The Magazine of the Northern TUC
Kicking off the ‘train’ing! Newcastle United heroes try out a high-tech train simulator
Focus on Higher Learning Skills Unionlearn delivers the full learning journey to meet increased demand
We are the Champions PCS Union Learning Reps achieve Health Champion status
unions north Issue : 29 May 2012
Issue 28
Higher Level Skills
Education Learning and Skills Forum Climbing the ladder to Higher Skills Stadium of Light played The host to a winning team off the pitch as unionlearn with the Northern TUC celebrated the success of the innovative regional Higher Level Skills project.
economy over the last three years, and
Intervention by exception
how it can continue to make a difference
Outcome related funding
going forward.
Employer ownership of skills A need to do more for less
After opening remarks from ELSF Chair,
Joyce McAndrew of UCU, the afternoon
The final theme was explored in depth
session was taken straight into the
as this is probably the most relevant
heart of skills policy and funding by
bit for ULRs talking to members and
Gillian Miller, Skills Funding Agency
colleagues and has the largest bearing
Director - Area Relationship Team (North
on the strategic and operational
On 14 March more than 60 delegates
East). The key themes of this
delivery/funding of higher level learning,
attended to keep up-to-date with the
presentation focussed around a new
and how it is promoted. The meaning
latest developments in learning and
skills landscape:
of the ‘need to do more for less’ was
skills, the regional funding landscape
explained via the following points:
and how the flagship Higher Level Skills
Freedoms, flexibilities and
project has made an impact on
25% reduction in FE budget from
individuals, employers and the regional
Competition and choice
10/11 to 13/14
Issue 29
Reductions in funding rates and
One of the key successes was the
with a CMI Level 5 Qualification
changes in entitlements (more “co
commitment and contribution that
Overview, something they have lots of
funding” and no funding)
unionlearn has made towards the
experience – and success - delivering
A greater expectation that employers
for learners through this project.
and individuals will pay fees
Project has enabled Higher Level
Review and refocussing of funding
Skills and Workforce Development
The afternoon was rounded off on a
for adult literacy & numeracy
agenda to be 'kept alive' at time of
suitably positive note with an update
uncertainly and change
of what is happening in unionlearn across all areas of work, by Beth Farhat,
Review of Informal Adult and Community Learning to increase
For more information go to:
Union Development Coordinator as well
focus and improve progression
as a thank you to all attendees,
Refocussing of provision for offenders
contributors and the Higher Level Skills
in custody
The subsequent workshops were held
team for their continued hard, often
Introduction of FE Loans in 2013/14
on two very complementary topics. One
pioneering, and much-valued work to
(people aged 24+ studying at Level
was Supporting Members into Higher
upskilling the region.
3 or above; not means tested and
Skills - the background to and taster
no maximum age; repayments to
of a bespoke TU Ed course, run by
For more information on the Higher
SLC start at an income level of £21k)
Margaret Stephenson and Mike Tansey
Level Skills project contact:
(one of the Higher Level Skills Project
Mike Tansey at:
The next speaker up was Dorothy Kelly
Workers) who developed the course in
or telephone: 07876 746 870
who treat the audience to an informative
a bid to tackle some of the fears/barriers
Julie Robinson at:
and very positive presentation on the
learners can have about stepping up
or telephone: 07824 819 646
Higher Level Skills Project Evaluation,
the skills ladder and to help make the
which detailed the origins and
transition easier. The second workshop
Full copies of the presentations
background of the project, the challenges
was provided by Scott Duncan and
mentioned in this article are also
it has faced throughout its course and
Alison Gordon from Amacus Training
available on request.
best of all, its efficacy - the impact it has made and the legacy it will leave. It was extremely heartening to hear the two main positives are the Skills to Grow NE web portal and the unionlearn activity which “played a key role in delivering outputs for the project, very successful from outset”. The key evaluation findings were highlighted in Dorothy’s final slide and were: Ongoing Need for Project confirmed Positive feedback from Higher Education Institutions to project activity Potential for the Portal to be the lasting legacy for the project
Higher Level Skills
Case Study: Higher Level Skills in Cumbria RPA Workington - PCS Over the last few years, and as the union learning movement has matured, so have the learners. Whilst there is still a huge appetite for informal learning and skills for life, there has become a noticeable increase in demand for a complete learning journey.
such workplace. Lisa Harrison, PCS ULR
flagship Higher Level Skills project and
and Assistant Coordinator has been a
Graeme was already actively working
Union Learning Rep for seven years so
with the Open University in the North
has facilitated lots of learning on site,
to bring higher skills to Cumbria. With
mainly focussed around informal adult
their collective knowledge and the
learning, skills for life, Level 1 and Level
funding, it was decided the best way
2s and GCSEs, in the past. But having
forward was to pilot the OU’s Openings
recently completed her own Masters
courses in the RPA.
Degree, coupled with increasing requests from colleagues and members asking
Katrina Coleman, OU in the North
about progression routes she began to
Community Partnerships Manager said:
explore additional avenues of learning
“Openings courses are 20 week
at higher levels.
introductory courses to Higher Education and are designed to introduce people
This demand means increased access to higher skills. So, in true learner
So, when Graeme Rushton, their regional
to a subject that they’re interested in
demand-led union learning style, this
Union Support Officer, contacted Lisa
and also allow them to brush-up/hone
has been something unionlearn and
with regards to running a smoking
their study skills which may not have
other organisations have responded to
cessation session she seized the
been used for a while. They are an
proactively and are delivering on for
opportunity to ask if he could help run
excellent first step and most importantly,
learners and employers in workplaces.
some courses around higher
serve as confidence-builders for the
skills. Fortuitously, there was some
learners. I am so proud of the work
funding available through the region’s
we’ve done here because bringing HE
The RPA in Workington, Cumbria, is one
Issue 29
to Cumbria is pivotal to ensuring equality
Management and Health) have
of access and opportunity – and I’m
completed, which is a major achievement
thrilled it’s been grasped with both
and testament to their dedication and
the need for more programmes and partnerships like this one. They are now
The Openings courses were advertised
in the process of advertising the next
at £195.00 with the added incentive of
cohort of Openings courses (to begin
a 50% refund upon completion, and
in June) and even without any funding,
despite the first round being run close
they have been inundated with
to Christmas this didn’t seem to deter
expressions of interest with two months
people and the take-up was still very
still to go! Lisa’s role as a ULR is now
good with 11 staff signing up to start
solely dedicated to Higher Level Skills
their respective courses in November. In
and she leads on this area for PCS in
order to both assist the learners and
the workplace, co-ordinating and
show their commitment to working in
facilitating all aspects of activity.
partnership the OU gave additional
resources in the shape of three tailored
Lisa said, “Having been involved with
Study Skills sessions on topics like
union learning for a long time we have
Essay Writing, Referencing and Making
seen more and more people develop
the most of Course Materials, which ran
and they are now looking for the next
in tandem with the Openings courses. As
step. The partnership work with
well as practical skills, these sessions
unionlearn and the OU has been a
proved invaluable for everyone involved
fantastic way to introduce higher
as it brought the individual learners
education into our portfolio of union
together as a group, giving the pilot a
learning and give members and
more cohesive feel and forming a very
colleagues what they want and need
effective learner support network.
for personal and professional development into the future. And judging
As of the end of March, 100% of the
by the interest and the achievements
learners who embarked on the Openings
it looks like it will become a permanent
courses in RPA (Psychology, Law,
Learner’s Story: Brigitta Hammell Brigitta, a PCS member, has worked at RPA for six years and is currently a Call Centre Operative and has just completed her Openings course, Starting with Psychology. She had accessed some learning prior to commencing this course in November 2011, and had done ECDL, and NVQs over the years but hadn’t done any focussed higher level learning. She was motivated to do this course by personal interest in the topic and a desire to gain a better understanding. At 44 and a mum of three, time and and accessibility are of paramount importance to Brigitta and the OU courses being run in the workplace made them convenient and allowed her to fit the learning into the spare time she has, especially as the closest university and HE institutions are in Carlisle; over an hour away. Just a couple of weeks after submitting her final assignments she has already registered for the OU ‘An Introduction to the Social Sciences’ (Level 1) course and her ultimate goal is a full degree in Psychology – which she also aims to complete through the OU. Brigitta said, “Doing the Openings course through work has been absolutely brilliant. It’s meant I can fit it in around my job and childcare commitments, and I’ve had the added support of the ULRs, Katrina and Betty, my tutor, who were all a massive help. I’d love to take my learning all the way up to degree level; to keep learning, improving and achieving for myself and to prove I can. I can’t wait to start my next course!”
The Open University and ‘Access to Success’ Ensuring access in the new world of higher education
Higher Level Skills
students a low cost entry route into the OU. This programme is called the ‘Access to Success Route’, it will start from September 2012 and is aimed at those who have lower incomes and lower levels of qualification. Students on the
advice in order to help them complete
route will pay only £25 towards their
their courses. Like all OU courses the
first introductory course followed by a
route offers flexible distance learning,
£50 fee for their second course which
which can be fitted around our
will be at Level 1. The student will have
students’ commitments and gives the
to pass their first course before
opportunity to work whilst studying for
In the past five years, through our
progressing to the second. The aim is
a qualification.
widening access work, we’ve developed
to gradually develop students self-belief
outreach programmes which recruit
and skill - so by the end of the
We know that students will be faced
students in the most disadvantaged
programme they feel confident in taking
with difficult choices as the higher
areas of the UK. The students we recruit
out a loan to complete their studies.
education offer becomes increasingly
At the Open University our focus has always been on giving students a second chance at education.
complex. We recognise this and would
through this work are often less confident in the world of higher
To be eligible for the programme
encourage potential students to contact
education, and have fewer resources.
students will have to have a residual
us to talk through their options, get
Our concern is that increasing fees and
household income of less than £25,000
advice and see what route would be
a fear of debt may have a real impact
and be new to higher education. The
suitable for them.
on their willingness to take on a course
route is recommended for students who
at HE level.
are less confident and have lower level
If you think the Access to Success
qualifications and would not be
Route may be for you then contact:
In the last year the OU has been working
appropriate for students who are used
Katrina Coleman on 0191 4776100, or
hard to ensure that these students aren’t
to study at higher levels.
impact of funding change is going to
Students on this route will also have
Meg Allen:
be felt most keenly in England, so the
access to a dedicated telephone support
Community Partnerships Programme
early focus has been on developing a
team in the first year of their study and
Manager, Widening Participation
new programme which will give English
will be given additional support and
disadvantaged in the new system. The
You can find further information about the Access to Success Route at:
Issue 29
Helping businesses grow through Higher Level Skills Higher Level Skills
Skills to Grow NE Increasing skill levels and economic growth is a new and unique web portal for the North East. Its aim is to encourage economic growth, and increase skills levels and innovation, through promoting collaboration between business and the North East’s universities and colleges. It provides a single gateway for
support services and dedicated staff
Partnerships. This enables businesses
across the region’s colleges and
to gain an understanding of the type
of support that is available and what type of business solutions might be
The site has been developed in response region who sometimes found difficulty is free and has a
in accessing the relevant institutions
number of features, enabling users to
and people to help them to develop
select a range of information. They can:
and grow their business. The design and functionality of the site has been
search by industry sector to find
created in conjunction with the business
potential solutions to workplace
and learning community to ensure that
it provides the information they want
find out how other businesses have
and is easy to navigate.
