tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 20, Edition 3, Friday 30 Aug
Vietnam National Day-School, Campus&Offices Closed
Reel Youth Service Learning Residency 3-7 Sep ASA & UMA Session 1 Begin Grade 11 DP Art Field Trip 7:00-15:30 MSHS Grade Level Parents Meeting 9:45-10:45, B8
Finance Committee Meeting 7:00-8:30, B7 “Get Involved with your child’s school” Info Session & SCO Meeting 8:30-10:00, Community Room (B7)
ECC Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-10:00, ECC Gym ES EAL Parent Info Evening 18:00-19:30
Board of Directors Meeting 6-7 Sep ES Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Up Open 7:00 Transition Workshop for New Parent 8:30-10:00
Grades 1&2 Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-9:30, Library
Grades 3&4 Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-9:30, Library Library Orientation 18:00-19:00, ES Corner - Library
ISIS Family Workshop for Parents, CANCELLED PYP, MYP Info Night for Families, 18:30-19:30
ComEd Autumn Programme & Saturday Soccer Begin
Grade 5 Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-9:30, Library ES Moon Festival Assembly 14:15-15:15,
Volleyball North-South Cup, 14-15 Sep, UNIS Hanoi
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... From the Head of School (p.2) From the ES Principal (p.2) From the MSHS Principal (p.3)
UMA News (p.8) Faculty & Staff Art Exhibition (p.9) ES Moon Festival. DATE CHANGED (p.9)
Flag Parade. What’s New? (p.4) Birthday Gift Fund - Your ideas wanted! (p.5) Transition Workshop for New Parents (p.5)
Hot Weather. What to do? (p.10) Boutique is OPEN (p.10) ASA is Back Next Week (p.11) “Energize” Yourself!! (p.12)
Grades 3-8 MAP Testing (p.6) Coffee with the Counselors and Library Orietation (p.7) University Info Session (p.8)
Job Opportunity (p.12-13) Canteen Menu Energize Schedule
The approval of our new Values and Beliefs Statement by the Board of Directors last June is an important step not only in establishing a full set of foundational documents for the school but also in supporting our daily work with students. LEARNING, COMMUNITY and RESPONSIBILITY have been identified as our three core values. The beliefs around LEARNING have to do with creating an inspiring environment with high standards for students, developing in students a love of learning that will be lifelong, and motivating them to be inquirers and problem solvers. The beliefs around COMMUNITY have to do with making connections with others, helping students learn how to create a supportive and caring environment wherever they are, and appreciating diversity and differences in others. The beliefs around RESPONSIBILITY have to do with helping students act with integrity, be accountable for their actions, and take on challenges while always being ready to be flexible.
Dear ES Families It was a pleasure to see so many parents at the Back to School Nights this week. So much vital information is shared on these occasions which mark the start of the home school partnership for the year ahead. It also provides one of the few if only opportunities when all the class parents are in the homeroom at the same time building their new community. Please use this link to connect to my Powerpoint presentation from the introductory sessions. I have also included a link to a short video from the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) as mentioned during my talk, for those parents who want to find out a little more about the importance of Personal, Social and Emotional Learning (PSEL) for all our students at UNIS Hanoi.
These Values and Beliefs are the cornerstone of our school, strongly support our Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles, and serve as an excellent guide for us with each student each day. As I mentioned to our faculty on Wednesday, we have an amazing opportunity, sometimes in very small ways, to have a significant impact on students. This is why the Board expects us to be purposeful and intentional in seeing that these values and beliefs are a part of the fabric of our actions. We hope you see evidence of this at our school regularly, and also hope that you will consider ways in which you can join us to help our students embody these Values and Beliefs. On another topic, I would also like to call your attention to the Faculty/Staff Art Exhibition currently on display in our Centre for the Arts Foyer. We have some very talented employees here at UNIS Hanoi and we hope you enjoy their work. Have a wonderful three day weekend. Respectfully, Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
For parents who would like to contact our teachers directly, the email contact details for teachers associated with each Grade level can be found in the Grade Level Guides on the website. Warm regards, Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org
Dear MS/HS Families, I would like to thank everyone who attended the MS/HS Back to School Parent’s Night. From all accounts it was an extremely positive event filled with good will and enthusiasm for learning. Please realize that parent involvement in the educational process is extremely important. Current research is clear; parents play a major role in the educational achievement of their children. Contrary to what many parents may believe research indicates that appropriate levels of involvement (encouraging, monitoring, setting high expectations, displaying genuine interest, etc.) produce far better results than when parents are overly involved (punishing, arguing, extreme rigidity, etc.). It has been shown that well intentioned over involved parents who hover over their child’s every move actually hinder progress rather than promote success. Please be involved, but remember, balance is the key!
Speaking of being involved, I would appreciate it if parents can support the MSHS by ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for school. UNIS Hanoi has a fairly liberal dress code but we do have limits. We are fortunate to have a very diverse community. However, what may be acceptable for your family may be disconcerting to another. Please keep in mind that UNIS Hanoi is a school. What is acceptable attire for the beach or a Friday night gathering with friends may not be acceptable at school. We encourage students to wear comfortable clothing and footwear. They should also dress neatly and respect the diversity of the community. Clothes should not be torn, dirty or unkempt. No cleavage or underwear can be exposed. UNIS Hanoi is a diverse international school. As such we have students and adults on campus representing many different religions and cultures. All members of our learning community must be respectful of cultural and religious customs and comfort levels when it comes to dress code.
The following represent standards of dress:
Shorts should fit properly with a reasonable inseam. Underwear cannot be visible nor can any part of the buttocks.
Shirts that expose the stomach or are low cut are not to be worn
T-shirts slogans should be respectful. No drug, alcohol, tobacco or rude slogans are permitted.
Shoes must be worn. No bare feet on campus.
Students who are unsure about the appropriateness of dress should refer to division handbooks, teachers or the MSHS Principal.
Students who dress inappropriately will be asked to change immediately.
Dress codes in Middle/High Schools are historic friction points and too much time and energy is spent discussing this issue. Common sense and cultural awareness will guide our standard of dress. Students will be given examples of what is appropriate and what is not. Students not willing to attend to common sense dress code standards will be asked to change clothing and parents will be notified. The final decision on appropriate dress will be up to the Principal and Deputy Principal. Thank you in advance for your support! Warm regards, Pete Kennedy
We are busy preparing for one of the main highlights of the year – UN Day! This year UN Day will be on Friday, October 4 – earlier than usual, and a festive way to go into the Autumn Break. The ceremony will be at 10.30 am in the Sports Centre and we encourage ALL parents to attend this wonderful event which involves scores and scores of our children from all three divisions. The spectacular Parade of Nations will as usual launch the ceremony when all the flags of the countries represented in the school – 67 this year! – will be carried on a parade through our audience and above their heads on the mezzanine balcony. We also have four new nations represented this year and are making the flags for those nations as you read! Referring to students’ registered nationalities, the tradition at UNIS Hanoi is that the youngest (above grade 1 when possible), oldest and longest enrolled child of each nation will carry their nation’s flag. So, three official flag bearers for each nation is required for the ‘double’ parade, and for those smaller nations with only one or two children in the community, the longest serving students at UNIS Hanoi will be invited to take part and assist. To be an official flag bearer is a significant honour and privilege for the children but with the larger nationality groups it has been very limited as to who is invited and gets to participate. So this year and for future years, in order to share more broadly the honour, we will invite the youngest, oldest, longest enrolled and support flag carriers WHO HAVE NOT CARRIED THE FLAG LAST YEAR if there are more than three children in the nationality group. The invitations to be official flag bearers will be sent out next week to all the families involved and we ask for your prompt reply in order that we can confirm the list and start rehearsals! For any questions in what can become a complex process, please don’t hesitate to contact our lead coordinator for the Parade of Nations, ES Deputy Principal, Jan Humpleby: esdprincipal@unishanoi.org
Last year as part of our 25th Birthday Celebrations, we launched our Birthday Gift Fund with more than 37,000 USD raised to support our local community. And this year we will allocate the money to projects which will support our local Vietnamese community, through UNIS Hanoi Service Learning projects in partnership with local groups which:
ENGAGE UNIS STUDENTS in genuine and reciprocal learning experiences
BUILD COMMUNITY and meaningfully strengthen the School's relationships with the local community over time
ARE SUSTAINABLE for both for the community the project aims to support, and for UNIS Hanoi. Projects will be chosen with input from a variety of sources including existing Service Partners and you - our community members. We want members of our community (students, parents, faculty and staff, alumni) to contribute ideas and suggestions for the Birthday Gift Fund Committee's consideration. We want to hear about local groups or organisations that could provide exciting possible projects (existing or new) for the Birthday Gift Fund to support in line with the criteria and goals above. With your help we want to ensure that the projects that we support make a difference for the next 25 years! COMPLETE THE SUGGESTION FORM and submit your ideas to the Birthday Gift Fund Committee BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30. And to find out more about the Birthday Gift Fund, how we raised the money, the committee and the timeline and process for the allocation of the funds please see the School website. For more information contact our Director Advancement, Emma Silva: doa@unishanoi.org
If you are new to UNIS and Hanoi, please come and join the UNIS Counselors to talk about: The process of Transition Tips to Help Children Through Transition Suggestions for Adapting to Your New
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 FROM 8:30-10:00 am Elementary Parents – Community Room (B7) Middle and High School Parents – High School Counseling Office Common Room (B5)
At UNIS Hanoi standardised testing is one method of gathering information to promote and inform student learning. A standardised test should allow students, teachers and parents to identify a student's strengths and areas of need in the different subject areas that are tested. At the school-wide level the standardised test can help to identify areas of the curriculum that may need adapting. It will also help the school to determine how UNIS Hanoi students are performing in comparison to other students around the world and evaluate the effectiveness of our programme.
