CRE8 Magazine | Issue No. 4

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S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 3






features 20 13 Queens ---------------------------------

The works of Alex and Felix Our Feature Cover Artist

38 Michael deMeng ---------------------------------

Assemblage Artist

56 Liquid Goodness ---------------------------------

Healing the Body Maui Juice Company

80 Sharkastics ---------------------------------

Taking A Bite Out Of Marine Debris


S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 3



contents -------------------------------------------------


Our Mission


Letter from the Editor




Noodle Couture


13 Queens


The Familiar Road


Michael deMeng


The Art of Trash


Liquid Goodness : Healing the Body


Things We Love




Sustainable Skincare




Dansley Camp


The Project : Wine Bottle Lighting


MISSION -------------------------------------------------

CRE8 Magazine is a quarterly online publication highlighting individuals, artists and businesses that embody the spirit of creativity, ingenuity and passion!


ISSUE FOUR From the Editor... We dedicate this issue to the concept of the “3R’s” that everyone should be familiar with: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! From the incredible artists creating images and fashions from discarded & found objects, to our feature articles on the Art of Trash and the “Sharkastics” program, to the reused wine bottle DIY project, we hope this issue will inspire you to help cherish and care for our environment, wherever you may be. Aloha,

Russell Carbonell Editor


publisher Unique Ar t Hawaii Inc. UniqueAr

editor Russell Carbonell r

crea tive director Jennifer Stephens jennifer@uniquear

s taff wr iter s Lani Morr is Mitchell T ipton Lar issa Treese

sales :: mar keting Miranda Camp


Alex & Felix :: “Queen Motorhead� Featured on Pages 20-33

CRE8 Magazine, its publishers, its staff and its advertisers are not responsible or liable for any misinformation, misprints or typographical errors in any ads or articles which may appear in this publication. Readers are required to do their own due diligence before relying upon any information provided or advice or opinions given by CRE8 Magazine, its publishers, staff and advertisers shall not be responsible or liable for reliance upon the information provided in this publication. The contents of CRE8 Magazine are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the Publishers. By submitting materials to CRE8 Magazine our advertisers warrant and represent that they are (a) the sole, legal owner or licensee of all rights or licensee of all rights including copyright, to each copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, logo, statement, portrait, graphic, artwork or photograph of any person or any other intellectual property included in such design, (b) will hold CRE8 Magazine harmless from any claim that any portion of the design infringes upon or constitutes wrongful use of any copyright, trademark or other right of any third party.

C O N T R I B U TO R S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Larissa Treese Head Aquarist - Maui Ocean Center Larissa is an avid outdoor enthusiast and “chef “ to friends and family. She’s worked in animal husbandry for over 12 years and is currently working at Maui Ocean Center as the Head Aquarist and Project Coordinator for Beach Clean-Ups. Larissa lives on Maui with her husband, two dogs and turtle.


Tori Boyan Makeup Artist Her love of photography and artistic nature, combined with her passion for makeup artistry has given Tori the opportunity to collaborate with several prominent photographers. Tori currently resides in San Luis Obispo, California, where she continues to pursue her artistic dreams.


Lani Morris Beauty Editor and Advisor/ Holistic Esthetician Lani is a Holistic Esthetician that has worked at Maui’s top resorts and spas including : The Four Seasons Lanai and Wailea, The Kapalua Spa and The Westin Kaanapali Ocean Resort Villas. She is now working at her own practice Beauty By Nature Maui, where she offers a variety of different modalities. Lani is also an instructor at Spa Luna Holistic School for Estheticians, teaching advanced esthetic workshops. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Amity Mason Photographer Amity Mason received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Photography, and since that time has been photographing anything and everything that inspires her.


Eden Zang Writer After 6 years in non-profit fundraising, Eden moved to Maui to pursue a career in marine science. She holds various positions with private, state and federal organizations in animal husbandry, scientific diving, and protected resource management. She loves/hates pushing beyond her comfort zone, desires adventure, and enjoys expressing herself through writing. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



ISSUE FOUR “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi



inspire 12







NO ODLE Couture The Works of


DeYott ----------------------


ALOHA My name is Danny Joe DeYott and I moved to Hawaii in 1993 for many reasons, but one of them was just to see if I could handle living in such a beautiful yet isolated place, away from my family and friends in the mainland. I truly thought that I would only be in Hawaii for six months or a year at most, but 20 years later I still love it here. Back in the early 90’s on Maui, you had to come up with creative things to do or severe boredom would set in and you could get what we called “rock fever”. I noticed that the tourists would always leave behind brightly colored umbrellas, boogie boards and pool noodles in the trash, and being a kid at heart I started collecting the noodles, thinking I could come up with something creative to make out of them. A little while later I was asked to create something fun for a party cruise out on the water, so I thought I would make headpieces out of the pool noodles, and that’s where the whole idea got started. It was an instant hit and I’ve been making them ever since; my styles and techniques got better and better over time, and I learned to do new things with the material. With the support of my friends and family who are always trying to get more exposure for my work, I entered three pieces into “The Art of Trash” exhibition and received 3rd place, it was so amazing! I’m so thankful and inspired by my friends, family and everyone else’s support that I will keep creating and hopefully be famous by the time I’m 50! Keep your heads afloat, Aloha!









Danny Joe currently lives in Kihei on the island of Maui, w here he spends his days explor ing the unique beauty of the island, hiking, going to the beach and doing w hatever it takes to make ends meet and pur sue his dreams . Danny Joe has been making his Noodle Couture for over 10 years.

C O N TA C T 808.276.8056


REDUCE :: REUSE :: RECYCLE In 1990, the US government defined sustainable agriculture in Public Law 101-624, Title XVI, Subtitle A, Section 1683, as “an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will, over the long term, satisfy human food and fiber needs; enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends; make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls; sustain the economic viability of farm operations; and enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.�




Queen Tin

----------------- works by -----------------

Alex and Felix

rulers over surreal worlds



Queen Marzipan

Queen Mini Mouse -----------------------


Queen Sandwich




Queen Rocket



Queen Alphabet





Queen 26

sensual empire ---------------------------------

There are unfamiliar worlds waiting to be discovered, filled with very well known objects of our everyday life yet staged in an unexpected way beyond recognition, draped with exuberant costumes of various shapes and colours. The insignia of power, the signs of their dreamland, hang from their bodies, stick to their skin and surround the sphere of their heads. These queens have truly incorporated these elements into their sensual empire. Every single one a proud queen, patron saint of ornaments, ruler over an empire of symbols, inviting the viewer to lose oneself. “13 Queens� - that is an intriguing gallery of flamboyantly dressed dignitaries - definitely not from this world. The more one contemplates a picture the less obvious becomes the queen in its midst: the magic emanates from the details, from the reinterpreted use of objects and from the desire to find ever more magical ornaments.

Staging a surreal world ---------------------------------

Characteristic for our work is the staging prior to our actual shooting. Based on diverse objects and materials we are crafting backdrops for the pictures, creating imaginative, often somewhat absurd and surreal worlds. It is our conscious decision to build sceneries in real terms and not on a computer screen. Thanks to these multi textured backgrounds, the pictures never give the impression of being artificial but rather radiate with their immediacy.



Queen Motorhead



Queen Spoon




Queen Glitter 30

Queen Slide

Queen Happy ----------------------


Queen Revolver


Alex used to be a goldsmith and apprenticeship as a photographer.




Felix was a hair dresser for a short time, and then became a graphic designer. After that he worked as a photographer’s assistant. Alex and Fe l i x s t a r t e d t h e i r c o l l a b o ra t i o n 1 9 9 6 i n Lucer ne, S w i t z e r l a n d . Both were born in Lucerne, Switzerland in 1967.

C O N TA C T alexandfelix merkurstrasse 7 6020 emmenbrĂźcke phone: +41 41 262 05 45 :: mobile: +41 79 354 77 11 Join us on

REDUCE :: REUSE :: RECYCLE What is sustainability? (by the EPA, US Environmental Protection Agency): Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment.


“The greatest thing about running


ROAD ----------------- by -----------------

Larissa Treese



The first mile is about getting control of my breathing, during the second one I love life. I notice things that I don’t when I’m in my car...roots coming above the sidewalk, other people, cars that don’t know you’re there, smells, the sound of your own breathing. I slow down a little the last mile but know that it’s almost over so that keeps me going. “But wait, I signed up for my first marathon at 35, so only 23.2 miles to go if I was running it”, I think to myself as I end the first of my training. I wonder why this has always been a dream of mine? Why would anyone want to run an unreal consecutive amount of miles for no one but themselves? I was a runner in middle and high school and the first part of college until my knees started to work against me. But signing up to run the marathon, to have a goal and a structured running plan written for me by Erica Gorman, lifeasarunningmom., has made it real for me.

is that you never run out of road.” I fell in love again. I used to run because I was good - maybe great - at it, but now I run for the release, comfort and the feeling of being enlightened by my own body. Trust me, starting to run or getting back into it is a battle. I struggle, I walk, I beat myself up. But after 3 weeks into my training, I actually crave it. I will continue to struggle through this whole training, and I will have times when I don’t remember why I’m doing this. I just need to remind myself that I still don’t follow up with all my goals yet. I need this. I want this. I want to pat myself on my back and others that finish the same race and many more that will follow. It’s not for everyone, I know this. But whatever you have, that dream that you had when you were 14, don’t let that die. If you’ve accomplished your childhood dream, God bless you and know that you’re in the small percentage. I finally came to that stage in life when I wanted to cross running a marathon off my list. My knees may be holding me back, but my mind holds me back as much or more. But the biggest thing for me is (for now) is that I’ve fallen back in love! Love is fickle, and it’s not always consistent, but it is strong. Immensely strong. And I’m going to need that strength about 3/4 into my training and again during the race/run in September. It doesn’t matter what your passion may, reading, researching, walking, music...embrace it and grow from it as well. You can learn so much about yourself when you are allowed to be engulfed in your individual passion. The greatest thing about running is that you never run out of road. Stay tuned for thoughts and finishing results in the next Cre8 Magazine. See if Larissa accomplished her childhood dream of finishing a marathon! ----------------------












“The Scribe”

My work is about transformations. It is about the transformation of the common into the sacred. Discarded materials find new and unexpected uses in my work; they are reassembled and conjoined with unlikely components, a form of rebirth from the ashes into new life and new meaning. These assemblages are metaphors for the evolutions and revolutions of existence: from life to death to rebirth, from new to old to renewed, from construction to destruction to reconstruction. These forms are examinations of the world in perpetual flux, where meaning and function are ever changing.






“Sanctum of the Forgotten Tune”

“Solitude and Tears”




Michael deMeng is a Vancouver, BC artist who travels the world teaching and creating mixed media shrines and deMented toys. He has exhibited throughout the world with his unique style of assemblage. His book, Secrets of Rusty Things, published by North Light Books was released in May of 2007. His second book, Dusty Diablos focuses on his love affair with Mexico and the art it inspires. He currently has a third book in the works entitled Art Abandonment to be released in 2014.


ISSUE FOUR “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.� - John Muir



create 48





2013 Maui, Hawaii

Story by Lani Morris :: Photos by Tina Lia



Artist: Lori Furumoto Title: Zen and the Art of Heavy Beach Clean-Up Medium: Found Metal




very year I look forward to attending the Art of Trash show in Maui County. It’s so quirky, eclectic and cool. Who would have ever thought there would be a use for bottle caps, used lighters, candy wrappers, produce stickers and many other random odds and ends? It is so inspiring to see all these pieces of trash created into these super cool works of art that would have otherwise ended up decaying in our precious island of Maui’s landfill. Because of motivated people like Art of Trash coordinator Wilma Nakamura, an amazing installation artist with her masters degree in fine arts, Maui is cleaner and people now have a chance to be creative and inspire others with art made of trash. The Art of Trash originated 22 years ago on the Big Island of Hawaii. Ira Ono, exhibit founder and juror, has a passion for the arts, and for using recyclable & renewable material. He wanted to expand the show to Maui and was able to do just that after meeting Wilma. They shared their great love of the arts and of trash. He had found his perfect match to help him share his vision with Maui. This year marks the 13th annual Art of Trash show on Maui that Wilma has coordinated. The very first year they exhibited at the Queen Kaahumanu Center with barely any funding and hardly any help or volunteers, and it wasn’t clear if the show would be able to continue. Luckily the County of Maui acknowledged Wilma for her great efforts and asked if they could be of any assistance to help keep it going. Of course Wilma was ecstatic and was able to get funding through grants for the next few years.........until the funding was gone. As the awareness of recycling and preserving Maui’s sacred aina increases, Wilma’s efforts continue to get noticed through an organization called Community Work Day Program. They are an incredible group that facilitates programs to educate, inspire, and empower individuals and communities to maintain Maui Nui’s environment, which supports our economy and unique Hawaiian culture. They provided grants and hard working volunteers to help the show continue at its new and current venue, the Maui Mall. To make things even better, Community Work Day Program has partnered up with Sharing Aloha Maui, a small non-profit dedicated to the cause of sustainability. Wilma spoke of this as an incredible partnership for both the recognition and the support of the project. “There is a lot of work, time and energy that the project requires” says Wilma. “ The set and installation is a process. It takes a whole day just to accept the art work, then the juror has to

Artist: Tim Gunter Title: Tin Man Medium: Found Metal Parts

make the selections and decisions on the winners. Then it takes another four days to put up the walls for the show, build pedestals and install the pieces for exhibition. Then comes the detailed process of labeling.” The root concept and inspiration behind the show is so fascinating. Wilma says the work that’s turned in every year is completely different. “In a million years I would have never come up with those ideas! Everything is so creative, imaginative and fantastic. Anyone can enter a piece. Most artists are everyday, conscious people doing their part in the community to recycle and reuse. These people come out of the woodwork, it’s so impressive how they live their lives with this commitment to sustainability.” Anyone can also win! Work must be original pieces made from ALL recycled, reused materials. No natural materials that are biodegradable such as driftwood or plants can be used. Each piece gives new life to things that are no longer functional for their original purpose.

Artist: Kelly Sullivan Title: Fear Not Medium: Mixed Found Objects (gas mask, petals, barbed wire, silk scarf, wooden shelf)



This year’s First-Place winner was special. A young man named Rad Shadd entered a piece constructed entirely from bottle caps, an amazing portrait done in honor of his dear friend that passed away. “The most moving part of the show this year was this young man’s piece and what occurred on opening night,” says Wilma. “A group of Rad’s friends and family all came, greeted each other and sat in front of the piece and never moved the entire night. It really did what art should do. It moved everyone, brought all the family together, bringing out so much emotion.” The artist Rad couldn’t believe he won. He just wanted to get his piece into the show. He said when he was inspired by the idea he began collecting the bottle caps, and was able to collect HUNDREDS in just a couple of hours! He feels it was due to his friends presence and spirit helping him along the way. “This show is really about inspiring people to take that leap to transform trash into art. When the viewer takes that leap, it creates art and inspiration. No leap = piles of garbage!” Says Wilma Nakamura. Artist: Rad Shadd Title: Dedicated to Po’ohala Atay Medium: Used Found Bottle Caps


Maui, Hawaii The Art of Trash exhibits for four weeks after the opening night reception in mid-April. The reception is a free party sponsored by Whole Foods. It features a trash fashion show and a Junkyard band. Art lovers, environmentalists and anyone curious are invited and encouraged to come dressed in trash. We hope to see you all at the show next year! • -----------------------




