FOOTBALL PREVIEW: Skins looking to lift spirits, C1 MORE IN SPORTS:Wildcats face Ripon, Bears take on Hughson,'Frogs play Western Sierra, C1
INSIDE:Nation and world news,A7
Butte Fire
Crime scene
prOgram —OphthalrnO(Ogia: Diet, smoking factor into risk of rnaclar degeneration.A2
Butte Fire fundrBISing —Weekend
events to benefit Butte Fire victims.A3
The Union Democrat
Seen andHeard-
This week's photo opinion asks, "What have you done to prepare for a wildfire?"A3
.thus--~ gg-' 'FA v
Vital StatS — A ist of births, marriages and deaths recorded in Tuolumne County.A3
Car accidentWoman injured in Sonora rollover.A3
OPlnlOn — Rural tourism essential to California's economy; Rethinking a run for Joe Biden.A4 Guy McCarthy /Union Democrat
Firefighters from Williams Fire Department, Hamilton City Fire and other agencies with hoses hauled off property on Butte Mountain Road in Amador County, where Cal Fire said the Butte Fire started last week.
Residents believe they know where the devastating blaze started By GUY McCARTHY The Union Democrat
Butte Fire incident commanders and hundreds of
• NBN UFE BIBLE CHURCH:Sonora church gets new name. B1 • CENTENARIAN SOCIETY:Living to be 100 has its perks. One of those perks is induction into the Tuolumne County Commission on Aging's Centenarian Society. B1 • VETS' CORNER:Vietnam MIA ID'd, buried in Maine.B1 • FLASHBACK:The Union Democrat shares an unidentified file photo. Do you rereeber?B2 • RELIGION: Events and outreach in the Mother Lode.B3
crew bosses observed a mo-
ment of silence Thursday at Frogtown for two men found deceased the day before in homes destroyed by the giant blaze, which Cal Fire officials have now ranked as the 14th most damaging in California history. Cal Fire and Calaveras County sheriff's officials said they were working together to keep track of residents as they
See FIRE/Back Page
gather at Angels rally By JASON COWAN The Union Democrat
Pacific Gas Bc Electric crews Thursday repair lines and poles damaged by the Butte Fire along Mountain Ranch Road east of San Andreas.
Butte Five victims i enti Hutchinson, a ham (amateur) radio friend, says McCloud made a habit of overcoming life-threatening obstacles. Before the two met in the 1970s, McCloud suf-
thing," said Hutchinson, a Fresno County resident. "His personality changed a little bit there. Instead of a happy-goCalaveras County Coroner Kevin lucky guy, he was more serious and kind Raggio identified two residents of Caof got confused sometimes. He had to laveras County who fell victim to the fered a serious motorcycle have his ducks all in a row, sort of thing." nine-day-old Butte Fire, both of whom accident that l e him McCloud — who was said to be very refused to leave their houses within without half of his right intelligent — became a bit stubborn, mandatoryevacuation zones. leg. Although Hutchinson due to the stroke, according to Hutchinsays it was not noticeable McC loud son. As the blaze burned close to his — McCloud hardly walked home andmandatory evacuations were Mark Md:loud with a limp due to a prosthetic leg. In issued to the area, residents urged him Mark McCloud, 65, was a survivor. addition to the accident, McCloud sur- toleave,butherefused. "He stayed up there to protect his Prior to his death when his residence vived a stroke that required brain suron Baker Riley Way in Mokelumne Hill gery about 10 years ago. "He survived the stroke and everywas engulfed by the Butte Fire, Jim See VICTIMS / Back Page By JASON COWAN The Union Democrat
NEWS TIPS? PHONE: 770-7153,5694534 NEWS: editorouniondemocrat.a>m FEATUR ES: featuresluniondemocrat.cor n SPORTS: sportsIuniondemocratcom EVENTS ANDWEEKENDER: weekenderIuniondemocrat arm lETTH8)ettarsOuniondemocratcom CA(AyERAS BUREAU:770-7197 NE)NSR OOMFA)0532-6451 SUBSCR IBERSERVICES: 533-3614
In ' •
ties, where 626 structures,including 365 homes, had been counted as destroyed as of Thursday evening. The Sheriff's Office has set up a Butte Fire Missing Persons Hotline, at 754-6345. The smoldering burn area was said to be 55 percent contained Thursday night,
Senator TomBenyhill (R). State Senate District 14: 4641 Spyres, Suite 2, Modesto, CA 95356; 576-6470. Two-year term ends 2016. AssemblymanFrankBigelow (R). Congressional District 5: 33-C Broadway, Jackson, CA 95642. Phone: 91 6-319-2005 or 209-223-0505.Two-year term ends 2016.
See TRIAL / Back Page
return to homes and proper-
Calendar.....................................A2 O b ituaries........ Comics........................................C5 Opinion............ Community/Religion................ B1 Sports............... Crime ..........................................A5 T V......................
.......A5 .......A4 ....... C1
Weather P age C6
....... c6
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An unheralded number of peoplepacked the streets of downtown Angels Camp with vivid, colorful signs Thursday morning to express gratitude to those fighting the Butte Fire. For a brief time — between
8 and 10 a.m.— the community's adversity and struggles in the midst of the Butte Fire did not seem to matter. The only thing that was important to the hundreds of Mother Lode residents in attendance as waves of firefighting, law enforcement and other fireprevention agencies passed by, was who could voice appreciation loudest; who could waive their signs with the most passion. The display of thanks to those either traveling from base camp at Frogtown to fight the fire or returning from the battle was charged with emotion. In fact, it was so See RALLY/Back Page
Today:High 66, Low 49 Saturday:High 93, Low 52 Sun d ay:High97,Low59
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Video footage was shown Thursday of the crime scene where Leila Fowler, 8, was found lying on her b e d room Hoor in a pool of blood in her Valley Springs home in April 2013. Fowler S uff e r i n g from multiple stab wounds, she died less than an hour later. The boy accused of her murder was 12 years old at the time of the incident. The defendant, now 15, whose name is not being used because he is a minor, is standing trial in Calaveras County Superior Court for the April 27, 2013, murder. He was arrested May 11, 2013, and charged with second-degree murder. Video footage of an investigation of Fowler's Rippon Road home was played in court Thursday — the third day of the trial. The trial, which is esti-
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A2 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
Diet, smoking factor into risk of macular degeneration symptoms in the early stages, so it is important to have your eyes examined regularly. If you are at risk for AMD because of age, family history, lifestyle or some combination of factors, you should not wait to experience changes in vision before getting checked.
By LACEY PETERSON The Union Democrat
Eating right and not smoking can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Other risk factors like age, family history, ethnicity and eye color can't be changed or helped. But behaviors that increasethe risk of developing maculardegeneration can be changed, explained ophthalmologist Dr. Gerard Ardron Thursday to an audience of about 60 people. Ardron's presentation was part of the Oak Plus wellness program hosted by Sonora Regional Medical Center. The program is for adults 65 and
older,and presentations are
given on the third Thursday of each month at the Sonora Elks Lodge on various healthrelated subjects. Ardron's presentation focused primarily on macular degeneration — the leading cause of vision loss among people65 and older.Itcauses damage to the macula, a smallspotnear the center of
Lacey Peterson / UnionDemocrat
Ophthalmologist Dr. Gerard Ardron talks about macular degeneration Thursday as part of the Oak Plus wellness program hosted by Sonora Regional Medical Center.
clear and likened it to people with severe macular degeneration, which leaves the peripheral vision. Ardron said about 50 percentof people the retina and the part of the over age 80 have it, he said. 'The older you get, the more eye needed for sharp central vision that allows people to likely you are to have it or get see objects that are straight it," Ardron said. ahead. Risk factors include age, The leading cause of vision having blue eyes (which have loss in people younger than 65 less pigment and are less prois diabetes,Ardron said. tectedagainstblue light and Ardron showed a picture UV light), being caucasian, of a woman with her face heredity, gender (women get blacked out and edges still it more often), being obese
r:ref rrsr r" SONORA
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Underneath thehuge American flag on MonoWay!
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(causes inflammation in the body), smoking (quadruples the risk ofAMD) and UV light exposure. "When I see someone who
AMD typically have large drusen, pigment changes in the retina or both. These changes can only be detected during
an eye exam. Intermediate d e generation AMD may cause some vision
has macular
and is still smoking, I say, You loss, but most people will not are doing everything possible experience any symptoms. to make this worse,' " Ardron • Late AMD — In addition Said. to drusen,people with late People tell him that they AMD have vision loss from might smoke, but that they damage to the macula. eat well. There are two types of late "Smoking is more (bad) for AMD: • Geographic atrophyyou than eating good is good for you," Ardron said. With geographic atrophy Even second-hand smoke is (dry AMD), there is a gradual a riskfactor,and the dangers breakdown of the light-sensiof smoking marijuana are not tive cells in the macula that yet known, he said. convey visual information to There are three stages of the brain and of the supportAMD definedin part by the ing tissue beneath the macusize and number of drusen la. These changes cause vision under the retina, according loss. • Neovascular AMD to the National Eye Institute under the National Institute With neovascular AMD (wet of Health: AMD), abnormal blood ves• Early AMD — E a rly sels grow underneath the AMD is diagnosed by the retina. These new vessels can presence of medium-sized leak fluid and blood, which drusen, which are about the may lead to swelling and width ofan average human damage of the macula. The hair. People with early AMD damage may be rapid and setypically do not have vision vere, unlike the more gradual loss. course of geographic atrophy. • Intermediate AMDAccording to the National People with i n t ermediate Eye Institute, AMD has few
The r esulting
i n f lam-
mation causes new v essel
growth, which come through the cracks like weeds in a sidewalk, which break easily and leak fluid, thus creating wet AMD. Ardron said people get dry AMD first, and 10 percent of There are no good treat- those people get wet AMD too. ments for dry AMD, Ardron And not everyone who gets said. For wet AMD, which is drusens will end up with wet the "bad" AMD, there are sev- AMD, he said. eral drugs on the market that The actual one cause of people can have injected into AMD is unknown, Ardron their eyes. These medications Said. nBut nobody 20 gets it and stop the blood vessels from growing and leaking. The in- people who are 70 do,she said. That's why prevention is jections must be done regularly,and no localdoctordoes important. rYou can't change what you them. However, Ardron said he plans to DAer injections to did, but you can change what AMD patients as soon as next you do," Ardron said. Ardron said that multifocal year. He already does injections for diabetic patients, he lenseimplants aren'tcovered Said. by Medicare and won't delivAMD occurs less often in er on the promises by people people who exercise, avoid who marketthe them. They smoking and eat nutritious are for people who have catafoods,including green leafy racts taken out. "I wouldn't put one in my vegetables and fish. If you alreadyhave AMD, adopting eye, and I wouldn't put one some of these habits may help in my friend's eye,n he said. "People are totally unhappy you keep your vision longer. Researchers at the National with it." Eye Institute found that daily The same goes for laser intake of certain high-dose vi- cataract surgery. "I'm not a big fan of it," he tamins and minerals can slow progressionof the disease in SBld. people who have intermediate It costsmore than regular AMD and those who have late c ataract surgery an d a l s o isn't covered by Medicare. AMD in one eye. The clinically e f fective And only a small percentage daily doses tested in Age Re- oftheprocedure is even laser lated Eye Disease Studies assisted. The rest is done the include: 500 milligrams (mg) old way, he said. of vitamin C, 400 internaAt the end of Ardron's pretional units of vitamin E, 80 sentation, he talked briefly mg zinc as zinc oxide (25 mg about LASIK surgery. in AREDS2), 2 mg copper as L aser-assisted i n sit u cupricoxide,15 mg beta-caro- keratomileusis is a type of tene, or 10 mg lutein and 2mg refractive surgery for the zeaxanthin. correction of myopia, hyperDry AMD also progresses opia and astigmatism. The slowly, while wet AMD can LASIK surgery is performed progress rapidly, Ardron said. by an ophthalmologist who 'You do better if you treat it uses a laser or m i crokeraearly," Ardron said. tome to reshape the eye's Macular deg eneration cornea to improve visual starts as a sub-retinal prob- acuity. lem beneath the retina in a H owever, it is not covered membrane. by Medicare, because it's con"It fragments like a side- sidered cosmetic or non-medwalk starting to get cracks in ical.Itcostsabout $2,000 per it," Ardron said. eye, Ardron said.
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153531 091815
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Poetry Night,open reading, 6:30 p.m. Sign-ups, 7 to 8 p.m. reading, Sonora Joe's Coffee Shoppe, 140 S. Washington St., downtown Sonora, 532-6561.
Sonora, California
Friday, September 18, 2015 — A3
Events to raise money for Butte Fire victims Union Democrat stag
"What have you doneto prepare for a wildfir?"
JUSTIN WEBSTER, 14 Sonora, student "The other day I put all m y necessary stuffin a bag in case we have to evacuate."
Several events have been organized this weekend in Calaveras County to rally support for victims of the Butte Fire. The Angels Camp Business Association is celebrating the 10th anniversary ofits seasonal farmers market at Utica Park &om 5 p.m. to dusk tonight. Community members can drop off monetary donations for evacuees and decorate 'Thank You" cards for emergency responders at the event. A ll donations will g o t o t h e Calaveras Community Foundation, which has set up a disaster relief fund. "More and morestoriesare coming outnow about how many people have lost everything, and it's just really starting to sink in how horrific
Leanne Smith, owner of AJ Estates and Homes-Sierra, said volunteers will also be on the corner of Big Trees Road and Main Street with boots to collect donations throughout each day. Furniture, clothing, books and more will be on sale both days, with all proceeds going directly to families who lost their homes. Smith said she's heard from a number of her clients who lost their homes in the fire. ''We know there are several hundred homes gone," she said. "People are calling saying they' ve lost homes, and we' ve put them on the list to con-
rgee...a cRl. '
l>llll',U, it
Government aid GovernmentagenciesarealsoofFer-
this whole fire has been to our com-
munity," said Candy Myers, president of the association and farmers market manager. Brice Station Vineyards will hold a HarvestFestival to raise money for Butte Fire victims &om 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday. The festival will be at 3353 Highway 4 in Murphys. Tickets are $15 presale and $20 at the door. All profits will be donated to the
STAGY KROEZE Sonora, Counselor "My husband weed eats the defensible space we' re supposed to have around our house."
ing assistance over the weekend for File photo/Union Democrat
Community members can drop off monetary donations for Butte Fire evacuees and decorate "Thank You" cards for emergency responders today at the Angels Camp Farmers Market.
Wine and other beverages will be sold, and food will be ofFered by Arnold Pantry. Picnics, blankets and low chairs are welcome, but no outside alcohol will be allowed. Also on Saturday, Copperopolis Calaveras Community Foundation's Town Square will host a &ee concert disaster relief fund as well. The event Saturday that will double as a fundwill feature music by Grover Anders, raiser for fire victims. The Sammy LeveroneBand and Bille Busta-Groove will perform beginWelles and Friends. ning at 7 p.m. They play hits from the
'70s, '80s, '90s and today. Copperopolis Town Square shops and restaurants will be open, with many serving beer and wine. All donations will also go to the Calaveras Community Foundation's disaster relief fund. AJ Estates and Homes-Sierra will host a rummage and bake sale from 8 a.m.to4 p.m .Saturday and Sunday at 90 Big Trees Road in Murphys.
WENDY GULL Sonora, denture lab owner "We' ve taken a lot of debris to the slash pile, but I have family in the area. I'd probably just go there."
Ives on and Lacey Amber Kitchen Sept. 5, David Lee Brouhard and Melissa McCormick Sept. 6, C a rrie C heri Campbell and Thomas Allen Slate Sept. 11, Edgardo Alberto Cruz and Caroline Barbette Hess
DAVID LYON Sonora, retired "Nothing...lf it's going to happen not much you can do.
JOY KINYON Sonora, hospitality worker "I keep bottled water around and keep defensible space."
Woman injured in rollover accident
Births r e corded in Tuolumne County from Sept. 8 through Sept. 11 (mother s maiden name given in most entries): Aug. 15, Colby Daniel Lillis, a boy, born to Joshua Daniel Lillis and Carly Renee De Stigter Aug. 24, Elliot Vincent Recce, a boy, born to Christopher Adam Recce and Anne Faustina Aug. 24, Staria Mykkel Webster,a girl,born to Wesley Scott Webster and Kaitlyn Gerene Dorsey Aug. 26, Matthew Mason Acosta, a boy, born to Matthew Thomas Acosta and Jenifer Marie Sharitz Aug. 26, Nicholas Galvez, a boy,born to RodrigoGalvez and Marly Julieth Lara Aug. 27, Penelope Jean Fields, a girl, born to Stephen Ralph Fields and Dana Michelle Heykoop Aug. 27, Annabelle ¹ i coleHurtado, a girl,born to Christopher Lee H u rtado and Andrea Nicole Ogg Aug. 29, Novalee Dean Hinman-Hansen, a girl, born to Daniel Dean Hansen and
Jerralyn Lou Hinman Aug. 30, Valentine Victoria Henderson, a girl, born to
Jaclyn Lindsay Henderson Aug. 31, Mackenzie Jacqueline May Cantu, a girl, born to Isaac Henning Cantu and Kelli Brenda May Smith Aug. 31, Korra Haven Gilbert, a girl, born to Justice William Gilbert and Amy Michelle Betzler Sept. 1, Conor Sheppard Fain, a boy, born to Sean Louis Fain and Jennifer Elizabeth Tracy Sept. 1, Everett John Belitz, a boy, born to Nicholas Brian Belitz and Bradlyn Morgan Costa Sept. 2, Emma Rose Gomez, agirl,born to Jeremy Daniel Gomez and Erin Marie Fox Sept. 3, Isabella Angelina Castle, a girl, born to John David Castle and Maurya Raelyn Sunseri Sept. 4, Malakai Joseph Davis, a boy, born to Eric Allen Davis and Amber Lynn Joseph Sept. 4, Lucas Maximus Metcalf, a boy, born to Christopher David Metcalf and Molly Marie Gleason Sept. 5, Levi Jordan Wylie, a boy, born to Jordan Patrick Wylie and Rori Jorae Rodriguez
For m or e
i n f ormation, c ontact
Calaveras County Public Health Services at 743-6276.
20 years, a press release stated. Moving the date will also
Library to host book sales
Due to the Butte Fire, the Calaveras County Business Symposium and Expo has been rescheduled for 11 a.m. Nov. 2 at the Calaveras County Fairgrounds, 101 Frogtown Road, A ngels Camp. The topic of this year' s event is "Create Gold in the Mother Lode." Keynote speaker will be Joe McClure, district director of the U.S. Small Business Administration office in Sacramento. McClure has been involved in economic development and small-business lending for more than
allow eventcoo rdinator s
Friends of the Tuolumne County Library will host a weekly half-price book sale through September in the Community Room at the library, 480 Greenley Road, Sonora. Sales will feature many different genres, including: Sept. 23: religion; and Sept. 30 paperback novels and thrillers will be on sale twofor-one. The Book Nook is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and now ofFers gift certificates. For more information, call Ric Mannix at 694-0288.
the opportunity to put an emphasis on how to rebuild businesses and showcase the resourcesthat areavailable to businesses that may have been affe cted by the Butte Fire,a press release stated. This event is a collaboration between Calaveras County Women's Network, Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce and Calaveras County Economic Development Company. RafHe proceeds will benefitthose afFected by the Butte Fire.
,n i
—Beet StationsAPRIcoT WHEAT ALE
Vietnamese Chicken Tacos Vegetable Spring Rolls
D eaths r e corded i n Tuolumne County from Sept. 8 through Sept. 11: July 30, Alan Gregory Bon-
Aug. 21, Roger Curtis Bowden Sr. Sept. 3, Michael A. Emery Sept. 4, Sharon Lyvonne Berg Sept. 6, Randolph Joseph Duczkow ski Sept. 6, Alan Ernest Dunlap Sept. 6, Dorothy Ruth Koerner Sept. 8, R obert H u gh Southerton
Spicy Crab Maki Roll ~ BLACKOAK
Daikon Radish Carbonara
Double Lamb Slider Ground Lamb 8z Lamb Bacon,
Smoked Cheddar, Zucchini Relish orI. a Pretzel Bun
Potato Gaulrette Rosemary Salt
A Jamestown woman received minor injuries in a
trapped in the vehicle and sustained only minor injuries, the release said. Lambirth declined medical attention at the scene. Neither drugs nor alcohol were factors in the incident.
The office is at the Calaveras County Government Center, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas. It will be open from noon to 7 p.m. today and 7 a.m. to7 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
BusinessExpo rescheduled
Union Democrat stag
rollover accident on Stockton Road in Sonora Thursday morning. Emergency personnel responded at 10:58 a.m. to a call of a reported vehicle over an embankment with adriverpossiblytrapped inside, stated a Sonora Police Departmentpressrelease. The press release stated that Johnna Lambirth, 21, was traveling northbound on Stockton Road when a deer ran in &ont of her vehide. Lambirth swerved to the right to avoid hitting the deerand lostcontrolof her vehicle, which jumped a curb on the east side of the road and went down a steep embanhnent, coming to rest in a drainage area.
VITAL STATS Marriages recorded in Tuolumne County from Sept. 8 through Sept. 11 (u edding date given): Sept. 3, David Justin Sanders and Jara Maria Beaudoin Sept. 5, Joseph Howard Duncan and Michelle Talley Harris Sept. 5, Trevor Noel Ambler and Sarah Elizabeth Cable Sept. 5, Benjamin Lyle
thoseafFected by theblaze. Calaveras County is opening a local assistance office today through Monday whererepresentatives from state and local agencies will be present to provide information about available
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152854 091115
A4 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
Enrroaau,Bown Kari Borgen, Interim Publisher Lyn Riddle, Editor
Write a letter
ura tourism essentia to a i ornia's economy Tourism is everyone's business in California. As the nation's largest tourism economy, the industry is a major pillar of California's success with more than $117.5 billion in direct travel spending last year. This supports more than 1 million jobs and generates nearly $9.4 billion in state and local tax revenues. Millions of travelers explore California's top tourist hubs such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego each year, creating an economic engine that powers not only these regions but also the entire
is to rural communities, and how the industry helps sustain the California dream. Rural communities are home to the majority of California's natural resources, providing the state with clean water, clean air and unsurpassed recreational opportunities. In addition, our rural communities boast picturesque landscapes, rich history and a multitude of outdoor activities for every age. From iconic state and national parks, to hiking and rock climbing, wine and beer tasting and numerous agricultural festivals, there is something for everyone to enjoy when visiting these regions. For those who callthese rural areas home, visitors are a leading source of economic prosperity. For example, according to a recent report by Dean Runyan Associates, over half of all Mariposa County jobs (52 percent) in 2013 were generated by travel and tourism. Across the state, travel and tourism is among the top five export industries in terms of employment in all of California's rural regions. Additionally, tourism generates local revenue needed to support residents in these more remote and underserved parts of the state. Rural counties rely heavily on visitor-generated sales and occupancy taxes. For example, in Mono County visitor spending supported the equivalent of more than $8,000 in state and local tax revenue per household. Visitors provide 57 percent of taxable sales in the county. There is a strong incentive to ensure the tourism industry continues to fuel local economies. Despite the Golden State's allure, competition for tourism is fierce. We can't simply sit back and hope that travelers will discover the sometimes hidden gems of our vaststate. Global marketing efforts to promote California as a travel destination are essential to growing local economies, especially in rural areas. In 2014, marketing efforts sponsored by Visit California returned $327 in visitor spending for every dollar invested by the tourism industry. As the Runyan report shows, many of those dollars bolstered rural economies, fueling the approximately $8.9 billion that was spent in California's rural counties last year. All of Visit California's marketing programs feature our rural destinations. Whether in its through our current television spots, which showcase hidden gems like Burney Falls and the sequoia forests near Santa Cruz, or our annual visitor guide and Road Trips publication, potential visitors are exposed to destinations in all corners of the state. In addition, Visit California works closely with rural counties to help them develop and maintain their own tourism marketing materials, supporting efforts to grow tourism economies at the local level. One of the best aspects of California as a tourism destinationis the diversity of experiences — from world-class urban centers to beaches, mountains and nationalparks — that attracts travelers of all interests from all over the world. It is specifically that natural beauty — environments rich with precious resources — that are the allure of our rural commu-
nities. While we will always see an influx of tourists to the major gateway cities, it is important that we continue our work to bring them deeper into the California experience. If California's recent economic growth is to continue, we must support industries that can provide benefits in all corners of the state. We should not overlookthe power oftourism to createjobs,opportunity and sustain services in rural California. Caroline Beteta, CEO and President of Visit
California, and Patricia Megason, Executive Vice President of Rural County Representatives of California, co-authored this editorial.
LETTERS I N V I T E D The UnionDemocrat welcomes letters for publication on any subject as long as they are tasteful and responsible and are signed with the full name of the writer (including a phone number and address, for verification purposes only). Letters should not exceed 300 words. A maximum of one letter per writer can be published every two weeks. The newspaper reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, taste and style. Please, no business thank-yous, business endorsements or poetry. We will not publish consumer complaints against businesses or personal attacks. Letters may be emailed to lettersI uniondemocrat.corn; mailed to 84 S.Washington St., Sonora 95370; faxed to 209-532-6451; or delivered in person.
e t in in a run or oe i It's Joe Biden's moment to run for president. While everyone's watching the Republican candidates stretch the gamut from seriousdrama to outrageous farce,Joe Biden's confrontation with tragedy gives him gravitas and focuses the rest of us on his character. It's just possible he could defeat the "inevitable" Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, and even make it difficult for the ulti-
mate Republican candidate. In the now-famous interview on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" several nights ago, the vice president emphasized the importance of empathy, of understanding another's experiences, attitudes and emotions, a quality in short supply today among many candidates. He explained how he was tutored in empathy by his two sons, Hunter and the late Beau Biden,who kept him from developing a hardenedpoliticalfacade oran approach to politics that channels political positions into canned sound bites. The vice president described how once, after he finished talking to 70 million people, his sons, alone with him, spoke of what's important. "Look at us, Dad," they said. (We) are your home base. Remember who you are." Joe Biden never wandered far from his home base. The conversation with Stephen Colbert was remarkable because it lacked the emotional cant we' ve grown accustomed to hearing from our leaders when they speak of family, faith and community. When the host asked him how he was able to keep the counsel of his soul in a political city filled with people who lie to us all the time, he had a succinct answer. "I commuted back to Delaware every night." Suddenly we remembered why the Founding Fathers expected our representativesto live in their home states rather
YOUR VIEWS Blame lieswith local gov't To the Editor: Those that oppose the increasing big box store development have a point. For example, the Dollar General has a smaller footprint, but it is a multi-billion dollar corporation. A box store would affect the historic appearance of the Columbia area. An existing store with any similar products would suffer. It would also discourage a start-up that would fit into a Columbia location. Such big box stores rip the life out of family run stores. I was fortunate to speak with one Jamestown store owner. He made it clear his business had been hurt and had some layoffs caused by the local Dollar General store. The real blame does reside with the Board of Supervisors, City of Sonora, and county government. The rise of big box type stores is by design. Just look around
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state. Yet, we often overlook how important tourism
162nd year • Issue No. 63
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than in Washington — to stay in touch with their roots. As Washington grew, and our representatives spent increasing time in the capital city, they lost a sense of what's local, of a home base. In astrong contrast to the vice president talking about his home base, Hillary Clinton floods social media with nostalgic photographs of her as a younger woman, to remind female fans how she's been fighting for women's rights since before feminism was fashionable. From Wellesley, law school and the Children's Defense Fund, to school reform as first lady in Arkansas, she had their backs. "The pictures of her early years are
explains in The Washington Post how her excitement for Clinton goes back to 2008, when she was only 13 years old, but was as excited as her mother about Clinton possibly being the first woman president. But a grown-up Maya has become disillusioned and has persuaded her mom, who felt the same as Maya eight years ago, albeit from a mature perspective, that she' s no longer the "right woman." The bloom is definitely off the rose of an idea that the former first lady, former senator and former secretary of state must be the first woman president. "Ready for Hillary" always meant "ready for awoman," but her rose faded when mites and thrips attacked her explanation for her personal server, leaving the candidatemore than a little scarred and lusterless. The extensive experience that Clinton added to herresume as secretary ofstate
important in telling her story, where she
was undercut by her need to exert control
came from, the moments that shaped her life, " Jim Margolis, her media adviser told Politico. "It's not just talk, it's not more promises, but you can count on her to fight for you, because that's what she's always done." But political nostalgia is a doubleedged sword for Clinton, because voters who don't trust her are growing, and her past reminds them of why. Recent polls testify to a dramatic decline in Clinton's support from women since early summer. Whereas 71 percent of Democraticleaning female voters in July said they planned to vote for her, only 42 percent say that today, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. While the numbers are worrisome for her, even more troubling are the personal interviews that offer insight into their reason-
over her personal server, which makes it look like she wanted to hide her records from the public. The perception revives memories of the scandals from the former first lady's days at the White House when recordsmysteriously disappeared and reappearedyears later,related to herwork at the Rose Law Firm and her participation in the dismissal of White House travel staff A younger generation would neverhave been reminded ofallthathad
it notbeen forthe recent revelations over
her personal server. Even women who like Clinton are now saying she's Mo divisive," shows bad judgment and can't be trusted.
If the main issue for Democratic voters becomes character, Joe Biden may be the man on the white horse to ride to their rescue.
Suzanne Fields isa nationally Maya Chenevert, a community college syndicated columnist and regular student in Columbus, Ohio, for example, commentator for CNN and Fox News.
at the localstorechanges over thelast10 years. Due to government interference in the economy, small town Sonora is disappearing! With the arrival of box stores, local owned stores have shut down. Startups arediscouraged. Local government is desperate. They prove this by raising taxes, raising various fees, and exploiting the economy, picking big box stores. Past Tuolumne Utilities Board vacancies saw thousand of dollars donated to ensure victory. The board of supervisors led the way for certain "rubber stamp" candidates. As a reminder, families, little children and our senior community faced water rationing under threat. But water was given to theDollar General storesl The board ofsupervisors and local government leaders think they have a right to remake the local economy. This means government gets to pick or choose. Citizens have protested in the past, but were overruled. A direct threat to citizen democracy is local government
DEPARTMENTHEADS Kari Borgen, Interim Publisher Lyn Riddle, Editor editor@uniondemocrat.corn
Peggy Pietrowicz, Advertising Manager ppietrowicz@uniondemocrat.corn Sharon Sharp, Circulation Manager ssharp@uniondemocrat. corn Yochanan Quillen, Operations Manager yquillen@uniondemocrat.corn Derek Rosen,rr Manager drosen@uniondemocrat. corn Lynne Fernandez, Office Manager Ifernandez@uniondemocrat.corn
overriding objections by its citizens. David Evans Sonora
Prayersfor ButteFire victims To the Editor: I wanted to take a moment to send out some prayers for everyone who has been affected by the Butte Fire in Calaveras and Amador counties. My heart goes out to these individuals. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who is helping out with the fire — firefighters, local law enforcement, the people running the evacuation centers, and everyone else who is pitching in. I don't know what else to say except that it's times like these that show us how closely knit our communities re-
ally are.
EIIAIL ADDRESSES Advertising... ads@uniondemocrat.corn Circulation. Ud circ@uniondemocrat.corn Newsroom...editor@uniondemocrat.corn Calaveras County news ...........jcowan@uniondemocrat.corn
OUR MISSION The mission of TheUnion Democratis to rellect our community with news thatis relevant tO Our daIIy liVeS, maintain fair and ethiCalI8-
porting,pmvide strong customer service and continue to be the lesding news soufce of our region, as we have since1854.
CORRECTIONS The vnion Democrat's primary concemis rhat all stories are accurate. If you know or an error in a stops, Call us at 209-532-7151.
Bonnie McGuire Sonora
The Union Democrat (501260)is published daily Tuesday through Saturday including holidays by Western Communica6ons, Inc. DBA The Union DemOCIBt,84 S. WaShingtan St., SOnOra, CA
95370-4797 Periodicals postage paid at Sonora, CA 953704797 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Union Democrat, 84 S. Washington St., Sonora, CA 95370. TheUnionDemocratwas adjudicaledasanewsPaPer Of general arCulabOnInthe TuOlumneCOunty Superior Court in Sonora, CA, March21, 1952 The Unen Democrat retains ownership and copyrightprotection on all staff-prepared news copy, ad-
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Friday, September 18, 2015 — A5
OBITUARIES Obituary policy Obituaries, including photos, are published at a pre-paid fee based onsize.The deadline is 5 p.m. two business days prior to publication. Call 532-7151, fax 532-5139 or send to obitsouniondemocrat.corn. Memorial ads are published at a pre-paid fee based on size. The deadline is noon two business days prior to publication. Please call 5884555 for complete information.
Russell Lee Muller Sept. 11, 1961 —Sept. 11, 2015
bia, Pinecrest, Bellarmine, with a no-host bar to follow San Jose, Manila, Philip- at the Steam Donkey Respines and S onora H i gh taurant located in Pinecrest. School. Russell worked at Dodge Ridge and Pinecrest Lake Francis 'Frank' Joseph Resort for many of years. Hynes Jr. He logged, bartended, and Dec. 13, 1924 — July 31, 2015 worked at the bowling alley in Sutter Creek.
Russell was an avid Oakland Raiders fan to say the least. Go Raiders!!! Russell is p r eceded in death by his father, Emil "Max" Muller III; his Aunt Betty Kahihikolo; and cousin, Justin Orr. Russell is survived by his companion, Karen Hawkins; his mother, Elaine Muller, of P inecrest/Sacramento;
Russell res i de d in Tuolumne County/Pinecrest from 1973 to 2010. He was 54 years old. He loved skiing, snowmobiling and working with (most) people. He was a gifted artist and had a wicked sense of humor. He loved living in the mountains, and saw its great beauty and had agreat appreciation for God's beauty. Russell attended schools in La Habra, He'eia, Hawaii, Brisbane, Australia, Colum-
brother and s i ster-in-law, Emil Muller IV and Susan Muller, and nephew Emil "Max" Muller V, of Elk Grove; his sister, Virginia Muller, of Sacramento; his loving aunts and uncles, Dorothy A. Metcalfe, of Rossmoor, Louise and Woody Wilson, of Shafter, Suzanne Orr, of Long Beach, and Saul Kahihikolo, of Derby, Kansas/Hawaii; his cousins, Randy Wilson, ofBakersfield, Sandy Wilson Kroeker, of Bakersfield, Keith and Lisa Wilson, of Kingsberg, Joanne Kahihikolo-Yeager and Gary Yeagerf, of Kansas, Saul and Chris Kahihikolo, of Lana'I, Hawaii, Emil and Debra Kahihikolo, of Maryland, Karl, Lorenza and Dorothy Kahihikolo, of Derby, Kansas, and all of their families. A celebration of his life will be held at 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28, at Pinecrest Amphitheater. A reception
Francis Frank" Joseph Hynes Jr. passed away from cancer Friday, July 31, 2015, at 90 years of age. Frank was born Dec. 13, 1924, in B oston, Massachusetts, to Francis Joseph Hynes Sr. and Marie Blanche St. Amour-Hynes. His mother exposed him to her native French Canada in his childhood. His gift for languages and accents, with an ability to mimic, allowed him to assimilate the colloquial expressions and patois of the Irish American and French Canadian cultures. He had a deep love of books,stories and poems. Bedtime stories for his children were often "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" and "The Cremation of Sam Magee" by Robert Service, accents included. His love of stories was
NEWS OF RECORD stance —A woman threw herself 5:18 p.m., Jamestown — A in a creek and yelled obscenities woman harassed another Preston Lane woman because she said her The Sheriff's 0$ce reported on Woods Creek Drive. daughter was rude and did not 11:30 a.m., theft —A house and the following: garage were broken into on Wall want to play with her daughter at preschool. Street. WEDNESDAY 12:58 p.m., harassment — A 7:07 p.m., Sonora area —Two 12:39 a.m., Hathaway Pines woman's Greenley Road nei ghbor men walked into a home for sale — Three people with flashlights threatened to kill her. on Crystal Lake Drive. in a Commercial Way parking lot 8:03 p.m., Sonora area — A 4:38 p.m., suspicious circumlooked inside parked vehicles. stance —A woman, who believed transient man stole two bottles of 2:55 a.m., San Andreas liquor from a Mono Way business. Doors were heard opening and someone was chasing her, re10:27 p.m., Sonora area —Two closingand a vehicle was seen ported another woman stood in men and a woman walked in the her West Bradford Avenue yard parked on Sunset Street. middle of Tuolumne Road. 10:40 a.m., Murphys —A rake without a shirt. 11:44 p.m., Jamestown — A 5:21 p.m., fraudulent activiwas stolen from a Big Trees Road black cow was loose on Highway ties — A woman who previously residence. 108. 11:02 a.m., Glencoe — Fire- wrote an insufficient funds check fighters reported possible looters in January was inside a South Washington Street business. Felony bookings along Highway 26. 11:29a.m., Jenny Lind —A perThe Sheriff's Mice reported WEDNESDAY son pounded on a Myrtle Drive the following: 6:27 a.m., Sonora — Robert front door and yelled. David Drechsler, 28, of the 400 12:37 p.m., San Andreas — A WEDNESDAY block of Shalako Drive, Oakdale, man yelled at a Toyon Drive perwas booked on suspicion of 12:01 a.m., Sonora area — A son and threatened to beat them violation of probation and misnewly licensed driver stopped Up. demeanor possession of consuddenly along Crystal Falls Drive. 8:34p.m.,Mountain Ranchtrolled substance parapherna6:52 a.m., Sonora area — A perPeopledrove along Jesus Maria lia and possession of burglary son'sBuena Vista Avenida home Road in unmarked vehicles. was broken into while they were tools after an arrest on Hillcrest Drive. asleep in bed. Felony bookings 1:51 p.m., Sonora — Nicole 8:15 a.m., Sonora area —A TuPatricia Edwards, 32, of Groveolumne Road business' windows WEDNESDAY land, was booked on suspicion were broken. 10:30 a.m., Calaveras County 10:25 a.m., Long Barn — A of unlawful use of personal jail — Dylan Ray Mills, 21, of the chainsaw was stolen from a High- identifying information, bur5000 block of De Los Angeles way 108 residence. glary and misdemeanor receivRoad, Burson, was booked on ing known stolen property worth 1:13 p.m., Groveland — A Ferret suspicion of violation of parole af$400 or less after an arrest on Court residence was burglarized. ter an arrest in a Calaveras County 1:43 p.m., Columbia — Mail South Washington Street. Jail holding cell. was stolen from Shaws Flat Road. 12:49p.m.,Mountain Ranch5:06 p.m., Groveland — Cash KimberlyDeanne Decriscio, 54, of and checks were stolen from a the 9000 block of Wendell Road, Cited on suspicion of driving unClements Road residence. w as booked on suspicion ofbeing der theinfluenceof alcohol or drugs: 5:13 p.m., Twain Harte — A a felon in possession of a firearm and violation of probation after an Twain Harte Drive person was threatened via a social media WEDNESDAY arrest at her home. website. None reported. 12:30p.m., Glencoe — David Searcy, 56, of the 300 block of Sandy Gulch Lane, was booked SIMNEINILLE AG SIIPPOR'mRS' on suspicion of threatening with "SAS" intent to terrorize and misdemeanor interfering with a fireman or rescue person and two counts of carrying or bringing a firearm into a vehicle after an arrest on Sandy Gulch Lane.
Cited on suspicion of driving under the influenceof alcohol or drugs: WEDNESDAY 12:24 a.m., Mokelumne HillPaulSwartz, 64, of Lindblom Lane, Janesville, was booked after an arrest on Highway 49.
TUOLUMNE COUNTY TheSonoraPolice Department reported the following:
Eleanore is survived by her seven children (five natural); her nine grandchildren; and her five great-grandchildren. Eleanore was on hospice
careforthe lastsix weeks of life and was able to enjoy a great family reunion in Bend, Oregon, at the end of July. Her love for God and for her church family, Mount Calvary Lutheran, were also deeply satisfying. She will be dearly missed. A celebration of life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Sugar Pine. Memorial gifts to Mount Calvary Lutheran Church.
Death notices Death Notices in The Union Democrat are published free of charge.They include the name, age and town of residence of the deceased, the date of death; service information; and memorial contribution information. The deadline is noon the day before publication.
BOMBARDIER — A celebration of life for Ron Bombardier, 66, who died Aug. 22 at home in Valley Springs, will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Sept. 27 at the VFW Post 9762 at 905 W estSacramento. Angels Memorial Chapel is handling arrangements. CLAssIFIED ADs WILL WoRK FoR YoU! 588-4515
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — A new song by Tejano star Selena has been releasedtwo decades after she was killed by her fan club president. Selena's father, Abraham Quintanilla says he found a recording of the song, "Oh No (I' ll Never Fall in Love Again)," a few weeks ago. Selena sang a verse a cappella during a radio inter-
view, which was later posted on You Tube. Quintanilla says fans have been asking fora recording ofthe song to be released. The tune was being arranged before Selena Quintanilla-Perez was fatally shot in Corpus Christi, Texas, in March 1995. Her fan club president was convicted in the killing and sentenced to life in prison.
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WEDNESDAY 3:57 am., reckless driving — A man driving a gray van with stickers all over it along Pesce Way appeared to be drunk. 9:45 a.m., fraudulent activities —A Gold Street person was scammed over the Internet. 10:18 a.m., suspicious circum-
Selena song released 20 years later
— and the generations which followed — gave her great joy. Eleanore was predeceased by her husband, Arthur Slop-
and was afounding member of the Black Hat Foundation. Frank was preceded in death by his wife, Patsy L. Hynes. A celebration of life will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Oct. 10 at Barmy's Restaurant located at Mountain Springs Golf titions and medals. Later, he and Country Club. In lieu of would pass on his expertise flowers, donations to Friends and love of target shooting of the Tuolumne County Lito his daughters and grand- brary are requested. daughters. Near the end of the war, he met his future wife, Patsy Eleanore Sloper Lee Paris, in Alameda, CaliAug. 2, 1930 —Aug. 23,2015 fornia,marrying her Aug. 16, 1946. They first lived in San Francisco, then moved to Palo Alto, where they raised their two daughters. While Patsy worked at Stanford Hospital, Frank worked for Crocker Bank, retiring from Wells Fargo Bank as a vice president some years after the two banks merged. He and Patsy moved to Sonora in 1989, where they built their dream home. Frank's constant curiosity and enjoyment of challenges led him to take up photography, debating, become a s mall-airplane p ilot a n d Eleanore Sloper passed master gardener. He picked away just before dawn on up his wife's love of bowling, Sunday, Aug. 23, at her home and they both participated in Bend, Oregon. in severalleagues for over Born in San Francisco to 20 years. His photography Estonian immigrant parents, of the Mother Lode often ap- she learned piano and accorpeared in local Tuolumne gal- dion as a girl and played acleries. He was committed to cordion for many folk dances. Tuolumne County and served Since her retirement from as chairman of the board for nursing in 1987, she and husTuolumne County General band, Art, lived in Mi-Wuk Hospital and served on the Village and later moved to board for Friends of the Coun- Jamestown. Eleanore was the ty Library. He was also an ac- loving hub of her family, and tor in several regional plays she always said her children passed on to his children and grandchildren. At the beginning of World War II, he joined the Navy, serving in the Mediterranean Naval Campaign as a gunner. He enjoyed shooting and becoming an expert pistol shot, winningseveralrange compe-
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rni niversi 's rinci assu ie IRVINE (AP) — Under or denying its right to exist. pressure &om Jewish organiWhat UC officials drafted zations, members of the Uni- was a statement that did not versityofCalifornia'sgovern- include an explicit mention ing boardThursday called for of anti-Semitism or Israel. an overhaul of a proposed set The proposedprinciples aim of system-wide principles to protect any individual or againstintolerance, saying group, by calling for its 10 it should explicitly address campuses to be '&ee &om anti-Semitism. actsand expressions of inAbout two dozen people tolerance." It would prohibit gave input to the board of re- "depicting or a r t iculating gents at their meeting at UC a view of ethnic or racial Irvine aboutthe proposed groups as less ambitious, less "Statement of P r i nciples hardworking or talented, or Against Intolerance," a broad more threatening than other declarationthat &ee speech groups," among other things. advocates contended would Groups critical of Israel's amount to censorship. treatment of P ale stinians Jewish organizations con- applauded the omission of cernedabout a series of in- the State Department's de6cidents on campuses — in- nition in the statement, saycluding swastikas and Hitler ing theyfeared it could be grani — asked the UCsys- used to silence them. But tem in March to take a stron- Jewish groups said they felt ger stand and adopt the U.S. the university was ignoring State Department's defini- a problem that needed to be tion of anti-Semitism, which addressed. includes demonizing Israel Regent Norman Pattiz
between taking a position against a government and calling for its elimination." Jewish groups say campus debatesover the IsraeliPalestinian conflict w ere disintegrating into the harassment of Jewish students. The State D s definition of anti-Semitism clearly identifies the different forms of anti-Semitism that exist, they say. UC President Janet ¹ politano in a May radio interview had expressed supportfor adopting the State Department's definition. Critics of Israel said it was too soon to tell what a revamped statement would look like, or mean. UC officials said the statement is intended as a declarationof the school' s beliefs and that disciplinary measures would still be guided by existing policies and federal laws.
urgedthebody to take a real stand against the anti-Semitic incidents described by students and said that was the intent behind making such a declaration. UC is the 6rst statewide university to consider adopting such a set of principles against intolerance. "To not recognize why this subject is even being brought up is to do a disservice to those who brought it up in the 6rstplace,"he said. His
the Hollywood movie "Gone Girl." Police in V allejo later apologized, but the claim filed by Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn said it came too late and contained too
computer that's easy to carry
$1.50 a month to keep their informationprivate on top of what they paid Comcast for Internet-based phone service. The data was published online and in phone books after it was sold through a listings data licensing company. In 2013, Comcast refunded about $2.5 million to customers, covering the period their information was inadvertently made public.
wherever they go.
that represents crime victims. "It seems
CA spottedowl up for federal protection
like one of these Catch 22s — if they find a dead inmate then the first thing that happens is corrections gets sued."
interstate train eyed
LOS ANGELES (AP)A Nevada company that has labored for a decade to connect Southern Cali-
fornia and the Las Vegas Strip via a h i gh-speed train is hoping help &om a Chinese firm will get the project on track. Las Vega s -based XpressWest said Thursday it has partnered with a newlyformed company called China Railway International to build the line. China's high-speed rail network has seen explosive growth in r ecent years as the nation's economy boomed. The an n ouncement about the train to Las Vegas came in a written statement that was short on details .As of2013,the price tag for the train was around $7 billion. In
st at e m ent,
But it wa s unclear how
it would raise the rest of the money, and a person who answered the phone at Xpress West's offices would not elaboratebeyond the statement.
I I '
i ts
Xpress West said i t is "supported by$100 million in i n i tial capital."
everything from local history to information
customer affected will receive
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Schoolworker arrested inassault SUNNYVALE — Authorities say a Santa Clara County school worker has been arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old student.
The San Francisco Chroniclereports that 18-year-old Jonathan Chow was arrested at Spark Charter School in Sunnyvale Tuesday after policereceived reports that a child had been sexually asFRESNO — Wildlife of- saulted. ficials say the+I consider C how had w orked a s granting California's spotted a lunchtime monitor and owl protection under the fed- extended-care teacher's aseral Endangers Species Act. sistant at th e school. He The U.S. Fish and Wildlife had been employed there for Service said this week that about a month. a petition wildlife advocates No additional victims have filedlate last year deserves been identi6ed in the case. An further investigation. investigation is ongoing. Organizations i n cluding the John Muir Project seek the owl's protection, saying thatthe logging offoresttrees that have been burned in wildfires is driving the owls to PIEDMONT — Piedmont extinction. police are warning residents Chad Hanson of the John of an I n t ernal R evenue Muir Project says there's evi- Service telephone scam in dence that these forests make which impersonators call to prime habitat for the spotted threaten residents with arowl. rests if they don't pay their He estimates 1,200 pairsof IRS debt. the owl are nesting in CaliforThe Oakland Tribune renia. ports that callers claim to be Loggers say they also want IRS employeesand demand the spotted owl to survive. immediate payment & om They say removing burned victims. The impersonators
Police warn of IRS phonescam
treescreates a healthy forest,
threaten people with arrest,
bene6ting owls and people. deportationor suspension of It could take two years for a a driver' s license ifthey don't final decision. pay their debts. Prime targets are the elderly and recent immigrants. The callers, who can sometimes be hostile, tell victims they must pay debts through BEVERLY HILLS — A a wiretransfer or preloaded Middle Eastern sheik who debitcard. Some callers trick claimed to own a Ferrari victims into sharing bank accaught on video zooming count or Social Security numt hrough a B e verly H i l l s bers. neighborhood apparently has Police are reminding resiracedout oftown, police said dents that the IRS will never Thursday. askforcreditordebitcard inKhalid bi n H am ad Al formation over the phone. Thani of Qatar has left the — The Associated Press country and the cars are gone, authorities said at a news
Sheik leaves town after speeding
Al Thani owns a drag-racing team and is a member of the ruling family of oil- and gas-rich Qatar. The bright yellow, 12-cylinder LaFerrari, which can sell for around $1.4 million new, was spotted along with a white Porsche zooming down narrow streets and blowing through stop signs on Saturday evening until they finally pulled into a driveway, the Ferrari's engine smoking. Officers answering reports
PresentedbyThe Union Democrat and The Tuolumne County Visitor's Bureau
to lure consumers who can' t
tomers who paid as much as
on lodging, shopping, dining and more!
SAN FRANCISCO — Amazon is dangling a $50 tablet computerin itslatestattempt
the state's solitary-con6nement policy before this month's court settlement. Some inmates have required medical treatment resulting from sleep deprivation while others are experiencing psychologicalstress,he said. Nichol Gomez, a spokeswoman with the union representing most correctional of ficers,declined comment. "It's kind of a tough pickle for corrections officers because they are kind of in between — whatever they do they' re damned ifthey do and damned ifthey don' t," said Michael Rushford, president of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation
puses. "There is a difference
many caveats, including the rate letters sent July 20. He contention that overs took said subsequent events and appropriate investigati ve new evidence made it clear steps with the information there was a kidnapping. available. Quinn reported to police Vallejo police s pokes- on March 23 that kidnappers man Lt. Kenny Park didn' t broke into the couple's home i mmediately return a c a l l while they slept, drugged Thursday seeking comment them, abducted Huskins and on the claim that could lead demanded money. to a lawsuit if it's rejected by Huskins turned up safe the city. two days later in her homeVallejo Police Chief An- town of Huntington Beach drew Bidou apologized to hours before the ransom was Huskins and Quinn in sepa- due. She told police a harrowingtaleoffear,assault and threats to her family. Police, however, issued a press release calling the kidnapping report an "orchestrated event." The claim filed by the couple says a police detective told Huskins' mother that Huskins may have made up the story to gain attention. The contention resembles a plotline of the 2014 film "Gone Girl." In July, federal investigators named disbarredattorney Matthew Muller as a suspect in the abduction. M ullerwas arrested after an attempted home invasion robbery in nearby Dublin. The FBI said Muller dropped his cellphone at the scene of the incident that was similar to the report filed by Huskins to The Mother Lode and Quinn.
The only local app that provides
Amazon tooffer $50 tablet computer
strikes, similar to ones held to protest
end anti-Semitism on cam-
Your Mobile Guide
LOS ANGELES — Cable operatorComcast has settled with California authorities and agreed to pay $33 million for accidentally publishing the names, phone numbers and addresses of about 75,000 people who paid to keep the information private. Of the total, $25 million will go to state agencies. Each
Ilo Said.
and the anger has been taken out on prisoners," he said. Bien said the problem is so bad that the inmates are considering hunger
wer e
Plan for W oman seeks damages af' ter kidnapping dismissed by police high-speed
woman as a hoax worthy of
Comcast agrees to pay $33M in breach
diplomatic immunity, but that is unlikely, Lt. Lincoln Hoshi-
About $432,000 more will go toabout 200 law enforcement oflicers, judges and domestic abuse victims who said they faced safety concerns because of the leak, which occurred from 2010 to 2012. California's Attorney General Kamala Harris called the leak a "troubling breach of privacy." 'Violations of consumers' privacy will result in signi6cant penalties," she said Thursday in a statement announcing the settlement. Philadelphia-based Comcast Corp. apologized and applauded the settlement. The breach occurred when a system upgrade failed to mark listings data of cus-
co m m ent s
Prison inmates ask guards to be quiet
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)A California woman and her boyfriend sought unspecified monetary damages Thursday from a city in a claim that says police initially dismissed the kidnapping of the
afford or don't want the more expensive Internet-connected devices made by Apple and other rivals. The 7-inch Fire tablet unveiled Thursday marks Amazon'smost aggressiveattempt yet to undercut Apple, which has been the market leader since its 6rst iPad went on sale five years ago. The least expensive iPad Mini, which has an 8-inch screen, currently sells for $270. Amazon.corn Inc. isn't trying to persuade anyone that itscheap tabletmatches the quality of its own sleeker, higher-priced Fire HD alternatives, let alone the top-selling iPad line. But the Seattle company is counting on the new tablet's low priceto encourage more people to buy a device that will hook them on watching video, reading books, playing games and shopping on a
echoed by other regents and welcomed by Jewish students and groups. They said they hope a new statement will address a rash of antiSemitic incidents. " They want t o examine the issue and for that we' re grateful," said Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, executive director of the AMCHA Initiative, which fights to
SACRAMENTO (AP) — California fought to lower California's high inmate corrections officials said Thursday that suicide rate. "This has been successfully done all they are handing out earplugs and telling guards to walk softly around some of over the state without disruption, and it the state's most dangerous prisoners af- saves lives," Bien said. ter the inmates complained about noise. Yet Bien and Magnani said inmates The inmates say new welfare checks are complaining that ofncers are delibat Pelican Bay State Prison's notori- erately making noise with their keys ous security housing unit are keeping and boots and repeatedly slamming the them up nights because noise caused door to the isolation unit, while shining by guards rouses them every half-hour flashlights into each inmate's eyes. around the clock. Pelican Bay is using an electronic "We know thatpeople have not been system that requires overs to punch able tosleep at all,and that' s pretty a time clock beside each cell, although dangerous," said Laura Magnani, an ad- officers have been instructed to turn the vocate with the American Friends Ser- system to mute so as not to awaken invice Committee. mates. The time clocks and the welfare Correctional officers are supposed to checks may be drawing resistance &om pause at each inmate's cell and peer in officers as they did initially in other long enough to know that the prisoner state prisons since the program began is breathing,to guard against suicides elsewhere nearly a decade ago, Bien and other problems like heart attacks, said.Wardens elsewhere were able to said Michael Bien, an attorney who rep- controlguards'behavior,he said. "Nobody wants to punch time clocks, resents mentally ill inmates and has
of reckless driving found both cars parked in a driveway. A man told the officers that the cars belonged to him and deniedspeeding or driving recklessly, police said. The man claimed to have
Sept. 17
Lottery Daily 3 Afternoon: 6, 9, 5 Evening: 6, 3, 7
Daily 4 5, 9, 4, 8
Fantasy 5 6, 16, 26, 29, 32
Daily Derby 1. 10, Solid Gold 2. 5, Calif. Classic 3. 1, Gold Rush Race time: 1:40.09
Sonora, California
Fed leaves key interest rate unchanged, citing low inflation
criticism down on the Justice Department for not bringing charges against individual employees. The switches, which can slip out of the "run" position and cut o6' the engine, have been linkedtoatleast169 deaths. Despite evidence that GM's legal and engineering staffs concealed the problem for nearly a decade, no employees were charged Thursday, though U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said the investigation is still going on.
U.S. starts carrying out nuclear deal W ASHINGTON — The Obama administration began carping out the Iran nuclear deal Thursday as time expired on Republican efforts to derail it, appointing a senior diplomat to ensure that Tehran moves further away from bomb-making capability and outlining a months-long process beforeWestern nations will st ar t
Friday, September 18, 2015 — A7
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve ended weeks ofspeculation Thursday by keeping U.S. interest rates at record lows in the faceofthreatsfrom a weak global economy, persistently low inflation and unstable financial markets. But at a news conference after a Fed policy meeting, Chair Janet Yellen said a rate hike was still likely this year. A majority of Fed officials on the committeethat sets the federal funds rate-
LYON, France — A French startup working with a top government lab said it has developed in-vitro human sperm, claiming a b r eakthrough in infertility treat-
charge each other — foresee higher rates before next year. The Fed will next meet in October and then in December. "Every (Fed) meeting is a live meeting," Yellen said. "October, it remains a possibility." In maintaining its policy, the Fed is keeping its benchmark short-term rate near zero, where it's been since the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. A higher Fed rate would eventually send
The ultra-low loan rates the Fed engineered were intended to help the economy recover from the Great Recession. Since then, the economy has nearly fullyrecovered even as pressures from abroad appear to have grown. In a statement it issued after its meeting ended, the Fed said that while the U.S. job market is solid, global pressures may "restrain economic activity" and further slow inflation. Signs of a sharp slowdown in China, the world's second-largest economy, and other emerging economies have intensified fear about the U.S. and global economy. And low oil prices and a highpriced dollar have kept inflation undesirably low. "We' re focused particularly on China and emerging markets," Yellen said at her news conference. 'We' ve long expected,as most analysts have, to see some slowing in Chinese growth over
might be a risk of a more abrupt slowdown than most analysts expect." China's economy has slowed for four straight years — from 10.6 percent in 2010 to 7.4 percent last year. The International Monetary Fund expects the Chinese economy to grow just 6.8 percentthisyear,slowestsince 1990. The continuation of the Fed's ultralow-rate policy likely means that rates on mortgages and car loans will remain low. That could help maintain steady economic growth and hiring in coming months. Mark Vitner, an economist at Wells Fargo, said he was a bit disappointed by theFed's delay because itsuggested that the U.S. economy still wasn't at full health. But by holding down loan rates, the delay could lift home sales and construction, he said. More homebuilding, in particular, can help drive growth by creating construction jobs and boosting
ment sought for more than a
rates up on many consumer and busi-
time as they rebalance their economy.
salesof furniture, appliances, electronic
ness loans.
The question is whether or not there
goods, and landscaping services.
e asing economic
which controls the interest that banks
sanctions. Senatorsfailed toreach the 60-vote threshold for a measure to keep all sanctions in place on Iran until it recognizes Israel and releases all imprisoned Americans, and then on a resolution expressing disapproval of the nuclear agreement. Two p r evious votes in recent days against the Iran deal also failed, and Congress' 60-day window to prevent President Barack Obama from implementing
In-vitro human sperm developed
decade. R esearchers wit h K a l listem had announced the the seven-nation pact was set discovery previously, but they to close Thursday night. and French government lab Shortly after the votes, the CNRS described how it works State Department named for the first time Thursday afStephen Mull as "lead co- ter taking out a patent on the ordinator for Iran nuclear process. implementation." Mull, who They h av e d e v eloped has served as ambassador sperm from immature cells to Poland and in other top known a s s p e r matogonial diplomaticposts, takes on cells, which are present in all the "crucial" responsibility of males, including pre-pubesshepherding an agreement cent boys, and under normal "which will make the United conditions develop into sperm States, our friends and allies cells once puberty starts. The in the Middle East, and the technology must now be clinientire world safer," Secretary cally tested, a process that is of State John Kerry said. particularly painstaking for any treatment involving reproduction. Philippe Durand, the chief Kallistemresearcher,said the genesis of the research was NEW YORK — General indications that male fertility Motors agreed to pay $900 was declining, which he said million to fend off criminal could beattributed to enviprosecution over the dead- ronmental factors ly ignition-switch scandal, strikinga deal that brought — The Associated Press
Major earthquake hits port ci in Chile COQUIMBO, Chile (AP) inforcement of buildings and earthquake ever recorded but have limited resistance — Parts of this port city were a disaster zone Thursday after an 8.3-magnitude quake hit off the coast, killing at least 11 people and likely causing billions in damage. Overturned cars and splin-
happened inChile:a magtsunami alert system helped nitude-9.5 tremor in 1960 prevent what would have that killed more than 5,000 been a catastrophe in less people. After another major earthprepared nations. "Chile has good codes and quake in 1985, authorities good compliance, which to- began implementing strict gether have reduced the vul- construction codes similar to nerabilities of their building those used for highly seismic stock over the decades," said regions in the United States Richard Olson, director of such as California, said Florida International Uni- Kishor Jaiswal, a civil engiversity's Extreme Events neer with the U.S. Geological Institute. "I would rather be Survey. there in one of their cities Most buildings in urban than in many other countries areas of Chile are designed in an earthquake." to withstand both the verLiving in one of the world' s ticalforces of gravity and most seismically a c tive the horizontal jolts that an places, the Andean nation's earthquake inflicts. Build17 million people have little ing methods in many other choice but become experts in developing countries can earthquakes. The strongest withstand gravity and wind
tered boats sat mud next
to furniture,toppled adobe homes and fishing nets tangled in trees. The most stunning thing about Wednesday night' s earthquake, however, may be the relatively low amount of havoc caused by such a powerful shake. While the quake led more than 1 million to evacuate coastal areas and no doubt caused much anxiety, seismologists said Chile's heavy
GM topay $900M over ignition switch
against very strong earthquakes. Wednesday's quake struck just offshore in the Pacific at 7:54 p.m. and was centered about 141 miles (228 kilometers) north-northwest of Santiago. The quake was 7.4 miles (12 kilometers) below the surface. Itlasted a nerve-shattering three minutes, swayed buildings in the capital, Santiago, and prompting authorities to issue a tsunami warning for
c onstant refinement of i t s
investment instructural re-
the country's entire Pacific
coast.People sought safety in the streets of inland cities, while others along the shore took totheir cars to race to
higher ground. Several coastal towns were flooded from small tsunami waves.
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AS — Friday, September 18, 2015
city and focus on his music — something those who knew him said was Continued from Page Al his life. "He was that kind of person," said property," Hutchinson said. "He said Orrin Cross, a fellow charter member he spent too much time and hard work of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia music building up what he had." fraternity at San Francisco State UniMcCloud was a man of many hobbies. versity. "He was very cerebral, very In addition to ham radio, he recently quiet to himself, and I think that gave took an interest in 3D printing prior to him the solitude that he his death. liked for composing and "He was making certain objects with for living." it," Hutchinson said. "Just practicing Goldsmith, a resident getting acquainted with the technology of the M-24 Ranch subthere." division i n M o u ntain Before moving to Mokelumne Hill Ranch, was the second G o ldsmith, eight years ago, McCloud spent 34 victim claimed by th e c i r ca1969 years in San Jose. He had a wife — who Butte Fire in Calaveras passed away in the 1980s — and an ad- County since it jumped the Mokeopted daughter. lumne River last Wednesday. Cross Professionally, he worked for Phillips said it was not surprising that he tracking computer assets and owned chose to stay. "He was a very independent perhis own company before health issues forcedhim toretire. son," Cross said. "I think by virtue that he wanted to go up there in essence. (To be) isolated from the big city." Owen Goldsmith Goldsmith began his career in muOwen Goldsmith, 80, moved to Ca- sic as a high school choral teacher and laveras County in 1981 to escape the composer following his graduation distractions associated with life in the magna curnlaude from SFSU in 1959.
He became ahighly regarded teacher throughout the music education com-
munity in Northern California. "He connected with the kids. He was a really good mentor to younger teachers," said Norman Dea, director of instrumental music at Acalanes High School in Lafayette. "He was just an icon. He was really looked up to and really respected." Goldsmith served the Bay Section of the California Music Educators Association — a nonprofitcorporation
that supports charitable and educational efforts to promote quality music instruction within the state — for 12 years. He served with the organization as president, adjudication chairman, festivalchairman and editor, according to Alfred Music, the world's largest educational music publisher. He received the CMEA Bay Section Outstanding Music Educator Award in 1994. "He was just so inspiring to people," Dea said. "He knew how to answer questions that you would have about teaching. You would go watch his classes, and he was just a master teacher."
RALLY Continued from Page Al touching that a Cal Fire public information officer pulled over to personally acknowledge those who gathered, one by one. "It's a very,very warm feeling, and it makes you feel valued," said Josh Rubinstein, a public information officer with Cal Fire. "A lot of these men and women (fighting the fire) have children the same age as children right here, and they' re gone for 14, 21 days. Being able to get a high-five &om a little kid, even though they aren' t your own, it kind of bridges that gap, takes care of some of the lonesomeness." The idea to congregate downtown to thank those contributing to t h e fi ght against the Butte Fire came &om Vicki Love. Love said she became emotional when she saw a procession of emergency vehicles pass by her residence in Angels Camp Monday morning. "My son is a firefighter, and every time I see one of these guys go by, I see him," Love said. "It was an idea that I had. I envisioned us as a community, coming together to do this. And not just for the firefighters but to help us heal. This has been such a traumatic experience for all of us." Love posted theidea to assemble downtown Wednesday on the Frogville group on Facebook — which has more than 17,500 members. Within a day, through sharing via social media and word-of-
Sonora, California
/ I
Maggie Beck /Union Democrat
Purchasephotos online atwww.uniondemocrat.corn
Main Street Angels Camp was lined with people Thursday morning showing their appreciation for firefighters (above). River Hessels, 3, of Angels Camp (below), dressed as a firefighter and held a sign thanking firefighters for their hard work on the Butte Fire. dance were Dustin Miller, 10, and Chance Miller, 8. On any other day, the pair — who live in Angels Camp — would be attending Mountain Oaks in San Andreas. But on Thursday, they were cheering on those fighting the fire. "It'sreall y sad that the fire is burning down a lot of stuff," said Dustin Miller. "I just wanted to say thank you to those who are saving the city." Since th e f i r e s t a r ted, the two have seen their fa-
mouth, turnout for the rally was similar to that of Angels Camp's most popular events. "I think it shows that we' re a really cohesive community that comes together in times of need," said Lisa Boulton, executive director of the
of them need to be replaced. About 250 new poles had been Continued from Page Al put in as of Thursday night. Pacific Gas & Electric had and it was mapped at 70,760 650 personnel working to acres, equal to 110.5 square restore power in and near miles. Near the point of ori- the Butte Fire burn area on gin off Butte Mountain Road Thursday, Moreno said. in Amador County, residents said they believe they know Where did the Butte Fire where the devastating blaze Sl'Ill? started, but Cal Fire and Pacific Gas & Electric officials During the first days of said they could not confirm the fast-moving,destructive the location. blaze, Cal Fire updates on the Hot, dry weather is ex- Butte Fire included the locapected to return today and tion where they believed it into the weekend, National started, near Butte Mountain W eather Service forecasters Road eastofJackson in Amasaid. Daytime highs around dor County. 85 are expected today in the In recent days, Cal Fire San Andreas area, with highs updates on the Butte Fire in the 90s Saturday through have no longer included that Monday. information. Asked where the The returning heat will point of origin for the Butte raise fire concerns, and hot- Fire is, public information ofter temperatures may affect ficers for the Butte incident firefi ghtersand displaced res- have said they do not know. idents living in tents, forecastOn Wednesday, Barry Aners said. As of 7 a.m. Thursday, derson, a PG&E vice presitherewere still 1,450 people dent of emergency preparedunder evacuation orders, and ness and operations, went to 650 of them were staying in Butte Fire incident command shelters, Steve Shaw with at Frogtown south of Angels Butte Fire incident command Camp. Prepared remarks at told crew bosses. tributed to Anderson includ"These people need our ed: ''While we don't have all the help. At the end of the day it' s about the people." factsyet,a livetreemay have As of Thursday evening, contacted a PG&E line in the there were still more than vicinity of the ignition point. 4,300fi re personnel assigned We are cooperating fully with to the Butte blaze, including Cal Fire in an investigation of 92 fir e crews, with 413 fi re en- whether this could have been gines, 10 helicopters, 59 bull- a sourceof ignition for the dozers and 54 water trucks. Butte Fire. We don't know if a About 2,000 PG&E custom- tree making contact with our ers remained without power line caused the fire. That will due to the Butte Hre as of be the subject of the Cal Fire 7:30 p.m. Thursday, said Paul investigation, and these types Moreno of Pacific Gas & Elec- ofinvestigations take time." tric. The utility had assessed Utility personnel were re5,959 utility poles, and 680 viewing inspection and patrol
ther, who is an independent dozer operator working the fire, less than they normally Calaveras County Visitor's would. Lately, he has been Bureau in Angels Camp. "I working 17-hour days, comthink it's a wonderful dem- ing home after the two have onstration of the outpouring fallen asleep and leaving beof love for all of the work that fore they awaken. 'Yeah, we miss dad," said has been done for us. We' re so Dustin Miller. "It is tough not grateful." Among those in atten- seeing him."
datafor2014 and 2015 forthe area near the tree in question,
and they intend to share results of those inspections and patrols with Cal Fire, Andersoll said.
ButteMountain Road East of Jackson up Butte Mountain Road before noon Thursday, residents and property owners said they believe they know where the fir e started. "Locals are saying it started back on the south side of that ranch," said Linda Jeffries, who was home on Butte Mountain Lane when the Butte Fire was first reported at 2:26 p.m. Sept. 9. "The only thing we could see was a bunch of smoke the first few hours," Rick Je%ies said. 'We thought it would be something they could knock down really fast. There were lots of firefighters. We le at 3 p.m.and didn'tgive ita second thought." They went to Raley's supermarket in Jackson. They saw at least two planes flying near the smoke. Nancy Quontamatteo of Mountain Ranch said she too was shopping at Raley's. "I could see the smoke when I went in," Quontamatteo said. "It was still white smoke. I saw some planes over the smoke and I figured they were on it." "It seemed odd that it got out of controlso fast,"Jef-
fries said. "I' ve heard that one reason is at the back side of that ranch, it drops down into Mokelumne River canyon. It' s steep and everythmg down there is bone-dry." The Quontamatteos were
ordered to evacuate &om their home in Mountain Ranch last week and they are now staying with the Je&ies. The ranch the J effries referred to isfarther east up Butte Mountain Road. There are power lines on the 168-acre property. A field is scorched and fingers of the forestare burned. Cattle lay in the shade near a blackened patch of hillside before it drops steeply into the North Fork Mokelumne River drainage. Firefighters from Williams, Hamilton City, Colusa and Monterey were at the ranch Thursday. Many of them were collecting hundreds of yards of hoses laid out last week during the intense, unsuccessfulfightto stop the blaze in its tracks. Answering the front door for a reporter Thursday morning before anyone asked any questions, one of the property owners said, 'We' re here at ground zero."
CharamugaRanch "Bill knows exactly the pole where it started," Aileen Charamuga said. "Our granddaughter Jamie was with us that day. She called 911. "She was outside babysitting an 8-week-old baby boy and a 3-yearold girl at the neighbor's," Charamuga said. Bill and Aileen Charamuga said they have lived at Charamuga Ranch s i nce September 1979. They keep cattle, goats and horses. Bill' s dad bought the place in 1955. They have three families and three generations living on the ranch, &om grandparents to grandchildren. Bill uses a
TRIAL Continued from Page Al mated to last three weeks, began Tuesday. No jury will decide the case. Instead, Calaveras County Superior Court Judge Thomas A. Smith will deliver a verdict. The boy, dressed in a blue dress shirt, his dark hair in a buzz cut, occasionally looked around the Dept. 3 courtroom
Thursday, but mostly kept his head down. The video, which was recorded by Detective Chad Poortinga of the Calaveras County SherifFs Office in April 2013,began atthe front door of the home. Throughout the f ootage, various items were shown scattered around the house, including clothes, children' s toys and dishes. P oortinga narrated t h e footageat the instruction of Calaveras County District Attorney Barbara Yook. The defendant kept his head down and did not watch the video, which was about 15 minutes long. As the footage played, Barney Fowler, the father, got out of his seat, which was behind the defense table, stood in the back of the courtroom and continued watching. He eventually left the courtroom with his wife, Crystal, for the remainder of the video. After entering the home, the footage panned to the kitchen area, where two black-handled knives were shown on a large towel near the sink. The bathroom in the hallway of the home was then shown. On Wednesday, video footage of the boy being interviewed by Calaveras County Sheriff"s Sgt. Wade Whitney was played in court. In the footage,the defendant told Whitney that the day Leila Fowler was killed, he was using the hallway bathroom when he heard a man's voice
say something along the lines of, "Hey, I know you' re in there. Come out." Then he said he heard the girl screaming. The boy said a male intruder, who was dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, entered the home while the father and stepmother were attending a baseball game nearby. When he went to check on
Leila Fowler, he saw she had been stabbed, he said. The camera then entered thegirl'sroom. At that point, the defendant began subtly swaying in his seat.
Two towels in front of the closet were shown soaked in blood. The camera then panned to
walker as he recovers from hip surgery and two knee surgeries in the past year. Aileen has arthritis and uses a wheelchair to get around. "We were up here," Aileen Charamuga said. 'They evacuated me. When Jamie came running up with the baby, she tried to fight the fire with a
shovel down by the barn. She said, 'Grandma, there's a fire!' "She came up and gave the baby andthe 3-year-old to m e and went back to fighting the fire. That's when I noticed the firemen were already here." 'They responded very, very fast," Bill Charamuga said. 'That's what I'm saying, the firefighters were great," Aileen Charamuga said. "They were here so fast. When they took me out there were already nine big units down by the barn." The last blaze to threaten Charamuga Ranch before the Butte Fire was about 20 years ago, Bill Charamuga said. 'That was a big fire, too," he said. "It was big to us. It burned up to the house."
Contractors trimmed limbs recently The Butt e
F i r e s t a r ted
a bunk-bed in the room. Smears of b l ood w ere shown on the walls near the top bunk and on nearby window blinds. Poortinga testified Thursday that, during the investigation,he found what appeared to be Leila Fowler's Nintendo DS in the living room of the home. Pictures taken on the devicewere datedApril27,2013 — the day she was lulled. One picture, time-stamped at 9:58a.m., was ofblue pancakes. Poortinga also noted that, as he was walking down the hallway of the home, he noticedsix picture frames were hung, grouped together. One of the frames, he said, was empty. Poortinga added that he inspected the back deck of the home and the area surrounding the home and did not find any potential evidence. H e did, however,find blood on the door kame of the &ont door. Calaveras County Sheriff's Deputy DeAyrian Sanchez testified Thursday she assisted in the investigation of the Fowler's home. Sanchez said the hallway bathroom was "unusually" cleaner than the rest of the house. Sanchez said, while investigating Leila Fowler's room, she saw toys and clothes scattered everywhere. "The carpet in front of the closetwas soaked in blood," she said, adding that her team cut the carpet out for evidence.
Authorities have eliminated multiple suspects throughout the case. One lead was provided by a woman who claimed she saw the killer. She eventually recanted her statements without explanation when asked to help a sketchartist. Another lead, a man who was arrested on kidnapping and burglary charges in Placerville around the time Leila Fowler was killed, was also eliminated after authorities interviewed witnesses in Placerville. Detectives alsoinvestigated a tip about a bloody hitchhiker picked up in the area. They contacted the driver and hitchhiker and determined the hitchhiker, who had an injury, was not a suspect. The crime was reported about 12:15 p.m. April 27, 2013. Leila Fowler was taken to Mark Twain Medical Center in San Andreas, where she was pronounced dead at 1:01 p.m. The trial is scheduled to resume today.
Bill Charamuga sketched a map to show where the power line and individual poles are. "That pole, it's off in the trees," he said. Pacific Gas & Electric contractors came out in r ecent
weeks to cut trees and limbs away fiom the power line, Aileen Charamuga said. "Nobody has come up to interview us," Bill Charamuga said. 'They talked to the Sanchez family." Under the power line and near the polespecified by the Charamugas, there was a patch of ash surrounded by blackened woody material and some cut limbs. A cluster of about 10 red flags and a lengthofred tape encircled the ash patch. Asked Thursday afternoon about the location of the point of origin for the Butte Fire, Lynsey Paulo of PG&E said, "It's a Cal Fire investigation and we' re cooperating fully." Cal Fire Capt. Mike Nobler of South Ops in Riverside, a spokesman for Butte Fire incident command, emphasized Thursday the investigation of how the blaze started was still ongoing with no determinations reached. "We' re w orking w i t h PG&E," Mohler said. "Our investigators are looking at circumstances. Where did it start? How did it start? Was it power? We have to look at all the circumstances and rule out a number of things. Was it a tree that fell? We have to look at all these variables before we reach any conclusions."
under a Pacific Gas & Electricpower line that stretches across part of their ranch, Bill Charamuga said. "And we know that for a fact,"Aileen Charamuga said. "Underneath that power line the wind was blowing so hard the embers carried over our property to the barn," Bill Charamuga said. "By that evening we figured it started under the Contact Guy McCartky at power line, at the pole,"Aileen Charamuga said. cornor 588-4585.
Inside: Religion
<I Vets' f-' .- )$ Corner
New life Bidle Church 4
FlaShbaCk -The Union Democrat shares an unidentified file photo. Do you remember? B2
Frank Matranga in
Vietnam MIA ID'd, buried in Maine
BRIEFING • 'kpC, q
Calaveras events cancelled
Two events slated for Saturday in Calaveras County have been canceled due to the Butte Fire. The Calaveras County Library in San Andreas has postponed its 20th anniversary celebration, and the Angels Camp Museum cancelled its Saturday in the Mines event. New dates have not been announced. The Calaveras County Library is at 1299 Gold Hunter Road in San Andreas. For more information, call 754-6510. The Angels Camp M useum is at753 S.M ain St., Angels Camp.
Sock hop set for Saturday The Sonora Elks Lodge will host "A Blast from the Past: 50s Sock Hop" with live music and dinner on Saturday. Entertainment will be provided by The Hot Rods, a California 50s band, and an Elvis impersonator, and hula-hoop and bubblegum-blowing contests will be held. Doors will open at 5 p.m., and dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. There will be a no-host bar serving Pink Cadillacs and other beverages. Dinner will include hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and root beer floats. Those attending are encouraged to dress in 1950s attire, and prizes will be awarded for best costumes. Tickets cost $20 per person in advance or $25 at the door. The lodge is at 100 Elk Drive in Sonora.
Senior volunteer nominees sought Nominations are being soughtby theTuolumne CountyCommission on Aging for Senior Volunteer of the Year. Nominees will be honored at 11 a.m. Nov. 5 in the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors Chamber, 2 S. Green St., in Sonora. Volunteers will receive certificates of appreciation from supervisors. Nomination forms are available at the Tuolumne County Seniors Center, Senior Lounge, Catholic Charities, Area 12 Agency on Aging and Interfaith Community Social Services. Nominees must be 60 or older, a resident ofTuolumne Countyand nota member of the Commission on Aging. Nominations are due Oct. 26. For more information, call Cathie Peacock at 586-4802.
Bingo celebration set A Bingo celebration will be held at 1 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Tuolumne County Senior Center. The buy in is $10 and players receive a ticket to a drawing for a night on the town including dinner at Gus's Steakhouse and a play at Sierra Repertory Theatre. The game will benefit Senior Center programs and Meals onWheel s. For more information, call 533-2496.
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The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced
the identification of remains
belonging to Navy Lt.j.g. Neil Be Taylor, 26, of Rangeley, Maine, who was buried in his hometown with full military honors on Sept. 14, exactly 50 years after the A-4C Skyhawk he was piloting crashed while on a bombing mission over Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam, on Sept. 14, 1965.
Power of 1
Maggie Beck / Union Democrat
Pastor Skip Ferris stands in front of a sign announcing his church's new name, New Life Bible Church. The church, on Stockton Road in Sonora, was formerly Sonora Baptist Church.
One small act could save a lifeof a veteran or servicemember in crisis, someone who may be thinking about suicide.
We call it "The Power of 1," and you may be that one. You can offer a veteran home and connections to confidential support and resources.
Think about how: • One conversation opens the door. • One person can stand by a veteran.
narroweddown the top fourname choices by voting. The Bible was essentially the most Members of Sonora Baptist important things to us as a congreChurch off Stockton Road in Sonora gation, and we decided that is what have officially changed the name we wantedtodefi neusasa church, of their church to New Life Bible Ferris said. Church. The other three options the congre"Members of our church have gation voted on were Life Point Bible been praying about a new name Church, Crossroads Bible Church change over the course of several and Apex Bible Church. months," said Skip Ferris, pastor of After each vote, members of the the church for more than nine years. congregation were given one month Ferris, 50,has lived on the to pray about what name would best BY LYDIA BROWNING The Union Democrat
church's campus since starting as a
suit the church before the next vote.
pastor. He relocated from Manteca, where he served as a full-time youth pastor. The subject of changing the church's name has been floating around for about five or six years, Ferris said. It was all about finding the right time. About this time last year, members of the church's leadership team collectively decided it was time to
"We are hoping that the new name will also attract more members. This church has been hidden up on this hill surrounded by treesfor over 60 years. It's amazing how many people in the community don't know we' re here. We want people to know who we are," Ferris said. After much fundraising, the church has recently been freshly painted, new pews have been installed in the
reintroduce the name-change topic.
main auditorium, a new sound booth
"As we studied scripture, we noticed how God changes names often, and hedoes that to defi ne a new identity with people, a new role, mission and ministry," said Ferris. The new name needed to accomplish two things: First, glorify God, and second, define who we are as a church, Ferris said. "As a church, we decided we wanted to be known as the church that isn't defined by our past, but wanted to be defined by what God is doing as we move forward,"he said. Members of the congregation
was installed in the worship center, and a cry room for nursing mothers is currently in the works, Ferris said. Changing the name was the biggest thing we' ve done as a church, he said, adding that it was a surprise how smooth the process was. "We' re not a big church. On a typical Sunday, about 70 people attend, and I'd say more than 10 percent are children, which is fun," he said. "We will have to do more fundraising to change all of the small details that really addup,such aspostagestamps with the old name," Ferris said.
"The biggest thing I enjoy as a pastor is teaching the word of God to people and watching it change their lives," he said. "As a congregation we wanted to be defined by scripture and our relationship with Christ. Based on that, my passion is to teach what scripture means and how we should apply it to our lives," Ferris said. The church puts on Family Night at 6:15 p.m. every Tuesday, which includes a Bible study for all ages. Ferris teaches the adult study while his wife, Jeanine Ferris, 50, leads a workshop for children' s ministry. The Ferris' have four children, Gavis Ferris, 21, Allison Wayman, 24, Kathleen Ferris, 17, and Jocelyn Ferris, 12. Gavin is currently a junior at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, where he is studying to be a pastor. The church also holds a Bible study at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday before the main worship service, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Sunday's service will be the official kickoff for the new name. A ministry fair will be held directly following the worship service to celebrate the new name change. Carnival games will be set up for children with prizes, picnic-style foodwillbe served,and booths offering information on the church's ministries will be set up. Contact Lydia Browning at lbrotDni ng@uniondemocrat.corn or
• One call can save a life. • One small act makes a difference. • One question can open the door to support. And there's another "1" that can savea life.It'sthe"1"that you press when you call the Veterans Crisis Line: 800273-8255. It will connect you directly with caring responders who are trained to help veterans. The Veterans Crisis Line has provided more t han 260,000 referrals to local facility suicide prevention coordinators. It is an essential componentofVA'soveralleffortto prevent suicide. Read here how they save lives every day. "One call, one chat, one text can open the door of hope." " Sometimes, when w e suspect a veteran or servicemember in our lives may be going through a crisis, we are unsure how to help. But we all have the power to take the firststep to reach out,to
find time in our day to talk with the veterans close to us and see how they are doing," said Dr. Caitlin Thompson, deputy director of VA's Suicide Prevention Program. "It takes only a moment, and just one small act can start them down the path to getting the supporthteyneed."
September is Suicide Prevention Month Learn how to recognize the signs of crisis, of a possible
VA is collaborating with community o r g anizations throughout the month, with specially trained suicide prevention coordinators in VA medical centers across the nation spreading the word
Centenarian Society Living to be 100 has its perks. One of those perks is induction into the Tuolumne County Commission on Aging's Centenarian Society. The commission on Oct. 7 will honor new inductees, as well as people ages 96 through 99, at its annual Centenarian Honors Luncheon, planned for 11 a.m. at the Tuolumne County Senior Center on Greenley Road. The younger members will be honored as members of Tuolumne County's "University of Life." A free lunch will be provided to honorees and costs $5 for others attending. The event also includes fellowship and fun facts from 100 years ago. For more information, call Cathie Peacock at 586-4802. Pictured are Jane Bruno (left) and daughter Elsie Bruno, who attended last year's event, during which Jane Bruno was inducted into the Centenarian Society. File photo / Union Democrat
at local events, sponsoring
Mphil /
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health fairs and working with the Department of Defense to helpveterans and servicemembers get the support they deserve. In addition, VA is coordinating with local and regional groups — including community p a r tners, veterans'
serviceorganizations, health care providers and prominent veteran supporters — to
spread the word about VA's mental health resources. Together, thi s n e twork willencourage veterans and the people in their lives to See VETS/Page B2
B2 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
Communit Flashback
VETS Continued from Page Bl educate themselves about suicide risk, identify warnings signs and learn the stepstotake in a tim eofcrisis. Those steps include contacting a Veterans Crisis Line or using its online E
chat and text-messaging servicesfor
ip ' -w",s
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erans with incomes below 30 percent of the area median income. Grantees must follow the housing first approach, which centers on permanently housing homeless veterans quickly without preconditions and providing supportive services as needed. Additional SSVF requirements are that grantees engage in
grantees can be found online at www.
Our nation in mourning
outreach to find and serve veterans in need, provide veterans with case man-
agement and assist them in obtaining VA and other public benefits. SSVF served127,829 participants in i f scal year 2014 and is on track to serve Putting an end 135,000 veterans and their family memto veteran homelessness bers bythe end offiscalyear 2015.As Thousands of very low-income veter- a resultof these and other efForts,vetan families around the nation, who are eran homelessness is down significantly permanently housed or transitioning since the launch of the Federal Strategic to permanent housing, will continue to Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness have access to crucial services with the in 2010. Since 2010, nearly 230,000 vetrenewal of approximately $300 million erans and their family members have in grants under the Supportive Services been permanently housed, rapidly refor Veteran Families (SSVF) program. housed or prevented &om falling into SSVF renewal funding, which sup- homelessness by VA's homelessness one chat, one text can open the door to ports outreach, case management and programs and targeted housing vouchhope." other flexible assistance to prevent vet- ers provided by HUD. To learn more about the Veterans eran homelessness or rapidly re-house The funding announced today will Crisis Line or to find a local VA suicide veterans who become homeless, went support SSVF services in fiscal 2016, prevention coordinator, visit Veteran- to 286 nonprofit organizations and which starts Oct. 1 and ends Sept. 30, For more information consumer cooperatives in all50 states, 2016. about VA mental health resources, visit the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Source: Mili tary.corn Rico and the Virgin Islands. A list of free, confidential support &om specially trained and experienced responders. Veterans, servicemembers and anyone concerned about them can call the Veterans Crisis Line (800-273-8255 and press 1), chat online at chat, or send a textto 838255. You don't have to be registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care. All Veterans Crisis Line resources are optimized for mobile devices. "Taking the first step to connect with someone in crisis can feel daunting, but we can all make a difference in a veteran's life," Thompson said. "One call,
i "
Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., spoke on the need to allow the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act to work without outside influences pressuring the program. VA Secretary Robert McDonald spoke on the impact of an aging veteran population and the strain it can cause on VA as a whole. To watch video of the symposium, go online to Source: My VFW org
I 'i„ . , ) I File photosi Union Democrat
Do you remember this? If so, write us your recollection — context, date, names — and we' ll run it in a subsequent "Flashback" (100 words or less, please). Answers can be emailed to features@uniondemocrat.corn, dropped off at 84 S. Washington St., Sonora, or called in to 588-4535. "Flashback" is a weekly feature in The Union Democrat.
Source: Hans Petersen ssvf.asp. "SSVF grants empower our local partners to provide short-term-focused interventions that promote housing stability among the most economically vulnerable veterans and their families," said Department of Veterans Affairs' Secretary Robert A. McDonald. "Whether they need rental or child-care assistance, transportation vouchers or another type of support, SSVF grantees
VFW attends Warriol Family SymPtlium
The VFW recently attended the Warrior-Family Symposium hosted by the Military Officers Association of America and Wounded Warrior Project. Focusing on the mental health care necks of those who have served our nation and their families, there was intense discussion about the need to have robust ofFer veterans the mix of services they VA capabilities connected with the com- need to gain housing and stay housed." munities where these families live. SSFV grantees typically serve vet-
These veterans died on these dates: Raymond "Ray" Heimstra, Sept. 27, 19245 — Aug. 31, 2015, served in the Dutch Army stationed in Indonesia during World War II &om 1946-1948, Maurice Joseph Hyder,April 30, 1922 — Aug. 20, 2015, was called to active duty in 1939 and served in the U.S. Navy as a member of the Armed Guard. He was discharged as a Gunner's Mate First Class in 1947 afler the end of World War II. His last ship was the USS Fresno.
CI.A&slFIEP APs WII.L WoRK FoR YoU! Mother Lode card clubs have announced these scores: M other Lode Duplicate Bri dge meets atnoon every Monday and Tuesday at the Union Congregational Church in Angels Camp: Sept. 7, five-table Howell movement — 1) Joan Thorsen and Ora Beth Nelson; 2) Alan and Susan Hamilton; 3) Dave Jenkins and Dana Davis; 4) Rich Banks and Don Cross Sept. 8, three-table Howell movement — 1) Betsy Alford and Ora Beth Nelson; 2) Dana Davis and Duane Oneto
Tuolumne-area resident Laurie Sylwester identified the people in the Sept. 11 Flashback photo. Sylwester said the photowas taken by Lynne Jerome at Woods Creek Rotary Park in the fall of 1973. "We were probably the newly elected officers for the Twain Harte Trailblazers 4-H Club Sylwester said. "We were instructed to wear our dress white uniforms, white hats for high school, green for elementary school." Pictured are (from left) Bonnie Edwards; Laurie Sylwester, president; Teresa Henry, vice president; Jody McDonald, treasurer; and Kenny Henry, sergeant at arms (backj. Jody's parents are Warren and Carole McDonald. Teresa and Kenny's parents are Eldon and Jan Henry. Laurie's parents are Ewald and Dorothy Sylwester. Jan Henry and Dorothy Sylwester were 4-H leaders.
Gold Country Duplicate Btldge meet at noon Wednesdays at the Calaveras Senior Center in San Andreas: Sept. 9, seven-table Mitchell movementNorth-South — 1) Alan and Susan Hamilton; 2) Steve Burg and Fred Cooper; 3) Brenda and Misty Cumberlege; East-West1) Dave Jenkins and Duane Oneto; 2)Ann Sturm and Joan Thorsen; 3) Darryl Rosenheim and Pam Elliott SonoraDuplicate Bri dge wa s cancelled because Df the Butte Fire in Calaveras County.
5 88-45 1 5
SENIOR III.LIQARQ $emim ~ Tuolumne County Senior Center 5% Greenley Road, Sonora,533-2622 Jamestown Community Hall I 8250 Main St,)amestown 533-2622 for reservations~9
The Little House 11699 Merpell Rd., Groveland 62-7 3 0 3
Calaveras Senior Center 956 Mountain Ranch Road San Andreas
LNllclk0$ fok" sslllof~$ •
• s • •
• • •
Tuolumne County Senior Centerserves lunchesat l2:00 to I p.m. Monday through Friday. Seniors of all ages are welcome. For seniors 60 andover,the suggested donation is $4.50.TO receivethe discount price, registration is required. For non-registered and individuals under 60 thefee is $6.00 per person.No eligible senior is denied a meal for inability to donate.
• •
s -
Tuolumne County Senior Center:
MONDAY, September 2 I — Roast turkey, mashed
potatoes with gravy, green beans with almonds, nectarine, wheat bread with margarine.
TUESDAY, September 22 — Barbecue chicken •
drumsdcks,garlic pasta, green saladwith Gtrrots and tomato, brussel sprouts, tropical fruit, wheat bread with margarine.
WEDNESDAY, September 23 — Cheeseburger, potato salad, Manhattan veggies,apricots. Sakxt bar awilable
onWednesdoy. THURSDAY, September 24 —Pulled pork sandwich, California veggies,coleslaw,fruit cobbler. FRIDAY, September 25 — Spaghetti with meat
sauce,g arlicrench f bread, spinach salad with cucumber,cauliflower,tropical lruit
The Calaveras Senior Centerserves hot lunches from I l% I p.m. Mondaythrough Friday with no age limit $6.00 for a f'ull meal,soup and salad $4.00,salad
$3.00 andsoup$2.00.
CalaverasCounty Senior Center:
r I
y I
rI I
MONDAY, September 2 I — Fajitas, sides, soup and salad. TUESDAY, September 22 — Fried chicken, sides, soup and salad. WEDNESDAY, September 23 — Ham and cheese sandwich, sides, soup and salad. THURSDAY, September 24 — Cheese tortellini, sides, soup and salad. FRIDAY, September 25 — Fish taco, sides, soup and salad. ~High sodium meal Menu subject to change. No reservation is required at the Calaveras County Senior Centers.
Sonora, California
Friday, September 18, 2015 — B3
EVENTS C ountry Cowb o y The Church is at 13880 Church of S onora will Joshua Way in East Sonora. present threesessions of For more i nformation, C hristian c ountry m u s i c call 532-4639. with Dwayne Williams at 6 p.m. Saturday, and 10:30 New Li f e R e c overy a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday at Group will host a "Christ 14888 Peaceful Valley Road Centered Life Group" from in East Sonora, behind So- 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at nora Subaru. Harvest Fellowship R.I.O.T. Dwayne Williams, known Centerat 13849 Mono Way, as the Texas Teddy Bear, across from Burger King in is anative ofNacogdoches, Sonora. Texas. At age 15, he and his It is themed "Overcoming family began performing as Emotions That Destroy," The Rolling River Band. and will be led by Kurt and Williams recorded his first Margie Wiley. The group Christian country album, will teach people the differ"Simply Amazing," in 2003. ence between good and bad Since then, he has traveled anger, how to gain control of nationwide and released it, and how to use it in conother projectsthat have structive ways. placed high on the PowerA new session of ComSource Christian Country Music charts. m unity B i bl e S t u d y Admission is free. began Sept. 10 in Angels Camp. Sonora Hills CommuS tudies are h el d a t nity Church will host mu- 9:30 a.m. every Thursday sician Ted Pearce in concert at Foothill C o mmunity at 7 p.m. Saturday. Church, 3710 Whittle Road. The event will be hosted Session will run through by the Sonora Messianic April. Fellowship. The study is on "The GosThe church is at 20415 pel of Mark" for the first18 Jamestown Road in Sonora. weeks and "Christian LivFor more information, call ing" for the last 12 weeks. 743-4940. The Interdenominational program is open to men and Meditation and Mod- women older than 18 and ern Buddhism in Sonora children &om birth through is off ered from 3 to 4 p.m. eighth grade. each Sunday at the Aronos For more i nformation, Clubhouse, 37 E. Elkin St., call Betty Sawyer at 736in Sonora. 6723 or Carol Crouch at The meetings provide 795-7008. group study, meditations and discussion. Hosts will FOCUS ministries, a play recorded teachings by faith-basedsupport group American Buddhist nun whose goal isto restore Kelsang Chogyop, who will hurting women, began an be there in person at th e eight-week study c alled "Beyond Boundaries" by Oct. 4 event. A $5 to $10 donation is John Townsend on Sept. 14. requested. Sessions will be held from For more i nformation, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays call 588-8109. at Sierra Bible Church. For more i nformation, The Mother Lode Jew- call Garilynn VanPelt at ish Community has sev- 206-4055 or 532-1381. eral events planned in the The church is at 15171 coming months. Tuolumne Road near StanThe community will cel- dard. ebrate the end of Sukkot, as well as Simchat Torah, All S aints C a tholic on Oct. 4 with a potluck Church in Twain Harte brunch gathering in James- began a series of classes town. The group will learn for Catholics and those inabout the history and tra- quiring about the Catholic ditions of the two holidays Faith on Sept. 15. The classes meet at 7 and, after brunch, will participate in two ceremonies p.m. every Tuesday in the linked to the holidays. Parish Hall, at the corner of The community will hold Joaquin Gullyand Cheroa special Brush and Cork kee in Twain Harte. session, in which particiSeptember's ses s i ons pants will have a "grown-up are devoted to answering paint by numbers" art class questions about faith. The focusing on Chanukah, on evening begins with a soup Nov. 15. Cost is $38, and the supper at 6 p.m. deadline to register is Oct. For more i nformation, 26. The event will also be a call Mary Leamy at 586potluck 9351. To register orform oreinformation on either event, St. Susanna Orthodox go online to motherlodejew- Church offers a series of or call ongoing Catechism classes 533-1650. for entry into the Orthodox Christian Church. St. Patrick's Catholic Classes, held at 6 p.m. Church will host its annu- every Tuesday, offers study al Blessing of the Animals of the Catechism series at 10 a.m. Sept. 26. written by the renowned Pet owners can bring Orthodox educator Father theirdog, cat,rabbit,bird Thomas Hopko, and the or otherpettobe blessed in New King James translafront of the church at 127 tion of the Bible. Jackson St., in Sonora. For more i nformation, All pets should be on a call 352-6791. leash or in a crate. The church is at 10825 For more i nformation, R obinwood Lane, at t h e call 532-7139. intersection of Jamestown Road, in Sonora. St. Patrick's Catholic Church will offer reliSt. Patrick's Catholic giouseducation classes for Church will continue its students in k indergarten four-week period of inquiry through sixth grade begin- at 7 p.m. Tuesdays in Classning Sept. 30. room 1 of the Parish Hall, Classes will be held &om 127 Jackson St., Sonora. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. WednesThis is the initial stage of days. the Rite of Christian InitiaFor more information, call tion of Adults (RCIA). The Kathy Casas at 770-5987 or catechumenate stage began 532-7139,ext.110,or em ail on Sept. 8. RCIA is the cess by which people interested in becoming Catholic St. Matthew Lutheran or inquiring into the CathoChurch Women's Mis- lic faith are led through a sionary League will col- prayerful study of the faith, lect boxed cereal and juice stateda press release.It is boxes during September for for adults seeking to receive donation to Interfaith Com- or complete the Sacraments munity Social Services. of Initiation (Baptism, ConAnyone wishing to con- firmation, and Eucharist) tribute can drop off dona- in the Catholic Church. For more i nformation, tions at the church between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays call the parish office at through Fridays and be- 532-7139or email the Rev. tween 8 a.m. and noon Sun- Joseph Banka at &banka@ days
OUTREACH Free meals, food
Community Services,87 S. • The A m a dor-Tu- Forest Road, Sonora, offers olumne Community Ac- clothing, small appliances, tion Agency distributes food blankets, sheets, linens, shoes from 10 a.m. to noon on the and coats to anyone in need third Tuesday of each month &om 9 a.m. to noon Mondays atA11 Saints' Catholic Church, and Wednesdays. Groceries corner of Joaquin Gully and are given out Mondays and Cherokee roads in Twain Wednesdays. Harte,and at Tuolumne MeFor more information about morial Hall, Fir Avenue in services or making a donaTuolumne; A-TCAA Food tion, call 532-1872. • The Food Pantry program Bank, 10059 Victoria Way, Jamestown; Church of the at Sierra Bible Church Forty Niners, 11155 Jack- distributesfood on Tuesdays, son St., Columbia; Lake Don Wednesdays and Thursdays Pedro Baptist Church, 4175 &om 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the ofAbeto St., La Grange; Mount fice conference room at 15171 Calvary Lutheran Church, Tuolumne Road, Sonora. • St. Matthew Lutheran 24176 Pine Lake Drive, Sugar Pine; Sonora Baptist Church, Church hosts a &ee lunch 412 Stockton Road, Sonora; at the Lambert Community Tuolumne County Senior Drop-in Center on the last Center, 540 Greenley Road, Saturdayofeach month. Sonora; Tuolumne Veterans The lunch is served from Memorial Hall, 18375 Fir noon to 1 p.m. at the Center, Ave., Tuolumne. They distrib- 347 Jackson St., Sonora. The ute 2 p.m .Monday Center is open &om 11 a.m. through Thursday and Friday to 4 p.m. for fellowship and by appointment at Columbia games. College. They also distribute For more information, call from 10 a.m. to noon the Fri- 533-4879. • St. Patrick's Catholic day after the third Tuesday at Groveland Evangelical Free Church serves a free breakChurch, 19172 Ferretti Road, fast&om 6:30to 8 a.m. every Groveland. Tuesday and Thursday in the • All Saints operates a parish hall at 127 Jackson St., food pantry from 10 a.m. to Sonora. Everyone is welcome. • Tuolumne U n ited noon all other Tuesdays. • Columbia Presbyte- Methodist Church offers rian Church of the 49ers &ee food to anyone in need offersfree food and clothing &om 10 to 11 a.m. every Sateach week. urday. The church is at 18851 Helen Johnson Com- Cedar St., in Tuolumne. For munity Dinner, free to all, more information, call 928isserved at6 p.m .every Mon1376 or 206-3090. day in the church social hall, 11155 Jackson St., Columbia. Support groups Donations are accepted but • Sierra Bible Church not required. Free showers CelebrateRecovery meets areoffered preceding the din- e very Thursday in t h e ner from 5 to 6 p.m. Youth Portable at 15171 - ATCAA Food Bank dis- Tuolumne Road, Sonora. tributesfood at 10 a.m. on Dinner is served at 6 p.m., third Tuesdays of each month followed by aprogram at 7 in Lower Sanctuary. p.m. - Nancy's Hope Community Center, located on the church campus, is open daily from 9 to 4:30 p.m. weekdays and 10 to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Many free programs are available. Call 533-2647. Call the church at 532-2441 for more information. • Faith Lut h eran Church, 65 M itchler St., MONDAY Murphys, hosts a food comStand therefore, having modities distribution on the girded your waist with first Thursday ofeach month including dry and canned truth, having put on the goods. There is also a food breastplate of righteousness. bag distribution from 9 a.m. Ephesians 6:14 NKJ to 1 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, available once a TUESDAY
The program is designed Community Church in Angels to help those struggling with Camp. The church is on Main hurts, hang-ups and habits. Street, with a second-floor en• Celebrate Recovery, a trance on Raspberry Lane. fellowship to celebrate God' s For more information, call healing power through the 12 559-8035. Steps and 8 Recovery Principles, is held at 6:30 p.m. Other support services every Monday at theSonora Seventh-day A d v entist • Moms in Prayer hosts Church. one-hour weekly meetings Separate groups for men in local homes and churches and women are offered for during which participants anyone suffering with chemi- pray for students and their cal and alcohol addictions, schools. Moms in Prayer also codependency, grief recovery, supports teaching staff with anger,food addiction, divorce occasional lunches, get-well and physical, sexual or emo- cards,notes of appreciation tional abuse. and retirement recognition. A &ee dinner is also offered. For a complete listing of The church is at 40 N. For- meeting times and places, call est Road in Sonora. Ginny Milnik, 533-4642, for Call532-3337 for more in- Sonora; Lori West, 962-5111, formation. for Groveland; and Cherie • Celebrate Recovery, Beuse, 795-0420, for Angels a church-sponsored support Camp. For more information, go group for those recovering from substance abuse and
online to www.momsinprayer.
other life issues, meets Mondays at Tulloch Bible Church, 3566 Spangler Lane, Copperopolis. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting begins at 7 p.m. For more information, call 743-4594. • A cancer support group, Snuff Out Cancer, meets at 7:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at Family
org • As You See Fit, a boutique run by the Refuge church, is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday. All the proceeds will go back to the community. For more information, call 736-2035orvisitjesusourrefuge.corn.
~ CNrvices Places of Worship in Our Community CHRlsTIAN SclENcE CHURcHi SONQRA 69 N. Washington St. Services Sunday: 10:00 a.m. SundaySchoolsame time Wed. Testimony Meetings 7;30p.m
conjunction with the Murphys Senior Center, co-located on the campus. For more information, call 728-2041. • Interfaith Community Social Services, 18500 Striker Court, off Tuolumne Road, Sonora, helps those in need with food, clothing, household linens, showers and haircuts. The program is in need of towels, blankets, sleeping bags, tents,can openers, pots and pans, small working appliances, silverware, toiletries, bath towels, layettes forbabiesand linens. There also is a special need for canned soup and cold cereal. It is open 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays. Anyone seeking services should bring identification or proof of Tuolumne County residency. For more information, call 532-0905. • Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in S ugar Pine holds several events each month to help the community. Events include: Senior Exercise, 10:30 a.m. every Thursday - Senior Lunch, noon to 1 p.m. every Thursday (call 5868166 for reservations) - Parish Food Pantry, 10 a.m. to noon, first Tuesday of each month Worship services begin at 10 a.m. weekly. The church is at 24176 Pine Lake Drive. Call 586-3616 for more information.
• M u rphys Covenant Church hosts "His Kitchen," a ministry of free hot meals offered from noon to 1 p.m. each Thursday at the church, 34 Jones St. • Seventh-day Adventist
That it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:3 NKJ WEDNESDAY For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection. Romans 6:5 NKJ
THURSDAY For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is also to be feared above aH gods. 1Chronicles 16:25 NKJ
FRIDAY A haughty look, a proud heart, And the plowing of the wicked are sin. Proverbs 21:4 NKJ
SATURDAY My son pay attention to my wisdom: Lend your ear to my understanding. Proverbs 5:1 NKJ
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Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not walk in the ways of eviL Proverbs 4:14 NKJ
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B4 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
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Inside: Comics, puzzles,weather,TV
Wildcats look for 3rd straight win at Ripon Strong opener — The Summerville volleyball team won its Mother Lode League opener.C3
Spinning his way — 49ers running back Carlos Hyde spun his way onto the NFL map in first start.C2
Butler homers to give A's 4-2 win CHICAGO (AP)Billy Butler's ninth-inning drive cleared the rightfield wall and Avisail Garcia's glove — barely. Butler's three-run homer off David Robertson lifted the Oakland Athletics over the Chicago White Sox 4-2Thursday. At first, Butler was not sure he had a hit. "I saw him catch it, and when I saw the bullpen's reaction, it was a pretty cool feeling," Butler said. "When I sawtheir hands go up, I realized it had gone over the fence."
vidual and team achievements. With two consecutive wins, therewere a lotofstickersto be It was sticker day for the So- passed around. noraWildcatsThursday on Dun- Bradley Canepa earned lavy Field, a place that hasn't a h a ndful. Wyatt Faughnan hosted a varsity grabbed a bunch. 'CA~(2-1) ~ football game yet I GII Ro. k . , RIPQN(1 2) this year. Shane Petrey B ut none o f Gra Today, 7:30p.m., at Blake Ripon High School h a m a nd N a t e the Wi l dcats were much worGookin would ried aboutgoing on the road all be covering a lot ofspace on for today's game in Ripon, their their helmets. fourth straight to start the seaA n d then, almost as an afterson. They just finished, 'Their t hought, what about Kane (Rogbestweek of practice this sea- ers)? son," and were grouped together W i l dcat assistant coach Jon in the north end zone waiting to receive two games worth of
Sonora Wildcat junior Nate Gookin runs hard Thursday during practice at Dunlavy Field. Gookin had two explosive touchdown Iuns against Hilmar last Friday.
C a n epa, eOh yeah, Kane."
Maggie Beck / Union Democrat
See 'CATS/ Page C3
helmet stickers, awards for indi-
Frogs seek 1st victory in Rocklin 'FRoGs (0-2) vs. W. SIERR/t (0-3) Today,7p.m., at Rocklin
Curry, trophy go ta Charlotte, DAVIDSON, N.C. (AP) — Stephen Curry isn' t one to forget his roots. The NBA's Most Valuable Player returned to his alma mater Davidson College on Thursday to show off the Larry O' Brien NBA championship trophy. Curry worked out with Davidson players, participated in a question-and-answer period with college students and banked in a 25-foot jumper in the first shot ever attempted at the school's new practice facility, which is set to open in the coming weeks. He signed numerous autographs for students and even ate some chicken curry in the school cafeteria. "This is where the whole story started and I know how much the Davidson alumni and community supports me, so this is very special," Curry toldThe Associated Press. Longtime Davidson m en's basketballcoach Bob McKillop said Curry, who led the underdog Wildcats to the Final Eight in 2008, never ceases to amaze him with his humility. McKillop said Curry told him he wanted to return to celebrate this past season's success with the students. "For him to come back and say, 'I want you to be a part of this, because you are a part of this,' to me that is just outstanding," Mckillop said. "He makes everyone so proud that he's a Davidson guy."
By JASON COWAN The Union Democrat
Bret Harte hadn't practiced in a week. Due to the Butte Fire and scheduling complications that came asaresult,theBullfrogs resumed practice on Wednesday — a week after the team's last one.
"The biggest thing I saw from playing Escalon was that we were sloppy," said head coach Casey Kester. "We had 12 penaltie s overall— fi ve of those were on our offensive line for false starts." As practice restarted — just two days before tonight's game — Kester focused on reemphasizing the correct way to practicein order to prepare for a
Not because the Calaveras Redskins are looking
and a community looking for somethmg to lift their
game at the end of the week. ''We started with warm ups. We went back to doing the right things in warm ups," said Kester. "It started (Wednesday) just talking 'this is how we do warm ups, this is what I want you to do. So get out here and do this right. And his players have responded. After only a day of
to get its second win of
Today, 7:30pm.,
practice, it has r everted to
Guy Oossi /Union Democrat
Calaveras Redskins wide receiver Trevor Ramirez (left) follows the block of junior guard Nick Quinday during practice Thursday at Frank Meyer Field. The Redskins will hostThe Union Mine Diamondbacks tonight at 7:30.
'Skins host Diamondbacks tonight By GUY DOSSI The Union Democrat
Though it is only the fourth game of the season, tonight's game at Frank Meyer Field against the Union Mine Diamondbacks is the biggest game of the year.
'SkiNs (1-2) vs.
"There is a lot of presthe season and head into at Pittnk Meyer Field Mother Lode League play sure on us Friday mght, with a two-game winning streak. It is the said Calaveras head coach Jason Weathbiggest game ofthe season because ofthe See 'SKINS/Page C3 tragic events as a result of the Butte fire,
Bears' Noonan returns to football By GUY DOSSI The Union Democrat
rs Y
Dignity Health,.
Guy Dossi /Union Democrat
Mark Twain Medical Center 209.754.3521
Saturday, September 26 7 AM to Noon• At the Hospital
l I
See TROGS/Page C4
Summerville kicker Jake Noonan kicks a PAT after practice Wednesday atThorsted Field with teammate TJ McCready holding.
severe concussion.
He was told that there was a good chance that his football career would be In the final game of the 2013 season, finished. then a sophomore, Jake At his doctor's recommen~~ " ~ Noonan started h i s . dation, Noonan opted not night playing against to play his junior year, and Today, 7:30p.m.,at traded hisshoulder pads for the Linden Lions at HugksonH/gh Sdrool shin guards and jom Thorsted Field, a nd ended his night in the soccer team. Noonan, and emergency room. the restof the 2014 Bears soccer team, Noonan suffered two devastating blows went on to not only win the Mother Lode to the head while serving as a backup quarterback and was diagnosed with a See NOONAN/Page C4
thetype ofcrispnessthatwas present before the time off due to the fire.
' I
i i i
C2 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
NFL BASEBALL Today 5:00 pm(CSN) MLB Baseball Athletics at Astros. 7:00pm (CSBA) MLB Baseball Diamondbacks at Giants.
FOOTBALL Today 5:00 pm(ESPN) College FootballFlorida State at Boston College.
AUTO RACING Today 5:00 am(CNBC) Formula One RacingSingapore Grand Prix, Qualifying.
FOOTHILLS HIGH SCHOOL ay Boys —Football: Sonora at Ripon, 7 p.m. Summerville at Hughson, 7:30 p.m. Calaveras vs. Union Mine, Frank Meyer Field, 7:30 p.m. Bret Harte at Western Sierra, Sacramento, 7:30 p.m. Water polo:Sonora at Capital Challenge, Woodcreek High, Roseville, TBA; Bret Harte at McNair, Stockton, TBA Girls — Water polo: Sonora at Sierra Shootout, Roseville, TBA; Bret Harte at McNair, Stockton, TBA.
NHL Blackhawks'
Kane says he has done nothing wrong (AP) — Speaking publicly for the first time since he became the subject of a sexual assault investigation, Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane said Thursday he has done nothing wrong and expects to be exonerated. Kane is accused of assaulting a woman in her 20s in August at his offseason home outside Buffalo, New York, a person familiar with the investigation told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because police have notrevealed details of the case. Kane has not b een charged, but the investigation has shadowed the Stanley Cup champions for weeks as they prepare fora season that begins at home on Oct. 7. "I cannot apologize enough for the distraction this has caused my fam-
Hyde spins right onto the map in 1st start S ANTA CLARA (AP) — Carlos t h e stands following his second Hyde and Ohio State pal Braxton t o uc hdown in Monday's 20-3 win Miller might have quite the good-na- agai nst Minnesota, a 17-yard run. tured debate for a while: Who H e leapt into the crowd to celowns bragging rights for the ebrate. "The fans, they believe in us, season's best spin move? Hyde took a handofffrom so why not?" he said. "Cheer quarterback Colin Kaepernick with them, too." 'liertook notice ofHyde' s fancy and abruptly stopped before spinning hard to his leR past Vikings f ootw ork on his first TD run and defensive end Everson Griffen and p ost ed onTwitter a graphic ofa batgoing untouched for a diving 10-yard tery with a link to video of the scort ouchdown run Monday night. Miller, i n g burst. H yde's old college quarterback, had a Hyde wound up with an NFL-best snazzy spin of his own in the open 168 yards for Week 1, tops by a 49ers field Sept. 7 against Virginia Tech r u nn ing back since Gore rushed for that hadjaws dropping across the 207 in Week 2 against Seattle in nation. 2009 "I think 160-plus speaks for itself," Regardless of rankings on those h ighlight-reel turns, Hyde has in- s a i d Steelers coach Mike Tomlin, stantly shown the San Francisco who se team is responsible for slow4 9ers they have a reliable power i n g down Hyde this Sunday. r unner to replace departed franchise Hyde's performance also ranked rushing leader Frank Gore. best by a 49ers running back in his "It's definitely a blessing to be in first start with the team since 1970. "He killed it. Wow," Australian exthis position I'm in now," Hyde said. " Just the whole atmosphere I feel r u g by league star Jarryd Hayne said l ike is different. It's more of a broth- of h i 's training camp roommate. "He' d erhood now. It kind of reminds me of been preparingfor it." Ohio State.... In 14 games coming off the bench "I'm trying to keep my emotions as Gore's backup, Hyde had 83 cardown, trying to stay focused." ries for 333 yards and four touchThose emotions sent the second- dow ns with 12 receptions for 68 y ear running back soaring up into y a r ds.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Peyton Manningand the Denver Broncos have beaten the Kansas City Chiefs every way imaginable over the years, from playoff shootouts to defensive tug-of-wars. Well, not quite every way. Not until Thursday night. Denver cornerback Bradley Roby returned Jamaal Charles' second fumble 21 yards for a touchdown with 27 seconds left, completing a stunning comeback in the closing minute for a 31-24 victory — the Broncos' seventh straight over their AFC West rivals. "I'm not quite sure I'd ever been in one quite like that," Manning said. "That was a new one."
Manning threw for 256 yards and three scores, the last to E mmanuel Sanders
with 36 seconds leA as the Broncos (2-0) appeared to force overtime. But on the next play &om scrimmage, with the Chiefs (1-1) also eye-
BERKELEY (AP) — For all
credible organization and, of course, our fans," said Kane, who was joined at a table by Blackhawks President John McDonough, general manager Stan Bowman and coach Joel Quenneville."While I have too much respect for the legalprocess to comment on an ongoing matter, I am
to the throwing hand of Raiders quarterback Derek Carr, the team's inability to run the ball in its season-opening loss to Cincinnati has to be even more troubling. ARer spending the offseason retooling the offense to revolve around the ~ g game, offensive coordinator Bill Musgrave barely broke it out against the Bengals. Oakland's 16 rushing attempts were tied with Detroit and Philadelphia for the fewest in the NFL in Week 1. When they did try to run it, the Raiders didn't have much luck and finished with just 63 yards on the ground, tied for second fewest in the NFL.
can't comment about that
right now." Kane's flashy skills and postseason success have
made one of the NHL's most recognizable stars, but he also has generated his share of negative headlines over the years. He
was arrestedafter an altercation with a cab driver in Buffalo in the summer of 2009.A few years later, photos posted on the Internet showed him partying in Madison, Wisconsin.
play by him," Kaepernick said Thursday. "He got us that first touchdown and really got us the momentum for the rest of the game." A second-round draft pick last year out of Ohio State, Hyde's Twitter handle is ®elguapo — "the handsome one" in Spanish — and he posts messages such as "I love my grandmai" and "Family is everything." Hyde moved from C incinnati to Naples, Florida, after his first year in high school to live with his grandparents and get on a better path. He gave his grandmother the game ball from his first career
team's offseason program.
"After I hurt my calf I was like, 'Yeah, I'm doing whatever I have to do to make sure my legs are always fresh,' " he said."I had to do that.I wasn't always serious about taking care of my body. Frank is like a big brother to me. He looked afier me, just showed me the ropes. Taking care of your body, that was one thing I paid attention to. Frank took really good care of his body." It gets tougher from here for Hyde now that opposing defenses have film to study of his breakout performance Monday. He will look to build off that Sunday at P i ttsburgh's Heinz Field. "I' ve been waiting for him to get the opportunity to run the ball that much," 49ers linebacker Michael Wilhoite said. "I think Carlos will be a really good player in this league for a long time. He got to learn from the best for a whole year last year. When you learnfrom a guy like Frank Gore like I learned from Pat (Willis) and (NaVorro Bowman), you can only go one way."
ing overtime, Charles was stripped by Brandon Marshall and the ball bounced rightinto Roby's hands. The dramatic about-face came after Knile Davis gave Kansas City the lead with 2:27 left on an 8-yard run, raising hope among a sellout crowd that the Chiefs might finallyend some curses.
Instead, Denver won its 13th straightdivision road game, breaking a tie with the San Francisco 49ers (198790) for most in NFL history. And forone night, Manning quieted his growing doubters by improving to 14-1 in his career against the Chiefs. "I' ve been involved in a couple of pretty crazy games," he said, "but nothing quite like this." Charles finished with 125 yards rushing and a touchdown, but he will only remember his fumbles — one in the red zone early in the game, the other deep in his own territory late in the game.
"I have to be careful with the ball," Charles said. "It' s my fault." Alex Smith threw for 191 yards for Kansas City, but also had two passes picked off ''We thought we had it won," Davis said. "Unfortunately, they made the touchdown and it was our time to overcome and win the game, and we couldn't finish. It was an emotionalrollercoaster."
Manning threw a pick-six of his own, but he responded when it mattered the most. The Broncos took over at their own 20 after Davis had given Kansas City the lead, and the seven-time All-Pro marched them calmly down field.Manning found Demaryius Thomas for three long receptionsto get deep into Chiefs territory, then hit
Sanders with a strike over the middle on third-and-10 &om the Chiefs 19 for the touchdown that kept Denver alive.
'That last drive was really good," said Manning, who joined Brett Favre during the game as the onlyquarterbacks in NFL history with at least 70,000 yards passing. "I'm really proud of our young offensive line — no poise issues, no communication issues." The late-game dramatics transpiredafter the Chiefs bolted to a 14-0 lead in their
flat, and the Broncos needed just four plays for Manning to find Virgil Green with a tying touchdown toss. After swapping field goals, the Chiefs were poised to celebrate when Davis took a handoff &om Smith as the quarterback fell down and raced into the end zone late in the fourth quarter. Turned out to be not late enough forManning and the
home-opener, energizing a
boisterous, red-clad crowd that had been tailgating all afternoon. But like he has so often against the Chiefs, Manning answered by leading Denver on an 80-yard TD march late in the first half. The capper was a pass over the middle to Sanders, who slipped between the safeties and som-
"I' ll tell you," Manning said, "their defense is so much better than last year. They' re so stout against the run. They just make it hard all night. We just kept plugging."
Notes: Thomas finished with eight catches for 116 yards.... Smith was sacked four times. Manning was ersaulted into the end zone sacked three times, twice by for the 16-yard touchdown Justin Houston.... The Chiefs reception. had two penalties last week Two plays later, Aqib Talib vs Houston. They had nine vs picked off Smith's throw on Denver.... Kansas City was 0 a poorly thrown pass in the for 7 on third down.
Raiders focused on running the ball against Ravens the concern over the injury
are brought to light I will be absolved of having done (anything) wrong." A ppearing calm a n d poised, Kane then deflected several questions that got anywhere close to the ongoing investigation. Asked about the decision to join the team for training camp, possiblereaction from d isappointed fans and whether he plans to stop drinking, the answer was mostly the same. "I know you guys have a lot of questions," Kane saidat one point."I'd love to answer the questions. I'd love to answer them. I'dlove to get in front of them and face them. This just isn't the right time to doitwith my respect, the Blackhawks' respect for the legal process and what's going on, I really
that from him, but it was an amazing
touchdown last year. The soft-spoken Hyde credits his time around Gore for how he now takes bettercare of his body. Hyde dealt with a calf injury during the
Broncos beat Chiefs with stunning comeback
i ly, teammates, this i n -
confidentonce allthe facts
Now, he's the No. 1 guy and wants the ball in his hands at every chance. The coaches love that. "I want to stay in the game," Hyde said. "I feel like everything's coming together. Ifeelway more comfortable in this offense than what I did last year and that's because you have no choice, you' ve got to learn the plays. I feel really good this year." Hyde is a big reason the 49ers are 1-0 andpresented the game ballto first-year coach Jim Tomsula. He got a nice assist from Kaepernick with a block in the end zone on his diving touchdown. "I haven't seen anything quite like
"I think that'd be one of the areas that we'd want to
get betterat,"Musgrave said Thursday. 'There are a number of things in that game that we want
to improve upon. More runs, more touches for everybody would be included in that." The Raiders had seven drives when they ran the ball just once, including four in the irsthalfbefore the score got f out of hand. Latavius Murray, who led Oakland with 44 yards on 11 carries, was stopped for 2 yards or fewer five times. Backup Taiwan Jones had three runs that netted 5 yards. Reserve fullback Jamize Olawaleappeared to provide Musgrave expects that to a boost of the bench with his change this week against Bal- 60-yard run in the second timore. quarter, but the play was ne-
gated when right tackle Austin Howard was fl agged for holding. That put added pressure on a passing game already suffering after Carr injured his hand, and left Oakland as an easy target for Cincinnati's defense. Carr, who returned to practice this week and is expected to start Sunday, said it's too easy to blame the running game for Oakland's struggles moving the ball. "It works hand in hand," the second-year quarterback said. "If we' re throwing it well, that's going to help Latavius. If Latavius is running well, that's going to help us on the perimeter. It's a team game. It works both ways. ''We have to be more efficient first and second down, myself included. I have to be more efficient in where to
throw the football, what coverages are and what's the best option to help us do that. As long as we can do that, we' ll be just fine." Raiders coach Jack Del Rio said the lack of rushing attempts against Cincinnati was aresultofthe overallineffecti veness oftheoffense. 'Yeah, I'd like to see (the attempts) go up, but we have to earn that," Del Rio said. "Con-
skins running back played in the fi nal
t w o p r eseason
games, but was a healthy scratch against the Bengals after appearing to win the job as Oakland's third-down back. "It's always about numbers," Musgrave said. "You can only dress 46 guys, and so as a team, we need to make
those decis ions and go forward.
vert some on t h ir d downs,
have more possessions. I don' t feel like we totally abandoned it, but I don't feel like we effectively did what we set out to do." One option might be to activate Roy Helu Jr., who is fully recovered from the hamstring injury that sidelined him for a chunk of training camp. Signed asa free agent to a $4.1 million, two-year deal, the former Washington Red-
Notes: Free safety Charles Woodson was a limited participant in the non-padded practice while he continues to recoverfrom the dislocated shoulder injury he suffered late in the fourth quarter against the Bengals. The Raiders have yet to determine his status for Sunday. . Olawale (ankle), DL Justin Ellis and DE Benson Mayowa (knee) did not practice.
Arizona looks to shore Up screen defense against Bears TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — James Bettcher isoff to a good start as the Arizona Cardinals' new defensive coordinator. Except when it comes to defending those screen passes and other short tosses to the running back, that is. So the Cardinals know they will see more of those plays when they are in Chicago on Sunday, particularly considering the Bears have Matt Forte, one of the most adept receivers on screen plays in the NFL. "Anytime you show something on film you are going to get it for at least a month because it's a copycat league," Arizona coach Bruce Arians said. "Until you put the fire out, that' s all you' re going to see. We have to do a betterjob ofsecuring that area this week and putting out the fire." Bettcher called the breakdowns in Arizona's 31-19 victory over New Orleans"very correctable plays."
"Keeping leverage on the ball, understanding where your help is, understanding where your eyes have got tobe,"he said,"thoseare some of the core things that showed up coming out of that game for us." Bettcher said that in practice this week "guys were very, very aware" of what needed to be corrected. While the Cardinals effectively shut down the Saints' running game — 54 yards on 20 carries — running back Mark Ingram caught eight passes for 98 yards, and backup Khiry Robinson caught five for 51yards. Ingram gained59 yards on one play. The Cardinals know Forte is as good as there is in the screen game. "All those screens versus the Saints were just having guys miss assignments," cornerback Jerr aud Powers said, "guys not doing their job. So as long as guys do their job, we' ll be fine."
3ets' Marshall returns to Indy nearly 6 yearsafter big game FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP)Brandon Marshall remembers hav-
ing a feeling that he was about to do something that had never been done in the NFL. The New York Jets wide receiver was with the Denver Broncos in 2009 when he was preparing for a mid-December game against the Colts in Indianapolis. "I was so locked-in and focused," Marshall recalled Thursday. "I actuallywent up to a reporter before the game and said, 'This is going to be the biggestgame I've ever played.'" He was right. And then some. Marshall set an NFL record by catching 21 passes from Kyle Orton that day, going for 200 yards and two touchdowns in Denver's 28-16 loss. The man nicknamed"Baby T.O."back then broke Terrell Owens' league
mark by one reception. "I' ve never been that focused before," Marshall said. "I didn't even see or feel anything." Marshall will play in Indianapolis for the first time since that record-blasting performance when the Jets (1-0) take on the Colts (0-1) on Monday night. He had already made a Pro Bowl appearance and had an 18-catch game, but that game firmly established Marshall as one of the elite playmakuig receivers in the league. The Pro Football Hall of Fame celebrated the accomplishment by displaying his game-worn jersey — something Marshall wants back Irom the folks in Canton, Ohio. "I'm being serious," Marshall said. "I went to Canton to visit my jersey and it was in the basement. They had T.O.'s 18 catches up and they took mine down. They told me it was suppose9y coming off of a road show, so I would like to have my jersey back."
Sonora, California
Friday, September 18, 2015 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; C3
BRIEFS Griner sets block record in Mercury win PHOENIX (AP) Brittney Griner raised the WNBA Defensive Player of the Year trophy just before tipofF and then showed why she received the honor.
Griner had 18 points and a WNBA playofF-record 11blocks to lead the Phoenix Mercury to an 88-55 win over the Tulsa Shock on Thursday night in the opener of the Western Conference semifinals. G riner, selected t h e league'stop defender for the second straight year, also had eight rebounds. "Itrytogoforthat,"Griner said of the defensive player award. 'That's the one I try to get. I just want to show why I won it." G riner, who led t h e league in blocks with 105 this season, broke her own single-gamepostseason record and shot 5 for 7 &om the field and 8 for 9 on free throws.
Bear volleyers open MLL play with victory The Summerville Bears volleyball team started Mother Lode League play in the win column with a 3-0 sweep on the road Thursday night
working a lot on serving accuracy and communication. Tonight we executed both of those goals well." The Bears will play Tuesover Argonaut. In three sets, day in Bret Harte and Thursthe Bears beat Argonaut 25- day at home against Sonora. 13, 25-22 and 25-21. Allie Eveleth led the Bears with eight kills, followed by Tioga volleyers Grace Fulkerson with six defeat Don Pedro and Julian Craddock with The Tioga Timberwolves five. Craddock and Fulker- volleyball team beat host Don son had 14 and 11 assists Pedro in four sets Thursday respectively. Sarah Boyer night. was 21 of 22 serving with Don Pedro won the third three aces. Fulkerson was 13 set 25-23, but the Timberfor 15 with three aces. Boyer wolves took the first, second, had 11 digs, while Craddock and fourth set 25-14, 25-7 and had eight. 25-19. "Tonight's win was a great Ashley Harrison led the way to start off league," said 'Wolves with five kills. Bears head coach Jennifer Osterhout. 'Vile played hard Wildcat golfers top ofFensively and for the most part, kept our level of play Modesto Christian consistent. We have been The Sonora Wildcats girls'
Clemson tips Louisville 20-17 in ACC opener
Continued from PageC1
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Clemson players chose
He turned todefensivecoordinator Jed Malone who was counting out how many the sophomore earned and was trying not to let his hand overfiow.
to focus more on the re-
sult of their performance against Louisville rather than how it looked, a wise choice considering things were sometimes hard to
look at. The mission now for the No. 11 Tigers is building on the many good things that worked in their 20-17 escape of the Cardinals on Thursday night. Deshaun Wathson provided many of the positives by throwing two touchdown passes while Wayne Gallman ran for 139 yards as the Tigers won the Atlantic Coast Conference opener for both schools. Clemson sacked quarterback Kyle Bolin five times and held the Cardinals to 19 yards rushing, offsettingragged stretches that gave Louisville several chances to tie or win down the stretch. B reaking thro u gh was tough for Louisville against a Tigers team that improved to 40-0 the last five years when leading after three quarters. Watson threw two interceptions but still led Clemson (3-0, 1-0) to a solid conference win after routs of WofFord and Appalachian State. Swinney said Watson played well but suggesteda couple ofthrows would nag the sophomore, including one to a wideopen Jordan Leggett on third down in the fourth quarter.
Longtime MLBradio announcer Milo Hamilton dies at 88 HOUSTON (AP) Milo Hamilton, a Hall of Fame broadcaster whose radio calls over six decades included 11 nohitters and Hank Aaron' s historic 715th home run in 1974, died on Thursday. He was 88. The Houston Astros announced the death of their longtime pla y -by-play man, well known for us-
ing the phrase "Holy Toledo." A cause of death was not immediately released for Hamilton, who worked for seven teams. H amilton s pent 6 0 years broadcasting major league games, and was working for WSB radio in Atlanta when Aaron became the all-time home run leader on April 8, 1974. Hamilton later said he didn't rehearse the call, but it went off without a hitch. "There's a drive into left-center field," he said as the Braves slugger started running the bases. "That ball is going to be ... out of herei It's gonei It' s 715i There's a new home run champion of all-time! And it's Henry Aaron!" As Aaron crossed home plate and was greeted by jubilant teammates, Hamilton continued with: "Henry Aaron, the home run king of all time."
golf team hit the road Thurs- scored one goal and had four day anddefeated theModesto assists. ''When you get four assists, Christian Crusaders 196-228 at the Modesto Municipal it shows you are really workGolf Course. ing hard and playing unselfJunior M e gan P o pov- ish," said Bears head coach ich earned medalist honors Dave Reel. shooting 47 on a par 36. Summerville scored what One stroke behind Popov- would be the winning goal ich was Amanda Mena with from a header by Jiovani a 48. Shelby Fame shot a 50, AmayaWood in the first half. Emma Peller a 51, Morgan The Bears led 3-0 after the St. Pierre a 56 and sophomore game's first 40 minutes. SumElza Parish shot a 59. merville didn't allow ArgoThe Wildcats are 4-1 in the naut to get off a shot in the Valley Foothill League. first half, and only allowed one shot the entire game. The Bears outshot Argonaut Summerville soccer 46-1. Summerville got goals shuts out Argonaut from Anderson, Trey PeterThe defending Mother sonWood, Justin Noonan and Lode League champion Sum- Liam Burke. '%'e came in and wanted mervilleBears soccer team fiexed its muscle Thursday to dominatein certain areas," with a 5-0 win over Argonaut Reel said. "We only allowed in Jackson. one shot &om them the whole Senior Braden Anderson game. We' ve been harping on
28i 7)
j '-
The sophomore has had a monster last two games for Sonora, intercepting five passes, four in one game, and rushing for a game-high 160 yards, including a 40-yarder late in the fourth quarter that turned out to be the gamewinning touchdown in last Friday's comeback win over Hilmar. "We like to hand out stickdividual efForts, even though we' re team-oriented," said Wildcat head coach Bryan Craig. But the kids are into it. You can tell when kids that have never had one before or a player earns one they' re excitedabout it.Oryou see a kid like Kane, get 28 or something, his helmet is gonna be full, but he's a sophomore trying to prove himself. So when's he got all those stickers on his helmet, the rest of the kids are thinking, 'hmm, he's doing alright.' They definitely compare who's getting more and why. They' re creating the kind of competition
tain Blake Graham, who was a big part of the Sonora defense stuffing the Hilmar ofFense in the second half by adding support to the defensive line &om his normal linebacker position. "I get them for plus blocks, tackles,rushing for over 300 yards." Following the sticker handout, Craig reminded each of hisplayerstopack accordingly and bring everythmg they we want." need. "It's always a fun day on Then the team broke and stickerday, "soW ildcatco-cap- headed for the locker room,
Continued from PageC1 erby afier practice on Thursday. There were also questions of whether or not we should be playing right now. I think the kids and the community needs something to root for. I think this gives them that opportunity. It also gives the kids a little bit of normalcy in a chaotic situation." "It's all about the community," said senior fullback Cameron Moore. 'They support us in everything we do, and we just need to find the energy to give back to the community and put on a good show." There was also some question whether the 'Skins should have taken the field last Friday night in Modesto. Calaveras was able to knock ofF the Modesto Christian Crusaders 38-25 to get its first win of the season. The win was not for those wearing a Calaveras uniform, rather for those who had to worry about their home and loved ones. The win was forallofCalaveras County. It was a win, for a community
that needed one. 'The win was a good feeling because we did it for everybody at home,"said senior receiver Trevor Ramirez. 'Emotionally, this week has been tough. But I feel that every day that we come out here to practice, we just push those things aside and just play football." Calaveras High School canceled school all week, and canceled all non-football athletic games. On Monday, the 'Skins couldnot practice outside due to the air quality, and were
forceps to practice inside Mike Flock Gym. On Tuesday, Calaveras
Sonora sexer ties 0-0 with Amador on road Sonora and Amador fought in a defensive battle Thursday night in Sutter Creek, and ended with a 0-0 draw. "It was a defensive game back and forth," said Sonora head coach Lloyd Longeway. ''We didn't have a ton of great chances and they didn't have a lot of great chances. We had a little rust from not playing in a while and we areimprovlilg.
JV~onora won 3-1.
and we' ll be on top." They' re ofFense is very proficient," Craig said."We' ve struggled a little bit early in games and we' re hoping to come out and establish ourselves in the Sonora first half against that ofFense. They' re quarterback throws junior defensive the ball well. They' ve got a back David wideout who's tall very athletMacDonald ic. They' ve got a fullback that' s (left) guards really good and a tailback that scout runs hard. So, it' s, 'hmmm, team wide they can do both, run the ball receiver and throw the ball.' " lan CiThe Wildcats (2-1) are nearcero during ing their first home game, but that's not for another practice at two weeks. Sonora next FriDunlavy day goes on the road to open Field. Mother LodeLeague play at MaggieBeck/ Argonaut. Union Democrat "At this point, the first five games, half the season on the road, that's rough," Craig said. "But you' ve gotta play football and be happy you' re playing football." And the players seem of that same mindset. "It's just another day, Fm The Wildcats will play the Ripon Indians (1-2) at 7:30 getting pretty used to it now. p.m. Sonora defeated Ripon We should just turn in our 35-23 a year ago in a very com- home jerseys," Graham said petitive game. smiling. "Ripon was really fast and "We' re the road warriors," big," Canepa said. "I mean, Canepa said. "It's tough but they' re always a good foot- you gotta deal with it to get ball team. We came out re- to our, like one home game. ally strong and that's how we Three weeks &om now or pulled it out. But they never whatever we get one home stopped. This year, come out game. We don't really care strong, don't give up and start anymore. It's just get on the as fast as we can, not like we bus, go down there and play did at Hilmar. Work as hard football and come home. as we can and play football That's how it goes."
ers and reward them for in-
earn defence and we showed up with that today. It wasn' t all easy, but we worked hard and worked together. The defense was awesome all the way through. It was a total team efFort." The Bears will play in Bret Harte on Tuesday.
with a lot of them adding stickers to their helmets as they walked. "Practice has been probably the best of the whole year. It really has," said co-captain Bradley Canepa, who was trying to decide where to put his next sticker while answering a question. 'The coaches told us after the game that on Monday, we need to come out and work hard and that' s what we did, we worked hard as we could. Practice has been real fun."
hitthe road for practice.The 'Skins went to Jenny Lind Elementary School on the western side of Calaveras County, 14 miles away &om Frank Meyer Field. On Wednesday they were allowed back on campus and practicei the remainder of the week at home. Though they were back at Calaveras High School, they still were without an average of 10 players per day, who were still dealing with problems caused by the
Calaveras senior running back Austin Garant runs the ball during a 2-minute drillThursday during practice at Frank Meyer Field.
Butte Fire.
"This week has been pretty straightforward," said junior Elijah Stockdale. "It's been us coming out here and working hard every day to prove to everybody that we are working hard for everything that is happening around here. Even though there are tragedies that have happened, we are still working hard for everyone that has been afFected by what has happened. Our energy has beenbuiltup forthosepeople." The Redskins have not only been working on the gridiron. the game isbeing played, for Throughout the week, play- the'Skins it is back to business ers have been volunteering as usual. Union Mine comes to their time to help out in any San Andreas with a 2-1 record. way they can. It is a strong ex- Calaveras is looking to avenge ample of teamwork on and ofF a 2014 performance where it the field. was outscored 50-14, but due "One of the biggest things to playing an ineligible player, we need to do is serve our com- the 'Skins got the win via formunity, and I think this is a feit. "We are not the same team great opportunity for them to realize how important a com- that we were at this point last munity is to everything we do. year," Moore said.'W e arejust Eve~ g , " Weatherby said.hoping that with the outcome "So I pushed real hard this of the past couple of weeks week for the players to go help that we can continue to move at the churches and shelters forward and be better than we and I think it is paying ofF. were last week." They are getting themselves Calaveras has been able to out there and they are realiz- move the ball through the air, ing the value that our commu- and Ramirez has 323 of the 'Skins 447 receiving yards. nityholds forpeople." Once the ball is kicked and He hopes to use his size and
Guy Dossi /Union Democrat
strength as an advantage against the Union Mine secondary. 'Their secondary plays ofF, and they don't seem very physical, but they do have speed," Ramirez said. "What they lack in size they make up in speed. They are fast and they are quick to react to the ball." Junior running back Anthony Giangregorio leads the Calaveras rushing attack with 378 yards, and iscom ing ofFa 200 yardperformance against Modesto Christian. With his strong performance last week, Giangregorio will be keyed on by theDiamondback defense, and it's up to the ofFensive line to help him have a repeat performance.
"We are just going to have to work harder and get a better push ofF the line," said junior guard Nick Quinday. Those guys are going to stunt, so we aregoingtohave to recognize what they are doing and counter it."
Tonight marks the final game of a tough preseason. Though they will have faced extremely difficult opponents, it is a hard preseason that will help the 'Skins in MLL play and in the playofFs. "My belief is put up or shut up," Weatherby said. "That' s the reason why we have such a tough preseason schedule. Because if we don't play now, or get better now, then it's not going to do us any good once we get into the playoffs."
C4 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
3ason Day builds big lead at BMW Championship LAKE FOREST, Ill. (AP) — Jason Day already had seven birdies on his cardand one eagle,courtesyofa shot he holed from 79 yards out of a fairway bunker. He was walking across a bridge Thursday at the BMW Championship when someone asked him during an exchange of greetings, "How are you doing, Jason?" Jordan Spiethwas a few steps ahead of Day, and he could hardly contain his laughter. " Really? You' re asking h i m THAT?" Spieth said. Day has never been better. He powered his way around Conway Farms
'FROGS Continued from PageC1 "It'sone of those things where you want to keep the knife as sharp as you can" said Kester.'You can't do that without using it. You use it, you see how dull it is and you sharpen it."
Ziehlke playing Quarterback Mike Ziehlke
and was at 10-under par through 17 holes when thunderstorms halted the opening round. His final shot was a 346-yard tee shot with the wind at his back that settled in light rough and left him 44 yards away from a front pin on No. 9. Day has to hole that Friday morningfora 59.And he didn'teven know it. "I thought it was a par 72, so I'm sitting there going, '10 under, there's no chance at all I can get it.' But if it goes in, it goes in," he said. "Right now, I'm just trying to play the best I can. I'm justtrying to getoffto agood start."
dislocated his shoulder late in the fourth quarter of Monday's game vs. Escalon, but Kester says he will not miss any time because of it. "He separated it when he was a sophomore and they did the whole, 'doctor, out for a few weeks, came back, couldn' t throw the ball anymore,' thing. And I think he did it last year in basketball as well," said Kester. "I figured out it pops
He is playing better than anyone at the moment, a winner in three of his last five tournaments, including his first major. A victory in the third FedEx Cup playofF event would send him to No. 1 in the world for the first time, and not many would argue with that. Day was four shots ahead of PGA Tour rookie Daniel Berger, who had a 6-under 65. Brendon Todd had a 66. Only 17 players completed theopen-
ing, he had a hole-in-one on the par-3 second hole to end a peculiar drought. It was the first time in 72 holes that he was under par during any round in atournament. And then he chipped in from 80 feet for birdie on the next hole. Little good that did him. Walking to the fourth tee, Spieth pointed behind him at Day and said, "He's still the clinic. I' ve barely got the (honors on the) tee." lilg I'Ouild. Spieth made a hole-in-one and Spieth finally got on track. Com- Day poured in a 20-foot birdie putt. ing off consecutive missed cuts that Spieth chipped in for birdie on No. eventually cost him the No. 1 rank- 3 and Day matched it with a 5-foot
has won 17 games since the startofthe 2013 season. 'The 21 points that we scored against Escalon was the most points Bret Harte has put on them ever," said Kester. Building on Escalon Although Kester acknowlLast week, Bret Harte accu- edges that Bret Harte has mulated325 yards of off ense not reached the level of skill — 125 passing and 200 on that Escalon has reached the ground — and scored 21 throughout the years, he was points Monday vs. a team that able to find a positive with out, it pops back in." The shoulder Ziehlke dislocated was not part of the arm that he throws the ball with. "He was icing it and taking careofit,"said Kester.
birdie. Theplay was spectacular. The 27-year-old Australian was as sharp as he has been all year. He is 89-under par dating to the British Open. Day is playing so well that he said every round feels like practice. "No matter what you do, even if you hit a bad shot, it's going to be all right," Day said. "That's kind of the way it feels. It's hard to explain because I'm just out there and I'm not really paying attention to the score and I'm hitting it down the middle and hitting it on the greens and holing putts."
the performance. The guys were very well prepared. The guards, (I) watched them pull in unison and hit who they were supposed to hit," said said Kester. "They' re a very good team, bigger, stronger. And our guys hung with them."
"Nothing is automatic. If we play our game, we will most likely defeat them," said Kes-
ter. "Our players are more exWestern Sierra Collegiate Academy periencedand better atwhat Although Bret Harte will be we do.
Bears play tonight at unbeaten Hughson
Continued from PageCl
facing a Western Sierra Collegiate Academy squad tonight that is winless — scoring only 19 points in their three contests— Kester does not see the matchup as an automatic
Leaguetitle,butalso theSacJoaquin Section Division VI By GUY DOSSI rushed for 243 yards. road against Ceres in a 50-27 win. The Union Democrat championship. Sophomore Dominique Esquivel By the numbers "It was a blessing having showed that he belongs on the varsity In their last three meetings, Hughson Jake on the team last year," As Summerville heads into its final squadlastweek, rushing for 91 yards has defeated the Bears 2 of 3 times. Last said Dave Reel, the head preseason game tonight on the road and two scores while filling in for an in- year the Bears fell to Hughson 49-42 at Sum merville soccer coach. against the Hughson Huskies, the jured Fulkerson. Sonora's Dunlavy Field. In 2013 Hugh"He's a positive guy, one that I coaches and players know that this is Senior quarterback Travis Rodg- son won 49-20. The Bears win came in respect. I definitely miss him their toughest opponent so far. But, ers has thrown for six scores, and has 2012 in a 35-34 homecoming thriller. this year just for his attitude Summerville is also the toughest team only been intercepted once. Rodgers is Bad memories alone. He came with the right the unbeaten Huskies have faced. averaging nearly 150 yards per game Hughson has ended the season of two attitude and obviously helped Summerville (2-1) has had no prob- through the air. Senior JT McCready of the best Summerville team's in school our team become what we lem scoring. In three games, the Bears has been his main target, hauling in 10 history. In 1991, the 8-1 Mother Lode were. He's just an all around have tallied 34, 70 and 56 points, for an receptions for 176 yardsandfourscores. League Champions fell to Hughson 47good person." average of nearly 54 per game. Fulkerson has 118 receiving yards and 14 at Thorsted Field. Linebacker's coach For Noonan, the decision Senior running back Jake Fulk- two scores. Mike Brennan and defensive coordinanot to play footballwas a diferson has rushed for 345 yards and Though the Bears offense looks like it tor Ryan Wynne were both seniors that ficult one, but the idea of bethree scores.He also has two receiv- can score at will, the Hughson defense season. Offensive coordinator Mike Oliing stagnant and not particiing touchdowns and has returned two has only allowed 27 points all season. va was the star for the 10-0 1996 MLL kicks for 90-yard scores. Hard-nosed The Huskies shut out Johansen and champion Bears. Like the 91 team, Olipating in some sort of athletic competition was not an opfullback Nathaniel Ulvevadet has Waterford in the first two weeks of the va's Bears were beaten at home by the tion. found the end zone nine times and season, and allowed 27 points on the Huskies. "We were in the ER that night and they told me that I had been hit twice and I al- him, and had some initial con- to make sure that they were that after that year was up, Sean Leveroos, much like ready had one concussion so cerns about the contact that OK with him going. That I didn't know if I was going Reel, he had to make sure that it was three in three months," takes place during an 80-min- eased my mind." to switch back or not. It was Noonan's health was always a Noonan said. "I was told to ute match. Once his year was up, and hard switching back because top priority. With concussions "I worryforany ofm y play- Noonan began his senior year, we were section champions. and head injuries being a hot take a year off. Do nothing. When they told me to take a ers because soccer is a contact he had one of the most dif- But I just love football. I fell topic nationally, there is no year off from football I knew sport," Reel said. "But, it's not ficult decisions of his life to in love with football my fresh- room for compromise. "Anytime you have a patI couldn't just sit around. So I a head-tohead contact sport. make. Would he stay with his man year when I scored my joinedsoccer so Icould stay in There are choices that can be section championship team first touchdown. But football tern of concussions, at the good shape. My parents were made out there consciously to and make a run for a second is a spiritual game. There is slightest sign, there is more a littl e bit nervous because, lead with your head or not. title, or would he rejoin his nothing else in the world like a ttention paid to i t t h a n yeah, it is a contact sport. But Heading the ball is a big issue, brothers on the gridiron and it. there ever has been in the it'snotasbad asfootball." and people get concussions try to bring an MLL champiBeing out here on Friday past," Leveroos said. "So we When Reel was filled in on from just doing that, let alone onship back to Tuolumne for nights in front of a big crowd as coaches know that if we the health status of his new getting hit in the head. I had the first time since 2009? and a great team. I'm really think that person is under "I enjoyed playing soccer," excited to be back." player, he knew that he would minor concerns afier talking any type of concussion, he is have to pay extra attention to with his parents and wanted Noonan said. "I just knew For first-year head coach to be looked at. What is nice
is we have enough medical help that it is not necessarily the coach's decision. It's nice to have an independent third party." Noonan does all the place kicking for the Bears, and plays tight end. He has one reception for nine yards, and has made 15 of 20 PAT' s. He perfectly executed an onside kick last week against Bradshaw Christian. "It's good to know that we have a great kicker back, because after Bryce (Farrell) graduated, everyone was kinda wondering who the kicker would be," said senior lineman
Kole Elkins. "When Noonan said he was coming out for football again, I couldn't have been more excited." "Having a guy that can kick is veryimportant," Leveroos said. "A third of the game is kicking. It's not just PAT' s and field goals. It's kickoffs, punts and onside kicks. It is extremely important and in all three of our games, our
kicking game has given us a spark." Though Noonan played under the bright Friday night lights, he still remains one of thebiggest supporters of Summerville soccer,and regularly attends the games. "I go to every soccer game," Noonan said. "My little brother (Justin) is a sophomore and is playing varsity so I go to support him and the team. I'm still tight with them."
ScoREs R MORE Baseball MLB AMERICAN LEAGUE East Divhion W L Pct Toronto New York Baltimore Tampa Bay Boston
GB 8 4 6 2 . 5 75 8 0 6 5 . 5 5 2 3' / 2 72 74 A 9 3 12 70 76 . 47 9 14 69 7 6 . 4 7 6 1 4'/2 Central DMsion W L Pct GB
86 60
. 589
75 7 1 72 73 69 7 6 6 7 78
. 5 1 4 11 A97 1F/2 . 4 7 6 1 P /2 A6 2 1P/2
West Division W L Pet Texas Houston Los Angeles Seattle Oakland
79 67 Tl 70 74 72 7 1 76 63 84
. 541 . 5 2 4 2' / 2 . 50 7 5 A 8 3 8' / 2 A 2 9 1 6 'h
Thursday's games Boston 10, Baltimore 1 Cleveland 5, Kansas City 1 N.Y. Yankees 3, Tampa Bay 1 Toronto 9, Atlanta 1 Texas 14, Houston 3 Detroit 7, Minnesota 4, 12 innings Todaf s games Boston (Porcello 8-1 2) at Toronto (stroman 1-0), 4:07 p.m. Kansas City (Cueto 2-6) at Detroit (Verlander 3-8), 4:08 p.m. Baltimore rr.wilson 2-1) at Tampa Bay (Smyly 2-2), 4:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Sale 12-9) at Cleveland (Co.Anderson 4-3), 4:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Tsnaka 12-6) st N.Y. Mets (Matz 3-0), 4:10 p.m. seattle (Paxton 3-4) at Texas (Gallardo 1210), 5:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (Heaney 6-3) at Minnesota (Pelfrey 6-9), 5:10 p.m. Oakland (Doubront 3-2) at Houston (Fiers 2-1), 5:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB New York 83 63 .56 8 Washington 75 71 .5 1 4 8 Miami 6 4 83 A 3 5 1 P / 2 Atlanta 5 7 90 . 388 2 P /2 P hiladelphia 56 91 .3 8 1 2 r / 2 Central Division W L Pct GB 9 2 54 . 6 30 87 5 9 . 5 9 6 5 85 61 . 58 2 7 62 84 . 42 5 30 61 84 . 42 1 3 0 '/~ West Division W L Pct GB
L os Angeles 84 61 .5 7 9 S an Francisco 7 7 69 . 5 2 7 TY 2 Arizona 6 9 77 . 473 1 5 / 2 San Diego 69 78 A69 16 Colorado 6 1 85 . 418 2 F / 2 Thursday's games chicago cubs 9, pittsburgh 6 Miami 6, Washington 4 Toronto 5, Atlanta 0 St louis 6, Milwaukee 3 Today's games St Louis (Lynn 11-10) at Chicago Cubs (Har-
en 9-9), 11:20 a.m. Miami (Femandez 5-0) at Washington (Scherzer 12-1 1), 4:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 12-6) at N.Y. Mets (Matz 3-0), 4:10 p.m. Philadelphia (Morgan 54 ) a t A t lanta (W.Perez M), 4:35 p.m. Cincinnati (Finnegan 0-0) at Milwaukee (Z.Davies 1-1 ), 5:10 p.m. San Diego (Kennedy 8-14) at Colorado (Bettis 7-5), 5:40 p.m. Pittsburgh (Locke 8-1 0) at LA. Dodgers (G reinke 17-3), 7:10 p.m. Arizona (Roe La Rosa 128) at San Francisco (Bumgarner 18-7), 7:15 p.m. AMLEllCS 4, WHITE SOX 2 O akland a b r h bi Chicago a b r h b i Semienss 4 0 1 1 Johnson 2b 3 1 0 0 Canha 1b 4 0 0 0 Beckham ph 1 0 0 0 L awrie2b 4 1 3 0 Ramirezss 3 0 1 0 V alenda3b 4 1 1 0 Cabreralf 3 0 2 1 B.Butlerdh 4 1 1 3 Av.Garciarf 4 0 0 0 Reddick rf 3 0 0 0 Ge.soto dh 4 0 0 0 Phegleyc 4 1 1 0 Olt1 b 4 1 11 S molinski If 1 0 0 0 shUckcf 3 0 10 Fuldph-cf 1 0 0 0 Le.oarciacf 1 0 0 0 L adendorfcf 2 0 0 0 Flowersc 4 0 3 0
Cusp ph-If 1 00 0 Thompson prO 0 0 0 Saladino3b 4 0 0 0 T otals 32 4 7 4 Totals 34 2 8 2 Oakland 001 000 003 — 4 Chicago 000 110 000 — 2 E —Olt (5). DP —Oakland 1, Chicago 1. LOB-
O akland 3,Chicago8.2B— lawrie (28),Phegley u 6). HR — B.Butler (13), olt (2). SB —Reddick (Sj. CS — Reddick (2). IP H R E R BBSO Oakland Nolin 5 5 2 2 3 4 Fe.Rodriguez 2 2 0 0 0 1 Doolittle W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 2 Chicago Quintana 7 4 1 1 1 6 M.Albers H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Robertson L,6-4 1 3 3 3 1 1 Balk — Nolin. Umpires — Home, D.J. Reyburn; First, Joe West; Second, Rob Drake; Third, Stu Scheurwater. T — 2:46. A —12~6 (40,61 5).
Football National Foatbsll League AMERICAN CONFERENCE East N.Y. Jets Buffalo
New England Miami Tennessee Jacksonville Houston Indianapolis Cincinnati Baltimore Pittsburgh Cleveland
Denver San Diego
w L r p e tPF PA
1 0 0 1.00031 10 1 0 0 1.00027 14 1 0 0 1.000 28 21 1 0 0 1.00017 10 South W L T P c t PF PA 1 0 0 1.00042 14 0 1 0 . 0 00 9 20 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 20 27 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 14 27 North w L r p e tPF PA 1 0 0 1 .000 33 13 0 1 0 . 0 0013 19 0 1 0 . 0 0021 28 0 1 0 . 0 0010 31 West W L T P c t PF PA 2 0 0 1.00050 37 1 0 0 1.00033 28
Kansas City 1 1 0 . 5 00 51 51 Oakland 0 1 0 . 0 00 13 33 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East w L r pe t PF PA Dallas 1 0 0 1.00027 26 Philadelphia 0 1 0 . 0 00 24 26 Washington 0 1 0 . 0 00 10 17 N.Y. Giants 0 1 0 . 0 00 26 27 South W L T P c tPF PA Atlanta 1 0 0 1 .000 26 24 Carolina 1 0 0 1 .000 20 9 Tampa Bay 0 1 0 . 0 00 14 42 New orleans 0 1 0 . 0 00 19 31 North W L T Pc t PF PA 1 0 0 1 .00031 23 0 1 0 . 0 00 3 20 0 1 0 . 0 00 28 33 0 1 0 . 0 00 23 31 West W L T P c tPF PA St Louis 1 0 0 1.000 34 31 Arizona 1 0 0 1 .000 31 19 S an Francisco 1 0 0 1.0 0 0 20 3 Seattle 0 1 0 . 0 00 31 34 Thursday's game Denver 31, Kansas City 24 Sunday's games Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 10 a.m. Detroit at Minnesota, 10 a.m. Arizona at Chicago, 10 a.m. Houston at Carolina, 10 a.m. SanFrancisco atPittsburgh, 10 a.m. New England at Buffalo, 10 a.m. San Diego at Cincinnati, 10 a.m. TennesseeatCleveland, 10a.m . Atlanta at N.Y. Giants, 10 a.m. St. Louis at Washington, 10 a.m. Baltimore at Oakland, 1:05 p.m. Miami at Jacksonville, 1:05 p.m. Dallas at Philadelphia, 1:25 p.m.
Seattle at Green Bay, 5:30 p.m. Monday's game
N.Y. Jets st Indianapolis, 5:30 p.m. NCAA Clemson 20, Louisville 17
Golf BMW Championship Thursday, At Conway Farms GolfCub Lake Forest, Ili Purse: gl25 million Yardage: 7,198; Par 71 (35M) Parlia l Rrst Round Daniel Berger 29-36 —65 Brendon Todd 31-35 — 66 34-33 — 67 Scott Piercy Matt Kuchar 35-32 — 67 36-32 — 68 Bill Haas Zach Johnson 35-33 — 68 Daniel Summerhays 35-35 — 70 J.a Holmes 37-33 — 70 Jason Bohn 37-34 — 71 Louis oosthuizen 36-35 — 71 Dustin Johnson 33-38 — 71 Pat Perez 38-34 — 72 Shawn Stefani 38-34 — 72 Troy Merritt 38-35 — 73 Ben Martin 39-34 — 73 Russell Knox 36-38 — 74 38-37 — 75 Brooks Koepka Jim Furyk WD LEADERBOARD SCORE THRU
1. Jason Day 2. Daniel Berger 3. Justin Thomas 3. Kevin Chappell 3. Brendon Todd 3. Jordan Spieth 7. George McNeill 7. Scott Piercy 7. Matt Kuchar 7. Bubba Watson 7. Kevin Na 12. Hunter Mahan 12.Rory Mcllroy 12. Danny Lee
12. sean o'Hair 12. Bill Haas
12. Keegan Bradley 12. Phil Mickelson 12. Harss English 12. Ryan Palmer 12. Zach Johnson
10 -6 -5 -5 -5 -5 -4 -4 4 4 4 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3
17 F 13 16 F 17 12 F F 13 14 12 12 17 14 F 15 15 14 14 F
Soccer Major League Soccer EASTERN CONFERENCE
W L Ti t s GF GA
New England 13 9 7 46 New York 13 8 6 45 D.c. United 1 310 6 4 5 Columbus 12 9 8 44 Toronto FC 1 113 4 3 7 Montreal 9 11 6 3 3 Orlando City 8 13 8 3 2 New YorkcityFC 8 14 7 31 Philadelphia 8 15 6 3 0 Chicago 7 15 6 27 WESTERN CONFERENCE
43 38 47 32 36 35 47 46 35 36 41 36
48 49 38 51 48 47
At San Francisco -200 Arizona +180 Ameben League At Detroit -113 K a n sasCity +103 -174 At Toronto Boston +162 At Tampa Bay off Balt i more off Chicago -130 A t Cleveland +120 At Texas -145 Seattle +135 Los Angeles -110 At Minnesota +100 At Houston -195 Oakl a nd +180 Interleague At NY Mets -107 N Y Yankees -103 NFL Sunday Open TodayO/U Underdog Favorite At Carolina 2 3 (3 9 '/ s Hou s ton At N. Orleans 7 1 0 (4 7 ) T a mpa Bay At Pittsburgh 7 6 (4 5 '/s san Francisco At Minnesota 2 /2 Z/2 ( 43 ) Det ro i t New England 2/2 1 (4 5 ) At B u ffalo A izona 3 2 (4P / i j At Chicago Tennessee +4 1 (4 1 '/ij a t Cleveland At Cincinnati 3/2 3 'I46/2) San Diego St Louis z/2 3/2 ( 4uAtwashington At NY Giants z /2 z/2 ( 5 u Atlan t a Baltimore 4 6 / 2 (4 3 ) At Oakland Miami 6 6 (41"/2)AtJacksonville At Philadelphia 4 5 ( 55) Dall a s At Green Bay 3 3 ' / 2 ( 49) Seat t l e Monday At Indianapolis P /2 7 ( 46'/s NY J e t s College Football FAVORITE OPEN TODAY 0/U DOG Florida St 10 9 ( 47)AtBostonCollege At Arizona St 24 2T/2 (64) New Mexico
Wake Forest Temple At Michigan Ball St
A t iowa 3 5'/ 2 (47 ) Pittsburgh At Michigan st 2'r/226 (55) Air Force AtWash. St 2 4 24'/2 (64'/2) Wyoming A t UCLA 14 16 '/ 2 ( 6 0 ) BYU Utah 1 5 14 ( 5 4 ) At Fresno St
Tennis W TA CoupeBanque Nationale Thursday, At Universite LavalPEPS Quebec City Pume: C50,000 (Intl. j Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles — Second Round Naomi Broady, Britain, def. Alexa Glatch, United States, 64, 6-2. Lucie Hradecka (4), CzechRepublic, def. Amandine Hesse, France, 1-6, 6-3, 6-4. Samantha Crawford, United States, def. Evgeniya Rodina (7), Russia, 6-3, 6-3. Anna Tatishvili, United States, def. Louisa ChiYim, United States, 6-2, 3-6, 6-4. Mirjana Lucic-Baroni (2), Croatia, def. Tamira Paszek, Austria, 6-3, 6-3.
Transactions BASEBALL National League cHIGAGQ CUBs — Activated RF Jorge soler from the 15-day DL Ameican ~ n ST.PAUL SAINTS — Released INF Nate Han-
2 6 (48) At Arm y son, INF Dan Kaczrowski, OF Mike Kvasnicka 9 1P/2 ( 55 ) At U M ass and C Joey Paciorek. 36 45 34 34 (49'/2) UNLV Athntic League 4/2 5 (6 3 ) At E. Michigan SUGAR LAND SKEETERS — Signed 1B-DH At M. Tenn. 212P/2 (64/2) C har l o tte Rsfael Pslmeiro. W L Ti t s GF GA Vancouver 1 510 3 4 8 40 28 At Minnesota 23 24 (46) Kent FOOTBALL FC Dallas 1 4 8 5 4 7 40 31 At FAU National Football League P k 1 (63'/s Buf fa l o Los Angeles 1 3 8 8 4 7 49 33 At Wisconsin 35"/z34'/2 (58) Troy CHICAGO BEARS — Signed QB David Fales Seattle 1 313 3 4 2 35 32 At N. Carolina 8 /2 9 (63'/s Illin o is to the practice squad. S porting Kansas City 11 8 8 4 1 41 38 At Ohio St 31'/234'/2 (6$/4 N Ill i nois DEIROIT LIONS — Released WR Saalim Hakim Portland 1 1 9 8 4 1 29 32 NC State 151P/2 (5P/2)Atold Dominion from the practice squad. signed OT Jordan Mills San Jose 1 111 7 4 0 35 33 At Oklahoma 34/2 31 (71'/2) Tulsa to the practice squad. At Syracuse 6 r l i ( 44'/2j cent. Michigan HOUsTON TExANs — claimedQT oday Houston 9 11 8 3 5 36 37 RealsaltLBke 9 11 8 35 32 41 At Duke 1 F/ 2 ( 4 8 ) Northwestern Aboushi off waivers from the New York Jets. Colorado 8 10 10 34 26 30 AtTexasA&M 2 5 34 ( 65 ) Neva d a Signed WR Chandler Worthy from the practice NOTE: Three points for victory, onepoint for At Oregon 48/24P/2 (72) Ge o rgia St squad. signed OT Joseph Treadwell to the Rice 6 8 '/2 tie. (57) At North Texas practice squad. Today's Game At Kansas St 8/2 10 ( 50) Louisiana Tech NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Acquired WR FC Dallas st Sporting Kansas City, 4p.m At Georgia 15'/21 6Y2 (52'/2) South Carolina Keshawn Martin from Houston for an undisSatunhy's Games At Navy Pk 4/2 (56'/2) East Carolina closed draft pick Released DL Khyri Thornton. Colorado at Toronto FC, 11 a.m. At Lsu 6 /2 7 'I48/2) Aubur n Signed WR Chris Harper to the practice squad. san Jose at New York city FC,4 p.m At Alabama 8/2 8/2 (53 ) Mi s sissippi Indoor Football League columbus at D.c. United,4 p.m. Virginia Tech 5'/2 8/2 (4P/2) At P urdue spoKANE sHocK —signed os Aaron spikes Seattle at Vancouver, 4 p.m. At Okla. St 24'/a24'/2 (55'/2) USAT and QB Charles Dowdeli New England at Montreal, 5 p.m. At Miami HOCKEY 5 3 (58) Nebr aska Orlando City at Chicago, 5:30 p.m. Georgia Tech 1 2'/2 (55) At Notre Dame National Hockey League Los Angeles at Real Salt Lake, 6:30 p At Washington3/2 5'/2 'I44) Utah S t ARIZONA COYOTES — Assigned D Jeremie Sunday's Games At Texas St 2 3 (67 ) Southern Miss. Fraser to Carleton U. (CIS), D Kevin Spinozzi to New York at Portland, 2 p.m. Cincinnati 19 20 ( 6 0)At Miami(Ohio) sarnia (OH u and D chase stewart to sag inaw Houston at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. At Toledo 6/2 7'/2 (58) Iowa St (OHL). At Arkansas 10'/2 12 (70'/2) T exas Tech FLORIDA PANTHERS — Signed LW Jonathan Memphis 6/2 3/2 (79'/~) At Bowl. Green Huberdeau to a two year contract. Colorado +1 3 NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Signed D Trevor (57) At Colorado St At Maryland r/2 7 ( 51'/2) South Florida Murphy to a three-year entry-level contract. Pregame.corn At Missous 2F/221'/2 (41'/2) Uc onn NEW YORK ISLANDERS — Traded RW MLB Florida 4/2 F/2 (5P/2) At Kentucky Michael Grabner to Toronto for F Taylor Beck, Atlndiana National League 3 2 (7 1 '/2) W. Kentucky D Matthew Finn, G Christopher Gibson, D Tom FAVORBE UNE UND ERDOG UNE Calif ornia 1'/2 8/2 (58) At T exas Nilsson and FCarter Verhaeghe. Agreed to terms -108 St. L o uis-102 At Oregon St 8 7 (50 ) S a n Jose St with RW Steve Bernier on a one-year contract. Atchicago AtWashington -140 Miami +130 At TCU 39'/237'/2 (66) SM U SOCCER -110 P h iladelphia +100 UTEP 4 3 (61 ) At New Mex. St RFA — Suspended secretary general Jerome At Atlanta At Milwaukee -1 13 Cin d nnati +1 03 At Penn St 7 9 (4 5 '/2) Rutg e r s Valcke indefinitely after he was the subject of At colorado -107 san Diego -103 AtS. Diego St 15'/217'/2 (46) S . Alabama allegations over a deal for 2014 World Cup AtLosAngeles -190 Pit t s burgh +175 At USC 8 1 0 (5 0 ) Stan f o rd ticket sales.
The Line
Sonora, California
Friday, September 18, 2015 — C5
Bady Blues
By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott CrankShaft NOT SAD, SH7
By Tom Batiuk and Chuck Ayers
MG COI.VW 66&.
By Chris Cassatt and Gary Brookins FOr Better Or fOr WOrSe
EycusE ME,I/IctILD You flERD Tttts eftccHUfiE oht--
By Lynn Johnston
f!' /
iKl! g+A
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7/tt/C/rAZY YANNN, /IID5/i//55rr CRAZY r
By Jerry and Jim Borgman
b y G.B. Tr u d e a u
Nice!yI, Viyl
Qg etssrrr/AucNe
@s r.
By Scott Adams I U l t S
By Patrick McDonnell
8 !Tr
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W HO W A N T S •
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9. Is
Non Sepuitur
THE SllllY CRQSS WQRS Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis for the Los Angeles Times ACROSS
5 1
10 1 1
1 *Dejected
14 5 *Sledding spot 10 "Waterloo 17 14 Enclosed in 15 Electrical 20 21 component 16 Seaman's 23 24 direction 17 9-Downsensors 27 18 Midwestern tribe 31 19 Show appreciation, in a 34 35 way 20 'You shall hear 39 more morning": "Measurefor 4 3 44 4 5 Measure" 21 Shows a 49 50 preference 22 Amethyst source 53 23 Prognosticate 25 Struggling engine 56 sound 27 Me.-to-Fla. highway 28 Freudian subject 30 '60s radical gp. By Jeffrey Wechsler 31 *Data transfer 32 Crockett's 65 *Musical starting Waterloo point 34Annoyed
m oviegoer's shout ... or what's
needed to make sense of the answers to starred clues 39 Onetime Silly String maker 40 *Faster way to fly 43 Seafarer 46 Bygone dentifrice 48 "Twelfth Night"
servant 49 Deserve credit,
51 'Yes" 53 Ancient Iranians 54 Thing on abob 55" guy walks into ..." 56 Actress Russell 57 Dinnertime attraction 59 stick: incense 60 Rare bloodtype, briefly 61 Memento 62 Fifi's BFF 63 *1 964 Grammy-
winning rock 'n' roll song 64 *Decrease
1 Watch out!" 2 Spanish sherry 3 Rush hour timesaver, hopefully 4 QB's stats 5 Feel one's way 6 Took it easy 7 "Fate is so cruel!" 8 Peer of Trygve and Kofi 9 Looker? 10 Aspect 11 Metes out 12 Bygone pump word 13 Middle Ages colony residents 21 Sugar suffix 22 Marx of lesser repute 24 Provide, as with talent 25 Lifestylemagazine 26 Host noted for a 1960 on-air resignation 29 Was loquacious 33 Classic military text by Carl von Clausewitz
By Wiley Miller
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t A srSOSwllliY INr!. rr!/. 5-is
wrrs'I INKes/!/rnruNY"rrsr
25 26
28 29
40 47
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3-by-3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
51 52 54
57 58
Thursday's solution: SOLUTION
O 0
Thursday's Puzzle Solved I NL E T S D I A NN E
CV © O
D ic
©2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L.Hoyt and JeffKnurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
lrlow don't be Is it true? Is there a tiger nervous. We will on the loose? Oh capture the tiger. ! Just stay inside.
SYNAP ©2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC ~ Ail Rights Reserved.
A tiger!
I Cool!
35 Legislative VIPs 45A!tered, as amap 36 Touristy 47 Mental viticultural valley w h erewithal 37 Indecisive 48G l grub comment 50 Wield power 38 Hardly fascinating 52 Endangered 41 Capital of Cyprus S umatran 42 Statistical matrix, 54 Mythical e.g. troublemaker 43 Cruise partnership 57 Compact Cadillac nickname sedan 44 L'Oreal 58 Dustup competitor 59H ook relative
puzzles solved
!/ 0
AFTER A TIGER E5CAPEP FRDM THE ZDD, THERE yvDULP SE THI5 UNTIL THERE yl/A5 THI5. Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
y I d
(Answers tomorrow) J umbles: RIVER FIN C H PURS U E REVE R T Answer: One ghost didn't fit in with the rest because he was a — FREE SPIRIT
C6 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
Central Sierra Foothills Weather Regional
Five-Day Forecast
for Sonora
Local: Plenty of sunshine today. High 86. Cleat tonight. Low 49. Hot tomorrow, Sunday and Monday with plenty oi sunshine.
Road Conditions
' IC
93, -52 Hot with plenty of sunshine
aiiejo 7 9IM " -
y yy 55/55
sa» ranci co. 74IM
A n g els Camp
Burn Status Burning has been suspended for the season.
'a~ Ig -. s
odds „ a 88/ 58 =
)L S a nJJ e ~8 1/56
Thursday's Records ' Sonora —Extremes for this date — High: 102 (1984). Low: 36 (1986). Precipitation: 1.02 inch (1961). Average rainfall through September since1907:0.57inch.Asof6p.m .Thursday, seasonal rainfall to date: 0.03 inch.
Merced a na, ruz ~
Reservoir Levels
< Sal'inas 4
9S jiffy~ 62
California Cities
Very hot with blazing sunshine
Anaheim Antioch Bakersfield Barstow Bishop China Lake Crescent City Death Valley Eureka
&6. '-58 Partly sunny and warm Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015
Today Hi/Lo/W
Today Hi/Lo/W
87/63/s 87/55/s 86/63/s 94/64/s 87/46/s 85/58/s 65/50/pc 100/68/s 64/49/s 87/63/s
92/66/s 94/58/s 94/68/s 97/69/s 91/47/s 89/61/s 65/50/s 103/68/s 66/50/s 94/67/s
Hollywood Los Angeles Modesto Monterey Morro Bay Mount Shasta Napa Oakland Palm Springs Pasadena Pismo Beach Redding
89/65/s 87/69/s 88/58/s 70/54/s 77/60/s 76/43/s 81/49/s 77/55/s 1OO/75/s 87/65/s 80/60/s 89/56/s
94/67/s 92/71/s 93/61/s 75/57/s 82/63/s 81/44/s 88/52/s 83/58/s 104/78/s 92/68/s 85/63/s 96/60/s
Regional Temperatures MINIMUMS and MAXIMUMS recorded during the 24-hourperiod ending at 6p.m. Thursday. Since Last Season Temp Snow Rain July 1 t his Date Sonora 41-72 0.03 0.03 0,00 0.00 Angels Camp 50-77 0 00 0.00 0.02 Big Hill T 0.00 Cedar Ridge 48-69 0,00 0.00 0.35 0.21 Columbia 48-78 0 10 T Q,QQ 0.00 Copperopolis 53-84 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.10 Groveland 54-76 0.00 0.06 0.05 0 QQ Jamestown 48-81 Q,QQ 0.00 T T Murphys 51-75 0.00 0.01 0 00 Phoenix Lake 46-80 Q,QQ 0.00 0.05 0.35 Pin ecrest 38-68 0.00 0.89 0.90 Q,QQ San Andreas 50-78 0 00 0.00 0.00 Sonora Meadows 52-77 0.04 0.21 0,00 0.00 Standard 54-78 0,00 0.00 0.06 Tuolumne 55-74 0.07 0.02 Q,QQ 0.00 Twain Harte 48-74 0,00 0.00 0.27 0.07
N ati O n a l
Stockton Tahoe Tracy Truckee Ukiah Vallejo Woodland Yuba City
92/59/s 88/55/s 80/69/s 74/55/s 88/55/s 72/35/s 88/56/s 75/30/s 84/48/s 79/52/s 88/55/s 86/54/s
98/63/s 94/57/s 83/72/s 80/59/s 94/58/s 77/39/s 95/58/s 80/33/s 93/52/s 86/56/s 94/56/s 92/57/s
Today sat. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Donnells: Capacity (62,655), storage (35,518), outflow (1 35), inflow (N/A) Bee idsletn Capacity (97,800), storage (59,343), outflow (302), inflow (N/A) Tulloch: Capacity (67,000) storage (59,294), outflow (1,217), inflow (998) New Melones: Capacity (2,420,000), storage (279,71 7), outflow (1,091 ), inflow (456) Don Pedm: Capacity (2,030,m), storage (645,473), outflow (1,169), inflow (1,169) McClure: Capacity (1,032,000), storage (90,941 outflow ), (31), inflow (0) Camanche: Capacity (417,120), storage (82,140), outflow (116), inflow (11) Pardee: Capacity (210,000), storage (158,664), outflow (120), inflow (160) Total storage:1,41 1,090 AF
C at h e
68/46/pc 68/47/s 82/63/s 85/61/s 78/58/t 84/65/pc 82/63/pc 97/76/pc 73/44/s 70/53/r 79/66/c 95/73/s 48/37/c 88/76/s
Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Pendleton Philadelphia
73/47/s 73/51/s 78/63/s 87/63/s
68/51/pc 80/53/pc 76/53/t 92/73/pc 80/48/s 72/51/s 71/49/pc 88/69/pc 45/33/c 87/77/s 95/70/s 75/52/pc 50/41/r 71/52/s 96/72/s 84/58/pc 90/66/pc 89/77/t
93/68/pc 85/67/pc 51/43/r 83/55/t 92/71/s 88/69/pc 92/71/pc 87/77/t
World Cities
Today Hi/Lo/W
Sacramento San Diego San Francisco
Today S sat. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 87/60/pc 82/61/s 50/39/c 51/39/pc 85/64/s 86/66/s 84/59/s 84/62/s
BarometerAtmospheric pressure Thursday was 30.02 inches and rising at Twain Harte; and 29.92 inches and steady at CedarRidge. Special thanks to our Weather Watchers:Tuolumne Utilities District, Anne Mendenhall, Kathy Burton, Tom Kimura, Debby Hunter, Grove)andCommunity Services District, David Bolles, Moccasin Power House, David Hobbs, Gerry Niswonger andDonand Patricia Carlson.
Buenos Aires Cairo Calgary
nto 4e
Sunrise today ......................... 6:45 a.m. Sunset today .......................... 7:05 p.m. Moonrise today .................... 11:37 a.m. Moonset today ..................... 10:17 p.m. First
. S
Santa,Ro 55/45
$un and MOOn
Very hot with blazing sunshine
)y 4/4
Extended: Very hot Sunday and Monday with blazing sunshine. High Sunday 97. High Monday 98. Tuesday: partly sunny and warm. High 86. Wednesday: hot with partial sunshine High 93.Thursday: mostly sunny and not as hot. High 83. Friday: sunshine. High 88.
StanislausNational Forest,call K32-3671for forest road information. Yosemite National Parkas of 6 p.m. Thursday: Wawona, BigOakFlat, El Portal, HetchHetchy, Glacier Point andTiogaroadsareopen. MariposaGroveRoadis closed until spring2017. For roadconditions or updates in Yosemite,call372 0200or visit www npsgov/)rose/. Passes asof 6p.m. Thursday: SonoraPass(Highway 108) isopen.TiogaPass(Highway 120)is open.Ebbetts Pass (Highway 4l is open. Goonline to www.uniondemocrat.corn, or call Caltrans at800427-7623 for highwayupdates and current chain restrictions. Carry tire chains, blankets, extra waterandfoodwhen traveling inthe highcountry.
Carson ity . 8/38 IL
Plenty of sunshine
City Acapulco Amsterdam Athens Bangkok Beijing Berlin
® AccuWeather.corn
67/52/pc 69/51/s 89/65/pc 92/73/s 83/66/s 78/58/pc 70/52/s
75/55/t 66/49/c
88/65/pc 90/72/pc 86/67/s 93/63/pc 69/49/r 83/73/t 72/50/pc 86/64/s
88/73/pc 78/54/s 85/67/s
Today sat. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
City Phoenix
100/76/s 83/61/s 74/57/pc 80/48/s 91/65/pc 66/47/pc 65/56/r 86/75/t 95/73/pc 85/65/s
Pittsburgh Portland, OR Reno St. Louis Salt Lake City Seattle
Tucson Washington, DC
103/79/s 85/53/t 78/57/pc 85/5'I/s 74/56/pc 73/51/pc 72/59/pc 88/76/pc 96/73/s 86/66/s
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 ' /seattle 65/56
• Billings 68/46
Mfhhrapollc ~ www 66/49 •
NICE y y a .Detroit 7t)y/66
New York 86/67
w WP 7s/5s
• I
QWaahington sst/es
lDenver '78/44
Kansas> City 88/55 h to
aythtfant~a ~t '
Today Sat. H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/W
Cit y
8 9/78/t 89/ 7 7/ t 6 4/50/sh 6 3/50/pc 90/71/s 88/68/s 8 5/77/r 89 / 78/ t 8 6/60/pc 83/56/pc 6 8/50/pc 6 9/50/pc 6 7/51/pc 6 7 /53/pc 94/79/s 96/78/s 62/41/pc 6 7 /45/ c
Cancu n Dub l i n Ho n g Kong Jeru s ale m Lon d on Mad r i d Mexi c o City Mos cow Paris
Today Hi/Lo/W
60/46/pc 88 /80/s 86/6 7 / s 64/49/sh 76/53/s 73/5 5 /t 73/58/pc 63/51/sh
City Rio de Janeiro Rome Seoul Singapore Sydney Tijuana Tokyo Toronto Vancouver
62/48/pc 88/80/c 86/68/s 64/50/pc 80/52/s 74/54/t
68/50/pc 66/48/pc
Hi/Lo/W 86/68/pc 80/61/pc 80/59/s 89/79/pc
66/56/sh 80/64/pc 76/68/pc 80/64/pc 61/54/r
65/54/sh 84/69/pc 79/67/pc 74/48/r 63/57/r
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Today Hi/Lo/W 91/69/s 82/64/pc 80/60/pc 89/80/c
• El Paso 95/73
Froga Cold
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~QHHigh pressure
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t-Storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries I c e ~ yy y ~ d
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Shown aretoday's noon positions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day.
K ' l 4Co' IK'IK'llew Ega K'l
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TV listings FRIDAY
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Seinfeid Sein fel d Sein f ei d Sein f ei d Movi e : ** "The Longest Yard" (2005, Comedy) AdamSandier, Chris Rock. Movie: * "Mr. Deeds" (2002) AdamSandier. KCRA3 Reports KCRA3 Reports Ac. Hollywood Extra Best Time Ever With NPH Dat e line NBC Joyce Mitchell shares her story. KCRA 3 Team Tonight Show Mike & Molly Mike 8 Molly Family Feud Family Feud Masters-Illusion Whose Line Penn 8 Teller: Fool Us Engagement Hot, Cleveland CW31 News The Insider How I Met H o w I Met Big Bang Big Ban g Mod e rn Family Modern Family Anger Anger KCRA 3 Newsat10 The Office F a m ily Guy PBS NewsHour Ari Auction 2015 - California's Art Auction A r i Auction 15 Art Auction 15 Art Auction 15 POV Marriage of Ushio andNoriko Shinohara. Arc of Light Final Quarter Two/Hali Men FOX 40News Dish Nation TMZ Two/Half Men Gotham The Ogrebreaks Barbaradown. FOX 40 News ABC 10 News Inside Edition Jeopardy! Wh e el Fortune Last-Standing ABC Fall Prev Shark Tank ABC 10 News Jimmy Kimmei (:01) 20/20 Noticias 19 N o ticiero Univ. Iliiuchacha Italiana Viene Amores conTrampa Lo Imperdonable Yo No Creo en los Hombres N o t icias 19 N o t iciero Uni a News Entertainment Elementary Hawaii Five-0aA Make Kaua Blue Bloods "TheArt of War" C B S13 News at10p Late Show-Colberi Law 8 Order: Criminal Intent L a w & Order: Criminal Intent L a w & Order: Criminal Intent L a w 8 Order: Criminal Intent L a w & Order: Criminal Intent L a w & Order: Criminal Intent Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (5:00) KRON 4Evening News The Insider E n t ertainment KRON 4 News at 8 BonesDeath metalband. Bones Heart failure. News Inside Edition KPIX 5 News at 6pm Family Feud Judge Judy E l ementary Hawaii Five-0 'A Make Kauan Blue Bloods "The Art oi War" K P IX 5 News Late-Colberi ABC7 News 6:00PM ABC7 News Jimmy Kimmel Jeopardy! Wh e el Fortune Last-Standing ABC Fall Prev Shark Tank (:01) 20/20 Action News at 6 Jeopardy! Wh e el Fortune Best Time Ever With NPH Dat e line NBC Joyce Mitchell shares her story. News Tonight Show PBS NewsHour Business Rpt. Washington N ewsroom Ch eck, Please! American Iliiasters POV Marriage ol Ushio andNoriko Shinohara. Cha r lie Rose Late with Jayne & Pat Friday Night BeautynbareMineralsu Computer Shop WEN by ChezDean"Body &Hair Care" Beautyproducts. (5:50) Bunk'd (:20) Movie: ** "16 Wishes" (2010, Comedy) Je s s ie Girl Meets I D i dn't Do It Dog With a Blog Droid Tales P enn Zero: Part Jessie Girl Meets (4:15) Get Smart (:45) Movie: * "Coyote Ugly" (2000, Romance-Comedy)Piper Perabo, AdamGarcia. Movie: *** "Erin Brockovich" (2000, Drama) Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart. "SpongeBob SquarePantsw SpongeBob SpongeBob Harvey Beaks PigGoat Ban. FullHouse Full House Full House Full House Friends (:36) Friends Criminal Minds "MagnumOpus" Criminal Minds 'Broken" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds "CarbonCopy" Criminal Minds 'The Gathering" (:01) Criminal Minds Last-Standing Last-Standing Reba Reba Reba Reba Movie: *** "Friday Night Lights" (2004, Drama)Billy BobThornton, Derek Luke,Jay Hernandez. American Greed American Greed "Shipwrecked" American Greed American Greed American Greed Paid Program It's a Cooking CNN Tonight With Don Lemon CNN Republican Debate "Final Round" (10:56) The Sixties (9:56) The Seventies The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reiily Factor The Kelly File Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren SportsNet Cent Giants Pregame MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks atSanFrancisco Giants. FromAT&TPark in SanFrancisco. Giants Post. SportsNet Cent SportsTalk Live (5:00) College Football Florida State at BostonCollege. SportsCenter SportsCenter Sporiscenter Sportscenter Law 8 Order: SVU Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Movie: ** "The Taking ofPelham123" (2009) John Travolta Cold Justice Cold Justice: Sex Crimes Col d Justice Cold Justice: Sex Crimes Bring It! "Saturday Night Fights" Bring It! Bring It! Bring It! "Tick, Tick, Boom!" (:02) Atlanta Plastic (:02) Bring It! "Tick, Tick, Boom!" Bering Sea Gold "Payback" Ber i ng Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold: Dredged Up Bering Sea Gold "TheQuest" (:01) Edgeof Alaska (:02) Bering SeaGold Cops "Arizona" Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Movie: ** "Horrible Bosses" (2011, Comedy)Jason Bateman. Mov i e: * "Identity Thief" (2013, Comedy) Jason Bateman. Avictim ol identity theft lights back. Movie: * "Identity Thief" (5:30) Movie: ** "Burlesque" (2010) Cher, Christina Aguilera. (:15) Movie: *** "Grease" (1978, Musical) JohnTravolta, Olivia Newton-John, StockardCharming. The 700 Club Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens "Alien Messages" Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens The Knights Templar (:03) Ancient Aliens Hold That Ghost (:45) Movie: *** "Buck Privates" (1941) Lost in a Harem (:15) Movie: ** "In the Navy" (1941) BudAbbott, Lou Costello. Mov i e: ** "Rio Rita" (1942) Bud Abbott.
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152454 082515
Friday, September 18, 2015
ColdwellBankerMother Lode
ColdwellBankerTwain Harte Coldwell Banker LakeTuloch
84 N. WashingtonSt., Sonora
23oo3 Joaquin Gully Rd.,TwainHarte 140'Byrnes FerryRd.,Copperopolis
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' »
,Ii!I IiIIIIllll ill 18255 LAMBERT LAKE ROAD $625,000 ELEGANTLIVINGwith an amazingview! Located in the upscale neighborhoodWhisperingWoods, this home is set onover 6acres 8 is sure to impress. It has an open & bright floor plan w/ spacious living rm w/ fireplace, beautiful kitchen, 3bd, 2.5ba+ bonus room offthe garage. Enjoytheview fromthe covered deck! Somanyextras...central vacuum, surround soundinside &out &tons of storage. ¹20151681CBSEG532-7400
18524 8E 18528 WOODHAM CARNE 351 TABLE MOUNTAIN COURT 248 ARBONA S 23824 KIT CARSON DRIVE $499,000 $425,000 $349,000 $309,000 2 HOMES, 5ACRESPristine property fenced SUPERB LAKEVIEWSfrom most rooms in the SONORAKNOLLSExquisite home just lightly DELIGHTFULMOUNTAIN HOME 3bd,3bahome & crossfenced.Main homeis2bd,1ba+den, home. Featuring almost new roof and extension lived in. Main level boasts kitchen w/ granite on cul-de-sac next to the ditch trail. Multiple laundry rm, 600+/- sf, 2nd home is 2bd, 1ba, over balcony, misters for those warmdays, counters & island, formal dining w/ built-in china sleeping areas &family room can also be used laundry rm, 1,000+/- sf. Both single level, ample stucco exterior, 5 ton heat pump with nest wire- cabinet, conventional living room w/ gas fire- as studio apartment with private entrance. parking, vinyl siding, metal roofs, separate less thermostat, slab granite kitchen counters, place. Master suite & bedroom w/ hall ba. Guest Custom windows, skylights, open beam ceilings septic systems & shared well. ¹20151682CBML stainless steel appliances, wine cooler, RVpad room below w/ ~hba &built in deck. Oversized and attached garage with carport. Room for the 586-5200 with sewer-electricity- water and the garage is 2 car garage, fenced backyard & side concrete whole family, so call today! ¹20151688CBTH 586-5200 over 1000 sq ft. ¹152189 CBLT 785-2273 patio w/ views. ¹20151694CBML 532-6993
-%, ~ ~ g ' 4
9565 HIGHWAY 49 21901 FALLVIEW DRIVE $289,000 $229,000 MOVE RIGHT IN to this custom home in like- FIVE UNITS! 2 parcels and1.55 acres off High- PERFECTLYPRIVATE!This 3BR/2BA home is the new condition. Maple hardwood floors, granite way 49 near Rawhide Rdintersection. Main ideal size for either a first-time homebuyer or a counter-tops, double Jenn-Aire oven, large house is a 2 bed, 2bath, with an office. (Two) vacation retreat. The over-sized deck expands living space...relax while enjoying the beautiful granite shower stall and jetted tub, On-demand 1 bedroom, 1 bath houses up front. Duplex hot water, central heat, two-car garage. 3 min- on north end with 1 bedroom, 1 bath units. view. Open floor plan w/updated kitchen includute drive to downtown Twain Harte. ¹20151692 Mormon Creek runs through the back of the ing new appliances, countertops & backsplash. CBSEG 532-7400 twice as big property. Great cap rate and excellent invest- Move in ready. The lot is 0.67AC & ment opportunity! Cash buyers only. ¹20151701 as neighboring parcels. Life just got so much
CBSEG 532-7400
22820 CONFIDENCE $165,000
better! MLS ¹20151700CBSEG532-7400
15428 EL VENADA TRAIL $225,000
LIKE NEW!This beautiful 7-year-old 2BR/2BA KNOTTY PINEBEAUTY! Like knotty pine & the homehasbeen lovingly gone through& upwarmth of a centrally located wood stove?Your dated. Granite countertops, composite deck & mountain cabin awaits and it is even completely 2-car attached garage. Located in Phoenix Lakefurnished! Multiple sleeping rooms including Country Club Estates. Close to golf & tennis a 2 room loft provides plenty of space. Easy plus winter & summerfun at Dodge Ridge, paved access close to LongBarn Lodge, Lyons Pinecrest Lake, Yosemite, etc. Near shopping, Lake, Pinecrest Lake as well as Dodge Ridge for medical services & restaurants. Get ready for skiing, swimming, hiking & fishing. ¹20151678 carefree living. ¹20151693CBSEG532-7400 CBML 532-6993
18375 9TH AVE $124,900
10956 GREEN STREET ¹124 4N01 SEC 29 MT KNIGHT NF 4N01 MT KNIGHT $46,000 $35,000 $35,000 CONFIDENCERIDGEQuaint 2bd, 1ba, 1000sf 2 FOR THEPRICEOF 1 What a bargain, two BEST IN SHOW! Located at the top of the park 10 ACRESIN MT KNIGHT AREA Remote 10 ACRESWITHIN THE STANISLAUS NATIONAL house on a fenced 0.22 ac lot. Great parking homes for the price of one. 4.673acre multi and updated with great style and taste. New property with breathtaking views. If you like FORESTLandhasoneofthemostamazing w/ circular driveway &single car garage. Single zoned property with two manufactured homes counter tops, new flooring, sheetrock, applianc- hunting, hiking, riding atv's, camping or just like sunsets & views. It overlooks a canyonand level house with open floor plan and indoor that need someattention. Great panoramic es, light fixtures, and updated bathrooms. Open to get away, youmaywant to check this out. is close to hunting, hiking andATVtrails. laundry room. ¹20151651CBML 532-6993 views. ¹20151683 CBML532-6993 concept living with kitchen open to both the din- ¹201 51 679 CBTH586-5200 ¹20151705 CBTH586-5200 ing and living rooms. Storageshedand garden in the backyard. Nice park, close to Columbia State Park and manyother activities. Call today! ¹201 51680 CBSEG532-7400
ia, i-,
IIIrtr;~~"'Ill' t
20309 BROOK DRIVE $389,900
AUCTIONPROPERTYOPPORTUNITY! This property will be sold at a simultaneouson-site andon-line auction at12PMon Saturday, 10/3/15. Noreserve! Highest bidder will win! Winning bidder must makea10% non-refundable deposit plus there will be a10% Buyer's premium. Bidders to satisfy themselves as to property condition prior to the auction. Nopre-auction offers will be considered. ¹20151686CBSEG532-7400
' I '
l l
21256 OMAN DRIVE $375,000
' I ~
EXTENSI VELYRENOVATED2080sqfthomeonjustunderand IMPRESSIVEINVESTMENTThis home is in great 2 STORYRANCHSTYLELovely homethat shows acre.Mainlevelfeatures2bdrms,full tub/showerbath. Master condition & located in Willow Springs. It features lots of TLC. Lgfront porch with inviting entry way.2 suite on upperlevel/walk incloset, showerandprivate bala great rm w/ tall ceilings & awonderful kit w/ car garage isset apart by spacious breezeway. M/B cony.openconceptliving/kitchen areaw/island andstainless upgraded appliances &island. The main level has and bath onentry level, plus 1/2bathfor guests. 2 steel appliances.Lowerlevel featuresfamily/kitchenette area 3bd & 2ba &the downstairs has living area, 1bd bedrooms, bath and FR are upstairs. Beautiful deck w/bedroom andful bath/laundryarea.Newroof andheat/air 2 &1ba. Storage, 2 levels of decking & a 2 car gar! & backyard overlooking creekfor family enjoyment. ¹20151544CSML532.6993 603 CBSEG532-7400 ¹20150910CBML532 6993 Key!a car garage. Gayla ¹201 51 Weldon Covey Osterholm 532-6993 484-2919 614-4754
RI '
6283 RICKY RD COPPEROPOLIS $387,000 NICE 3bd, 2ba home inConnor Estates w/ lake views. Large lot w/ low maintenance landscaping. Flooring is carpet & slate. Indoor/ outdoor fireplace! Amenities include tennis courts, boat launch,day useboatdocks8 RV/Boatparking. ¹1 51 658CBLT785-2273
18307 WOODHAM CARNE 10660 OAK CREEK COURT $369,000 $364,900 BEAUTIFULRANCH STYLE HOME Many UpRARE 4CAR SETUP RollingOaksbeauty! w/widdated features in this 3 bdrm, 2 bath, family rm, Wheelchair Accessible. Level home home on1.75 ac lot with gated entrance. Large ened doorways + additions makethis a truly oversized detached garage, newseptic, AC, comfortable home. Office+ hobby room. Easy kitchen and interior upgrades. Very comfortable care landscapingi covered patios. Great for home features large decks and plenty of under entertaining. ¹20151582 CBML532-6993 house storage or workshop Close to Casino and
197 MCCORMICK DRIVE 20508 KINGS COURT $259,900 $239,000 ESCAPETHEORDINARY Perched on Elks hill WILLOW SPRINGSFARM HOUSE Largehome on flat close to lake/park playground/clubhouse. close to downtown Sonora is this 3bd, 2ba bungalow w/lots of personality! It has a modern Open living-dining-kitchen. 4 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, family room+ office. 1 car garage, cool vibe with an open plan, Ig windows with views & sunroom off the living area. Flat back- lots of extra parking & RV parking. Backyard yard is perfect for gardeners & has ahot tub. looks out to the forest for privacy. Easy access ¹20151149 CBSEG532-7400 to Hwy108 at the snowline. Someupgrades too! ¹20150851 CBML 532-6993
many activities. ¹20151229 CBML532-6993
17791 LUCKY STRIKE TRAIL $153,000 ENJOY TALLTREES & MOUNTAIN AIR Single level homewith 3bd, 2ba & 2car garage ona level lot. Spacious deck in back for relaxing and enjoyment. High ceiling family room with - fireplace. Location the Goldmont Forest devel - opment. ¹20151187CBML532-6993
16933 EBROOKSIDE DRIVE $138,900 HEAR THEWATER RUN BY!Enjoy thesounds of the nearby creek &the fresh mountain air. Charming 3 bed 2 bath home. A little TLC will go a long wayhere! Living room with beautiful wood beam ceilings & woodstove. Master Suite with walk-in closet, full bath & private deck. Level entry. ¹20151183CBSEG532-7400
18783 MAIN STREET 16288 STAMP MILL LOOP EAST $89,995 $89,900 EXCELLENTINVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPED ACREAGE! Well, septic, two Adorable cottage in Tuolumnewith all new large capacity storage tanks &electric already upgrades throughout. Walking distance to town installed! Building site already graded. House and the casino. Newwindows, roof, flooring, plans included! Panoramic beautiful views to countertops with huge custom shower. Double enjoy spectacular sunsets! Quartz mountain level lot & fenced yard. Great for rental invest- beauty. ¹20150688 CBML532-6993 ment & tenant would love to stay. ¹20150754 CBTH 586-5200
10760 WIGWAM ¹69 $25,000 ABSOLUTELYAFFORDABLE!Cute and clean3/2 mobile with views of Table Mountain. ALLAGE PARK. Quite and private location at the top of the hill in Twin pines park. Close to shopping schools and hwy. Newerroof, appliances, flooring, etc. Call today! ¹20151516CBSEG532-7400
D2 — Friday, September 18, 2015
Sonora, California
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Plug gers Thanks to
EJ 9/18
Kelly Scheurer Rapid City, South Dakota
201 Rentals/Homes
HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE 101 - Homes 105 - Ranches 110 - Lots/Acreage 115 - Commercial 120- Income Property 125 - Mobile Homes 130 - Mobile Homeson Land 135 - Resort Property 140 - Real Estate Wanted
Write to: Pluffffers P. 0. Box 29347 Henrico, VA 23242
You know you' re a plugger when you spot one ofyour donated shirts on a teenager on hisway to a '70s-themed party. 101 Homes
101 Homes 0
101 Homes
101 Homes
ARNOLD CUTE 1BDR. COTTAGE:1110 Fir St. $105k Bambiland.corn -Or- (209) 785-1491 BEST NAME IN THE BUSINESS! REAL LIVING. SUGAR PINE REALTY 209-533-4242
• I
Larry Brown
Office: 5$$-8$9$
boatingandsummerfun.This immaculate2 stor yhomehasamazingdeckvi ewsfrom each
leVel. 2bd,2bath,aPPrOX. j262 Sq.ft., TWO"2" WOODSCREEKSENIOR
Cargarages+RVParkingOn.31aCrelot. DOn't
Move-I nReady:Manufacturedhome.2bd,
miSSOutonthiSrare lakefrOnt hOme.$750,000 2bath,centralheatIj air+ iglaundryroom.
MANUFACTURED & MOBILES Approxj144sq.ft., 2006.Frontdeck,car port. ONLY $49,900 2bd, 2bath.Approx.1086sq.ft. Room CUTE ANDCOZY additionwithfreestandingwoodstove. 2bd,2bath,j2x56.A/Candcooler,laminate Enclosed front porchdeck&enclosed flooring,deck+sideyardandcarport. 2car carport,detachedlaundry/office/ Reduced $7,900 craft rm.Gazebow/hot tubiII backyard, LAKEVIEW/RAWHIDE PARK
LAND 3bd, 3ba,1440sq. ft.+/-. Familyroom,free GREATHORSE PROPERTY / Stgl)d W00 PENDING S th(0tigh0ut,
centeralh , 2cargarage.$j24,900
8-'R9-988 NDW $99,900
ck 8 detached AVAILABLE.Level, fenced. Was
2bd, 2ba,1074 sq.ft.+, Additionalrmw/ free standinw goodstove,laminatefloors, 2 decks,large247sq.ft. storageshedandlong driveway for extra parking. ONLY$59,900
Building site. Seller finance. SB5-938 NDW $74,900
EERKSHIRE HATHAWAY I California Realty Home Services
Salutes our Law Enforcement Personnel. Thank you for keeping us Twain Harte (Under the Arch) safe. We need
4 r a, 0»
209 586-1107 209 852-2034
Pine Mtn Lake/Groveland 209 678-2036
it ~ttISHIs,
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BHHSCR.corn Scan for llstfngs
Beautiful large home. 3+ garages. 3+ Bdrm., Gourmet kitchen, many amenities. Must see. $2,095/month 209-605-3176
Voted Best Real Estate
Company in Tuolumne County for 8 years!
Pu Pu Residenaial 8 Commercial Property Specialists
$550/mo. Water/sewer incl'd. OH&A. Pets okay. 586-5090 / 768-9060 SONORA 2 BD, 2 BA, Family rm, carport with hobby rm. No smk/pets. $900/mo+dp 728-7514 SONORA 3/2 CUSTOM Ridgewood,1 ac, 2-car $1350/mo+dep. Cr. ck. ka ro etties80
or Ph. (650) 823-5394 STUDIO - 1 ROOM Jamestown $500/mo. Stand alone on acreage Call (209) 984-4268 TUOLUMNE 3/2 HOME Gorgeous Newer Home Madrone St. $990/mo. +$1,500 dep. A/C. No pet/smk! No garage (650) 646-1945 205 Rentals/Apartments DOWNTOWN SONORA 55 & Older. Studio Apt. $525/mo & 1BDR-$575/ month. Call 533-1667 LUXURY 2 BDR 1 BA CH&A, fridge, hkups. View, deck, quiet neighborhood $995 532-5857
COLUMBIA STATE HISTORIC PARK is hiring a Visitor Services Park Aide. Provides town tours & Janitorial duties. $10.45/hr. Apps. at www. ov Send appstoColumbia St. Historic Park-Sector Off., 11255 Jackson St. Columbia, CA 95310 Att: Ranger Vince 588-8905
NEW COMMERCIAL BLDG. Sonora off Hwy. 108. 1000 sf & 2000 sf Bernie (209) 586-6514 250 Rentals Wanted LOOKING FOR ROOM to rent. Male, 59 lives in
Sonora. $400/mo. Call 916-837-9979
CATEGORY 301-330 301 - Employment 305 - Instruction/Lessons Classes 310-Domestic gtChildcate 315 - Looking for Employment 320- BusinessOpportunities 325 - Financing 330- MoneyWanted
ASSESSMENT TECHNICIAN I/II/SR I: $12.86-$15.70/hr. II: $14.21-$17.35/hr. Sr:$1 5.70-$1 9.17/hr.
DISPATCHER - F/T Nights/weekendsmandatory. Heavy phones, computers, customer service exp needed. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY at Vic's Towing, 1230 N Hwy 49. No phone calls please.
THE TUOLUMNE COUNTY Assessor's Office has a vacancy for an Assessment Technician to perform specialized clerical work involved in the
preparation of assessment rolls; to provide professional customer service; and to perform related duties as assigned. Apply online at www.tuolum-
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SEXUAL ASSAULT ADVOCATE 32-hrs/wk. w/benefits. Certification training provided on the job. EOE. Center For A Non Violent Community. For job desc & appl: t~ece-
Closes: 09/23/1 5
tion nonviolentcommu-
nitiorg or 209-588-9305
DRIVERS: CLASS A or B - Seasonal Work Exp w/Water Truck prf'd Excellent Payrate. Call (209) 694-6669 4-8pm.
DRIVERS NEEDED: Previous exp preferred but not req'd. Will train. Must have clean driving record. Apply in person at Vic's Towing, 1230 Hwy.49 w/DMV Report. No Phone Calls!
Engineering/Survey Drafting experience. Submit resume and at least 2 references to:
BELLEVIEW SCHOOL has opening for a skilled maintenance worker P/T 4 hrs/day. Email to: chaakma m belleview.ot
or call 586-5510, apps avail. at office.
Calaveras County Health and Human Services Agency
BRET HARTE UHSD: accepting apps for Bus Driver, 3 hrs/day $16.68-$18.34/hour, DOE. Valid Class B/Passenger Endorsement/Current DMV Phys/CHP Spec. Cert. required. Closing date: Until filled. Apply online: www.bhuhsd-ca.schooll ~oo .corn or call 209-736-8340, email I orovich©bhuhsd.k12. We are an EOE.
Eligibility Worker I Monthly Salary: $2,742 — $3,335 Application deadline for this position: 09/24/1 5 Close of business.
Apply online at O ~ or contact
Visit us on the web:
a, Merit System Services o' at (916) 263-361 4. EOE
I ONO VILLAG PARTMEN T Pool, On-Site Laundry No Application Fee
209-532-6520 monovilla e
TWENTY HAPPY ACRES Angels Camp, 4394 Appaloosa Way, 4.9 miles So. of Hwy 4. Pvd Rd. pwr, phone and spring. Dr. and pad cut in. $95k, $19k dn. Seller finance at 5% APR, 15 yrs, $601/mo. 785-1491 www.bambiland.corn
m a i l.corn
Quail Hollow One Apartments 20230 Grouse Way Sonora, CA 95370
In God We Trust Starting at...
125 Mobile Homes I
Amenities: Clubhouse, pool, weight room. Expanded basic cable included in rent.
JAMESTOWN SENIOR PARK- 2 Bdrm. /2 Ba. $15,990. Discount Realty Group, 532-0668
Turn clutter into cash. Advertise in The Union Democrat Classified Section
Employ ment
BHH Affiliates, LLC.CalBRE¹01916850
Sonora Great space Call:(877)251-4888 HISTORIC BUILDING 24 S. Washington St. Sonora- Can be used for office or retail. 2K sq. ft. Ph. (209) 586-6514
MARK TWAIN APTS. Newly Remodelled 1& 2 bdrms. CURRENTLY FULL! (209) 984-1097
FOR LEASEFormer Bertelli's Pharmacy 5,000 sq ft in heart of downtown
s h oo.corn
The UnionDemocrat C/ass/fed Section.
2015 A member of the franchise system of
Ask your classified representative about ATTENTION GETTERS
COMMERCIAL BUILDING Approx.1200 sq. ft. 14192 Tuolumne Rd., Sonora. 532-3794
you now more Lake Don Pedro (Hacienda) than ever. Sonora Hills (Clubhouse) 209 532-3600
COLDWELL BANKER SEGERSTROM - Your Home is Our Business (209) 532-7400 IN SONORA 2BD 1'/aBA w/office, shop, plus addit'I sleeping area. Recently updated. $239,500 Tuolumne County Realty 532-7464 JAMESTOWN 2/2 Beautifully remodeled home. Huge yard, lots of parking. Open floor plan. $227K Call for info 559-8708 The real estate advertised herein is subject to the State and Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise 'any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin or source of income, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination'. We will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Classified Photos Placed In The Union Democrat In print & online. uniondemocrat.corn
If It's Not Here It May Not Exist!
Sonora (Next to Starbucks) 209 533-7888
201 - Rentals/Homes 205- Rentals/Apartments 210 - Condos/Townhouses 215 - Rooms toRent 220 -Duplexes 225 - Mobile/RV Spaces 230 - Storage 235 - Vacation 240 - RoommateWanted 245 - Commercial 250 - Rentals Wanted
CAMAGE AVE Industrial space up to 21,000 s.f. for lease. Call for info 533-8962
CATEGORY 101-250
~U gA
Call 209-533-1310 QuailHollowl.corn Furnished units avail.
T.U.D. ACCOUNTING SERVICES TECH Performs variety of accountingand admin duties including payroll, accounts payable, billing and other financial functions. Minimum of two years related experience and proficiency in
Excel required. Salary range: $25.25 - $30.70 DOE. Excellent opportunity to work for an outstanding employer. See www.tudwater.corn for detailed job description and application. Apply at main office, 18885 Nugget Blvd., or email app and resume: h ~
d «. Close date: 10/9, 4:00 p.m.
Get paid to clean your garage... sell your stuff In The Union Democrat Classified Section 588-4515
3BR, 2BA, Approx. 1,308sf, New Roof, Windows k Carpet, Central Heat, Covered Front k Back Porches, Fenced Yard. Located close to the casino and also to Basin Creek if you like to fish.
MLSP 20151611. $229,000 Offered byLynn Yturiaga Broker Associate Direct: 209.768.8301 BRE¹01165153
Qnlu ~ Pj waewooo PRoPERTIE5, Iuc.
22910 Twain Harte Dr., Twain Harte, CA 95383 P Phone: 209-586-3258 Fax: 209-586-3312
TWAIN HARTE 2/1 & 1/1
C$$sssessikdscap18rotlea... ©wIN Mlba5eems WWW!SIIGRIIPI~ NERERlTV~IIOM Pe Listing Brochure
22671 T.H. Dr.Alpine
Cottages Wat/garb/sew paid. No dog. $750/mo and $725/mo. 586-0675 215
Today's Newest!
I R ooms toRent JAMESTOWN 1BD/1 BA in 3/2 Duplex; $450/mo. TUOLUMNE 3/2 HOME incl's utilities., avail now. Gorgeous Newer Home Call Mark, 241-1004 Madrone St. $990/mo. +$1,500 dep. A/C. No 225 pet/smk! No garage Mobile/RV Spaces (650) 646-1945
COMMERCIAL BUILDING Approx.1200 sq. ft. 14192 Tuolumne Rd., Sonora. 532-3794
Space in nice wooded area; storage. $375/mo +dep. & util's. 568-7009
Sellit fast with a Union Democrat c/assi fed ad. 588-4515
Storage •
' •
' •
• •
This is ch aarming2bd. &2ba. This Tri level homehas plenty Home designedfor 2familes with Beautiful, usable 5acres with home.Newly paintedaid cleaned of charm with2bd,2ba&2car 4bd 8,3ba. Largeguest quarters on room to build ashop.Thisis a inside.Readyfor yoii tomovein garage. Thecozykitchenhas a one end ofthehouse.Main house large homewith 3bd,2ba. &a aaII aajothe y carefreeyard. The breakfast barandspacefor a has nice openfloor planwith an 3 car garage. Largeformal dining sunny deckareaoverlooksstreet. dining table. Thelowerlever hasa adjoining largefamily room.2car room, family room&kitchen. Just acoupleofblockstodowntown spaciousfamily roomwith beautiful garage with separatecarport and Nice breezeway betweenthe Soaora. Thereis Plenty0Istreet slate and marblefireplace. Ahuge plenty of roomfor parking. Amust home andgarage. Enjoy thequiet parkingor garagefor smallercar. bonus roomwith separateentrance. see toappreciateall theamenities. on thecoveredpatio. f20151502 $224,900 k'20151676 $339,000 f20151353 $259,000 f20141981 $259,900 CallGerreRavicchio Call ElainS etaliIgs Call RonConnickor DaveLint Call AnnBrennan 5334242or484.2227 878.0499or 878.3604 962.7765or 9624848 58642420r985-3242
SONORA .........533-4242 SOULSBYVILLE.....533-0104 (3ROVELAND......962-7765 I SUGARPINE.......586-3242 COULTERVILLE.....878-0499 COPPEROPOLIS....785-5757
QUAIL HOLLOW MINI STORAGE Open 7 days, 8am-6pm Greenley Road to Cabezut across from Quail Hollow Apts., Sonora. 533-2214 235
Vaca tion
VACATION RENTALS Daily/Weekly/Monthly, starting at $75/night 209-533-1310
MAZDA '07 MIATA MX5 SPORT 45k mi,5-spd manual transmission, 1-owner, all service records, garaged F/T, many after market accessories. $9,995! Excellent condition! (209) 536-4009
NISSAN '95 XE V6. 5 speed, new tires, 138k miles. Good condition. $3,800. Call 743-8584 BUYING JUNK, Unwanted or wrecked cars, Cash paid! Free P/U Mike 209-602-4997
4 slides, 6 pt. auto leveling, 4-season rating, dual a/c, double refrigerator, low mileage & great conditionl $58,000. (209) 694-3982
SOUTHWIND '86, 27 FT Motorhome Class
A, Low Ml, clean, new tires/battaries, leveling jacks, roof storage, 2 AC's, sleeps 6 or ranchers use for caretakers housing. $7,500. Call 533-8323.
... features classif'/edadsappearing for thef'Irst timeTO DAY%r 92/,' perline,your 5 EST!sIn additiOntOyOur regular ClaSS ified ad. Call ad Can appearin sTODAY'NEW yOurClaSSiffedRePreSentat iVeat588-4575befOrenOOn,MOndaythruFr iday.
Sonora, California 301 Employment
301 Employment
GENERAL CONST. LABORER / OPERATOR. Exp req'd. Reliable. Fax: 586-2227
301 Employment
Servicemsmr Qean
kev barrconstruction.corn
No cacaoJcol4Naavvo
JANITORIAL JOB P/T LIGHT DUTY www.uniondemocrat.corn available in Sonora. 19 morning hrs. per week at $10/hr. Must be able Get your to pass background business check and prove legal status. Email Marty at: GROWING mart martin sacserwith an ad in vicemaster.corn The Union Democrat's "Call an Expert" JOURNEYMAN Service Directory CARPENTER Own truck/tools. Honest/reliable. $29/hr. Fax to: 586-2227 or email PLACE AN AD ONLINE
EMO(:RAT 209-588-451 5
Sell any item for $250 or less for just $8.00 Call Classifieds At 588-4515 IF YOU ENJOY HELPING SENIORS, contact SENIORITY LIFECARE about being paid as a CAREGIVER. Not just a job; a perfect career for a compassionate, dedicated team player. We provide support, training and benefits! P/T and Flex. Please see our website, www.seniori lifecare.corn
or visit us on Facebook! (209) 532-4500
kev barrconsrrucrion.corn
JOURNEYMAN/ ROOFER: Must have tools/ truck & neat, professional appearance! Call Matt, 586-3855 LIVE INHOMECARE provider wanted for elderly couple in Angels Camp. Monthly pay. Req's background check. (209) 256-0484 MURPHYS SUITES is now hiring for: • Maintenance Worker; • Housekeeping. Apply in person at 134 Hwy 4 in Murphys! ORGANIST NEEDED for Sunday morning services at Sonora United Methodist church. Please contact Russ Frazier at 'o ce meows
or 533-4291
INSTALLER/ TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE. Sonora based low voltage contractor has F/T position available. Must have low voltage wiring exp. Clean DMV and background check req. Send resume to PO Box 596, Soulsbyville 95372.
PRICECO FOODS IN SONORA is hiring for: Commercial backup baker. F/T temporary then P/T. Duties include; baking bread, cakes, muffins, pastries etc. Must have exper. Fax resume to 532-4399 or bring to store.
Open Houses
Open Houses
I I'
I •
' EI '
Friday, September 18, 2015 — D3
I 4
' l l '
Beautiful 5299 sq. ft. home in Apple Yalley Estates. 4 bd, 3.5 baths, .76 acre, master bedrOOm on main leVel. ifostedIJI/: Catdy Itioss, GRI ¹01222469 Realty World Wilson 18125 IItaiu Street, Jamestown, CA95527
~ii . lae -= REALTY-,
(209) 745.6710
301 Employment
PRICECO FOODS IN SONORA is hiring for: P/T cake decorator. Decorate cakes, pies, specialty birthday cakes. Must have exper. Fax resume: 532-4399 or bring to store.
301 Employment
UD BOX REPLIES for accurate delivery, accepting applications proper addressing for the following: is as follows: On-Call Substitutes for UD BOX¹ Campus Supervisors, c/o The Union Democrat 84 S. Washington St. Clerical, Bus Driver, Custodian, Maintenance Sonora, CA 95370 and Operations Worker. Salaries start at $15.40 WATCH RESOURCES / hr. No deadline-ongocurrently has full-time & ing pools. COACHING: part-time entry level job JV Softball Coach for opportunities available. ference in a 15/16. Stipend: $3,033. "Make adif Open until filled. EOE person's life" come All apps 8 info avail at work for WATCH. See www.sonorahs.k1, our website for details at and at the District Off., www.watchresources.or 100 School St., Sonora. or ph. 209-533-0510 x1 05 SONORA UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT is
Senior Behavioral Health Worker $18.42 - $22.49/hr To assist in clinical treatment programs and casemgmt. of
Got The Fishing Bug But No Boat? Check Out The Union Democrat Classified Section 588-4515
BS degree in psychology, social work, counseling, or related field and 2 yrs exp. working with
RETAIL ASSISTANT/CASHIER -Permanent, P/T, 24-30 hrs/week; must work wkends: Fri-Mon; POS /retail experience req'd; Visitor Center inside St. Park, Arnold. Send resume to: CBTA©bi trees. or
301 Employment
individuals with emotional, mental and/or substance abuse problems req. Apply online at www.tuolumnec~ount .ca. ov. Position Closes 9/30/1 5
SADDLE CREEK GOLF RESORT IS NOW HIRING: Outside Service/Cart Attendant: F/T & P/T Positions available. Looking for customer service oriented personnel. No prior golf exp. required, but preferred. Strong customer service skills, a must. Apps. are avail. and should be submitted to the reservations desk. For further info. please contact the golf shop at 209-785-3700. Email Resumes to:
SONORA & CALAVERAS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Call (209) 532-1176 sonoraemployment.corn
A NOTICE California State Law requires licensed contractors to have their license number in all advertisements. CAREGIVER AVAILABLE
20 years of experience w/Alzheimer, dementia & sundowners. 822-5997
KRISTIN'SCOMPLETE CLEANING. 28 yrs exp! Residential ref's avail. Please call 770-3912.
Can Move A House. The Union Democrat Classified Section 588-45't5
Walkways, patios, retaining walls, fences, steps. No lic. Mario 591-3937
Sellit fast with a Union Democrat classi fied ad. 588-4515
Quick Cash
Package • Advertise any item under $250 for only $8!
9.IVI S|'IIS • 4 lines for 5 days,
price must appear in ad. (Private Party Customers Only)
Call Classified Advertising, 209-588-4515
Open Houses
This Newspaper
315 Looking For Employment
Looking For Employment
SCHOOL is accepting apps for a Food Service/Cafe Helper Substitute Pool. Salary range: $15.20 per hour. Assists in the serving and preparation of food; Valid apps avail. at Summerville High School. 17555 Sell your Car, Truck, RV Tuolumne Road, or boat for $1.00 per day! Tuolumne. Deadline: 9/21/1 5 at 4 p.m. NO 4-lines/20 days. PHONE CALLS If it doesn't sell, call us PLEASE. and we will run your ad for another 20 days at no charge. 102
315 Looking For Employment
Open Houses
Open Houses I
Open H ouses
Sunday, Sept. 20
Saturday, Sept. 19
11:Ooam - 2:Oopm
10:Ooam - 1:Oopm
17190 Hillsdale Drive, Sonora CA
18575 Madrone Street, Tuolumne, CA 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms 1625 Sq Ft
tbrown castlecooke.corn
WEATHER WATCHERS NEEDED The Union Democrat has a dedicated team of volunteer weather watchers who keep track of high-low temperatures and precipitation. They call the newspaper with fresh numbers early every morning for that day's weather page, on the back of the sports section. The only pay is an annual gathering - sometimes a picnic hosted by the newspaper, sometimes dinner at an area restaurant - where they are honored and thanked. Necessary equipment, which the volunteers must provide themselves, are a thermometer that records the high and low temperatures of the day and a rain gauge. They must also submit snow depths and melt snow, when they get it, to include its water content with their precipitation. Volunteers are needed right now in, Tuolumne, Pinecrest and San Andreas. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer may callPam Orebaugh 588-4546 or e-mail orebau h@uniondemocrat.corn
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms It'c 2 Car Garage 1804 Sq Ft. Single level ranch style home on I level acre in East Sonora! Three bedroom 2 bath home with family room and 2 car
garage plus large detached shop! Plenty of room to entertain in the backyard. Serene and private setting. $285,000
CEDAR RIDGE MULTIPLE OPEN HOUSE AFTERNOON Saturday, Sept. 19th 2:00pm-4:00pm
22910 Twain Harte Dr., Twain Harte, CA 95383
Ph: 209-586-3258• Fax: 209-586-3312 www.century21witdwood.corn
102 Open Houses
Hosred by MarizaCortez, Rerdtor Listed by
Hosted by Mariza Cortes Realtor Listed by LaurelSherburne,BrokerAssociate
Charming cottage style home on large usable lot with concrete back patio, site built shop & large flatparking pad. The large country kitchen w/wood floors, room for large table, built in cabinets & easy access to the large laundry room/offtce &, half b ath. Covered front porch & cozy living room w/freestanding stove. Large Bdrms, & 2 have built in cabinets. There is a walk-in basement with cement floor, shelving &, room for all your storage needs. MLS ¹20151725, $195v000
102 Open Houses
102 Open Houses
LaurelSherburJJe,Broker Assocfrrte
22910 Twain Harte Dr., Twain Harte, CA 95383
Ph: 209-586-3258• Fax: 209-586-3312 www.century21wtldwood.corn
102 Open Houses
102 Open Houses
CEDAR RIDGE MULTIPLE OPEN HOUSE AFTERNOON Saturday, Sept. 19th 2:00pm-4:00pm
Refreshments Served & Raffle!
Refreshments Served R RaSe!
238610xbow Lane South, Senora, CA 95370
24147 Oxbow Lane North, Senora, CA 95370 v •1•c 'JTILI
23770 Stagecoach, Sonora, CA 95370 This beautiful 1755 sf home is located on a cul-de-sac with a level driveway and oversized 2 car garage, 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 baths, and a bonus room! The kitchen has been updated with granite countertops,professional Viking gas stove, and a deck off the dining area for entertaining. You will really appreciate the updated master bedroom and bath that this home has to offer.
MLSJJ20151385. $309,500
• Approx. 1,176sf • 2BR, 2BA • Fully Furnished
• Scenic Mtn Views • 2 Decks
24321 Oxbow Lane North, Sonora, CA 95370 • 3BR, 3BA and over 2,500 sq It • Open Floor Plan tk Updated Kitchen • Main Level Master & Large Bonus Room • Fenced Back Yard with Patio • MLS¹20151453
Hosted by Laura Jennings, Broker Associate Cell: 209-591-3444
Hosted by Kylie Krrutti Cell: 209-588-3692 BRE ¹01966262
R5AlNqw Listed Byr Jan Dyer 207 S. Washington St. Sonora, CA 95370 Cell: 209-988-9075 BRE¹ 01748627
• 3BR, 2BA• Approx. 1,932sf • Completely Updated • Granite Counters 8E Stainless Appliances • Upstairs Office 8r Downstairs Shop with plenty of room for projects MLS¹20150833 $339,900 Hostert by Mariza Correz, Realtor Listed by Sally Dunn, Broker Associate
Hosted by Betsy Hurst-Younger, Realtor~
Cell: 209.604.2609
l' 22910 Twain Harte Dr., Twain Harte, CA 95383 w p„ Ph: 209-586-3258 •FK: 209-586-3312 www.century21wfldwood.corn
BR E ¹01229794
22910 Twain Harte Dr., Twain Harte, CA 95383
QNtlup~ ~
Ph: 209-586-3258• Fax: 209-586-3312 www.century21wtldwood.corn
22910 Twain Harte Dr.,
Twain Harte, CA 95383 Ph: 209-586-3258• Fax: 209-586-3312 www.century21wfldwoock cor n
Business Of The Week M OOR E R O O M
Thanks for voting us Best Alarm Company 7 years in a row! 532-9662 ACO¹3058
Boat Covers SEASPRAY AWNINGS & BOAT COVERS Custom awnings bimini tops & upholstery 533-4315 Lic¹981187
Call: 209-984-3462 • Or visit us online: www.mooreroom.corn
HIGH SIERRA HARDWOODS Refinish/ Prefinish/ Showroom. 588-2779 14741 Mono. ¹887275
Winters Cleaning Svcs Debris & Yard Nlork! Fully Insured. (209) 532-5700
CLARK & SON Ret'd Contractor-Small job specialist-done right
House Cleaning
KATHY'S CLEANING SERVICE-Residential & Comm'I. [Bonded/Ins'd] 209.928.5645
ANDERSON'S PLUMBING & DRAIN Quality plumbing, sewer drain cleaning. Modular specialist. 20 yrs. exp. Lic.¹ 739224 536-9557
D. P. TILE & STONE Kitchens/Bathrooms Floors/Fireplace/Patio 35 yrs exp! Free Est's.
Well Drilling
MOOREROOM.COM Quality Steel Sheds, Garages & RVports On Site Bid 984-3462
TANKO BROS., INC. Wells & Pumps 532-7797 Lic. ¹395633
GENERAL BUILDING Excavation/Grading Asphalt/Concrete Simunaci Construction Lic. ¹619757 532-8718
Contractors SONORA CONSTRUCTION Remodels, additions & decks. 533-0185 Sam 23 t
Small jobs O.K. No lic., 768-6315
Computers & Service
COMPUTER SICK? CALL Me! House Calls, PC Set Up, Repair, Networking, & more. Mark 962-5629
Decks. Concrete Windows Jim Brosnan Const. 694-8508 Lic.¹B493742
AA Brush Burning, Hauling, Weedeating, Pine Needles [no lic.] 770-1403 or 586-9635
Tom Martin
'I 9266 Rawhide Rd.,Jamestown, CA 95327
ib Alarm Systems
Sadly, we lost our friend and manager,MikeAllott, after he underwent a lengthy operation at Standord.Everyonethat knew Mike hasbeenmissing him. Tocontinue on, we're pleasedto introduce"TomMartin", an ex-Marine andlongtimeemployee,asournew Foreman/Manager.Tom hasexperiencein bidding andconstructing all of ourquality portableandpermanent structures. Includingsheds,carports, RVcovers andevenbarns&garages. Plusoccasional customworksuchasannexrooms.Afterchecking ourMooreRoom.corn website... Tom or Kelly areavailable to answerall questions, orstop byour oIce atRawhideandFrenchFlatRoadsnearJamestownwherewehavephotosand samples of our manyaccomplishments overthe past 20+ years.
CHRIS MACDONALD PAINTING Resident or Commercial Interior or Exterior Lic. ¹735177 532-9677
1St time! 288-9019[no Iic]
Yard Maintenance
THUMBS UP Would love to come & help you w/your yard. We offer basic yard care & more! City Lic., bonded, insured.[no lic] Free est. 536-1660
A Family tradition since 1923. Granite/Tile/ Marble. Lic. ¹421264 Free est. Call 754-9003
Ph. 770-1317 L¹950549
SCOTTY'S YARD SERVICE All Tree Trimmingo Leaf rakingo Gutter cleaning Bonded 768-8383[no lic.]
Sellit fast witha Union Democratclassif/ed ad. 588%515
NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor's status at or 800-321-CSLB
(2752).Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.
D4 — Friday, September 18, 2015 320
M R C~
Business Opportunity
"Quick Cash" $8.00 Ad Package
501- Lost 502 - Found 515 - HomeFurnishings 520 - HomeAppliances 525 - Home Electronics 530-Sports/Recreation 535 - Musical Instruments 540 - Crafts 545 - FoodProducts 550 - Antiques/Collectibles 555 - Firewood/Heating 560 - OfficeProducts 565 - Tools/Machinery 570 - Building Materials 575 - Auctions 580 - Miscellaneous 585 - MiscellaneousWanted 590 - GarageSales 595- Commercial
by becoming an Independent Contractor for The Union Democrat delivering newspapers to subscribers' homes and businesses. Routes only take a couple of hours in the early morning, Tuesday through Saturday. Must be 18 years of age with reliable transportation, proof of insurance and have a current CA drivers license. Fill out a Carrier Interest form at our Distribution Center 14989 Carnage Ave.,
Items total less than $250 4 Lines for 5 Days, Private Party Only, Price must be in the ad. Call 588-4515 or submit your
ad online at union democrat.corn TWIN DAYBED wrought iron look. Good condition. $75. Call 209-984-21 52
Home Appliances
FARM ANTItgALS and PETS 601 - Household Pets 605 - PetSupply/Services
BATHROOM VANITY 48" top faucet - lighted
mirror; Oak. Exc. cond. $150. OBO 533-8637
610 - PetsWanted 615 - Livestock 620 - Feed/Tack 625 - Boarding and Care 630 - Training/Lessons 635 - Pasture 640-Farm Equipment
Sonora, CA 95370.
Now you can include a picture to your ad! Call 588-4515
NEW KENMORE GAS dryer $200. Braided rug $45. Call 694-8517 for more info. REFRIGERATORS All New 50% off! One year warranty. Direct Outlet, 238-3000 directappliance.corn
502 Found
NOTICES 401 - Announcements 405 - Personals 410 - Lien Sales 415 - Community
Sell Your Item Through The Union Democrat CLASSIFIED ADS
CATEGORY 401-415
515 Home Furnishings
CATEGORY 501-640
FOUND CAT SONORA Female shorthair tabby, no collar. Please call to identify. 209- 206-3252 515 Home Furnishings ENTERTAINMENT UNIT approx. 6 x 5. Fits 27 x 12 T.V. Very heavy. 532-9102
Collectors know... the best finds are in the classlf leds.
HEUSER'S FURNITURE Mattress & Design Center. Best selection & service. Call 536-9834 I-COMFORT MATTRESS SETS, adjustable beds & more. Call 588-8080 www.sonorasleepworks.corn
MAPLE 1945 DRESSER w/swivel mirror. Good
Condition. $99 OBO Call 588-3392 EBtat'B SILIB. AausUB fllM1tllPB,
kitchen appliances and accessories. Everything must go!
588-4515 THE UMO~ DEMO(:RAT
Writea best seller... Place an ad in The Union Democrat Classified Section 588-4515
301 Employment
530 Sports/Recreation HILL BILLY GOLF CART, needs battery. Almost new, $145. Call Don at 586-5067 It is illegal under California law to transfer ownership of a firearm except through a licensed firearms dealer. 540 Crafts
0 e Do you have a collection, hobby, or unusual skill you would be willing to share with readers of The Union Democrat? Do you know someone who does? If you live in our circulation area, we want to hear from you. Please call (209) 588-4535 or email features O uniondemocrat.corn
301 Employment
301 Employment
Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians have the following exciting
job opportunities available.
Sonora, California
::-nvA ave
aSecurity Officer F/T Intermittent/on call for Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal Council. Must possess H.S. Diploma or GED, and Valid CA D.L. Ability to read and interpret documents Ability to write routine reports and correspondence Be able to speak effectively Good math skills, ability to add, multiply and divide Ability to pass physical agility test, Must undergo pre-employment and annual physical exam Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test. aSecurity Officer F/T TEMPORARY Intermittent/on call for Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal Council. Must possess H.S. Diploma or GED, and Valid CA D.L. Ability to read and interpret documents Ability to write routine reports and correspondence Be able to speak effectively Good math skills, ability to add, multiply and divide Ability to pass physical agility test, Must undergo pre-employment and annual physical exam Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test. sTANF Transporter F/T Transport eligible passengers to approved destination Coordinate & schedule transportation Maintain vehicle PossessesHigh school diploma or GED Possess First Aid and CPR Certification Possess a valid Driver's License Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test. Must be able to work flexible hours, including evenings and occasional weekends.
•Wellness Coordinator F/T This position develops, plans, implements, and evaluates family and youth wellness programs and services. Plans and implements projects; develops and establishes deadlines, goals, objectives, workflows and operational procedures Coordinates formal referral programs Oversees daily supervision of activities. Bachelor's Degree in Native American Studies, Education, Sociology, Recreation, Physical Education 3 years' experience in prevention and/or wellness program Knowledge of Tribal TANF Ability to communicate effectively Possess a valid Driver's License Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test. Must be able to work flexible hours, including evenings and occasional weekends. TANF Administrative Assistant F/T Provide clerical and administrative support to the TANF Department Maintain and update general files Provide general information to all clients of the TANF Department Ability to communicate effectively Possess a valid Driver's License Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test. Must be able to work flexible hours, including evenings and occasional weekends. sTANF Family Advocate F/T This position provides self-sufficiency services for the Tribal TANF Program, Performs initial and ongoing eligibility of applicants for Tribal TANF program Provides advisory and advocacy services to support the academic, personal and social development of assigned clients. Bachelor's Degree preferred in Social Work or three years' experience in Human Services case management Knowledge of TANF regulations Possess a valid Driver's License Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test. Must be able to work flexible hours, including evenings and occasional weekends.
Security Dispatcher Intermittent/on call for Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal Council Must possess H.S. Diploma or GED, and Valid CA D.L. Ability to read and interpret documents, such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manual Ability to write routine reports and correspondence. Ability to speak effectively Proficient computer skills Must pass a background, fingerprinting, and drug test.
550 Antiques/Collectibles
PLATES with hangers. (8) all for $49.00. Call
Call 694-8517 555 Firewood/Heating
ALMOND SEASONED 2-yrs. 16-18" dilevered Wood Stove Quality 852-9170 - ZWART'S
SAL'S •ALMOND FIREWOOD 0 Dry, 16", $280/cord. 386-3684 -or- 358-3697 565 Tools/Machinery
Add A Picture!
Reach thousands of readers!! Call 209-588-4515 Classified Advertising
INTERNATIONAL '73 BOOM TRUCK, gas engine. Good Shape. $5,500 firm. 533-4716
it works! Call 588-4515 for more info
NISSAN '95 XE V6. 5 speed, new tires, 138k
815 - Camper Shells 820 - Utility Trailers 825 - Leasing/Rentals 830 - Heavy Equipment 835 - Parts/Accessories 840 - Airplanes
590 Garage Sales
590 Garage Sales
JAMESTOWN 10626 River Oak Ct. Sat. 9/1 9 Only.sam-3pm BBQ, yard tools, scrap CHEVY '06 EQUINOX booking, kid's toys and AWD, Clean! 146k mi, lots of miscellaneous! metallic gray, A/C & CD. JAMESTOWN $6975. Ph. 728-1369 11047 McKibbon Dr. Sat. Only! 9/19, 8-3pm. Collectibles, Restaurant Equipmentand much CONSIGNMENTS WANTED! Looking for a more Misc. items!! professional to sell your SONORA car at no charge? 19090 Sunny Circle, Fri. WE ALSO BUY CARS! 9/18 & Sat. 9/19. 7amCall us today! 533-8777 4pm. LARGE Yard Sale! Good quality items: HONDA '95 DEL SOL 580 furniture, Contractor 128K mi, great Miscellaneous AntiqueNintage condition, $5000 OBO, Tools, and So MUCH MORE! local Call: 928-830-9728 BABY SWING SONORA Good condition. 341 Southgate, Sat. Only $20.00 9/19 8-4pm & Sun. 9/20, Call 209-984-2152 8-2 (behind fairgrounds) BEAUTIFUL LIGHTED Old royal typewriter, tap fall maple tree, 5 ft. shoes, antique dolls, Orange, yellow leaves & older furn, bunk bed, lights. $75. 586-2650 MAZDA '07 MIATA patio furn, gardening MX5 SPORT tools, collectibles, bks, 45k mi,5-spd manual clothes+Odds & Ends! transmission, Classified Ads 1-owner, all service Work For You! records, garaged F/T, many after market 588-4515 For merchandise accessories. $9,995! under $100 Call Excellent condition! SONORA The Union (209) 536-4009 ESTATE SALE! Democrat Classified 20479 Bay Meadows Advertising Dept. SUBARU '11 FORESTER Dr. Sunday 9/20 9-4. at 588-4515 2.5x Premium Sport Everything Goes, price Utility; It. blue. Loaded! to sale. One of a kind It's as simple New tires. 49K miles. items. Furniture., artas that! $17,500. obo 586-6156 work & books. Cd's, lamps, kitchenware and (price of item must appear in the ad, one much more! item, one ad at a time SONORA per customer) Mother Lode Mobile Estates off Mono Way 14192 Tuolumne Rd.
TUOLUMNE 20210 Quarter Mile Rd. Fri, Sat & Sun. 8-4. Clothes, misc. kitchenware, misc. electronics, waterbeds + MORE!
TWAIN HARTE Sierra Pines DrNalley Dr. Sat-Sun, 7am-3pm. Household/kitchen/bath items, decor, tools & camping/sports items. 595 Commercial GarageNard Sales FLEA MARKET, Craft Fair & Garage Sale at Black Creek Pk, Copperopolis Sat. 9/1 9, 9am-3pm. Ph.743-9398
THE UNIN O DEMOCRA T Runs good, recent work done. $4,800 OBO. Call
GOLDMINE STORAGE 18600 Eagle Ridge Dr. Fri.- Sun., 8-4 840-8067 HORNITOS 29TH ANNUAL FLEA MARKET... in Historic Hornitos. Sun., Oct. 4th, 7am. Vendors Welcome! Call (209) 376-2320
Need to sell a car? Sell it in the classifieds 588-4515
CHEVY '00 SUBURBAN -Loaded! Leather int., drives exc. $5,500 OBO 890-3291 SUBARU '00 LEGACY AWD wagon, 199k mi, Exc maintenance.Some
Find them in The Union Democrat Classifieds 209-588-4515
All garage sale ads require prepayment. (Private Party Advertisers Only) Call Classified Advertising 209-588-4515
575 Auctions •
s •
f OX!bid
Join SeniorCare Property Solutions on Saturday,October 3rd at12noon for an ExceptionalHome Property Auction at 21883 Fallview Drive, Sonora, California. This Outstanding Home Auction Offers: • 2 Bedrooms i 2 Baths 12-Story Home • Firepla ce/Basement/Wooded Lot • Knotty Pine Vaulted Ceiling • 2002 Chevy Tahoe
Paid for Coins, Tokens, Paper Money & Misc... 4
Simultaneous Online Bidding:
601 Household Pets
e 0-o
-0 .
• II 0
. .
EXOTIC BIRD ANIMAL EXPO Sept. 26, 9-4:00 Sonora Fairgrounds. Adults $2. Children FREE Animals, feed, cages, toys, etc... ! Call: 533-3496
Bids for the real estate may be made live, in person, atthe auctionsite Saturday,Oct.3rd, at10 am. Bids may also be submitted online at www.Proxibidcom. All bids will be kept live and updated online. Bidding will conclude when no additional live or online bids are made at live auction. For online bidding information, terms & conditions visit Proxibid.corn and click "online bidding". TERMSn CONDITIONS: 10'Yo DOWN DAY OF AUCTION
non-refundable)with balance due on or before Nov. 23rd, 2015. II 2015 RealEstate Taxesshall be prorated between the Buyer and Seller through the date of closing. 10%%d BUYER5 ' pREMIUM will be added to the final bid in order to determine the overall contract sales prtee on real esmte. Possession uponCOE. Bidders shall satisfy themselves as to condition, quality and description of property before bidding. All information and descriptions are
„.:,=.2QQ2.Chejj-'f '
believed to be correct, however, no warranties are given for accuracy. Propertysold "as-is-w here-is"w ithoutw arranties expressed orim plied.Announcementsmade thedayofAuction shall take precedence overany advertisements.NOTE: This home was built prior to 1978. If may contain lead based paint. The winning Bidder will be required to sign a waiver of lead basedpaintinspection atthe signing ofthepurchasecontract and property seller's disclosure. Personal Property Conditions: Cash,Visa,M asterCard,DiscoverorGood Check day ofsale.
For more information visit:
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LABRADOODLE Puppies. Males $500, Females $700. Call 209-840-8249
Miscellaneous Wanted
Go to: www.mewuk.corn
All permanent positions offer benefits that include health, dental, vision, personal holiday and 401 k match
For application and job description or call (209) 928-5302 for questions.
SOnora, CalifOrnia
STORE STUFFED! You Name It WE' VE GOT IT! MLCS Thrift Store Too 14705 Mono Way, MonSat. 10-5pm 536-9385
Near/ to sell a car? Sellit in the Classif/eds 588%515
575 Auctions
21883 Fallview Drive
Oh No! Fluffy Or Rover Missing? Be sure to check The Lost section in our classifieds. 588-4515
984-4000 OR 743-3000
TUOLUMNE Memorial Antique FairOctober 24/25, 2015 Vendor info. 743-5302
Only $18.00
575 Auctions
Aucti o n s 4
Find your Future Home m The Union Democrat Classifieds
..6 LINES/3 DAYS+ PACKAGE(privatepart)/only). = 518.00. Everythingyo eedtomakeyourGarage/Yard5aleasuccess!Packageincludesspecialsigns,helpful ints and even price stidfers! Placeyour Garage/YardSalead by Tuesdayat t2 noon. Packages mustbepickedup atTheUnionDemocrat.
T rucks FORD '06 F350 EXT. CAB less/65K miles, diesel. 5th wheel tow pkg. $9k Call 596-6629
PRIDE SCOOTER 3 wheel, older model. Needs new battery. Free. 586-3467 SPECIAL THANKS TO: Emergency Personnel- I Our Hometown Hero' s! Community Thrift Shop 797 W. Stockton Road Mon-Sat 10-5. 532-5280 STORAGE SHED-NEW ln crates. 10' x 12' by Sears. Originally $400ask $250. Ph. 532-1064
SONORA Colossal Estate Sale! Thursday-Saturday 9-5 Sunday 9-3. 22009 Thunderbolt Dr. Loaded with tools, fishing, hunting, camping items. 40 ft. storage container. (2) 25 ft storage containers. (5) Snow mobiles. Boat. Small hot tub. Tool boxes, furn., glassware, hunting clothes. 3 containers, 2 sheds, 2 garages, and house loaded. Lots of firewood.
Gara e Sale Packa e:
Fri 9/18, Sat 9/1 9, Sun 9/20 9am-4pm. Tools, exercise equip., Furn, collectibles, antiques, household items, clothes! No Early birds!
sam-3pm Lots of Treasures - Don't Miss Out!
• Ad included in The Union Democrat Garage Sale Section & Online • 6linesfor1,2, or3days • Includes 2 free signs& pricing stickers
SOULSBYVILLE Moving/Estate Sale. 20212 Soulsbyville Rd. Fri/Sat/Sun 7:30 -3:30 cosmeticdamage. Runs Antiques, collectibles, great! Set studded snow Nascar, Charles Bragg tires incl'd. $2300. OBO and other fine art. W/D, (209) 533-1456 Refrig, comic books, TOYOTA 4x4 WANTED glass coffee table, end '00-'04 Tundra. Good or table and lamp. Couch/love seat and better conditionl more. Ph. Bob, 532-5822
JAMESTOWN ANNUAL BARN SALE 10-15 Families Rawhide MHP at 8400 Old Melones Dam Rd. (Rawhide to Shell to Melones;Follow Signs) Fri & Sat. 9/18 & 9/19
Garage Sale Here!
705 4-Wheel Drive
595 Commercial Garage/Yard Sales
Advertise Your
miles. Good condition. $3,800. Call 743-8584
810 - Boats
CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW 10'. Complete with extensions. $150. Call 588-8712 or 743-4673 HEAVY VISE- CHASE PACKER CO. Very Large! $100. Call (209) 532-1064 MOVING MUST SALE! Woodmaster 12" Planer/Moulder/Sander; 6x47 Jointer; Spindle sander; Wood Lathe; Scroll saw; Brinkman temp. controlled smoker; new Jet 10" cabinet saw. 532-9170
Pick up behind The Union Democrat Production Facility, 14989 Carnage Ave., Sonora.
Advertise Your Car!
Classified ad prices are dropping! II! CHECK IT OUT
801 - Motorcycles 805 - RV's/Travel Trailers
Check our classified section588-4515
Sell your car or truck faster with a photo.
RECREATIONAL Looking For A New Family Pet For Your Home?
Dump bed, landscapers truck. $6,500 Firm. Call
701 - Automobiles 705 - 4 Wheel Drive 710 - Trucks 715 - Vane 720 - SUV's 725 - Antiques/Classics 730 - Misc. Auto 735 - Autos Wanted
original. Only $49.00
FORD '95 3/4 TON
CATEGORY 701-840
694-8517 SHIRLEY TEMPLE DOLL 1960's. All
Deby Stagliano BRE¹ 0181159 5
SEGERSTROM +uomwmhinp nisse>u s
209 352 2016 s
M urray McCandless I270 872 7507 Auctioneer I Steve Henry ! 270-392-5325
a g ag
Sonora, CalifOrnia
~ ' rQC.OR)tNftftlvr@ FICTITIOUS Ww/ /r / ~ y p BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TUOLUMNE COUNTY CLERK I 2 S. GREEN ST. SONORA, CA 95370 (209) 533-5573 I FILE NO. 2015000300 Date: 08/1 8/2015 01:37P DEBORAH BAUTISTA, CLERK & AUDITORCONTROLLER The following Person(s) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name (s): iSTOKER Street address of principal place of business: 19169 King Arthurs Ct. Twain Harte, CA 95383 Name of Registrant: Stokes, Brian 19169 King Arthurs Ct. Twain Harte, CA 95383 The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: not applicable This Business is conducted by: 9.I8 ls an individual. ~ etttusrv ass ~ Fadebook.dttm/Rixat"roComidf I declare that all information in this 725 805 PUBLIC NOTICE statement is true and Antiques/Classics RVs/Travel Trailers correct. (A registrant FICTITIOUS BUSIwho declares as true SOUTHWIND '86, NESS NAME STATEany material matter 27 FT Motorhome Class MENT pursuant to Section A, Low Ml, clean, new TUOLUMNE COUNTY 17913 of the Business tires/battaries, leveling CLERK and Professions Code jacks, roof storage, 2 2 S. GREEN ST. SOthat the registrant AC's, sleeps 6 or NORA, CA 95370 knows to be false is FORD '28 MODEL A ranchers use for care(209) 533-5573 guilty of a misdemeanor Roadster pickup body & takers housing. $7,500. FILE NO. 2015000314 punishable by a fine not bed. Parts to finish incl. Call 533-8323. Date: 9/1/2015 03:08P to exceed one thousand $4,500. obo! 984-5797 Refile of previous file dollars ($1,000).) 810 ¹2009000096 s/ Brian Stokes DEBORAH BAUTISTA, NOTICE: This Boats CLERK & AUDITORstatement expires five BASS TRACKER '99 CONTROLLER years from the date it Boat. Very good cond. + The following Person(s) was filed in the office of Xtras! $7,500. Call for is (are) doing business the County Clerk. A new more info 928-830-6020 as: Fictitious Business FBN statement must be LINCOLN '89 Name (s): filed no more than 40 TOWN CAR SONNY'S MINI MART days from expiration. CHAPARRAL H20 Street address of princi- This filing does not of Beautiful Classic pal place of business: itself authorize the use auto; silver body, 24941 Highway 108 of this name in violation black carriage top Sierra Village, CA of the rights of another 220k mi, rebuilt 95346 under federal, state or tranny. Signature Name of Registrant: common law. (B & P Series, 2nd owner A) Hernandez JR, EdCode 14411 et seq.) No accidents. New '12 SPORT 19FT ward Ceasar CERTIFICATION: battery, great cond. Merc 4.3 Ltr V6 Max B) Hernandez, Carol I hereby certify that the Only $3,750! Call HP 220-Immaculate! Lynn foregoing is a correct (209) 606-1130 Only 31 hrs! Incl's Residence Address: copy of the original on Bimini cvr, built-in ice A) 18909 Aspen Circle file in my office. chest, ski locker, 735 Twain Harte, CA 95383 DEBORAH BAUTISTA, sound sys, new in Autos Wanted B) 18909 Aspen Circle County Clerk & 2013. $25,000. Call Twain Harte, Ca 95383 Auditor-Controller, By: ortext 770-2387 BUYING JUNK, The registrant comTheresa K Badgett, Unwanted or wrecked menced to transact Deputy cars, Cash paid! Free business under the ficti- Publication Dates: P/U Mike 209-602-4997 tious business name or September 4, 11, 18 & names listed above 25, 2015 801 on: 05/01/2004 The Union Democrat, Moto rcycles This Business is conSonora, CA 95370 ducted by: FICTITIOUS CUBBY '86 SEASWRIL married couple. BUSINESS NAME I declare that all inforStern Drive w/trailer, fish finder & C/D $2,000 mation in this statement STATEMENT TUOLUMNE COUNTY is true and correct. (A OBO 209-743-9594 registrant who declares CLERK 2 S. GREEN ST. as true any material HONDA '05 SHADOW matter pursuant to Sec- SONORA, CA 95370 SPIRIT-VT750DC; (209) 533-5573 tion 17913 of the BusiCobra exhaust, 10K mi, FILE NO. 2015000332 ness and Professions $3,200. 209-588-8021 Date: 9/1 5/2015 01:50P Code that the registrant DEBORAH BAUTISTA, knows to be false is LAGUNA '80 CLERK & AUDITORguilty of a misdeREFURBISHED 24' CONTROLLER meanor punishable by a SAILBOAT w/Galley, The following Person(s) fine not to exceed one 3 sails, new carpet, is (are) doing business thousand dollars table, toilet, 4 life as: Fictitious Business ($1,000).) jackets, generator Name (s): s/ Edward Hernandez SUZUKI '02 650 and 3 coats bottom FORK & LOVE JR SAVAGE - 2K mi, Great paint. Trailer: sandStreet address of s/ Carol Hernandez cond. New tires. $3,500. blasted & painted; principal place of NOTICE: This stateCall Dave: 532-2276 new bearings, ment expires five years business: wench, lights/wiring. from the date it was filed 18736 Main St $2,950 obo 962-0445 Groveland, CA 95321 in the office of the Name of Registrant: County Clerk. A new 820 FBN statement must be Haas, Aaron Benjamin 18736 Main St filed no more than 40 Utility Trailers Groveland, CA 95321 days from expiration. SUZUKI '07 The registrant This filing does not of itUTILITY TRAILER BURGMAN 6.5 x 12 ft. bed. Excelself authorize the use of commenced to transact Like new 400CC this name in violation of business under the lent condition! $950.00 scooter. New battery, 962-4511 Groveland the rights of another un- fictitious business name tires & drive belt. or names listed above der federal, state or 35,000 miles. on: not applicable common law. (B & P 830 Asking $2800 This Business is Code 14411 et seq.) Heavy Equipment Call: 209-694-3161 conducted by: CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the an individual. L2800 KUBOTA I declare that all foregoing is a correct Have unwanteditems? W/trailer. Front bucket, information in this copy of the original on Sell it with a garage sale rear drag. PTO brush statement is true and file in my office. hog. $14K 596-6629 588-4515 correct. (A registrant DEBORAH BAUTISTA, who declares as true County Clerk & 840 any material matter 805 Auditor-Controller, By: Airplanes pursuant to Section RVs/Travel Trailers Trina Nelson, Deputy 17913 of the Business Publication Dates: 180 PIPER and Professions Code CHEROKEE AIRPLANE September 4, 11, 18 & that the registrant '71. 4 seater, Aug. 1st 25, 2015 knows to be false is The Union Democrat, annual, 3 3/4 engine life guilty of a misdemeanor Sonora, CA 95370 left, frame excellent punishable by a fine not shape, hangared. AERBUS'98 to exceed one thousand Call 533-8323 MOTOR HOME dollars ($1,000).) 29 ft. Wide Body Chevy Vortex eng. 47K mi, awnings, Dual A/C's, Onan Generator, All oak interior, exc condition. Tow Pkg. 8 brake buddy inch $25,000 (209) 533-2731
A phon.e i©
not truly ©vn.a until it ~an. take a CeHie of' iteeK
LANCE EXT'D CAB OVER CAMPER- Good cond. New fridge. Many extras!! $5,000. obo 586-4389 or 352-1753 MONTANA '13 BIG SKY 3402 RL
Runs until it sells (Up to 1 year). Includes a photo or attention getter. 4 slides, 6 pt. auto leveling, 4-season rating, dual a/c, double refrigerator, low mileage & great condition! $58,000. (209) 694-3982 SOUTHWIND '99 STORM
(your ad will appear in the paper, online as a featured classified ad and in the Foothill Shopper) Package includes: a bold headline. the photo or attention-getter, up to 10 lines of
copy and border. Ads must be pre-paid
Call Classified Advertising at: 588-4515 NO ChangeS Or refundS after PubliCatiOn Of ad. Private party advertisers only. Class A 32 ft. Ford V10, 51K mi, 1 slide-out, sleeps 6, Shower & Tub, TV, VCR, DVD & CB radio; satellite dish on roof. Dual Duct A/C, New Roof! $23,000. (209) 962-7616
Friday, September 18, 2015 — D5
s/Aaron B. Haas NOTICE: This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new FBN statement must be filed no more than 40 days from expiration. This filing does not of itself authorize the use of this name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law. (B & P Code 14411 et seq.) CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original on file in my office. DEBORAH BAUTISTA, County Clerk & Auditor-Controller, By: Theresa K. Badgett, Deputy Publication Dates: September 18, 25 & October 2, 9, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370
1073 Mono Way Sonora, CA 95370 Articles of Incorporation ¹ 201523710011 CA The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: not applicable This Business is conducted by: limited liability company. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Mandarin House LLC s/Ye LI Member NOTICE: This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new FBN statement must be filed no more than 40 days from expiration. This filing does not of itself authorize the use of this name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law. (B & P Code 14411 et seq.) CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original on file in my office.
DEBORAH BAUTISTA, County Clerk & Auditor-Controller, By: Theresa K Badgett, Deputy Publication Dates: September 11, 18, 25 & October 2, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TUOLUMNE COUNTY CLERK 2 S. GREEN ST. SONORA, CA 95370 (209) 533-5573 FILE NO. 2015000316 Date: 9/2/2015 11:23A DEBORAH BAUTISTA, CLERK & AUDITORCONTROLLER The following Person(s) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name (s): MANDARIN HOUSE LLC Street address of principal place of business: 1073 Mono Way Sonora, CA 95370 Name of Registrant: Mandarin House LLC Residence Address: PUBLIC NOTICE
Over 150 years and still going strong THE UNION DEMOCRAT
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), the County of Tuolumne has prepared a Negative Declaration for the following project indicating no significant adverse impacts on the environment: 5th Avenue Signalization Project: The County of Tuolumne (County) proposes to add a traffic signal and construct roadway improvements at the intersection of 5th Avenue and State Route (SR) 49/108, modify the existing intersection of Jamestown Road and 5th Avenue to realign the intersection so the west leg of Jamestown Road "T's" into a reconfigured "through alignment" for the east leg of Jamestown Roadand 5thAvenue, and improve roadway surface conditions on Jamestown Road between 5th Avenue and SR 49/108 in the community of Jamestown, California (Project). The proposed Project is needed to improve safety and reduce the number of accidents at the 5th Avenue intersection. Public Review Period: Begins: September 18, 2015 Ends: October 19, 2015
Copies of the Negative Declaration, maps, and all documents referenced in the Negative Declaration for the proposal described above are available for public inspection in the Community Resources Agency Office, 48 W. Yaney Avenue, Sonora, and on the County's website at www.tuolumnecount
Interested persons are invited to comment on the Negative Declaration in writing during this public review period. Court challenges to decisions on the above proposal may be limited to issues raised during this public review period. S/ Bev Shane, AICP Community Resources Director Publication Date: September 18, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370 PUBLIC NOTICE
HSUMMERVILLEELEMENTARYSCHOOL, DISTRICT NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Summerville Elementary School District of Tuolumne County, California (" District" ), acting by and through its Board of Education (" Board" ), will receive up to but not later than 11:00 A.M., October 13, 2015, sealed bids for the award of a contract for 012017 — CAT5 Cable Upgrade. Each bid must conform and be responsive to this Notice to Bidders, the Information for Bidders, and all other documents comprising the pertinent Contract Documents. All interested parties must log onto the Schools and Libraries website (ERATE) htt://usac.or /s s to download the bid packet. Bids shall be received in the District Office of the Summerville Elementary School District located at 18451 Carter Street, Tuolumne, CA 95.379 and shall be opened and publicly read aloud at the above-stated time and place. Responses must be sealed and clearly marked "012017CAT5 Cable Upgrade", Facsimile copies of the bid will not be accepted. It is the bidder's responsibility to ensure its bid is received in the District Office by the date and time specified above. Any bid that is submitted after this date and timeshallbe deemed nonresponsive and returned to the bidder unopened. The District intends to obtain maximum funding discounts under the Federal Communications Commission's E-rate program for eligible services and equipment procured as a result of this Bid. Qualified vendors must provide a Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) and Federal Registration Number (FCC-FRN) with the proposal. Vendors must be willing to work within the requirements of the E-rate program and must be able to provide all
necessary documentation and apply billing per the terms of the E-rate program. All forms must be completed, signed, and returned with the bid. The Contract award will be based on the overall lowest bid for all items listed. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept or reject any one or more items of a bid, or to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bid or in the bidding process. The Summerville Elementary School District is committed to providing equal educational, contracting and employment opportunities to all in strict compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. The District office that monitors compliance is Leigh Shampain, Superintendent, 18451 Carter Street, Tuolumne, CA 95379, phone 209-928-4291ext. 1295. Any individual who believes s/he has been a victim of unlawful discrimination in employment, contracting, or in an educational program may file a formal complaint with the District's Superintendent. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of the bids. In the event of identical bids, the Board may determine by lot which bid shall be accepted per Public Contract Code 20117. Leigh Shampain Superintendent SUMMERVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Tuolumne, California Publication Dates: September 18, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370
PUBLIC NOTICE If It's Not Here It May Not Exist!
The Union Democrat C/assi//ed Section.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Tuolumne County Air Pollution Control District (TCAPCD) Board will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday October 6, 2015 at 1:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 2 South Green Street, Sonora, California, to adopt the FY 15/16 Air Pollution Control District Budget. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the proposed budget may be reviewed by the public during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, at the APCD Office located at 22365 South Airport Road, Sonora NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that at said hearing, any interested persons may appear and be heard. s/ Alicia L. Jamar Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Dated: September 15, 2015 Publish: September 18, 2015
Publication Date: September 18, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370 PUBLIC NOTICE
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-14-652750-JP Order No.: 0288836 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/17/2003. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE.IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A publi c auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier' s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): TITUS L. WIELAND AND JODI L. WIELAND Recorded: 1/24/2003 as Instrument No. 2003001773 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of TUOLUMNE County, California; Date of Sale: 10/1 6/2015 at 9:00 AM Place of Sale: At the Front Entrance to the Tuolumne County Administration Center, 2 S. Green St., Sonora,CA 95370 Amount ofunpaid balance and other charges: $121,796.10 The purported property address is: 23915 REDWOOD DR, Ml-WUK VILLAGE, CA 95346 Assessor's Parcel No.:047-771-040-0 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder's office or a title insurance company,eitherofw hich may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 800-280-2832 for information regarding the trustee's sale or visit this Internet Web site htt://www. vali loan.corn, using the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-14-652750-JP . Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released ofpersonal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right's against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Quality Loan Service Corporation 411 Ivy Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 800-280-2832 Or Login to: htt://www. ualitloan.corn Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-14-652750-J P IDS Pub Publication Dates: Sept. 18, 25 & Oct. 2, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370
Call 588-4515
D6 — Friday, September 18, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 the Board of Supervisors adopted the following ordinance: Ordinance No. 3285, Amending the Sections 15.20.060 and 15.20.080 of the Tuolumne County Ordinance Code related to setbacks, defensible space, fuel modification, and fireworks. Ordinance No. 3286 rezoning 71.8 acres to A-10, 5.6 acres to 0, and 2.4 acres to 0-1, located at 31300 and 31400 Old Strawberry Road, a portion of Section 20,Township 4 North, Range 18 East; APN 24-030-10. By the Following Vote: AYES:
Bre nnan Hanvelt Ro ce Gra Rodefer
No n e
Alicia L Jamar Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Dated: September 15, 2015 Publish: September 18, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370
Sonora, California
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NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: JEWEL D. KELLEY CASE NUMBER PR-11223 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JEWEL D. KELLEY A Petition for Probate has been filed by: FRANCES CLARK in the Superior Court of California, County of: TUOLUMNE. The Petition for Probate requests that FRANCES CLARK be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested
persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: October 9, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. in Dept. 3, at 41 West Yaney Ave., Sonora, CA 95370 IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of thedecedent,you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 9100
of the California Probate Code. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: LAW OFFICE OF JOHN B. ALLEN P.O. Box 232 Sutter Creek, CA 95685 209-223-5705 Filed Sept.. 09, 2015 By: C. Greenfield, Clerk Publication Dates: Sept. 18, 22, 25, 2015 The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA 95370
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Wife glvlng key to ex taking It a bit too far DEAR ANNIE: My wife gave her ex (her son's father) a key to our home without telling me. I found out when I got home and he was sitting in our living room surfing the Web on my laptop. My wife says she gave him the key so he can let himself in on the three nights a month he's scheduled to pick up their son for dinner as part of the custody agreement. But he has been making a lot of unscheduled stops at our house — to use the bathroom, have a snack, etc. I told my wife I don't like this, but she said, Don't be selfish. It's my home, too!" I spoke to this man politely and told him I don' t want him letting himself in, but he replied, "She says I can come over whenever I like." Am I being unreasonable about this arrangement? I thought married people are supposed to agree on things like this. It's almost as though I have to share my home with this man, and
Annie's Mailbox
ly sure how to handle it. But I teach high school, antI I' ve seen one long sad parade of kids whose parents don't maintain authority. So, Annie, what is the verdict? Should he have a key or not? —THE HUSBAND DEAR HUSBAND: Om vote is "not," especially since he abuses the privilege. It may be her house, but it's also yours. And while it's nice to be welcoming to her son's father, he should not have the run of your home, dropping in unexpectedlyand keeping his son up all hours. This is not responsible parenting. It is indulgence. Dad needs to be as diligent a parent as Mom. He can-
Center ( DEAR ANNIE: This is for NConfused Family Member" whose niece had alarge wedding months aRer a civil ceremony.
My daughter also married civilly he's not even a helpful guest. He' ll two weeks prior to big wedding bash eat a generous amount of food out of for legal reasons. Her husband was the fridge and leave dirty dishes in being deployed within the month and the sink. Last week, he bought his she needed power of attorney in order son a videogame console and violent to purchase their new home and do videogames, which my wife and I had other things. We did not announce it, so as not to confuse anyone. And she previously agreed would not be allowed in our home. Father and son kept her maiden name. She is also in will spend time playing games in his the service, and itsaved a lot ofparoom when the boy is supposed to be perwork. — TOOTU 1'S doing his homework, sometimes late Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy at night. I know the guy needs time Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime edwith his kid, but there's no reason not be a 4'ftm dad" and do things itorsof theAnn Landers column. Please why he can't take the boy out to eat, Mom would not otherwise al- email your questions to anniesmailto a movie or to a museum. low. This does a disservice to the box@creatorscom, or write to: Annie's The ex never made much efFort to child. Please ask your wife to get Mailbox, clo Creators Syndicate, 737 see his son until we married. This is into family counseling with you 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. m y firs tmarriage,and I've neverhad to work on this. Also look into the You can alsof' fnd A nnie on Facebook at any kids of my own, so I'm not entire- National Stepfamily Resource Facebook.corn lAskAnn ies.
Today in history Today is Friday, September 18, the 261st day of 2015. There are 104 days left in the year. Today's Highlight in History: On September 18, 1793, President George Washington laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. On this date: In 1810, Chile made its initial declaration of independence from Spain with the forming of a national junta. In 1927, the Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (later CBS) made its on-air debut with a basic network of 16 radio stations. In 1940, Harper and Brothers published "You Can't Go Home Again" by Thomas Wolfe, two years after the author's death. In 1961, United Nations S General Dag Hammarskjold (dahg HAWM'-ahr-shoold) was killed in a plane crash in northern Rhodesia. In 1965, the situation comedies "I Dream of Jeannie" and "Get Smart" premiered on NBC. In 1970, rock star Jimi Hendrix died in London at age 27. In 1975, newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst was captured by the FBI in San Francisco, 19 months after being kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army. In 1984, retired U.S. Air Force Col. Joe Kittinger became the first person to complete a solo balloon flight across the Atlantic Ocean as he landed in Italy, four days after leaving Maine. In 1990, the city of Atlanta was named the site of the 1996 Summer Olympics. The organized crime drama "GoodFellas," directed by Martin Scorsese, had its U.S. premiere in New York.
LDL needs treatment even with low calcium slee DEAR DR, ROACH: I'I writing to request a second opinion regarding my cholesterol situation. After 20plus years (I'm 66) on statins, I have become concerned about perceived muscle fatigue. I went off Vytorin for two months and had a blood test. Before going ofF, my numbers were HDL 56, triglycerides 60 and LDL 111. Af-
To Your Good Health Keith Roach, M.D.
ing statins. She sometimes will get a calcium score on people when it's unclear whether a statin is necessary, and will hold o6' on prescribing statins in people with very low scores, those who are less likely to benefit. In your case, the calcium scoreof3 ishardertointerpret because of the long time you had been on statins. She agreed that some-
However, the presence of a pacemaker still makes an MRI very risky, and it should not be performed unless the MRI scan is absolutely necessary. Several device makers recently have made MRI-compatible pacemakers, antI one of these has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.I appreciate the carefulreading
ter being 06'the statin for two months
standardtest for cholesterol.— T.Z.
one in your situation should continue
and alertness of my readers.
my numbers were HDL 65, triglycerides 86 and LDL 205. Because the triglycerides and HDL were still within the reference range but there was a large increase in the LDL, my doctor recommended that I have a coronary calcium screening done. This score came back a 3. Given that number, my doctor felt I did not need to be on a statin. I might add that none of my other yearly blood
ANSWER: The most important point is that an LDL of 200 is too high, and it should be treated, normally with a statin. If you had side efFects to simvastatin (the statin component of Vytorin), then try atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor) or even other statins if need be. The evidence is still that the statin class is best to prevent heart attack and death. Rosuvastatin can be taken every other day, which might reduce muscle aches. The issue with your calcium score is trickier. I enlisted the help of a cardiologist, Dr. Erica Jones, at Cornell. She notesthat a low calcium score predicts low risk of heart attack in the next 15 years in people who have not been tak-
on a statin. DR. ROACH WRITES: In a recent column, I suggested an MRI for a person with longstanding dizziness and a pacemaker. Several astute readers pointed out that MRI scans are not normally done for people with pacemakers, and wanted to know if that had changed. I admit that I didn't think through the interaction of pacemakers and
TO READERS: Questions about the common problem of uterine 6broidsare answered in thebookletof that name. To obtain a copy, write: Dr. Roach — No. 1106, 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.SJ$6 Can. with the recipient'8 printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.
MRI scanners when writing the an-
to answer individual letters,but will
swer, but I'm glad to have a chance to review it now. There have been cases where a person with a permanent pacemaker required an MRI scan, and case series have shown generally minor adverse efFects in people with pacemakers after an MRI.
incorporate them in the column when
and urine screening numbers are
ever out of the normal range. I have never smoked, and I exercise four or 6ve times a week. I'm 6 feet tall and weigh 165 pounds. However, I'm now wondering if I am making a mistake by being o(I'the statin, given that the coronarycalcium screening is not a
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable
possible. Email ToYourGoodHealth@ or request an order
form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr M Orlando, FL 32808. Health newsletters may be ordered from wwutrbmrJmall.corn.
B IIIG Birthdayfor September 18.This is your power year. tackle two birds with one stone. Attention now saves Take charge for positive change. Start at home, and trouble later. Make repairs. Avoid irritating someone with strengthen your base. Make shared financial decisions a short temper. Keep costs down with early intervention. after 9/27. Begin a new phase in partnership after 3/8. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):Today is an 8 — You' re Manage accounts for growth, especially after 3/23. Nurespecially creative and clever today and tomorrow. Write, ture what you love. perform and express your message. Have fun with it. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the Resist the temptation for gloating or sensationalism. Keep easiest day, 0 the most challenging. it simple and basic. Share heartfelt sentiment without Aries (March 21-April 19):Today is a 6 — Call ahead saccharine. to avoid running all over town. The next two days are Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):Today is an 8 — Apply good for travel and studies. New opportunities present muscle to the problem. Hold onto what you have, as you themselves. Choose the low frills option. Creativity takes slowly take new ground. Bring in the money today and advantage. You' re a dynamic teacher. tomorrow. Be a calming influence. Curtail flamboyance. Taurus (Aptil 20-May 20):Today is a 7 — Put away Build status by keeping promises. Answer the door. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):Today is a 6 — You' re provisions for the future. Figure out the money today and tomorrow. Update the budget to take current family cirstrong and especially creative for the next few days. You' re empowered to pursue a personal dream. This cumstances into account. Pool your resources. Consider theconsequences before choosing.Move slowly and requires adaptation. Your professional path looks optithoughtfully. mistic. Avoid obvious arguments. Keep your head down. Gemini (May 21 June 20):Today is an 8 — Listen to Practice. Keep your budget. your partner as a mystery. Collaborate today and tomorCapricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19):Today is a 5 — Meditate on row to go further. Do the homework. Take care of family. an interesting idea. Rest and recuperate today and tomorDiscipline is required. Set a new course. Responsibilities row. All is not as it appears. Consider options carefully, fall into place. Patience and flexibility help. and wait to decide. Talk with friends and partners. Rely on Cancer (June21 July 22): Today is a 6 — A new project experience. Make plans and budgets. demands attention for the next few days. Practical efforts Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):Today is a 6 — Keep your bear fruit. False hopes shatter. Get grounded in reality. head when others are losing it. Consider the consequencYou' re creative and efficient; you can work with what you es. Graciousness with authority serves you well. Keep have. Your status rises. your objective in mind. Friends open new possibilities Leo(July23-Aug.22):Today isa 6 — Have fun today today and tomorrow. Tap into a secret source. and tomorrow. Play with family and friends. You' re espePisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Today is a 7 — Good plancially charming, and gaining points with someone. Create ning expands your territory. Keep a professional project romance.Things may notgo as planned.Avoid arguing on target today and tomorrow. Remind people of their over silly stuff. Adjust and shift. Bend with the wind. agreements. Completion leads to new status. Pretty up Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Today is a 6 — The next two the presentation, and limit socializing until done. Crazy days favor domestic projects. Work from home, and dreamsseem possible.
Third hand canalso give count By PHILLIP ALDER
North 4 KQ72 V 107 6 I i09 5 4
Mogens Jallberg (about whom, surprisingly, the 4AQ Internet has no information) said, "In democracy, East it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your 4 6 3 4 J109 8 count that votes." In bridge, it's your card that counts — it may give V A Q 9 5 2 V 84 3 partner count information that makes the difference I K 6 I 72 between success and failure — as in this deal. +g743 4 K 10 8 5 How should the defenders card to defeat three South no-trump after West leads his fourth-highest heart? 4 A54 In my opinion, North, with such a strong doubleVKJ ton, should have raised one no-trump to three t AQJ83 no-trump. It is possible that, if a 4-4 spade fit exists, 4 J 62 four spades will make and three no-trump fail, but that is unlikely, and when a major-suit fit was not Dealer: South found, it just gave the defenders free information. Vulnerable: Neither South starts with six top tricks: three spades, one South West N orth E a st heart (after winning the first trick), one diamond 1NT Pa s s 2 4 Pass and one club. If the diamond finesse is winning, the 2t Pass 3 N T All Pass contract will make with at least one overtrick. But if the finesse is losing, maybe West will not know that Opening lead:V 5 South's heart king is now a singleton. After West leads the heart five and dummy plays the six, East must resist the natural reaction to cover with his eight. When third hand cannot contribute a nine or higher, he should give count. Here, he plays his three: low from an odd number. This tells West that South started with only two hearts; it could not be four because he denied a fourcard major in the auction. Declarer will win with his heart jack, cross to dummy with a spade, and run the diamond 10. Now West should work out to win with his diamond king and cash the heart ace, which results in a speedy down one.