Supporting Learners News - Issue 7

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ISSUE 7, JUNE 2012

SUPPORTING LEARNERS NEWS Introduction This is the seventh in a series of newsletters that has been produced to keep unionlearn staff, unions, project workers, union learning reps (ULRs) and other reps up to speed about: developments in the area of a publicly funded careers service that will affect existing structures and networks

how unionlearn are responding to the changes to ensure that union learners at all levels receive the best possible information and advice to help them progress in learning and work other news, developments and resources that will help support members as learners.

The term ‘Supporting Learners’ is used by unionlearn to describe the activities of ULRs and other union reps when they are working with members to help them make choices about learning, to take up learning opportunities that are right for them and help them to progress in their jobs and careers. Whilst these activities involve

all levels of learning and some elements of information and advice, they also include mentoring, coaching, signposting and facilitating learning. There is a Supporting Learners area on the unionlearn website, for information visit: /advice

24+ Advanced Learning Loans: a new challenge For adults (24+) wanting to study from September 2013-14 at level 3 (Alevel equivalent) and level 4, BIS will withdraw subsidies and replace them with a loans system similar to higher education: subsidies for level 2 remain in place. This is probably the most significant and challenging development of the Government’s ‘New Challenges New Chances’ further education reform programme for unionlearn, ULRs and learners. Unionlearn has actually been very successful in supporting adult learners in further education. Between April 2010 and March 2011, 17,701 learners undertook FE programmes through union learning. And controversially there could be impacts on

apprenticeships as adults (24+) who undertake advanced apprenticeships will have to contribute to the cost of their study: that is unless the employer takes on the liability (NB support for 23 years and under taking up an apprenticeship remains the same). So unionlearn and trade unions collectively will be amongst the first to see the overall impact of these changes and face great challenges. However, there is some emerging evidence that it isn’t all bad news. BIS market research suggests that if FE loans are explained properly (i.e. you don’t pay anything up front and if you’re not earning over £21k, you don’t pay anything back) they shouldn’t necessarily be a deterrent going forward. Original concerns regarding

women and ethnic minorities being the most likely to be ‘put off’ were not supported by the research. The research did however identify that the over 40 age group is more ‘risk averse’ and more likely to be deterred from learning at this level. The experience and evidence of ULRs will be crucial in assessing the impact of loans and unionlearn will have a research programme to capture this. Unionlearn will need to make sure that ULRs have the right information and support to advise learners when the loans are introduced and developing strategies to mitigate against potential reductions in learners. This will be the subject of much greater consultation and discussion with ULRs over the next year. Watch this space!

For further information about 24+ Advanced Learning Loans contact Richard Blakeley, Policy Officer, at:

Inside this issue: The National Careers Service and The Right Advice at the Right Time


National Council to Raise Standards of Careers Advice


Consultation on Careers Guidance for Schools, Sixth Form Colleges and FE Institutions


plotr website


New Climbing Frame Learning Themes


Developing Business, Developing Careers


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