Please be aware that there is no additional preparation that students can do to prepare for these tests. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep and a sufficient breakfast prior to testing. If your child is anxious you can help to alleviate their worries by talking, listening and reassuring. Encourage your child to simply do their best as he or she would do with any school assignment, test or project. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child’s reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the MAP test in general please contact Janet Field, the Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org
Students in Grades 3-8 will be completing the MAP test during the window of September 9 -20, 2013. These are computerized tests in Reading, Language usage, and Math which are called Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP). The results of the assessment are focused on growth and will be used by classroom teachers to better understand individual student achievement and future steps for learning. MAP tests are unique - as students complete the test it adapts to be appropriate for their level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing.
Grade 3
Tues. Sept. 10
Wed. Sept. 11
Thurs Sept. 12
Grade 4
Tues. Sept. 10
Wed. Sept. 11
Thurs Sept. 12
Grade 5
Tues. Sept. 10
Wed. Sept. 11
Thurs Sept. 12
Grade 6
Tues. Sept. 17
Wed. Sept. 18
Thurs. Sept. 19
Grade 7
Tues. Sept. 17
Wed. Sept. 18
Thurs. Sept. 19
Grade 8
Tues. Sept. 17
Wed. Sept. 18
Thurs. Sept. 19
Parents, please join Elementary School Counselors Ms. Canada and Mr. Tom, along with Elementary School Librarian, Ms. Conroy for a morning coffee session. There are several meeting times available (see the table below). Please come join us for chat about ES Counseling and Library Services here at UNIS Hanoi. We look forward to meeting you! Ms. Canada, Mr. Tom and Ms. Conroy
ECC Students
Thursday Sept. 5
8:30 to 9:30 AM
ECC gym
Grades 1 & 2
Monday Sept. 9
8:30 to 9:30 AM
Library Projection Room
Grades 3 & 4
Tuesday Sept. 10
8:30 to 9:30 AM
Library Projection Room
Library Orientation
Tuesday Sept. 10
6:00 to 7:00 PM
ES Reading Corner, Library
8:30 to 9:30 AM
Library Projection Room
Grade 5
Sept. 13
Speaker : Mr. Dane Rowley | Director of International Admission, California Lutheran University Time : Wednesday 4, 2013 |12:30pm Venue : Classroom B5-102 R.S.V.P by Tuesday 3, 2013 via email address: HSguidancesec@unishanoi.org
Founded in 1959, California Lutheran University's dedicated, accomplished faculty works with small classes of undergraduate and graduate students who are openminded—about ideas, about people, and about faith—and are seeking to grow as individuals. Both in the classroom and outside of it, everyone at Cal Lutheran is committed to helping each student pursue their passions to discover their purpose, and follow that purpose to transform their community—and the world. Through our undergraduate programs, we offer 36 majors, 34 minors, and 7 pre-professional programs. Our highly regarded graduate programs include post-graduate degrees in business, computer science, education, psychology, and public policy and administration, with doctorates in educational leadership, higher education leadership, and clinical psychology. We also offer post-graduate credentials and certifications. Located between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, our main 225-acre Thousand Oaks campus is complemented by two satellite locations in nearby Woodland Hills and Oxnard. Together, they are home to our dynamic liberal arts and science programs, with more than 2,700 undergraduate and 1,400 graduate students.
