UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 01 vol 21 tt 15 August

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter


UNIS Music Academy Registration - For Full Year Classes ONLY, 07:00 - 22:00  New Student Swim Assessment (Gr. 2-3)  Community Education Registration For Autumn Programme Begins, 08:30 


New Parents Welcome Coffee, 08:00 - 09:00, Centre for the Arts  Welcome Programme - New Parents Technology Training 09:00 - 10:00 and 19:00 - 20:00, Library Projection Room  New Student Swim Assessment (Gr. 1)  MSHS Autumn Musical Auditions 1, 15:45 - 17:30  Board of Directors' Meeting, 17:30 - 19:30 


UMA Session 1 Registration on ISIS, 20 - 21 Aug Grades 1 &2 Back to School Info Night, 18:00 - 19:45


Volume 21, Edition 1, Friday 15 Aug

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HS Senate Elections ECC and Grade 3 Back to School Info Night


Saturday Soccer Registration Deadline


Grade 1 Class Social Event with SCO, 15:30 - 16:30


Grade 2 Class Social Event with SCO, 15:30 - 16:30 Your Child's English Development- EAL Parent Information Session, 19:00 - 20:00


Finance Committee Meeting, 07:00 - 08:30 Grade 3 Class Social Event with SCO, 14:30 - 15:30


Grade 4 Class Social Event with SCO, 15:30 - 16:30 MSHS Back to School Info Night, 18:00 - 21:00

MSHS Autumn Musical Auditions 3, 15:45 - 17:30 MS Sport Season 1 Begins (Basketball & Swimming)  Grade 4 & 5 Back to School Night Info Night, 18:00-19:45




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STUDENT SCHOOL PHOTOS 22 - 28 Aug ASA Session 1 Registration on ISIS, 07:00 22 - 24 Aug Service Learning Registration on ISIS

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High School Day Grade 5 Class Social Event with SCO, 15:30 - 16:30 APAC Tennis Matches - Group 1, 09:00 - 11:30 APAC Tennis Matches - Group 2, 12:00 - 14:30

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.3-4) Notes from the ES and MSHS Principals (p.5-6) From the Admissions Office (p.6) Student Photo Days (p.7) Tech Tidbits (p.8-9) Notes from the School Health Centre (p.9) UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HANOI

Notes from the Speech and Language Therapist (p.10) Notes from the Co-Curricular Activities (p.11) Fierce New Designs! (p.12-13)

The SCO Boutique need you! (p.13) New Parents Welcome Coffee (p.14) Tech Training Session (p.14) Community Education Sign Up (p.14)

A warm welcome to everyone once again to the 2014-2015 school year. We had a wonderful all school opening assembly on Wednesday morning when the ceremonial drum was hit by the oldest and youngest students in the school to announce the official opening of school and 1088 students marched off to class. This is a good time to once again thank the more than 60 parent volunteers (from 25 different nationalities) who came on orientation day to help with the 133 new families. I have had several new parents come up to me to thank us for such a supportive orientation and I was quick to respond that it was all about our returning parents coming to lend a hand along with our hard-working Advancement Office who has developed this orientation day so well over the years. I have received a few questions from returning parents about the security changes that have been instituted this year and that I mentioned in my message just before school began. The questions have centered around the reasons for these changes. Allow me to explain. Monitoring the safety and security of the campus is a daily part of our operation. From training and supervising the guards to the review of regulations and procedures, we are constantly working to keep our campus safe and secure. As we have worked on the campus development project over the last 2-3 years, we have sought the advice of the UN and Hanoi diplomatic community security offices to include enhancements to our campus safety and security as part of this project, especially with the expected changes surrounding our school with the new road and

shopping mall development. These plans will be implemented in the coming years. In the meantime, last spring the world of international schools was made aware of shocking revelations of child molestation perpetrated by some adults at these schools. Some of the incidences went back 40 years and occurred in international schools in places like Jakarta, Tokyo, and London. We have had NO evidence or reports of anything like this ever happening here at UNIS Hanoi. However, like most good international schools, we are using these revelations as a wake-up call to shore up all Child Protection regulations and procedures to ensure that we are doing all that we can to make sure that these kinds of activities never happen on our campus. As I said in my letter before school began, we remain committed to providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere here at UNIS Hanoi. But the realities are such that we must continue to balance that commitment with an even greater commitment to making sure that our children are safe and secure. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the coming weeks at the various Back to School evenings and other presentations. In the meantime, feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions – hos@unishanoi.org Have a nice weekend. Respectfully, Dr Barder, Head of School

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I welcome both new and returning faculty, staff and families to the 2014-2015 School year. For those new to UNIS Hanoi, the Board has four main tasks:  To hire, nurture and evaluate the Head of School who

is responsible for the day to day management of the School;  To develop strategic plans, ensuring their implementation and monitoring progress;  To develop and approve school policy; and  To ensure the financial health of the School. Members of the UNIS Hanoi community are welcome to observe Board open session meetings. Meetings are listed in the School Calendar and in the Tin Tuc.

Governance documents as well as summaries of Board, committee and task force meetings can be found on the Board of Directors pages on the School Portal. Board members are unpaid volunteers. We rely on the additional volunteerism of parents and community members to serve on Board committees and task forces throughout the year. We are specifically looking for people to join the Finance Committee and the Strategic Management Plan Task Force. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Board Assistant Jennifer Sawyer at boardassistant@unishanoi.org. Best, Sarah Garner, Board Chair

BARRY KNAGGS (Board appointed)

LOTTE BRONDUM (UN appointed)

Click here to learn more about your Board members.

Barry is Malaysian and this is his 6th year on the Board. He has 3 children at UNIS Hanoi.

Lotte is Danish and this is her 5th year on the Board. She has 2 children at UNIS Hanoi.

SARAH GARNER Chair (Board appointed)

NANDINI OOMMAN Vice Chair (Board appointed)

JEAN MUNRO (UN appointed)


Sarah is American and this is her 7th year on the Board. She has 3 children at UNIS Hanoi.

Nandini is Indian and this is her 2nd year on the Board. She has 2 children at UNIS Hanoi.

Jean is Canadian and this is her 3rd year on the Board. She has 3 children at UNIS Hanoi.

Bakhodir is Uzbek and this is his 2nd year on the Board. He has 3 children at UNIS Hanoi.

NGUYEN VAN HIEU Treasurer (parent elected)

CRAIG BURGESS Secretary (parent elected)

BOB HUGHES (Board appointed)

CHIP BARDER (Head of School, ex-officio)

Hieu is Australian and this is his 4th year on the Board. He has 2 children at UNIS Hanoi.

Craig is British and this is his 3rd year on the Board. He has 2 children at UNIS Hanoi.

Bob is American and this is his 2nd year on the Board. He has 1 child at UNIS Hanoi.

Chip is American and this is his 7th year as ex-officio on the Board.

I am happy to announce that all Board members are returning this year, a first in UNIS Hanoi Board history.

I love Fridays. They provide a moment in time at the end of each week to reflect on all that has happened in the past five days in school and a time to contemplate what the week ahead might hold and what new goals we might set for ourselves. This week has certainly provided much to reflect upon. Monday was our final day of teacher development and preparation for the year ahead. Tuesday, we welcomed all the new students at the New Families Orientation event. Wednesday saw the launch of the new school year and the start of new friendships in our home rooms and across our grade levels. Thursday the children began attending specialist lessons PE, Art, Music, Dance/Drama, Languages and a sense of routine began to return. Friday we took time to reflect during assembly on our first three days in school and to think about the effect of change and transition as we officially welcomed all new students and staff and said farewell to two students who only learned over the summer break that they would be leaving Hanoi. Being reflective is one of the ten attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile.

“We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.”

Friday afternoon often provides reflection time through the themes addressed in G1-5 assembly. And the final period of the day on a Friday is dedicated to Personal, Social, Emotional Learning (PSEL) when students are given time to reflect on the past week and think about the week ahead. As well as reflecting on their week past, students at UNIS might reflect on their learning at the end of a task, a lesson or unit. The refection helps the teacher understand even more about the child as a learner and he or she can then plan learning interventions and provocations to match the level of the child’s understanding. The teacher uses the class blog to celebrate the learning of the past week and share the learning intentions for the week ahead so that children can discuss their learning and understanding with their parents and think ahead to the ideas that will be explored in class the following week. These opportunities to articulate their ideas, explain their thinking and perhaps demonstrate what they have learned to others can really help embed and extend their understanding of concepts. We recommend that parents take the time to read the class blogs and learn more about the world of the classroom to strengthen further the home school partnership this year. We look forward to working with you all this year. Kind regards, Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Dear MS/HS Families, I am pleased to report that the 2014-2015 school year is off to a great start. The first day of school was a beehive of activity seeing old friends reunited and new friendships formed. There is definitely a positive “vibe” on campus with students and teachers eagerly looking forward to the excitement of the school year. Parents are often overloaded with information during the beginning of a school year. In this article I will keep new information to a minimum and focus on four important snippets that parents will find useful. Six day cycle of classes: The MSHS will no longer refer to days of the week (Monday – Friday) but rather Days 1 – 6. Switching to a numbered cycle helps smooth out time lost due to holiday and other school closures. MSHS Trip Week: The annual MSHS rite of passage will move from March to the week of September 22 – 26. One of the main reasons for offering grade level trips is to provide students with the opportunity to bond with classmates. Moving trips to September allows students to create bonds with classmates in the beginning of the school year. We hope that grade levels will return from trips with a greater sense of community which will heighten their interpersonal and educational experiences at UNIS. A September trip also enables grade 12 students to

participate. Participation in March trips was not possible for grade 12 students because they were too close to IBDP exams. Back to School Parent Night: Invitations will be sent out shortly but please set aside August 28, 18:00 – 20:30 for an opportunity to meet with teachers and find out more about the learning opportunities available at UNIS. Enhanced security: Please be aware that all campus entrances except the Main Gate will close at 08:20 each morning. The Main Gate will remain open throughout the school day and serve as the only campus entry point once school begins. MSHS students who arrive after 8:20 will be required to have their ID cards scanned at the Main Gate before entering campus. Students will then proceed to the MSHS Office to register for the school day. As we enter the new school year please take time to talk with your children about their classes, their dreams, desires, goals and wishes. Please support your child’s education by being involved and knowing which classes they are taking, who their friends are and what they aspire to become. Parents are a vital component in the educational process and your involvement is essential. Warm regards and best of luck in the 2014-2015 school year! Pete Kenedy, mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org


Please ensure the school has received updated address and telephone information for each parent or guardian. Emergency contact information for each family is also required in the event that parents may not be reached in an urgent situation. Have you checked your contact details lately? Are your nominated emergency contacts still living in Hanoi? This information can be viewed on your ISIS Family page and amendments may be requested through the online change request utility. For assistance please contact: admissions@unishanoi.org or alternatively, telephone 3758 1551 extensions 8217/8220 for assistance.

Starting on Friday, 22 August UNIS Hanoi will have professional photographers on campus taking individual portraits of each student and class photos. The photos will then be used for the UNIS Hanoi Yearbook and other official school materials. NOTE: If your child(ren) has PE lesson during the day, please bring an additional shirt for her/him to change for the shooting. We will provide mirror, hair dryer in the Community Room. If your child is absent on her/his assigned day, all make-up photos will be taken in April 2015. As a parent, you will have the opportunity to purchase a package of different sized photographs of your child’s sitting and his/her class photo. You will be receiving an envelop with sample portraits and information regarding purchasing by the end of September. If you have any questions, please contact advancement@unishanoi.org.

Friday 22 August ES: 3CH, 3TS, 3BM MSHS: Grades 6 - Class Photo, 6LH (b), 6NC ( c), 6RM (d) Monday 25 August ES: 3NO, 4HK, 4LL, 5MN, 5JH, 5DL, 5TC MSHS: Grade 8 & 11 - Class Photo, 8PS (a), 8PG (b), 8HA (c), 8GS (d), 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D, 11E, 11F, 11G Tuesday 26 August ES: DSS, DTU, 2MT, 2TL, 2RJ, 2MA MSHS: Grades 10 - Class Photo, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E, 9F, 9G, 9H, 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D, 10E, 10F, 10G, 10H Wednesday 27 August ES: K2AB, K2AS, K2CA, K2CO, 1JH, 1VdC, 1SF MSHS: Grades 9 - Class Photo Thursday 28 August ES: K1KM, K1DV, K1AP, 1TA, 4BM, 4PB MSHS: Grades 7 & 12 - Class Photo, 7VB (a), 7ZR (b), 7CG (c ), 7 BK (d), 12A, 12AB, 12C, 12D, 12E, 12F

I have experienced a wonderful start for the 2014-15 UNIS Hanoi school year. I was given Thursday early morning duty at the back gate and getting to see all of the excited faces at the beginning of the day sets me up for success for the rest of the day. Thanks for sending amazing kids for us to work with every day! If your son or daughter is a new student in Grades 6 through 12, they received a Tablet this week. The Tablets are pre-used so please spend time with your student to check the Tablet for any damage. If any damage is found on a new student Tablet your child has until August 27th to bring the Tablet to the Tech Support Office (B6-101) for free repair. The TSO observes the following hours: 7:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday when School is in session 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday when School is not in session and the campus is not closed. Please take some time to access ISIS Family in order to check your contact information. If you haven’t changed your default password please click on the Change Password link on the upper right corner of the screen. Please follow the instructions to change your password to one that is easy for you to remember.

Once you have changed your password please click on your picture and check your contact details.

If you find an error with your email address or with your phone number please click on the Request Data Change tab. A new screen will open that allows you to change your personal data.

Make the desired change and click the “OK” tab on the bottom of the screen. Your change will be submitted to the Admissions Office. Admissions Office staff will review and approve changes for inclusion in our database. While we hope that we will never need to contact you in an emergency situation we need you to provide accurate information in order to facilitate communications with you. Please use ISIS Family to check and maintain your contact information.

Please note that due to the way iFrames are handled on iPads you can only use the iPad in Portrait (vertical) mode when accessing ISIS Family. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Phone: 84 4 3758 1551 ext. 8600 Email: techdirector@unishanoi.org Ed Gilbreath, Tech Director

STAY HYDRATED! It’s hot outside! Hot weather can cause heat related illness. Talk to your children about: The School Health Centre would like to remind you : UNIS Hanoi is a NUT AND ALLERGY AWARE SCHOOL! All information can be found on our website: www.unishanoi.org EXCLUSIONS! If your child/children have the following symptoms, please do not send them to school. If they present at school we will contact you to come and collect them.  fever 38 degrees C or 104.4 F  diarrhea or vomiting  infectious disease  signs of pink eye (conjunctivitis)

Students must remain at home for 24 hours following the last unmedicated fever or episode of diarrhea and or vomiting. There is full exclusion information and useful health information on the portal in the School Health Centre site. We will be upgrading the website in the coming weeks. Information from our International Clinics: Japanese Encephalitis – Link can be found here. Ebola Information – Link can be found here.

 Having a water bottle with them at all times and

refilling.  Drink 2-4 cups of water every hour while exercising.  Wear a hat.  Wear sunscreen to prevent sun burn

CLEAN HANDS SAVES LIVES! Washing hands with soap and clean water and drying with a clean paper towel is No 1. This year at UNIS we have decided to trial a hand sanitizer in the ECC and ES. We are encouraging our students with the supervision of the teachers to use before school and before and after lunch! Keeping hands clean is one of the most important things we can do to stop the spread of germs and stay healthy.

COVER YOUR COUGH We encourage students to cover their cough with the inner elbow rather than into the open air or into a hand. This is recognized as a sure way to stop the spread of germs. School Health Centre nurse@unishanoi.org

Beginning Monday, August 18, I will be completing hearing screenings for all students in Discovery, Kindergarten 1, Kindergarten 2, Grade 1, and Grade 2. The ability to hear properly is an important component in developing speech and language skills and for learning in general. As such, early detection of hearing loss is vital so that each child is able to get the full benefit of language learning experiences both within, and outside, the classroom. The most common cause of hearing loss in children is otitis media (glue ear). Fluctuating hearing loss nearly always occurs with otitis media, whether or not the fluid is infected, due to the anatomy of the middle ear and the Eustachian tube. A build-up of fluid in the middle ear prohibits the movement of the bones which transmit sound from the ear drum to the inner ear. Ongoing fluid in the middle ear can cause permanent hearing loss. The hearing screening is not a full audiological test which measures the softest sounds you are able to hear. The screening test measures whether or not you are able to hear at a level necessary to hear the sounds used in spoken language. Three sounds (low, medium, and high pitched) will be presented in each ear at the same loudness level. The majority of children will not have difficulty hearing all six tones and these children will be considered to have passed the screening. You will not receive individual notification that your child has passed the screening. You will however receive notification when your child’s class has completed the screening. If your child does not hear one or more of the sounds, you will be notified individually and one to two weeks later, your child will be re-screened. Following the re-screening, you will be notified if your child passed the screening or not.




1000Hz 2000Hz 4000Hz

It is possible that your child may not have been able to hear all the tones even during the re-screening. If this is the case, you will be asked to have your child’s hearing tested by an Audiologist or Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor (ENT) and to provide the school with a copy of the report. The school is able to provide referrals to community resources where the hearing test can be completed. I look forward to meeting with all the new children from Discovery to Grade 2 over the course of the next couple weeks. Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns either prior to the screenings or after. Mary Pool, Speech Language Pathologist mpool@unishanoi.org

The School Health Centre is now able to perform vision screenings if there is a concern brought up by teachers or parents. This screening may indicate the further need for the student to be seen by an Optometrist for further evaluation.

The vision screening is available for all students at UNIS Hanoi by request, following parent permission. For your questions, please contact nurse@unishanoi.org

registrations will take place on the ISIS Family online system. After School Activities (ASA’s) at UNIS Hanoi are for all students, Discovery through Grade 12. All parents/guardians (and students Grades 5-12) should be checking their emails for information regarding the first ASA session of the school year. Everything you require for registration and information about the activities on offer will be explained in this communication. Please ensure you read the email in-full and follow the instructions given. Registration for Session 1 will commence at 07.00 on Friday 22nd and will close at 23.59 on Sunday 24th August. All registrations will take place on the ISIS Family online system. Session 1 ASA’s will begin on Monday 1st September and will continue for nine weeks, ending on Saturday 8th November, 2014. Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

Session 1 classes will begin on Monday 1st September and will continue for nine weeks, ending on Saturday 8th November, 2014. Trang Pham, UMA Officer umaofficer@unishanoi.org

Saturday Soccer is a ‘strand’ of the UNIS Community Education Programme, meeting the needs of soccer players from ages 4 to 15. It is an inclusive programme for all boys and girls from the Hanoi community. Saturday Soccer offers players of all skill levels the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of soccer, to socialize, experience teamwork and cooperation and build self-confidence. To register your child/ren in the Saturday Soccer Programme, please follow and complete the registration documents on the school website or contact Ms. Mukhayyo Burkhanova, Saturday Soccer Coordinator saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org

UNIS Music Academy (UMA) is a resource for all our students, parents and staff to learn a new instrument, to train their voice or to improve their musical skills working directly with talented musicians. The Academy instructors are members of the Vietnamese Symphony Orchestra, professors from the National Music Academy and local expatriates. By now you should have received an email from our UMA Officer, Ms. Trang with information regarding the first UMA session of the school year. Everything you require for registration is explained in this communication. Please ensure you read the email in-full and follow the instructions given. Registration for Session 1 takes place at the following times: Annual registration: to register your child/ren for the full year of UMA classes either visit the UMA office in the Centre for the Arts (building B10, room G05) or email our UMA Officer, Ms. Trang Pham: umaofficer@unishanoi.org from 08.00 to 17.00 on Monday 18th August. Session 1 registration only: registration for Session 1 classes (only) will commence at 07.00 on Wednesday 20th August and will close at 23.59 on Thursday 21st August. All

The Autumn Season begins on Saturday 6th September and ends on Saturday 29th November, 2014. Mukhayyo Burkhanova, Saturday Soccer Coordinator saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org

You’ve asked for them… We’ve collected your ideas… And now we present to you…

We aimed to capture the SPIRIT and STRENGTHS of the BUFFALO, EAGLE, LION and TIGER in these fierce new animal designs which have been inspired by the feedback of approximately 400 MSHS students and members of the UNIS Hanoi community along with many insightful ideas from the ES Student Council!

that the 330,000VND price also represents a significant increase in quality and comfort! We have seen the enthusiasm in the students this week as they have been proudly wearing their new House Animal T -shirts! And parents have been queuing up in hordes at the SCO Boutique to purchase the new House T-shirts! Please note: Students can still wear their old House Shirts to PE. Now it’s time for the TIGERS, LIONS, EAGLES and BUFFALOES to RALLY UP those HOUSE POINTS!

We would like to especially recognize Jed Edwards and Michael Emblem for their work during the Grade 10 Personal Projects last year which reinvigorated the discussion to institutionally change the House Animal designs. New ‘Cool Dry’ Shirt Material: Over 90% of the community requested to have the shirts in the ‘Cool Dry Tech’ material. The shirts made with this special sports material will leave the students feeling cooler in this hot and humid weather and dry much faster than before! The price of the House Shirt is higher, but we can assure you

The SCO Boutique is urgently looking for parent volunteers to help operate the school store. Due to the popularity of the NEW House T-Shirts the Boutique is busier than ever before! We are looking for eager volunteers to help run the store! It’s a FUN way to get involved in the school and meet new people. We ask for your patience in this transitional time as our stock is selling out faster than expected and orders have already been placed for additional merchandise.

Currently the Boutique Hours for next week are:

Monday, August 18

8.30 – 9.30

Tuesday, August 19

9.00 -11.00

Wednesday, August 20 8.30 – 9.30 Thursday, August 21

8.30 -13.00 & 15.00 – 16.00

Friday, August 22

8.30 – 9.30

Returning students can still wear the House Shirts from last year or any UNIS Hanoi gear for PE.

Please note: this schedule is subject to change, please visit www.unishanoi.org/schoolstore for the most up-to-date hours. We are aiming to have a set schedule by the beginning of September.

The operating hours of the Boutique is dependent on the availability of parent volunteers.

If you want to be part of a dynamic team, why not get involved with the Boutique!

Sick of queuing? Volunteer!

Contact the SCO Boutique Coordinator, Malin Niklasson, for more information at shop@unishanoi.org

Tuesday, August 19 08:00 – 09:00, Centre for the Arts Foyer

Tuesday, August 19 9.00 – 10.00, Library Projection Room

Join us for coffee and take this opportunity to meet other new parents and members of the community in a more informal setting. Now that the first week is over, this is the perfect place to have all your questions answered while getting to know more about what UNIS Hanoi has to offer!

19:00 - 20:00, Library Projection Room

If you haven’t attended a Tech Training Session at Orientation, our Tech Team will facilitate an additional session on ISIS Family (used to view report cards, sign-up for conferences and register for ASAs), Tech Connect and talk to you about other resources available on the website.

For question about our Welcome Programme, please contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun, clo@unishanoi.org

The Community Education (ComEd) Programme - Autumn Session (13 September – 29 November 2014) - is now available for viewing on UNIS website. Many classes are offered to all members of the Hanoi Community, such as: Cooking: Western Cooking, Indian Cooking… Skill Building: Lacquer Painting Workshop, Designing and Feng-shui technique… Movement: Yoga, Bollywood Dance for Fitness… Arts and Culture: Different tours to explore Vietnamese arts and culture.. Children Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Latin Dance, Painting, Indoor Games for Children… Swimming classes: Specially in this session, we are developing a wide range of swimming classes for adults and children in both Autumn and Winter sessions.

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL PROGRAMME We will open the link for registration on UNIS website from 08:30 on Monday, August 18 2014 and close the registration at 08:30 on Monday 25 August 2014 for the Autumn Session. For the Winter Swimming Session, we will close the registration at 17:00 on Friday, 12 September 2014 . Please click the COMED REGISTRATION FORM to register. ComEd is a programme of activities in the areas of cooking, movement, language, arts and culture, skill building, sports... that UNIS Hanoi offers to the wider local community. ComEd has 2 sessions in a school year: Session 1 (September – December) and Session 2 (January – May). Our aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to gain new skills, expand their knowledge, have fun and to bring the community together. We look forward to your participation. Ha Thien Ha, ComEd Officer ComEdOfficer@unishanoi.org

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