UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 22, Edition 2, Friday 28 August COMING SOON MONDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER
Grade 1 Class Social Event with SCO, 15.30-16.30, ES Courtyard Your Child’s English Development - EAL Parent Information Session, 18.00-19.00
Grades 2-3 Class Social Event with SCO, 15.3016.30, ES Courtyard
APAC Choir & Orchestra Auditions, 3-4 Sep Grades 4-5 Class Social Event with SCO, 15.3016.30, ES Courtyard MSHS Back to School Night, 18.00-21.00
ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No Classes/ ASAs/ Aquatics Academy for ES students), 8.00-16.00, Centre for the Arts Foyer HS Day, 13.30-15.30
Governance As Leadership Workshop
Student School Photo Days, 7-11 Sept ASA and UMA Session 1 Begins MS and Youth Sports Season 1 Begins Varsity Boys and Girls’ Volleyball vs. HIS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30, Sports Centre
All Community Meeting with the SCO, 8.30-9.30, Community Room Hanoi Bus Tour and Lunch for Parents with the SCO, 9.30-14.30, Meet point: UNIS Hanoi Bus stop
Vietnam National Day - School, Campus & Offices Closed
• • • •
ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No ASAs/ Aquatics Academy for ES Students), 15.00-18.00, Centre for the Arts Foyer
ECC Child Development Information Session, 8.30-9.30 ECC Library Orientation Session for Parents, 9.3010.00, Library
Board of Directors Two-Day Meeting, 11-12 Sept ES New Parent Workshop, 8.30-9.30 MSHS New Parent Workshop, 8.30-9.30, Community Room
Community Programme Autumn Session Begins Saturday SOccer Autumn Season Begins Community Connections Fair, 9.00-12.00, Centre for the Arts Foyer
School News
From the Head of School We have purchased a new activities programme for things like sign-ups and had hoped to have it up and running for Session 1. But because of the need for training and software adaptation, we were not quite ready. We commit to having it ready for Session 2. In the meantime, we regret any frustration or inconvenience caused by this glitch. The Activities Office is working to insure that everyone eventually gets signed up. Please contact them if you have any questions. Respectfully,
We are pleased overall with how things are going as we end the first full week of school this year. As I walk through classrooms I find students engaged, lessons quite active, and a genuine focus on learning. It was great to see parents coming out for our various meetings since school started on 19 August: New Parents Welcome, Back To School Nights, and other information sessions. These will continue for the next week or two so I encourage you to make the time to get to know the school and its many programmes. I am not so pleased to have to report that, as most you are aware, we had some difficulties with our ASA signups today. We made every effort to anticipate the problems we have had in the past but unfortunately we once again had difficulties with the programme.
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Dr. Chip Barder Head of School headsoffice@unishanoi.org
From the Board of Directors One of the most widely accepted leaders in the world of non-profit board governance and a Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, Dr. Richard Chait, will co-lead and facilitate the two-day programme of forums and break-out sessions along with his co-author, Dr. William Ryan. The sessions emphasize three separate but related modes of governance: Fiduciary, Strategic and Generative. The workshop will address all three dimensions with a particular focus on generative thinking and generative work.
Governance as Leadership Workshop Over the September 5-6 weekend, the Board will be hosting the second annual Governance as Leadership Workshop for School Board Members and Administrators from all over the world. Last year we had 10 schools attend and this year we have a total of 22 schools. While most of the schools are coming from the East Asia region, there are five from Africa and two from the Middle East. Three international educational organisations will be represented as well. The increasing numbers attending are testament to the reputation UNIS Hanoi and its Board enjoy as they lead the way in the area of non-profit school board governance.
Board Committee and Task Force Memberships for 2015-2016 On behalf of the Board I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to work on one of our Committees or Task Force this year. We are very pleased with the interest among new and returning UNIS Hanoi community members to share their expertise and time by joining a Board Committee or Task Force. Memberships for the 2015-2016 Board Committees and Task Forces once finalised will be announced in the Tin Tuc over the next few weeks.
Nguyen Van Hieu - Chair
Barry Knaggs - Vice Chair
Amie Pollack - Secretary
Please see details of the Executive Committee (Officers of the Board) beside. Best regards,
Nguyen Van Hieu Board Chair Bob Hughes - Treasurer
School News
From Admissions Office REMINDER FOR ALL FAMILIES YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE IMPORTANT TO US Please ensure the school has received updated address and telephone information for each parent or guardian. Emergency contact information for each family is also required in the event that parents may not be reached in an urgent situation. Have you checked your contact details lately? Are your nominated emergency contacts still living in Hanoi? This information can be viewed on your ISIS Family page and amendments may be requested through the online change request utility. For assistance please contact admissions@unishanoi.org or alternatively, telephone 3758 1551 extensions 8217 / 8220 / 8732 for assistance.
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Jobs Opportunity UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for the following vacancies:
Middle School/High School 1. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher - Specialization in Orchestra/ Strings 2. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher (semester two)
Technology Support Database Officer
To view more information about these openings at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs
From the Elementary School If you are one of the many newcomers to our school, you are now a very welcome member of our UNIS family... home of the Phoenix! Our teachers, principals and counseling team are here to support your children through the process of being new and in transition - please let us know if there are adjustment issues that we can help with.
Dear Elementary Families, What a busy first two weeks we have had in the Elementary school! Summer seems such a long time ago already. My summer was spent in Australia with the most important people in my life. This summer was also a little different from others as our family relocated from the UAE to Vietnam. Being new to UNIS, Hanoi and to Vietnam helps me to understand the turbulence of the transition process that many of our new students and families are also experiencing right now.
There has been so much information shared with all families - new and returning - since before the 15-16 school year commenced. We thank you for taking the time to be informed, for attending our Back to School Night presentations and supporting the grade level socials next week. All of these events are designed to bring our students and families together to create a happy and vibrant community together.
We look forward to a happy and successful year of learning together.
Megan Brazil ES Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org
Our students and teachers are now settling in to their new routines and the busy-ness of learning is well underway. We will be regularly celebrating student learning with you through class blogs and the Tin Tuc throughout the year. You can show your support for your child’s learning by taking the time to look at the blogs together, and have your child explain to you the different activities, photos and videos that are shared.
School News
Notes from the Speech and Language Therapist The hearing screening was not a full audiological test which measures the softest sounds you are able to hear. The screening test measured whether or not you are able to hear at a level necessary to hear the sounds used in spoken language. Three sounds (low, medium, and high pitched) were presented in each ear at the same loudness level. Children who did not have difficulty hearing all six tones are considered to have passed the screening. You will not receive individual notification that your child has passed the screening. You will, however, receive notification when your child’s class has completed the screening. This week hearing screenings have been provided for all new students in Discovery, Kindergarten 1, Kindergarten 2, Grade 1, and Grade 2. The ability to hear properly is an important component in developing speech and language skills and for learning in general. As such, early detection of hearing loss is vital so that each child is able to get the full benefit of language learning experiences both within, and outside, the classroom.
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
If your child did not hear one or more of the sounds, you will be notified individually and one to two weeks later, your child will be re-screened. Following the re-screening, you will be notified if your child passed the screening or not. It is possible that your child may not be able to hear all the tones even during the re-screening. If this is the case, you will be asked to have your child’s
hearing tested by an Audiologist or Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor (ENT) and to provide the school with a copy of the report. The school is able to provide referrals to community resources where the hearing test can be completed. Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns regarding the hearing screenings.
Mary Pool Speech Language Pathologist mpool@unishanoi.org
School Health Centre
Recognising and preventing dehydration The weather is hot and humid, and dehydration can come on rapidly. It is very important for students, parents and staff to know how to recognise symptoms of dehydration. The easiest way to check whether you are drinking enough is by monitoring the colour and amount of urine you pass when you go to the bathroom; urine should be pale yellow color. The standard recommendation for water intake for children is around 1.5-2 litres a day and for teenage boys (over 14 years) this rises to an average of 2.5 litres. Fluid should be taken at regular intervals throughout the day and amounts increased during exercise and hot weather.
Library News
How to prevent dehydration during hot weather
Warning signs of heat exhaustion are:
• Avoid being out in the midday sun as much as possible, encourage children to seek cool, shaded areas and not run around too much in the heat.
• Heavy sweating • Pale skin • Muscle cramps • Tiredness
• Wear sun hats.
• Weakness
• Apply daily sunscreen (sunburn stops the body from cooling itself down properly).
• Dizziness • Headache
• Wear cool, loose clothing made of natural fibers to reduce sweating.
• Fainting /collapse
• Avoid dark colored clothing which absorbs heat and causes sweating. • Encourage your kids to take regular drinks even if they don’t feel thirsty (thirst is a sign that dehydration is already present). Students should have water bottles with them at ALL times, especially MSHS students.
The following are some of the signs of dehydration • Headache, dizziness, feeling light headed • Little or no urine, or urine that is darker than usual (urine should be pale yellow) • Dry mouth, tongue and lips (cracked lips) • Sunken eyes • Pale skin • Sleepiness or fatigue
• Nausea and vomiting If heat exhaustion occurs, move the victim as quickly as possible to a cool area in the shade or ideally to an air conditioned room, offer small amounts of cool water and rest. For more information see http://www. bt.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/ heat_guide.asp
Susan McComic SHC Coordinator nurse@unishanoi.org Phone: 3758 1551 Ext 8911 d to please return borrowed items on time so that the rest of the Community can benefit. Happy reading!
Ms. Clinton, Ms. Conroy, and the rest of the Library team
• Extreme thirst • Confused, irritable, unable to concentrate • Few tears when crying
School News
Library News
ES EAL Parent Information Night
This week students in the ES were able to begin borrowing UNIS Hanoi Library books.
UNIS Hanoi Elementary EAL (English as an Additional Language) Parent Night will be held on Monday August 31st at 18:00. If your child is enrolled in ES EAL classes, please come to this information session. You will learn about our ES EAL programme and meet your child’s EAL teacher.
Please check your child’s schedule for their weekly Library session. Book care is an important part of learning the responsibility or borrowing books. Please supply a water resistant book bag for your child to use to carry their Library books. SCO has water resistant Book Bags available for purchase in the SCO store in the Sports Center or kindly use one you already own. Borrowing books is an important part of your child’s learning journey and we encourage you to repeatedly share the book your child borrows. As a parent you are welcome to borrow up to 6 books from the UNIS Hanoi Library. Library hours are M-F 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Parent Library Orientation sessions are coming soon:
ES EAL English-Vietnamese
ES EAL English-Korean
ES EAL English
• General EAL Overview
• General EAL Overview
• General EAL Overview
• Grade 1-5
• Grade 1-5
• Grade 1-5
• David Carter and
• Genevieve Inthavaly
• Le Thi Hoang Linh
• Laura Berrish, Sharon Henderson and Sook Hee Jeong
• 3TS Classroom (120-B9)
• 3VdC Classroom (122-B9)
• 3BM Classroom (108-B9)
ECC English-Vietnamese • General EAL Overview
• General EAL
• Nitasha Chaudhuri & Cap Thi Phuong
• Kristen McAuliffe, Nicole Moodie and • Jeoung Eun Lee
• September 10 ECC • September 16 Grades 1 & 2 • September 17 Grades 3-5 Looking forward to seeing you!
Ms. Conroy Elementary School Librarian eslibrarian@unishanoi.org
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
ECC English-Korean
• K1-AP Classroom (G14-B11)
• K2-CO Classroom (G12-B11)
Auditions Call
Singer United Audition Call Singers United (Grades 4 & 5 ES Choir) had auditions for their Mini-Musical “Every Day is Earth Day� this week. Cast list is almost finished. If there are any more students wishing to join this performance opportunity, please ask them to speak with Ms Sally ASAP. Or parents can email soxenberry@ unishanoi.org
ES Beginning Band
Hairspray Audition
(Grades 4-5)
Students interested in working on a crew for the musical, come to a meeting on Tuesday, September 1 at 3:30 in the theatre. This includes crews for: publicity, lights, set, sound, costumes, hair & makeup and props.
starts FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 7.30am in the ES Music room with Ms Sally
Sally Oxenberry soxenberry@unishanoi.org
School News
Summer Programme Photo Special
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
School Community Organisation News vote in favor of moving the voting date to the first SCO General Meeting of the 20152016 school year.
SCO Constitutional Amendments SCO Constitutional History and Amendment Process: In 2009 the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) worked together with two consultants to proactively organize and structure the PTA. In this process, it was decided to change from the name of the PTA to a more inclusive name, the School Community Organisation (SCO) was created and along with it the SCO Constitution. When the Constitution was created in 2009, it was based on what they thought was best for the organisation. Since 2009, members of the SCO have made their best attempts to follow the Constitution which has proven to be a practical tool for the SCO Executive Committee and Committee Coordinators. However, for the past 2 years the SCO Executive Committee have been working on making updates to the constitution to reflect what has been tested and tried over the years with transparent, workable procedures and an effective system of checks and balances. At this time, we hope to have reached a structured yet flexible tool to guide any incoming committee members. According to the Constitution, amendments need to be made at the SCO AGM. A motion was made to move the vote for Constitutional Amendments to the first SCO General Meeting of the school year, as opposed to waiting until the 2016 AGM. This motion was endorsed by a unanimous
Both the Head of School and SCO Executive Committee have approved the Constitutional Amendments. Below are two links for the community to review the original and the amended versions of the SCO Constitution. It is hoped that this process reflects the original intent of the Constitution to allow for a period of public consultation before constitutional amendments are voted. SCO Constitution (May 2009 original version) SCO Constitution (June 2015 amended version) Please join us as we vote on ratifying the amended constitutions at the first SCO General meeting on September 8 from 8.30 to 9.30 in the Community Room. If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please contact sco@unishanoi.org
We look forward to meeting you soon! SCO Executive Committee 2015-2016: MSHS Chair –Pippa Wood SCO_MSHSchair@unishanoi.org MSHS Vice Chair – Chikako Oba SCO_MSHSvice@unishanoi.org ES Chair –Natascha Senftleben SCO_ESchair@unishanoi.org ES Vice Chair – Carmen Kuebler SCO_ESvice@unishanoi.org Treasurer – Petra Eichler SCO_Treasurer@unishanoi.org
Committee Coordinators: The Shop – Malin Niklasson Shop@unishanoi.org Spring Fair – TBC SpringFair@unishanoi.org Snack Sale – Bo Young Hwang Seung Shin Lee, Hiromi Ogura, Makiko Matsumoto SnackSale@unishanoi.org Used Book Sale – Megan Todd BookSale@unishanoi.org Phoenix Boosters – Renea Freeman PhoenixBoosters@unishanoi.org
For general questions: sco@unishanoi.org
School News
The Shop Out of stock items
r HERE if your child is interested in participating in this photoshoot. Contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator, at shop@unishanoi.org .
The Shop has been extremely busy these first few days of school. It is challenging to predict how many PE kits and shop products families will purchase. We are out of stock of short sleeve PE shirts and shorts. For students in MSHS, sleeveless PE shirts (330,000VND) are available for purchase and are acceptable PE attire. MSHS girls can also wear the Girls PE Shorts (240,000 VND) which is still in stock. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. New product is due to arrive at the end of September.
Thank you to student models!
Shop hour this week
We would like to THANK all the fierce student models who came to the photoshoot on Wednesday this week. You were all so patient, listened to the photographer well and took amazing photos! We’d also like to thank our photographer, Natascha Senftleben, for sharing your time and skills to take pictures for The Shop! Photos coming soon!
Monday 8.00 – 9.00 / 15.00 – 16.00 Tuesday 8.00 – 9.00 / 15.00 – 16.00 Wednesday CLOSED Thursday 8.00 – 9.00 / 15.00 – 16.00 Friday 8.00 – 9.00 The Shop hours of operation is completely dependent on the availability of our wonderful parent volunteers. If you are interested in being part of this fun and dynamic group, please contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator at shop@unishanoi.org
Powered by the LOVE of volunteers!
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
ES Class Socials with the SCO! Let’s start the year off right by getting to know the other families in your child’s class. Parents and students of grades 1 - 5 are invited to stay after school next week on grade specific days (see below) to share in a healthy snack and drink and get to know the parents of your children’s classmates.
Aug 31 • Grade 1 • 15.30 – 16.30
Sept 1
Sept 3
• Grades
• Grades
• 2 & 3
• 4 & 5
• 15.30 – 16.30
• 15.30 – 16.30
Whether you are new to UNIS Hanoi, interested in meeting new people, curious about the people whose house your child goes to for a play date, or just interested in helping build a strong UNIS Hanoi community, then this event is for you!
Booster Committee at UNIS
This event will be held in the ES courtyard. Each class in the grade level will have their own table with name tags and snacks so you can get to know the other parents in your class, while your children play in the playground. This is not a supervised event as children are expected to be there with their parents. The School Community Organization is sponsoring this event as a new initiative towards building a wonderful community. We hope to see you there!
We are pleased to begin promoting the newly established Phoenix Booster Committee. The purpose of the committee is to encourage and promote spirit at UNIS Hanoi and support the continued evolution of our co-curricular programmes, in particular the traveling arts and sports programmes. If you would like to learn more about our Booster Committee or if you would like to be a Booster Committee Volunteer please contact Renea Freeman or Cortney AL-Iesa at PhoenixBoosters@ unishanoi.org
School News