wild population lives in the NSW Snowy Mountains.

But the plight of the Southern Corroboree Frog is not just a story about rescuing a dying species. It’s a story about the power of giving and philanthropy.

Ironically, this tiny, colourful frog has no known natural predators. It has a special capacity to deliver a dose of lethal chemicals (called pseudophrynamines) if attacked. It’s rare and powerful. Still, they are disappearing rapidly. Their decline is mainly due to a fungus (Amphibian Chytrid Fungus) introduced in the 1930s to Australia. Recovery of the species has become increasingly difficult as climate change brings more severe

Listed as “critically endangered” on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list – the world’s authority on the conservation of the species – the Southern Corroboree Frog’s only hope for survival is through human intervention by breeding a captive population for release into the wild. A National Recovery Plan is underway to save these frogs and the University of Wollongong is part of this small miracle. UOW is now home to 120 critically

endangered Southern Corroboree Frogs. These precious amphibians form a vital breeding colony destined for release back into the wild. It’s a big investment in animal husbandry and the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Dr Philip Bryne (Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences) and Dr Aimee Silla (Research Fellow). Two graduate students - Emma McInerney (PhD) and Shannon Kelleher (Honours) – also form a key part of the team. “Taking care of frogs requires a huge amount of time and effort but we have a terrific team of dedicated biologists who make these animals their top priority,” says UOW’s Dr Philip Byrne. “We’re privileged to study such an amazing animal and we’re regularly discovering new things about their unique biology. If our research findings can help re-establish

Stems of Growth

populations in the wild it will be a great achievement for UOW and our team.”

To assist UOW’s special little colony, four local high-school students held a fundraising event in 2016. These young environmentalists performed a classical music concert to raise money for UOW’s colony. “We heard that they would be extinct within two years without a breeding program,” said Emma Black, one of the fundraisers. “So we just did what we could to help.”

Until then, UOW’s frogs form part of a precious gift to the future. They also remind us that when we give what we can and cooperate for a greater good, miracles can happen. To learn more about the Southern corroboree frogs please visit our website at: corroboreefrog.org.au/ conservation/research-projects

Why did you choose to support UOW in this field? My giving stems from UOW’s support for my own research interests post-retirement that facilitated the development of an instrument for remote sensing of plant health. Following a small workshop at UniLodge in Nov 2013, this approach is attracting interest, especially in Europe. In the hands of students and visitors to Prof Sharon Robinson’s lab, the instrument is being applied for “ground truth” of satellite-based observations of crop production and the well-being of natural ecosystems. The University sees all philanthropic gifts as impactful contributions. What is your take on philanthropy or giving strategy? I am well aware of what small gifts can accomplish. It’s the unpredictable outcomes from such gifts that motivate my support for research. For example, the early career scientists from Spain who joined Prof Robinson’s team in 2016 have had an impact on her projects in Antarctica where she monitors the health of moss beds as indicators of climate change. Having been challenged and stimulated personally by the stand out, innovative science being undertaken at UOW and its adoption overseas, one is drawn to support projects in which one can see the results.

You are quite accomplished on an international level, and you’ve held high level positions particularly at universities in Australia and the USA. Do you have other international charitable involvements? Yes. I am involved with setting up a distinguished international lecture award to be named for a renowned Australian expert in photosynthesis research who passed away in 2015. It is my ambition to ensure that Jan Anderson, and Australian science, will be recognized in this way for years to come. You have been retired since 2003. Do you have any interests outside of being a plant biologist? Plant biology has remained my principal recreation post-retirement. So long as one is able to grasp something of the amazing achievements from contemporary students and colleagues, I expect to have little time on my hands. To learn more about our research projects please visit our website at globalchallenges.uow.edu.au


Meanwhile, the UOW team continues to pour their energy into breeding and research. It will be several years before UOW’s much-loved frog population will be released into the wild.

In 2016 his donation to the University of Wollongong augmented support for two post-doctoral research fellows from Spain. They joined Senior Professor Sharon Robinson’s photosynthesis research team whose aim, among other things, is to develop methods for monitoring plant health and productivity remotely. There will be several research publications in the upcoming year as a result of the support given to Sharon’s team of four.

2016 Report on Giving

UOW brought members of the recovery plan (zoo staff, national parks managers, scientists, government officials, graduate students) together in September 2016. They looked at future needs and funding remained a critical priority.

Barry Osmond is a plant biologist based in Canberra who is well known for his studies of photosynthesis, through which plants turn sunlight, water and air into the food, fuel and fibre that sustains our well-being.

University of Wollongong

Photo by Dr Aimee Silla

Barry Osmond

Having been challenged and stimulated personally by the stand out, innovative science being undertaken at UOW and its adoption overseas, one is drawn to support projects in which one can see the results.

Our Donors

University of Wollongong

The University of Wollongong is grateful to all those who have so generously supported our work in the past year. We warmly acknowledge all those listed below and those who prefer to remain anonymous. EXCEPTIONAL SUPPORT:


Ms Anna Borzi AM Ms Jean Clarke and Dr Jack Baker Ms Melva Crouch CSM Emeritus Professor Kenneth McKinnon AO and Ms Suzanne Walker Mr Richard Miller Mr Philip Stevenson and Mrs Elizabeth Stevenson Prof Paul Wellings CBE and Dr Annette Wellings

Mr Paul Aarons Ms Jan Abraham Mr Murray Ackers Mr Benjamin Adams Mr Shane Adams Mrs Bianka Ahkin Mrs Louise Ailwood Mr Philip Alleaume Mr Christopher Allen and Mrs Katie Allen Mr David Anderson Mrs Kathie Anderson Mrs Sue Anderson Mr Craig Andrews Dr Anthony Ashbolt Ms Kirsty Ashby Ms Sarah Ashmore Mr Michael Askew Mr Dinesh Asokan Mrs Christina Aston Ms Zagorka Auld Mrs Kylie L Austin Ms Kylie S Austin Mr Glenn Avery Mr Martin Baggott Mr Eddie Baghdadi Mr Cameron Bailey Ms Catherine Baillie Ms Judith Baker Mr Bill Barbas Ms Karen Baric Mr Ross Barker and Mrs Katia Barker Dr John Barnett Sr June Barrett Mr Paul Barrett Ms Karyn Bartholomew Mr Robert Bartulovich Ms Virginia Bayliss Mr Steve Beattie Ms Laura Beaupeurt Miss Alison Bell Mr Mark Bell Mr Steven J Bell Ms Sharon Bent Mr David Beswick Ms Kristina Bicanic Miss Janelle Bicknell Ms Kate Biffin Mrs Melinda Bishop


2016 Report on Giving

LEADERSHIP SUPPORT: Mrs Linda Hogg OAM Prof Ainslie Lamb AM The Loomba Family Ms Judith Miller Dr Barry Osmond Mr Reg Rowe Emeritus Professor Diana Wood Conroy IMPACT GIVING: Dr Stephen Andersen OAM and Mrs Mary Andersen Dr Bruce Ashford Mrs Catherine Bailey The Late Mr James Black Mr Mark Boyle Ms Jillian Broadbent AO Dr Neryl East Mr Glenn Fowler Mrs Wilma Furlonger Ms Catherine Golding Mr David Groves and Mrs Kathryn Groves Mr Philip James Mr Wayne Johnston Mr Robert Li Mrs Joan Mitchell and Mr David Mitchell Dr Kevin Rourke Mr Paul Wand AM and Mrs Christine Wand Ms Deb Weeks Ms Gabrielle Zweerman and 1 anonymous donor

Mr Andrew Biviano Ms Susan Blackburn Mr Glenn Blackley Ms Lani Blackman Mr Gordon Blair Mr Alan Blake Mr Ralph Blake and Mrs Veronica Blake Mr Jay Bland Mr Wayne Bland Mr Christopher Boddey Mrs Laurel Boenisch and Mr Max Boenisch Mrs Victoria Bogovac Mrs Abbey Bongers Mrs Veronika Borona Mr Anthony Bourke Mr Giles Bowen Dr Kelly-Ann Bowles Mr Michael Boyd Ms Susan Boyd Mr Brian Brady Ms Sally Bramley Ms Leanne Brannon Miss Katherine Bray Mrs Simone Brayne Ms Katherine Brennan Ms Shannon Brewer-McCabe Dr Graham Brisbane Miss Jessica Brizuela Mr Kent Broadhead Mr Wolfgang Brodesser Mrs Roslyn Broomfield Mr Gregory Brown Ms Jessica Brown Mr John Brown Mrs Tania Brown Ms Hannah Bruce R & H Buchanan Dr Kellie Buckley-Walker Mr David Burkett Mr David Burt Ms Renee Burton Mr Michael Byrne Mrs Paula Callaghan Mr William Calokerinos Ms Keeli Cambourne Mrs Marie Cameron The Hon David A Campbell Ms Linda Campbell Ms Carmelina Cappetta

Mrs Tracey Cappie-Wood Mr Peter Caputi Ms Christine Carey Mr Michael Carlin Dr Catherine Carr Dr Graham Carr Mr Vincent Carroll Mrs Shari Carrusca Mr John Carter Ms Erin Casey Mr Timothy Castle Mr Rolf Cetinski Ms Iseult Champion Mr Kok Chan Dr Wai Chan Ms Caroline Chand Ms Joanne Channer Mr Ghulam Chaudhry Mr Jagdish Chawla Mr Zhi-Yuan Chen Mr Max Chiodo Ms Lyndall Chittick Mr Ty Christopher Mr Gregory Chronopoulos Mr Hon Chung Mr Wesley Chung Mr Charles Clark Mr Gavin Clauscen Dr Eric Clayton Mrs Jodie Cleaves Miss Susannah Clement Mr Andrew Cochran Mrs Naomi Cocksedge Ms Veronica Coen Mrs Karan Coldwell Mr Kenneth Cole Mrs Debbie Collins Mr Jim Collins AM and Mrs Moira Collins Mrs Joan Collins A/Prof Robbie Collins Mr Michael Comensoli Mr Graeme Conyers Mr Scott Cook Mr Greg Coonan Mr Paul Cooney Mr Donald Cooper Mr Scott Copland Mrs Lisa Corbett Mr John Corr Mr John Courtney

Mr Kevin Keane Mr John Kelaher and Mrs Carole Kelaher Mrs Kath Kelly Ms Sheri Kember Mr Andrew Kemp Mrs Lorene Kentwell Mr Shabbir Kermali Mr Kevin King Mr Philip Kiragu Mr Graeme Kirkwood Mr Anthony Kirwan Mr Scott Kirwood and Ms Gaby Kirwood Mr Martin Klein Mr Tae-Sik Ko Mr Yibing Kong Ms Anastasia Kotsep Mrs Debora Kunz Mr Michael Kusi-Appau Mr Kerry Kyriacou Ms Donna Laina AC Ms Jessica Lakin Miss Vandana Lal Ms Danielle Lamacchia Mr Andrew Lamb Mr Guy Lambert Mr Joshua Landman Mr Ross Langford Mr Christopher Larcos Dr Joshua Larsen Ms Rita Lavender Dr Romy Lawson Mr John Layhe Dr Lynette Lee Ms Monica Lee Ms Christine Leece Mr David Leffley Mr Wayne Leffley Mr Ban Leong Ms Rita Leung Mr Robert Levee Ms Coral Levett Mr Glyn Leyshon Mr Ben Li Ms Olga Lihou Ms Dawn Lindsay Mr Nigel Lindsay Dr Benhur Lingamneni Mr Paul Linnett Mrs Sarah Lisle Ms Teresa Lo Mrs Alison Lo Surdo Miss Tania Loiseau Ms Caroline Long Mrs Melissa Lonsdale Mrs Maria Lopez Mr David Low Dr Kim Low Mr Kevin Lowe Mr Craig Luccarda Mrs Anne Lucero Ms Maria Luff Ms Robyn Lumby Ms Alexandra Lupton Ms Lisa Lynch Mr Sean Lynch Mr Stephen Lyons


Mr Abdul Hannan Dr Rhys Harding Richard and Noela Hardy Ms Anne Harley Ms Monique HarperRichardson Mrs Jessica Harris Mr Michael Harris Ms Julie Harrison Mr Glenn Hart Mrs Sue-ellen Hassler Mr Murray Hayward Ms Kylie Heaton Mrs Christine Henderson Ms Susan Herold Ms Jennifer Hibbens Mr Stephen Hilaire Mr Graham Hill Mrs Liz Hilton Mr Peter Hinton and Ms Meddwyn Hinton Miss Shaye Hiscocks Mrs Helen Ho Mr Daniel Hodge Mr Ken Hodson Ms Lavina Hodson Mrs Bianca Hodyl Mr Geoffrey Holden Mrs Madeline Holliday Mr David Hooper Mr Alan Hope Mr Brian Horan Dr Thomas Horner Dr Jeffrey Horton Mrs B Howe Dr Nancy Huggett Mr Grant Hughes Miss Jessica Hull Mr Reagan Hull Mr Simon Huntly Ms Janice Hurley Mr Sebastian Hutten Miss Jasmin Iordanidis Mrs Jacqui Irvine Mr Stephen Irving Mr Geoffrey Irwin Mr Damien Israel Miss Judith Jackson Ms Angela Jakovac Ms Jan James Mr Desmond Jamieson Mr Andrew Jantke Ms Margie Jantti Mrs Kay Jarrett Mrs Maria Johnson Mr Richard Johnson Ms Rosemarie Johnston Ms Belinda Jones Ms Demelza Jones Mr Geoffrey Jones Ms Stephanie Jones Mr Richard Jory Ms Elizabeth Josland Miss Frosina Jovanova Ms Lorna Kaer Mr Roy Kampen Mrs Carol Karahalias Mrs Julia Kaul

2016 Report on Giving

Mr Geoffrey Fisher Mr Mark Fitzgerald Mrs Ann-Marie Fletcher Ms Desley Fletcher Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher Mrs Gwen Fletcher Ms Rebecca Flower Ms Brooke Formica Prof David Forrest Mr James Forshaw Mrs Amy Freeman Mr Peter French Mr Giuliano Frigo Ms Karen Frigo Prof Alex Frino Miss Joanne Fryer Ms Katrina Gamble Dr David Garrett Mr Graham Garside Mr Robert Gaspari Miss Stefanie Gaspari Mr Adrian Gaudiosi Mr John Gelling OAM Miss Nilay Gencturk Mrs Dalene George Mr Ryszard Geras Mr Sergio Giason Miss Felicity Gibson Mr Andrew Giddings Mr Stephen Gilbert Ms Marjanna Gilchrist Ms Lina Gill Ms Susan Gilroy Mrs Dawn Glase Mr Jason Gleadhill Ms Emma Glissan Ms Kimberley Glissan Mrs Helen Glover Herb and Di Goller Mr Gregory Goode Ms Kerry Goonan Mrs Robyn Gordon Mr Bruce Graham Ms Deborah Graham Ms Donyale Grant Ms Monika Grant Ms Leanne Grech Ms Lucy Greco Mr Murray Green Ms Rayna Green Mr Garry Griffith Dr Lyndal Groom Ms Kate Grove Mr Paul Gunning Mr Steven Guy Mr Ronald Hack Mr Chris Hadley Mr John Halar Captain Christopher Haley and Ms Janet Haley Ms Kelli Halling Mr Michael Halls Mrs Ashley Hally-Burton Miss Tracey Hamer Mrs Christine Hamilton Mr Lyal Hammond Mr Bryan Hanley Ms Nicole Hanna

University of Wollongong

Mr John Cowan Mr Anthony Craig Mr Nick Creagh Mr Douglas Creighton Mrs Amber Croft Ms Megan Crowl Ms Helen Crowley Mrs Dawn Crowther Mr William Crozier Mrs Helen Cruden Mr Francis Crumplin Mr Tibor Csapo Mrs Emily Currie Ms Trudi Cusack Mr Mark Dalla Pozza Mr Paul Daly Dr Bill Damachis Ms Donatella D’Amico Mrs Julie Dart Mr Paras Dave Mrs Hanne Davies Mr Shane Day Mrs Heidi De Coster Mrs Jayanthi De Silva Ms Hayley Dean Ms Natalia Dean Ms Lorraine Denny Mr Stephen Devitt Mr Nick Di Bono Miss Cara Dobinson Mr Graham Dombkins Ms Jodie Douglas Ms Bethany Doust Mr George Drougas Ms Elizabeth Drummond Ms Janice Dufficy Mr Laurence Duffy Mrs Rachel Dyer Mr Ian Eastley Mr Francis Ebzery Dr Margaret Edgley Mrs Kerrin Edwards Mrs Vivian Edwards Mrs Belinda Egan Mr Mark Eggins Mr John Elder Mr Erick Elefante Mr Ahmad Elhage Mr Robert Emmett Miss Joanne English Dr Peter Erdmann Mr Gregory Erwin Ms Karen Esler Ms Aleisha Essex Dr Roy Evans Mr Steven Fanale Mrs Trudy Fathers Mrs Bernice Faulkner Mrs Elaine Faulks Ms Kirsty Fay Miss Romea Fellows Mr Matthew Felvus Mr Michael Fenton Mr Canio Fierravanti Ms Alison Fietz Miss Alexandria Finch Mrs Ann Fincher Mrs Eileen Findley

University of Wollongong 2016 Report on Giving 34

Ms Kathleen Lyons-Dawson Mrs Sue Macdonald Mr Gary Mackenzie Mrs Christine Macpherson Mr David Macquart Mr Nigel Maddock Ms Kay Magnay Ms Catherine Mahanay Mr Richard Maitland Mr Haris Malik Miss Irene Mar Mr Brad Marden Mr Anwar Maricar Ms Barbara Marks Mrs Carol Marshman Ms Elizabeth Martin Ms Jennifer Martin Ms Patricia Martin on behalf of Mr Barry Martin Ms Sharon Martin Mr Peter Martyn Mr Italo Massarella Mr Robert Massey Mr David Matthews Mr Jim Matthews Ms Susan Matthews Mr Michael Maude Mr Frank Maurizi Mr Thomas Mawson Ms Melissa McBeath Ms Jennifer McClay Ms Kath McCollim Mr Kim McConnochie Miss Joyce McDonald Ms Roslyn McDonald Mr Craig McDuff Mrs Cara McFarlane Miss Bree-Anna McGeehan Mr Glenn McGrath Mrs Rachel McGrath Mr Anthony McInnes Mr Paul McKenzie Mr Neil McKinlay Ms Debbie McKinnon Mr Robert McLeod Ms Melissa McMahon Mr Paul McShane Miss Gaye McSweeney Mr Andrew McVey Mrs Belinda McWilliams Ms Kirsten Mead Mr Craig Mear Ms Nicola Meddows Ms Anne Melano Mrs Beverley Meldrum Mr Tim Mendham Mr Darryl Meredith Ms Rachele Meredith Ms Kay Mewburn Mr Al Michaelis Miss Katherine Miles Mr Raymond Miles Mrs Linda Mills Mrs Louise Millward Mr Sean Minto Ms Christine MisogiannisMaratos Ms Anna Mockler

Mr Andrew Monaghan Mrs Rosalie Montagner and A/Prof John Montagner Mr Kenneth Montoya Mrs Alicia Moorcroft Mr Terrence Moore Mr Lloyd Moorhouse Ms Stephanie Moorley Ms Kassy Morcom Mr Isaac Morgan Mr Kevin Morrin Mr John Morris Mrs Susan Moule Mr Paul Mourtos Mr Peter Mowbray Mrs Deidre Moxon Ms Belinda Muir Mrs Sarah Muir Mr Alan Mulhall Mr Geoffrey Muller Miss Olivia Mulligan Ms Berenice Murphy Ms Denise Murray Mr Lee Murray Mr David Muscio Mr Carmelo Mustica Mrs Sonia Nadjarian Ms Heather Nash Mr Michael Neumann Mr Anthony Neve Mr Ken Newman Mrs Leanne Newsham Ms Jennifer Newton Mr Timothy Newton Mr Matthew Nicholls Ms Janet Nicholson Dr Robert Nightingale Mr Gordon Nolan Mrs Katherine O’Brien Mr Stanley O’Brien Mr Gregory Oehm Mrs Penelope Oerlemans Miss Bunmi Ogunbona Mr Denis O’Hara Ms Danielle O’Keefe Mr James Ollis Mr Craig Olsson Mr Robert O’Meley Mr Henry Ong Mr Susanto Onie Mr Giuseppe Orlandi Ms Amanda Oyston Mr Andrew Palmer Ms Holly Park Dr Dominique Parrish Mr Gregory Parrish Mrs Noreen Parrish Mrs Lois Parsons Ms Vivien Parsons Mrs Jasmina Pascoe Mr Alan Pauza Mrs Christine Peacock Mr Francis Pearce Ms Genevieve Pedrick Dr Natalie Pelham Mrs Milica Perez Mr Geoff Peters Ms Leanne Petersen

Mr Darren Peterson Mrs Hetty Petre Mr Paul Pfahl Ms Hang Thanh Pham Ms Anne Phelan Mr Peter Phillips Ms Catherine Pietracci Mr Steven Pittiglio Ms Deborah Pollard Ms Lorelle Pollard Mrs Cherie Polsson and Mr Michael Polsson Ms Jennifer Porter Miss Casey Potter Mr Michael Potter Mrs Allison Powell Ms Roslyn Pratt Ms Julie Prendergast Ms Ruth Procter Ms Donna Prohm Ms Xiao Qi Mr Adam Quinn Ms Michelle Quinn Ms Elizabeth Raadik Mr Andrew Rankin Ms Fiona Rankin Mr John Rankin Prof Judy Raper Mr Domenico Raso Mr Vijeya Ratnam Ms Yvette Ravello Mr Buchanan Reed Miss Angela Reeves Mr Robert Reid Mr Bruce Rendall Mr Mark Rendell Ms Katherine Rice Ms Anna Richardson Ms Beverley Richardson Mrs Skye Rickey Mr Phil Rimes Mr Joseph Ringer and Mrs Melanie Ringer Mr Paul Ripke Ms Eeva Risku Mr Alan Ritchie Mrs Susan Roach Mr Peter Roan Ms Fiona Roberts Ms Beth Robinson Ms Suellen Robson Mr Gregory Rodgers Mr Paul Roodenrys Mr Peter Roope Mr Tony Rose Mr David Rose Mr James Roussell Dr Robyn Rowland AO Mrs Virginia Rowland Ms Angela Rozmeta Mrs Kathryn Rutherford Mr Mark Rutter Mrs Julie Ryan Ms Louise Ryan Mr Michael Ryan A/Prof Daniel F Saffioti Miss Fazleen Sahim Prof Glenn Salkeld

Ms Megan Salter Mr Graeme Samways Mrs Leanne Saunders Ms Ziik Savu Ms Esther Sawang Mr Ian Sawkins Ms Elizabeth Sayers R & D Schmitt Mr Patrick Schymitzek Mr Phillip Seymour Mr Muhammad Shah Ms Diann Sharman Mrs Ann Shaw Mr John Shaw Ms Karen Shawcross Prof Peter Sheldon Ms Lisa Shiels Ms Jennifer Shroff Ms Julie Sikora Mr Barry Silburn Mr Joshua Silver Mr Robert Simons Mr John Simpson Aidan Sims Mr Ewen Sinclair-Kydd Ms Katie Singh Mr Patrick Sloan Mr Adam Smith Mr Jeffrey Smith Ms Katie Smith Mr Kevin Smith Ms Lorraine Smith Mrs Wenny Smith Mr Philip Snowden Mrs Deborah Southwell Mrs Sonia Spaseski Mr Andrew Spence Mrs Kim Stace Ms Grace Stagg Mr John Staniforth Mr Milan Stanojevic Mr Malcolm Stanton Mrs Julie Stapleton Ms Nell Stetner-Houweling Mrs Loren Stewart-Gurtner Mr Michael Stone Miss Monika Strasser Ms Melinda Stuckey Mr Malcolm Sutherland Ms Danielle Suttor Mr Viral Talati Mr Neki Taleyarkhan Mrs Frances Talib Mr John Tancevski and Ms Jennifer Tancevski Mr David Tandy and Mrs Patricia Tandy Mr Ross Tanswell Mr Nick Tate Mr Alexander Tavan Ms Catriona Taylor Mr Matthew Taylor Mrs Tamara Tedstone Ms Deborah Tetley Mr Christopher Thompson Mr Jonathan Thompson Dr Melissa Thompson Mr Michael Thompson

Mr George Wood Ms Gina Woodward Mr Ryan Worthington Mr Andrew Wright Ms Carolyn Wright Mrs Donna Wright Mr Kenneth Wright Mr Matthew Wright Ms Yi-Chen Wu Dr Amy Wyatt Mr Yang Yang Mrs Karin Yeaman Mr Robert Yee Ms Rachel Yerbury Mr Brent Young Mr Benjamin Yuen Mr Guang Ji Zeng Mr Zewei Zhang Mr Zhihao Zhang Mr Yiheng Zhao Mr Feng Zhou Ms Jill Zylmans and 31 anonymous donors We also thank the UOW staff members who donate to the University priorities through the UOW Cares Workplace Giving Program CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS:


RESEARCH GRANT CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PHILANTHROPIC TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS: Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Cancer Society Research Foundation Australian Companion Animal Health Foundation Australian Flora Foundation

DONORS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE USA FOUNDATION: Mr Paul Chang Mr Agim Cura Mr Samuel Hawdon Mr Peter Ivaneza Miss Nadia Malavey Miss Cassandra Martin Miss Lauren Mullane Ms Annette Mychael Mr Sean Soltys Mr Phillip Street Prof Roger Summons Mr Jon Taneski ORGANISATIONS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE USA FOUNDATION: US Bank Matched Giving Program We would like to acknowledge and thank those who are supporting the University through an endowed gift. APEX Club of Batemans Bay Emeritus Professor John Patterson Emeritus Professor Kenneth McKinnon AO and Ms Suzanne Walker Illawarra Junior Rugby League IOH Injury and Occupational Health The Hogg Family Mr Richard Miller Mrs Janice Skillen Ms Hazel Holmwood Ms Jean Clarke and Dr Jack Baker The Campbell Family The Connolly Family The Late Ms Winifred Bullot Smith OAM UOW Alumni Campus Chapter and 1 anonymous donor


Abbott Foundation Pty Ltd Colman Education Foundation Movement Disorder Foundation Mumbulla Foundation Southern Highlands Community Foundation Troy Pocock Meningococcal Foundation Inc Veolia Mulwaree Trust Westpac Bicentennial Foundation and 1 anonymous donor

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Coal Services Health and Safety Trust Heart Foundation Hermon Slade Foundation Ian Potter Foundation IRT Research Foundation Movember Foundation NSW Environmental Trust Recreational Fishing Trusts The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation The Norman Wettenhall Foundation Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation

2016 Report on Giving

Access Law Group Acorn Lawyers APEX Club of Batemans Bay Bega Chamber of Commerce Bega Cheese Bega Lions Club Bega RSL Sub Branch Big Fat Smile Blomfield Legal Bluerise Pty Ltd t/a Panizzi Cafe Bomaderry Bowling Club Bradken Brookfield Multiplex Australasia Cedar Catering Services Pty Ltd t/a The Matchbox Cetin Uckan T/as De Lish Bar CoastCityCountry Edmiston Jones GBB Eurobodalla Shire Council Fierce Dance Academy Glencore Coal Assets Australia Pty. Ltd. Grill’d Pty Ltd HUON Contractors Pty Ltd Illawarra Area Child Care Illawarra Centenary of Anzac Committee Illawarra Junior Rugby League Illawarra Mercury Illawarra Neurosurgery IOH Injury and Occupational Therapy Itree Pty Limited KPMG

Lancaster Law and Mediation Pty Ltd Living & Learning Custodians Pty Limited Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club Milton Ulladulla Ex-Servicemen’s & Citizen’s Club Ltd Mindtree Mollymook Golf Club National Australia Bank NSW State Emergency Service Oak Flats Community Bank Orica Australia Pty. Ltd. Out for Lunch Pambula & District Community Development Ltd Ray White Nowra RMB Lawyers Roads and Maritime Services Rotary Club of Bega Inc Rotary Club of Bomaderry Rotary Club of Pambula Rotary Club of West Wollongong SDN Childrens Services St George’s Basin Country Club Sutherland Shire Environment Centre (SSEC) Telstra Tibra Capital Pty Ltd Transport for NSW UOW Alumni Campus Chapter Vanguard Charitable CAFA Fund Westpac Banking Corporation WIN Television WMD Law Wollongong City Council WUMMS Zonta Club of Wollongong

University of Wollongong

Mr Ross Thompson Mr William Thomson Mr David Thummler Mr Michael Tibbs Dr Sameer Tiwari Mr Adrian Tome Ms Sarah Toole Mr Adam Trevarthen Miss Monique Trivas Mrs Catherine Troman Miss Nicole Trott Dr Deborah Truneckova Mrs Ainslie Tweedie Mrs Lyndall Unkuri Mr Rudy Vandrie Mr John Vang Mr Warwick Ralph Varley Ms Mariella Vasquez Mr Jeffery Vaughan-Floyd Mrs Caroline Vaughan-Reid Mr Branislav Vavra Mrs Helen Vento Ms Marita Vergan A/Prof Rodney Vickers Mr Andrew Vidler Mr Martin Visser Ms Lil Vrklevski Mr Grant Vukasinovic Mrs Ann Walker Mr Jim Wallace Mr Jordan Wallace Mrs Vicky Wallace Ms Jeanette Walton Dr Russell Walton Mr John Watchers Mr Darren Wearne Mr Denis Webb Mr Adam West Mr Matthew West Mr Leslie Westerlund Mr Andrew Whalan Mr Daniel Wheeler Ms Magdalena Whipper Mrs Catherine Whisson Ms Linda White Mr Ken Whitton Mr Marcus Wicken Ms Katie Wicks Mrs Brigitte Wilkinson Ms Belinda Williams Mr David Williams Mr Peter Williams Dr Robert Williams Mr Rodney Williams Mr Gregory Willis Mrs Justine Willis Mrs Beverley Willmann Mrs Helen Willmott Ms Brenda Wilson Mr Kyle Wilson Ms Lauren Wilson Mr Kent Wilton A/Prof Khin Win Mr David Winton Mr Ian Witheridge Mr Graeme Wolgamot and Mrs Amy Wolgamot Dr Christa Wood

University of Wollongong 2016 Report on Giving 36

CONTACT DETAILS Advancement Division Building 36, University of Wollongong NSW 2522 Ph: 02 4221 5915 Fax: 02 4221 5596 Email: donations@uow.edu.au Web: uow.edu.au/donations The University’s privacy policy can be found at uow.edu.au/donations/privacypolicy. If you no longer wish to receive this type of material, please phone +61 2 4221 3169. The University of Wollongong attempts to ensure that the information contained in this form is correct at the time of production (July 2017). However sections may be amended without notice by the University in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. University of Wollongong CRICOS: 00102E.

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