Liquid Goodness HEALING THE BODY ----------------- by -----------------

Larissa Treese

Juicing has been recorded as a healing practice for thousands of years and throughout many countries, the first referenced use being found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since then, it has evolved and modernized into what we know today…as a refreshing way for your body to easily take in nutrients, naturally energizing your mind, and a great way to start or end your day. Driving around Kihei and looking for fresh juice could be a difficult task. That is, before Maui Juice Company, spearheaded by Heather Chavez and Dustin Christopher, got it’s start and decided to share their tasty products! It all started last year with a desire for some fresh juice during a personal cleanse, and instantly an idea was created to provide for the needs of others. After some research, a lot of hard work and more dedication than the average person holds, they started Maui Juice Company. It’s not often that a couple can combine their interest and passion into a locally-built and supported business. Not only do they keep themselves busy with work, CrossFit, cooking, and outdoor family time, you can find them at the Kahului Swap Meet every Saturday from 7am-1pm AND they offer home, hotel or business delivery! Keeping with the theme of local, organic and sustainably grown, they work closely with Local Harvest LLC (, receiving 2 main deliveries a week and more when needed, providing the colorful and natural backdrop to a multitude of freshly created juices.





But why should you make juicing part of your health practices? Besides the beauty and ease of extracting and mixing wonderful flavors in a to-go cup, it has other hidden yet important benefits. Heather is a devoted follower of her own juicing regimen, knowing that while you’re taking the enzymes straight from the earth, you get tons of nutrients and natural energy. You also give your digestive system a break while still including all of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (or phytonutrients) from the fruits and vegetables. Once food is cooked, a lot of the nutrients are lost during the heating process, and sometimes food is so processed it could lose all nutritional value. Other benefits of juicing include reducing your risk of cancer, boosting your immune system, detoxification, weight loss, and reducing inflammation. After visiting and observing this energetic and passionate couple at work during a Saturday morning swap meet, knowing that they delight in offering adults and children alike their first fresh-mixed juice and changing future practices for individuals, I can’t help but be caught up in their enthusiasm. After talking with Heather, you feel you have the drive and energy to walk their walk, leaving Maui Juice Company not only with a smile and enlightened step, but also with some of the most delicious mixtures of juice needed to wake up the mind and senses! You can find Maui Juice Company on facebook at: or visit their website at: Keeping with this issue’s theme of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, here are a few things to do with your leftover pulp after you juice at home! COMPOST ADD IT TO A MUFFIN MIX GIVE TO HENS/CHICKENS ADD IT TO YOUR DOGS’ FOOD COOK IT WITH CHICKEN BROTH FOR EXTRA FLAVOR MIX IT WITH CREAM CHEESE FOR A SANDWICH SPREAD OR DIP ADD THE PULP TO A BURGER MIX PATTY, SPRING ROLLS OR SAUSAGE PUT IT IN A DEHYDRATOR (OR OVEN) AND MAKE THEM INTO CHIPS OR CRACKERS




RECIPES Compliments of Maui Juice Company



Tastes Just Like Sweet Tarts Candies! 1/2 Organic Pineapple (skin and all) 2 Organic Oranges (peeled) 3-5 Organic Kale Leaves


Tropical Treasure:

1 Organic Mango (cut meat away from seed, but no need to peel) 1 Slice Organic Lemon

So Beet-u-tiful:

Long-Lasting Energy Source • Good For The Skin • Good Alkalizer 2-3 Small Organic Beets (with greens if possible) 3-4 Small/Medium Organic Carrots 1 Knuckle Ginger, 1/2 Organic Lemon 1 Whole Organic Cucumber

Pina Kaleloda: A Summery, Green Drink, Great for Post-Workout 8 oz Young Coconut Water 1/2 Organic Pineapple (skin and all) 5 Kale Leaves




Kerry Heath




Mr. Clean




Teacup Pigs


Kelly Puissegur


Hypostomus Plecostomus ----------------------



Ken Phillips












The Maui Humane Society



Collage by

BROKEN ----------------- by -----------------

Eden Zang

Just like the tiles of a mosaic, repurpose and make me beautiful again. Make it different give it life again. You see the cracks, I see them too. On a journey to make me whole. There is beauty in broken pieces. Just have to put them in the right places. You have no power just because I broke in front of you. I broke from the inside. My power lies in picking up the pieces and knowing where they go. Like a jigsaw puzzle; patience. I celebrate with every piece I find it’s true home. Many mistakes, many close fits and with perseverance I will be whole. Afraid to face what I am, what I was, what I will become. I won’t be thrown away. I won’t give up on me now. I see the beauty and potential of a tattered outside. There is beauty in being worn.



Amity Mason PH OTO G R A PH Y

8 0 8 . 28 1 . 4662 | w w w. A m i t y M a s o n. c o m

ISSUE FOUR “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.� - Native American Proverb

motivate 72





SKIN CARE by Lani Morris, Holistic Esthetician It is my dream to see our planet as a whole move into a new way of relating, being and living. It’s amazing to think about just how small the world really is. Each and every one of our decisions has an impact globally. Reducing your carbon footprint should feel more like a responsibility than a choice. What does this mean? Reducing our negative effects on the environment by choosing renewable energy sources, recycling and practicing sustainable living. Unfortunately, our environmental concerns are growing. Air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, ecosystem damage, GMO’S and TOXINS, are just a few! Fortunately, the awareness about these serious issues is growing . “Living Green” is not just a trendy term, it’s an educated decision on a healthier way of life for yourself, your family and the world, AND it’s fun! Wouldn’t you like your decisions to FEEL really good AND have the most positive impact on our planet? One of the ways we can start is by educating ourselves on how to start living toxin-free, with food, cleaning products, and the most FUN, skin and body care. -----------------------


We put a lot of emphasis on avoiding chemicals in our food, and are so careful about what we eat. What about what we put ON our bodies? The average person uses 12-15 products on their bodies per day. They usually contain around 12 known carcinogens in their formulations. That’s approximately 144 chemicals per day, per person. Our skin, being our largest organ of elimination, absorbs up to 80% of these toxins. What you put on your body goes into your body! LITERALLY! As a holistic esthetician and esthetician school instructor, I have access to 100’s of different skin care lines and products. It is rare to find a company with integrity and commitment to sustainability as well as providing amazing results. I am all about education, for my students, clients, and myself. I commit to staying current on the cleanest, greenest most effective products. I fell in love with a company called Pangea Organics from day one, for they encompass all that I dream of in a skin care line. The highest quality, result-oriented ingredients that are sourced from organic farmers through fair-trade practices, 0 toxins and no shady labeling; meaning, if it’s on the label, it’s in it and nothing else! And most of all, the products make me happy and I know I’ve made the best choice for myself, my skin, and the planet.

What you put on your body goes into your body!



I was sent a sample of pyrenees lavender with cardamom bar soap from Pangea around 12 years ago when I was working as a cosmetic buyer at the best health food store in the world, Mana Foods in Maui. I was very impressed with the soap. It was super yummy, creamy and skinsoftening, with the most delicious scent. I loved the packaging too! It was the same material as an egg carton, made from 100% recycled fibers and it flipped open like a box and was 100% compostable. It was brilliant and totally cute, and I could tell Pangea Organics was a cool company with a conscience. Over the years their line grew into more than just bar soaps. They continued to develop amazing shower gels, liquid hand soaps, body lotions, scrubs and lip balm. My favorite is the complete face care line. Pangea’s products are so amazing. With their organic sustainable ingredients and cutting edge formulations and extracts, they deliver results above consumer expectations. Ever wonder what happens to your products after they go down the drain? Well Pangea’s products biodegrade within 48 hours after use! All of their packaging is recycled; from the glass bottles to the 100% post-consumer newspaper, flax and hemp paper boxes as well as 100% soy-based inks.



Joshua Onysko, founder and president of Pangea Organics has an amazing vision to share with the world. He not only sources the ingredients for his products from all over the world, he also chooses small farms and collectives to help give back to these communities. “Through my travels I learned that women grow over 87% of the world’s food and own less than 1% of the worlds land. I decided to start a company to put my view of how corporations should be run and how they can make a positive influence on the world into action.” What’s even more exciting is after 12 years of retail sales, Joshua has implemented a new social selling model. You can now become a beauty ecologist and create income while sharing and educating people about selling products that you truly believe in. This model is empowering people to share with other people who may have never had an interest or access to this type of product. It provides education for the whole family as to WHY we believe in healthy plant based skin care, by hosting parties, one on one, or through the web and social media. Joshua hopes that it will also, “ inspire companies worldwide to rethink the way business is being done. “ I had no hesitation in becoming a beauty ecologist! I am one of the first founding 500 AND the first in the state of Hawaii. As a holistic esthetician I felt a personal responsibility for educating people I come across in my field about this incredible vision and company. I am looking forward to all the wonderful things that will blossom from this amazing opportunity! Come join the Pangea movement! To find out more, watch wonderful videos and check out their website, visit If you have an interest in becoming a beauty ecologist or would like to order products please visit my site or contact me at:

Lani Morris, Holistic Esthetician Member # 50901




SPOTLIGHT by Lani Morris, Holistic Esthetician



Balancing Oil With Himalayan Geranium and Pomegranate This is an amazing product for all skin types, especially dull, dry and dehydrated skin. Rich with antioxidants and essential fatty acids, this product rejuvenates and nourishes even the most thirsty and damaged skin. Rose Hip Seed oil, Argan and Tamanu oils help with plumping, firming, and diminishing of wrinkles, while natural Shea Butter, Jojoba, and Borage oil hydrate and balance the skin. This formulation absorbs deeply without feeling too rich or heavy. It also contains essential oils of Helichrysum and Rose which are very pampering and good for scarring and reducing redness. This product works beautifully if you take the time to massage it into the skin before moisturizing, OR you can mix it with your favorite Pangea Organics facial cream.


1 oz $50


REDUCE :: REUSE :: RECYCLE Unlike the waste management industry, recycling adds value to materials, contributing to a growing labor force including materials sorters, dispatchers, truck drivers, brokers, sales representatives, process engineers, and chemists. These jobs also generally pay above the average national wage, and many are in inner city urban areas where job creation is vital.




SHARKASTICS Taking a Bite Out of Marine Debris Story by: Larissa Treese | Photos by: Cheryl King

Plastics are part of almost every aspect of our life, used in everything from food containers, drinking bottles, toys and household goods, to construction, medical and industrial uses. Sure, they can be helpful and make life convenient at the time of using them, but what we need to be more aware of is their lasting presence after being used. The plastics that we use now can be passed on to our great-great-great-great grandchildren and beyond, barely decomposed. Cheryl King, a friend among the Maui marine community both on land and at sea, is holding up her share in our fight against marine debris, both in her everyday life and also by passing the word on to others. She holds titles such as VP and Research Coordinator for Hawai’i Wildlife Fund, has worked for KIRC (Kaho’olawe Island Reserve Commission) in which she headed marine debris clean up, and is also founder of a program called Sharkastics.



Besides being a fun word coming off of your tongue, Sharkastics is also a term referring to plastics that have recognizable bites taken out of them by marine animals. Although shark bites are the most obvious marks, many other animals are snacking on the colorful floating debris, including turtles, marine mammals, birds and fish. After noticing and randomly collecting these visible pieces, she started in 2010, in the hope to “bring this environmental issue to peoples’ attention, which will hopefully create changes in behavior regarding the consumption and disposal of rubbish. This will in turn foster respect for the ocean and it’s inhabitants.” After volunteering several times to camp and clean up Kanapou Bay, Kaho’olawe myself, what I brought back was a different understanding of where things go and how long they last, prompting an even greater change in my everyday life. In a 1.5-year period, encompassing 10 clean ups on only 200-meters of beach, Cheryl, her team and volunteers collected 31 tons of marine debris! This was then transferred to the Maui landfill, recycled, reused, researched, and seven tons of it was shipped to Switzerland for a marine debris exhibit that is now touring Europe. The KIRC crew also flew thirteen tons of fishing nets that had washed ashore to the upland sections of certain Kaho’olawe gullies to help stop erosion. Through marine debris clean ups and related research and educational activities, Sharkastics has highlighted the importance of awareness to the threats that our dayto-day activities can pose to our neighboring animals both on land and sea. We play such a small part within the larger picture of where we live, but our choices make a lasting impression, and have the greatest potential for harming the natural environment around us. Luckily, there are many people like Cheryl that have made changes, shared knowledge and combined her passion and practice into a learning experience for others. She follows the philosophy that any small change can help… ”being vegetarian, shopping at local thrift stores, choosing tap water over single use plastic bottles, trying to buy local food, refusing straws and plastic silverware, bringing my own take-away containers to restaurants, practicing the 5 R’s as much as possible (rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle!), conducting frequent beach cleanups, and having a career in marine biology”. With the growing trend of “being green” and making small efforts on a daily basis, we can all work together in making our lifestyle one that we would be proud to pass on, continuing the success, survival and growth around us. For more info and images from the Sharkastics program, please visit To volunteer with Hawai’i Wildlife Fund’s many ongoing coastal cleanups and other conservation projects, please visit





MAui ocean center beach cleanup Join us Saturdays, from 9-11am July 6th @ Haycraft Beach Park, Ma`alaea Sept 28th @ Haycraft Beach Park, Ma`alaea Nov 2nd @ Sugar Beach, at Kealia Pond Boardwalk Help to keep our beaches beautiful. Bring a friend! Everyone is welcome!

Community Work Day Program will provide gloves, trash bags, grabbers and vests. For more information, please contact us at or 808.270.7000




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CAMP Recycled Fashion

Model • Ar tist: Dansley Camp Photogra phy: Amity Mason & Lar issa Treese Makeup: Tor i Boyan Stor y: Lar issa Treese

















You get a sense of how diverse and unconventional twenty-three year old Dansley Camp is just by looking at her. With a signature bow in her hair and an original, uncompromising fashion sense, she is a young woman who can see an unwanted piece of trash and imagine it as clothing, art or jewelry. Beginning with sewing outfits for her stuffed animals when she was eight, she has always nurtured that creativity, bringing a playful and whimsical style into the adult wardrobe that she now creates for herself. While picking out bed sheets at thrift stores, she can already envision what it will look like after spending some quality time with her beloved sewing machine. Also incorporating items like duct tape, soda cans and dress ties into her creations, she finds inspiration in cutting-edge fashion designers such as Betsey Johnson and others with edgy urban / punk / girlie styles. When asked if she will go on to a career in fashion design, she says that she will either continue making clothes that are of interest to herself and others, or follow her other dream of one day cloning dinosaurs, for which she is currently pursuing a chemistry degree. It’s refreshing to see a young person with so much talent putting it to use for others to enjoy as well. We look forward to seeing more repurposed and recycled fashion designs from the talented Dansley Camp! If you would like to purchase an original design by Dansley Camp, she can be reached by email at





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Wine Bottle




THE PROJECT While having lunch recently at a restaurant I saw some hanging chandeliers made out of recycled wine bottles, and I thought that it would be an incredible addition to our own personal space to create dramatic pendant light fixtures using the same idea. First of all, get a bottle of wine and drink it! (size, color and flavor is your own choice) Go to your neighborhood hardware store and find a kit for a pendant light fixture, depending on your personal taste (bronze, brushed nickel, etc) they start at around $10 each and up. Next, you need to find a friend with a tile saw or go to a tile store and ask if they can cut the bottom and top of the bottle off for you. When cutting the top off, make sure to cut away enough of the neck so that the light fixture hardware can be connected properly through the hole. Put clear finger nail polish on bottom of the cut side for a shiny finish. For a trendy look, I chose an antique style Edison light bulb to give it a retro feel. These can replace any existing pendant lights you currently have in your home. Enjoy your new look!

SUPPLIES Wine Bottle - Color of your choice Pendant Light Kit Ladder Light Bulb Screwdriver – Both Flathead and Philips

*We suggest consulting with a Licensed Electrician to assist with proper electrical installation. Follow all safety precautions and local codes and ordinances when performing any electrical work.

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