Dear Families, Thank you so much for your patience and support of our very popular UNIS Music Academy programme (UMA). It is wonderful to see that over 250 students have signed up to have lessons from our talented music teachers. As you can imagine the many teachers and the early time slots were taken very quickly by people who signed up first. The UMA team has worked tirelessly since the close of sign -ups on Monday to coordinate all the requests and build the UMA schedule. In situations where people were unable to get their requested slots, Ms. Cham has contacted these parents with alternative possibilities. We are pleased to announce that despite the initial problems with the sign up process, the schedule will be
completed by the end of today and therefore students can expect to receive confirmation of their lesson times, together with the UMA agreements which needs to be signed by parent and students and returned when coming to the first lesson. Lessons will begin next Tuesday 3 September. We are aware that some of our UMA teachers have waitlists. Ms. Cham will contact these teachers to explore additional possibilities for extra lessons. We will let you know of any additional availability next week. We thank you for our patience as we fine tune our sign up process for all the wonderful after school opportunities for your students. Kind regards Ms. Cham umaoffice@unishanoi.org
The second annual UNIS Hanoi Staff Art Exhibition was opened on Wednesday evening in the UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts. The exhibition aim is to give an opportunity to stimulate participants creative side in a noncompetitive setting. It also gives students, as the audience, an opportunity to see their teachers as lifelong learners too ! Robert Natoli rnatoli@unishanoi.org
We have been invited to participate in a Vietnamese national television broadcast by VTV celebrating Moon Festival in September and as a result will move the Elementary School Moon Festival Assembly to FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13 at 14:15 . This is a change from our published calendar. Thank you for your understanding. More information next week.
16th September, Library Media Room Join us as we talk about the challenges we’re facing and various strategies as we learn to balance technology use in our daily lives. In this session we will look at the different ways parents can manage technology use at home. We will also be sharing a whole host of online resources that are available for you to use.
PE Kits should be taken home DAILY for laundering & not left in school lockers. It is a fact that adults & teens
sweat a lot more than younger children. Bacteria present on the skin love sweat & when they combine with it they grow & multiply & produce lots of waste products. It is this waste that changes sweat into that horrible smell otherwise known as BO (body odour).
If anyone is concerned that they may have a problem with excessive sweating or body odour then please feel free to come & have a chat with either the School Nurses or The School Counselor we are happy to give advice. UNIS School Health Centre nurse@unishanoi.org
Shower at least once a day, more often during hot,
humid weather & especially after PE. Make sure you use shower gel, body wash or some nice smelling soap (anti bacterial soaps & washes can reduce the number of waste products from bacteria which live on your skin). Change your clothes & underwear EVERY day or more frequently if you are doing sports. Loose clothing in light colours & natural fibres such as cotton will keep you cooler. The same bacteria from your skin can also live on sweaty clothes. Wash clothes frequently on as hot a wash as possible. Make sure they are dried properly as damp clothes begin to smell & don’t forget to wash trainers/insoles too if possible. Use anti-perspirant /deodorant. Cut the caffeine intake. Cola, coffee, tea, chocolate & other caffeine containing food & drink make the sweat glands more active. Eat a balanced diet & drink LOTS OF WATER to dilute the sweat.
A change of clothes (T shirt / socks/ underwear for
after PE).Even on non PE days a change of T shirt may be needed in the day in humid weather. A towel for showering & some bodywash. Anti-perspirant /deodorant, body spray. (If appropriate for age of student). A sun hat. A water bottle.
BOUTIQUE IS OPEN Thanks for the parent volunteers, we are happy to announce the Boutique's schedule for school year 20132014: MONDAY
8:00 - 9:00
Please note that the Boutique is run entirely by the parents volunteers and we are still looking for more volunteers so we could open everyday for the school community. Please write to sco@unishanoi.org, specifying that you wish to volunteer for Boutique. Visit the Boutique Online for our item price range.
Session 1 ASA’s will begin on Tuesday, September 3.
Over the last couple of days, parents and students will have received notification that they are confirmed to participate in UNIS Hanoi After School Activities (ASAs) for the first session of the 2013-14 school year. The confirmation email lists the activities in which students have now been enrolled. Unfortunately, some activities have been cancelled due to insufficient registration. On the other hand, several activities still have available spaces. If you or your child would like to enroll in one of these activities, please contact the UNIS Hanoi Co-Curricular Activities Office at Cocurricular@unishanoi.org. ASAs which still have space will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
At the conclusion of ASAs students will be dropped off at the following locations by the ASA teacher: 1. Outside the Canteen Main Entrance – to be pickedup by parents and drivers 2. With the Bus Monitors (between B6 & B7) – for bus students 3. At the Flag Poles (between B7 & ECC) – for students who take hotel buses 4. ES Office – if the student needs further assistance If parents meet their children at the activity, please inform the ASA teacher that you are taking your child. We want to make sure we know that your child is accounted for. - when Discovery students come back to UNIS Hanoi for their activities, they should be brought directly to the ASA location by their caretaker. This same person will also be responsible for the child when the activity ends. – many additional swimming classes have been offered via the new UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Academy. Hopefully this will help to meet the demand. Please be reminded that if you have registered for any aquatics-related ASAs, an invoice for the activity will be sent to you by the UNIS Hanoi Business Office. The Activities Office is the primary contact if there are any questions – 3758 1551 Ext. 8712
If there are parents out there who would like to get involved as a sponsor of an After School Activity, please let us know. We hope everyone has an enjoyable and meaningful experience in ASAs this session. Please let us know if there’s anything we can help you with. Regards, UNIS Hanoi Co-Curricular Activities Office
Are you an Energize member? An Energize Membership provides the opportunity for the UNIS Hanoi community to use some UNIS Hanoi recreational facilities for a reasonable fee. The facilities are available for members use during posted hours. These hours are subject to change, as student-related activities take priority. “Energize Hours” are visible on the UNIS Hanoi website, with updates emailed to members by the UNIS Hanoi Activities Office. UNIS Community Members are those persons who are UNIS Hanoi employees or parents, including their spouse and children. Only students (and their families) who are currently attending UNIS Hanoi are eligible to become Energize Members. Membership entitles users to use the swimming pool and fitness room. There is no single facility membership option (e.g. I just want to join to use the swimming pool). The swimming pool is heated during the winter months and is 25 meters long with 6 lanes and is staffed by UNIS Hanoi lifeguards. The fitness room consists of a variety of cardiovascular equipment and weight machines and is staffed by a fitness instructor. UNIS Hanoi high school students who have had an introduction to the weight training during their PE classes may use the fitness room without an ENERGIZE membership on weekdays between 3:30-4:30pm (Wednesdays starting at 2:30pm). For additional information regarding UNIS Hanoi Energize Memberships, please contact the UNIS Hanoi Activities Office - Cocurricular@unishanoi.org or 37581551, Ext: 8713 or 8720. You can also go to our Website to find out more. Get yourself Energized today!!
UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. United Nations International School of Hanoi is seeking applications for
Opportunities exist for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Middle and High School Subject Specialists. Positions are available on an ongoing, as needed basis. Ideal applicants will have: The ability to quickly establish rapport with children Solid classroom management skills Minimum qualification of a Bachelor’s Degree Teaching certificate is ideal, but not required.
Opportunities exist for Registered Nurses on an ongoing as needed basis at UNIS Hanoi. Ideal applicant will have: Bachelor Degree in Science - Nursing or equivalent Able to communicate in and understand English Ability to work with children across all ages from Discovery through to High School Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date resume outlining education and experience, photograph and list of professional referees to jobs@unishanoi.org. Successful applicants will need to provide a police clearance from their last country of permanent employment. Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam
Strong background in Science. Bachelor degree or
(one class of grade 6 and one class of grade 8) UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Part-time Middle School
Science Teacher (Integrated MYP Science, Grades 6 and 8). The position is 40% employment with salary and benefits prorated – Very possible to live comfortably on the salary provided. The Science Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal.
Teach one one class of grade 6 and one class of grade 8 Provide a differentiated program of instruction that
incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the MYP framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Science Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Become an active member within the UNIS community : advisory, sports, after-school activities, students clubs, and community service activities Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decisionmaking groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
above in Science Education or equivalent Technologically able Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification IB experience (MYP) Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of High School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
40% CONTRACT – ONE YEAR (2013‐2014 school year)
Salary Competitive, exempted from Vietnam income tax Salary Supplement 15% of annual base salary paid in the June pay
Monthly Housing Allowance Monthly Utilities Allowance One Time Settling in Allowance One Time Furniture Allowance Excess Baggage Allowance
$500 $60 $300 $1,000 Two extra bags – 50
lbs each max
Transportation Allowance Beginning & end of contract: One‐way economy class flight between Hanoi & Home of Record, via most direct route Health Insurance Comprehensive health insurance premium paid for the employee Professional Development Allowance $500 Energize membership Complimentary
Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties as soon as possible. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam