Home And Garden 4-09-2015

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g4th Annual


' presented by

en ors 0 The doors will open at 9 a.m. Saturday to oneof the biggest,most popular free events at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds. The 34th annual Home and Garden Show, sponsored by The Union Democrat, promises to be packed with information, fun, food and prizes. ''We have many new exhibitors this year, bringing the total to over 100," said show coordinator Peggy Pietrowicz. "I'm excited to present this year's show and to work with the local and visiting businesses who will exhibit their products and services. "I invite people to browse through the fairgrounds, sign up for prize drawings, eat lunch and take all the information they want home with them." Many exhibitors will offer special discount prices on anything sold at the show.


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

2 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

is wee en

ai re u n s Look through the pages of this Home and Garden section for your best deals. The most valuable giveaways will include brochures, literature and information on the latest in home and garden improvements,real estate, spas, home heating and air conditioning, painting and much more. The show will run 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Parking and admission are free, but parking at the fairgrounds is limited and is usually full before noon each day. Street parking is available in the area, but to ease the crunch, a free shuttle bus will run continuously between the fairgrounds at the front entrance and The Junctionshopping center near T.J.M axx. PoliceCadet Explorer Post 364, sponsored by the Sonora Police Department,

will again direct traffic and parking at the fairgrounds. A limited number of handicapped parking spots are available at the front gate. Pietrowicz said she expects 8,000 visitors to the show during the two days. 'The least crowded times to come are early and late," she said. The fairgrounds can get pretty packed between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. if the weather cooperates." In addition to commercial exhibitors, a number of civic organizations and agencies are participating, with proceeds going to community causes. Pietrowicz pointed out that beer and wine will be available again this year. Proceeds from alcohol sales will benefit the Sonora Chamber of Commerce to fund its community activities. The beer and wine booth is located in the Muir Garden.

Kiwanis Club of Sonora members will serve their traditional hamburgers and tri-tip sandwiches as well as pulledpork sandwiches and hot dogs. You can find them inside and outside the Sierra Building. Kiwanis Club of Groveland members will serve food from the Manzanita Building. Menu items include breakfast burritos, beef, bean-and-cheese burritos, nachos, corn dogs and soft pretzels. All proceeds from these food sales benefit community projects. In addition to the service clubs, Cover's Apple Ranch will serve coffee and espressoand sellpies and other baked goods. Mi Wuk Kettle Corn will offer their famous fresh-cooked kettle corn.

Sonora Regional Medical Center's health van will act as a first aid station.

x i itorsan s acesat omean a r e n CREEKSIDE BUILDING JS West ACE Hardware and Lumber JS West Propane Boise Cascade UniversaI Forest Products California Cascade El 5 El Wood Products Norcal, Inc. Ore Pac Building Products Fiberon Decking/Huttig Building Products California Redwood Company Fabral Weyerhauser Unity Prime Source

30HN MUIR BUILDING 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Kamps Propane Foust Heat K Air Cutler-Segerstrom Insurance Agency Sonora Construction B.J. Slaton Excavating, Grading tk Paving McCurley's National Flooring and Window Coverings Col d w ell Banker Bio c lean Products Gut t e r Helmet/Home Pro F a rcorp M o u ntain Oasis Water C o m phel Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. S o n ora Sleepworks 5. More K i t chen Craft/Lustre Craft B e rkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Realty T u o lumne Utilities District (TUD) C l ark Pest Control S e rviceMaster Sierras A i re Serv of the Gold Country B i g Bear Roofing T h e Alarm Guys T o m m y's Window Fashions S t arr lnternational Trading H i b ernation Home M i d d leton's Brand Source Furniture tk Appliance W i n ters Cleaning Services X f i n ity W e lls Fargo Home Mortgage S o n ora Subaru

30 B y e r's Leaf Guard Gutter Systems 31 P i n nell's Carpet One Floor Bc Home 32 C a laveras Lumber


SIERRA BUILDING 1 Col u m bia Nursery Bc Florist 2 Tu ff S pas of Northern California 3 Mik e ' s Mowers 4 Ga t e w ood Heating Bc Air Conditioning Inc. 5 Sea r s Hometown Store 6 T u olumne County Farm Bureau 7 Leg a l Shield 8 Mi W u k Wash 5 Dry 9 Cu t c o Cutlery 10 J . S. West Propane 11 A B C Supply Co. Inc. 12 S t arr InternationaI Trading Inc. 13 C IEE Council on International Educational Exchange 14 J a m estown Promotion Club 15 C a lifornia State Railroad Museum Foundation 16 l i vus Marketing Kiwanis of Sonora (Food)

MANZANITA BUILDING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Tuo l u mne County Solid Waste Division Tuo l u mne County Association of Realtors Bri a n Magarrell Construction Services Tuo l u mne County Chamber of Commerce and Tuolumne County Visitors Bureau Sub u r ban Propane Sie r ra Seamless Gutters Sie r ra Nevada Communications Rob i n son Roofing Cen t ral Heat Bc Air S o n ora Cat Rescue C a laveras Tuolumne Cattlewomen T u o lumne County Sheriffs Community Service Unit S i e rra Business Council H i gh Country Spa 5 Stove Center C h ris Simpson Painting CAT Communications S t a nislaus National Forest H i g hway108 Fire Safe Council Kiwanis of Groveland (Food)

Residential Sales & Service Business Gifts 'Re Mrld's Finest Cutlery



Come visit us at the

Sonora Home & Garden Show April 11th 8 12th, 2015 or call Danny at (209) 585-7017 Mention this ad and receive a 15-40% Discount at the booth Sign up at the booth for FREE IN-HOME SHARPENING


(3 05



A Son o ra Regional Medical Center B A me r i can Red Cross C Tu o l u mne County Relay for Life D Fr i e nds of the Mother Lode Fairgrounds E Ga r t on Tractor F Mik e 's Mowers G A l J u d nich Gardening H Ba c kyard Spa Bc Pool I Tu ffS hed lnc. J Cam p o ra Propane K Ro s e Wolf Wildlife Rescue 5 Rehab. Center lnc. L Son o r a Ford M G u n ter Painting N F o o t h ill Fireplace, Pools and Spas 0 Dun l ap Enterprises P Si e r ra Heavy Duty RV K Truck Center Q C o n i fer Communications R L & L Powder Coatingand Kustoms S Sol a r Universe/Gold Electric Inc. T Moo r e Room U Pi n e Alley Saw Shop V U. C .C.E. Tuolumne County Master Gardeners W H a b itat for Humanity Restore X GoS o larPros Y Th e U nion Democrat Z Ja t c o Water Systems AA Sol Sierra Inc. BB M i Wuk Kettle Corn CC Sonora Chamber of Commerce DD Solar City EE The Englishman FF S o nora High School Foundation GG Allstar Construction and Pest Management lnc.




2 Cutco Cutlery . Garton Tractor Big Bear Roofing Starr International Trading Inc. 4 T uolumne Utilities District . . . . 4 Farcorp . . 5 Backyard Spa Bc Pool Essentials 5 K itchen Craft / Lustre Craft . . . . 6 Byers Leaf Guard G utter Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 6 B ioclean Products . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S EARS Hometown Store . . . . . . 8 The Alarm Guys 8 Sonora Ford . . 8 Cutler-Segerstrom Insurance A gency . . . . 9 Sierra Nevada Communications 9 McCurleys National Flooring B c Window Coverings . . . . . . 9 GOSolarPros .. . 10 Allstar Construction % Pest Control Management, Inc. . 10 Sonora Sleepworks Bc More .. 10 H ibernation Home . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 L R L Powder Coating Bc Kustoms . .12 S erviceMaster Sierras . . . . . . . 1 2 Middleton's Brand Source Furniture Bc Appliance. . . . . 12 Tuff Shed, Inc. 12 Mike's Mowers 13 Aire Serv of the Gold Country Pine Alley Saw Shop . . . . . . . . Jatco Water Systems . . . . . . . . livus Marketing Sierra Seamless Gutters . . . . . Gatewood Heating tk Air Conditioning, Inc. . . . . . . . . 1 5 Sonora Subaru .15 K amps Propane . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 C oldwell Banker . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6


.34th Annual HOme & Garden $hO~

Thursday, April9,2015 • Sonora, California — 3

34th Annual




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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

4 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


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Mfe would like to thankall of our customerswhohave allowed us to work tor them and who found our quality and service valuable enough to refer us to family 8 friends. LVe are deeply honored.

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www.kubota.com Optional equipment may be shown. ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012


Look for Big Bear Roofing on facebook.com


Water Conservation Water is essential to each of us every day. TUD recommends these water-saving tips to save water inside your home:

Laundry Room • Install a water-efficient clothes washer Save: 16 Gallons/Load.


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• Many times you can qualify for a rebate when you purchase a new washing machine. The energy and water savings the clothes washer will pay for itself in a short period of time.

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All New Colors!

• Install low-flow shower heads. Save: 2.5 Gallons.

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• Take five minute showers or less. Save: 12.5 gallons with a low flow showerhead. • While you are waiting for the shower water to get hot, use a bucket to capture that water especially if it takes a long time to get hot water. Then use that water to: • Flush toilets if you can. • Water plants or displace water that you would use somewhere else. • Install a high-efficiency toilet. Save: 19 Gallons Per Person/

Day. • Utilize TUD's toilet rebate program. If your home was built before 1992 and you have a toilet that uses 3.0

gallons of water per flush, you may be eligible to receive a rebate if you replace your toilet with a low-flow toilet. TUD water customers can



receive a $45 rebate for replacing their toilet. For more information on how to conserve, go to www.tudwater.com

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34th Anngal HPme & GardenShPW

Thursday,April9 r 2015 • Sonora r California — 5

Aire Servef theGeldCountrv


Your name: Dianne and Sam Harris Your title: Vice president and president Business name: Aire Serv of the Gold

Alarm Guys

Country Business address: 9971 Milton Road, Valley Springs, CA 95252 Telephone: 533-2345 Fax: 786-2101

Your name: Dan Majnarich Your title: Show manager

Businessname: TheAlarm Guys Business address: 390 Carrol Court, Suite A, Brentwood, CA 94513 Telephone: 925-308-4703

Business email address: dianneOaireservgold.com

Business website: aireserv.com/gold-country

Business email address: ieastbaymarketing©sbcglobal.net

If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 31 years Is this a family business?: Yes How longhave you been in the business?: 30 years

Business website:


Lll •




Is this a family business?: No How long have you been in the

, I

business?: 3 years Number of employees?: 22 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Gar-

Number of employees: 10 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: This will be our fifth year at the show Briefly describe your product or service: Heating and air conditioning, installation, retrofit, service/maintenance and repair. Service also includes indoor air quality and duct cleaning. We have two great ways

den Show?: 2 Briefly describe your product or ser-

vice: Provide in-home(or business) homeautomation and alarm security systems. What sets your business apart

from your competitors?: We provide C.

to help keep you from overpaying energy bills. Stop by our booth and talk to us about mini-ductless systems and the new product IceCOLD, which will increase the efficiency of your air conditioning system up to 20 percent. What sets your business apart from your competitors?: We offer 24-hour service with no overtime charges. We give you uup front" pricing (Our prices are set, and you know the costs and approve the work before

entirely free activation, free installation and even free equipment; all offered at a low, competitive monthly (nationwide) monitoring with options of two-, three- or five-year

Courtesy photo

Sam Harris stands in front of one of his Aire Serv service trucks.

it's done). Our employees are all background checked and drug tested. We operate our business by a code of values that shows our customers that we value them. Ask any of our employees what our code of values is

price locks.

and if you arenot happy, wedo our very best

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: We also offer a two-way (lifeline intercom) service with our panels at no extra cost.

to make things right. What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year'sHome & Garden Show?: and you will hearabout respect, integrity and Stop by our booth and ask us how we can customer focus. We stand behind our work, save you money on utility bills.

Color has the power to transform a room or a mood Of all the elements of deAbout Color white is described as the reflection of all colors, sign, color is my favorite. Color is a physical marvel, while black is described as the absorption of QOIII HOIIIe Color is amazing. and the range of colors reach- all colors. UI Color has the ability to esfarbeyondwhatthehuman Hue refers to the attribute by which we recvisually change the p r oeye can perceive. At either end ognize and describe a color, such as yellow or portions ofa space. It can ofthevisiblespectrumoflight blue. Value is de6ned by the degree of light< Iy T C P change the mood of a space. are the invisible infrared and ness or darkness of a color in relation to white Color is visceral and subjecultraviolet lights. The "hu- and black. Saturation is the brilliance or dulltive. It can mollify one minute and electrify m an color space," or visible white light lies in ness of a color; this depends on the amount of the next. between. Within this visible spectrum of light, hue in a color. Color is also elusive and never exists c olor is determined by wavelength. Red is the Primary colorsare groups of colors that, alone. It will always be influenced by its l o ngest wavelength and violet is the shortest. when mixed, can produce all other colors. Prisurroundings and, without light, color does Think of a rainbow that proceeds &om red, to mary colors cannot be made by other colors. not exist at all. orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Red,yellow and blue are examples ofprimary It is the ever-changing dynamics in the In t h e most basic sense, color is the result of colors. Secondary colors are colors thatresult study and understanding of color that t h e way in which an object absorbs or reflectshom a 50 percent mixing of any two primary keeps me intrigued, mystified and coming the visible light in the color spectrum. An ob- colors. Orange (red + yellow), green (yellow + back for more. I am obsessed with colorand ject that oureyesperceiveasredabsorbsevery blue), and purple (blue + red) are examples of I love it! color except red, which it reflects. Frequently, secondary colors.

A tint is the result of adding white to a color. A shade is the result of adding black to a color. Add gray to a color and you get a tone of that color. You can also mix a color with its complement to adjust the tone. An equal mix of two complementary colors will result in gray. There are a number of color systems that attempt toorganize colors and their attributes

into a visible order. These systems can range from the more simple type, such as the Brewster/Prang color wheel many of us are familiar with that organizes color pigments into primary, secondary, and tertiary hues. (A tertiary hue is the result of mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color. For example, red-orange is the result of mixing primary red with secondary orange, and so forth.) See COLOR / Page 6

k I

Ak O©

Come see gsat tbe


Home & Gardeyi Show to be/p


Celebrute ogr 4'" Year iyi Bgsiyiess!


10/o OFF Accessories, upgrades oroptions .r

onthepurchaseofCalSpas,ColemanSpasandCalFlame Expires 5-16-15 6

See us atthe Home and, Garden shew!

Epx'il 11th — 12th


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Clean Pool Water Starts Here!

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6 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

BacleardPoolaSgaEssentials Inc. lUlslar .II. Il Constrncfion II II II II .i andPest II Manaiement. Inc. Your name: Candi Huff and Harry Huff Your title: Owners

Business name: Back-

yard Pool & Spa Essentials Inc.

Business address: 612

Your name: Charley Reber Business name: Allstar Construction and Pest Management, Inc. Business address:23800 Mount Eli zabeth Road, Twain Harte Telephone: 768-2478 Fax: 586-3704

Business email address: allstar-construction©live.com If you live in the area, how long haveyou livedhere?: 28years Is this a family business?: Yes How long haveyou been in the business?: 5 ~ /2 years; since July 2009 Number ofemployees?: 7

Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 1 Briefly describe your product or service: General contractor, structural and general pest control company. What sets your business apart from your competitors?: We're friendly and do quality work. Not onlycan we identify your pest problems, we can fix the damage they have caused. What's the most important message you want to

convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: One call does it all; we're the best for your


A more comprehensive color system was developed in the early 1900s by Albert H. Munsell. Based around hue, value, and chroma (another word for s a t u-

ration), Munsell created a threedimensional model in the form of a sphere. The hues are arranged around the perimeter of the sphere. Value is designatedby a pole that runs through the sphere from top to bottom with the lightest value at the top tothe darkestvalue at the bottom. Chroma identifies the color as

tmail.com If you live in the area,

how long have you lived here?: 31 years Is this a family busi-

ness?: Yes How long have you been in this business?: 4

Business website: allstarconstructionpest.com

Continuedfrom Page 5


dress: carefreeharry@ho-

Your title: President/CEO




Stockton Road, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 588-2888 B usiness email a d -

years Number of employees: 1

Number of years your company has participated inthe Home & Garden Show: This is our fourth Briefly describe your product or service: Bio-

Guard chemicals, pool and Courtesy photo spa parts, Coleman and Candi and Harry Huff sit among a selection of new spas and other outdoor items in Cal spas and Cal Flame barbecues. What sets your busi-

their showroom on Stockton Road in Sonora.

What's the most impor- ness. We are dedicated ple of days. We have ness apart from your competitors?: We have tantmessage you want strictly to the pool and spa weekly spa and pool serbeen in the pool and spa to convey to attending industry. We sell BioGuard vice. We are here so cusWe have pool tomers can shop local and industry i n Tu o lumne this year's Home & Gar- chemicals. County for more than 25 den Show?: We are a and spa parts in stock or have a good, friendly expeyears. friendly family run busi- we can order within a cou- rience.

it moves inward from the perimeter band to the value pole. Munsell also developed a classification method making it easy to identify any color in his system. Color, inherently, has temperature. While red, yellow and orange are oftenreferred to as warm colors and blue, green and purple are frequentlyidentified as coolcolors; colortemperature has more to do with the undertone of the hue. Ahue with a yellow or brown undertone tendtoward warm colors asopposed to a hue with a blue undertone that tendstoward coolcolors. Compare the warm visual temperatureof a luscious lime green (with undertones of yellow) to the

coolvisual temperature ofarefresh- trast scheme developed by paring ing mint green (with undertones of the chosen color with that directly blue). Whites and grays have color opposite on the color wheel. • S plit C omplementary is a temperatures,too. Color schemes are formulated by variation on the complementary turning color combinations into a scheme that pairs the chosen color setofrulesfor an interior palette. with two adjacent colors of the choWhen color is not tied to a materi- sen color's complement. al (more on this in a moment), there • Triadic is another high-conaresix"classic"color schemes. trast scheme that uses colors • Monochromatic uses a single equally spaced around the color colorin a variety ofsaturations and wheel. • Tetradic uses two complemenvalues. • Analogous usescolors direct- tary colorpairs.Proportions ofthe ly adjacent on the color wheel to colors for a complex scheme such as the chosen color. The prime color this must be chosen thoughtfully in serves as the dominant color in this order to maintain visual balance. scheme. Materials have qualities of ab• Complementary is a high-con- sorption, reflectance, and lumi-

nance that the abstract systems of color do not take into account. Materials might contain many layers of colors,with avariety ofcolors occurring within a single material sample (picture a granite countertop). To simplify, color in interior design can be divided into two distinctcategories:coloras an applied surface (like paint) and color as integral to a material (like concrete). Kimberly Teter-Cope, the owner of

Cope KHaven Designs,has more

than 30years of design experience creating livable environments for residential, commercial and institutional settings. Contact her at


c eIl OO In


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Bgers Guarantee Stnce a98<


34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora,California — 7

Brian Magarrell Constmclon



Ki. I' V' mt '


California Realty R09-SSS-VSSS www.prrl.rom

Your name: Brian Magarrell Your title: Owner Business name: Brian Magarrell Construction Services Business address: P.O. Box 443 Columbia, CA 95310 Telephone: 352-5549 Business email address:

;.u •

orangeink74©gmail.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 10 years Is this a family business?: Yes How long have you been in the business?: 20 years Number of employees?: 1 Number of years your company

Courtesy photo

Berkshire-Hathaway real estate representatives have an "attitude of gratitude" and always put the client first.

Berkshire-Hathawav HomeServices-California Realtv Your name: Steven B. Campbell, Sr. Businesswebsite:BHHSCR.com Your title: Owner/broker If you live in the area, how long have Business name: Berkshire Hathaway you lived here?: Six-plus years. Home Services-California Realty Is this a family business?: No. Business address: 133 Old Wards Number of employees?: Five employFerry Road, Suite E, Sonora, CA 95370 ees; 34 contract agents. Telephone: 533-7888 Number of years your company has Fax: 536-6009 participated in the Home & Garden Business email address: info©bhh- Show?: 9 years


has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 0 Briefly describe your product or service: Kitchen and bathroom remod-

vice: Real estate sales; residential and



What sets your business apart from your competitors?: Attention to details and customer satisfaction. What's the most important mes-

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: Our attitude of gratitude, and our broker is non-competing with his agents. What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: We Briefly describe your product or ser- always put the client first.

sage youwant to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: cIan getm y customers a great deal on the kitchen or bathroom they have been dreaming of.

Big BearRoofing Saving water, money in the garden Your name: William F. Silva Your title: Owner

Business name: Big Bear Roofing Business a ddress: P.O. Box 4955, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 532-1299 Fax: 533-3074

Business email address: bigbearroofing© comcast.net Business w e bsite: You can find Big Bear Roofing on Facebook.

Courtesy photo

William F. Silva

corn If you live in the area,

how long have you

make profits. Our cus-

lived here?: 28 years Is this a family busi-

We do NOT allow smok-

tomers are our priority.

ing, alcohol, profanity or ness?: Yes How long have you radios on any job site. been in the business?: We expect and receive Roofing for 32 years; 21 professional c o nduct

years with my own com- from every member of pany and license. the Big Bear Roofing Number of employees?: 5 plus

crew. Each of our cusNumber of y e ars tomers is treated with your company has par- the high level of respect ticipated in the Home & they deserve. We may Garden Show?: This is be roofing your home, our eighth year but it is our reputation If you have a product that will be built on your or service you are offer- satisfaction. We offer ing at the Home 8 Gar- customer references to den Show attendees, all our new and prospecplease briefly describe it: Briefly describe your tive clients. Ask for refer-

product or service: We ences for any given

are a constantly growing month of the year we roofing company with ex- have been in business, perience in many differ- and we will have the ent types of roofing ma- owners of the roofs conterials and applications. tact you regarding their We offer complete gutter roofing experience with repair, cleaning and re- Big Bear Roofing. That's placement of all types of what truly separates us gutters. We also install a variety of brands of fixed from the rest. We are and operable skylights. that confident and proud Our maintenance ser- of our work and work vice includes cleaning of habits. We want our cusgutters and roofs, in ad- tomers to know they are dition to complete roof- getting the very best for ing systems and repairs. their dollar. You can find Big Bear What's the most imRoofing on Facebook. portant message you

com. What sets your busi- want to c onvey to

ness apart from your those attending this competitors?: We are a year's Home & Garden local roofing company Show?: When you hire that bases our services Big Bear Roofing, you on old-fashioned family are hiring experience, values, work ethics and honesty, confidence and high standards. One s ecurity. You will be thing that sets us apart treated fairly and when from others is that the the job is done, you will owner is part of the crew be completely satisfied. and takes a deeper interest in the outcome of We offer 24-hour, 7-dayeach individual job. Our a-week emergency sercustomers are not mere vice. Nights, weekends numbers, nor are they and S unday's a f ter considered just a way to church.

In light of recent publicity regarding local water issues, the time is right to talk about saving water and money. Half of California's water is usedoutdoors,especially for agriculture. It's also estimated that 50 percent (or more in some areas) of California's residential water is used outdoors — to water lawns, ornamental plantings, vegetable gardens and in swimming pools. Saving water o utdoors will also save money in your budget. Here are some tips for saving water in your lawn and garden. To help us become more aware of our watering practices, July is designated as Smart I r r igation M onth. J uly is the month in t h e foothills when our plants typically use the most water. The Irrigation Association uses the phrase "saved

In the Garden

Tuolumne CountyUCCooperative Extrason Master Gardeners


Rebecca Miller-Cripps ( evaporation), o r pl a n t s take the water up through their roots, use it in metabolic processes, and release it as water vapor through their leaves (transpiration). Infiltration: Water that soaks below the plant's root zone is lost to the plant's u se. Don't pa y

for w a ter

sandy soil retain water, add organic material t o y our soil. Compost, homemade or purchased, makes clay soils airy so they drain and gives sandy soils body to hold m oisture. Compost a l s o reduces water d emands, controls soil erosion, and reduces plant stress from drought. Evaporation: Fac t o rs such as air t emperature, h umidity, s unlight, a n d wind remove water from bare soil. To combat evaporation, plant closely enough that plants shade the soil. Another way to slow evaporation is to mulch, mulch, mulch, mulch! Partially br o k en-down compost makes great mulch and, as it continues to break down, adds nutrients to the soil. The addition of mulch

your plants can't use. Check the depth of your watering. A long screwdriver blade will penetrate easily into damp soil. Use it to gauge how deeply you're watering. D eeper-rooted shrubs or flowers can be individually watered with a drip system to the surface can reduce or watering can. your plant water needs by Infiltration is affected by more than half. water is money in the bank" the type of soil you have. Transpiration: Plants use t o draw attention to t h e Clay, with a basic intake water for three basic purneed to water our l and- rate of I/10 of an inch per poses — to carry dissolved scapes and gardens, our hour will only be able to minerals and nutrients, to golf courses and shopping accept roughly the amount maintain physical shape center plantings more effi- of water applied in the 10 and growth, and t o conciently. minutes (twice per week) trol leaf temperature. The Brad Lancaster, author of now being allowed by Tu- amount of w ater needed "Rainwater Harvesting for olumne Utilities District varies byspecies of plant, Drylands and Beyond," asks to its customers. Loam ab- the time of year, the amount the question, "Why do we sorbs waterat a rate of V3 of sunlight, air t emperause treated drinking water inch per hour, and sand can ture, etc. In the Sierra footto irri gate our landscapes?" accept 2/3of an inch per hills, July is the month with The number one use of hour. the highest temperatures energy in California is to Putting water on faster and the highest evapotranspump and move water. Any than the intake rate causes pirationrates. water we save on our landrunoff and wasted water. Drought-tolerant plants scapes is definitely money Make sure that if you are adopt a number of stratein the bank! watering your lawn, that giesto reduce water lossWater in t h e o u tdoors your sprinklers do not ap- deep taproots to find water "disappears" by three meth- ply more water than can be at greatersoil depths; fine, ods. It soaks into the ground absorbed in 10 minutes. silveryleafhairs to reduce (infiltration), it evaporates To increase infiltration wind flow; or a waxy coati nto w a r m a i r or wi n d rates in clay soil and to help ing to reduce water evapo-

ration from leaf surfaces. Consider replacing some of your plantings — or your lawn — with drought-tolerant natives when cooler fall temperatures arrive.

Or consider converting your lawn to buffalo grass which, when established, requires m inimal w a t ering a n d mowing. And one last tip — if you are using sprinklers to water your lawn, check for leaks, broken heads, misaligned spray patterns and runoff For more information, go to www.ipm.ucdavis.edu and click on "UC Guide to Healthy Lawns" to learn more about irrigating your lawn. Or check the California Garden Web for more drought g ardening tips athttp://cagardenweb. ucanr.edul Rebecca Miller-Cripps is a Natural Resources

Education Outreach Specialist for the University of California Cooperative Extension Central Sierra in Tuolumne County.

We want your home and garden news for Sierra Living Saturdays Call 588-4535 or email features@uniondemocrat.com


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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

8 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

Outdoor living spaces deserve attention, too

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Hometown Store

Being outdoors is one of mostly varying levels of the greatest joys of hving walkways s u rrounding in the mountains. planted beds. Summer evenings here I chose the widest walkare the most beautiful I've way and furnished it with everexperienced with soft two pair of soft black, temperaturesand zillions of stars.If you've painted wood Adirondacks and two pair of traveled elsewhere in the summer, you'll know pale gray, wicker chairs. There is also a matchthis is true. During good years, outdoor dining, ing wicker table and a &ee-standing umbrella. grilling and ente~ g in California is a six- Since they're in an uncovered area, David stores month affair, and furnishing and decorating them in the basement during the winter and our patios is de rigueur. brings them out in late spring. Surprisingly, the Follow a few guidelines for choosing patio Adirondacks have held out very well. I've had furnitureand accessoriesto keep itfrom look- them the longest, about 15 years. They are all ing like a hardware store display area: teak, due for &esh coats paint. iron, aluminum or wicker furniture, and outMixing and matching outdoor furniture is door fabrics can be mixed and matched for a easy todo and soworth that small,extra effort. personalized look. You can take pictures as you shop at different There are great selections of outdoor, weath- stores and view them side by side to see which er-prooffurniture and accessories in many styles go well together. local hardware or home and garden stores. I like to choose functional items to go with them like comfy pillows in weather-resistant fabrics, Shiree's Style File • Add color to your patio furniture with glass and metal lanterns and even lap blankets for personal comfort. Keep it &om looking cushions and pillows in coordinating colors. pretentious or silly by choosing things that are Some great combinations foroutdoorareasare related to lounging, dining and gardening. cobalt/burnt red/and white; sage green/terra My own patio furnishings have aged quite a cotta/cream; Kelly green/mustard/black/white; bit since I wrote about them last year. It's a big and dark brown/celadon/coral. investment to replace everything at one time • Use year-round treated wicker, iron or and it needs it desperately. Half the patio is aluminum furniture as your functional pieces covered under the extended roofline, and the and add personality with items like a beautiful otherhalfis shaded by abig oak tree. daybed full of pillows or a pair ofbig iron urns It was initially hard to plan. It's a medi- with privet. They add a nice focal point and um-sized, square-shaped space (rectangular bring the functional pieces up a notch. spaces are preferable and much easier to work •Teak furnitureshouldbereserved forshelwith) with a rustic wood support beam in the tered areas unless you have substantial stormiddle. I split it into three main seating areas age space. Plan on a shorter season for teak, with big potted plants, an untreated wicker bringing it out and putting away well before settee and chair set, an aluminum dining and after the rains begin. • For a variety of pots and planters, mix iron table and matching chairs, and a small iron daybed. All the cushions are filled with down. urns with quality ceramic pottery and painted They've stayed in good condition, but the fab- wood boxes. Remember, wood planters are not ric surrounding them is looking dingy. All my for potting. The plants should ideally be in a throw pillows are fading because I didn't use separate vinyl or clay pot with a sturdy plastic w eather-resi stant fabrics. saucer. Ifound a treatedwicker settee and chair to • Use a lot of care when choosing sectional replace the existing ones. They are in a beauti- seating or other large-scale furnishings. They ful, soft grayish beige tone (greige) and have are popular right now, but they're meant for old fashioned "open work" around each base. verylarge spaces;they sometimes don'tadapt To replace the aluminum table I'm looking well to new surroundings (if you move); and fora small-scale stone table top with a wood the large-scale furniture will start to look outbase and treated, armless wicker chairs. Be- dated in about five years. • Limit accessories to "purposeful" items cause oversized furniture is so popular, I may need to fashion something together &om two only, like candelabras, potted plants, lanterns separate sources. Although small, the iron and throw pillows. daybed is still in good condition, but the pillows and cushions need new weather-resistant Shiree Hanson Segerstrom studied and fabriccovers.I've found severalSunbrella fab- apprenticed in interior design for three years rics in muted shades of celadon and terracotta before launching her own firmin 1999. She in striped and Ikat style prints. is the author of the blog rowrajoyofnesting We have another seating area in the heavily blogspot.comand has been featured in the terraced, upper backyard. What that means is San Francisco Chronicle,Wall Street Journal there's little area for seating or lounging, it's onlineand the Sacramento Bee.

>- ' ' ShIree Hanson ) ~ Segerstrom

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34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Thursday,April9 r 2015 • Sonora,california — 9

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Qumer Reems


Your name:RayByers Sr. Your title: Owner

Business name:Byers' Leafguard Gutter Systems Businessaddress: 11773 Slow PokeLane,Grass Valley,CA 95945 Telephone:800-977-5323 or 530-272-8270 Fax:530-272-6957

We bringyou: I

Business email address:info©byersleafguard.com Business website:byersleafguard.com Is this a family business?: Yes

gli -CableTV SNC brings you thebest in cable television with the most popular channels thatyouwantto see.

How longhave you been in the business?: Since1987

Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:Ninth

Briefly describe your product or service:Byers' Leafguard is the only one-piece leaf protection system on the market. It works on the principle of "liquid adhesion." Rain water drops into the gutter, while the leaves roll over the edge to the ground. What sets your business apart from your competitors?: Our guarantee:Byers' Leafguard Systems is guaranteed to never clog as long as you own your home, or we will clean it for free.

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?:From our humble beginnings in 1987, we have grown to become one of the largest leafguard companies in the country. We owe our success to our extraordinary staff.

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Seed Library saves for future The Foothill C ollaborative for Sustainability (FoCuS) recently launched the TuolumneCountyUCCooperative /i Sonora Seed Library, a free seed-sharing and educational program open to the public Rachel Oppedahl and located in the Tuolumne County Library on Greenley Road. Here is how the The library opening fol- library w o r k s: lowed the annual Seed Shar- Experienced and ing Event i n C o l umbia, novice g a rsponsored by FoCuS and Tu- deners alike olumne County Master Gar- can borrow deners. a few packets The seed library offers hun- of seeds, plant dreds of vegetable, herb and them, reap the flower seed packets donated h a r by FoCus, which sourced vest, them from reputable seed then

In the Garden


companies that specialize in


non-GMO, open-pollinated seeds(seeds that resultfrom natural forms of pollination). The hope is that, from these starter seeds, successive generations of plants will become evermore adapted toourlocal weather, soil and growing patterns, thus providing gardeners with a diverse and reliable "bank" of locally grown food.


den, and any special care the plant recei ved. Seed library volunteers will offer guidance in seed selection, growing, seed saving and storage. FoCuS board member and Tuolumne County M aster Gardener Val Dambacher, who coordinated the Sonora Seed Library launch, says the seeds available for checkout this flrst year are classified "super easy." That means the plants tend


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s tay t r u e return to type from some of the seeds saved the seeds from one generafrom their tion to the next, bebounty to the cause they don't easily library. Gardeners cross-pollinate with other who eventually donate seeds varieties. will be asked to provide baAlso, the super-easy seeds sic information such as plant variety, elevation oftheir garSee LIBRARY/ Page 10



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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

10 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


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Did you know that solar is now the leading source of new electricity generationf Take control of producing your own power. We offer top quality components and local installation and can show you why our products are better. We take the time to custom design your system based on your needs and goals.

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Calaveraslumderl Senoralumder Your name: Michael and Diane Fullaway Your title:Owners Business name: Calaveras Lumber/ Sonora Lumber Business address: 155 S. Main St., Angels Camp, CA 95221 and 730 S. Washington St., Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: Calaveras, 736-4601; Sonora, 532-7446 Fax:736-2751 Business email address:

CustomerService©CalaverasLumber.com Business web site address:CalaverasLumber.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?:39 years

Is this a family business?:Yes How long haveyou been in this business?: 39 years Number of employees:75 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show:This is our fourth year. Briefly describe your product or service: A great lumberyard and so much more! Hardware, tools, paint and paint supplies, electrical, housewares, gifts, garden supplies and a seasonal Christmas store.

What sets your business apart from

you want to convey to those attending thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Since 1976, we have been supplying building material for building contractors, developers and homeowners. We have grown and changed throughout the years to meet the needs of our customers. We currently operate from our beautiful 20,000-squarefoot store and fully stocked 4-~/2-acre lum-

your competitors?:We aren't your typical hardware store. We have a large selection of unique items. There's always something new in store for you. Our friendly staff will alwaysmake you feelwel come and helpyou beryard in Angels Camp,andour newlocafind exactly what you need. tion in Sonora, a 17,000-square-foot What's the most important message hardware store and complete lumberyard.

LIBRARY Continuedfrom Page 9 will give people new to seedstartinga better chance of success. In time, as the seed library grows, more experienced gardeners can share seeds

Servicing Sonora R Modesto ~vw.GOSOLARPROS.com 2 0 9SUN-1010

Courtesy photo

Michael and Diane Fullaway

that are more diflicult to grow and save through the years. For many gardeners, the joy of growing and eating such flavorful, healthy produce is reasonenough to participate in seed-sharingefforts. "It is such a sense of accomplishment for both adults and children to watch a seed grow and get to eat something they

created," Dambacher said. "Plus, imagine being able to select for qualities you love the most about your favorite vegetable or flower. Or perhaps even be known years from now as the one who producei that intensely flavored basil!" Promoting diverse, locally grown food through seed exchanges and seed libraries is especially important now, givenrecent threats to their existence in several states. The danger is in the application of seed laws that were createdto regulate for-profit, commercial companies, to nonprofit, community seed libraries. Anyone interested in

learning more about the effort to exemptseed shares and librariesfrom commercialseed regulations should visit httpl/ www.legalizeseeds.org. The Sonora Seed Library's hours are 1 to 4 p.m. Fridays and 10a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays. For more information or to volunteerto help staffthe seed library, contact Dambacher at valdambacheIOyahoo.com Rachel Oppedahlis a University of California Cooperative Extension Master

Gardener of Tuolumne County.

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34th Anngal HPme & GardenShPW

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora,California — 11

a eover s o an exam e in use o coor In August 2014, Tuolumne County's InnovationLab had its grand opening. The InnovationLab is a locationdedicated to programmers, game developers, makers, entrepreneurs, startups,

and technology businesses. It is a secured membershipbased faci lity that was created for the do-it-yourself designer. The InnovationLab features technology classes, maker space, prototyping tools, co-working space and much more. For more information go to: www.myinnovationlab.org. Prior toAugust, Iwas asked to createa design scheme for

the lab. Comprised of nearly 6,000square feetand located on the third floor of the old Tuolumne General Hospital, the "new" space needed a departure &om its former institutional use and subdued colorpalette.No structural renovation was allowed. The only soft furnishings added were padded office chairs and a few area rugs.

The remaining hard furnishings that were added consisted oftechnology and "maker space" equipment. For a design challenge like this, how do you completely transform the look, feel and mood of the space? You do it with applied color in the form of paint. The color scheme would need to support the philosophy and mission of the lab. The color scheme would also need to translate well to a range of printed support materials such as business cards, brochures and signage. As referenced above, the existing color scheme was extremely muted. It consisted of palegrays, pinks, blues and greens and, while favorable to a hospital environment, it was not ideal for an innovative environment. The new color scheme needed to inspire and energize and provide an atmosphere conducive to researchand development, collaboration and education. The scheme also needed to provide some visual warmth withrespectto the myriad of hard surfaces and fluorescent lighting prevalent throughout the space. Choosing the "warm" color was the starting point. No color conveys warmth,

or heat, like the color orange. Comprised of a warm red and a warm yellow, orange is the warmest of allcolors.It is at once cheerful, inviting and festive. The shade of orange paint Ichosefor the project said it all — "Field Poppy." Envision the vibrant and intense orange color you see when the California sun shines down on a hillside of our state flower. As the sun's rays hit and penetrate the poppy's petals,the fl owers literally glow. They become like miniature versions of the sun sprouting from the earth's soil. No one can feel sad when gazing upon such a gorgeous and wondrous sight. Once this dominant color

then follow my example when creating the paint scheme for the InnovationLab. First choose the dominant color, then the secondary color and finally the accent color. ReKimberly Teter-Cope member that the amount of each color you use is based but not just any blue. upon this hierarchy with the Because the Field Poppy dominant color being applied was so vibrant and saturated the most, the secondary color with warmth, the blue need- being applied less than the ed to be a dark indigo inky dominant but more than the blue — the epitome of a cool tone oceanic blue. A blue that wouldprovide a dramatic and striking contrast to the orange and would also absorb some of the orange's visual heat. The blue paint color chosen was "Coastal Surf." This color,because it was the accent color, would be used judiciously and would help anchorand provide depth tothe color scheme. Now, if every surface in the lab had been painted with one ofthesethreecolors,thespace would have become bizarre and oppressi ve.Itwould have literally been too much of a good thing. The eyes would have had no place to rest or "breathe" as they moved

Your Home, Your Haven

like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol just exploded, think about painting one wall, an accent wall, like the wall behind her bed, a bright pink. The other walls could then be painted a softand coordiample, it's not u n common nating color. A bedspread in for young girls to like their a decadent chocolate brown bedrooms painted in vibrant with a graphic print would pinks and juicy lime-greens. alsohelp to absorb some of But if y ou'd prefer your the chroma, or saturation, of daughter's room to not look the bright pink wall. accent color, and with a sparing application of the accent color. • When p ainting children's rooms, consider innovative ways to balance strong color choices. For ex-

experience creating livable environments for residential, commercial and institutional settings. Contact her at copedesigns@


LOWEST prices during the Home Bz Garden Show!

around the environment.

High-intensity colors like this needed a pristine backdrop. That backdrop was provided with the paint color "Whitest White." It was, like the name implies, a bright white void of any blue or yel-

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l ow undertones. It was the

perfect white to the other colorsbecause it was a clean white. A warm tone white would have made the other colors look dingy and dirty; a cool-tone white would have drained the other colors of their warmth and vibrancy.

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Tips for choosing paint colors Today there are literally thousands of over-the-counter paint colors &om which to choose. If that weren't daunting enough, you can have custom paintcolors created. It's no wonder many people find themselves overwhelmed and confused when trying to pickpaint colors for their homes and businesses. I am

frequently asked by clients to helpthem formulate color schemes. Here are some tips: • Rather than choosing your paint color first, choose your inspiration piece first. For example, let's say you want to paint your bedroom. You've already decided you're going to replace your bed-



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spread and curtams and you

would really like a new piece of artwork to hang above your headboard. Begin your design makeover by purchasing your bedspread, curtains and artwork first. Choose your paint color last. The selection of fabrics and wall decor fiom which to choose is far more limited in comparison than the select ion of paint colors


from which to choose.

accent color. It needed some

ing materialsare specifi c to

warmth to its tone, but it also needed a sense of translucency tolift the space, because the dominant and accent colors would be extremely opaque and saturated with pigment and, thus, quite visually heavy. The secondary paint color selected was Energized." A vibrant green with a heavy dose of yellow,itprovided the p erfect counterpart to t h e dominant and accent colors. It added amuch needed playful element to the color scheme and enhanced the finer attributesofthe othercolors. Since I knew I would be doing a lot of color-blocking (a painting method where you use a variety of solid colors to paint diff erent surfaces

every environment and will greatly influence how paint colors are perceived. While

or contiguous space), there would be several times where I needed topaint a support column in front of what would become an orange wall. So I chose orange's complementary color, blue, for the columns,

Kimberly Teter-Cope, the owner of Cope N' Haven Designs,has more than 80 years of design

our" z9t Year.

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If you select your paint color first and then try to match or coordinateyour fabric and was selected, it was time to artwork choices to your paint determine the secondary and color, it's far m ore frustrating accent colors. and time consuming. The secondary color would • Never choose a paint not cover as much surface color without first observing area as the dominant color, what it looks like in the actual but would certainly cover space in which it will be apmore surface area than the plied. Lighting and surround-

or planes within th e same

Next time ... how light affects color.


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p a i n t man u f actur-

ers have increased the size of their paint chips, it's still difficult to envision what an entire wall or room will look like painted a particular color based upon a small card of that color. Invest in a testpot or a

quart of the paint. Paint a 2-by-2-foot space on the wall. Over the course of several days and nights, observe how the color looks as the lighting conditions change. If you're apprehensive about painting a sample on the actual wall, getyourselfa 2-by-2-foot piece of drywall and paint it (remember to prime first). The advantage with this test method is the flexibility ofbeing able to move the drywall sample around the room. • If you want to choose more than one paint color for a room and instead want to work with a paint palette,

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52,0Nl-52,999,................$200 53,000-$3,999,....,......,....5300 $4,000-54,999,....,......,....5400 $5000andup..............,..$500

aw •


GaragePurchase Discount



$10Mo-$12499.......,..........5750 512 500-$14999 ...,....,....,.....51,000 $15ONl-519999..,....,....,.....$1,250

520000-$24999.....,....,....,....51,500 $252XIaO ndup.....................522l00

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IlafageBailagsalalages 1 -800mBUY-TUFF tuffShed.COm

"Offervalidonqualifiednewpurchasesof Premier andPremier PR OSeries shedsandgaragesfromTUFFSHEDfactory direct retail locationsat participating2015 shows.ExcludesGardenSeriessheds, prior purchases, anddisplay buildings.Actual discountbasedontotal purchaseprice, excluding concrete,engineeringfees, permitsandanyapplicable salestax. Sheddiscountlevels: $2,000-$2,999 purchase= $200;S3,000-S3,999purchase=S300;$4,000-$4,999=S400;$5,000+= $500. Garagediscountsareasfollows:S10000-$12499= $750;$12,500- $14999= $1,000;S15000-$19999= $1,250;$20000-S24999 =S1,500;$25,000+= $2,000. ¹rs cannot becombinedwith anyotherpromotional offer. Restrictions apply. Seesalespersonfor details. '



34th Anngal HPme & GardenShPW

CentralHeataAir Your name: Jeff Sargo

have you lived here?: 39 years

Your title: Owner/manager

Is this a family business?: Business name: Central Heat Yes 8 Air How long have you been in Business address: 1163 Mill this business?: 32 years Villa Court, Sonora (between the Number of employees: 15

Thursday,April9 r 2015 • Sonora,California — 13



What sets your business

apart from your competitors?:

Dependable, professional, customer-oriented service. A real human will answer your calls and will help to solve your problems. Several proNumber of years your company fessional people working here that

fairgrounds andthe bypass)

@gQ i INggg


has participated in the Home & have been with the company for

Telephone: 532-7132 Fax: 532-8080

Garden Show: More than 20

Business email address: centralomlode.com Business website address: centralheatingandair.com

more than 25 years — that's de-

Briefly describe your product or pendable, consistent service. service: At your house, we fix your

What's the most important

Courtesy photo

screens or replace your screens. message you want to convey

The staff at Central Heat 5 Air.

Heavy duty patio door screens, solar to attending this year's Home "Home Comfort Professionals." You and will be when our customers If you live in the area, how long screens, petguards, etc. & Garden Show~. We,re our can depend on us! We're still here need us.


ClarkPest Control Your name:Nick Chase Number of employees: we recognize that our customers are No. 1. Your title: Sales and ser- 32 vice technician Number of years your What sets your busi-

Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Business name: Campora Propane Show?: First year for Campora Propane Business address: 19330 Industrial Briefly describe your product or serDrive, Sonora, CA 95370 vice: Propane service and sales. Your name: Drew Rocker Your title: Operations manager

Telephone: 532-3579 Fax: 532-6712 Business website:

Business name: Clark company has participat- ness apart from your

Pest Control ed inthe Home & Garden competitors?: C h a rlie Clark's mission stateBusiness address: 429 Show: Over 20 years E. Mono Way, Sonora, CA B r i efly describe your ment says it all: uOur mis95370 product or service: Not sion is to exceed client exTelephone:532-3464 o n l y are we the leaderspectations with the most Fax: 532-2899 when it comes to effective pest control in the Business email . , inse ct, rodent, ter- world, and that this be done address: mite and dry rot re- in an ethical, professional,

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: Family owned business with a customer-first attitude.

What's the most important message


If you live in the area, how long have you want to convey to those attending you lived here?: 5 years thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: A Is this a family business?: No friendly smile with a business hand shake


bostoich©clark-: .W ~ - '

How longhave you been in the busi- to all of our loyal customers. We provide ness?: 1946

superior service to Tuolumne County and surrounding communities.

Number of employees?:9

pest.com Business Web site address: www.weneedyou.com If you live in the

lived here?: Since 1981. a l l. Clark is one of the most pany that will be protecting Is this a family busi- progressive pest manage- your business, home and ness?: Yes. Charlie Clark ment companies in the in- family, wouldn't it make and his sons,Joe and Ter- dustry. We are always sense to choose a compary, currently own and run searching for ways to make ny that trains their employthe business. our customers' lives easier. ees weekly, looks at the How long have you A s a result, our pest man-property as a whole and been in this business?: agement programs are works hard on convenience Thanks to faithful custom- constantlychanging, devel- and responsiveness? In ers, the Clarks have been in oping new techniques to these areas, Clark Pest business since 1950. meet their needs. At Clark, Control stands alone.

participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 6

Your title: Owner

Business name:ChrisSimpsonPainting

Briefly describe your product or ser-

Business address: P.O. Box 4261, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 532-0784 Fax: 532-0784 Business e-mail address: homers71@sbcglobal.net

vice: Specializing in new and old construction, residential, commercial, interior and exterior, deck refinishing, cabinet painting or

If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 29 years Is this a family business?: Yes How longhave you been in the business?: 30 years Number of employees: 1 Number of years your company has

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: Quality and years of service. What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: We have a Home & Garden Show special.

lawn care, weed ner." What's the most imporcontrol and bat ex-


clusion. Basically, tant message you want to Clark Pest Control convey to those attendNick chase is your one stop ing this year's Home & center for all your Garden Show?: Rememarea, how long have you pest control needs. We doit ber when selecting a com-

Chris SimpsonPainting Your name: Chris Simpson

pai rs, we also offerresponsive andcaring man-

refinishing, garagefloor epoxycoating, pressure washing. Quality painting at reasonable

prices; free estimates.


Senerator Event NO SRLES TM SAT • SUN • MOI

*Rainchecks available for out of stock units with prepayments.

Me-Wuk people used varie of horticultural techniques I ndigenous peoples i n California have been using a multitude of horticultural techniques for thousands of years to protectpreferred n ative plants t hat w e r e used for food and medicine and to cultivate desired c haracteristics i n t ho s e modified for tools and other products. According to Dr. Kat Anderson, an ethnoecologist at theUniversity ofCalifornia, Davis, these techniques included coppicing, soil and weed management, tillage and burning. A number of modern California Indian tribes continue these traditional practices of "plant caring" today. Coppicing is a f orm of pruning in which a shrub is cut nearly to the ground. Indigenous California natives coppiced shrubs such as redbud, buckbrush, deerbrush and various species of willow to stimulate the growth of "switches" with the desired characteristics needed for making baskets and tools: long, slender, straight and free ofleaf scars.

Switches with these traits are seldom found on mature plants but are numerous on

new shoots sprouting from a coppiced shrub in t h e subsequent growing season. Additionally, natives pruned shrubs r egularly to prevent switches from growing too large in diameter and to keep shrubs from growing too tall. Roots of sawgrass and c ertain pines as well a s rhizomes (an underground stem of a plant that sends out roots from nodes along its length) of bracken fern and sedges were utilized for structural elements in basketry. Basket weavers preferred long, straight,

Inthe Garden

TuolumneCo|mtr UC Cooperative Extension MasterGardeners

Kathi Joye

As a result, several seasons prior to harvesting, native horticulturalists c a r efully selected plants that grew in ideal soil conditions (sandy), loosened the soil and weeded



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around chosen roots Or rhi-

unbranched roots and rhizomes.

k i IV.


*Read the owner's manual before operating Honda Power Equipment.


e wer s





zomes, then cut the uncoveredrootsand rhizomes some distance from the plant. This stimulated the sprouting of

To achieve these desired traits, the California Indians new roots Or rhizomes which, practiced soil amt weed man- in loose soils &ee of obstacles agement, because soil com- and weeds, would grow long paction and weed competition and straight. decrease the length to which roots and rhizomes grow. See NAT1VE /Page 15



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Some Pooms too HOT... Some Rooms too COLD... Propane Bills too HIGH?

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34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Thursday r April9 r 2015 • Sonora, California — 15

ComghelHeating aAir Conditioning Your name:Jim Comphel Your title:Owner

Business name:Comphel Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

Business address: P.O. Box 495, Twain Harte, CA 95383 Telephone: 586-0148 (Twain Harte), 532-0387

(Sonora) Fax:586-0148

Courtesy photo

Business email address: jimcomphel@sbc-

Clark Segerstrom, broker (right), stands with his family (from left), sons Sam and Erik and wife, Julie.

global.net Business website ad-


If you live in the area, ing and air conditioning inhow long have you lived stallation, service and rehere?: 22years pair and sheet metal work. Is this a family busiWhat sets your busi-

ness?:Yes How long have you been in this business?: 37 years Number of employees: 3

Number of years your company has participated inthe Home & Garden Show: This is our fourth

year. Briefly describe your

product or service:Heat-


Courtesy photo

Jim and Renee Comphel

ing this year's Home & Garden Show?:We are a full-service heating and air conditioning company with

ness apart from your no job too big or too small. competitors?: With 37 Please stop by andsee us. years in the trade and 31 We will answer any quesyears running HVAC busiyou may have about ness, our company has the tions how to make your heating knowledge, experience and cooling more efficient, and craftsmanship to take care of all your heating, install a new system, or cooling and sheet metal service-repair issues with your heating and cooling needs. What's the most impor- equipment. Don't forget to tant message you want to ask about our Home and convey to those attend- Garden Show promotions.

Your name: Segerstrom

Cl ark www.coldwellbanker.com, product or service:Real

www.coldwellbankersono- estate sales, property ra.com, www.laketulloch. management Business name:Cold- com What sets your busiwell Banker Twain Harte, If youlive in the area, ness apart from your Mother Lode, Segerstrom, how long have you lived competitors?: We are Lake Tulloch here?:Born here. nationally owned and loBusiness address: 84 Is this a family busi- cally owned. We pride N. Washington St., Sono- ness?:Yes ourselves in providing exHow long have you cellent customer service ra, CA 95370 Telephone: 532-7400, been in the business?: to our clients. We are the 586-5200, 532-6993, 785- Over 30 years best-selling franchise in 2273 Number of employees: the county. What's the most imFax:532-6447 Four offices, more than 70 Your title:Broker

Business email ad- employees dress: cbsegerstromO Number of years your gmail.com, cbt w ain- company has participatharte©mlode.com, moth- ed in the Home & Garerloderealestate O gmail. den Show?:Since it becom, Itre©caltel.com gan

ConiferCommunications businesses and homes. What sets your business apart from Business name:Conifer Communica- your competitors?: Our Team! We tions pride ourselves on deeply caring for our Business address:8687 Main St. customers. It is our goal to give our cusSuite B4, Groveland, CA 95321 tomers the best connection possible usTelephone:866-378-8393 ing top technology and highly trained Fax:532-5829 technicians, all while offering a friendly Business email address: smile. What's the most important message infoOconifercom.net Business website:conifercom.net you want to convey to those attending If you live in the area, how longhave thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: you lived here?:Over 40 years We are here to serve you! If you call TuIs this a family business?:Yes, but olumne, Calaveras, Mariposa, or Stannot all owners are family members. islaus County your home, we can't wait to How longhave you been in the busi- provide you with the best local wireless internet service. Whether simply sending ness?:7 years Number of employees?:12 emails and checking out social networks,

attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: Your home is our busi-

ness, by making your Briefly describe your dreams come true.

Business website:

Your name:Gwen Harris Your title:Advertising director









Heating&AirConditloning, Inc. Sales " Service " Installation " Gutters SEMIORgrVA

Number of years your company has or streaming video and playing MMO participated in the Home & Garden games, we have a package and speed Show?:This is our second year.

portant message you want to convey to those

QQ QFF Nml lnislellIIon

Financing Available

made for your needs. And there are nev-



(Restrictions Apply)

Free Est.

Briefly describe your product or ser- er data caps with Conifer Communicavice: We provide wireless internet to tions!

NATIVE Continued from Page18 Bulbs, tubers and corms are all different types of fleshy storage structures (enlarged stems) that are found underground and are used by the parent plant for energy and asexual propagation. Native California Indians harvested the corms, bulbs or tubers from a v ariety of native plant species including Brodiaea, Allium, Camassia, Calochortus and Perideridiavia the process of tillage. Tillage results in the loosening and aerating of soil around the plants and includes the thinning


out for capture or to char



certain insects, which could then becollected for food. The burning of an area stimulated the growth of certain plants such as berry bushes, increased rhizome production an d r e d uced c ompetition so t hat v a l ued plants grew larger and more numerous. California

gpp 532 $$73 LH~YNOX


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Lic. ¹961679



I ndians also u sed f ir e t o

change the shape and colors of maple, willow, redbud, sourberry and hazelnut branches to be used as materials in future basketry. Wildlife habitats, particularlyfor native foragers such as deer, greatly improved during the years following deliberately set fires resulting in an increase in of thesestorage structures. their populations. Through tillage, the inCalifornia natives have digenous peoples w ould been respectfully caring divide the bulbs, tubers for native plant communior corms and replant the ties for centuries using a smaller fragments while variety of techniques that keeping the larger ones to include burning, tillage, soil eat. and weed management and This practice increased coppicingto protect valued the quality and quantity of plants and cultivate desired these valued food sources c haracteristics i n tho s e for ensuing years ensur- plants. ing a regular supply. Some When they managed the California I n dian t r i b es environment in which they have even used irrigation lived, these indigenous ecolto enhance their harvest ogistsdid so sustainably to of selectcorms, tubers and ensure future food supplies bulbs. and materials. The deliberatesetting of Many California t r ibes fires by California Native continue to use, and now Americans had the great- share, these horticultural est impact on modifying practices today; these practhe wildlands in which they tices are thought to be an lived. integral component for the Burning of small trees, conservation of California brush and other organic lit- native p l an t c o m munities ter resulted in large open for future generations. corridors that increased visibility and made it easiKathi Joyeis a er to hunt, protect against University of California enemies and gather acorns Cooperative Extension and other plant products. Master Gardener o f Fire was used to force game Tuolumne County.






%an • eeslt



tae I


IHY Aete Bealer

8KSY Aijta Reyair IKST CIIStelIN Seeiee I K SI' Imeiness



I • I








I ' I

I '


I '

16 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

Cltco Cutlerv Cutler-Segerstromlnslrance ency

Your name: Danny Perez

Your name: Julie Von

Your title: Show coordinator

Your title: Manager

are a full service insurance agency, licensed in 46 states. We have specialists

Business name: Cutler-

for your personal policies,


Business name: Cutco Cutlery Telephone: 585-701 7 Business email address:

dannythecut coguyOgmail.com


Business website:




If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: No Is this a family business?: No How long haveyou been in the business?: 10

years Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 10 years plus

Briefly describe your product or service: Kitchen cutlery, gadgets, cookware, flatware and accessories.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: The materials that the products are made out of; made in the USA; and our forever guarantee.

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?:Cutco and Ican guarantee yourwhol e kitchen forever with our line of products.

I n s urance

commercial business policies and life and health policies.

add r ess:

1030 Greenley Rd., Sono-

What sets your busi-

ra, CA 95370 Telephone: 532-6951 Fax: 532-1997 B usiness email a d -

ness apart from your competitors?: Our agents

are personable and truly have our client's best interest in mind. We will never

dress: info©cutseg.com Business w e b site:

change anybody for going

www.cutseg.com Courtesy photo If you live in the area, The staff of Cutler-Segerstrom Insurance Agency. how long have you lived here?: 26 years Is this a family busi- years up to 30-plus years of company has participatindustry experience. ed inthe Home & Garden ness?: No Number of employ- Show?: 14 How long have you Briefly describe your been in the business?: ees?: 15 We have agents with six Number of years your product or service: We

the extra mile. What's the most impor-

tant message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: Come by our booth, check out our

great giveaways and chat with one of our employees.

ace annin a asic, u un amena,se strong sense ofhow people will actually place the furniture. In this case, insteadof an over-scale curved bar dividing the kitchen from the dining area, a straight bar would have been m ore pract icaland attractive. Space planning needs to be addressed before 6nalizing your plans. Placing the fireplace and built-ins obviously, but also knowing where the sofa and master bed will go, placing the windows, the doorways, the lighting and outlets: these things should be taken into account before plans are 6nalized. In arecent project,Idid two setsof floor plans for a living room. It was a spacious room with a beautifui stone fireplace and mantel, plenty of windows, vaulted ceilings, surrounded by beautiful landscaping. But laying out the furniture was a bit tricky becausethe 6replace was located almost at the end of a very long wall. It didn'tleave a lotofroom for seating around the fire. I addressed this by drawing out plans with two separate seating areas. For the main seating area I proposed a 90-inch sofa, a cocktail table, console, built in bookcases, an armchair near the 6replace, and

One ofthe more "basic"jobs ofa designer is space planning. It's less showy, less gratifying than choosing and placing the 6nal furniture, finishes, flooring, fabrics and artwork, but if it's not right, if the foundation isn't laid, the overall design work can look pretty silly. Space planning is all about function, particularly in the kitchen. Home trends come and go but, oth-

A well designed kitchen has a fluid, well-edited floor plan. Beyond the triangle, you need ample counter space,not too narrow, not too deep. You need several types of lighting. If

er than the overall size increases,

you cook or entertain a lot, an addi-

the functions of a kitchen haven't change that much over the years. We still cook and eat in the kitchen, prepare the morning coffee, bake and entertain. What changes most are the cabinetstyles, the appliances, the color schemes, fixtures, window styles and flooring. The "work triangle" is at the heart of every well-designed kitchen. It's the placement ofthe refrigerator, stove/oven and sink. Everything else is less important than these three elements and the distance that lies between them. I'm not saying the Kitchen Aid or cappuccino maker isn't important. But they aren't the foundation of the design the way the triangle is. To put an island in the middle of the triangle, or to have one of the three work stations too close togeth-

tional sink can be nice. Islands and bars have been popular items for some time. Many clients ask for islands in their overall designs, but if they're not well-thought-out or are toolarge,they can createproblems. I was working with an architect and buildera number ofyears ago on plans for the construction of a large mountain home. The architect had designedone ofmy least-favorite living spaces: the Great Room. Right away I noticed the bar extended too far into the living/dining area leaving virtually no room for a dining room table and chairs. Fortunately we were able to cut down the depth of the bar to accommodate the dining room set, but the bar ended up looking skimpy. It was a trade-off. The architect made a mistake. two more armchairs and an ottoman You can design a house on paper, near the television. but to make it livable, you need a In another home, the very large

er creates a restriction in movement.

Shiree Hanson Segerstrom

living room had lots of furniture but it was all small scale giving it a busy, unanchored look. Large rooms need at least one strong anchor such as a 6replace with flanking built-in bookcases or a large hutch. By using one of these as an anchor you can further emphasize it as the main seating area with a sofa, two chairs and a cocktail

• When planning a kitchen, place the stove, refrigerator, and sink 6rst, then build on the plan by neighboring task-relatedareas next to its cor-

done properly, the other pieces will fall into place. In my own living room, I've divided the space into two distinct seating areas. One is the main seating area with a floating sofa (meaning it's not against a wall, but centralized in the room), two floating armchairs, and a large enclosed hutch which is directly adjacent to the fireplace. The othertwo seating areas are in front of a large wall of paned windows. I also have two additional chairs with small accent tables, one in a large picture window, and the other by the built-in bookcases. These less important seating areas have smaller chairs and tables. Space planning is an integral part of designing and furnishing a home. Ifyou don't have a good floor plan, even though you might think it looks attractive, it will never function right

responding workspace. For instance, my drinking glasses are next to my sink, my spices and olive oils are above mystove,and most ofm y baking ingredients are in my island. • The work triangle should be 26 feet or less, with no single leg shorter than 4 feet or longer than 9 feet. No major traffic patterns should cross

through the work triangle. •W ork ais lesshouldbeatleast43 inches wide or 48 inches wide with more than one cook. • In f u rniture layouts, always keep a clear pathway between entrances and exits. Shiree Hanson Segerstrom studied and apprenticed in interior

designforthreeyearsbefore launching her own firm in 1999. She is the author of the blog miaiJ.

j oyofnesting.blogspot.com.

Thanks to -


enormous, publicly-traded, out-of-state and out-of-touch

Have You Seein Red?

Shiree's Cheat Sheet

table,or two loveseats. Once the main seating area is

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and therefore never look right either. Once you've addressed the function and trafl icflow oftheroom and have the bones right, you can decorate it to suit your own distinctive style.

you, we're the I


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Statlrtloabove wereobtalnedfromtheTuolumneCountyMultlple Llrtlng SeNlce.NelthertheAuoclatlonnorlts membersareresponslbleforthea<orrtqr sfsaid statistics.Informationobtainedfor periodbeginningJanrary1, 2013thru December 31,2013forall residential homessalrL

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Coldwell Banker Twain Harte 23003 joaquin Gully Rd., Twain Harte 209/586-5200e www.coldwellbankertwainharte.com

Coldwell Banker Lake Tulloch 14 O'Byrnes Ferry Rd., Copperopolis 209/785-2273e www.coldwellbankerlaketulloch.com


.34tg Agggg/ HPme gg Qggdeg $QP~

34th Annual

Thursday, April 9,2015 • Sonora, Califomia — 1

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Tips or

ECTION WO Do You Know?

Your bed is the most important piece of furniture you will ever own. Your Home, It is where your mind and body find Your Haven restand relaxation and experience restorativesleep — the kind ofsleep that supports and sustains your Kimberly Teter-Cope physical health, so that you're better equipped to handle the psychological stresses of the day. featuring wooden slats should have Ifyour bedis not providingyou with slatscomposed ofsolid wood. When purchasingbed &ames for goodrestoryou'vehadyourmat tress for longer than 10 to 15 years, it may children, confirm that the frame (and be time to consider a new bed. mattress) comply with standards set forth by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Go to www.cpsc. The frame gov for comprehensive information. In today' s market, there is a large The simple metal bed frame selection of bed &ame styles and ma- (frequently referred to as the Holterials &om which to choose.There are lywood bed frame) is typically the metal &ames, wood &ames, platform leastexpensive. It is easy to as&ames, upholstered and natural-fiber semble, features adjustable width &ames. There are canopy &ames and and height rails and legs, and is low profile &ames. There are storage transportable. More elaborate verframes that use space-saving draw- sions of metal bed frames offer feaers orpivot and liR up to store ofF tures like headboards, footboards season items. There are &ames that and canopies. ofFer a &esh interpretation of their Ifyou are shorton storage space, classic form: like the canopy bed with a bed frame with storage drawers a steel &ame and a thickly paddcd is ideal. Traditionally referred to headboard with removable and inter- as a Captain's bed and constructed changeable slipcovers. of wood, companies today offer this While the frame you choose is style in an upholstered version oflargely determined by your style feringincomparable comfort. For that guest bedroom that preference, budget and space requirements, always ensure that it is needs to serve as a home office, constructurally sound. All queen- and sidera daybed. It accommodates a king-size bed frames should include twin-size mattress for your overthree middle legs under the frame night guest, but gives the appearforadded support.Allplatform beds ance of a sofa during office hours.

1. Howdid the Hollywood bedfram a more restfulnight's o e r a me get its name? Like bed frames, there is an over- sleep than buying a 2. What type of bedwasfeatured whelming array of mattresses &om moderatelypriced one, in the 1988 live action/animated film which to select, and knowing which avoid purchasing the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" one is right for you can be daunting. cheapest one. 3. Who was the original d Just as a good bed frame should M emory-foam m a t eveI oper of mory oam(avariationofwh' h properly support your mattress; a tresses,made of layers used toda day in Tempur-Pedic beds)? good mattress should properly sup- of difFerent densities of s096L-p[w aqi ui weoin>owaw pado~ana port your body. foam that respond to p o~anap vSVN 'suoi seqiano>dwIo»ap>o u~ Lying in a neutral position on a weight and temperaX good mattress, your spine should ture, contour to the speaq>>su> e6e ngeoi»anqawqeo a>o>s oi pa uIqsipaqsi qi'paenqc>ntsy o have a nice curvature and your heels, cific shape of your body. buttocks, shoulders, and head should In doing so, memory p nnnHos aq>'eiu>o>i~eg'ao>aw maintain proper alignment. If the foam reduces pressure p ue„.... . , + aawe>ipaq siq»oi aweu aqi iq mattress is too firm, it will push on points and r elieves 's>annsuy thesepressure points and force your pain. The foam also body out of alignment. If the mattress absorbs movement, so is too soR, these pressure points will if you sleep with a partner, you're Less expensive air matnot be properly supported. not likely to be disturbed by their tresses can pop up on one side when The right mattress is the one on movement. you sit on the other, so you11 want which you feel no pressure, as if you Be mindful, however, that because one with multiple chambers. were floating on a cloud. these mattressesare temperature Adjustable beds bend and elevate Innerspring mattresses use coil sensitive, they can feel extremely at varying angles, so the mattress springs for support. The coil springs hot during the night. must be flexible. Memory foam, lashould be individually enclosed, Latex mattresses are made &om tex, or air mattresses work well on which extends the life of the mat- either natural or synthetic rubber. adjustable beds. Innerspring mattress and prevents the coils from They provideaveryfirm and bouncy tressesdo not,as the spring coils do support that is consistent through- not bend well. popping out. Often an innerspring mattress is out the bed. If you don't like the feel When shoppingfor a new matsold on the premise that more coils of a firm mattress, this may not be tress, spend some time testing them mean more comfort, but you don't the right choice for you. in the store: need a coil count above 390. Above A good quality air mattress looks • Lay down on each mattress in the this count, the difference in feel is so like an innerspring mattress, but position in which you typically sleep. small as to be undetectable. • Spend a minimum of 10 to 15 uses air-filled chambers rather than There aremany diff erent brands coils and is covered by a foam layer minutes on each mattress. of innerspring mattresses offering on the top. Because of its adjust• Bring your own pillow. a wide range of price points. While ability, this mattress is particularly The more you can replicate how buying the most expensive inner- useful when sleeping partners have you sleep at home, the better your springmattress does notguarantee different needs. chance of picking the right mattress.

The mattress












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When it comes to enhancing your backyard experience. Hot Springs® Spas have got you covered. With a variety of styles and sizes to choose from, you'll find a hot tub that complements your outdoor landscape and provides you with a place to relax and get away from it all •

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2 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

'The Englishman' Ionoral Contractor Your name:Jamie Gratwicke Your title:Owner Business name: 'The Englishman' General Contractor Business address:8899 Old Don Pedro Road, Jamestown, CA 95327 Telephone:768-2693

Business email address: jabookoo©gmail.com Business website: Facebook: The Englishman If you live in the area, how long have

you lived here?:20years Is this a family business?:Yes

How longhave you been inthe business?:Over 15 years

Number of employees?: 1 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:Eight years

Courtesy photo Courtesy photo

The staff at Foothill Fireplace Pools and Spas.

Jamie Gratwicke

Briefly describe your product or ser- niques within the building trade is very imporvice: The Englishman has been contracting tant. A free and speedy quote every time. in Tuolumne County for over 15 years. We What's the most important message specialize in building custom decks, barns, sheds, fencing as well as installing doors you want to convey to those attending

Foothill fireplace


andwindows.W ealso dostampedcement, thisyear's Home & Garden Show?:

pourcement pads,walkways and concrete This year we have some new decking and railing mateffal to show off. We will also be countertop overlay over tile or Formica. introducing a cement wall panel that can be Whatsetsyourbusinessapartfromyour competitors?: Professionalism and good installed by us or the homeowner (with some communication with our customers are top pri- direction). For a combined12 years we have ority. Attention to detail is paramount. Using volunteered for the Tuolumne Co Sheriff cutting edge materials and adopting newtech- Search andRescueteam (SAR).

FARCORP Your name:Frank Rains Your title: Owner Business name:FARCORP Business address: 730 Mono Way, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:533-9001 Business email address:info@FARCORP.com Business website: www.FARCORP.

participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 3 Briefly describe your product or service: FARCORP is a design and drafting companythatfocuses on new homes,additions, decks and garages.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: We provide a full-

service design package. Our designs include energy reports, truss-design calculacom If you live in the area, howlong have you tions, etc. What's the most important message lived here?: 32 years Is this a family business?:Yes you want to convey to those attending How longhave you been in the busi- thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: ness?:13 years FARCORP works with many types of conNumber of employees?: 3 tractors and help facilitate your project

Number of years your company has through thepermit andconstruction process.

Your name:Brice Canaday

What sets your business apart from Business name: Foothill Fireplace your competitors?:We have been honPools and Spas ored to receive the Readers Choice Business address: 18677 Eagle Ridge Drive, Sonora, off Tuolumne Road Telephone:533-5005 Fax:533-9008 Business email address: ccs1service@gmail.com Business website:FFPFirewaters.om If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?:46 years Is this a family business?:Yes How longhave you been in the busi-

Award for seven consecutive years. We are licensed and bonded contractors with up to date education in all of our services that we provide. We pride ourselves with

ness?:Over 16 years Number of employees?: 8 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden

you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?:It is our goal to ensure customer satisfac-


believe in treating every individual with

What's the most important message

tion in every aspect of our company. We

wood, pellet and gas stoves. Our spa company in aiding you in this process. line is ranked one of the highest in cus- We will happily compare our products tomer satisfaction and approval. When alongside another stove or spa in order visiting our showroom, bring your pool or to give you the best possible solution for spa water for free water testing. We can your situation and budget. We look forsupply you with all your pool or spa ward to serving you.

34th Annual



recommend us to friends and family. We offer 24-hour service for our stoves, which makes our commitment to our customers unlike any in the country.

quality stoves and fireplaces. We also ticket items can be difficult and overclean and inspect, as well as service whelming, but we urge you to trust our

Your name:John Dunlap in the Home & Garden Show?:Third year participatYour title:Owner ing. Business name:Dunlap Enterprises Briefly describe your product or service: We Business address:P.O. Box 221, Soulsbyville, CA have a machine which cuts logs to firewood lengths, 95372 splits them into firewood size pieces and loads them. Telephone: 532-4974 We also have sawmills, winches, grapples, and woodFax: 532-4974 splitters to make your work easier. Business email address:jdunent©aol.com What sets your business apart from your comBusinesswebsite:Dyna-products.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived petitors?:These machines are available for sale or rent, but if a customer prefers, we can do the work. here?:47 years What's the most important message you want to Is this a family business?:Yes How longhave you been in the business?: 37 convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?:We have the expertise to help you effiyears ciently complete your project. Our machines provide Number of employees: None Number of years your company has participated safe, labor saving results.


excellent customer service in all aspects of our company. Customers continue to

Briefly describe your product or great care and concern for their needs. service:Our Company sells the highest We understand that purchasing large



chemicals and equipment.

Your title:Owner




SHOW SECTION II AD INDEX High Country Spa Br S tove Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Solar Universe/ Gold Electric inc. . . . . . . . . . .2 Pinneii's Carpet One Floor S Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BJ Slayton Excavating, G rading Bc Paving . . . . . . . . . 4 Mike's Movvers.. . . . . . . 4 , 12, 14 D unlap Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . 4 C hris Simpson Painting . . . . . . 5 Foust Heat, Air Bt Refrigeration 5 ABC Supply Company, inc. ... 5 C ampora Propane . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tuolumne County Farm Bureau 6 M i Wuk Wash 8c Dry . . . . . . . . . 6 Soi Sierra, inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C alaveras Lumber . . . . . . . . . 7 , 9 C onifer Communications . . . . . 8 S tarr International Trading . . . 8 Middleton's Brand Source F urniture R Appliance . . . . 1 0 C entral Heat 5.Air . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 A l Judnich Gardening . . . . . . 1 1 L egal Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 T ommy's Window Fashions . 1 2 W inters Cleaning Service . . . . 1 3 J .S. West Propane . . . . . . . . . 1 4 McCurley's National Flooring B c Window Coverings . . . . . 1 5 R obinson Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Tuff Spas of Northern C alifornia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6


34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Floor plans, space planning key considerations for a new home Some homeowners have the luxury of designing their home from the ground up, and others purchase their homes after con-

having children, pets, and aging? I'm always amazed by the ef,i fect proper space planning can have on a home. Just having good struction. bones and layout is much of it Both base their selections on but, of course, so is knowing how the size of their families, the age ed — tooffsetthe lack ofprivacy. to furnish and update your inteof their children and grandchilrior design, as is knowing where to invest your budget. dren, on their financial resourc- One-and-a-half story plans es, and personal tastes. After purchasing the home The one-and-a-half story plan, Furniture layout that suits their needs as closely or "Cape Cod," provides a smallWhen planning a room's furnias possible, they do what they er upper fl oor beneath a high- ture layout, aim for comfortable can to make it inhabitable and pitched roof. At the high point of clearances, proper scale, a strong pleasing, personalizing it with the pitched roof, there is livable focal point and an "anchor" to their own selections of furnish- space. The other half is suitable give the room a sense of reason ings, paint colors, flooring, coun- for storage. Dormer windows and permanence. If there's a ters, windows, fixtures, etc.

> Shiree Hanson

I, m, Segerstrom

are characteristic in t h i s s t yle

strong fireplace and mantel, bal-

The basic types of floor plans of home, and it's an inexpensive ance it with a large scale piece on areclosedplans,open plans,hori- way to add living space with min- the opposite wall. If you have an zontal plans and vertical plans. imal construction costs as long as amazingview framed by a large stairsaren't an issue. picture window, take advantage of it and call attention to it by Closed plans facing it with a sofa. The closed plan divides space One-story plans Most important in any floor into separaterooms and activiOne story plans are well- plan is keeping traffic patterns ties. They are seen in formal, suited toboth small and large clear of furniture and other obtraditional style homes. Closed homes, providing the home's lot stacles. This provides your home plans can be charming and cozy, can accommodate it. They allow with convenience, comfort and or they can appear to be small for easy supervision of the kids, safety. Function should always and cramped. They require more give ready access to the yard, come first. Decide on the scale squarefootage to "appear" com- and generally give a horizontal of the f urnishings. Generally fortableand spacious. Person- silhouette that fits comfortably speaking,a small sofa is 76 to 84 ally, I love the division of walls on level land. inches; a medium size sofa is 85 and doorsand feelthese types to 90inches;and a large sofa is of homes have a little mystery 92 inches and over. about them. It's not all there for Multi-level plans When designing or building a you to see at once but rather unMulti-level plans offer several home, it' s imperative to have at folds before you one room or pas- advantages. Homes with two sto- least some sense of where the sageway at a time. ries are less expensive to build furniture will be placed so that because of the smaller roof and windows, lighting and electrical foundation. Heating and cooling outlets can be planned accordOpen plans are also less expensive. When ingly. If you have some furniture An open plan provides mini- land prices are high, the two already, which most of us do, it's mal walls and doors. Space is story home adds the flexibility of helpful to know where those piecorganized as a continuous entity, building into the side of a hill or es will go in the finished plan. flowing from one area to another, fitting onto a small and awkward Generally, open floor plans go which greatly expands the sense lot. well with modern or contempoof spaciousnessand capitalizes rary furnishings, while closed on outdoor views. For people with floor plans go well with tradions ambulatory or vision problems, Otherconsiderati tional. the open plan is convenient and Is theenclosed space well defunctional. signed and adjacentto related Shiree's Style File The open fl oor plan was fi rst outdoor areas? D • Keep track of your project seen in Frank Lloyd Wright's o the foot patterns simplify prairie home designs and, lat- homemaking and make life more with two to three binders. One er, in the one-story ranch-style pleasant? Are the rooms of a us- for structural decisions such as home. Open plans also have some able shape and size? Will they flooring, paint, counters, door disadvantages. Noise can be an accommodate your f u r n iture styles, etc.; one for furnishings issue, because sound travels gracefully and efficiently? Is there you already have as well as furquickly in open spaces. The open adequate lighting? Storage? How niture you plan t o p urchase; floor plan also makes privacy and is the home oriented on the site? and one for exterior finishes and intimacy next to impossible. Per- Is the plan reasonably economi- landscaping. haps that's why the expansive cal? Will the plan lend itself to master bedroom suitewas creat- common lifestyle changes such as See PLAMVING / Page 4

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora,California — 3


andRefrileration Your title: Owner/operator Business name: Foust Heat, Air and Refrigeration Business address: P.O. Box

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: Foust Heat, Air and Refrigeration prides itself on quality craftsmanship, our one-on-one relationships with our

413, Sonora, CA 95370

customers, honesty and reliabili-

Your name: Matthew Foust

Telephone: 588-0207

ty. We attend yearly continuing education conferences so that we

Fax: 588-0208

Business email address: mlfoust@sbcglobal.net Business website: www.fousthvac.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 23 years Is this a family business?: Yes How long have you been in the business?: 21 years Number of employees: 2 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 11 years Briefly describe your product or service: We provide sales, sewice and installation of new and existing heat, air andcommercial refrigeration.

are able to provide the most cur-

rent, efficient products and services to our customers. We strive to always provide our customers with the most competitive pricing. What's the most important

messageyou want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: We are Tuolumne County's only local Bryant Premier Dealer. We can also provide Bryant Pro consultation for your specific needs. Please stop by and visit our booth. We would

be delighted to answer any of your home-comfort questions. We would be more than happy to set up a free home consultation with

you as well.

GartonTractor,Ine. Your name: Mike Converse Your title: General manager Business name: GartonTractor, Inc.

or service: Full-service tractor and equipment dealership. We are located at the north end of Modesto on

Business address: 5 933 McHenry Avenue (Highway 108). McHenry Ave., Modesto, CA 95356 Telephone: 538-0911 Fax:538-3617 Business email address:

New Holland and Kubota tractors, utility vehicles, riding mowers, backhoes, loaders, excavators and Kawasaki mules.


What sets your business apart

from your competitors?: A fullBusiness website: service shop, two dedicated field sergarton-tractor.com If you live in the area, how long vice trucks, quality peopleandquality

have you lived here?: 36 years products. Is this a family business?: Yes What's the most important How long have you been in messageyou want to convey to the business?: Since 1954

those attending this

ny has participated in the Home ing in smaller acreage farms and & Garden Show?: This is our third ranches. We are open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and year. Briefly describe your product Saturday 8 a.m. tonoon.

See what we can do for your home! 0 8



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263 S. Main St. Angels Camp, CA 95222 2 09-73 6 - 8 0 7 7

y ear's

Number of employees: 18 Home & Garden Show?: We cater Number of years your compa- to the foothill communities, specializ-


Sonora 12900 Mono Way Sonora, CA 95370 2 09-53 2 - 1 6 9 6

Gatewood HeatineI,Air, Inc.

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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

4 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

Soil Stabilization Cement and Form Work S e p tic Systems Lase r Leveling L a ndscape Materials Road Building Demolition Clean Up

AU. AGGREGATE HAUUNa & MATERIAL TRANSPORTAllON Hot Asphalt• Road Base • D in Rock •Topsoil • Sand Fill Materials • Decorative r k • Cobble Stone COMPLETE LEET OF EQUIPMENT Dump Truc Transfer Fle t Excavators Backhoes High Track Doze Rollers Skip Loaders Track Paving Machin s Snow Plowing and Re oval Paving Crews Form & Cement Crews T ree Falling and Brush r s Traffic & Safety Crews Grading Crews General Labor Crews

146788 H8 G2015

Your name: Charles Sherman and Jesse Lozoya Your title: Owners Businessname: Gatewood Heating 8 Air, Inc. Business address: 14413 Cuesta Court, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 532-1473 Fax: 532-6825 Business email address: gatewood@hub3.net Business website: www.gatewoodhvac.com; www.len-

noxdealer.com/gatewood/ If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 28 years Is this a family business?: Yes How longhave you been in the business?: Established in 1974. Number of employees: 10

Courtesy photo

Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: 8-plus years

Jesse Lozoya and Charles Sherman

family owned and operated. We provide

Briefly describe your product or ser- Tuolumne,Calaveras and Amador counvice: Our No. 1 service is providing customer satisfaction. Our product is HVAC. We provide sales, service, installations and gutters. We repair furnace and airconditioning units. We will change out your old systems, or install alterations to an existing system.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: We offer everything you will need to make your home/business comfortable. We offer a wide variety of services such as heating, ventilation

and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, sheet metal, gutters and more. We are

ties with quality heating and cooling service since 1974.

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: We are dedicated to providing the best possible solution for your home/business. You can count on us to provide you with a system and solution that fits your uniqueneeds.Because we have install ed many systems in this area, we have earned a reputation for doing the job right, the first time.


flooring selections per home. One for the living areas such Continued from Page 8 as the living room, dining room and entry; one for the • When choosing colors kitchen; one for the bathand finishes, consider how rooms; and one for the bedthe home will flow from room rooms. For laundry or crafts to room, particularly in open

rooms match them to one of

floor plans where adjacent colors will be more visible. • Choose fixtures like faucets, pulls, and lighting with a commonality like finish or style. • Choose flooring that flows well from room to room. I like to choose no more than three or f our

the rooms above. • Pay close attention to the size and layout of the kitchen and bathrooms. Spaciousness may seem an advantage at first, but if you don't plan on hiring a housekeeper, you may feel differently later. • Ha rdwood floors and


laminate are easy maintenance choices for pet owners. Having lived with both carpeting and hardwood, I'm thrilled with how easy it is to clean up pet fur. Shiree Hanson Segerstrom studied and apprenticed

in interior design for three years before launching her own firm in 1999. She is

the author of the blogwww. j oyofnesting. blogspot.com and has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal online and the Sacramento Bee.




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34th Anngal Hpme & GardenShpW

ra waterin ar en a oo wa toconserve An estimated 30 percent to 50 percent of home water use results i n waste.

g r a y w a t er

Gray water includes water from bathroom sinks, tubs, showers, and clotheswashing machines. Gray water does not include water from t oilets, dishwashers, kitchen sinks or other water contaminated by bodilywastes or food pathogens. In 2009, the State of California passed emergency regulations designed to encourage the use of gray water for landscaping. Chapter 16 ("Alternate Water Sources for Non-potable Applications") was approved in 2013 and says that a permit is not needed to install a laundry gray water disposal system (LGDS), providing other minimum requirements for state law

are met. This makes it easier for Tuolumne County homeowners to use gray w ater

for landscaping. Laundry-to-landscape gray water systems are cheap and relatively easy to install. The main idea is to divert water coming from a single clothes-washing m a chine away from the sewer or septic line and into a landscape irrigation line. This can be done with a manually operated valve or with a second standpipe (an open pipe that the washing machine hose can manually be inserted into to divert gray water to landscaping). An optional filter may be installedprior to the perforated irrigation lines. There are other t ypes of systems, including ones that divert gray water from m ultiple sources i n t h e house, those that store gray water and branched-drain systems, but these require construction permits and county inspections.

In the Garden

pools in the bottom. If water does pool, then you cannot install an LGDS in this

TuolumneCountyUCCooperative Extension Master Cvardeners


Thursday,April9 r 2015 • Sonora r California — 5

— Decking ~ ~ ~ m ~K .~ R oofi ng

Lumber ~ Siding ~ AW

& ~

& W e

Supply Co. inc. — See Us at The -

Home L Ga r den Show

When washing dirty diapers (or o t her s i milarly Kathi Joye soiled, or potentially infectious clothing), and rags or Since gray water can pose clothing with grease, gasoa potential health hazard, line, paint or other chemithere are certain LGDS re- cal stains, the gray water quirements. The washing must be diverted back to machine must beon an ex- the sewer orseptic system. terior wall, and installment G ray water must not be of the system must not reused indoors for flushing quire the cutting of existing toilets, etc. plumbing or th e altering As yet, there is minimal of any other mechanical, research on long-term efstructuralor electricalcom- fects of gray water use on ponents. plant, human health or soil. All valves and pipes must Your LGDS should be debe labeled and identified as signed to prevent human nonpotable water. and pet contact and should The landscape that is be- not be used on edible root ing irrigated must be on the crops. Maintenance of the same property as the source LGDS is also critical t o of the gray water. keep unsanitary conditions Gray water cannot come from developing over time. into contact with potable T he State Water R e water and, exceptfor the sources Control Board has washing machine pump, just a dopted emergency must r each l a ndscaping regulations to ensure that via gravity (no additional all Californians are implepumps involved) through menting water conservation pipes that are placed in measures, such as reducing disposal trenches or mulch outdoor watering and water basins throughout the land- recycling. Gray water sysscape to be watered. Trench tems are one way to achieve length is determined by the this goal. number of people occupying F or those i n t erested i n the home. conserving water through Gray water should not the installation of an LGDS, be allowed to pool on the guidelines can be obtained ground,run offthe property from the Tuolumne Counor be sprinkled into the air. ty Community Resources Becausedifferent soils have Agency. different absorption rates Gray water standards are (which affect pooling), it also posted on the Califoris important to assess soil nia Department of Housing type and textures prior to and Community Developinstallation of a n L G DS, ment website ( www.hcd. and to size your mulch ba- ca.gov/codes/shl/Preface sins appropriately. E T Emergency Gray w a To prevent groundwater ter.pdf). contamination, gray water systems must not be placed Faathi Joye is a UCCE within 2 feet of groundwa- Master Gardener of ter. Tuolumne County and expects Groundwater should be that buckets in the shower tested by digging a hole 3 and laundry greywater feet deep and waiting 30 disposal systems will become minutes to see i f w a t er the new norm in California.

Spring Restoration Promo I'


I I I '



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6 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


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34th Annual Home & Garden Show


I l i

ing power and creative financing. We can Your title:General manager compete directly with your PG&E service Business name: Gold Electric-So- and save you on your energy cost. larUniverse What sets your business apart from Business address: 821 Murphys your competitors?:We combine local Your title:Timothy Dondero

Creek Road, Murphys, CA 95247 Telephone:728-3371 Fax:728-3420

dedicated electricians with national buy-

ing power and financing to get you cheaper energy. We are not just a solar

Business email address:


Welcomes you to the Home and Garden Show. See us outside the Sierra Building on the center of the Midway OFFERING COMPETITIVE PRICES TO OUR LONG TERM CUSTOM ERS AND NEW CUSTOMERS ALIKE

company, but full service electricians who understand electricity, and have an in-house financing team that guarantee Business website: www.goldelectricinc.com cheaper power by the kilo-watt hour If you live in the area, how long have when compared to PG&E. We are not you lived here?:31 years just solar installers, but full power soluIs this a family business?:Yes tion integrators, energy management, How longhave you been in the busi- design and service experts. What's the most important message ness?:28 years Number of employees?: 9 you want to convey to those attending Number of years your company has thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: timothy©goldelectricinc.com

participated in the Home & Garden Stop paying outrageous unpredictable utility rates! Like other tech industries, Show?:Second year Briefly describe your product or ser- the energy industry is changing rapidly, vice: We provide electrical contracting services for the Mother Lode and bought the SolarUniverse franchise to be able to provide low-cost solar energy to our friends and neighbors through purchas-

Customer Owned tanks welcome t AM F tg |R A

and you now have a CHOICE in how and

where you source your energy from. Choose clean, affordable solar as your

energy source for a fraction of what you are paying PG&E.

GosolarPros Your name: Conrad


tom solar installations for power on homes and busi-

Driscoll Your title: Owner/part-

nesses. What sets your business apart from your

ner Business name:GoSo-


larPros Business a d dress: 5278 Jerusalem Ct, Suite 11, Modesto, CA 95356 Telephone: 352-6091

competitors?: We strive to find the best solar solu-

tion & funding options for our customers. We have

years of solar sale and design experience and use

Business email address: Conrad © Gosolarpros. com •

the best products available at the best prices. What's the most im-

Business website:

www.Gosolarpros.com •

Courteys photo

portant message you want to convey to those attending this year's

If you live in the area, Conrad Driscoll how long have you lived Home & Garden Show?: ees?: 3 here?: 12 to 13 years Giving you the powerNumber of years your Go solar with GoSolarIs this a family busi-

ness?:No How long have you been in the business?: One year Number of employ-

company has participat- Pros. Don't lease or sign a ed in the Home & Gar- long-term agreement when den Show?:First year now you can buy solar and Briefly describe your pay less with great no-cost product or service:Cus- loans.


R. se aciion

FREE drawing each day. Dedicated to protecting and promoting the interest of agriculture Do you eat food'? Or live in a house'? You should be a

er I

• I ' I



I '

r I



I • I

F arm Bur eau M e m b e r y Cg

77 N. Washington Street Sonora, CA 95570 email: tcfarmbureau®mlode.com http://tuolumnecountyfarmbureau.weebly.com www.facebook.com/tcfarmbureau

Phone: 553-8586

352-8533 Highway 1 08 Mi Wuk Wash 8 D



34th Anngal HPme & GardenShPW

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora,California — 7

Work with nature when planting a mountain garden Those of us who moved to the Sierra Nevada from the cities and suburbs did so because we loved the smell of


Alternative to t h e T r aditional Lawn," writes, "Unlike lawns, meadows are better for the environment, the cedars,the vertical grana safe habitat for beneficial deur of the g anite peaks, insects and pollinators, a FrancieMcGowm the lush, green meadows place where native ecology and the ruggedness of the can thrive. Meadows, by atoutdoors. tracting a diversity of 'life,' are animated, We were looking for a more pristine, a l ive w ith rhythmic movement, catching natural environment than what the urbs b oth wi nd and light." He also suggests that and the burbs could provide. Swimming in t h e best placeto start a meadow garden is a mountain lake with a soft breeze wafting w h ere t he lawn is. o ver the surface seemed like a baptism in Ano t her attractive alternative tothe lawn nature. is to int roduce more hardscape. Paths, waWhy, then, bring the aesthetic values t e rfalls, ponds, fountains and rock walls fit of the cities and suburbs up here to the i n t o therocky mountain environment and mountains? The city garden, for instance, use littl e to no water. The sound of water in is a study in constriction and confinement. the gar den is pleasing to the senses, while Square patches of overly-watered lawns, a t tracti ng birds and pollinating insects. m anicured and fertilized until they glow For a green effect,paver stones with like neon in front and back yards, look so moss or other low-growing plants between jarringly out of place up here, where the t h em p roduce a country effect and need lines of the landscape meander and stretch v ery litt le water to maintain. Lemon thyme, out for miles. Especially this year, with our f o r inst ance,is a good choice as ittolerates alarmingly persistent drought, lawns and f r eezing in the winter and needs little waEnglish gardens are as thirsty as they are t e ring i n the summer. As one steps across wasteful in a dry California climate with t h e ston es, brushing against the thyme, a dwindling water resources. lovely fragranceis released, adding to the Lawns do almost nothing for the environ- overall pleasures of the garden. m ent, and they use an inordinate amount of Ye t a nother alternative to the urban garwater. According to the United States En- den is a rock garden. This is especially efvironmental Protection Agency, "An Ameri- f ective when dealing with steep hillsides. can family of four can use 400 gallons of B y pilin g rocks into attractive, naturalistic water per day, and about 30 percent of that s h apes on the side of the mountain, you i s devoted to outdoor uses. More than half c a n pu t planting soil in spaces between of that outdoor water is used for watering t h e stones and plant a variety of beautiful, lawns and gardens. Nationwide, landscape drought -tolerant flowers and shrubs. i rrigation is estimated to account for almost Pla n ing t native flowers and grasses will one-third of all residential water use, total- a lso cut down on watering and will need no i ng more than 7 billion gallons per day." fer t i l i zing. A little composted mulch is all T he fertilizers and herbicides needed t h a t i s needed tomake a mountain garden to preserve a green lawn are washed by t h r i vein the hot, arid summer climate of the rain and irrigation into the very lakes and Sierra N evada.For a listofplantsnative to streams we came up to enjoy in the moun- the Sierr a foothil ls,go tothe Internet site of tains, making them unfit for swimming and The California Native Plant Society, www. fishing in many cases. Synthetic fertilizers c n ps.or g/cnps/nativeplants/gallery/callain streams and lakes create algae blooms han/ind ex.php, for suggested native plants that block the sun, causing dead zones be- to place in this area. n eath them. Fish and frogs are especially The r e are few things more spectacular susceptible to herbicides and can end up t h an amountain meadow with wildflowers and a melange of grasses and shrubs. The producingdeformed offspring. T here are environmentally friendly alter- f r a g r an ce of the vegetation and the view of natives to the urban garden. One of these the surr ounding mountains is hard to beat. alternatives is a meadow garden. Look at W h y no t take it home with us? t he meadows around us and try to emulate We c an plantour own micro-meadow and them; plant Sierra wildflowers and meadow enjoy th e mountain habitat by just looking grasses that need little watering and no o u t o urwindows. mowing. The result is not only pleasing to the eye, but will save money with lower waErancie McGowan isa University of ter bills. California Cooperative Extension Master John Greenlee, in his book "The Ameri- Gardener of Vholumne County who isan antican Meadow Garden:Creating A Natural lamn convert and is on a mission!


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®C O M P A N Y, INCORPORATED 155 S. Main Street, Angels Camp (209) 736-4601

•L M E 730 S. Washington Street, Sonora (209) 532-7446


8 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

GunterPaintino Your name:Tom Gunter Your title: Owner Business name:Gunter Painting Business address: 17988 Laramie Lane, Twain Harte, CA 95383 Telephone:586-6178 Fax:586-6178


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

Hilh CountrySga


Briefly describe your product or service:We are residential and commercial painting contractor; interiors and exteriors; repaints are our specialty. Bonded and licensed.

What sets your business apart from

your competitors?: I love painting and If you live in the area, how longhave have great references from our satisfied you lived here?:26 years customers. Is this a family business?:Yes

How longhave you been in the busi- What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending ness?:37 years thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Number ofemployees: 3 Number of years your company has Free estimates, 100 percent guarantee,

participated in the Home & Garden no job too big or too small, only use qualShow?: None ity materials, dependable.


Your name:Bill and Barbara Deplitch Your title: Owners

Number of employees:3 Number of years your company has

Businessname: High Country Spa participated in the Home & Garden & Stove Center Show?:25-plus years Business address: 2720 Highway Briefly describe your product or ser4, Arnold, CA 95223 vice: Retail sales and service for Hot Telephone:795-3593 Spring Spas. Premier lines of stove; gas, Fax:795-0562 wood and pellet.. Business email address:

What sets your business apart from

hictyspaOsbcglobal.net Business website:

your competitors?: 31 years of taking

highcountryspaandstovecenter.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: Since 1974. Is this a family business?:Yes How longhave you been in the business?:Since 1983

care of our customers during and after the sale of our products.

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending

thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Customer satisfaction is our ¹1 priority.

Your name:Dale Cannon

jateo Water

Your title:President/owner Business name:Hibernation Home

Business address:14697 Mono Way, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:533-2211 Fax:533-2598 Business email address:



hibernat ionhomeoyahoo.com Business website:

Your name:Tim and JanisHuckaby Your title: Owners Business name:Jatco Water Systems

www.hibernationhome.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: We have lived here since 1987. Is this a family business?:Yes it is. How long have you been in this business?:This June will mark our 29th year in business.

Business address:20616 N. Sunshine


Business email address: srnilyfacejaniSjuno.corn

Number of employees:We currently employ 5 people. Courtesy photo Number of years your company has Dale Cannon, president and owner of participated in the Home & Garden Hibernation Home, stands in his SonoShow: At least 26 years.

Water Systems

Road, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:588-9741 Fax:588-0129

ra showroom.

Briefly describe your product or ser- tomer's needs is what sets us apart. What's the most important message vice:We sell and install a wide variety of top quality wood, pellet and gas stoves, you want to convey to those attending inserts and fireplaces. We also sell Sun- this year's Home & Garden Show?:Hidance Spas, home decor and gift items. bernationHome is a company you can We offer free in-home estimates for stove trust to provide you with top quality products, excellent customer service, and safe and spa installations. What sets your business apart from and professional installations. Our staff is your competitors?:Our nearly 29 years second to none, and we have more than of providing excellent products and cus- 29 years of experience in the hearth intomer service, our knowledgeable staff dustry. Hibernation Home is a company and our genuine concern to meet our cus- you can choose with complete confidence.

Business website: www.jatcowatersystems.com Courtesy photo If you live in the area, how long have Janisand Tim Huckaby are the owners you lived here?:39 years of Jatco Water Systems in Sonora.

Is this a family business?:Yes How longhave you been in the busi- your competitors?:We strictly do water filtration. We test your water and design a ness?:18 years Number of employees: Mom and pop system for your specific needs. We use selfregenerating units which pretty much take business Number of years your company has care of themselves, leaving you to relax and participated in the Home & Garden enjoy your clear water. What's the most important message Show?: 9 Briefly describe your product or ser- you want to convey to those attending

vice: Water filtration equipment, sales and service. We treat private wells specializing in iron and manganese removal. We work with real estate offices and will prepare reports for the owner/buyer.

thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: We specialize in wells with iron and manganese. We custom-design water filtrations to meet your particular needs. We will call you back promptly and be on time. We also inWhat sets your business apart from stall water systems and RO units.


t l i

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i i r

R CP 0A~~PAEPF 7&FSEP~A0EzPPPE? Angels Camp

Lake McClure

Blg Hill

Lake McSwain

Cedar Ridge

Lake Tulloch

Chinese Camp Columbia

Lambert Lakes Moccasin

Comstock Ranch Copperopolis

Mono Vista

MurPhlls Phoenix Lake

Coultervllle Downtown Sonora East Sonora

Pine Mountain Lake Roberts Ferry


San Andreas




Tuolumne CltM

Lake Don Pedro

Twain Harte

Miracle Whisk is the last mixer y o u 'l l ev er b u y . You can whisk, whip, mix or froth a delicious treat in seconds,

making it the perfect addition to your kitchen. No longer do you have to use large cumbersome equipment or whisk by hand.

Pushing the handle up allows you to whisk like a pro, and all without the use of -

batteries or an electrical outlet.


Now you can whisk and whip dozens of

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but deliver serious mixing power. •

Miracle Whisk is also stainless steel and dishwasher safe for

easy clean-up. Pump it clean in seconds and then toss in the

dishwasher. •



661-2SV-VS25 146126 H&G2015


34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Thursday,April9 r 2015 • Sonora,California — 9

gistLL1$ @s5%tLE L 0%6


iKae~p~ = ~

<' im r g

Courtesy photo

JS West Propane offers delivery and service throughout the foothills Courtesy photo

ISWestPropane Your name:Joe Brinegar

Glenn Reibin is the manager of Kamps Propane in Sonora


prox. 30 people in Sonora.

Your title: Business development repNumber of years your company has resentative participated in the Home & Garden Businessname: JS W estPropane Show?:20-25 years Telephone:768-7802 Briefly describe your product or serFax:532-4837 vice:We provide delivery and service for

Business email address: jbrinegar@jswest.com

all of your propane needs in the Central Sierra Foothills.

Business website:www.jswest.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?:I was born and raised in Sonora and have lived here my entire life. Is this a family business?:Yes.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: JS West has been

in business for more than 100 years and we have been voted "Favorite Propane

Company10 Years in a Row" What's the most important message

How longhave you been inthe busi- you want to convey to those attending ness?:I have worked for JS West for five

thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: "We want our customers to feel like they years. Number of employees?: Employsap- are part of our family"

Your name:Glenn Reibin Your title: Manager

Number of employees:13

Business address:18877 Microtronics Show?:Approximately12 years Briefly describe your product or serWay, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:532-6638 vice: Residential and commercial propane Fax:984-4904 sales and delivery. Business email address: What sets your business apart from greibinokampspropane.com your competitors?: Our Smart System Business website: tank reader system.

What's the most important message kampspropane.com If you live in the area, how long have you want to convey to those attending you lived here?:All of my life.

thisyear's Home & Garden Show?:

Is this a family business?:Yes. Our local facility serves Tuolumne and CalaHow longhave you been in the busi- veras counties. ness?:28 years

KitehenCraft Your name:Robin Temares Your title: Vice president marketing Business name:Kitchen Craft Business address:4129 United Avenue, Mount Dora, FL 32757 Telephone:352-483-7600

Business email address: Robin@CookforLife.com

Business website: KitchenCraftCookware.com Is this a family business?:Yes

®Iotchen Craf '

business?:28 years Number ofemployees?: 50



How long have youbeen in the owned & operated. What's the most important

messageyou want to convey to Briefly describe your product those attending this year's or service: We perform healthy Home & Garden Show?:Kitchen cooking demonstrations teaching consumers the "waterless method" of cooking using the World's Finest Stainless Steel Cookware.

Craft has been an American Tradition since 1906. When you invest «r in Kitchen Craft, you are not only investing in quality products for What sets your business apart your home, but you support Amerifrom your competitors?:We re- can manufacturing and help emCourtesy photo main 100 percent American Made, ploy over 9000 families. A Kitchen Craft representative gives a healthy cooking demo. fi


Chn<n Saws



Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden

Business name:KampsPropane




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®C O M P A N Y, INCORPORATED 155 S. Main Street, Angels Camp (209) 736-4601


730 S. Washington Street, Sonora (209) 532-7446


lalPowderesatino aKustoms




34th Annual Home & Garden Show

10 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

pgp,ilyyhtll littty Itt hall

Your name:Loree Da-



Your title: Owner Business name: L & L Powdercoating & Kustoms Business a d dress: 20847 Mechanical Drive, Sonora Telephone:532-6287

Business email address:

LL p owdercoat-

ing Oyahoo.com If you live in the area,

how long have you lived here?:43 years Is this a family busi-

ness?:Yes How long have you been in the business?: 1

year Number of years your company has participat-

'v't '.

Courtesy photo

ed in the Home & Garden Show?:First time

Mi Wuk Wash 8t Dry owner Roger Johnson has operated the business since 1975.

Briefly describe your Courtesy photo product or service:Pow- LatL staff includes (from left) Bogio Ditler (with Gus der coating; color coating the dog), Josh Davis, Larry Davis and Loree Davis.

Mi Wllk Waslli QFV Your name:Roger C. Johnson

participated in the Home & Garden

Your title:Owner

Show?:First year.

on any metal with thousands of colors to choose want to convey to those stored with a durable color from. What sets your busi- attending this year's finish that will look great ness apart from your Home & Garden Show?: for years, unlike paint. competitors?: We are No need to travel to the Powder coating is more the only powder coater in valley to get powder durable than paint. PowTuolumne County. We coating.We have quick der coating is a baked-on also do abrasive blasting turn-around times. We and mobile blasting and can coat anything metal: coating on metal. After railings, car parts, patio curing in oven and part is personalized service. cooled, it can be installed. What's the most im- furniture and wheelsportant message you anything you want re- No drying time like paint.

Briefly describe your product or ser-

Businessname: MiW ukW ash& Dry

Business address: 24559 Highway vice:Self service coin op laundry and self 108, Mi-Wuk Village, CA service car wash; also coin op showers. Telephone:352-8533 What sets your business apart from Fax:586-5546 your competitors?:Only laundry in Tuo Business email address: Co with new commercial soft mount washrcjcubs1945©gmail.com ers that cuts water use in half and drying Business website: time in half with 970 rpm spin 300g force www.facebook.com/MiWukWashDry compared to 80g force 450-500 rpm hard If you live in the area, how long have mount. Now have six 50 lb. washers for you lived here?:Moved from Sunnyvale in king size bedspreads, sleeping bags, rugs 1986. Built the house in Mi Wuk in 1964. etc. Also on order 75 lb. dryer with REBuilt the laundry facility in Mi Wuk in 1975 VERSING ACTION, so king size comfortand one in Twain Harte in 1980. ers, blankets and sleeping bags do not roll Is this a family business?:Yes, sole and dry on outside and damp inthe inside.


Only reversing dryer in Tuo andCalaveras prop. How longhave you been in the busi- Co.

ness?:Mi Wuk laundry opened in 1975, 40 years this year. Opened a self service car wash in 1992. Have been in the coin laundry business for seven decades. Built the first coin laundry in Palo Alto in the 1950's.

NationalFloorinl I, WindowCoverinis

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending

this year's Home & Garden Show?:Only

laundry capable of washing1060 lb. clothes per hour for hotels, schools, camps etc. Also have free wi-fi, 55" TV, security camNumber of years your company has eras and clean bathrooms.

Your name.Chff McCur-

ley Your title: Owner

Business name: McCurleys National Flooring & Window Coverings

Se C+ool h~ C~ +omfio~rtlble •

e I)




Business address: 18681 Eagle Ridge Drive, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:532-9333 Fax:532-9332


Call now to schedule our Energy Savings Vune Up On your cooling system!

Business email address: customerserviceO

nfsupply.net Business website:mc-

Lower utility bills M ore cooling Extend Equipment Life Prevent Costly Repairs 24-Hour Service • Senior Discounts

Courtssy photo curleysnationalflooring.com Cliff McCurley stands in the showroom of his Sonora If you live in the area,

how long have you lived flooring and window coverings company.

here?:22 years Is this a family busi- service design center for all want to convey to those ness?:Yes your flooring and window- attending this year's How long have you covering needs. Home & Garden Show?: been in the business?: What sets your busi- New and improved. We 40years ness apart from your have expanded our showNumber of employ- competitors?: We are a room to bing you more ees?: 7 third-generation f a m ilychoices and better pricing. Number of years your owned business owned and Stop by our booth and see company has participated operated by Cliff McCurley, Shaw's latest in stain protecin the Home & Garden with over 40years in experi- tion LifeGuard carpet for evShow?: 8 ence. eryday spills and odors, and Briefly describe your What's the most im- special rebates on Hunter product or service: Full- portant message you Douglas window fashions.


It's Hard ToStop A Trane™



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1163 Mill Villa Coul't, Sonol'a (near the bypass) www.centralheatingandair.com

146085 H&G2015





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A •


• er

www.middletonsfurniturea l i ance.com • Mo n day — Saturday 9:00 a.m.— 5:30 p.m. • Closed Sunday 374 N. MAIN STREET MARK TWAIN SHOPPING CENTER ANGELS CAMP • 2 0 9 -736-4617


.34th Aggggl Home & Ggpdeg Sho~

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora,California — 11

Millleten's BrandSeurce furnitureanlIppliances Your name: Bob Middleton Your title: Owner Business name: Middleton's Brand Source Furniture and Appliances Businessaddress: 374 N. Main St., Angels Camp (Middleton's Mark Twain


g )



Telephone: 736-4617 Fax: 736-0741 Business email address: middletons1ocomcast.net

Business website:

Courtesy photo


Pam and Michael Krom are the owners of Mike's Mowers in the Soulsbyville area.

If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 60 years Is this a family business?: Yes; three generations, sometimes four. Currently myself, my wife, Susan, and son Nick work in the business.

Mike's Mswers Your name: Michael been in the business?: Krom 30years Your title: Owner Number of employees: Businessname: Mike's 3 Mowers Number of years your

How long haveyou been in this business?: 60 years

Number of employees: 12 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show: 32 If you have a new product or service you are offering to Home & Garden Show

Courtesy photo

Bob Middleton

attendees, please briefly describe it: tive with big box stores. We support the Newest models and styles that are availlocal economy. What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending

able Briefly describe your product or service: New furniture, mattresses, appliances and electronic sales, delivery and installation.

thisyear's Home & Garden Show?:

We offer a large selection of furniture, What sets your business apart from mattresses, appliances and electronics your competitors?: We are a locally at competitive prices with the country owned business. Our prices are competi- service our customers expect.

nviin a s i n o Bats have been vilified for centuries as omens of evil. But bats are incredibly beneficial for agriculture, forestry an d h ome gar-

dens as well. Bats areinsatiable insect eaters that can consume their weight in mosquitoes, midges, stink bugs, flies,moths, beetles, spiders and other insects each night. This adds up to approximately 600 small flying insects per hour! Bats are nocturnal hunters that

spend the day roosting in dark, protected locations. They are not blind, but most insect-eating bats use a typeof echolocation to detect their prey. These bats send out high-frequency sounds inaudibleto humans, except for spotted and mastiff bats, which make lower frequency calls that we can hear. Bats listen for the echoes of their cries as they bounce off of flying insects. Producing only one to two pups per year, bats can live anywhere from 5 to 30 years. When temper-

the owner, and 14 years experience from Daniel, his son, not including Daniel's constant schooling. What's the most im-

Business a ddress: company has participat- portant message you ed inthe Home & Garden want to convey to those

20738 Longeway Road, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 533-3056 Fax: 533-0790 Businessemail address: mmowers@mlode.com If you live in the area,

Show?: 22

attending this

y e ar's

Briefly describe your Home & Garden Show?: product or service: Sales Again, for the seventh

and service of outdoor year in a row, we have not power equipment, carry- raised our labor rates. ing all major lines of prod- Parts, materials and prodhow long have you lived ucts. ucts have increased our here?: 34 years What sets your busi- price, but by not increasIs this a family busi- ness apart from your ing labor, we can still deness?: Yes competitors?: 30 years liver a repaired product at How long have you of experience from Mike, a reasonable price.

e a r e n can ave eneis

atures drop, bats eithermigrate to

are candidates for the federal endan-

trim and small niches beneath be placed on outbuildings near overhangs and s h ingles. Use your garden. Boxes should be t warmer places or Garde n ger e d species listing.hardware cloth, caulking, self- caulked to protect bats from the ' ""~'G'~<"'~ ~' h ibernate whil e ~ l Some of these bats expanding polyurethane, flashing elements and should be installed surviving on fat are solitary, whereas or weather stripping to exclude before March. For more informastores. When hiothers live in large them from these areas. tion, visit www.batcon.org. Kathi Joye bernating, their colonies. Big brown, If batsare already residing in Bats are vital for diversity in metabolism drops pallid, Mexican free- your house, wait until they fly out our foothill ecosystems. Unfortuby nearly 90 percent. Disturbanc- t a iled and little brown bats are at night before blocking openings. nately their numbers have been es during this period can result in o f ten the ones found living within Do not attempt exclusionary tac- in decline due to habitat loss, death, as the return to an active m a n - m ade structures. tics from mid-August to mid-May pesticide and other chemical use, state consumes too much of their Bat s i n the garden are helpful, so as not to keep females from migration dangers, wind turbines energy stores before they can for- but bats living in your house are reaching helpless pups still inside. and disease. age for food. a nuisance. Although they do not For more information, go online Currently,larger-scaled strateTwenty-five bat species are na- g n a w st ructures, they create oth- to w w w .ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/gies encourage the colonization tive to California. Almost all are e r problems: bat urine and guano PESTNOTES/pn74150.html. and breeding ofbats. On a smaller insecteaters. Seventeen species (batdroppings)leadtounsanitary An eight-year U.C. Coopera- scale, we can celebrate the arrival are found in the Sierra Nevada. conditions;roostingcoloniesmake tive Extension study found that of bats each spring as they get to These include seven different d i s ruptive noises and, though the location of bat houses is key work and, perhaps, encourage lomyotis species, which are hard r a r ely, bats can be infected with to whether or not bats will colo- cal colonization in strategicallyto tellapart: the Western pip- rabies or are hosts for diseases nize. Boxes should be placed at placed bat houses while excluding istrelle (the smallest bat in th e s u ch as encephalitis and histo- least 10 feet off the ground in a them from our own homes. U.S.), the rarely seen pallid, little p l asmosis. place that receives morning sun, brown, Townsend's b i g-eared, To p r otect yourself, do not touch but with afternoon shade. They Kathi Joye isa University of Western red, Mexican free-tailed, b ats or breathe the dust from should be within V4 mile of water. California Cooperative Extension big brown and the silver-haired. t h eir d roppings; vaccinate pets Boxes placed on poles are rarely Master Gardener of Tuolumne Western mastiff and spotted bats against rabies. used; thoseplaced in trees are County who enjoys gardening in the (the biggest North American bat) Bat s l i ke vents, cracks around never used. Instead, they should Mother Lode. l




OOI-CBIlllegRI pl'otect'ioXl. Uft@jPegtegll Iigal elltli.sQagmvitltse ev~ day, zeg wjtjh Llgafggefdl ori j e w z]5j„yeu'I ifveyg 4ave aemsa to IxpIIirIjeme8attamtII~


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rar s

ALBERT JUDNICH Celebrating 50 yearsas a Professional rIardener 11120 Golf Links Rd., Jamestown CA 95327 alsbonsai.com • al sbonsai@gmail.com (209) 536-1963

12 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

Sometimes tired interiors

need a boost of energy Being at home should be a positive experience, but if you find yourselflooking for ways to get out of the house rather than ways to enjoy yourself while there, you might want to consider buffing up your domestic act with one or more of the following improvements. If your home is a drain on your energy, maybe it's time for a change.

Fabric Fabric is one of my favorite ways to update and refresh a tired space.Reupholstering the sofa, dressing the windows, slipcovering the chairs, and having some coordinating throw pillows done up will revive a tired room into something wonderful. Combining fabrics and pattern is tricky. If you're a person who shies away from pattern, using high quality materials like silk, mohair and other textured fabrics

will be your best bet. You can start with a striated silk with color variations; add a subtle, wide, tone-on-tone stripe; a simple ribbed texture;and maybe a velvet or mohair in a slightly darker color. Instead of pattern, use texture, contrast and color to add visual interest. For a homey look, start with a faded floral fabric on your sofa; add two chairs in a rich chenille texture with contrasting welts; pillows in an awning stripe; and more pillows in a soft wool plaid or smaller floral. I'm not a big fan of checks, though I do like wool or cotton plaids a la Ralph Lauren.

, Shiree ' Hanson , Segerstrom


Makeovers A great way to improve and beautify your home is to give it a makeover. A makeoveriseconomical because it saves you from unnecessary

Color trends evolve. Remember Navajo white? It's now passe.Whites are generally cooler now, with more gray undertones than before. Kelly Moore, Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams and Dunn Edwards offer beautiful designer colors, while Pratt and Lambert, Fine Paints of Europe, and Farrow and Ball have luxury products with high pigment content. Always use a flat finish in the public rooms and master bedroom; satin or eggshell in bathrooms, kitchen and children's areas; and gloss or semi-glosson cabinetry, doors, windows and casing. If "white paint" isn't your idea ofredecorating, choose your colorscarefully.Today's homes have open floor plans, and they usually don't look right with multiple changes in color without the visual dividersofdoorway frames. Light colors like cool, pale yellow, pale gray-blue, and lightceladon green are good options for colors that"travel" well from room to room. Reds, terra cottas and other dark, warm colors are much harder

purchases. It helps you make the most of what you already have. Once your makeover is complete, you'll see what purchases are truly needed. Makeovers for the living room usually take one day, while the other rooms take half days. Experiment with furniture placement, placing the sofa and other large fur-

to work with in an open floor

dining r oo m

plan. They are easier to work with however, in bathrooms and bedrooms which are visuallydivided from the rest of the public areas. I like to do a warm white ceiling with white crown molding to separate itfrom the color of the walls. Keep in mind that warm, dark colors advance, mak-

bedroom and spent close to $2,000 on accessories alone. I purchased 10 framed

Courtesy photo

Moore Room offers structures including steel garages and carports.

Ioore Room

nishings first. Anchor conver-

sation areas with furniture, then create focal points with accessories. Move t h i ngs around till you get it right. Fireplaces are built-in focal points and are nicely balanced with an opposing sofa.

Accessories While accessories like pillows, baskets, throws, books, vases, pots, plants (faux and real)and lamps are comparatively inexpensive next to buying new furniture and window coverings, when put together they are not a small expense. As an example, to prepare for a home tour a few years ago, I purchased new accessoriesto add to my existing ones in the living room, a n d m a s t er

Your name: Mike Allott Businessname: Moore Room Business address: 19266 Rawhide Road, Jamestown, CA 95327 Telephone: 984-3462 Fax:984-1633

Business email address: Mike©mooreroom.com Business website: www.MooreRoom.com

years, moving here at that time. Is this a family business: Yes

semble using our conscientious local crew. What's the most important message

How long haveyou been in this business?: 26 years Number of employees:7 Number of years your company has

you want to convey to those attending thisyear's Home & Garden Show?:

We are offering "show special" pffcing at the Home & Garden Show if structure is ordered participated in the Home & Garden within 60 days. Stop by our Rawhide Road Show: 16 years facility for a brochure and a look-see of our Briefly describe your product or ser- achievements.

prints, five large pots, two




1.2hp, 27.2cc, 10.6 lb

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Your 41 W IND O W

What sets your business apart from your competitors?: We haveseveral advantages over our competition, which greatly benefit our customers and allows us to provide the best customer service in the Mother Lode. First, we are locally owned and operated so we understand the area and have fast response times for any issues that may arise. Our delivery rates are much less than the competition since they are deliveffng

If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: John has lived in Tuolumne County for 30 years. Brandi was born in Tuolumne County.

from the valley and we are located right here in Sonora. If you have a billing or service

Number of years your company has

What's the most important message

question you can call a local number and get the answers fast instead of an 800 number Is this a family business?: We are a that sends you to a national call center. We family owned business. will not lock you into any service contract. How longhave you been in the busi- We have the best customer service and the ness?: We haveownedthe business for81/2 lowest rates, so there is no need to force years, but the company was founded in1988 anyone into a contract.

63.3cc, 168 mph, 441 cfm, 22 lbs

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Purifiel Water



IRe's o wer s

MountainOasis Your name:John and BrandiO gl e Your title: Owners Business name: Mountain Oasis Purified Water Business address: 14216 Tuolumne Road, Suite 2, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 533-9000 Fax: 533-1326 Business email address:


of 0.95 line) .

tially enclosed structures up to 50 feet wide — no limit on length! We also offer steel garages, raised center aisle barns and snow load structures. Small andmedium sized "to code," quality steel buildings, carports, garages and barns in kit-form which our customer, or we can construct on site. What sets your business apart from

your competitors: We provide heavyIf you live in the area, how long have gauge " to code" materials with a 40-plus you lived here?: I have managed the busi- year guaranteed no-maintenancefinish. We ness for the Moore family for the past 18 provide kits that the customer, or we, as-

tablecloths (for permanent use, not for dining), silver picture frames and a small area rug. This supplemented the things I already had. The tour was a success, and two years later I'm still delighted Paint ing the room appear smaller, with the changes in my home. Every 10 years or so, have while light, cool colors recede, Take the above list along one ortwo fresh coatsofpaint making the room appear applied to your interior walls. larger. SeeENERGY/Page 13

of 0.95 line)

vice: We now offersteel, completely or par-

participated in the Home & Garden you want to convey to those attending Show?: This is our fifth Home & Garden thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Most important message: If you areconShow. Briefly describe your product or ser- cerned about the quality of water that you vice: We provide 3- and 5- gallon purified have available at your home or office or are bottled water for delivery to homes and busi- in need of a very high quality water (purified nesses throughout all TuolumneandCalav- water) and want the best customer service at eras counties. Customers also have the op- the lowest possible rate, then look no further tion to come and pick up water directly from than the locally owned and operated Mounus for less than delivery rates. tain Oasis Water as your solution.


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34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Trees that do, don't belong in hills


Walkingaround my neighborhood, I see the evidence this year's changing weather TuolumneCountyUCCooperatiee patterns. Many lawns are Extension Master Gardeners golden-brown and crispy, and trees are showing signs of Rebecca Miller-Cripps drought stress with brown leaves and twig dieback. Especially hard-hit are the not cross in nature because

Inthe Garden

Your name: Dan Pinnell Your title: Owner Business name: Pinnell's Carpet One

Business address: 12900 MonoWay, Sonora 95370 and 263 S. Main St., Angels Camp, CA 95222 Telephone: 532-1696 Fax: 532-8608 Business email address:

Dan© pinnellscarpetone.com Business website:

pinnellscarpetone.com If you live in the area, how long have

you lived here?: 39 years p%

Is this a family business?: Yes

How longhave you been in the busi-


ness?: 39 years

Number of employees?:27 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden



Business email address: railtowninfo@csrmf.org Business website: www.railtown1987.org If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: We were established as a State Park in1982.

ground in winter. Even trees that are na-

tive here are suffering in this year's drought. Native oaks, toyons and redbuds are showing signs of stress from inadequate groundwater. Our office is receiving inquiries about whether the drooping, browning black oaks are dying at the 2,500-foot elevation. But these treesare adapted to the vagaries of California's climate and they usually survive. In general, an oak tree is not dead until it fails to leaf out the following spring or,

treesnative to other climates.

theirranges are too distant.

These are often planted in our suburban landscapes because they are "pretty"or "fastgrowing." European white birch is native to the northern and coastal areas ofthe cool,foggy, windy Baltic States. Leyland cypress, believed to be a cross between a Monterey cypress and an Alaskan cypress, could

Leyland cypress instead was crossed on an estate in England whereit'scooland foggy, with ample rainfall. Coast redwoods also live in areas where the climate is cool and foggy. Giant sequoias, although native to the Central Sierra, grow at higher eleva- in rare cases, even two years tions where temperatures are cooler and snow stays on the See TREES/Page 16

ar u


Show?: 8 Courtesy photo Briefly describe your product or serDan Pinnell vice: Full-service flooring, window coverings, tile and countertop sales and instalWhat's the most important message lation. What sets your business apart from you want to convey to those attending your competitors?: We are the only thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: flooring store to offer the beautiful guar- We have in-house installers, first rate antee, and healthier living pad installa- customer service, and our prices are tion. Also voted best of the Motherlode competitive with the big box stores, so every year since 2006. why not shop local!

Your name: David Rainwater Your title: Senior park aid and volunteer coordinator Business name: Railtown 1897 State Historic Park Business address: 5th and Reservoir streets, Jamestown, CA 95327 Telephone: 984-3953 Fax: 984-4936

Thursday,April9 r 2015 • Sonora r California — 13

participated in the Home & Garden Show?: Over 10 years Briefly describe your product or service: Railtown 1897 is the newest California State Landmark and is one of the finest examples of a still operating and preserved short-line steam locomotive facility.

What's the most important message

you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: We

are open every day of the year for visitors (except Thanksgiving and Christmas day).

Guided tours are available and excursion train rides every weekend from April to October. We also now feature the Polar Express train rides in December. Contact us Number of years your company has for more information.

Pine RlleySawShop Your name: Jim and Mary Lillie Your title: Owners

Briefly describe your product or service: We sell, sewice and repair saws, trimBusinessname: PineAlleySaw Shop mers, blowers, lawn mowers, generators Business address: 18430 Jamestown and pumps.We also have allthe accessoRoad, Jamestown, CA 95327 ries that you might need. We specialize in Telephone: 984-3863 Stihl products with factory trained techniIf you live in the area, how long have cians. you lived here?: All of our lives What sets your business apart from Is this a family business?: Yes your competitors?: Personalized sentice. How longhave you been in the busiWhat's the most important message ness?: 28 years you want to convey to those attending Number of employees?: 0

Number of years your company has thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: participated in the Home & Garden Come by our booth and check out our prodShow?: 23 years uct lines and meet our staff members.


guests over, or if "Hoarders" has contacted you recently to Continued from Page12 guest appear in an upcoming episode (teasing) it's time to with you when shopping for reduce or repurpose. Don't take your unwanted accessories and only buy the styles that truly resonate stuffto the thrift store yet, with you. Keep in mind you however. Do your makeover need to work around your ar- starting with the living room chitecture and existing fur- 6rst, dining room second, masnishings, not just your per- ter bedroom third, and so on. You'll be amazed by the things sonal taste. you can repurpose in other areas of your home. Change Un-decorate is harder for some of us, but If your personalbelong- quality oflife at home relies on ings are collecting dust that healthy, sustainable changes. never seems toget cleaned, A home isn't static. It needs if your spouse or children regular attention to keep it are embarrassed to have functioning and attractive.

A clean sweep One of the things I've noticed being a homemaker and using a p r ofessional coach in years past is that the cleaner and tidier the home, the more motivated I feel. When you eliminate or change things that are a nuisance to you, you get a tremendous energy boost. This is true of many things in life such as excess weight or a job you have outgrown. As someone smart once said, nature abhors a vacuum. Get rid of the things that drain your energy to make room for better things to come.


W snt e r s

C le a n en g S e r v i c e s



14 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

Rodinssn Rssfino •

Your name: Jeff Sargo


Your title: Owner Business name: RobinsonRoof-




Business address: 1163 Mill Villa Court, Sonora, CA Telephone: 588-9155 Fax: 588-9154 Business email address:


robinsonroofing©mlode.com Courtesy photo

Sears in East Sonora offers appliances, lawn and garden equipment, tools, TVs and more.

Business website: www.robinsonroofingsonora.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 39 years

Is this a family business?: Yes


How long have you been in the

Courtesy photo

Robinson Roofing offers roofing options to homeowners.

business?: 17 years Number ofemployees: 7

Your name: Jennifer Alsoavailableonlinethrough Grenland Sears.com is a never-endYour title: Store manager ing list of items that can be Business name: Sears shipped to your homefree of Business a d d ress:charge, when purchased 14691 Mono Way, Sonora, through our store. To assist CA 95370 you further, we are the only Telephone: 532-3191 store with a full repair serFax: 532-8334 Business email ad- vice department from carrydress: ds3159@shos.com in to in-home. What sets your busiBusiness website: ness apart from your www.sears.com If you live in the area, competitors?: As always, how long have you lived we offer a comfortable athere?: Randy and Karen mosphere with professional are lifelong residents of Tu- and knowledgeable associolumne County, as are their ates to assist you with fanchildren, and their families. tastic customer service. Our We have a total of six gen- private delivery crewodeliverations in Tuolumne Coun- ers" a quality experience ty. while you begin to enjoy Is this a family business?: Yes. Karen (Mom), your new products. Above Randy (Dad), Jennifer all, we guarantee the best (Daughter), Steven (Son), price possible. The outJamie (Jennifer's Husband), standing service just comes as a bonus! Holly (Steven's Girlfriend) What's the most imporHow long have you been in the business?: tant message you want to This will be our sixth year convey to those attendowning the local Sears ing this year's Home & store. Garden Show?: As local Number of em ployees?: business owners, it is our Randy and Karen, owners, pleasure to bring our Tuand seven employees Briefly describe your olumne County Community product or service: We a great place to shop for the have many items inthe store best price with the best sersuch as appliances, lawn vice. We are honest and we and garden equipment, take care of our customers. tools, mattresses, televi- Let us take care of you and sions and fitness equipment. your home.

Number of years your company give you the unique roof you want. Stop sional maintenance, theoretically make

has participated in the Home & Garden Show: 18

for shingles. GAFS/B Everguard TPO singleply roofs provide the ultimate in absolute water-tight roofs, even if you have standing water all the time. We heat weld this material together for an absolutely water-tight shingle membrane over your whole roof. Usually white, but TLshingles to make your roof really available in colors, too. stand out. Specialty shingles like Grand Mulehide and Hyperseal coatings your roof so you don't have to replace it. With all of these we can deliver California "Cool Roofs" that keep your roof and attic cooler and lower your PG8Ebill! We offer Certainteed's full line of shingles — 30-year, 50-year and Tri-laminate Landmark architectural shingles, Presidential and Presidential


"season." Poison oak started turning red in June; CaliforContinuedfrom Page 13 nia buckeye began browning at the same time. later. This summer we exAccording to Master Garperienced intense heat and dener Linda Reavley, speakvery hot, d r ying w i nds. ing of those California native Our oak trees are simply plants on which bees deresponding to that stress. pend, "Everything has come Oaks will drop their leaves earlier and gone sooner." Reand go dormant early when portedly, winery owners are there isn't enough water to harvesting grapes six weeks support the canopy. Also, ahead of two years ago. So, treesin clumps are affected we should not be shocked earlier, because they share that oaks also are turning resources and so have less brown. water for each individual Native oak trees, dependtree. ing on the species, live for Because of this year's ear- two to four centuries. They ly, warm, dry spring, most have experienced drought plantsseem tobe threetosix before. They are one of Caliweeks ahead of the general fornia's best-adapted plants,

jsp st

slowing growth and going drought. However, if y ou dormant when there isn't have one specimen oak that enough water; growing and you would like to "baby," you putting on layers of wood can run a soaker hose along when conditions are right. the drip line (straight beUC staff have monitored low the outside edge of the oaks and drought. Much of canopy) and let it run very that research can be found slowly all night. Do this once here online at http://ucanr. a month until autumn rains edu/sites/ oak range/ arrive. Be sure to allow the You might like to read soil to dry completely betwo articles, "The Effects of tween deep waterings; damp, Drought on California Oaks" warm soil breeds fungi that and "Brown Oak Trees Dot will kill oak trees. California's Lan d scape," You simply cannot assume found on that same website an oak tree is dead. You by clicking "Oak Articles must wait at least until next Online" and then "Oaks and spring to see if it leafs out. Climatic Factors." In research plots, the trees It is not practical or pos- that turned brown earliest sible to protect all our oak leafedout earliest the next trees from the effectsof year.

No Sales TaxSaturday, Sunday I Monday"

SIs wist






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ing to take on those problem roofssteep ones, habitually leaking ones, domes, commercial flat roofs. We specialize in solving problems so our customers can relax and forget about their former roofing problems. We also have the skills and experience to take care of your carpentry, sheet metal and remod-

eling needs. Robinson roofing is a proudmember Manor and Carriage House can really can seal that agedroof and, with occa- of the Sierra Professional Association.


by our booth to see samples. Cer- it last forever. Usually white for a "cool

new "Cool Roof" shingle roof" application, but can be tinted to Briefly describe your product or tainteed's Landmark Solaris can make your roof blend in. service: We provide our customers perform as well as look cool. Cer- What's the most important meswith options: composition shingle roofs, torch down roofs, self-adhering tainteed's torch down and self-adhered sageyou want to convey to those roofs, TPOsingle-membrane roofs and roofs fill in the need for those trouble- attending this year's Home & Garroof coatings that can extend the life of some nearly flat roofs thatare problems den Show?: Robinson Roofing is will-






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. 34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

Thursday, April 9,2015 • Sonora, California — 15

Sierra Business Council

Servgcexwrsz . sssrswrw s re~



Your name:Emily Dondero Your title: Project manager

Business name:Sierra Business Council (SBC) Business address:1 E. Linoberg St., Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:532-7200 Fax:336-0858

Business email address: edondero©sierrabusiness.org Business website: www.sierrabusiness.org If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?:22 years Is this a family business?: No, SBC is a nonprofit organization, though we often operate like a family.

How longhave you been in the business?:5 years Number of employees?: 24 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:This will be our first year!

Briefly describe your product or service:My program area focuses on energy-efficiency seivices and consultation.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?:Sierra Business Council (SBC) is a non-profit organization that focuses on the tffple bottom line and projects that support vibrant communities. My

Courtesy photo

The staff at ServiceMaster Sierras make customer satisfaction their No. 1 goal.

Sevicelaster Sierras Your name: Mike and Jackie County for over 20 years! What sets your business apart Bearden Number ofemployees?: 20 from your competitors?:We are a Your title: Owners Number of years your company communitybased business. We love Business name: SeiviceMaster Si- has participated in the Home & helping others! We genuinely care about


role is to work onenergy, and mytable at the showwil each of SBC's programs.

provide them with the best products and services available with our friendly staff. Customer satisfaction is our number one

goal. We guarantee our services and just $159.00! For every carpet cleaning products."The clean you expect. The scheduled and kept, you will also receive service you deserve."

Business email address: servicemastersierras©mlode.com Business website:

focus on energy, but I will have information available on What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?:My table will be a one-stop shop to help individuals with any home or business energy questions.!will be able to provide resources and information for individuals interested in reducing or managing their energy.

the needs ofour clientele. Weare here to

Garden Show?:over 20years.

Business address: 17330 High Briefly describe your product or service: SeiviceMaster Sierras will be School Road, Jamestown, CA 95327 Telephone: 532-1700 offering a carpet cleaning special for Fax: 532-1719 three rooms, up to 600 square feet, for

What's the most important mes-

a free bottle of our Spot Hero Treatment!

www.servicemastersierras.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?:9 years. Is this a family business?:Proud-

(Upon services rendered.) We offer a sage you wantto convey to those

wide range of services —from water and fire disaster restoration, to mold remediation, residential carpet cleaning, and ly, yes. commercial/janitorial services. We like to How long have you been in the think of ServiceMaster Sierras as a "one business?: We havebeeninTuolum ne stop shop" for our customers!

attending this year's Home & Garden Show?: SeiviceMaster Sierras is here to serve the community. Come by andseeusatthe Home & Garden Show. We look forward to educating our clientele about what our line of services.

Many steps can be taken to save water in the garden July is the month that

crops and drought-resistant

how we garden. Trying to keep a water-thirsty Eng• Remove weeds, which lish-style garden just won't compete for water resourc- work in our water-strapped es. environment.

In the Garden

most outside water is con-

sumed. Thirty percent of our water is used outdoors and, with current methods, 50 percent is wasted. Consider thesetacticsfor saving water in your yard: • Water at night, ideally b etween midnight and 6 a.m. This reduces evaporation, and the wind will not

By considering the techJim Gormely is a niques listed above, we can all University of California sustain a beautiful, California Cooperative Master Gardener style garden and save our pre- of Tuolumne County and lives cious water resources. in Columbia.


Tuolumne CountyUCCooperative Extension MasterGardeners

• Install a water-efficient

Jim Gormely

drip system. • I r rigate early in t h e season to keep fruit and nut trees alive. With limited water, thin or remove fruit to reduce stress on the trees.

less I watered them. I found that the use of a 3 to 4 inch layer of mulch makes a huge difference and keeps • For o r n amental t r e es, the garden looking quite be strong enough to interalive. Over time, the mulch one or two deep irrigations fere with sprinkler patterns. deteriorates and adds nutri- s everal weeks apart i n • R eplace tur f w i t h ents to the soil. spring and summer will ofHere is another testimo- ten keep them alive. Leaves ground covers, m ulches, decks and walkways. Water ny to the benefits of using will drop or wilt in a severe remaining turf infrequently mulch. water shortage but, with but deeply. Make sure that Two years ago, I helped appropriatecare, trees will w ater penetrates down t o build a park and applied 4 survive. 8 inches below the surface, inches of mulch. Now, there and set lawnmower blades are hardly any weeds in the at a higher level. This re- park and, even with this Other water-saving sults indeeper roots,and hot, dry year, a multitude of methods the higher turf shades the acorns are pushing up oak Here are four basic watersoil to reduce weeds. tree sprouts — testimony saving techniques: • Mulch liberally. When I that the area is retaining • Grow a smallergarden. • G row edibles t h at was a student in the UCCE moisture, despite a lack of Master Gardener program, irrigation. m ature quickly an d a r e a UC Davis professor told drought tolerant. the class that he used mulch • Compost and mulch, everywhere. When he said Water conserving mulch, mulch. that he watered his toma- for edible gardens • Use smart i r r igation toes every three weeks, I Determine that local wa- strategies, such as watering almost fell out of my chair ter allocations are sufficient early in the day. and asked him to repeat to allow an edible garden, The severe drought that that fact. My tomatoes were and then: California is experiencing wilting every other day un• Plant shorter season has forced us to reconsider








1163 Mill Villa Gt.• robinsonroofingOmlode.com Between the Fairgrounds and the Bypass 143360 H&G14 •


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34th Annual HOme & Garden ShOW


~hursday, April9,2015 • Sonora, California — 1

34th Annual

Thursday, April 9, 2015



Makeover tips for the garden focus on drought tolerance The following tips will make from large tanks to 50-gallon landscapes and gardens more barrels. drought tolerant. Using PVC pipes or other m l~e&myucMp sm 2' • First,observe the plants and tubing to link a series of areas most affected by water desmaller containers to each privation. Most likely they are: the other (with the first one under Marl arys s Bell e lawn, the sunniest spots and some the downspout) is an inexpenwater-hungry plants. siveway to collectrainwater. Is the lawn functionally necessary? Are Because the frequency of rains is unpredictthere other alternatives that achieve the same able, use the rainwater for highest-priority purpose and are esthetically acceptable, such as p l ants, like shade and fruit trees, anything permeablepavers,decks or a gravel-like stone? planted within the last year and those plants For sunny spots, consider how to provide that areobviously stressed. shade (particularly for hot western afternoon • Then, best of all, start making plans for sun) byadding strategically located trees,cano fall planting, giving priority to those that pies or shade cloth. implement the "garden makeover" plan. Since For plants that need more water than those any new plant needs more water, each choice around them, consider moving them into more should be carefully assessed in terms of shortshade and grouping them with other water-lov- and long-term water needs. ers, or replacing them with more drought-tolerDwarf fruit trees will use less water over ant plants, such as California natives, Mediter- the long term because canopy size affects how raneans or some of the UC Davis Arboretum much water is required. All Star plants appropriate to this area (arbore Following this plan will help make gardens tum.ucdavis.edu/arboretum all stars.aspx). For a n d landscapes more sustainable, drought plants being moved or replaced, flag them and tolerant and foothill friendly, now and for the wait for rain before doing any digging. future. • For planted areas where no changes are The California Native Plant Society will hold needed,consider adding more compost or its native plant sale from 9 a.m. to noon Saturmulch. Three inches of mulch reduces water day, Oct. 11, at Rocca Park in Jamestown. Get needs by 30 percent. there early for the best selection of drought• Determine how to capture and store as tolerant plants for your garden makeover. much of the rain as possible. The easiest way is from downspouts, so gutters and downspouts Marlys Bell is a University of California may be worth adding to structures that don't Cooperative Extension Master Gardener in have them. Rainwater collection options range Tuolumne County

In the Garden


Rosemary is one of many Mediterranean plants that are drought-tolerant and, once established, do well in the foothills.

ttas rte~

Good to

BH": ;. HS,;


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a •

tirne fer prospective buyers te enter the market is right now an ere 8 why.

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ortgage rates are stlll ata 49 year low.

Use string vegetation trimmers to cut tall, dry grass. ~

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'Il ' ~Jr tlt,,Itt'

" sl c 'ea "

Remove Rocks Remove rocks from dry grass or weeds. Metal mower blades hitting rocks start wildfires.



20 1 0








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geg8 ge8W plllV Your name: S teve Henley Your title: Owner

Business name: Sierra Heavy Duty RV & Truck Center

Business address: 18968 Waylon Way, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: 532-7994 Fax: 532-8229

Business email address: s h op@sierraheavyduty.com If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 30 years Is this a family busi-

Courtesy photo

Steve Henley

ness?: Yes How long have you

What sets your business apart from your

been in the business?:

32 years Number of employees: 8 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: Four

In between design projects and appointments for the past few months, I've been reorganizingclosets in both of our homes. It's amazing the things we accumulate over the years. In my case since about 1977, when I started collecting kitchen stuff in my mom's old cedar hope chest as a senior in high school. The heirloom silver and fine linens, th e

Business website: sierraheavyduty.com

competitors?: We offer 100 percent of repairs on trucks and RVs. What's the most im-

portant message you want to convey to those

Briefly describe your attending this y ear's product or s e rvice: Home & Garden Show?:

Truck and RV parts, ser- We make the whole Unitvice, repair, detailing and ed States your new backbody repair. yard.


,34th Annual Home & Garden Show

2 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

. „Shiree '' Hanson Segerstrom new chairs, or a nice dining room table. How does it all end up feeling like "you"? What is your style? What do you keep and what do you discard as you go through life? I've had personal and professional reasons to ponder these things, and I think I have a philosophy that works. It's not that complicated really, unless you make it so. If something is ugly, if it's

n u merous

sets of dinner plates and mementos from a lifetime all have a place in my cupboards and hutches. They're filled to the brim, but at least now they'reorganized. Ithas also been a welcome challenge to fully incorporate my husband David's and my belongings into one household.

cheap, if it has no sentimen-

tal value, give it away or consign it. If it's designed and/or craftedwell,is a keepsake or an heirloom, or is something you really love, you will find a place for it eventually. Another thing I've noticed, when something is really outdated,it's often because it wasn't well-designed or well-crafted to begin with. Sofas with big, rolled arms; faux distressed furniture; anything Tuscan or French looking, but made in China; or colors and styles that have been grossly overused, generallydon't pass the test of time. Whatever era , q u ality

It occurs to me that young

couples just starting out have few belongings. You start with the basics. Your home looks simple and clean with few furnishings and accessories. Your priorities are w ork, play and taking care of the children. As years pass, you become more of a nester, adding to the decor or changing it up over time. People give you things or you inherit them. You collect a few pieces of artwork, or several. You buy a new sofa, or recover an old one. You purchase a few

American or European handcrafled furniture is very desirable and, if you've been wise enough to purchase or lucky enough to inherit pieces like these, keep them. If they don't work with your living room decor, put them

ly in my living room; a vintage Chinese red lacquered stool that he uses for drinks, found at a local thriA shop; and his television, TV stand and newly purchased, loveseat hide-a-bed for overnight guests. The loveseat'scoordito work in a spare room with nating brownish-green fabric the knowledge that a better looks so handsome with the space will open up for them room's existing green walls at some point. and green floral window In my own home, I've in- treatments and m atching herited many things I trea- lumbar pillows. sure, and a few I've stored I love it when I get to reaway in thegarage for my purpose things as we've done son, Christian, when he has in this project. What was his own home. One was his initially a s p ace-planning great-great-grandmother's nightmare is now a warm mission-style rocking chair and welcoming"Man Cave". given to me by my paternal All that's left to do at this grandfather when Christian point is hang the rest of his was born. Another is a red pictures when they come out leather rocking chair from of storage. his father'sbachelor pad, before we met. In the master bedroom I have a darling Shiree's Style File • To incorporatea variety vintage dressing table that came with the house. Ini- of furniture styles, use unitially, I'd planned to get rid fying elements like lamps, of it, but now I love it. Then paint, pillows and other fabthere's the bird's-eye maple rics to pull everything totall-boy dresser that I bold- gether in a cohesive design ly painted black because it scheme. didn't go well with the wood • If something isn't wellfloors. It's a quality piece and designed or well-made, has eventually it will be refin- no sentimental value, or isn't ished properly. It works fine working in your home, give it for now. Because I've been to thethriftstore. loath to discard anything • If s omething is good that's wood, I also have some quality but o utdated, try fun, mismatched tables and moving it around from room dressers around the house. to room first. If it still doesn't In David's new den we've

incorporatedseveral things, including my favorite pair of black Edwardian "etagere" bookcases that I purchased from my old design store, S.S. Home; a small black secretary/desk that was in my stepgrandparents'home, now

®With a commitment to advanced technology, superior design, and innovation. Sundance Spas has set the standard for performance, Wquality, and reliability since 1979

being used as a laptop workplace; an antique lyre-back Larson chair with a custom skirtedseatpad tom atch the draperies; a matching slipcovered cabinet,incredibly ugly in its former life that now houses extra guest bedding; sheer, floor-length curtains from David's old living room, which fit perfectly un-

resonate with you on any lev-

el, consign it or give it away to a needy college student. Let someone else have it who will appreciate it. • Ittakes years,often decades, to put together an evolved, we l l -accoutered home. Don't discard something just because you feel it'sold oroutdated.It's those oddball pieces that make a home's decor unique. Shiree Hanson Segerstrom studied and apprenticed

in interior design for three years beforelaunching her own firmin 1999. Sheis the author of the blog www. der my existing custom va- joyofnesting.blogspot.com lances and stationery curtain and has been featured in the panels (his brilliant idea); a San Eranci sco Chronicle, round, rattan end table with Wall Street Journal online a removable tray top, former- and the Sacramento Bee. 34th Annual




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S tanislaus National Forest . . . . 1 Berkshire Hathaway Home S ervices California Realty . . 1 H ibernation Home . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Middleton's Brand Source F urniture % Appliance . . . . . 3 R obinson's Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 3 S tarr International Trading . . . . 4 T uolumne Utilities District . . . . 4 T ommy's Window Fashions . . . 5 C entral Heat Bt Air . . . . . . . . . . . 5 M ike's Movvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 K itchen Craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 S onora Construction . . . . . . . . . 6 S uburban Propane . . . . . . . . . . . 7 G utter Helmet/ Home Pro . . . . 7 G unter Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Comphel Heating ac Air Conditioning, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 8 M ountain Oasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tuolumne County Solid Waste D ivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brian Magarrell Construction S ervices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 S ierra Business Council . . . . . . 9 Tuolumne County Association of Realtors .9 Moore Room 10 Solar City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Foothili Fireplace, P ools KSpas . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Sierra Heavy Duty RV B c Truck Center . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 C lark Pest Control . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 T he Englishman . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Gatewood Heating Bc Air Conditioning, Inc. . . . . . 1 2 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage . 12


. 34th Annual HOme & Garden $hpW

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora, California — 3

u ao rassa oo a erna ive o ra iiona awn If you've ever thought about replacing your lawn with something less thirsty (and less work), this is the year to do it. Because of the severity of the current drought, Tuolumne Utilities District currently has a total ban on

Inthe Garden


TI Co ty U CCoopetatt Extension MasterGatdeoets


Rachel Oppedahl Lr

V erde" comes i n

a cl o s e

watering lawns; so water- second. Prestige, released hungry grasses will likely for commercial cultivation die this year in our typi- in 2004 by the University I cally hot, dry summer. of Nebraska, produces a So, what are the alter- soft,dense grass of medinatives? You could replace u m-green color with f i ne t he lawn e n t irely w i t h blades. In most locations, some combination of hard- it grows 4 to 6 inches tall, scape and drought-tolerant spreads quickly, and is ag1'~ ) ground covers (and there gressive enough to choke are many of the latter). But out most weeds. Prestige if you have your heart set is recommended for elevaon something resembling a tions above 1,200 feet and lawn, something kids and as high as 6,000 feet. UC r pets can play on, consider Verde has the same qualibuffalo grass. ties as Prestige but can s<) < IIS Native to the American reach a height of 8 inches. p I prairies (yes, where the buf- It is recommended for elfalo roam), several varieties evations below 1,200 feet. of thi s l o w-maintenance Both varieties require at grass have been studied by least six hours of sun a day. universities, including UC B oth Prestige and U C Courtesy photo Davis, for their usefulness Verde turn brown in win- Buffalo grass has a deep root system and can survive on about 75 percent less water than traditional lawns.



in other parts of the coun-

t er, but r e liably r eturn t o

try.There are a lot of reasons tochoose buffalo grass for California landscapes: • Because of its deep root system (6 to 8 feet), buffalo grass requiresabout 1/4 inch of water per week, which is about 75 percent less than traditional lawns. • Most varietieshave a broad, natural insect and

put on a show of green in spring. If you cannot tolerate a brown lawn even in winter, yo u

c a n a c t u ally com, a firm based in San

buy a turf colorant to keep it looking vibrant. You can create a buffalo grass lawn with seed, sod or plugs, the latter being the most popular method. Normally the best time disease resistance. to plant buffalo grass is • It requires little fertil- from April 1 to Oct. 1. But izer and,compared to tra- since even drought-tolerant ditional lawns, infrequent grassesneed a li ttle more mowing. water when f i r s t p l a n t ed • The top-rated buffalo to get established, this fall grasses for our area (see be- would be the best time to low) are nearly pollen free, plant buffalo grass in the so theyare excellent choic- foothills. es for people with grass alTo learn more about buflergies. falo grassin general, and Tuolumne County Master Prestige and UC Verde vaGardeners started experi- rieties i n

menting in 2008 with buffalo grass in its demonstration garden near Cassina High School, on Barretta Street in downtown Sonora. One variety, "Prestige," has been a clear winner for appearance and hardiness in the demo garden,but the UC Davis-developed "UC

the size of your new lawn. • www.florasourceltd.

p a r t i cular, visit

Clemente, is very informativeand has great photos of UC Verde lawns. • www.ucverdebuffalograss.com, is the buffalo grass-specific website for another C a l ifornia-based grower, Takao Nursery in Fresno. If you would like to see the smallplots of buffalo grass in the M aster Gardener Demonstration Garden, you can visit during Open Garden Day on the first Saturday of each month, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.






Rachel Oppedahl is a UCCE Master Gardener in


these websites, from which Tuolumne County. you can order plugs: • www.toddvalleyfarms. com, is a Nebraska-based grower from whom the Tuolumne County Master Gardeners purchased Prestige. Findus on This websitealso offers a tool to calculate how many plugs you will need to cover


1163 Mill Villa Ct. • robinsonroofingOmlodeacom


Between the Fairgrounds and the Bypass


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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

4 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

Sierra SeamlessQutter Co. Your name:Doug West Your title: Owner

MUrrrl Tl

Business name:Sierra e Ty e Volp

Courtesy photo

Sierra Nevada Communications offers Internet, TV, phone and wireless services.

Sierra Nevada Communications Your name:Tim Holden Your title:General manager Businessname: SierraNevada Communications Business address: P.O. Box 281, Standard, CA 95373 Telephone:588-9601 Fax:532-6028

Number of employees?:10

Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:1

Briefly describe your product or service: Internet, television, phone

(VOIP), wireless.

What sets your business apart from your competitors?:We provide services to rural Tuolumne County via Cable T.V & wireless infrastructure. Gosnc.com What's the most important message If you live in the area, how long have you want to convey to those attending you lived here?:43 years. this year' s Home & Garden Show?: Is this a family business?:Yes We are advancing communication serHow longhave you been inthe business?: 14 vices in rural Tuolumne County.

Business email address: support@gosnc.com Business website:

Your title:Sales consultant Business name:Solar City Business address:821 Oates Court, Suite 300, Modesto, CA 95358 Telephone:908-1588

Number of employees?:10,000

Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:None

Briefly describe your product or service: No-cost solar program; pay for the

your competitors?: We have installed 160,000 systems.

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Cleaner, cheaper way to buy power.

Starr International Trading UGO

derstand the uniquerequire-

dress: gutters©sierraseamless.biz Business website: www.sierraseamless.biz

If you live in the area,

Courtesy photo

ments of gutter installation in the foothills. My general building and roofing licenses allow me to customize each gutter installation to my customers specific needs. What's the most im-

how long have you lived Doug West here?:37 years Is this a family busi- Show?:This is our first year! portant message you ness?:Yes How long have you Briefly describe your want to convey to those been in the business?: product or service:Installa- attending this y ear's tion of 6" fascia style alumi- Home & Garden Show?: 24years Number of employ- num gutters anddownspouts. Our goal is to provide a What sets your busi- high quality gutter system ees?: 1 Number of years your ness apart from your with the latest technology company has participated competitors?:As a sole and complete customer in the Home & Garden proprietor, I do the installa- satisfaction.

Sol Sierra,Inc. Solar EnergvSvstems vice:Sol Sierra Inc. Solar Energy Systems

provides Solar PV Solutions for residential, commercial, agricultural and municipal, as

ergy Systems

no panels. Business email address: bbren- power, What sets your business apart from ning Osolarcity.com

If you live in the area, how long have you lived here?: 42 years Is this a family business?:No How longhave you been in the business?:1 year

Seamless Gutter Company Business a d dress: P.O. Box 714, Groveland, CA 95321 Telephone: 962-4833• 800-697-4888 Fax:962-4833 Business email ad-

Your name:Victor Guillot Your title:Owner Business name:Sol Sierra, Inc. Solar En-

Solar Citv Your name:Ben Brenning

tions myself, enabling me to have complete control over the quality of installation. With over 24 years of customer satisfaction, I have earned an accredited Better Business Bureau rating of A+. Living and working in Tuolumne and Calaveras counties over 30 years, I un-


well as grid-tied and off-gridbattery-based soBusiness address:P.O. Box 220, Avery, lar systems. CA 95224 What sets your business apart from Telephone:795-3554 your competitors?:Sol Sierra Inc. employs full-time NABCEP certified technicians. Our Businessemail address: info@sol-sierra.com products are manufactured in the USA, and Businesswebsite: www.sol-sierra.com we have been successfully installing Solar PV If you live in the area, how long have solutions in this area for years. We provide turn-key service to every client. We have exyou lived here?:30-plus years Is this a family business?:Yes. cellent references as well. What's the most important message How longhave you been in the business?:W e'vebeen a successfullocalbusi- you want to conveyto thoseattending this ness in Calaveras County since1982. year's Home &Garden Show?: Please visit Number ofyearsyourcompany haspar- our Sol Sierra Inc. Solar Pavillion and talk with ticipatedin the Home &Garden Show?:This our NABCEP certified technician about solar is our fifth year at theHome &Garden Show. solutions for your home or business. We can Briefly describe your product or ser- provide solutions for all of your energy needs.

Water Conservation Water is essential to each of us every day. TUD recommends these water-saving tips to save water inside your home:

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calls to life when you plug into a UGO mini speaker.

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one. Rugged

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34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

SonoraConstrnetion Your name:


Gr eg

Your name: Mike and Nancy Hajduk Your title: Owners

Thacker Your title:Owner Business name:Sonora Construction Business a d dress: 20834 Longeway, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:533-0185 Fax:533-0185

Business name:Sonora Sleepworks 8 More Business address: 14301 Mono Way, Suite E, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone:588-8080 Fax:588-8090

Business email ad-

Business email address: gregthacker33@ hotmail.com Business website: sonora-construction.net Courtesy photo If you live in the area, Greg Thacker and Tyler Latham. how long have you lived here?: 36 years What's the most imIs this a family busi- den Show?:10 years Briefly describe your ness?: No portant message you How long have you product or service:Build want to convey to those been in the business?: additions, garages, decks, attending this year's remodeling, etc. 35 years

Number of employ-

Thursdayr April9 r 2015 • Sonora r California — 5

What sets your busi- Home & Garden Show?:

ness apart from your We provide individualized ees?: 0-2 Number of years your competitors?:We do one company has participat- job at a time and finish service and guarantee ed in the Home & Gar- with complete satisfaction. satisfaction.

dress: slee pworks@ mlode.com If you live in the area,

how long have you lived here?: Mike has lived in the area for about 44

years and Nancy joined him in 2003 after she retired from the Alameda County District Attorney's Office. Is this a family business?: Yes. We started the business after Mike retired from the Sonora Carpet and Furniture Mart. During his time off, Mike learned a new hobby of making balloon animals.

Nancy came from work, and their entire house was full of balloon creations and shetold him he needCourtesy photo ed to find a job. That is the Mike Hajduk, who with his wife owns Sonora Sleepbeginning of our great works, makes balloon animals in his spare time. store. How long have you Briefly describe your vice, great prices and albeen in the business?: 3 product or service: We ways a great smile on our years

-0 NJ 0 RZ A

Number of employees: sell a great selection of faces.

What's the most im-

We have three part-time lodge furniture, lift chairs,

employees and we have a adjustabl e beds,home ac- portant message you new addition of a part-time cessories and bedding want to convey to those salesperson, Loni Nelson. along, with great furniture, attending this year's Number of years your lamps and everything you Home & Garden Show?: company has participat- need to furnish your As always it's great to ed in the Home & Gar- house. support your local comWhat sets your busi- munityby shopping and den Show?: This will be our third appearance, and ness apart from your buying local. We always as always Mike will be competitors?:We havea have fair prices and now making balloon animals great selection of prod- can offer 0 percent financ-

on Sunday. j

)r 4 '„sA

e r



ucts, we have great ser- ing on approved credit.


.«i '

Iie C~oel h< C~ ~em~fIOgr~ia~iblfeg


lr . I

Courtesy photo


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Your name: Kelly Robinson, Manuel Number of years your company has Prieto and Mona Llams participated in the Home & Garden Your title: General manager (Robin- Show?: 3

son) and owners Business name:Sonora Ford

Briefly describe your product or ser-

vice:A full-service Ford dealership selling Business address:13254 Mono Way, and servicing new and pre-owned vehiSonora, CA 95370 cles. Telephone:532-5593 What sets your business apart from Fax:532-5596 your competitors?:We put the customBusiness email address:krobinson© er's first and work hard to earn the busiMySonoraFord.com ness each and every time you visit Us.


It's Hard To Stop A Trane™

532- j132

Business website: MySonoraFord. What's the most important message com you want to convey to those attending If you live in the area, how long have you this year' s Home & Garden Show?: So-


lived here?: 19 years


nora Ford is a family run dealership that How longhave you been in the busi- values its customers and the community ness?:Three years we serve. You have to "Experience the DifNumber of employees?: 28 ference" at Sonora Ford, so stop by today.

We want your home and garden news

Y our ¹1 WI N D O W &, Hu n ~

for Sierra Living Saturdays



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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

6 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California





Courtesy photo

Ridge Schneider and Je Schneider


ONgTRUgyyO • Room Additions • Interior Remodeling • Gomposition 8 Redwood Decking

Greg Thacker & Tyler Latham

Your name:Je Schneider Your title:General manager

• Garages

Business name:Sonora Subaru Business address:14890 MonoWay

• Prompt Service • Quality Workmanship

owned Vehicle Dealership

What sets your business apart from your competitors?:We preach staying

Telephone:533-8777 Fax:533-2424

Business email address:je©sonora-

What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending Business website:www.sonorasuba- thisyear's Home & Garden Show?:

subaru.com ru.com

i 1II Ask fer Greg 533-O

local and back it up with the countless nonprofit organizations and community-driven efforts that we support and give back to.

There's a bigger picture in all that we do. It

If you live in the area, howlong haveyou can be for the better or for the worst. At Solived here?: Personally 34 years local.

nora Subaru, our highest priority is maintainHow longhave you been inthe busi- ing the reputation of a local business that ness?: Personally been in the business 17 stands by their community. There are hunIs this a family business?:Yes

years. Number of employees?: 24 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:Seven years. Briefly describe your product or ser-

dreds of needsaroundus, andwe've always

taken it upon ourselves to be one that stands up to the mission field right here in our backyard and provide aid in any possible way. Our local customers who support us are part of making a difference and part of the bigger vice: New and used Subaru and pre- picture in our community.

Biodiversity critical in the garden Even before the written word, humans saved seeds &om the most productive plants. The following seasons, the process was repeated again and again. With time, those cropsbecame best suited to local conditions and even

146897 H8cG15

more productive.


companies and monocropping (the growing of a single crop

In the Garden

TuolumneCountyUCCooperative Extension MasterGardeners

Vera Strader

over hundreds, even thou-

sands of acres), we are losing this genetic adaptability and resilience. Webster's Dictionary says biodiversity is "indicated by

Now, with the limited varieties marketed by large seed

See DIVERSlTY/ Page 7


oo in






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34th Anngal HPma & GardenShPW

Starr InternationalTradins Your name: Malin andFrancois Starr

Thursday,April9,2015 • Sonora,California — 7

The P t Solution: Simply The Best Gutter

Number of employees?: 5

Your title: Owners Number of years your company has Business name: Starr International participated in the Home & Garden Trading Show?: 8 to10 years Business address: 28310 Avenue Briefly describe your product or serCrocker, Suite F. Valencia, CA 91355 vice: Our 2015 U60 speaker is a 4.2 Telephone: 661-257-7525 What sets your business apart from Fax: 661-349-9474 your competitors?: We only sell what we Business email address: love and use in our own home. What's the most important message itusa©msn.com Business website: you want to convey to those attending

Since 1981. A Product Built to Last. A Company Here To Stay.


this year's Home & Garden Show?: If Is this a family business?: Yes you are not happy with your purchase, we How longhave you been inthe busi- will happily refund your money. Come by ness?: Since 2003



any of our booths for a free demonstration.


currently hampered by an incomplete insect DNA database. Pollinator and other insect diversity can be increased by limiting and carefully targeting pesticides. The so-called "good" bugs then compete and help overcome the"bad" bugs, all the while supporting a myriad of other animal lifefrom fi'ogsto owlsto bears. Today there are virtually no ecosystems that haven't been impacted by humans, and both plant and animal diversity is declining

Continuedfrom Page 6 the numbers of different plants and animals" in an environment. Over the last 100 years, the rate of loss of both plant and animal specieshas accelerated by many folds. More than 90 percent of our fruit and vegetablevarietiesmay have been lostsince 1900. Many also fear that since genetically modified crops (GMOs) promote large scale monocultures, they too contribute to the decline in biodiversity and increase long-term vulnerability of crops and wildlife to climate change, pests and diseases. Along with this loss comes poorer seed adaptation to local conditions. Examples of monoculture calamities include the Irish potato famine, American elm die-off in the eastern United States, and even the great American dust bowl, which resulted in part fiom degraded soil. Biodiversity, from below the ground to the plantsand animals above, blunts effects of any one species. More microbial diversity below ground means fewer pathogens in the soil with healthier plants above ground. When there are many plant species, there are many animal species. The decline of native milkweed plants, the only food ofmonarch butterfly caterpillars, has resulted in fewer monarch butterflies. Conversely, Colorado scientists found that removing a single bumblebee species cut wild larkspur pollination and resulting seed production by one-third. Measuring biodiversity usually involves manually counting the number of species in an e nvironment, requiring innumerable hours of scientist and volunteer time. A quicker way is to grind insects caught in traps into an "insect soup." Using DNA, the resulting concoction is evaluated to determine the number and variety of insect species caught. This approach is a relatively inexpensive and sensitive method for determining whether the environment is improving or worsening, but is


at an ever accelerating pace. Meanwhile, hu-

man population growth, sprawl and invasive species are seemingly everywhere. Fifty-percent of the world's plants, along with the animals that depend on them, are predicted to be condemned to extinction before the end of this century. Humans are fundamentally responsible for influencing biodiversity's decline. Humans are also capable of fostering biodiversity. We can reduce/eliminate toxic pesticides in our homes and gardens and purchase organically grown produce. We can provide supportive habitatfor pollinators and other insects.We can saveseeds,rotate crops,grow heirlooms, and plant fewer exotics and more natives. The University of California notes that oak woodlands are "the most biologically diverse broad habitat in the state." Millions of invertebrates (creatures without backbones, largely insects)and over 300 vertebrate species use oak woodlands, including 80 mammal species and 170 different kinds ofbirds. Scores of these creatures are completely dependant on woodlands for food and cover. The oaks, in turn, rely on rodents and birds to spread their acorns. Only by working together can we safeguard existing habitats, retain their beauty, and preserve their irreplaceable contribution to biodiversity and ultimately to our wellbeing.

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Vera Strader is a UCCE Master Gardener

of Tuolumne County and derives great pleasure from the wildlife that lives i n and around her Sonora garden.


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Offerexpires 7/31/15.Offeravailableto newresidential customerswith signedcustomeragreement.$75creditappliesto customerspurchasingaminimumot 100gallons.Tankinstalationspecial applies to standard instalation ofaboveground tank.Customeris responsibletor removal ofcompetitor's tank.Notto becombinedwithanyother offer ordiscount.May not beredeemedtorcash.Additional restrictions mayapply.Valid atSuburbanPropaneJamestownlocationonly.Call fordetails. 10711



Your name:Jennifer McHoul Your title:Customer relations specialist Business name:Suburban Propane Business address: 18535 Fifth Ave., Jamestown, CA 95327 Telephone:984-5284 Fax:984-0745

209-533-'POM Q.



34th Annual Home & Garden Show

8 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California


ts tar

Home dt Garden Special.'

ness?:9 years Number of employees?:8 Number of years your company has participated in the Home & Garden Show?: First, but we have participated in the past. Briefly describe your product or service: Propane

Business email address:jmchoulo suburbanpropane.com What sets your business apart from Business website: your competitors?:Our customer selvice. What's the most important message suburbanpropane.com If you live in the area, how long have you want to convey to those attending you lived here?:43 years. thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Is this a family business?:No Our vision:Provide exceptional customer How longhave you been in the busi- service, from our customer's perspective.

Limited Time Ogey


As Low as

Your name: Tom Hud-


$x9.» mo No Service Contracts


Monthly Plan Features: Room Temp.Dispenser Fuel Charges:

Your title: Owner Business name: Tommy's Window Fashions Inc. Telephone:533-8648 Fax:532-3370 Business email ad-

dress: tommys wf©yahoo.com Business

Included Included

w e bsite:

Facebook:Tommy's Window Fashions, Inc. Is this a family busi-

ness?:Yes Courtesy photo How long have you Black Oak Casino Hotel features window treatment's by been in the business?: Tommy's Window Fashions. 27years!

Number of years your measuring and install of all want to convey to those company has participat- your window treatments. attending this year's ed in the Home & Garden Show?:25 years! Briefly describe your product or service: We are a full-service window-

covering business specializing in custom drapery, blinds, shades, shutters and •

repair. We are a shop-at-


home window covering dealer, and that means we have the most competitive prices available! What sets your busi-


ness apart from your

You only deal with me. We provide excellent quality workmanship. I am very detailed and precise in all aspects of the job.! take pride in my work. We only use the best products available in the industry. I will always follow-up with you after the job is done, even if you need a repair five, ten years down the road I'll be the one making the repair. And finally, when you get ready to paint your house I will take down and re-install your window treatments for free! What's the most im-

Home & Garden Show?: Please visit our Facebook

page at "Tommy's Window Fashions, Inc.o There you can review some of our installations, custom designs, and the custom window treatments we designed for Black Oak Hotel. What has fueled my passion for the last 27 years is my sincere desire to please you, the client! I want to thank all of my past clients and look forward to another 25 years of meet-

competitors?:Everything! Our number one priority is ing and serving theneedsof customer service. I will not only do the design, but the portant message you new clients!



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34th Anngal HPme & Garden ShPW

TouchofOranles Wool Cleaner

Thursdayr April 9 r 2015e Sonora, California — 9

The Vnice • s s u n "(

IhruS Iarltetinii InC.


What's the most impor-

Your name:Vicki Lewis Your title:President Business name: livus Marketing Inc., Touch of Oranges Wood Cleaner Business address: PO Box 2210 Cottonwood, CA 96022 Telephone: 53 0-3475529 Fax:530-347-0348 Business email ad-

Tuolumne County

tant messageyouwant to convey to those attend-

ing this year's Home &

Visit our Home 8c Garden Show booth!

Garden Show?: Sonora's Home and Garden Show is the nicest home show we do all year. Promoters are great to work with. Friendly customers that have been coming for our cleaning products for 30 years. Even

dress: Vicki©TouchofOranges.com

af R e a l &state &r

~ Local REALTORS® on hand for questions ~ I n f o r m ation on County housing programs ~ Real estate market statistics for the area

though we havegone world

Is this a family busi-

Courtesy photo

Vicki Lewis demonstrates ness?:Yes How long have you the cleaning power of

wide, into Ace Hardware,

~ Sign up to enter our daily prize drawingl

Tractor Supply to name a

few, we are still devoted to our regular customers in the Sonora area. They have years helped to make us who we Number of years your Wood Preseiver. are today! Some of our best company has participatWhat sets your busi- show specials we do in Soed in the Home & Garden ness apart from your nora each year. We look Show?:30 years Briefly describe your competitors?: Cleaning forward to seeing our reguproduct or service:Clean- products developed by a lar customers in April. ing products, Touch of Or- cleaning expert. Products See you soon, Vicki Lewanges Wood Cleaner and that really clean. is, owner.


been in the business?: 30 Touch of Oranges.

ASSOCIATIOlV of REALTORS® 14195 Tuolumne Road, Sonora, California 95370

Tel. (209) 532-3432 — FAX (209) 533-9418

www.tcrealtors.org Buyers & Sellers: Use our website for a


list of A f f i liate Service

Your name:TammyBusby andJeremy

ILllli •

Ward Your title: Retail sales consultants

-.8 IHI,


providers in the area,

FAQ's, advice R more.

Businessname: TuffShed Business address:2754Teepee Drive, Stockton CA 95205 Telephone:462-8833 Fax:465-7970


Also on our website: Why use a REALTOR® for

Business email address: tbusbyO Tuff buildings are built to last.Courtesy photo

all of your real estate needs

tuff shed.com;jward©tuffshed.com turer and installer of storage buildings and Business website address: garages in theUnited States. www.tuffshed.com What sets your business apart from Is this a family business?:Yes How long have you been in this your competitors?: At Tuff Shed, our mission is to be the premier provider of storbusiness?:34 years age buildings and garages, creating prodNumber ofemployees: 20 Number of years your company has ucts of lasting value for our customers.

participated in the Home & Garden Show:This is our seventh year.

How to find a REALTOR® Search our MLS listings Become a real estate agent

Join our Association Bc MLs p


What's the most important message

you want to convey to those attending

Briefly describe your product or ser- thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Exvice:Tuff Shed Inc. is the largest manufac- cellence, integrity, respect, teamwork.



Coni' .u 't '6''" ,i!'rvic'e's" $,. ' Its tg II$$1a gl i /ll(Je'tlitt/s'ttl N I i /u+eritl III'itlii fI'l)II CA'License0 78726:

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SIERRA NEVADA s • s • • •

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Are you interested in saving money on your Pacific eas and E/ectric (PGSE) eneryy biil for your business? There is no better tirne than now! Sierra Business Council (SBC), a local non-profit, is working with PG8 E to provide rebates to businesses

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Call SBC for a no-cost energy audit to assess whether you can save on your commercial energy bill. Ask for the Sierra Nevada Energy Natch prograrn. For El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, and Sierra County, call SBC's Truckee office: 530-582-4800

For Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, and Tuolumne County,callSBC's Sonora office: 209-532-7200

2015 rebates are limited, so call to schedule your no-cost appointment before the rebates are gone!

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This program is f'unded by California utility customers and administered by PG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.


34th Annual Home & Garden Show

10 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California



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We provide complete KITS with Key pre-Dtflled Holes for easy assembly by you or by us

• I

• Courtesy photo


Tim Loveday stands with his business partners and sales team, Ron and Georgette Loveday.

• a

a •


TulSpas of Northern California Your name: Tim Loveday

MOORE ROOM has been in business in the Mother Lode the

past 20 years, making quality sheds, carports, garages and barns. Pictured is a barn locally built recently for Bob Wix. Mike Allott, Tom Martin, Kelly Kabrich and Dave Horton have been with Moore Room for 15-20 years. Our structures are quality-built using American-made materials

and local employees. Come by and see our outside display at the Home and Garden Show, the shop in Jamestown, our website (mooreroom.com) or call us at 209-984-3462 for more information. All Structures 'To Code'

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0 0

TuolumneCounty Assoeiation ofRealtors Your name: ShaunaLove

19266 Rawhide Road Jamestown CA 95327

.coM ~

ness?: 20 years

Your title: CEO Numberofemployees?:7 Businessname: TuffSpas ofNorthern Number of years your company has California participated in the Home & Garden Business address: 1425 N. Market Show?: First for this event. Blvd., Suite 3, Sacramento, CA 95834 Briefly describe your product or serTelephone: 916-385-7047 vice: Tuff Spas are a roto-molded, hard Business email address: tif@tuffspascover hot tub that plugs into a 110v outlet. westcoast.com What sets your business apart from Business website: www.tuffspasnorcal. your competitors?: World's only lifetime com warranty on structure and cover. If you live in the area, how long have What's the most important message you lived here?: All my life. Is this a family business?: Yes, also you want to convey to those attending thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Take service disabled Veteran owned How longhave you been inthe busi- home, plug-in, relax.

lived here?: 48years

Your title: Association Executive Is this a family business?: No Businessname: Tuolumne County AsHow longhave you been in the busisociation of Realtors ness?: Chartered on May 8, 1956. Business address: 14195 Tuolumne Number of employees?: 3 Rd., Sonora, CA 95370 Briefly describe your product or serTelephone: 532-3432 vice: Trade association What's the most important message Fax: 533-9418

you want to convey to those attending

Businessemail address: Shauna©

TCRealtors.org thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Business website: TCRealtors.org Why consumers should use a local realtor If you live in the area, how long have you when purchasing or selling a home.


I 'I I

FIREPLACE POOLS and SPAS www.ffpfirewaters.coln Ceme see us at the

Home P Garden Shom

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We can shaw yau How to Save Money


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Free Estimates Wood, Gas, Pellet

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Ben Brenning 209-968-1588 bbrenning©solarcity.com

' new Pool or Spa

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34th Anngal HPme & GardenShPW

Thursday, April 9 r 2015 • Sonora, California — 11

g, g,NGUS~




O r n R A C YOR

Lict 949149




Custo~ Decks





Covwposite Decking Rai ling Ssstems



Courtesy photo

Exotic Woods

Raising cattle in Tuolumne County is a family tradition for some

TuolumneCountyEarm Bureau Your name: Shaun Crook Your title: President

Cevwent Pads

www.facebook.com/tcfarmbureau What's the most important message

Concvete Pathwa9s

Business name: TuolumneCounty you want to convey to those attending

Sta~ped Concv ete

Farm Bureau thisyear's Home & Garden Show?: Businessaddress: 77 N. Washington Without agriculture you would be cold and St., Sonora, CA 95370 hungry. If you eat food, wear clothes or live Telephone: 533-8386 in a house, then you should be active in our Business email address: Farm Bureau. Stop by our booth and talk tcfarmbureau Omlode.com Business website: http://tuolumne- about our localagriculture. Learnwhat we've countyfarmbureau.weebly.com done for you lately.

. -:F----:.t

Retai ni ~g Walls






- Fg".

Cef en.tOvevla9 Countevtop

Master Gardeners offer free advice, seminars Spring is definitely "early" this year, after a winter that was warmer and drier than our histor ical average. Be ready to take advantage of the warm weather by putting some of these gardening activities on your calendar. Open Garden DaysTuolumne County Master Gardeners: The demonstration garden is on the campus of Cassina High School, 251 S. Barretta St. in Sonora. Open Garden Day is usually held the first Saturday of each month (except April 11 and July 11 because of

Ovev Ti le

tion from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Open Garden Days. O pen Garden Days Calaveras County M a ster Gardeners:The Master Gardener d e m onstration garden in Calaveras County

In the Garden

TuolumneCountyUCCooperative Extension MasterGardeners

Rebecca Miller-Cripps

Fov~ica Wood

is at the County Government

holidays), February through November, with free Master Gardener-taught short classes starting at 10:30 a.m. Topicsrange from pruning fruittrees, grapes and berriestosoilpreparation,vegetable gardening, efficient wateruse and native landscape plants. The garden is open for questions and explora-

(Z09) ~68-2693 jabookoo@gmail.com

Center, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas. Open Garden Days are held on the fourth Saturday of each month. Call the Master Gardener hotlines for answers to your gardening questions: 5335912 in Tuolumne County; 754-2880 i n Cal a veras County.

2E' 8 XXZ li: E% 4E3K%8



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34th Annual Home & Garden Show

12 — Thursday, April 9, 2015 • Sonora, California

l '(~'l,i$

g8 Gfe8nfng

Courtesy photo



TUD Board members include (from left) Ron Kopf, Ron Ringen (president), John Maciel, Kent Johnson (vice president) and Jim Grinnell.


Tuolumnelltilities District Your name: James Grinnell, Kent Number of years your company R. Johnson, Ronald D. Kopf, John Ma- has participated in the Home & Garden Show?:Since1985 ciel, Ron W.Ringen Your title: TUD Board of Directors Briefly describe your product or Business name: Tuolumne Utili- service: As the largest water and ties District (TUD) wastewater utility in the County, TUD is Business address:18885 Nugget proud to serve its customers and the Blvd., Sonora, CA 95370 community. We provide clean, safe Telephone:532-5536 drinking water for homes, schools and Fax:536-6485 businesses and recycled water from Business email address: our wastewater treatment plant to irriinfo@tuolumneutilities.com gate prime agricultural lands near Business website: Jamestown. The district strives to dewww.tudwater.com liver high quality water and wastewater Is this a family business?:TUD servicesevery day, 24 hours a day. is a public agency governed by an What sets your business apart elected board. from your competitors?:Our dediHow long have you been in the cation to responsible management of business?:TUD was establi shed by community resources and our drive to the voters in 1992 and, its predeces- provide the residents of Tuolumne sors have been providing water servic- County with reliable, high quality water, es to the county since the 1850s. wastewater services, and our district Number of employees?: 72 recycles 100 percent of its treated

Courtesy photo

wastewater. What's the most important mes-

Raising cattle in Tuolumne County is a family tradition for some.

sageyou want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden Show?:As the State of California

WintersCleaninl Service

and our community arefaced with a continuing drought year, we would like to ask the community to use water as efficiently as possible. We must work to keep our water storage tanks and reservoirs full in order to prepare for a

Your name: James porch enclosure soluWinters Your title:Owner

tions; window, blind and gutter cleaning; certified Businessname: Win- chimney sweep and inters Cleaning Services spections; air duct and Business address: dryer vent c l eaning; 14235 Tuolumne Road house cleaning; auto, (former Algeo's building) boat and RV cleaning; Telephone:532-5700 yard clearing and hauling. Fax:532-3400 What sets your busi-

dry summer, ensure adequate fire protection and water for sanitation. As the district prepares for the future, it is tasked with replacing aging infrastructure in both water and sewer and being financially responsible. We welcome you to stop by our TUDbooth to find out more about TUD and the current status on our water supply. If you can't make it to our booth at the Home and Garden Show, visit our website at www.tudwa-

Business email address: james©winterscleaning.com Business website: www.winterscleaning. com If you live in the area, how long haveyou lived

ter.com anytime.

Wells Farlo Home lortlale Business name:Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Business address: 1700 Standiford Ave., suite A, Modesto, CA 95350 Telephone:574-2640 Fax: 1-866-549-1329 Business email address:

ness?:Yes attending this year's How long have you Home & GardenShow?: been in the business?: We continually add new 14 years services, so please stop

Number of employees:, by our booth, call us, or

5-12, seasonal

Business website:www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage Show?:With 159 years of home lending experience, we What sets your business apart from your competi- get how emotional the connection to a home is for our

visit our website to dis-

Number of years your cover our services. We company hasparticipat- are confident you will aped in the Home & Gar- preciate our professional-

tors?:Wells Fargo is the nation's leading originator and customers. We take a longer-term view of this business,

servicer of residential mortgages, funding one of every growing in one customer at a time bymaking homeloans

den Show?: 9 Briefly describe your product or service: Retractable screens and

four mortgage loans, and servicing of every six mortgage achievable and sustainable. If a customer encounters filoans in the United States in 2012. We provide home loans nancial challenges along the way, we are there to help to consumers through the country's largest mortgage net- home or her explore available options to keep their home.


competitors?: Diversity. We offer a wide range of products and services for your home. We are a legitimate company, fully insured, with thousands of satisfied customers. What's the most im-

here?:Most of my life. portant message you Is this a family busi- want to convey to those

work including 2,500 mortgage locations on the internet and via phone. We also service loans for 12-million customers who either originated their loans with us or another home lender. What's the most important message you want to convey to those attending this year's Home & Garden


ness apart from your

ism from your first call to

our office, all the way through to your service appointment.


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Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 209-574-2640 1700 Standiford Ave, Ste A Modesto, CA 95350 Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without notice.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2014 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801. AS1056207 Expires 5/2015

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