tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 20, Edition 2, Friday 23 Aug
Reel Youth Service Learning Residency 26 Aug - 7 Sep Faculty & Staff Art Exhibition 26 Aug - 6 Sep Grades 4&5 Back to School Info Night 18:00-19:30
Student Photo Days 27 - 30 Aug, Community Room Grades 1&2 Back to School Info Night 18:00-19:30
ECC & Grade 3 Back to School Info Night 18:00-19:30
ES Class Parent Meeting (SCO) 8:15-9:15, Library (B8)
Vietnam National Day-School, Campus & Offices Closed
ECC Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-10:00 ES EAL Parent Info Evening 18:00-19:30
Finance Committee Meeting 7:00-8:30, B7 “Get Involved with your child’s school” Info Session & SCO Meeting 8:30-10:00, Community Room (B7)
MSHS Back to School Info Night 18:00-19:30
ASA & UMA Session 1 Begin Grade 11 DP Art Field Trip 7:00-15:30 MSHS Grade Level Parents Meeting (SCO) 9:45-10:45,B8
Board of Directors Meeting 6-7 Sep ES Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Up Open 7:00 New Parent Workshop 8:30-10:00
ComEd Autumn Programme & Saturday Soccer Begin
Please note date change - ES Moon Festival Assembly We have been invited to participate in a Vietnamese national television broadcast by VTV celebrating Moon Festival in September and as a result will move the Elementary School Moon Festival Assembly to FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13 at 14:15 . This is a change from our published calendar. Thank you for your understanding. More information next week.
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... From the Head of School (p.2) From the Board of Directors(p.2) From the ES Principal (p.3) From the Admissions Office (p.3)
Parking Instructions (p.6) Visit the Elementary Library! (p.7) MSHS Service Learning Sign-Up. Date Change (p.7) Immunisation (p.8)
Student Photo Days (p.4) Birthday Gift Fund - Your ideas wanted! (p.5) Transition Workshop for New Parents (p.5)
Boutique is OPEN (p.8) Sports News (p.9) Job Opportunity (p.13) Canteen Menu Energize Schedule
As we come to the end of our first full week of school, I would like to thank everyone for their patience as we launched some of our programme sign-ups this week. Given where we were a few years ago, we have made significant progress in this area. However, like so many things associated with technology, there are often challenges to overcome that are difficult to anticipate. Please know that we remain committed to improving our systems and processes so that the stress associated with the sign-ups is minimized. Next week we have a full schedule of Back To School Nights for all parents. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and gain a little better understanding of the curricular program, teacher expectations of the students and of the parents, and also a chance to meet the other parents of your child’s classmates. We hope every family will be represented next week at these meetings. Best wishes for a dry and pleasant weekend. Respectfully, Chip Barder, Head of School New Parent Welcome Coffee
The Board welcomes interested parents to join a Board committee or task force for the 2013-2014 School year. Committee and task forces work on specific issues to bring recommendations for Board approval. Parents can bring expertise and different perspectives to the work of the committees and task forces open to UNIS community membership and their contributions are highly valued.
Strategic Management Plan Task Force: responsible for recommending to the Board a process for the development of a new School Strategic Management Plan to start in 2015.
The committees and task forces for 2013-14 are:
Sarah Garner, Board Chair
Advancement Committee: responsible for providing a Board led, School managed framework to direct and support the on-going development and oversight of the Advancement Programme. Finance Committee: responsible for updating the School’s financial plans and advising on the annual budget. Campus Development Plan Task Force: responsible for planning for future campus development, including priorities and costs.
If you are interested in finding out more about how you can be involved, please contact Jennifer Sawyer, the Board Assistant, at boardassistant@unishanoi.org Best,
Addition to Board of Directors Membership: CRAIG BURGESS Secretary (Parent elected) Craig is British and this is his 2nd year on the Board. He has two children at UNIS Hanoi.
Dear Elementary Families,
We are looking forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to the Grade Level Back to School Parent Information evenings next week. Please note that these are designed for an adult audience only. They provide a great opportunity to learn about the Elementary School in general, and the grade level and home room in particular. Specialist teachers are available to explain their programme and answer your questions. The information given will be a vital prerequisite to really strong home school partnerships for the year ahead. It is also an opportunity to meet and talk with the other parents, both new and returning, who have similar or same age children as your own.
This year's updated version is located on the website and has a wealth of information for you, including some 'school rules'. Due to some incidents, with the use of mobile phones this week in school, I would draw your attention to the following on page 14:
'Use of mobile phones is not allowed during lesson times or break times in the Elementary School. If a student brings their phone to school it must be kept in their school bag and be switched off between 08.00 and 15.30. UNIS Hanoi cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.' Please be aware that children may ask the office staff to use the school telephone for emergencies. Arranging a lastminute play date does not however constitute an emergency and due to logistics of so many children travelling on buses, we ask that play dates are pre- arranged before the day itself. This helps us ensure the safety of your children as they leave school each day with all arrangements securely in place and any changes communicated in plenty of time to the Homeroom teacher and Mr Lai, the Transport Coordinator, if appropriate. On the same page parents are advised that children are not to wear flip flops to school as they are considered unsafe. This is a common rule for school stage world over so please ensure your child has safe and appropriate footwear for school. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters. Warm regards, Carole Denny esprincipal@unishanoi.org
your nominated emergency contacts are still living in Hanoi? Your contact details are important to us and to your children: Please ensure the school has received updated telephone and address information for each parent or guardian. Have you checked your contact details lately? Emergency contact information for each family is also required in the event that parents may not be reached in an urgent situation. Have you confirmed that
Family details can be viewed on your ISIS Family page and amendments may be requested through the online change request utility. Please use Internet Explorer to access ISIS Family on a PC and Safari to access ISIS Family on a MAC. For assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or telephone 3758 1551 extensions 8217 / 8220 for assistance. Alternatively, visit the admissions office B7 Room 110.
Tuesday 27 August ES: 2JC, 2MT, 2TB, 2BM, 4LL, 4BM
Starting on Tuesday, 27 August UNIS Hanoi will have professional photographers on campus taking individual portraits of each student and class photos. The photos will then be used for the UNIS Hanoi Yearbook and other official school materials. NOTE: If your child(ren) has PE lesson during the day, please bring an additional shirt for her/him to change for the shooting. We will provide mirror, hair dryer in the Community Room. If your child is absent on her/his assigned day, all make-up photos will be taken in April 2014. As a parent, you will have the opportunity to purchase a package of different sized photographs of your child’s sitting and his/her class photo. You will be receiving an envelop with sample portraits and information regarding purchasing by September 24. If you have any questions, please contact advancement@unishanoi.org.
MSHS: Grades 6 & 10 - Class Photo, 10BD, 10GT, 10GH, 10PC, Grade 11 - Class Photo, 11BP, 11HR, 6Hn, 6QS, 6JT Wednesday 28 August ES: K2PA, K2AS, K2CA, K2CO MSHS: Grade 9 - Class Photo, 9TC, 9GW, 9AM, 9PC Thursday 29 August ES: K1MA, K1PM/HS, K1RT, 4HK, 4MK, 1JK, 1VdC, 1TA, 1JH, 5MS, 5JH MSHS: Grade 7 - Class Photo Friday 30 August (End of photo days for Elementary School) ES: 3AL, 3NO, 3SE, 3TS, DSS, DTU, 5KW, 5DL MSHS: Grade 8 &12 - Class Photo, 12CM, 6LH, 7CN, 7GZ Tuesday 3 September MSHS: 12NF, 12CF, 7BV, 7MN, 8SG Thursday 5 September MSHS: 11MS, 11RW, 12 make-ups, 8SP, 8RF, 8DH
Last year as part of our 25th Birthday Celebrations, we launched our Birthday Gift Fund with more than 37,000 USD raised to support our local community. And this year we will allocate the money to projects which will support our local Vietnamese community, through UNIS Hanoi Service Learning projects in partnership with local groups which:
ENGAGE UNIS STUDENTS in genuine and reciprocal learning experiences
BUILD COMMUNITY and meaningfully strengthen the School's relationships with the local community over time
ARE SUSTAINABLE for both for the community the project aims to support, and for UNIS Hanoi. Projects will be chosen with input from a variety of sources including existing Service Partners and you - our community members. We want members of our community (students, parents, faculty and staff, alumni) to contribute ideas and suggestions for the Birthday Gift Fund Committee's consideration. We want to hear about local groups or organisations that could provide exciting possible projects (existing or new) for the Birthday Gift Fund to support in line with the criteria and goals above. With your help we want to ensure that the projects that we support make a difference for the next 25 years! COMPLETE THE SUGGESTION FORM and submit your ideas to the Birthday Gift Fund Committee BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30. And to find out more about the Birthday Gift Fund, how we raised the money, the committee and the timeline and process for the allocation of the funds please see the School website. For more information contact our Director of Advancement, Emma Silva: doa@unishanoi.org
If you are new to UNIS and Hanoi, please come and join the UNIS Counselors to talk about: The process of Transition Tips to Help Children Through Transition Suggestions for Adapting to Your New
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 FROM 8:30-10:00 am Elementary Parents – Community Room (B7) Middle and High School Parents – High School Counseling Office Common Room (B5)
Parking Instruction The professional development course over the summer is really paying dividends as the school looks to transform its car parking! We have designated (with Black and yellow paint) a large area of the car park as a ‘Drop and Go’ zone for cars. This means the vehicle stops long enough for children to get in or out, and then leave campus. If the vehicle has to wait, then we ask that it parks in the center area. As a
revolutionary idea, we have dropped the requirement to park vehicles pointing toward the building. Drivers are now permitted to park their car in a direction that suits their exit. We ask that all drivers exercise caution while driving on campus. Thank you, David Porter, Director of Operations do@unishanoi.org
Dear Parents, This week the Library Team welcomed UNIS Hanoi Elementary School (ES) students for their first book borrowing session of the year and we look forward to a year of happy reading and Library Skills lessons.
SCO will soon be offering two sizes of water resistant books for purchase; please review future Tin Tuc editions for details. Students are required to have a Library Book Bag to carry their books home in. If you have a suitable bag that can assist in preventing water damage and can keep books clean, please have your child use it! As a green school, we prefer to Reuse and Recycle. Please help us share our love of literature by reading to your child daily. When a parent shares a book with their child, it nourishes the importance of reading.
We have lots of new additions to the ES section of the UNIS Hanoi Library and we invite you to visit! Library hours are 7:30 to 5:00 PM. A parent or guardian must accompany children when in the Library after school. Parents are welcome to borrow!
Please also help us share the lesson of responsibility by assisting your child to return their UNIS Hanoi Library books during their weekly Library lesson (see grade level blogs for timings). This is a good habit to practice as it promotes book care, prevents loss and damage, and allows all students to share UNIS Hanoi Library resources. MAKE READING A HABIT! Julie Conroy, ES Librarian
Moving from Primary School to Middle School is a BIG change! Here you can see one of our 6 Graders settling in quite nicely. Actually, having your own locker is a real treat for our new grade 6 students. However, learning how to use the pesky combination locks takes patience.