benefited from working with the HE sector
workplaces to access the vast range of
appropriate to their needs.
to feedback from businesses across the
support and expertise available from
The site includes a range of fact sheets
access and download a range of
the region’s universities and colleges,
and information, highlighting the key
industry sector based information,
as well as access to a range of useful
skills and recruitment issues facing
guides and fact sheets
information and links to regional
individual sectors, both now and in the
understand the key skills issues
business support organisations.
future; as well as useful web links to
affecting each industry sector - now
business support organisations and
and in the future
The North East’s universities and colleges
initiatives across the North East. It uses
receive email alerts about business
are an integral part of the skills and
case studies from employers to
support events in the region
innovation supply chain to business.
demonstrate how our region’s colleges
find and link to the most appropriate
The portal provides
and universities have worked with
business support staff to help you
a comprehensive ‘go-to’ web site for
companies to develop solutions to
collect information from across the
employers looking to develop their
address specific business needs - ranging
site and create your own bespoke
organisation and staff by giving them
from student projects and internships,
a single point of access to business
through to Knowledge Transfer
NHS Health Champion Awards Waterview Park Union Learning Reps Congratulations and well done to Lucy Lanaghan and Gillian Hindson, both Union Learning Representatives (ULRs) in Waterview Park, (WvP) Washington.
The health initiatives have had a positive impact on people in WvP. During a visit by the Stroke Association a number of people were referred to their GPs. One person was found to have extremely high blood pressure but didn’t know. (This
Both have achieved the status of NHS
is why high blood pressure is labelled
Health Champions and were presented
‘the silent killer’!) Following the
with their certificates by the Mayor of Sunderland.
This award is recognition of the ongoing work on health improvement in WvP. We're delighted to have achieved this standard, and will continue in our efforts to provide staff with health opportunities onsite. Lucy Lanaghan: Union Learning Rep At the event the Chair of Sunderland
It's brilliant that large outside organisations such as the NHS are aware of our work in Waterview Park and that we are now known for being proactive in health improvement.
referral it was also discovered that
Gllian Hindson: Union Learning Rep
fluid and was referred immediately
the person was pre-diabetic. They immediately made lifestyle changes and worked with their GP to stop and control this. At a recent health event, they took part in a mini health check and were delighted to be told that their blood pressure is now the same as a 16 year old. Following a fitness check arranged on site, another person was found to be carrying high levels of excess to their GP. Tests showed that the
Some of the good work carried out by
fluid was actually around their heart.
the WvP ULRs includes arranging a
Without the fitness test there would
‘World Mental Health Day’ event, as
have been no way of knowing about
part of their Better Health at Work
this until it was too late. They are
(BHAW) initiative.
now working with their doctor and
Teaching Primary Care Trust mentioned
that check has proved to be a life
some organisations by name, giving a
Two mental health experts from
special mention to HMRC. This gives
Sunderland Primary Care Trust came
outside organisations a very positive
along providing advice about mental
Once again, a massive well done to
message about how HMRC is working
health and wellbeing. ‘Goodie’ bags
Lucy and Gillian and keep up the good
together with ULRs to engage with staff
donated by the Mental Health
and help them to take responsibility
Foundation and NHS were also handed
for their own health and wellbeing in
out including relaxation CDs and stress
the workplace.
Tracy Maddison PCS Branch Learning Co-ordinator
Issue 29
HIV24/7/365 - World Aids Day Highlighting the global epidemic World AIDS Day is just one day to highlight a global epidemic that people live and die with every day of their lives; not just one special day where we wear pretty ribbons and attend union-led award winning exhibitions.
million new infections per year and 2
support, help and inform our members
million deaths annually due to it.
and colleagues even more with focussed campaigns around health and wellbeing. In the summer of 2011 I had an idea for a specific campaign about bringing attention to HIV back to the forefront as in recent years a certain level of lethargy and complacency seems to have crept into society. So, I felt that it was a good opportunity and prime time to raise the issue of HIV awareness
As part of the PCS-Identity Passport
once again, along with associated risk
There are over 33 million people around
Service workplace Better Health at Work
management strategies/safe sexual
the world living with HIV, with nearly 3
initiative we now have a platform to
practices like; wearing a condom, being
careful and honest with partners about
The event at Milburngate was really
your sexual history and getting a regular
very well attended, lots of people from
routine HIV test if not in a monogamous
every level of the business came to see
what all the fuss was about, and take
advantage of the sexual health stalls as well as reading the exhibition boards and hopefully reminding them of the salient point that HIV is still very much something people need to be acutely aware of. The event at the Town Hall was on one of the coldest days of the year. However we had to get people in to see the exhibition so that meant donning hats, scarves, coats and gloves and going out into the cold to hand out leaflets to the passing members of the public many of whom where doing their
Thus, this was the basis of the roadshow
Christmas shopping and thinking of
and featured exhibition which a group
nothing else. But, most people were
of us put lots of hard work, effort and
thankfully in Christmas spirit and some
creativity in to make it informative,
took valuable time out to visit the
engaging and fit for purpose.
As I write this four months on we’ve now won the gold level ‘Better Health
What really stunned me was the
at Work’ award with a special bonus
graphical sorcery performed by John
award for the ‘HIV Roadshow’. The
Cook, as he made the individual pages
exhibition is still very much relevant,
come alive with striking visuals.
too. HIV is still with us all around the world, it has not been cured, and it is
I was keen to bring in outside groups
still infecting people and killing
and suggested MESMAC, a charity based
them. The message we sent out then
in Newcastle which made for a really
is as relevant now as it was four months
strong presentation team.
ago as it will be for every day between now and until the day every last person who has it is cured. The final event was at St Nic’s church,
a good likeable venue but still it was
World AIDS Day is just one day a year
the middle of December so once more
but people live with it every day of
we were wrapped up warm for leafleting
their lives. Every day needs to be World
duty. The parish vicar made a personal
AIDS Day, and that’s the message we
visit to the display and really enjoyed
need to get across otherwise Kenny
not only the content but the
Everett, Rock Hudson, Freddie Mercury,
professionalism with how we conducted
Anthony Perkins, Easy-E, Isaac Asimov
ourselves. By that time we’d had enough
and many, many, many others will have
practice to look like we knew what we
died in vain.
were doing!
Rachel Redhead: PCS
Issue 29
Stephen Hughes MEP gets on board with union-led learning at Northern Rail
Hughes MEP, kindly took time out from his busy schedule to present learners at Northern Rail with National Test literacy and numeracy certificates at the company’s Heaton Depot in Newcastle on 1st March.
from improved skills and qualifications,
partnership has enabled individual
they also enable more learning
employees to move forward with their
programmes and courses to be run for
learning and development—good news
others, too. There have been 30 passes
for them personally and good news for
in total so far and the initiative is still
their employers. Investment in learning
pays dividends. Well done to all
The long-term aim of the project is to
set-up an on-site Learning Centre with
Kevin Rowan, Northern TUC Regional
a room donated by the employer, fitted
Secretary said: “It’s always great see
The learners were receiving their
with 6 computer stations supplied by
the real difference projects like this one
certificates after successfully completing
the unions to support even more diverse
make in practice; to the workplace and
national literacy and numeracy tests as
learning opportunities, both online and
also back into families and
part of the union-led learning project
communities. What is even more
that is running within their workplace.
admirable is that all of the achievements
The project is a joint initiative between
Stephen Hughes was joined by the
are being driven by a true partnership
the TSSA and Unite unions, City of
learners, ULRs, Union Learning
approach via their Collective Learning
Sunderland College and Northern Rail,
Organisers David Nicholson from TSSA
Fund, a relatively new model that relies
run by Union Learning Reps, Steve
and Mick Simpson from Unite, a
very much on an active and sustained
Cambridge and Grant Scott, which aims
representative of Northern Rail
commitment to learning and learners
to promote adult, family and community
management and Kevin Rowan,
from all parties involved.
learning to staff, members and beyond.
unionlearn Regional Manager/Northern
TUC Regional Secretary.
“It’s a pleasure and a privilege for
As part of their Collective Learning Fund,
unionlearn to be able to support projects
which was established in 2011 and is
Stephen Hughes MEP said: “I am
like this one and kudos has to go to
the first of its kind within Northern Rail,
delighted to celebrate the fantastic
TSSA and Unite, Northern Rail and City
City of Sunderland College pays £50
partnership work between a major
of Sunderland College for their combined
into the fund for every skills for life
employer, trades unions and an
contributions of time, funding, resources
pass, so not only do the learners benefit
important regional college. This
and dedication.”
Issue 29
Sunderland and Gateshead Councils receive Quality Award for Apprenticeships Both Gateshead and Sunderland Council were very deserving recipients of the prestigious unionlearn Quality Award for the Delivery and Co-ordination of their Apprenticeship programme at the national ‘Apprenticeships: Quality and Equality’ conference in London, presented by Dr Pete Waterman.
and union learners are considered in
roles that unions can play in ensuring
the design, development and delivery
apprenticeships are high quality and
of courses and programmes. The
accessible to people from disadvantaged
Gateshead and Sunderland Local
Authorities ably demonstrated they are
exemplar employers and providers,
The 200+ attendees, who included a
committed to partnership working in
delegation from each of the Local
this area and so passed the stringent
Authorities, heard from a host of
assessment process with flying colours
inspiring speakers from unions,
earlier this year.
employers and providers on what they
are doing to promote apprenticeships
The conference was unionlearn’s annual
and how they are working together to
event highlighting the role that trade
ensure apprenticeships are the gold
unions play in supporting apprentices
standard for work based learning.
in the workplace and working with The unionlearn Quality Award is a
employers to develop more high quality
Keynote addresses came from Frances
kitemark awarded to organisations that
apprenticeship places.
O’Grady, TUC Deputy General Secretary,
are committed to working with trade unions and can demonstrate that unions
Dr Pete Waterman OBE DL, Record This year’s event was focussed on the
Producer, rail enthusiast and Patron of
the National Skills Academy for Railway
the unionlearn Quality Award for
Engineering and Simon Waugh, Executive
Apprenticeship Provision.
Chair, National Apprenticeship Service.
Apprenticeships not only provide
valuable opportunities for young people
Gateshead Council is delighted to receive the Quality Award for Apprenticeship Provision from the TUC
but they also create vitality and energy
Rodger Kelly Chief Executive, Gateshead Council
across our workplaces.” Dave Smith, Chief Executive at Sunderland City Council said: “One of
We have some fantastic apprentices within Sunderland City Council who have proven to be a valuable asset to their teams
the key benefits in recruiting an
Julia Harrison Workforce Development Consultant Sunderland City Council
apprentice is that their mix of on and off the job learning means they have the skills that work best for your service. Indeed, it’s been reported that
Howard Fawcett, ULR Coordinator of the
Rodger went on to say: “We are proud
employers who take on apprentices
union-led Learning Styles project said:
of our reputation for being a Council
benefit from higher productivity, reduced
“The Learning Styles project and the
that supports employees in their learning
staff turnover, and an improved skills
trade unions are really keen to support
and development, and even in the
base. An apprenticeship also develops
the promotion and development of
current economic climate, we will strive
the skills of local people and involves
increased numbers of apprenticeships.
to provide and support Apprenticeships
the local community in the delivery of
It’s immensely gratifying to be able to
that develop competent and confident
local services.”
play a part in supporting this endeavour.
individuals who will have successful
careers in their chosen area of work.”
Julia Harrison, Workforce Development
“Sunderland City Council’s innovative
Consultant, Sunderland City Council
and supportive approach in conjunction
Dave Smith, lead Union learning Rep
said: “Processes and procedures in
with close partnership working, is
at Gateshead Council said: “Gateshead
engaging with apprentices have
providing positive rewards for all those
Trade Unions are totally committed in
developed greatly over recent years
connected with quality apprenticeship
supporting quality apprenticeship
leading to a more structured approach
opportunities and we are extremely
and successful experience for all.”
proud Gateshead Council has achieved
Issue 29
Introduction to New Media
Mental Health First Aid Mental ill health affects one in four people in the UK at any given time. Over the last 12 years the Department of Health has concentrated on mental health problems and prioritised it as a key target to improve public health in general.
April to June 2012
The Bitesize Briefing on Mental Health First Aid will help combat the stigma associated with mental health problems and hopefully encourage people to
You can register
With over half of the UK's adult
become Mental Health First Aiders.
population now using social media, the
direct via email to
significance of utilising all avenues of
It will also increase awareness on the
the designated
modern, cost effective digital
major areas of mental health and how
communications couldn’t be greater.
they affect individuals in and out of the
contact or for general
enquiries/to register
The briefing will cover how to use
by telephone please
Facebook, Twitter and You Tube,
call 0191 232 3175
discerning which is best for what and
new/social media and sites like
Blogging for Beginners
how you want to communicate, for example: creating groups, raising
This will be a hands-on session to help
awareness, distributing information
you blog and report news, campaigns
quickly etc.
and issues relating to your workplace, union and community.
It will provide an overview of each medium and some tricks of the trade
Blogging is an increasingly important
to help you inform, publicise, and
way of ‘getting the message out’ quickly
organise for maximum impact.
without having to rely on the traditional media.
Topics covered will include: Using new media for
The recent successful Northroots
conference on new and digital media highlighted that this is an area many
Creating multi-media messages
reps are interested in.
Utilising social network sites
This session will guide you through the ‘dos and don’ts’ as well as enabling
Using text messaging for mass
you to set up a blog there and then if
you have not done so already.
Knowledge of the ‘two ticks’ criteria
Disability Champions
Promoting the role
The briefing will give an update on the
Understanding access to work
Disability Champions course.
Topics will include:
Working with management to develop improvement plans
Understanding of the Disability Champions role
Cumbria Forum on Health and Wellbeing
Barriers to carrying out the Disability Champions role Understanding specific disability
There’s never been a more important
time for trade unions and employers to concentrate on how workplaces can be
Case Studies
an effective area to improve health and
Equality Act - specifically the disability characteristic
the wider public health. Key areas of concern currently are around
wellbeing, not just of employees but of
The Forum will explore why workplaces
mental ill health, stress and coping with
should be involved and more importantly
cancer in the workplace. These subjects
why trade unions should participate.
and more will be covered at the Forum.
April to June 2012 Timetable
Registration Contact
Introduction to New Media
Wednesday 9 May
Northern TUC Newcastle
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Helen Parry
Mental Health First Aid
Wednesday 16 May
Northern TUC Newcastle
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Anne Cairns
Blogging for Beginners
Tuesday 29 May
Unison Office: 140-150 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Helen Parry
Introduction to New Media
Tuesday 12 June
Carlisle College Room 140
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Helen Parry
Disability Champions
Friday 22 June
Northern TUC Newcastle
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Anne Cairns
Cumbria Forum on Health and Wellbeing
Thursday 28 June
Rheged Penrith
12.00pm to 4.00pm
Melanie Lowden
Issue 29
Training time for Toon heroes Magpie duo try out high-tech simulator Newcastle United football heroes John Beresford and Joe Allon on Friday 27th January sampled a very different form of training at the controls of a 125 mph East Coast express!
Newcastle. It's a real eye-opener to see
once a week to continue my education.
how quickly the train driver has to think
We're already planning a second event
ahead and react at the controls.
for rail staff and the support from two legends of St James' Park is very
'Learning something new is always positive - that's why Joe and myself are keen to help East Coast raise awareness
The driving simulator is one of four
of the learning opportunities for
based at East Coast driver depots in
hundreds of rail staff at Central Station.'
Newcastle, Edinburgh, Leeds and London
The popular duo tried their hand on a
King's Cross. Each features an exact
high-tech driving simulator at Newcastle
East Coast's Driver Manager at
replica complete with all the controls
Central Station, to kick off a drive to
Newcastle, Bob Howes, was an
and gauges of the real thing. The
promote a wide variety of further
apprentice player with the Magpies in
simulator can be adapted in seconds
education courses to rail staff in the
his youth. Bob said: 'Both John and Joe
to depict either of East Coast's two
enjoy the lifelong affection of United
types of motive power - the Class 91
supporters - left-back John for his
electric locomotive or the Class 43 diesel
The event followed a successful open
memorable performances in Kevin
High Speed Train.
day for staff at Newcastle station,
Keegan's 'Entertainers' team in the early
organised by East Coast in partnership
1990s, and striker Joe for his great goals
The ‘Education Station’s’ second event
with rail unions ASLEF, TSSA and RMT,
across five years with the Toon from
is planned for May to coincide with
to promote learning and educational
1984 to 1988.
Learning at Work Day and looks to be
opportunities both within and beyond
as successful as the first, with activities
the railway. John said: 'The simulator
'When I was a young apprentice with
like a Spanish taster session,
is very realistic - right down to the
Newcastle United, they still made sure
photography, first aid, guitar tuition and
landmarks alongside the track leaving
I went along to North Tyneside College
skills for life for staff to participate in.
Issue 29 Kevin Rowan Northern TUC Regional Secretary Beth Farhat Union Development Co-ordinator Ian West Regional Education Officer Linda Hughes Senior Union Support Officer Dave Storrie Senior Union Support Officer Ken Gyles Union Support Officer
And finally...for the record! We are currently updating our records so that we hold current and correct contact details for all active ULRs. We would be grateful if you could complete and return the form you should have recently received in the post in the envelope provided to our Freepost address. This will help us keep you up to date with all of the relevant learning and skills information, details of events,
Joe McGuigan Union Support Officer
For information on events or issues please contact the Northern TUC
Graeme Rushton Union Support Officer Cumbria Susanne Nichol Marketing and Communications Mike Tansey Higher Level Skills Project Worker Julie Robinson Higher Level Skills Project Worker Tom Ross Health and Wellbeing Project Worker Alex Rodgers USO non-union workplaces Melanie Lowden Secretary/Office Manager Anne Cairns Unionlearn Project Assistant
briefings courses and meetings reach everyone who may be interested in attending. Even if you are no longer an active ULR and do not wish to receive further information from unionlearn and the TUC, please could you let us know and we can remove you from our records. If you return your form to us before the 31st May you will be eligible for entry into our prize draw.
May 2012 Calendar
June 2012 Continued
Adult Learners Week 12 to 19 May 2012
Executive Northern TUC Office
Learning at Work Day
Learning and Organising Seminar Centre for Life
Volunteer Day
Cumbria Apprenticeship Event Rheged
Regional Council Gateshead Civic
Skills Utilisation Seminar Thistle Hotel, Newcastle
June 2012 Calendar 04
Spring Bank Holiday/Diamond Jubilee Office closed 4&5 June
July 2012 Calendar 12
Executive Northern TUC Office
Durham Miners Gala Durham City
Northern Pride Parade 12 noon, Newcastle Civic Centre; Main event 1.oopm Leazes Park
September 2012 Calendar 09
TUC Congress - Bournmouth 9 to 12 September 2012
Northern TUC, 5th Floor, Commercial Union House 39 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6QE Telephone 0191 232 3175 or email
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