UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 01 vol 22 tt 21 aug

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UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 22, Edition 1, Friday 21 August FRIDAY, 28 AUGUST •

ASA Session 1 Registraion, 28-30 Aug


NEXT WEEK MONDAY, 24 AUGUST • • • • • • • •

Community Programmes Autumn Session Registration Opens HS Season 1 Begins New Family Welcome Coffee, 8:00-9:00, Centre for the Arts Foyer (B10) New Parent Tech Training, 9:00-10:00, Black Box (B10-104) Korean Community Orientation Meeting, 10.0012.00, Community Room (B7) New Student Swim Test Grade 1, 15.30-16.30 Technology Training Session, 18.00-19.00, Black Box (B10-104) IBDP Grade 11 Parent Info Night, 19.00-20.00, Community Room (B7)


HS Musical Auditions ECC and Grade 3 Back to School Info Night, 18.0019.45, Black Box & Theatre (B10)


UMA Session 1 Registration, 26-27 Aug Japanese Community Meeting, 8.30-11.00, Community Room (B7) Grades 4-5 Back to School Info Night, 18.00-19.45, Black Box & Theatre (B10)


HS Musical Auditions Callbacks Grades 1-2 Back to School Info Night, 18.00-19.45, Black Box & Theatre (B10)

Saturday Soccer Fall Registration Deadline


Grade 1 Class Social Event with SCO, 15.30-16.30, ES Courtyard Your Child’s English Development - EAL Parent Information Session, 18.00-19.00


Grades 2-3 Class Social Event with SCO, 15.3016.30, ES Courtyard


Vietnam National Day - School, Campus & Offices Closed


APAC Choir & Orchestra Auditions, 3-4 Sep Grades 4-5 Class Social Event with SCO, 15.3016.30, ES Courtyard MSHS Back to School Night, 18.00-21.00


ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No Classes/ ASAs/Aquatics Academy for ES students), 8.0016.00, Centre for the Arts Foyer HS Day, 13.30-15.30


Governance As Leadership Workshop

School News


From the Head of School As students begin to arrive, I am struck by the amount of work done over the summer to enhance and improve our facilities. Over 100 projects were happening in July after the end of the Summer Program and Chris Rhoda and his Operations team oversaw and completed these projects in a timely and highly effective manner. Our original buildings are now 11 years old and the Hanoi climate can be quite harsh so upkeep is constant and unrelenting. We are very lucky to have such wonderful facilities and I am proud of the care our operations staff offers to insure they remain in excellent condition.

I arrived on campus a few minutes before 0700 and a few enthusiastic teachers had already made it to school and were busy preparing for the day, the week, the month and the year. Several parents mentioned to me at the BBQ about how excited and ready their children were for school to start. I can assure you that the same feelings were in abundance among the faculty and staff. Walking around the campus, I also noticed several members of our hardworking VN staff putting the finishing touches on the clean-up from the previous evening’s BBQ, sweeping up the fallen leaves from the night before, and in general making our campus user-ready for the first day of school. We have a lovely campus but it takes a tremendous amount of care and attention to maintain it each day. We are well served by our host country workers and sometimes they can be invisible to us. We do not want to undervalue or underestimate their importance to our school.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

The whole school first assembly is always one that I wish all parents could experience. The energy, the optimism, the positive vibe – it is what we strive to maintain all year with students about their learning. And this year, in addition to the traditional roll call, dragon dance and beating drums to bring in the new school year, the students met a new member of our community, the Phoenix Mascot. The students have been charged with coming with a name for our new Mascot as we generate even more school spirit for the year. As the first day came to a close, many students reluctantly left their classrooms and departed the campus with much anticipation for the days, weeks and months ahead. Everyone including the faculty, staff, administration and students were all tired after the first day as we begin to get back into “school fitness.” By Friday, we will all be even more tired which is why our first week has only three days. We look forward to hitting the ground running on Monday and not looking back.

Enjoy the photo specials from our official school photographer, Tim Barnsley on the following pages. Welcome to School Year 2015-2016. I look forward to seeing all of you at one of the Back-To-School Nights or other parent meetings over the next few weeks. Respectfully,

Dr. Chip Barder Head of School headsoffice@unishanoi.org

From the Board of Directors Members of the UNIS Hanoi community are welcome to observe Board open session meetings. Meetings are listed in the School Calendar and in the school’s online newsletter the `Tin Tuc’ distributed every Friday afternoon. For more details on the Board of Directors at UNIS Hanoi, its work in the area of Leadership and Governance as well as information on Committee and Task force meetings please view Board of Directors.

Volunteer with The Board On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to welcome all new and returning parents, students, faculty and staff to the 2015-2016 School year. We are delighted to have all of you in our school community this year. For those new to UNIS Hanoi, the Board has four main tasks: 1. To hire, nurture and evaluate the Head of School who is responsible for the day to day management of the School;

Board members are unpaid volunteers. We rely on the additional volunteerism of parents and community members to serve on Board committees and task forces throughout the year. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Maeve O’Donovan at boardassistant@ unishanoi.org. Kind regards,

Nguyen Van Hieu Board Chair

2. To develop strategic plans, ensuring their implementation and monitoring progress; 3. To develop and approve school policy; and 4. To ensure the financial health of the School.

School News



UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

School News


From the Middle and High School 1. Back to School Parent Night: Invitations will be sent out shortly but please set aside Sept. 3, 18:00 – 20:30 for an opportunity to meet with teachers and find out more about the learning opportunities available at UNIS Hanoi.

Dear MS/HS Families, I am pleased to report that the 20152016 school year is off to a great start with the addition of 79 new MSHS students! The first day of school was a beehive of activity seeing old friends reunited and new friendships formed. There is definitely a positive “vibe” on campus with students and teachers eagerly looking forward to the excitement of the school year. Parents are often overloaded with information during the beginning of a school year. In this article I will keep new information to a minimum and focus on three important snippets that parents may find useful.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

2. MSHS Trip Week: The much anticipated MSHS rite of passage will take place the week of Sept. 28 – Oct. 2. We hope that grade levels will return from trips with a greater appreciation for our wonderful host country and a better sense of our UNIS Hanoi community. This will heighten students’ interpersonal and educational experiences which will then foster increased engagement and higher academic achievement. 3. Enhanced security: Please be aware that all campus entrances except the Main Gate will close at 8:20 each morning. The Main Gate will remain open throughout the school day and serve as the only campus entry point once school begins. MSHS students who arrive after 8:20 will be required to have their ID cards scanned at the Main Gate before entering campus. Students will then proceed to the MSHS Office to register for the school day.

As we enter the new school year please take time to talk with your children about their classes, their dreams, desires, goals and wishes. Please support your child’s education by being involved and knowing which classes they are taking, who their friends are and what they aspire to become. Parents are a vital component in the educational process and your involvement is essential. Warm regards and best of luck in the 2015-2016 school year!

Pete Kennedy MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

Tech Tidbits Students in grades 4, 7, 8 and 10 will receive new Fujitsu notebooks with Tablet features and Windows 8.1. All other students have Tablets that are one or two years old. Those notebooks will be re-imaged from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 during the next few weeks. In addition the notebooks will be inspected for damages and repairs made during the re-imaging process.

I am excited to welcome you to UNIS Hanoi for what I believe will be an amazing learning year for all of us. The campus is charged with excitement and promise for students and staff. Those of you not new to the campus will recognize a totally renovated Tech Support Office. Operations must be commended for their accomplishments in a 5 week period this summer. Please stop and see us. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Adam Archer, the Senior Manager of IT. Adam’s youthful appearance does not match his wealth of experience in IT. His focus is Operations and Infrastructure (the stuff behind the walls). His leadership will help us move several initiatives forward. Future Tech Tidbits will begin to detail those initiatives.