In order to allow a little more time for students to make a decision about their choice of Service Learning activity for 2013 – 2014, sign-up has been pushed-back to Saturday 31 August 08:00 – Tuesday 03 September 16.00. Students are currently being given sessions in how to sign –up using ISIS Family. If you require any additional information about Service Learning, please do not hesitate to contact nwhatley@unishanoi.org at the school. Nick Whatley, Service Learning Coordinator
The Grade 6 teaching team is excited about our year ahead. Please come to Thursday's MSHS Info night to meet us. It starts at 18:00. Grade 6 Team
Dear Parents, I have reviewed the medical forms of your children and have noted that many students are not up to date with their recommended vaccinations. All parents have started the routine schedule but many have missed some of the scheduled vaccinations along the way. I can appreciate there is a lot to think about at the beginning of the school year, however, the following should be attended to, to ensure your child is protected. Please review your Vaccination records and update with the Nurse as soon as possible. Just as a reminder, UNIS Hanoi requires the following: Polio Primary Series 1-2 months, 2-4 months, 3-6 months Booster series 4-6 years and 15-19 years DTP -Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertusis (Whooping Cough) – please note which vaccine DTP, DtaP, Td, DT Primary series 1-2months, 2-4 months, 3-6 months Booster Series –18 months and Booster at 4-6 years DT- Diptheria, tetanus) Booster series as above MMR- Measles, Mumps, Rubella 1St - 12 – 15months Booster series – 2nd dose at 4-6 years Alternative: 2 doses at least one month apart Please do not hesitate to come by the Nurse Office if you have any questions or concerns. UNIS Health Team nurse@unishanoi.org Kelly Havlin Lan Anh Nguyen Trang Phan
BOUTIQUE IS OPEN Thanks for the parent volunteers, we are happy to announce the Boutique's schedule for school year 20132014: MONDAY
8:00 - 9:00
Please note that the Boutique is run entirely by the parents volunteers and we are still looking for more volunteers so we could open everyday for the school community. Please write to sco@unishanoi.org, specifying that you wish to volunteer for Boutique. Visit the Boutique Online for our item price range.
This year, to eliminate plastic folders for library bags, we are pleased to introduce our new library bags with UNIS Hanoi logo embroidered on waterproof fabric. It was designed for Elementary students with the help of our ES Librarian Ms. Conroy. Please come get yours and help save the Earth as well!
The American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Instructor course took place last week at the Aquatics Center, with ten UNIS Hanoi swimming instructors attending. We are proud to say that all have earned their certification as Swimming and Water Safety Instructors. The purpose of the course is to enable one to teach how to be safe in, on or around the water and to train individuals of different ages and abilities how to swim. The WSI Course includes Parent and Child Swimming, Preschool Aquatics and Learn To Swim courses. Preparing programs for those with special needs, such as disabilities, and those of different skill levels is a key component. Besides the teaching of swimming, our instructors are trained and certified to teach water safety courses and deliver presentations, such as Basic Water Rescue, Personal Water Safety, Home Pool Safety and Water Safety for Swimming Coaches.
coaches is ready to start its very first swimming season fully prepared to provide quality lessons for large numbers of swimmers of all ages and abilities. Our priority is the safety of all participants and we look forward to bringing Aquatics programs at UNIS to a new level! Ella Jaranova – Aquatics Coordinator/WSI Trainer ejaranova@unishanoi.org
A strong team of UNIS Aquatics Academy instructors and
Season 1 sports had a great start with more than 30 girls coming out to vie for a place on the APAC and MRISA Volleyball teams. All the coaches were thrilled to see evidence of great sportsmanship and camaraderie right from the first day as the girls cheered each on other and “old hands” helped “newbies” with the skills and drills. All signs point to a great season ahead for UNIS Hanoi Girls’ Volleyball!
The coaches want to thank the girls for their efforts and congratulate them on a job well done! We hope to see big crowds of fans out to support the teams whenever we have home games. Go, Phoenix!! Susan Kraetzer, Coach susankraetzer@unishanoi.org
UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
United Nations International School of Hanoi is seeking applications for
Opportunities exist for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Middle and High School Subject Specialists. Positions are available on an ongoing, as needed basis. Ideal applicants will have: The ability to quickly establish rapport with children Solid classroom management skills Minimum qualification of a Bachelor’s Degree
Opportunities exist for Registered Nurses on an ongoing as needed basis at UNIS Hanoi. Ideal applicant will have: Bachelor Degree in Science - Nursing or equivalent Able to communicate in and understand English Ability to work with children across all ages from Discovery through to High School
Teaching certificate is ideal, but not required.
Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date resume outlining education and experience, photograph and list of professional referees to jobs@unishanoi.org. Successful applicants will need to provide a police clearance from their last country of permanent employment. Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam