Union Learning and the Green Economy - Steve Craig

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Union learning and the green economy

(Unionlearn Seminar 9th November 2012)

Steve Craig UCATT National Project Worker ‘We’ve got you covered’

‘We’ve got you covered’

• Over 60,000 people live in 31,000 houses for families, elderly people, single and vulnerable people throughout the Wakefield district; • WDH employs around 1,400 people including a multi-tasked and highly skilled maintenance workforce (UCATT, Unite, Unison & GMB); • WDH has a vision to create confident communities by: - Helping to build a more competitive knowledge - based economy through local innovation and by having a skilled and flexible workforce. - Creating socially inclusive communities, reducing deprivations and inequality. - Improving the quality of Wakefield’s environment by providing better housing; • UCATT& WDH collaboration on learning, skills and green agenda since 2004: - ULR’s, Learning Agreement; Learning Centre & Employer Skills Pledge; - ULF supported - S4L, NVQ’s, NEET’s, Apprenticeships, CSCS & community learning - Developed sustainability, environmental, ‘green apprentices’ & green workplaces programmes

Linking learning, organising & the green agenda  ‘Mapping’ – need, demand, requirements & actions  Identified ‘synergies’ between: - learning & green agenda; - ULR’s, H&S Reps & shop stewards; - Workforce development & new technologies - Procurement & tendering process - Sub-contractors/‘supply-chain’ - NEET’s, apprentices, homes & community;  Developing FE/Provider relationship (x3)  Funding opportunities (Green £/€)  UCATT ‘adding value’; ‘time off & facilities; Press & Publicity

Every one of the 2, 3 & 4-bedroom homes have mechanical ventilation & heat recovery systems, solar photovoltaic panels (selling power back to the National Grid), superior levels of insulation & other energy-saving features.

Homes in the new neighbourhood will draw heat from its own “Eco Centre” – a district biomass heating system that will be powered by renewable wood pellets produced in Yorkshire.

Tenants reduce their carbon footprint & save money on their energy bills long term: - lower heating demand; - expected to be one fifth of a traditional home; - total energy bills are expected to be 40% less than an average home and 25% - less than a modern new build; - water bill savings from low water use fittings and grey water recycling (SMART Meters)

Residents invited to learn how to make savings through sessions held at the specially designed “Eco Centre” and Energy Road Shows which form part of the scheme.

WDH Park Dale development UCATT members involved in: • Highest Code 6 sustainable build • Green Apprentices programme • Re-training workforce • ULR’s & Learning Centre used to support learners/community • Green Apprentice – ‘knowledge holders’ • UCATT-TUC/Unionlearn visits • Community engagement • Workforce development – Level 2 & 3 NVQ’s, H&S, IT etc • ETUC Green Workplaces (Brussels)

Green workplaces (1) Progressing learning & green agenda initiatives:  UCATT-TUC delivered Going Green @ Work course:  Definitions, understanding, myths & practice  Trade Union response?  “carbon footprint mapping ”/impact assessments Inputs – Processes - Outputs (PC’s; van fleet; heating; packaging; generation/disposal of ‘waste’ etc)

 Identified priorities, roles & responsibilities  Learning & skills agenda integral part of strategy  Developed programme of activities engaging workforce, employer & communities

Green workplaces & communities (2) Progressing learning & green agenda initiatives:  All WDH employees completed a travel to work survey (detailing how they travel to work & how far they travel) also included mileage whilst at work;  Reduce, re-use & recycle campaign - ‘No waste’  98% now RRR!  Turning waste paper into notebooks for use at work – e-printing strategy  Energy Efficiency Road Shows  ETUC Green Workplaces Project

Union Learning: workplace, community , lifestyle... (3) • • • •

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‘Hard’ & ‘Soft’ outcomes: Sustainable TU organisation & recruitment ‘Just transition’ – Green Jobs Alliance Re-define union narrative... Green Apprentices training older workers –older workers coaching & mentoring apprentices Learning key! Members, employers & communities (IACL); Skills - employability, vocational training & apprentices; Lifestyle – choice, empowerment, ownership & inclusion UCATT – ‘Greening’ learning, workplaces, communities & our union!

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