tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 20, Edition 4, Friday 6 September
MAP Testing Grades 3-5, September 9-13 Grades 1&2 Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-9:30, Library US College Fair 13:30-14:00, In front of B5 G29
Grades 3&4 Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-9:30, Library Library Orientation 18:00-19:00, ES Corner - Library
ISIS Family Workshop for Parents, CANCELLED ECC Moon Festival Assembly 10:55-11:35, B10 PYP, MYP Info Night for Families, 18:30-19:30, B10
Grade 5 Parent Coffee with the Counselors & Library Orientation 8:30-9:30, Library High School Day 13:00-15:30 Grades 1-5 Moon Festival Assembly 14:10-14:50, B10
MAP Testing Grades 6-8, September 16-20 Board of Directors Meeting 17:30-19:00 ES Parent-Teacher Conferences 10:00-18:00 No school & No ASA/Aquatics Academy for ES Students
University Information Night 18:30-20:30, Library
Grade 12 Trip, September 19-22 ES Parent-Teacher Conferences 15:45-18:00 No ASA/Aquatics Academy for ES Students
HS Senate Leadership Retreat, September 20-21 Breakfast with the Head of School 8:15-9:30, Library Class Parent UN Day Meet, ES (14:15), MSHS (15:30), B8 Parents & Faculty Social Event 19:00, Press Club
Community Connections Fair 9:00-12:00
Volleyball North-South Cup, 14-15 Sep, UNIS Hanoi
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... From the MSHS Principal (p.2) Birthday Gift Fund - Your ideas wanted! (p.2) ES Student Council Reps Needed (p.3)
Quality Instrumental Practice (p.9) Living “Learning to Inspire” (p.10) Reel Youth Workshop with Grade 8 (p.10) Immunisation (p.11)
Grades 3-8 MAP Testing (p.4) Coffee with the Counselors and Library Orietation (p.5) PYP & MYP Info Evening Invitation (p.5-6)
Saturday Soccer & ComEd Important Updates (p.12) Health, Nutrition and Wellbeing Advisory Taksforce (p.12) Community Connection Fair (p.12)
Technology Info Sessions. Save the Dates (p.6) University Info Session (p.7) Moon Festival Celebration (p.8)
SCO Sparkly Social. Buy your ticket NOW! (p.13) Job Opportunity (p.14-15) Canteen Menu Energize Schedule
Dear MS/HS Families, As the end of our third full week of school draws to a close the MSHS has transitioned from the shock and awe of opening day to a vibrant learning community with established routines. Classes are in full swing, athletic teams are ramping up for competitions and our thespians are busy rehearsing for the Fall production of Grease. In spite of the rain, it truly is a wonderful time of year! During our Back to School Night I had the opportunity to speak with many parents. Although we discussed a host of topics, many of our conversations revolved around a constant theme; how technology continues to influence the educational process. Several parents expressed concern over the possible overuse of technology feeling that relationships and important core skills may fall to the wayside. I did my best to explain the wonderful opportunities appropriately used technology offers our learning community but some parents were still a bit skeptical. Rest assured that core skills remain an important focus at UNIS Hanoi. Students will continue to be challenged via a host of mediums, but one thing is certain, students MUST become skilled and have exposure to forward thinking 21st century methodologies in order to compete on the global playing field. It is no longer optional. Students cannot do without forward thinking technologies. Perhaps I should pause and suggest parents follow this link to a TEDx presentation by Alan November where he illustrates the importance of building purpose, ownership, and legacy within students via forward thinking technologies. Mr. November illustrates much more eloquently than I ever could how technology will empower students to fully engage in the educational process and become lifelong learners. Warm regards, Pete Kennedy mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org
Last year as part of our 25th Birthday Celebrations, we launched our Birthday Gift Fund with more than 37,000 USD raised to support our local community. And this year we will allocate the money to projects which will support our local Vietnamese community, through UNIS Hanoi Service Learning projects in partnership with local groups which:
ENGAGE UNIS STUDENTS in genuine and reciprocal learning experiences
BUILD COMMUNITY and meaningfully strengthen the School's relationships with the local community over time
ARE SUSTAINABLE for both for the community the project aims to support, and for UNIS Hanoi. Projects will be chosen with input from a variety of sources including existing Service Partners and you - our community members. We want members of our community (students, parents, faculty and staff, alumni) to contribute ideas and suggestions for the Birthday Gift Fund Committee's consideration. We want to hear about local groups or organisations that could provide exciting possible projects (existing or new) for the Birthday Gift Fund to support in line with the criteria and goals above. With your help we want to ensure that the projects that we support make a difference for the next 25 years! COMPLETE THE SUGGESTION FORM and submit your ideas to the Birthday Gift Fund Committee BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30. And to find out more about the Birthday Gift Fund, how we raised the money, the committee and the timeline and process for the allocation of the funds please see the School website. For more information contact our Director of Advancement, Emma Silva: doa@unishanoi.org
The goal of the ES Student Council is to build community among the students, teachers and administration by communicating ideas that are helpful to the student body and the school.
Dear Families, Today in our assembly we talked about the role of Student Council to help improve the school community. We are looking for a boy and a girl representative from each class in Grades 1-5 to become their class representative. Students who are interested need to write a short speech that they will present to their class next week. The class will vote for the person whom they think has the qualities to represent their class. Elected volunteers will meet once every two weeks during Thursday lunchtimes. Please find the time this weekend to chat with your child about their interest in being a Student Council representative for their class and if necessary help them with a speech. Ideas they could include in their speech may be: Why they want to be a member of the ES Student Council? What are some of the things they have done at school, or outside of school, that they think would help them be a good Student Council Representative? What ideas and goals do they have that would help improve the school? What past leadership experiences do they have? What do they think a good leader is?
Student Council members learn how to: take action and make a difference; listen actively and be a responsible representative for their class; build a sense of community within the school; conduct successful meetings within the Student Council and their classrooms; take surveys and gather data to inform decision making; represent their classmates ideas. Student Council members are required: To attend a meeting every 2 weeks during Thursday lunchtime. To host class meetings and communicate ideas well between the Council and the Students. To make the commitment to serve as representatives for the whole year.
At UNIS Hanoi standardised testing is one method of gathering information to promote and inform student learning. A standardised test should allow students, teachers and parents to identify a student's strengths and areas of need in the different subject areas that are tested. At the school-wide level the standardised test can help to identify areas of the curriculum that may need adapting. It will also help the school to determine how UNIS Hanoi students are performing in comparison to other students around the world and evaluate the effectiveness of our programme.
Please be aware that there is no additional preparation that students can do to prepare for these tests. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep and a sufficient breakfast prior to testing. If your child is anxious you can help to alleviate their worries by talking, listening and reassuring. Encourage your child to simply do their best as he or she would do with any school assignment, test or project. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child’s reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the MAP test in general please contact Janet Field, the Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org
Students in Grades 3-8 will be completing the MAP test during the window of September 9 -20, 2013. These are computerized tests in Reading, Language usage, and Math which are called Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP). The results of the assessment are focused on growth and will be used by classroom teachers to better understand individual student achievement and future steps for learning. MAP tests are unique - as students complete the test it adapts to be appropriate for their level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing.
Grade 3
Tues. Sept. 10
Wed. Sept. 11
Thurs Sept. 12
Grade 4
Tues. Sept. 10
Wed. Sept. 11
Thurs Sept. 12
Grade 5
Tues. Sept. 10
Wed. Sept. 11
Thurs Sept. 12
Grade 6
Tues. Sept. 17
Wed. Sept. 18
Thurs. Sept. 19
Grade 7
Tues. Sept. 17
Wed. Sept. 18
Thurs. Sept. 19
Grade 8
Tues. Sept. 17
Wed. Sept. 18
Thurs. Sept. 19
Parents, please join Elementary School Counselors Ms. Canada and Mr. Tom, along with Elementary School Librarian, Ms. Conroy for a morning coffee session. There are several meeting times available (see the table below). Please come join us for chat about ES Counseling and Library Services here at UNIS Hanoi. We look forward to meeting you! Mr. Tom and Ms. Conroy
Grades 1 & 2
Monday Sept. 9
8:30 to 9:30 AM
Library Projection Room
Grades 3 & 4
Tuesday Sept. 10
8:30 to 9:30 AM
Library Projection Room
Library Orientation
Tuesday Sept. 10
6:00 to 7:00 PM
ES Reading Corner, Library
8:30 to 9:30 AM
Library Projection Room
Grade 5
Sept. 13
Date: Thursday, 12 September 2013 Time: 18:30-19:30 Venue: Centre for the Arts (B10) Parents of students in Grades 6-10 are invited to our parent information evening about teaching and learning in the IB Middle Years Programme. Join us for an opportunity to learn about the programme, ask questions and informally meet other parents. Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org
16 September, 8:30 am, Library Projection Room Join us as we talk about the challenges we’re facing and various strategies as we learn to balance technology use in our daily lives. In this session we will look at the different ways parents can manage technology use at home. We will also be sharing a whole host of online resources that are available for you to use. (Creativity) 14 October, 8:30 am, in Library Projection Room Oftentimes we fall into the trap of only using technology to replicate things that we were already doing before, ie. digital paper. In this workshop we will talk about some of the exciting ways we can use technology to open up new avenues of learning and creativity. 18 November, 8:30 am, Library Projection Room Many parents have heard the term “digital footprint”, usually in a negative or fearful connotation. The purpose of this session is to discuss how UNIS is promoting and helping students to think about their own digital footprints and how they can positively craft their online identities. age appropriate public v. personal v. private sharing options/visibility screen names and avatars
(Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging?) 9 December, 8:30 am, Library Projection Room In this session we will explore some of the popular social networks and how it works. Be ready for some hands-on time where you can learn how to set up and manage your own social network. We will also discuss how you can support and better understand your child as they manage their own social media. 13 January, 8:30 am, Library Projection Room In this day and age, it’s never been easier for us to copy images, videos and information from the internet. What are your responsibilities when using media created by others in the classroom or online? This session will explore the following: Difference between copyright and alternative licensing such as Creative Commons Understanding the different Creative Commons licenses and how you apply them How to reinforce your child’s learning at home
Union College, Franklin & Marshall College, Dickinson College, University of Richmond, Wheaton College (MA) Time:
Sunday, September 8, 2013 @ 9:30-11:30
Venue: First Floor Conference Room, Press Club - 12 Ly Dao Thanh, Hanoi
Speaker: Dr. Sudhir Jain (B.Sc., A.R.C.S., D.I.C., PhD) Associate Dean (Postgraduate Programmes & International Relations), School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Aston University Time:
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 @14:30- 15:30
Library Projection Room
UNION COLLEGE http://www.union.edu/ FRANKLIN & MARSHALL COLLEGE http://www.fandm.edu/ DICKINSON COLLEGE http://www.dickinson.edu/ UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND http://www.richmond.edu/ WHEATON COLLEGE (MA) http://wheatoncollege.edu/
Bowdoin College, Carleton College, Pomona College, Swarthmore College Time: Monday, September 9, 2013 @13:30 - 14:00 Venue: In front of Common Room B5 G29
BOWDOIN COLLEGE http://www.bowdoin.edu CARLETON COLLEGE http://www.carleton.edu/ POMONA COLLEGE http://www.pomona.edu/ SWARTHMORE COLLEGE http://www.swarthmore.edu
Time: Thurs 12 Sep 2013 11:30 - 12:30 Venue: Library Projection Room
Tết Trung Thu is coming! Tết Trung Thu or Moon Festival is one of the most cheerful and colorful festivals for children in Vietnam. Tết Trung Thu is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the day when the moon is at its fullness. This year, Tết Trung Thu is on Friday September 19, 2013. In Vietnam, Tết Trung Thu is a wonderful opportunity for parents to buy presents and prepare the festival to show their great love for the children. There are several legend versions about Cuội, the popular character in Vietnamese folklores. One of them is a story called “The Banyan tree and the Boy Cuội” (Cây Đa, Chú Cuội). Cuội found a magic Banyan tree, which could help cure people from sickness. Because this tree was sacred, people were forbidden to put dirty water at the foot of this tree. Unfortunately, some men in Cuội’s village were jealous with him and had poured some dirty water on the tree. The tree started to rise from the ground and flew to the sky. Cuội had found out and grabbed on to the roots and flew to the moon with the tree. He was very sad and lonely there. Nowadays, people believe that at Tết Trung Thu, when they look up in the sky they still can see Cuội sitting under the Banyan tree looking down on the earth. Therefore, every year, at Tết Trung Thu, children play drums, do the dragon dance and parade with different shaped lanterns to let Cuội see the earth. On the night of the festival, a big table is set filled with bánh dẻo bánh nướng (Moon cakes), lots of different kinds of fruits, tiny animals made from colorful rice paste representing dragons, tortoises, shrimps, rabbits ect… In the old days, a paper mandarin was put carefully in the centre of the table as a symbol of successful learning. Parents wish their children would study well for their future. This night is a good opportunity for the women to show off their skills in preparing an astonishing variety of fruit decorations for the festive. Later at night, the children go out on the streets, each carrying a colorful lantern, wearing masks and march in parades. Múa rồng (Dragon dance) is also a part of the joyful night. As the evening wears on, the children return to their homes to feast on moon cakes, fruits and admire the bright moon in the sky. Tết Trung Thu has changed over time, but it still is a very wonderful festival for children. The festival will stay with children forever as a wonderful memory of their childhood. Ms. Xuan, Vietnamese Teacher
Tết Trung Thu Celebration “Tết Trung Thu” - Moon Festival is on Sept 19, 2013 according to the lunar calendar. However, at UNIS Hanoi, it is celebrated on Friday September 13, 2013. The schedule for Tết Trung Thu celebration is as follows:
ECC: Moon Festival Assembly (hosted by Grade 2, 4 and 5 students attending Vietnamese classes) Thursday Sept 12, 10:55-11:35, Theatre Moon Festival toy making workshop Friday Sept 13, 8.20 -12.30, ECC courtyard Moon Festival snack party for children Friday Sept 13, 9.45 -10.10, ECC courtyard
Grades 1-5: Moon Festival Assembly (hosted by Grade.2, 4 and 5
students attending Vietnamese classes) Friday Sept 13, 14:10 –14:50, Theatre Moon Festival toy making workshop Friday Sept 13, 8.20 -11.35, Grades 1-5 courtyard Moon Festival snack party for children Friday Sept 13, 9.45 -10.10, Grades 1-5 courtyard The students are encouraged to wear “Áo dài” on the day. Parents can buy “Áo dài” downtown in Hàng Gai, Hang Đào or Lương Văn Can streets. This year, UNIS Hanoi Moon Festival Celebration will be filmed by VTV (Vietnamese Television Broadcasting). The video clip will be on shown during the Moon Festival live show on VTV6 and VTV1 channels at 8:20pm on Wednesday Sept 18, 2013.
1. Design a regular weekly schedule for at least 20-30mins daily practice, thinking about what time of the day works best for your child. Display this somewhere visible at home such as on the fridge! For me growing up it was at least half an hour before dinner every day (which grew into longer practice sessions as I followed my passion)
2. Have a designated place in the house where the instrument is kept (with visible music stand) within easy reach for practice
3. Slow and steady practice maintaining a steady beat is better quality practice than racing through pieces. Working for half an hour on one piece often leads to boredom and tiresome practice. Mix it up into ten minute slots on three different pieces.
4. Practice only difficult sections of the music first, slowly, before playing the entire piece from the beginning. Or start in the middle and play to the end, then go back and play the whole piece from the beginning.
Some useful links:  http://www.npr.org/blogs/ deceptivecadence/2012/06/18/155282684/getting-kids -to-practice-music-without-tears-or-tantrums  http://www.babble.com/kid/how-to-get-your-kids-to-
practice-a-musical-instrument/leave-the-instrumentout/ We are teaching students that regular routines and practice allows them to follow their dreams and passions in music. Putting in the daily efforts on their chosen instrument will inspire and encourage each child in going further on their instrument. They will gain more confidence in playing as well as learning about being a disciplined musician. It takes mind and will power to practice slowly with correct posture, fingering, tonguing, breathing, following the rhythm and steady beat, reading the music notation. Easier said than done, I know, but when it comes to ensuring
quality music practice for students we're all in it
5. Try this:
On the left side of the music stand place three pieces of chocolate. When your child plays slowly, keeping a steady beat, good posture and correct rhythm, move one piece to the right of the music stand.
Sally Oxenberry, ES Music soxenberry@unishanoi.org
Repeat for the second time; if the music is played correctly a second time with good posture, steady beat and correct rhythm, move the second piece of chocolate to the right side of the stand, but if the practice is too rushed or full of mistakes move the first piece of chocolate back to the left side of the music stand. Repeat for a third time with the third piece of chocolate. The aim of the game is to practice the music three times perfectly so that all three pieces of chocolate are on the right side of the music stand and perhaps maybe in your child's mouth (or yours!) by the end of their practice session!!
Our tag line is alive and well at school! One of our most recent alumni Grade 12 Graduates, Ms Charlie Porter, inspired our Elementary students by completing her week of ECC work experience in a song performance at the ES Friday student assembly. Charlie performed Jack Johnson's 'Own Two Hands' (click here to listen) and was happy to demonstrate musical warm up activities and conclude with an impromptu interview about her upcoming travel and university study plans. She shared her experience at UNIS Hanoi and inspired our students not only in song but in creative writing, talking briefly about the book she wrote in her Grade 10 IB Personal Project. Students responded well to her song and were very interested in her next life adventures after UNIS Hanoi! We thanked Ms Charlie for coming to visit us in the ES and wish her all the very best with her next chapter. Sally Oxenberry, ES Music soxenberry@unishanoi.org
This week all grade 8 students had the opportunity to spend a day making films with Reel Youth http://reelyouth.ca/ who have been bought to UNIS Hanoi to work with our students. Reel Youth is a not-for-profit, media empowerment group from Canada that support young people to create and distribute films. The focus of the Grade 8 workshops was to have an intensive media training experience so they become confident 'technology innovators and media creators' . The students did this through creating a music video Before the workshop students were organized in groups, choose a song from a selection that the school and Reel youth have the rights to use and distribute, and developed a story board. On the day they were introduced to 'the fundamentals of film making' and shot and edit their own movie to accompany their selected music. Some of the topics of the movies ranged from “being at the wrong place at the wrong time” to video games, from “the realities of sexism in life” to a “simple explanation of true fear.” Michelle Wise, MSHS Art mwise@unishanoi.org
Unless we can "stop the leak" (eliminate the disease), it is important to keep immunizing. Even if there are only a few cases of disease today, if we take away the protection given by vaccination, more and more people will be infected and will spread disease to others. Soon we will undo the progress we have made over the years. Another UNIS Hanoi requirement is ensuring an updated medical by a Doctor is attended every 3 years. Children develop rapidly during school age and many changes are occurring. By attending regular medicals, an awareness of your child’s physical and mental health will ensure a positive and healthy education is certain. Updating Emergency contacts will enable the school Nurse to contact with the appropriate person in an emergency. Please update through Family ISIS or if unsure, please contact Admissions Office. Dear Parents, There is much to think about at the beginning of the new school year and one of those added considerations is to ensure your children’s vaccinations and medicals are up to date as required by UNIS Hanoi. Many students in UNIS Hanoi are not up to date with vaccination schedules thus placing not only your child but every other child at risk.
Thanks so much for taking the time to provide all that is required to ensure a safe, happy and healthy student at UNIS Hanoi. Kelly Havlin, School Nurse School Health Centre: 04 3758 1551 Ext 8911 Mob: 01296425628 Email: khavlin@unishanoi.org nurse@unishanoi.org
According to the CDC, (Centre for Disease Control), diseases are becoming rare due to vaccinations. It's true, some diseases (like polio and diphtheria) are becoming very rare in the U.S. but not in other parts of the world. Of course, they are becoming rare largely because we have been vaccinating against them. But it is still reasonable to ask whether it's really worthwhile to keep vaccinating. It's much like bailing out a boat with a slow leak. When we started bailing, the boat was filled with water. But we have been bailing fast and hard, and now it is almost dry. We could say, "Good. The boat is dry now, so we can throw away the bucket and relax." But the leak hasn't stopped. Before long we'd notice a little water seeping in, and soon it might be back up to the same level as when we started.
BOUTIQUE IS OPEN Thanks for the parent volunteers, we are happy to announce the Boutique's schedule for school year 20132014: MONDAY
8:00 - 9:00
Visit the Boutique Online for our item price range.
Dear Community Members and Soccer Stars,
Dear UNIS Community, I’m pleased and excited to announce the continuation of the Advisory Taskforce this academic year. This Taskforce was formed last year to advise various parties and stakeholders at UNIS Hanoi on the subjects of Health, Nutrition and Wellness. This year we again have a broad range of enthusiastic members who include students, parents, teachers, the school nurse and members of the administration team. In an attempt to better inform our community and be more transparent with developments, notes from our meetings will be linked and shared alongside our monthly publication. To kick start this new academic year I’ve included this link that will take you to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) ‘Science’ website and to an article on ‘Five things that stop a good night’s sleep’. As we all adapt to the busy start of a new year, a well-rested brain is vital to optimal daily function. If you or your child is struggling to get a good night’s sleep, here are some tips for you to enjoy.
We continue to have trouble with the field drainage at UNIS Hanoi which is being caused by road construction in the area. As a result of the heavy rains (with more forecast), we are going to need to cancel all field sports this weekend. To be specific, this weekend there will be NO Community Education classes this Saturday for: Saturday Soccer Men’s Soccer Ultimate Frisbee Baseball classes for children We appreciate the disappointment and regret having to take this step, but we cannot afford further damage to the sports facilities. Yours sincerely David Porter, Director of Operations do@unishanoi.org
Adrian Hubbard, D-12 Physical Education Coordinator ahubbard@unishanoi.org
UNIS Hanoi is getting ready to host its FIRST
Community Connections Fair!
There will be representatives from a variety of areas (for example: medical services, fitness centres, community/ cultural groups, activity groups, transportation services, to name a few) with information/display booths present on the day to tell you about what is available in Hanoi and answer all your questions!
Saturday, September 21
WHAT TIME 9.00 am - 12.00 pm WHERE
UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts.
The purpose of the Community Connections Fair is to provide useful information to our UNIS Hanoi community, especially those newly arrived expats, by bringing a variety of Hanoi's service providers and organizations together in one location.
Hope to see you there!
Dear UNIS Hanoi Parents, Guardians, Faculty, Staff, and Partners UNIS SCO warmly invites you to attend our
Come, catch up with friends, and meet newcomers! Enjoy a fabulous night of music and dancing, Live performances by our own UNIS Hanoi Hot Guys Band, Annaliza, Surprise Guests, and DJ Jody O’Dea. SAVE THE DATE Friday 20th September 7.30 p.m. until late on “The Terrace” At The Press Club, 59a Ly Thai To (opposite the Sofitel Metropole Hotel) PURCHASE YOUR TICKET NOW!!! Tickets 200, 000 vnd p/p includes 7.30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. Free flow house wine, beer, soft drinks, mineral water. And a delicious selection of hot and cold appetisers GREAT ENTERTAINMENT From 9.30 p.m. - Cash bar at Press Club happy hour prices and The music continues until late…
Looking forward to seeing you at our “SCO SPARKLY SOCIAL”! For more information please email sco@unishanoi.org
TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW Tickets can be found in the ADVANCEMENT OFFICE (in the UNIS Hanoi Administration Building upstairs), or from SCO Committee members, SCO Boutique. * Purchase your 200 000 vnd ticket before 5 p.m. Wednesday September 18 to go into the draw for prizes, including vouchers from Chula, Jackson’s Steakhouse, Jaspers, Ipa-Nima, Vine, TA Hair and Beauty and more! (Some tickets may be available on the night until 9.30 p.m. for full price (500 000 vnd) if not sold out) * We are unable to cater to children and students on this occasion, so please make alternative arrangements for their care. Thank you!
UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. United Nations International School of Hanoi is seeking applications for
Opportunities exist for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Middle and High School Subject Specialists. Positions are available on an ongoing, as needed basis. Ideal applicants will have: The ability to quickly establish rapport with children Solid classroom management skills Minimum qualification of a Bachelor’s Degree
Opportunities exist for Registered Nurses on an ongoing as needed basis at UNIS Hanoi. Ideal applicant will have: Bachelor Degree in Science - Nursing or equivalent Able to communicate in and understand English Ability to work with children across all ages from Discovery through to High School
Teaching certificate is ideal, but not required.
Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date resume outlining education and experience, photograph and list of professional referees to jobs@unishanoi.org. Successful applicants will need to provide a police clearance from their last country of permanent employment. Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam
Strong background in Science. Bachelor degree or
(one class of grade 6 and one class of grade 8) UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Part-time Middle School
Science Teacher (Integrated MYP Science, Grades 6 and 8). The position is 40% employment with salary and benefits prorated – Very possible to live comfortably on the salary provided. The Science Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal.
Teach one one class of grade 6 and one class of grade 8 Provide a differentiated program of instruction that
incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the MYP framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Science Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Become an active member within the UNIS community : advisory, sports, after-school activities, students clubs, and community service activities Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decisionmaking groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
above in Science Education or equivalent Technologically able Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification IB experience (MYP) Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of High School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties as soon as possible. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam