Unions North Issue 26

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The Magazine of the Northern TUC

ULR of the Year 2011 Recognising the contribution of this year’s deserving award winner.

Apprenticeship special From events, to Bills and Apprentice profiles, we’ve got them all

ELSF Round-up Looking back over the last year’s diverse meetings

Adult Learners Week Get ready to be a part of the UK’s largest festival of learning

unions north Issue : 26 May 2011


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Union Learning Rep of the Year 2011 Karen Alderson: PCS This year’s well-deserved winner is Karen Alderson, PCS, from the Identity and Passport Service in Durham.

bingo!” With health and wellbeing and

– but also building a strong base for

jewellery making inbetween. The learning

better equality and greater diversity.

centre has also achieved excellence – securing the matrix award.

Karen’s very appropriately star-shaped award was proudly presented on the

It is perhaps the imagination and reach

second day of the Northern TUC Annual

Karen is someone who has proved to

of union learning that has made a

Conference in front of 150 delegates

be a really effective Union Learning Rep

difference for this Union Learning

from 15 unions, by Keynote Speaker

– enabling learners in her workplace to

Rep. Motivated by her own visit to the

Mary Bousted, ATL General Secretary

access learning through effective

Anne Frank Education Trust exhibition

and Chair of the unionlearn Board.

negotiation and organising with her

that we have here in the region – she

employer – maximising participation at

organised not only for it to be located

Well done Karen on a well deserved

learning at work day and being creative

in her own workplace – she also ensured

recognition of your hard work and

about what kinds of learning people

that some colleagues were trained to

commitment to the learning agenda –

wanted to do – from career progression

present the exhibition to colleagues

we look forward to hearing of your

opportunities to “sexual orientation

and visitors – not only tackling learning

future successes.



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Issue 26

Unionlearn Apprenticeships Event Looking to make a “Big Difference” Unionlearn with the Northern TUC held one of their largest events of the year on Monday 7th February.



Learning Representatives, spent the day

Change, Big Difference’ campaign, Alan

hearing about how they and their

Wallace, Regional Director of the National

employers can become more involved

Apprenticeship Service and Graham

with Apprenticeships and the benefits

Randle, TUC Apprenticeships Liaison

of doing so for the business, workforce

Officer. Phil Handley, Managing Director

and region as a whole.

of local employer Caterpillar (based at

The Promoting Apprenticeships event

Peterlee) also presented a first-hand

was timed to coincide with the start of

Keynote Speakers on the day included

case study of how investing in

National Apprenticeships Week and the

Catherine McKinnell, MP for Newcastle

Apprenticeships has benefitted their

imminent second Parliamentary reading

North and promoter of the ‘Small

business and illustrating theory turned

of the ‘Apprenticeships and Skills (Public

into good practice.

Procurement Contracts)Bill’, part of the

‘Small Change, Big Difference’ campaign

Catherine McKinnell, MP for Newcastle

which aims to further embed

North said: “I am absolutely delighted

Apprenticeships in the private sector

to join unionlearn with the Northern

and offer more opportunities through

TUC for their regional apprenticeships

public procurement processes.

event during National Apprenticeship

Week. I am passionate about the

Almost 150 delegates, mainly Union

importance of apprenticeships for both

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employers and employees, and for the country as a whole. They provide a structured career path for both young and older people, whilst also helping to develop the skills we need if our economy is to compete nationally and internationally. “Trade unions have an incredibly important role in promoting the status of apprenticeships and in working with employers and employees alike to encourage their uptake. I am therefore really pleased that unionlearn in the region and beyond, have backed my Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement) Bill, and it was very valuable to provide delegates at this important summit with an update on the progress of my ‘Small Change, Big

a significant role in providing support

speaks volumes about their

Difference’ campaign.”

to potential learners and employers

importance. National Apprenticeship

across the North East allowing more

Week was the perfect opportunity to

Alan Wallace, Apprenticeships Employer

people and employers to benefit from

embrace and celebrate the contribution

Services Director said: “By working


apprentices make to our economy and

collectively towards the overarching aim

future going forward. This is another

of helping more employers to benefit

Unionlearn Union Development Co-

facet of the workplace learning agenda

from employing apprentices, we can

ordinator, Beth Farhat said: “The

and we already have a proven track

bring real value to employers, learners

popularity and demand for this event

record there so I know trade unions

and ultimately the region’s economy.

and dissemination of information and

can and do have a significant role to

Union Learning Representatives can play

best practice around Apprenticeships

play in this arena, too.”



