Build Up Skills UK

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Build Up Skills UK Jill Hemmings, SummitSkills IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616, 11/11 - 05/13, 06.12.11


IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616, 11/11 - 05/13, 06.12.11

What’s it all about?

To ensure that UK employers in the built environment (specifically craft and technical workers) have the skills required to meet EU 2020 targets to Reduce energy consumption by 20% Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% Meet 20% of energy needs through renewable resources

Highlight areas of growth and investment for skills and training over next 8 years

Success depends on input from built environment and energy efficiency

Input from employers, training providers and stakeholders – research and endorsement

IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,11/11 11/11- 05/13, - 05/13,06.12.11 06.12.11 IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,


Backed by EU Commission, taking place in 21 other countries - identical specs and timetables

Focus on built environment

November 2011 to May 2013

Asset Skills, CITB-ConstructionSkills, E&U Skills and SummitSkills

“Exchange” and “peer review”

Backed by UK Government departments and all three devolved nations

Reviews - May and October 2012, February 2013

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Stages of work

a. Establish national Platform database (core stakeholders, wider platform), UK wide and devolved nation steering committees b. Review current situation re skills and training – “status quo” report – (April 2012- June 2012) and seek feedback /endorsement c. Use a and b above to develop Skills Roadmap – illustrates barriers and suggests how to bridge gaps (June-Dec 2012) d. Seek sector endorsement for recommendations (Dec 2012-May 2013)

......leading to Pillar 2 - develop training infrastructure IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,11/11 11/11- 05/13, - 05/13,06.12.11 06.12.11 IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,

Status Quo report: what we did

Desk research – existing stats and data, policies, strategies In depth telephone interviews Focus groups with employers, training providers, industry stakeholders Quantitative survey of 355 employers and training providers Comprehensive mapping of current vocational education and training available in the UK for blue collar workers re energy efficiency

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Status Quo report: findings

Predicted skills and knowledge gaps – limiting 2020 target success Pockets of specialist courses Low levels of demand from employers Different nations – different responsibilities, strategies, policies = different rates of progress Barriers? Funding, low awareness/understanding, fragmented policy

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Status Quo report: Recommendations 1

Nations’ governments – develop or update green skills and job strategies Long term government policies in all nations to reassure industry of commitment Use building regulations as catalyst for change Broaden scope of BUS UK – include professional as well as blue collar Need to raise consumer awareness – stimulate demand Fill gaps in date re energy consumption and efficiency to improve monitoring of targets progress

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Status Quo report: Recommendations 2

Green Deal as a driver – bring together local authorities, housing associations and social landlords Apprenticeships and training – promote ‘green’ elements Flexible training – easy, cost-effective up-skilling for employers Train more trainers - increase the UK’s ‘green’ training capacity Make ‘green’ part of the school curriculum Employers – especially SMEs – find out more about energy efficiency and work with energy suppliers to predict where they plan to stimulate consumer demand

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Build Up Skills UK

So what do you think? How can you get involved? Talk to me today Visit to join our Platform for regular updates or read the full Status Quo Report and give your views Watch out for us at trade events

IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,11/11 11/11- 05/13, - 05/13,06.12.11 06.12.11 IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,

Build Up Skills UK

Thank you Jill Hemmings 01908 303978

IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,11/11 11/11- 05/13, - 05/13,06.12.11 06.12.11 IEE/11/BW1/479/S12.604616,

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