If your son or daughter is a new student in grades 6 through 12 please ask to see their Tablet and talk with them about their experiences with the Tablet introduction. Please check for damages, especially if your student is in grades 6, 9, 11 or 12. If you spot any damages have your student bring the Tablet to TSO for repair within the

next week. The Tech Support Office observes the following hours: • 7:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday when school is in session • 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday when school is not in session and the campus is not closed Please note that the Risk Mitigation Programme has changed. We have made a small increase in the participation cost and removed the deductible for most cases. Deductible will be applied for willful damage and theft or loss of device without a Police Report. If you have joined the Risk Mitigation Program most repairs will be made free of charge. Tech Support Office is offering additional ISIS Family training on Monday, August 24th at 10:00 am and 6:00 pm in the Centre for the Arts, Blackbox 2. We will cover sign-ups for UMA (UNIS Music Academy) and ASA (After School Activities). Please click this link to register. Please call or email me if you have any questions. • ●Phone: 84 4 3758 1551 ext. 8600 • ●Email: techdirector@unishanoi.org

Ed Gilbreath Tech Director

School News


School Health Centre This year the School Health Center will be staffed by three nurses. Susan McComic (School Health Center Coordinator), Lan Anh Nguyen, and Maritas Campilan. Our School Nurse team is looking forward to serving the UNIS Hanoi family this school year. We have been working hard updating and reviewing the student health records. Please help us by letting us know of any changes in your child’s health information, such as allergies, injuries or medications. We are also asking every parent to be sure to update emergency contact information. We need this information to give your child the best care possible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health, please contact us in the School Health Centre. The School Health Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6pm and during Saturday Soccer. Please watch for future posting in Tin Tuc from the School Health Centre for any pertinent health information or updates through out the year,

Susan McComic SHC Coordinator nurse@unishanoi.org Phone: 3758 1551 Ext 8911


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Library News

Things are hopping in the UNIS Library already! We hope you enjoyed lots of good reading over the long holiday; we always love to hear about your favorites. Lots of new books arrived over the summer, and we’ll be bringing those out as we finish processing them. Come in often to see what’s new. ES students will be able to borrow Library books after they come in with their classes next week for a reminder session on Library expectations. MS and HS students may borrow any time. Parents are invited to borrow books as well (up to six items in addition to your child’s borrowed books). Everyone is asked to please return borrowed items on time so that the rest of the Community can benefit. Happy reading!

Ms. Clinton, Ms. Conroy, and the rest of the Library team

UNIS Inside Out A Photography Exhibition by Grade 8 Artists Grade 8 (currently grade 9s) art students investigated the French artist JR and how he uses photography as a tool to communicate perspectives of important social and political issues. Students discussed important issues they face as Middle School students at UNIS. How could they Turn UNIS Inside Out using photography as the medium? How can an artist communicate ideas through photography? Students considered composition and created a photography project based on their chosen theme. Themes include a variety of perspectives of UNIS life, including: the use of technology, athletics, social-emotional issues, Service Learning experiences,

etc. Please stop by and view the exhibition on the 1st floor, outside classrooms 116 and 117. Image #1 to include “We all See the Same, Our Minds Make the Difference” by Roope Makela Image #2 to include “We See The World Inside Out” by Giang Le

Nora Graham ngraham@unishanoi.org MYP Visual Arts Teacher

School News


Phoenix Sports Under Way • Support the players (include all members of the team).

• Respect and cooperate with all coaches.

• Support the coach and respect the coach’s authority to make decisions regarding playing time, team selection, discipline, etc.

• Attend all practices and be on time.

• Set a good example for our athletes regarding positive support for our athletes, their opponents and game officials. • If attending practice, attend as an observer; and respect a coach’s decision to hold a closed practice. • Contact the coach with player or parent concerns (communication is the key).

We are all looking forward to the 201516 sports year in which we are slotted to host the APAC High School Girls’ Soccer and the MRISA Junior Volleyball in addition to several local and regional tournaments/meets throughout the year. Our high school volleyball and tennis teams, as well as our middle school basketball teams are currently in season and will be working hard to achieve their goals over the next 8-9 weeks. Please be on the lookout for ways to be part of our sports program and support what we hope will be a strong and longstanding tradition of excellence. As we continue to develop our programme to the high standards we expect at UNIS Hanoi, please keep the following guidelines in mind.

• Enjoy the wonderful opportunities your child has available through interscholastic sports programmes.

What is the role of the coach? • Communicate philosophy. • Contribute to compliance of the school’s mission statement through interscholastic sport. • Positively promote emotional, physical, and psychological development. • Teach the technical applications of the specific sport to the best of their abilities. • Take care of relevant management tasks. • Promote development of self-discipline. • Teach good sportsmanship.

What is the role of a parent of a UNIS Hanoi athlete?

• Be a positive influence on the players with regard to ethics, work habits, and interpersonal relationships.

• Get involved by attending competitions, serving as a host family, volunteering to help at tournaments/meets, etc.

What is the role of the player?


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

• Participate to the best of their abilities.

• Be a good citizen. • Maintain the levels and course load required by UNIS Hanoi. • Create, maintain, and promote good sportsmanship toward opponents and game officials. • Set a good example in school, practice sessions, and games by demonstrating sportsmanship and good citizenship. • Recognize that, as an athlete, you are in a position of leadership. Represent your program, school, and community with pride. • Enjoy interscholastic athletics. HAVE A GREAT SPORTS YEAR. GO PHOENIX!

Coming Soon The first UNIS Hanoi sports seasons officially start on August 24 for the High School, and September 8 for the Middle School. High school season 1 sports are tennis and volleyball and the Middle School season 1 sport is basketball. Students who are interested should make their way to the boards outside the UNIS HanoiCafeteria to sign-up. Please contact cocurricular@unishanoi.org for more information.

Tarique AL-Iesa Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org +84 (0) 125-882-8672

Co-Curricular News After School Activities (ASAs)

Exciting New Golf ASA

After School Activities (ASAs) at UNIS Hanoi are for all students, Discovery through Grade 12. All parents/guardians (and students Grades 5-12) should have received an email on Thursday 20th August with information regarding Session 1. Everything you require for registration and information about the activities on offer will be explained in this communication. Please ensure you read the email in-full and follow the instructions given.

UNIS Hanoi is proud and excited to have joined forces with The David Leadbetter Golf Academy at the Ciputra Driving Range. The Leadbetter Academy is a leading global organization for professional golf Instruction and development. UNIS Hanoi will be offering four ASAs during Session 1:

Registration for Session 1 will commence at 07.00 on Friday August 28 and will close at 23.59 on Sunday August 30. All registrations will take place on the ISIS Family online system.




• 1-3

• Mon

• 15.3016.30

• 1-3

• Thurs

• 15.3016.30

• 4-6

• Wed

• 14.3015.30

• 7-12

• Fri

• 15.3016.30

Session 1 ASAs will commence on Monday September 7 and will continue for nine school weeks, concluding on Saturday November 14, 2015.

• All students will be instructed by an LGA Certified Instructor

If you have any questions regarding the ASA programme please do not hesitate contacting the Co-Curricular Manager.

• Programmes will be age specific and will include: putting, chipping, pitching, full swing, bunker with the use of video analysis

Adrian Hubbard Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

• Fees are US$220 which includes 9 hours of instruction and transport

Participation is limited For more information visit: http://davidleadbetter.com/ http://lga-vietnam.com/

Saturday Soccer Saturday Soccer is a ‘strand’ of the UNIS Hanoi Community Programme, meeting the needs of soccer players from ages 4 to 15. It is an inclusive programme for all boys and girls from the Hanoi community. Saturday Soccer offers players of all skill levels the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of soccer, to socialize, experience teamwork and cooperation and build self-confidence. To register your child/ ren in the Saturday Soccer Programme, please follow and complete the registration documents at THIS LINK or contact Ms. Mukhayyo Burkhanova, Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator at saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org. The deadline for registration is Saturday August 29. The Autumn Season commences on Saturday September 12 and concludes on Saturday December 5, 2015.

Audition Tryouts Auditions for this year’s high school musical, “Hairspray” will be held on Tuesday, August 25 at 3:30-5:30 in the theatre. All Grade 9-12 students are welcome! Those interested in working on a crew for the musical, come to a meeting on tuesday, august 29 at 3:30 in the theatre. This includes crews for: publicity, lights, set, sound, costumes, hair & makeup and props.

School News


Go Phoenix!

Community Programmes The Community Programmes formerly known as Community Education (ComEd) - Autumn Session (12 September – 5 December 2015) is now available for viewing on UNIS Hanoi website. Many classes and workshops are offered to all members of the Hanoi Community, such as: • Cooking: Pakistan Cooking, Indian Cooking… • Skill Building: Face Yoga, Lacquer Painting Workshop, Drawing Fundamental...

Welcoming The Phoenix! This year we have a very special newbie joining the school…The Phoenix! Making its debut appearance at the First Day of School Assembly our new school mascot stunned the students with its groovy dance moves and even got Dr Barder dancing! Unfortunately, The Phoenix doesn’t have a name yet, so we are in the process of involving the entire student body in the naming of the school mascot. Watch this space for full details next week! For the latest updates, be sure to ‘Like’ The Phoenix on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ UNISHanoiPhoenix88


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

• Movement: Yoga, Bollywood Dance for Fitness… • Arts and Culture: Different tours to explore Vietnamese arts and culture.. • Children Activities: Basketball, Math Challenge, Creating Science Toys… • Swimming classes: We continue offering a wide range of swimming classes for adults and children. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL PROGRAMME We will open the link for registration on UNIS Hanoi website from 08:30 on Monday, August 24 2015 and close the registration at 17:00 on Friday, 28 August 2015.

Community Programmes include activities in the areas of cooking, movement, language, arts and culture, skill building, sports... that UNIS Hanoi offers to the wider Hanoi local community. Community Programmes have 2 sessions in a school year: Autumn Session (September – December) and Spring Session (February – May). Our aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to gain new skills, expand their knowledge, have fun and to bring the community together. We look forward to your participation.

Ha Thien Ha Community Programmes Officer communityprogrammes@ unishanoi.org

MSHS PE Uniform Requirements

UNIS Music Academy

Changes to MSHS PE Uniform Requirements for 2015-2016

and will continue for nine school weeks, concluding on Saturday November 14, 2015.

Dear MSHS students and parents,

If you have any questions regarding UMA please contact Ms. Trang on umaofficer@ unishanoi.org

For the 2015-2016 school year all MSHS students will be required to wear a UNIS Hanoi PE uniform consisting of: • UNIS Hanoi Light blue PE shirt (sleeveless, short sleeve or long sleeve acceptable) • UNIS Hanoi PE shorts (unisex or girls shorts). In winter, only UNIS Hanoi sweatsuits, track suits or leggings may be worn in addition to a PE shirt. All acceptable items will be specifically labeled ‘PE’ on the price list and available in the School Shop starting from August 18th, 2016. Please note, these changes are for MSHS students ONLY. The reason for this requirement is to avoid confusion amongst students of what to wear to scheduled PE classes. Therefore we will create consistency through our PE programme. Should you have any questions regarding this change in policy, please contact the Head of MSHS PE, Mike Lakwijk, at mlakwijk@unishanoi.org

UNIS Hanoi Music Academy (UMA) UNIS Hanoi Music Academy (UMA) is a resource for all our students, parents and staff to learn a new instrument, to train their voice or to improve their musical skills working directly with talented musicians. The Academy instructors are members of the Vietnamese Symphony Orchestra, professors from the National Music Academy and local expatriates. By now you should have received an email from our UMA Officer, Ms. Trang with information regarding Session 1. Everything you require for registration is explained in this communication. Please ensure you read the email in-full and follow the instructions given. Session 1 registration will commence at 07.00 on Wednesday August 26 and will close at 23.59 on Thursday August 27. All registrations will take place on the ISIS Family online system. Session 1 classes will commence on Monday September 7

We wish all UNIS Hanoi families a fantastic, healthy, balanced and active summer! The MSHS Physical and Health Education Department

School News


School Community Organisation News first SCO General Meeting of the 20152016 school year.

SCO Constitutional Amendments SCO Constitutional History and Amendment Process: In 2009 the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) worked together with two consultants to proactively organize and structure the PTA. In this process, it was decided to change from the name of the PTA to a more inclusive name, the School Community Organisation (SCO) was created and along with it the SCO Constitution. When the Constitution was created in 2009, it was based on what they thought was best for the organisation. Since 2009, members of the SCO have made their best attempts to follow the Constitution which has proven to be a practical tool for the SCO Executive Committee and Committee Coordinators. However, for the past 2 years the SCO Executive Committee have been working on making updates to the constitution to reflect what has been tested and tried over the years with transparent, workable procedures and an effective system of checks and balances. At this time, we hope to have reached a structured yet flexible tool to guide any incoming committee members. According to the Constitution, amendments need to be made at the SCO AGM. A motion was made to move the vote for Constitutional Amendments to the first SCO General Meeting of the school year, as opposed to waiting until the 2016 AGM. This motion was endorsed by a unanimous vote in favor of moving the voting date to the


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Both the Head of School and SCO Executive Committee have approved the Constitutional Amendments. Below are two links for the community to review the original and the amended versions of the SCO Constitution. It is hoped that this process reflects the original intent of the Constitution to allow for a period of public consultation before constitutional amendments are voted. SCO Constitution (May 2009 original version) SCO Constitution (June 2015 amended version) Please join us as we vote on ratifying the amended constitutions at the first SCO General meeting on September 8 from 8.30 to 9.30 in the Community Room. If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please contact sco@unishanoi.org

We look forward to meeting you soon! SCO Executive Committee 2015-2016: MSHS Chair –Pippa Wood SCO_MSHSchair@unishanoi.org MSHS Vice Chair – Chikako Oba SCO_MSHSvice@unishanoi.org ES Chair –Natascha Senftleben SCO_ESchair@unishanoi.org ES Vice Chair – Carmen Kuebler SCO_ESvice@unishanoi.org Treasurer – Petra Eichler SCO_Treasurer@unishanoi.org

Committee Coordinators: The Shop – Malin Niklasson Shop@unishanoi.org Spring Fair – TBC SpringFair@unishanoi.org Snack Sale – Bo Young Hwang Seung Shin Lee, Hiromi Ogura, Makiko Matsumoto SnackSale@unishanoi.org Used Book Sale – Megan Todd BookSale@unishanoi.org Phoenix Boosters – Renea Freeman PhoenixBoosters@unishanoi.org

For general questions: sco@unishanoi.org

The Shop Looking for something to do after drop off? Or while your child is having an ASA?

VOLUNTEER at THE SHOP! As opening times depend on the availability of volunteers, all we need is an hour of your time each week to help run the store! Join our team of experienced ‘Shoppers’… It’s fun, it’s easy and you can contribute ideas to what is sold! Contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator, at shop@ unishanoi.org .

OPENING HOURS: Monday: 8.15 – 10.00 Tuesday: 8.15 – 10.00 Wednesday: 8.15 – 10.00 Thursday: 8.15 – 10.00 Friday: 8.15 – 10.00

Powered by the LOVE of volunteers!

Models Needed!

Swim Suit Recall

The Shop is looking for student models (aged 3 – 18) for a photoshoot. Photos are taken by parent volunteer, Natascha Senftleben, and will be used for promoting The Shop in UNIS Hanoi publications and on the website.

Dear Parents,

The photoshoot will take place this Wednesday, August 26 starting at 14.40. Register HERE if your child is interested in participating in this photoshoot. Contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator, at shop@ unishanoi.org .

If you have purchased one of the new UNIS Hanoi (Yingfa) swim suits for girls or boys this year, please return the swim suit to The Shop by August 28 for a full refund if unused. It has come to our attention that the UNIS Hanoi logos have not been printed on properly and easily detach when the fabric is stretched or washed. The Shop would like to send the swim wear back to get relabeled. This applies only to the new swim wear from this year only (see photos for reference)er

HERE if your child is interested in participating in this photoshoot. Contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator, at shop@unishanoi.org .

School News


The Love of Volunteers make the UNIS Hanoi Community Unforgettable We would like to THANK the over 70 volunteers who have made all the difference to the new UNIS Hanoi families at Orientation last Tuesday. We couldn’t have had a smooth and successful orientation without you helping us greet new families, register them, help sell starter kits, assisting with the Language Help Desks and floating around and jumping in where needed! And this year, we are very lucky to have four student alumni come back to Hanoi from Japan, America and Canada to help with the Orientation as well!


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

UNIS Hanoi is blessed with a strong community presence with a very helping spirit and it’s thanks to YOU, our many parent volunteers!

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