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Issue 26

Sunderland employer looks to the future by Investing in Apprenticeships

Bridget Phillipson, MP for Houghton and Sunderland South made a visit in February, to people and property business, Gentoo to see first-hand their ongoing commitment to investing in the future through their extensive Apprenticeship programme. TOA BRIGHTER FUTURE

In a model partnership, Gentoo is

Beth Farhat, unionlearn Union

working very closely with the union-led

Development Co-ordinator said:

learning project ‘Look Forward’ to offer

“The North East’s people have a great

the most comprehensive Apprenticeship

deal to offer employers throughout the

programme they can, with increased

region. Apprenticeships enable firms of

support from both the employer and

all shapes and sizes to make a good

the unions.

value addition to their teams in difficult times as well as providing opportunities

There are currently 33 Apprenticeships

for young people to develop new skills.

running at Gentoo, ranging from

National Apprenticeship Week was a

Bricklaying to Gas Fitting and Joinery.

really good opportunity for all employers

Bridget was joined by 11 of these

to consider all the different benefits

apprentices, along with Deborah Piggett,

apprenticeships could offer in the year

Gentoo’s Director of Organisational

ahead. Gentoo has an excellent track

Development, Barry Curran, Union

record in embracing apprenticeships

Learning Rep Coordinator for the Look

and removing barriers. They are a really

Forward project and representatives

positive example for others to follow.”

from unionlearn who support the project.



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Kath Curry, Learning and Development

Bridget Phillipson, MP for Houghton

Manager – Gentoo Group said:

and Sunderland South said:

“Gentoo recognises the importance of

“I am delighted to be able to witness


apprenticeships in developing the

first-hand a business in my constituency

“I fully support the cross-party ‘Small

workforce of the future. We work with

that is very clearly embracing

Change, Big Difference Bill,’ which will

local partners such as training providers


increase Apprenticeship opportunities

and schools to create employment and

further. Hopefully, this will lead to many

better communities. Apprenticeships are

“Now more than ever businesses and

more employers following Gentoo’s

a solid foundation for trainees to develop

employers can gain from Apprenticeships

fantastic commitment to the future of

in their chosen field and a great start

by investing, and ultimately benefiting

not only their business but also their

to a budding career.”

from enhanced and relevant skills.




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Issue 26

The Apprenticeship and Skills Bill Catherine McKinnell Like the TUC, I am passionate about the importance of apprenticeships for both employers and employees, and for the country as a whole.

My Apprenticeships Bill therefore seeks to introduce a requirement that when awarding large contracts, public authorities - such as Government departments or local councils - must ensure that successful bidders demonstrate a firm commitment to providing skills training and, crucially, apprenticeship places. In the current

They provide a structured career path

financial climate it is particularly

for young and older people alike, whilst

important to ensure that for every pound

also helping to develop the skills UK

of publicly-funded investment, those

plc needs if our economy is to be able

profiting from these prized contracts

to effectively compete on a global

are giving something back.

stage. In what I am calling the 'Small

Change, Big Difference' campaign, I

My Bill passed its first Parliamentary

have therefore been working on a cross-

hurdle in the Commons in September

party basis in Parliament to increase

drawing widespread support from across

the number of apprenticeship places

the political spectrum. It has been

that are available across the country

endorsed by the TUC, Lord Sugar,

through my proposal for new legislation

Federation of Small Businesses,

- the Apprenticeships and Skills (Public

Association of Colleges, National Union

Procurement Contracts) Bill.

of Students and a range of other unions

has also been well received during my

I have personal experience of how



and employer organisations. The Bill

apprenticeships change lives, growing

The commitment of the previous

meetings with the Apprenticeships

up with my grandfather's construction

Government to expanding

Minister, John Hayes MP. However, I

firm which provided high quality jobs

apprenticeships saw almost 240,000

need more than warm words if my

and training for generations of skilled

places taken up in the UK in 2008/9 -

proposals are to become a reality. The

craftsmen, whilst building housing across

an all-time high. The current Government

Bill received its 'second reading' in the

my city of Newcastle.

has also repeatedly stated its ambition

Commons on 11th February during

to build on this work, by 'redirecting'

National Apprenticeships Week - and it

Apprenticeships remain as relevant today

£150 million this year to ensure an

would be fantastic if you could back

as they did then - something I

additional 50,000 apprenticeship places,

my idea, by contacting your own MP

experienced at first hand recently when

rising by a further 25,000 places by

and asking them register their support

I spent the day as a construction

2014/15. However, even this expansion

with the Minister.

apprentice in my constituency. Of course,

will not be enough to meet demand -

apprenticeships aren't restricted to the

just last year BT received 24,000

If you don't know who your MP is, you

construction industry; they are relevant

applications for only 221 places on its

can find out at:

to all sectors and many roles.

apprenticeship programme.


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John Patterson Case Study Becoming part of the IT Crowd In

a difficult and competitive jobs market, John Patterson believes that he will have the edge over his friends who have taken the university route.

He said: “It is fantastic experience. I

John is an IT apprentice at Redcar and

A lot of the work involves careful

Cleveland Borough Council and believes

planning; we cannot allow the system

that as well as having a diploma and

to go down when we are repairing it. I

industry-recognised IT qualification,

have been involved in a big project,

having had two years worth of work

upgrading the council’s computer system,

experience for a large organisation will

but have also worked on the help desk

make him an attractive candidate for

answering queries. What I love about

any employer.

the job is that I learn something new

every day. That’s true for my colleagues

He commented: “I would like to think

too; it’s that sort of job.”

that if they had two job applications,

one from someone with qualifications

He hopes to be taken on by the council

from university and one from me with

when his apprenticeship is completed.

qualifications and hands-on technical experience, plus working with the public and learning council procedures and protocols, then I would have a better chance.” After taking his A-levels, John, 19, was not sure that university was for him. “I’m the type who enjoys applying my knowledge and I had had enough of sitting in a classroom.” He scanned the local job vacancy sites and was offered two apprenticeships, but plumped for the post with Redcar and Cleveland. He studies one afternoon a week at the local college and the rest of the time he is a member of the council’s IT team.

am out and about working on a large number of sites from ones with a couple of PCs, to schools, leisure centres and council offices. I have had to learn how to conduct myself with the public and the council’s procedures.

“I would like to think that if they had two job applications, one from someone with qualifications from university and one from me with qualifications and hands-on technical experience, plus working with the public and learning council procedures and protocols, then I would have a better chance.”

His line managers are pleased with his work and he was a runner up in the finals of the North East region’s Apprentice of the Year. He said: “I’d love to stay on, but the job situation is difficult at the moment. But I’m sure that my experience here will lead on to something else.” John is a member of Unison and the union helped him to get an allowance for his car and cheaper parking fees. He said: “I’ve been lucky. I have had no problems here, even on the help desk where the clients can get a bit agitated. One of the lads in the IT team is a shop steward and it is good to know that there is always someone to go to if I need to.”



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Issue 26

Adult Learners Week Workplace ideas and event resources As well as these comprehensive packs

Adult Learners' Week is the UK’s largest festival of learning, and will be taking place from 14-20 May.

there are also lots of free resources to help make your events fun, diverse, informative and filled with lots of people learning something new.

With thousands of fun and engaging activities taking place across the country,

If you are planning an event to celebrate

it’s the perfect opportunity to introduce

learning during Adult Learners’ Week,

your colleagues to learning in the

take up an exclusive offer for workplaces.


The Adult Learners’ Week Workplace

The following are just some ideas of what’s out there, but the possibilities are endless:

Event Pack, includes the popular ‘Event You could use the prestigious 20th Adult

in a Box’ - a complete starter kit to run

The BBC has a wealth of free

Learners’ Week to host a free learning

activities for up to 50 people, and a

courses on line from literacy

or taster event, demonstrating how

Quick Reads Employer Pack - 60 Quick

and numeracy, gardening,

flexible, interesting and rewarding

Reads, a display stand and a range of

cookery to history as well as

learning can be as an adult.

resources to create a buzz about reading.

the excellent language

Order your pack now for just £140 (a

courses: www.bbc.co.uk/

There are also other themed days during

discount of £25) at: www.alw.org.uk/

learning/online courses

the week that you can use as a hook


into all kinds of different and interesting

Beginners I.T. courses can be

learning opportunities including:

found at BBC Webwise: www.bbc.co.uk/webwise

Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 May:

For free basic I.T. courses at

Cultural Diversity Weekend

UK Online:

Thursday 19 May:


Learning at Work Day


Friday 20 May: Digital Day, including Silver

For numeracy resources:

Surfers’ Day (co-ordinated by

There are also a wide range of

Digital Unite)

customizable resources to help you engage employees, as well as a free

Link in to local libraries and

Online Event Diary (used by our free

Museum services, many are

If you aren’t already linked in to the

helpline at 0800 100 900) to advertise

already running events that

Regional Health & Wellbeing Project

your events.

Union Learning Reps can link

(contact Tom Ross) or the Higher Level




in to.

Skills Project (contact Julie Robinson or

For more information and to order your

Mike Tansey), this is an ideal opportunity

Adult Learners’ Week resources, visit:

to do so.


The Open University

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Learning at Work Day Workplace learning and Future Matters Learning at Work (LAW) Day is an annual awareness campaign organised by the Campaign for Learning (CfL) since 1999 as part of Adult Learners' Week. LAW Day promotes and supports workplace learning events across the country.

The Campaign for Learning believes that

as part of Adult Learners Week. This

it is more important than ever that

year’s theme is Future Matters!

workplaces and individuals maintain

The theme highlights the importance

and develop their skills levels in order

of learning and development for

to adapt and thrive in the economic

individuals and organisations when

downturn. Each year, thousands of

facing change, reaching goals, planning

organisations take part in LAW Day and

for the future and developing new ways

stage fun and business-related learning

of working and living.

activities to help their staff learn new skills that they can put into action at

Who can take part?

work and beyond. By getting involved

You can take part in LAW Day as a

in the biggest annual celebration of

learner, workplace, learning provider or

It aims to draw attention to the

workplace learning you could uncover

ULR. Last year, thousands of

importance of workplace learning and

new skills, build new partnerships and

organisations took part including large

skills, encouraging people to offer

help reach your business goals - all at

corporations, SMEs, public sector

learning to all employees, especially to

the same time!

organisations and government departments. Companies that have taken

those that may not participate in current learning opportunities.

When is it?

part in previous years include WHSmith,

LAW Day takes place on 19 May 2011

Warburtons, American Express, Prudential



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Issue 26

and BSkyB. Find out who’s taking part

markets and new sectors to work in.

Developing soft skills

this year by visiting the Learning Map.

In this rapidly changing environment

Soft skills go beyond the technical

The theme also draws attention to the

skills and capabilities need to be

requirements of a role and influence

skills gaps that will need to be

developed quickly. For Learning at Work

how we interact with each other.

addressed in a changing local and global

Day there are three ways you could


explore this:

They are often intangible and more difficult to teach and are being

The themed activity areas are: Learning Leaders

Help employees

increasingly recognised as important

understand what their

job related skills.

Shifting skills

current skills are and how

Sharing knowledge

they can fit into other roles.

Different roles will often require varying

Developing soft skills

Help employees

levels of soft skills such as:

understand how they learn Learning Leaders

so they can develop new

Listening skills in a

With significant changes taking place

skills more readily.

customer service role

in workplaces across the country it is

Provide or highlight how

Decision making in a

essential that workplaces have

employees can learn using

managerial role

employees ready to lead as well as

more accessible formats –

Creativity in a marketing

manage. Learning at Work Day is an

online, bursts of learning,


ideal opportunity to explore the skills

informal learning.

that make a leader. Strong leadership

You could use LAW Day to highlight

skills include risk taking, motivation,

soft skills required for job roles or look

decision making and having a clear

Sharing knowledge

at how you could be a more customer-

sense of direction.

As organisations change in terms of

focussed business. Often, these are

structure it is essential that knowledge

skills that can be useful at home too.

Managers also play a key role in their

is shared so that experience can be

team’s learning. A learning culture doesn’t

built on and individuals and

Don't forget you can always create your

happen overnight, but your actions and

organisations can become more effective

own theme if this works best for your

attitude will make a huge difference to

in working together avoiding reinventing


how learning and development is

processes and procedures. What should I do next?

perceived within your team. Learning at Work Day is an ideal

If you are interested in taking part you

Shifting skills

opportunity for individuals and

can register online at the Campaign for

Organisations and employees are finding

departments to share knowledge and

Learning website and tick workplace

that they need to change to find new

skills on an informal or formal basis.

learning as an interest. You will then receive the latest updates and special offers on our regular enewsletters. You can also speak to your fellow ULRs, your union Regional Learning Organisers and/or unionlearn regional contact. To help you get started you can explore the Campaign for Learning’s website www.campaignforlearning.org.uk with access to online planning guides, downloadable activities and resources to order.



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Regional Language Network Make upskilling your second language When

looking at the future challenges we face in the current globalised economy, there is only one conclusion: Britain needs to upskill its workforce in order to compete in the global market.

Our offer: Small and mediumsized companies are losing business and money due to the lack of linguistic and intercultural skills

Develop language skills and increase

EU Commission Report 2009

Publicise case studies highlighting

knowledge of other business cultures via language taster sessions and short courses Improve working relationships in multicultural environments Link with language service professionals best practice

74% of UK employers are looking for conversational language skills, while 36% are employing people specifically for their fluent language skills CBI Education and Skills Survey 2009

Whether it is for professional development, personal interest or your next holiday, the RLN can help you to

International Communication Skills Help develop a world-class

find out more about materials and

communications strategy

courses available to support you and

Facilitate development of excellent

your language/culture learning.

language and business cultural skills

The RLN currently

Identify solutions for recruiting

works with over 70

personnel with linguistic skills

accredited Language

Enable you to maximise the

Service Professionals and Education

opportunities from working with key


regional business support partners The ability to communicate in another

We work in partnership with regional

language and with other cultures is now

and national organisations to look at

more than ever a prerequisite for

ways to improve competitiveness for

corporate and public employees

businesses and employability for

worldwide. Finding the time to take on

individuals. The RLN also offers services

a language course as well as the

to those involved in the teaching of

motivation, however, can often prove

language and cultural skills, individuals

to be a barrier to the successful

with language skills and language service

acquisition of another language.


This is why the regional Language

In collaboration with the TUC and

Network is determined to help the

unionlearn, the RLN was able to

region’s workforce to find adapted

successfully deliver a dynamic Spanish

solutions for each individual and each

Taster Session to Union Learning

organisation willing to “Communicate

Representatives at the Festival of


Learning 2010 in Penrith, Cumbria.

Contact us today for further information about the services the Regional Language Network can offer to trade unions, individuals and businesses. Sabrina Mimid: Regional Language Network. Telephone 0191 423 5616 Email: sabrina.mimid@rln-northeast.com RLN North East: Find us on Twitter @ComWorldClass and on Facebook and LinkedIn: Regional Language Network. Or visit us online at: www.rln-northeast.com



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Issue 26

The Education Learning and Skills Forum Celebrating continued success The Education Learning and Skills forum has met three times this year, bringing together a range of trade union activists interested in Lifelong Learning.

have focused on the effects of the cuts

attending. Whilst the picture may be

and the recession and how learning can

uncertain for a regional fund, ULRs and

help trade union members and their

unions are continuing to look at ways

families, such as financial awareness

of sustaining projects and continuing

training and guidance.

to develop learning opportunities for


The number of Union Learning Reps

continues to grow in the region, as

The ELSF continues to be vibrant and

During the year we have celebrated a

does the number of members engaged

thriving, with the turnout at the meetings

number of continued successes in Union

in learning, with Government targets

consistently high. Prior to each Forum

Learning and recognised the hard work

continuing to be met. A number of ULRs

meeting there is a self- organised ULR

and dedication of Union Learning Reps,

are engaged in projects currently

network and issues are fed back into

the Unions and TUC/Unionlearn staff

supported by the ESF-SFA co-financed

the whole Forum. This year the group

pushing the union agenda in skills and

Learning for All Fund, which has now

has reported a number of successes

learning in a difficult economic time.


through union-led projects, Celebration

Clearly, this year, public spending



of Learning events and Learning At Work

reductions are of importance to all

The many successes of the LfAF projects

Day, highlighting the benefits for

unions and in the ELSF we have

were celebrated at a unionlearn event

members and employers. ULRs have

considered a number of initiatives, which

in December with many forum members

also been able to raise issues about

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training, funding and time off for both reps and learners. At the Forum meetings we have a number of regular slots updating us on national and regional developments in both learning and skills and the wider issues for trade unions. We are grateful to Kevin Rowan, Regional Secretary, Beth Farhat, Union Development Co-ordinator and Ian West, Regional Education Officer, for their contributions to the meetings. In April last year a new right to request time off to train came into effect and forum members were able to discuss this and other issues around informal adult learning with Joe Fearnehough from national TUC at our April meeting, and again with NIACE colleagues in our September meeting.

promoting digital inclusion in the

Online, Green Skills, the Equality

workforce and community.

Standard, Presentation Skills, Microsoft Voucher scheme, Right to Request Time

Early in the year we had a presentation

off to Train and Digital Photography.

on the Equality Awards from John Raine

The project had been successful in

of Equality North East. Clearly this had

winning Microsoft Essential Skills

some impact and I was delighted that

Vouchers worth £10 million, which gives

The Forum meetings continue to be

later in the year three of the union

workers and local businesses access to

informative as well as providing an

learning projects in the region were


opportunity for local trade unionists to question current national and regional

nominated for an equality award – with one going on to overall winner.

We also held a meeting in October to

developments in education, learning

coincide with the Celebration of Learning

and skills, in the context of the much

During the year we have invited other

and welcomed back David Kendall from

wider Trade Union movement.

speakers on a wide range of subjects,

the Reading Agency who talked about

with speakers from Equality North East,

the Six Book Challenge.

I would like to thank all those who have attended, been willing to give

WEA Northern Region, Regional Development Agency, NIACE, Regional

We have also held workshops at the

presentations and lead workshops at

Language Network, Get On at Work and

forum meetings on a number of topics

the Forum meetings and I would also

the Reading Agency.

like to thank the TUC/unionlearn staff and those at the venues who have

In our September meeting, held at

organised and supported the

Sunderland Civic Centre, we focused on

meetings. In particular, I am indebted

all things digital. Paul Watson, Leader

to Anne Cairns for organising the Forum

of the Council and Howard Fawcett from


Unison gave a presentation on the

SMILE Project, a collaboration between

Joyce McAndrew: Chair

the Council and the trade unions

Education Learning and Skills Forum



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Issue 26

Northern region Supporting Learners event The interactive information sharing day began with welcome and introductions to the nearly 100 strong audience by Beth Farhat, unionlearn Union Development Co-ordinator, who set the scene and context for the event. Given the current HE funding landscape,

of areas and themes, including the

service tailored for unionlearn: Go to:

one of the most exciting bits of news

Climbing Frame, Quality Award, Next

www.unionlearn.org.uk/advice or call

was that unionlearn in the region have

Step services, Higher Level Skills and

08000 92 91 90 for more information

managed to secure £25,000 worth of

the new all-age careers service - to

and to see how it can ULRs and

funding for Higher Level Skills courses

name but a few.


There have been quite a few changes

Another of the positive developments

With this welcome announcement, Beth

and developments in the last year alone:

highlighted was unionlearn’s

went on to thank all of the exhibitors

the introduction of loans for higher level

representation on major stakeholder

and hand over to national unionlearn

learning, changes to Next Step, the

groups to ensure that working people

colleagues who were facilitating the

review of matrix accreditation and IAG

are very much given a voice at a strategic

day’s activities.

qualifications etc. But, there has also

level - and this contribution is recognised

been the launch of the new web-based

by John Hayes, Minister of State for

Lesley Haughton opened by talking

Climbing Frame and the Unionlearn

Further Education, Skills and Lifelong

about the enormity of the Supporting

learning and careers advice service - a


Learners agenda, which covers a myriad

bespoke and comprehensive Next Step

to be utilised in workplaces.

The breadth of the Supporting Learners remit was crystallised in a slide which defined it as: Careers, learning and skills information and advice (IAG) Mentoring, coaching and facilitating learning Signposting Providing services in the workplace, and in learning centres



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applied in workplaces and for individuals

Edwin Milligan, Assistant Regional Manager for Employer Engagement at

The Climbing Frame tool can be

to maximum benefit. The project can

Next Step, was next up and he gave a

used to;

also help to identify any higher level

detailed presentation as to the nature

provide up to date information

skills needs and is key in alerting

and importance of the services they

to help during discussions

employers of these needs, highlighting

offer to workers: skills assessments,

with learners

the advantages of supporting this

career progression paths and practical

update ULRs knowledge about

agenda as part of a holistic learning

skills like CV writing, interview

various learning opportunities

approach for employees, as well as

techniques and beyond to help those

develop individual action

underpinning bottom-line benefits and

wishing to move on and move up -

plans with learners

competitiveness for business.

either internally or externally.

keep records of sessions with learners

Both Mike Tansey (mtansey@tuc.org.uk)

By using employment growth data Edwin

store local information and

and Julie Robinson

demonstrated the growing demand for


(jrobinson@tuc.org.uk) are available to

higher skills as over the last 9 years

gather information about

give information or talk about any Higher

the predominant qualification level in

learner profiles to support

Level skills queries in the northern

the fastest growing employment areas

negotiations with employers


has risen from a Level 2/3 to a definite We hope that everyone who attended

Level 4. The afternoon was drawn to a close

and participated enjoyed the day and

The remainder of the day was given

with a very specific focus on Higher

feels like they gained as much as they

over to practical and interactive

Level Skills and Mike Tansey, one of

gave, and we look forward to hearing

workshops and activities, focussing on

our regional Higher Level Skills Project

about your continued success in

sharing information on how best ULRs

Workers, addressed the room on how

Supporting Learners in your workplace

can support learners in their workplace

the project works and how it can be

and beyond.

through various means – we were even treated to an award winning role-play performance from the national team on ‘how not to do IAG’, as well as the very fitting Monty Python ‘Vocational

Guidance Counsellor’ video-clip, which was informative and entertaining. In addition to these star turns there is going to be a new Guide for Supporting Learners published soon featuring progression routes in IAG, coaching, mentoring and facilitating learning/ tutoring, qualifications and CPD and 8 case studies from individual unions. Louisa Shaw then ran a session on the new Climbing Frame tool, encouraging everyone to make themselves familiar with and make the most of this very helpful and relevant resource.



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Issue 26

BBC First Click Getting online one click at a time in confidence and build on their new

Of the 9.2 million people in the UK who have never been online, two thirds of them are over 65.

Guidance on running sessions

found computer and internet skills such

for tutors/facilitators with

as using a mouse, searching the internet

detailed session plans and

and sending emails. Available in the

advice on catering for different

spring, the guides will offer simple step

learning styles

by step instructions for exploring great BBC websites like BBC Gardening, Food

A printed guide which

and Nature.

accompanies the course in a hard wearing binder, covering

How to sign up

all the basics of computers

Signing up to become a BBC First Click

and the internet that learners

partner couldn’t be easier. Simply go

can take away with them

to the Partners page at: www.bbc.co.uk/firstclick , read the terms

Branding and marketing

and conditions and fill in the form. You will get a welcome email telling you

Regular updates and a direct

what to expect, including the First Click

point of contact for any

e-bulletin with campaign updates and

concerns or queries

when to expect delivery of your course resources (within 28 days).

First Click is a two year BBC Learning

Spreading the word through the BBC

Once you sign up, if your centre is not

campaign aimed at anyone over 55,

The campaign is being marketed with

accessible to the public please contact

who doesn’t use the internet, to

trails across BBC1, BBC2, national and

the Learning Project Manager below so

understand and enjoy its benefits.

local radio, with the promotional

that the helpline advisers can be notified.

message that using the internet is easier Here in the North East and Cumbria,

than you think and you’re not alone -

the BBC is seeking to develop

there are lots of other people like you.

partnerships with unionlearn centres

The trails give a free phone number -

who can help to deliver sessions within

08000 150950. Anyone calling the

the workplace and to the wider public.

number receives help from an adviser who explores their learning needs, does

Free teaching and learning guides

a postcode search and signposts them

The First Click course offers a simple

to an appropriate course. If you would like more information or

and easy to follow overview of how to



get started on a computer, the internet

For the next stage of the campaign, a

to discuss further please contact Helen

and email, which is delivered across

new and exciting set of guides focusing

Connify: Learning Project Manager for

three short sessions. Anyone running a

on people's hobbies, passions and

BBC North East and Cumbria on

course will receive an excellent package

interests will be launching. The guides

07912583389 or Email Helen at:

of free resources including:

will support recent beginners to grow

helen.connify@bbc.co.uk (Mon-Wed).

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Photo-finish for Cavaghan and Gray Digital photography learner

My name is Bernice Goode I have worked at Cavaghan & Gray for over 25 years.

I entered a photo that I had taken on holiday to the local Cumbria Adult Education Photography Competition as part of Adult Learners Week last year

Carol Gill, our ULR who runs the on-site

and forgot all about it – until I was

Learning Centre, asked me to do a

watching the local news with my

Digital Camera course because she

husband and my photo came up on the

needed one more to get the course

TV screen. I said to my husband “I’m

started, so I initially went along to make

sure I just saw my photo!” and after a

up the numbers. I really enjoyed the

garden as I love gardening, too. Before

couple of weeks I got a letter through

course and it wasn’t like school at all,

the course I would just point a camera

the post with a Highly Commended

it was very relaxed.

and snap without thinking about the

certificate and a letter of merit for my

background or the sun being at the

picture which was titled ‘Tunnel of

I have always had a camera and have

back. One of the first lessons was to

Paradise’. I have just finished a second

taken it on holiday with me from China

take 10 photos of an egg! We all thought

more advanced Camera Course and

to Spain as well as taking lots of pictures

what can do with an egg? But it was to

learned how to put photos on to disc,

of my two beautiful grandchildren and

make you thing about shades and lights.

make slide-shows and a lot more.

Three training sessions have already

for the celebration of learning event on

at giving people advice on certain types

taken place in the Rural Payments

the 15th and 16th of December at the

of drink, quantities of alcohol and how

Agency, Workington, the Kendal Council

council chambers in Kendal. Paul Dobie

it affects individuals, and also the health

chambers and South Lakes District

from the NHS set up his stall, giving

benefits of cutting down on the amount

Council also in Kendal.

advice on the effects of alcohol to both

people drink. The stall also contained

union and non-union members who

many NHS produced materials and many

A two day drop-in session with

attended on their breaks, at lunch time

people took advantage of this and came

an NHS Alcohol advisor was planned

and after work. The sessions were aimed

Continued on page 20...

Cumbria gets healthy The Health and wellbeing work in Cumbria is steadily making good progress.



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Issue 26 Kevin Rowan Northern TUC Regional Secretary krowan@tuc.org.uk

Continued from page 19...

The same course was held at the Rural

away armed with all the relevant

Payments Agency in Workington on 21st

information on the subject.

January 2011, with 6 PCS members in

Ian West Regional Education Officer iwest@tuc.org.uk


one NHS smoking advice course was held

The course was a great success with all

Beth Farhat (Maternity Leave) Union Development Co-ordinator bfarhat@tuc.org.uk

at South Lakes District Council. The course

the reps taking away large amounts

was aimed at reps in the workplace, who

of materials given by the NHS, and they

can give information and advice on the

also had the opportunity to measure the

Ken Gyles Acting Union Development Co-ordinator kgyles@tuc.org.uk

effects of smoking to union members

amount of carbon monoxide in their blood,

and colleagues in their place of work. Liz

with the results being quite shocking and

Kenny from the NHS tutored the course

surprising for the smokers in the group.

and we managed to attract people from

workplaces such as Croppers Paper Mill

The next NHS session planned is for Pirelli

in Burneside Kendal, Cumbria County

tyres in Carlisle with a view to progressing

Council, South Lakes District Council, and

onto the alcohol awareness training later

South Lakeland Housing Group, but there

down the line.

was room for more! The course lasted for

3 hours and contained a presentation on

For more information on the learning and

the financial and health effects of smoking,

health and wellbeing agendas in Cumbria,

some short question and answer sessions

please contact Graeme Rushton by

and also graphic images of the damage

telephone on: 07899966354 or email:

smoking does.


Linda Hughes Acting Union Development Co-ordinator lhughes@tuc.org.uk Dave Storrie Senior Union Support Officer dstorrie@tuc.org.uk Joe McGuigan Union Support Officer jmcguigan@tuc.org.uk Graeme Rushton Union Support Officer Cumbria grushton@tuc.org.uk

On the 18th January 2011 the first level

For information on events or issues please contact the Northern TUC

Pat Winter Union Support Officer pwinter@tuc.org.uk Julie Robinson Higher Level Skills Project Worker jrobinson@tuc.org.uk Mike Tansey Higher Level Skills Project Worker mtansey@tuc.org.uk Tom Ross Health and Wellbeing Project Worker tross@tuc.org.uk Melanie Lowden Secretary/Office Manager mlowden@tuc.org.uk Anne Cairns Unionlearn Project Assistant acairns@tuc.org.uk Susanne Nichol Marketing and Communications snichol@tuc.org.uk

May 2011 Calendar

June 2011 Calendar


Regional Executive


Higher Level Skills Event Venue to be confirmed


Adult Learners Week 14-20 May 2011


National unionlearn Conference


Learning at Work Day


National LGBT Conference Congress House, London


World No Tobacco Day


National LGBT Conference Congress House, London

Northern TUC, 5th Floor, Commercial Union House 39 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6QE Telephone 0191 232 3175 or email northern@tuc.org.uk Copyright in this publication is held by the TUC unless otherwise stated. For further copies of this item contact Northern TUC on 0191 232 3175 or via Email northern@tuc.org.uk. This text may also be made available, on request, in accessible formats such as braille, audio tape and large print, at no extra cost.



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