The Role of Telehealth Tools in Veterinary Medicine and Legal Compliance
Sarah Babcock
Jessica Chapman
La disponibilité des outils de télésanté associée à un manque d’accès aux soins médicaux vétérinaires a mis en évidence la nécessité d’évaluer les normes actuelles qui régissent la prestation traditionnelle de soins médicaux vétérinaires. À mesure que les réglementations et les normes régissant la médecine vétérinaire évoluent, il est nécessaire d’évaluer les avantages et les risques potentiels des soins virtuels. La capacité des vétérinaires à exercer un jugement professionnel solide pour assurer un équilibre approprié entre l’accès aux soins et la sécurité des patients est primordiale dans l’examen de l’intégration des outils de télésanté dans la pratique.
La disponibilidad de herramientas de telesalud, junto
con la falta de acceso a la atención médica veterinaria, ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de evaluar los estándares actuales que rigen la prestación tradicional de atención médica veterinaria. A medida que evolucionan las regulaciones y los estándares que rigen la medicina veterinaria, es necesario evaluar los beneficios y los riesgos potenciales de la atención virtual. La capacidad de los veterinarios para ejercer un juicio profesional sólido para garantizar un equilibrio adecuado entre el acceso a la atención y la seguridad del paciente es primordial en la consideración de incorporar herramientas de telesalud en la práctica.
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, veterinary medicine adapted its healthcare practices for animal healthcare through the increased use of telehealth. The role of telehealth is critical given that the effect of Covid-19 on traditional approaches will likely persist even after the pandemic subsides. Using telehealth, veterinary practitioners around the world are working to develop a greater depth of expertise and global resources. But this global approach raises unprecedented regulatory concerns. These challenges require the collaboration of veterinary professionals and regulators working together to balance the benefits, potential risks, and regulatory requirements of telehealth to promote both animal health and the consumer safety.
the patient’s medical records, and (3) conducting a virtual exam of the patient through a real-time video or through digital pictures. For example, VetNow has created a custom toolkit to facilitate the ability of a global network of veterinarians, epidemiologists, and public health experts to consult on cases and public health threats. The kit includes a Bluetooth-enabled stethoscope, digital microscope, electrocardiogram, and pulse oximeter. Based on the patient information provided by a local veterinarian, researchers with the aid of algorithms can use these tools to provide the data required to monitor the patient for patterns in clinical signs and diagnoses, and to earlier detect pathogens with pandemic potential.
In the United States, there are a variety of telehealth and telemedicine service models available to veterinarians and veterinary hospitals. Client-facing telemedicine services may include: (1) using tools that allow a veterinarian to remotely gather all essential veterinary medical information from the animal owner or other caretaker, (2) accessing
The indispensable role of law is a key component of erecting the global public health infrastructure. The ability of a jurisdiction to enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety is essential. In light of Covid-19, state and federal regulators in the United States are evaluating the current regulatory framework of telehealth in vete-