UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 22, Edition 3, Friday 4 September
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Student School Photo Days, 7-11 Sept ASA and UMA Session 1 Begins MS and Youth Sports Season 1 Begins Varsity Boys and Girls’ Volleyball vs. HIS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30, Sports Centre
Advancement Committee, 7.30-9.30, Conference Room All Community Meeting with the SCO, 8.30-9.30, Centre for the Arts Downstairs Foyer * (New location) Hanoi Bus Tour and Lunch for Parents with the SCO, 9.30-14.30, Meet point: UNIS Hanoi Bus stop
ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No ASAs/ Aquatics Academy for ES Students), 15.00-18.00, Centre for the Arts Foyer
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SCO Team Building Retreat, 8.00-15.00 PYP Interactive Workshop for New Parents, 19.0020.00, Black Box 1 & 2 (B10-103 & 104)
MYP Information Night for Grade 6 Parents and Parents New to UNIS, 19.00-20.00, Library
ECC Child Development Information Session, 8.309.30, Library ECC Library Orientation Session for Parents, 9.3010.00, Library
Board of Directors Two-Day Meeting, 11-12 Sept ES New Parent Workshop, 8.30-9.30 MSHS New Parent Workshop, 8.30-9.30, Community Room
Community Programme Autumn Session Begins Saturday SOccer Autumn Season Begins Community Connections Fair, 9.00-12.00, Centre for the Arts Foyer
Child Development Information Session For Parents (Grades 1 & 2), 8.30-9.30 Library Orientation For Parents (Grades 1 & 2), 9.3010.00, Library Varsity Girls’ Volleyball vs OLY @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30, Sports Centre
University Information Session, 13.20-14.00, Common Room Varsity Boys and Girls’ Volleyball vs. BIS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30, Sports Centre
MRISA Leadership Conference @ International School Eastern Seaboard, Thailand, 17-20 Sept Child Development Information Session For Parents (Grades 3 - 5), 8.30-9.30
Library Orientation For Parents (Grades 3 - 5), Library
Grade 12 College Info Night, 18.00-20.00, Theatre
ES Healthy Snack Sale 1, 8.10-10.40, ES & ECC Courtyards Parent and Faculty Social Event, 19.30-23.30
School News
From the Head of School in attendance. We are pleased and honored to once again have Dr. Richard Chait from Harvard who will be joined this year by his co-author, Dr. William Ryan for an intense weekend of workshops focused on best practice in Board Governance. We look forward to many of our co-curricular activities starting next week. Again, we appreciate your patience one more time as we sorted through the ASA sign-ups. We are track to introduce the new, more userfriendly system for Session 2. Have a wonderful weekend. Respectfully, Thanks to those who attended the various school meetings over the last few weeks. The attendance was quite varied and we will be reviewing this model to insure we are getting it right in terms of the number of events at this time of year. We know people are busy and at the same time we want to get the home-school connection started on a strong foundation. We hope you will be able to attend some of the evenings coming up in the next couple of weeks. As announced by the Board of Directors last week, we are hosting an international school Board Governance workshop this Saturday and Sunday here in the Centre for the Arts. Twentythree (23) international schools and organisations from East Asia, Africa and the Middle East will be represented this weekend among the 94 delegates
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Dr. Chip Barder Head of School headsoffice@unishanoi.org
Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Jacob Totti Anderson Ybarra, G09h Kai Fall Garcia Diallo, 2TL Joshua JP Dewan, 1RB
From the Middle and High School involved in drama productions and/or taking part in service projects but there is a deeper reason. Research is clear, academic achievement increases when students participate in a balanced program of academics, co-curricular opportunities and partake in healthy life styles (proper nutrition and regular exercise). UNIS Hanoi does not devote resources to co-curricular activities solely because they are enjoyable. We do so because co-curricular activities promote higher academic achievement and help develop well balanced individuals.
Dear MS/HS Families, I would like to thank everyone who attended the MSHS Back to School Parents Information Night. From all accounts it was an extremely positive event filled with good will and enthusiasm for learning. During my introduction to parents I stressed the need for students study hard but also to develop balanced life styles. For students a balanced life style places a priority on academics but also includes involvement in hobbies, participation in co-curricular activities, building strong friendships and engaging in regular physical activity. Some parents may not fully understand why UNIS Hanoi stresses student involvement in co-curricular activities? We do realize that students enjoy participating on athletic teams, being
In closing I thought I would provide a link to a presentation which illustrates the importance of how something as simple as physical exercise can contribute to academic achievement. Please understand, I am not downplaying the importance of hard work and high academic standards but we cannot overlook the positive impact of a balanced life style which includes participation in co-curricular activities. My hope is that parents will support their children by encouraging them to study hard but also to take part in activities they enjoy. The brain and exercise Warm regards,
Pete Kennedy MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org
School News
Jobs Opportunity
Safe Cycling the way the helmets were hanging from the handlebar could have caused the helmet visor or strap to stop the front wheel and throw the rider from the bicycle. • 6 students with no helmets and excuses that included my helmet is broken or I forgot. • 20 adults not wearing helmets. • 6 students arrived on motor bikes with adults (possibly parents) and none of the riders were wearing helmets. My informal survey doesn’t include a number of students that had not fastened their chin straps or that were wearing poorly fitted helmets. I am departing from role as Technology Director at UNIS to write about a safety and security issue affecting many of our UNIS students and adults. I am an avid cyclist, road bike and mountain bike, recreational riding and amateur racing. During every cycling adventure I wear a helmet because of the potential for head injury. You may wish to review current thinking regarding Head Injuries and Bicycle Safety from the Center for Disease Control. I performed an informal survey during my Gate 5 duty last Monday, August 31st. During my observations I counted the following:
Please take time to ensure that your son or daughter is wearing a properly fitted safety certified helmet with a fastened chin strap anytime that they ride a bicycle or a motorbike. We expect helmets to remain on rider’s heads until after they dismount at the gate. Adults should model rules that we expect students to follow. Cycling can be a fun fitness building activity. But precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of riders. As adults we must help our youth develop good cycling habits. Please call or email me if you have any questions about cycling in Hanoi.
Ed Gilbreath
• Approximately 165 bikes arrived at Gate 5
Tech Director
• 48 students had helmets hanging from their handlebars or in baskets. Please note that in at least 10 cases
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04 3758 1551 Ext 8600
UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for the following vacancies:
Middle School/High School 1. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher - Specialization in Orchestra/ Strings 2. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher (semester two)
Operations Assistant Manager - Contract Supervision
To view more information about these openings at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs
Student Photo Days Posing Time ! When: 7-11 September Where: Community Room (Building 7) Starting on Monday, 7 September UNIS Hanoi will have professional photographers on campus taking individual portraits of each student and class photos. The photos will then be used for the UNIS Hanoi Yearbook and other official school materials. NOTE: If your child(ren) has PE lesson during the day, please bring an additional shirt for her/him to change for the shooting. We will provide mirror, hair dryer in the Community Room. If your child is absent on her/his assigned day, all make-up photos will be taken in April 2016. As a parent, you will have the opportunity to purchase a package of different sized photographs of your child’s sitting and his/her class photo. You will be receiving an envelop with sample portraits and information regarding purchasing on October 6.
When will my child’s photo be taken? Monday 7 September ES: Grades 3 and 5 MSHS: Grades 10 and 12
Tuesday 8 September ES: K2 MSHS: Grade 8
Wednesday 9 September ES: Grade 4, 2RJ, 2MA MSHS: Grades 9 and 11 (Homeroom photos)
Thursday 10 September ES: Grade 1, 2TL, 2CH MSHS: Grade 6 (Portraits and homeroom photos), Grade 9 (Portraits)
Friday 11 September ES: Discovery and K1 MSHS: Grade 7 (Portraits and homeroom photos), Grade 11 (Portraits)
If you have any questions, please contact advancement@unishanoi.org.
School News
School Health Centre Air Quality Index (AQI) Have you noticed the colored flags and cards we have hanging in several areas of the school?
• “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” AQI is 101 - 150. Although general public is not likely to be affected at this AQI range, persons with heart and lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from the presence of particles in the air. .
These flags are part of our Air Quality Monitoring System. The AQI is a tool for reporting daily air quality. It tells us how clean or polluted the air is, and what health effects might be a concern for everyone.
• “Unhealthy” AQI is 151 - 200. Everyone may begin to experience some adverse health effects, and members of the sensitive groups may experience more serious effects. .
Understanding the AQI The Air Quality Index is a tool for reporting daily air quality. It tells how clean or polluted the air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for everyone. The AQI is divided into six categories. Each category corresponds to a different level of health concern and these are: • “Good” AQI is 0 - 50. Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. • “Moderate” AQI is 51 - 100. Air quality is acceptable; however, pollution in this range may pose a moderate health concern for a very small number of people. For example, people who are unusually sensitive to particle pollution may experience respiratory symptoms.
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Library News
• “Very Unhealthy” AQI is 201 - 300. This would trigger a health alert signifying that everyone may experience more serious health effects. • “Hazardous” AQI greater than 300. This would trigger a health warnings of emergency conditions. The entire population is more likely to be affected.
AQI colors Specific color has been assigned to each AQI category to make it easier for people to quickly understand whether air pollution is reaching unhealthy levels and to take appropriate action. (http://www.epa.gov/airnow/airquality-guide_pm_2013.pdf)
Prolonged exertion
Heavy exertion
This means any outdoor activity that you’ll be doing intermittently for several hours and that makes you breathe slightly harder than normal. A good example of this is working in the yard for part of a day. When air quality is unhealthy, you can protect your health by reducing how much time you spend on this type of activity.
This means intense outdoor activities that cause you to breathe hard. When air quality is unhealthy, you can protect your health by reducing how much time you spend on this type of activity, or by substituting a less intense activity—for example, go for a walk instead of a jog. Be sure to reduce your activity level if you experience any unusual coughing, chest discomfort, wheezing, breathing difficulty, or unusual fatigue.
For more on AQI, read http:// www.airnow.gov/index. cfm?action=aqibasics.aqi
Susan McComic SHC Coordinator nurse@unishanoi.org Phone: 3758 1551 Ext 8911app
School News
Library News Dear Parents, Please be sure to send your ES child’s Library books to school in a water resistant book bag. If you do not already have one, please purchase one from The Shop in the Sports Centre.
Next week shall be the last week student’s may borrow without a book bag. Thank you for helping us to keep our precious Library books in good condition.
Ms. Conroy Elementary School Librarian eslibrarian@unishanoi.org
MSHS New Parent Workshop When: September 11, 2015 @ 8:30 Where: Library Parents of children new to UNIS Hanoi are invited to attend a short workshop presented by the MSHS counselors. Topics will include the cycles of transitions, what to expect from your child in the transition period and things to do in Hanoi. In order to make this as valuable of an experience for you as possible please answer the questions HERE by Friday, September 7.
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
High School Volleyball The first games will be this Monday at the UNIS Hanoi Sports Centre from 16.00-17:30. Come watch us take on HIS in the first of many exciting games. Please see the schedule for all games so you can plan to be part of the action and our greatest supporters!
Monday, Sept 7 vs HIS (Girls & Boys) Monday, Sept 14 vs BIS (Girls & Boys) Wednesday, Sept 16 vs OLY (Girls)
It is High School Volleyball time at UNIS Hanoi! The Senior Girls and Boys Varsity teams wish to invite you to their league games and be a part of the exciting Phoenix action. All members of the UNIS Hanoi community are encouraged to come - bring your family, posters, noise makers & enthusiasm! Your teams need your support!
Monday, Sept 21 vs CISH (Girls) Please note students attending will need to find their own transportation home that day, which is why we have provided all of the dates in advance, so you can hopefully plan accordingly. We hope to see you there - be part of something great!
School News
High School Day Photo Special
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School Community Organisation News vote in favor of moving the voting date to the first SCO General Meeting of the 20152016 school year.
SCO Constitutional Amendments SCO Constitutional History and Amendment Process: In 2009 the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) worked together with two consultants to proactively organize and structure the PTA. In this process, it was decided to change from the name of the PTA to a more inclusive name, the School Community Organisation (SCO) was created and along with it the SCO Constitution. When the Constitution was created in 2009, it was based on what they thought was best for the organisation. Since 2009, members of the SCO have made their best attempts to follow the Constitution which has proven to be a practical tool for the SCO Executive Committee and Committee Coordinators. However, for the past 2 years the SCO Executive Committee have been working on making updates to the constitution to reflect what has been tested and tried over the years with transparent, workable procedures and an effective system of checks and balances. At this time, we hope to have reached a structured yet flexible tool to guide any incoming committee members. According to the Constitution, amendments need to be made at the SCO AGM. A motion was made to move the vote for Constitutional Amendments to the first SCO General Meeting of the school year, as opposed to waiting until the 2016 AGM. This motion was endorsed by a unanimous
Both the Head of School and SCO Executive Committee have approved the Constitutional Amendments. Below are two links for the community to review the original and the amended versions of the SCO Constitution. It is hoped that this process reflects the original intent of the Constitution to allow for a period of public consultation before constitutional amendments are voted. SCO Constitution (May 2009 original version) SCO Constitution (June 2015 amended version) Please join us as we vote on ratifying the amended constitutions at the first SCO General meeting on September 8 from 8.30 to 9.30 Location has changed to The Centre for the Arts Foyer. If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please contact sco@unishanoi.org
We look forward to meeting you soon! SCO Executive Committee 2015-2016: MSHS Chair –Pippa Wood SCO_MSHSchair@unishanoi.org MSHS Vice Chair – Chikako Oba SCO_MSHSvice@unishanoi.org ES Chair –Natascha Senftleben SCO_ESchair@unishanoi.org ES Vice Chair – Carmen Kuebler SCO_ESvice@unishanoi.org Treasurer – Petra Eichler SCO_Treasurer@unishanoi.org
Committee Coordinators: The Shop – Malin Niklasson Shop@unishanoi.org Spring Fair – TBC SpringFair@unishanoi.org Snack Sale – Bo Young Hwang Seung Shin Lee, Hiromi Ogura, Makiko Matsumoto SnackSale@unishanoi.org Used Book Sale – Megan Todd BookSale@unishanoi.org Phoenix Boosters – Renea Freeman PhoenixBoosters@unishanoi.org
For general questions: sco@unishanoi.org
School News
The Shop The 2015 swim wear is back in stock in all sizes for both girls and boys! Stop by The Shop to pick up your new swim gear!
Looking for 3 more volunteers! Are you one of them? To keep the school store open for the year we need three more volunteers. These are the shifts that need an *extra pair of hands: Monday 8.00 – 9.00 Tuesday 15.00 – 16.00 Thursday 8.00 – 9.00 If you are free for an hour in the morning and would like to spend some time helping out in The Shop, please contact The Shop Coordinator, Malin Nikalsson, at shop@ unishanoi.org and let her know which shift works for you!
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
The Shop hours Monday 8.00 – 9.00 / 15.00 – 16.00 Tuesday 8.00 – 9.00 / 15.00 – 16.00 Wednesday 8.00 – 9.00 Thursday 8.00 – 9.00 / 15.00 – 16.00 Friday 8.00 – 9.00 Note: The schedule is based on volunteer availability and is subject to change.
his photoshoot. Contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator, at shop@unishanoi.org .
New to UNIS Hanoi? Join our Bus Tour!
Time to Sparkle!
We would like to invite you to join the popular Hanoi Bus Tour organised by the fellow parents in the School Community Organisation (SCO).
Great fun for all !! SCO SPARKLY SOCIAL 2015
On our bus tour, we take parents on a quick tour of Tay Ho and the Old Quarter to show you some key spots around town including a wet market, a popular international book store and if time allows Ao Dai stores (to purchase traditional Vietnamese attire). This is a great way to get to learn about Hanoi and form new friendships with other UNIS Hanoi parents!
WHEN: Tuesday, September 8th TIME: 9.30 - 15.00 (starts after the SCO All Community Meeting from 8.30 - 9.30) MEETING POINT: Bus Stop
If you are interested in joining the Bus Tour, please REGISTER HERE (https:// goo.gl/fBA4xC) Please register by this Sunday at 8pm so we can book accordingly. The Bus Tour is sponsored by the SCO, but attendees are asked to contribute to their own lunch. Additionally, if you are an ES parent and wish to purchase an Ao Dai for your child, please bring his/her measurements. This event is primarily aimed at parents, babies in arms are welcome, but we kindly ask you to find childcare for older kids. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email us back!
Your SCO Executive Committee SCO@unishanoi.org
It is only two weeks until our beloved SCO Sparkly Social, a highlight of our social calendar! The tickets for this event for UNIS Hanoi Parents, Guardians, Staff, Teachers, Administration and partners will be on sale from Monday afternoon, September 7 from the Advancement Office, the Shop, or one of the SCO Executive members. This year we will head to O’leary’s at 38 Ba Trieu. We have been able to keep tickets at just 200 000 VND per person for two hours free flow beer, wine, and soft drink and delicious finger food then an open bar where you can purchase from a limited menu. Check out our UNIS HANOI SPARKLY SOCIAL 2015 page on facebook to see pics of the yummy savouries on offer! Enjoy the live band and entertainment, and our favourite DJ Neil Taylor. Purchase your ticket by 5 p.m. Tuesday September 15 to go into our lucky draw. Come and catch up with old friends, and make some new, and of course lots of dancing!!! This event is for adults only, so book your sitter now! Also please plan to take taxi or share rides to the venue. We want everyone to have a great time and be safe !
School News
New to Hanoi and still getting settled? Come to our Community Connections Fair! WHEN?
Saturday, September 12
WHAT TIME? 9.00am - 12.00pm WHERE? UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts. Want to learn how to drive a motorbike? Where should I go if my child has a fever? Which dental services are available in Hanoi?
What gym offers Zumba, Yoga or Pilates classes? Where is the best place to buy my groceries? What to do with ALL my free time?
Are these some questions you ask yourself? The purpose of the Community Connections Fair is to provide useful information to our UNIS Hanoi community, especially those newly arrived expats, by bringing a variety of Hanoi’s service providers and organizations together to one convenient location!
Who will be coming? We will have representatives from a variety of areas (for example: medical services, vets, fitness centres, community/cultural groups, activity groups, transportation services, to name a few) come and set up an information/display booths and will be present on the day to answer questions. Join us and learn more about what Hanoi has to offer and get all your questions answered! For more information, contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun at CLO@unishanoi.org in the Advancement Office.
his photoshoot. Contact Malin Niklasson, The Shop Coordinator, at shop@unishanoi.org .
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc