UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc 05 vol 20 tt 13 sep

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 20, Edition 5, Friday 13 September





 

MAP Testing Grades 6-8, September 16-20 Board of Directors Meeting 17:30-19:00


ES Parent-Teacher Conferences 10:00-18:00 No school/ASA/Aquatics Academy for ES Students UMA lessons continue. NO BUSES FOR ES


University Information Night 18:30-20:30, Library


Grade 12 Trip, September 19-22 ES Parent-Teacher Conferences 15:45-18:00 No ASA/Aquatics Academy for ES Students UMA lessons continue. NO ASA BUSES FOR ES


 

HS Senate Leadership Retreat, September 20-21 Breakfast with the Head of School 8:15-9:30, Library Class Parent UN Day Meet, ES (14:15), MSHS (15:30), Library (B8) Parents & Faculty Social Event 19:00, Press Club

MSHS Parent Forum with the Principal & Deputy Principal 8:30-10:00, Library Projection Room (B8)


Grade 5 Camp September 25-27


MS MRISA Girls Basketball vs. HIS 16:00-17:15 Sports Centre (B4)



HS MRISA Boys Volleyball vs St. Paul American School 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre (B4)

MRISA Leadership Conference, September 27-28, HIS Hanoi Classic HS Volleyball Tournament, September 2728, UNIS Hanoi ES Parents Forum with the Principal & Deputy Principal 8:30-9:45, Community Room (B7)


MS MRISA Girls Basketball vs. ComEd Team 12:45-14:00 Covered Court


Community Connections Fair 9:00-12:00, B10

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... From the Head of School and Board of Directors (p.2) From the MSHS Principal (p.3) Birthday Gift Fund - Your ideas wanted! (p.3)

Building on Strong Transition Programme (p.10) Parenting in Digital Age (p.11) Film for 8th Graders (p.11) New Online Science Resource (p.11)

Grades 6-8 MAP Testing (p.4) Community Connection Fair (p.4) SCO Sparkly Social. Buy your ticket NOW! (p.5)

University Info Session (p.12) Sports News (p.13-14) Saturday Soccer Begins (p.15) Boutique News (p.16)

UN Day is Coming (p.6) Moon Festival Celebration. Photo Special (p.7) New Features on UNIS Website (p.8-9)


Getting Involved with Your Child’s School (p.16) Job Opportunity (p.17-18) Canteen Menu Energize Schedule

I would like to thank all those parents who came to our Back To School Nights and other information evenings we have had over the last few weeks. On the heels of those sessions, we are now advertising a series of technology workshops for parents. Technology is something that we know is talked about a lot in our community and we spend a lot of time ourselves discussing, strategizing and planning the development of our program. These sessions are an excellent way for parents to become more informed about what we are trying to accomplish and how they can be more involved so we hope attendance at these workshops is high. (See page 11) I also highly encourage you to get your tickets for the upcoming SCO Sparkly Social planned for the Press Club next Friday evening, 20 September. I already have my

tickets and look forward to seeing everyone for what promises to be another excellent social event sponsored by the SCO. Finally, we regretted having to cancel the first day of Saturday Soccer last week but the rains have made it difficult to allow any usage for several weeks now. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the rain will hold off for the next few days and thus are planning to go ahead with Saturday Soccer this coming Saturday barring any torrential downpour on Friday night. In the meantime, we are in extensive discussions and analysis with Ciputra and other engineering and drainage experts regarding what can be done to avoid this kind of thing from interrupting our curricular and co-curricular programmes in the future. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

Members of the community are welcome to attend all open meetings of the Board. Last weekend, the Board held its annual 2day meeting at which we affirmed our goals for the 2013-14 School year. They are: 1. Begin planning for the next Strategic Management Plan (SMP2015-2020) 2. Reviewing the “UNIS Hanoi Vision Study” on affordable and feasible additions to campus, and engaging the community for its feedback on potential additions 3. Continuing to develop and define the Board’s role in Advancement We also discussed the future of international education and UNIS Hanoi in 2030. On day 2, we analyzed the themes for this year’s generative sessions, and reviewed and discussed the UNIS Hanoi Vision Campus Study. The Board will meet for an open meeting on Monday, September 16 from 17:35 pm in the Community Room, 2nd floor, B7. To view the agenda please click here.

Should you have any questions and/or require more information about the Board open meetings, please contact the Board Assistant at: boardassistant@unishanoi.org. Sarah Garner, Board Chair

Dear MS/HS Families, Greetings from the MSHS. Now that school has been in session for roughly one month we are evaluating the new X-block schedule. Initial reports rate the change in schedule as a vast improvement. Overall both students and teachers appear to be quite happy. However, as with many new initiatives we will need to tweak our new timetable to optimize learning. We have added 5 minutes to the second MS break to allow for more passing time between classes. This change will give MS students the opportunity to have a snack or simply take a breath before the start of the next period. As we move forward we will continue to evaluate the schedule and if necessary make adjustments.

Last year as part of our 25th Birthday Celebrations, we launched our Birthday Gift Fund with more than 37,000 USD raised to support our local community. And this year we will allocate the money to projects which will support our local Vietnamese community, through UNIS Hanoi Service Learning projects in partnership with local groups which:

 ENGAGE UNIS STUDENTS in genuine and reciprocal learning experiences

A strong focus this year in the MSHS will be providing students with leadership opportunities. We have several programs in place which foster leadership and independence. Student Council, Reel Youth, Student Led Productions, Advisory, Athletics, Service Learning, Model United Nations and the MRISA Leadership Conference are all examples of high quality programs designed to build leadership skills among students. Please encourage your child to participate!

 BUILD COMMUNITY and meaningfully strengthen

Upcoming Events:

We want members of our community (students, parents, faculty and staff, alumni) to contribute ideas and suggestions for the Birthday Gift Fund Committee's consideration.

Sept. 16:

Open Board of Directors Meeting (17:30)

Sept. 18:

University Information Night (18:00, Library)

Sept. 19-22 Grade 12 Trip Link to venue Sept. 20

Parents and Teacher Social Event

Sept. 25

MSHS Parent Forum with Principal (08:30, Library)

Sept. 27-28 MRISA Leadership Conference (Hanoi International School) Enjoy a great weekend! Warm regards, Pete Kennedy mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

the School's relationships with the local community over time

 ARE SUSTAINABLE for both for the community the project aims to support, and for UNIS Hanoi. Projects will be chosen with input from a variety of sources including existing Service Partners and you - our community members.

We want to hear about local groups or organisations that could provide exciting possible projects (existing or new) for the Birthday Gift Fund to support in line with the criteria and goals above. With your help we want to ensure that the projects that we support make a difference for the next 25 years! COMPLETE THE SUGGESTION FORM and submit your ideas to the Birthday Gift Fund Committee BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30. And to find out more about the Birthday Gift Fund, how we raised the money, the committee and the timeline and process for the allocation of the funds please see the School website. For more information contact our Director of Advancement, Emma Silva: doa@unishanoi.org

At UNIS Hanoi standardised testing is one method of gathering information to promote and inform student learning. A standardised test should allow students, teachers and parents to identify a student's strengths and areas of need in the different subject areas that are tested. At the school-wide level the standardised test can help to identify areas of the curriculum that may need adapting. It will also help the school to determine how UNIS Hanoi students are performing in comparison to other students around the world and evaluate the effectiveness of our programme. Students in Grades 3-8 will be completing the MAP test during the window of September 9 -20, 2013. These are computerized tests in Reading, Language usage, and Math which are called Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP). The results of the assessment are focused on growth and will be used by classroom teachers to better understand individual student achievement and future steps for learning. MAP tests are unique - as students complete the test it adapts to be appropriate for their level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing.

WHEN? Saturday, September 21st WHAT TIME? 9.00am - 12.00pm WHERE? UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts.  Want to learn how to drive a motorbike?

Please be aware that there is no additional preparation that students can do to prepare for these tests. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep and a sufficient breakfast prior to testing. If your child is anxious you can help to alleviate their worries by talking, listening and reassuring. Encourage your child to simply do their best as he or she would do with any school assignment, test or project. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child’s reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the MAP test in general please contact Janet Field, the Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org

Grade 6

Tues. Sept. 17

Wed. Sept. 18

Thurs. Sept. 19

Grade 7

Tues. Sept. 17

Wed. Sept. 18

Thurs. Sept. 19

Grade 8

Tues. Sept. 17

Wed. Sept. 18

Thurs. Sept. 19

especially those newly arrived expats, by bringing a variety of Hanoi's service providers and organizations together to one convenient location!

 Where should I go if my child has a fever?


 Which dental services are available in Hanoi?

We will have representatives from a variety of areas (for example: medical services, vets, fitness centres, community/cultural groups, activity groups, transportation services, to name a few) come and set up an information/ display booths and will be present on the day to answer questions.

 What gym offers Zumba, Yoga or Pilates classes?  Where is the best place to buy my groceries? 

What to do with ALL my free time?

ARE THESE SOME QUESTIONS YOU ASK YOURSELF? The purpose of the Community Connections Fair is to provide useful information to our UNIS Hanoi community,

Join us and learn more about what Hanoi has to offer and get all your questions answered !

Dear UNIS Hanoi Parents, Guardians, Faculty, Staff, and Partners UNIS SCO warmly invites you to attend our


Come, catch up with friends, and meet newcomers! Enjoy a fabulous night of music and dancing, Live performances by our own UNIS Hanoi Hot Guys Band, Annaliza, Surprise Guests, and DJ Jody O’Dea. SAVE THE DATE Friday 20th September 7.30 p.m. until late on “The Terrace” At The Press Club, 59a Ly Thai To (opposite the Sofitel Metropole Hotel) PURCHASE YOUR TICKET NOW!!! Tickets 200, 000 vnd p/p includes  7.30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. Free flow house wine, beer, soft drinks, mineral water.  And a delicious selection of hot and cold appetisers  GREAT ENTERTAINMENT From 9.30 p.m. - Cash bar at Press Club happy hour prices and The music continues until late…

Looking forward to seeing you at our “SCO SPARKLY SOCIAL”! For more information please email sco@unishanoi.org

TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW Tickets can be found in the ADVANCEMENT OFFICE (in the UNIS Hanoi Administration Building upstairs), or from SCO Committee members, SCO Boutique. * Purchase your 200 000 vnd ticket before 5 p.m. Wednesday September 18 to go into the draw for prizes, including vouchers from Chula, Jackson’s Steakhouse, Jaspers, Ipa-Nima, Vine, TA Hair and Beauty and more! (Some tickets may be available on the night until 9.30 p.m. for full price (500 000 vnd) if not sold out) * We are unable to cater to children and students on this occasion, so please make alternative arrangements for their care. Thank you!

We are busy preparing for one of the main highlights of the year – UN Day! This year UN Day will be on Friday, October 4 – earlier than usual, and a festive way to go into the Autumn Break.

Following the ceremony ALL parents/guardians are invited to join their children and the rest of the community for our wonderful ‘Potluck’ Lunch.

The students will spend the early morning exploring our theme – Rapprochement of Cultures – and sharing their own national cultures with each other. The ceremony will start promptly at 10:30 am in the Sports Centre and we encourage ALL parents/guardians to attend this wonderful event which involves scores and scores of our children from all three divisions. We are also delighted to welcome the UN Resident Coordinator, Dr Pratibha Mehta, as our special guest speaker and a host of VIP guest from the United Nations in Vietnam and the many embassies.

Every family will be asked to contribute food for the Community Lunch to ensure that we have enough to feed all the children and guests.

The spectacular Parade of Nations will as usual launch the ceremony when all the flags of the countries represented in the school – 67 this year! – will be carried on a parade through our audience and above their heads on the mezzanine balcony.

You will receive more information in the coming weeks about how the lunch and food is organized, but please plan to make a dish from your country to share with our community on this day – even if you are unable to attend the event.

We have four new nations represented this year!

The SCO Class Parents (ES) and Grade Level Parents (MSHS) will help to coordinate the lunch and a special meeting to discuss the logistics will be held on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20 in the Library Projection Room.

And in order to allow for a greater number of students to enjoy the honour of carrying their country’s flag we have invited the youngest and oldest students WHO HAVE NOT CARRIED THE FLAG BEFORE to take part this year.

 ES Class Parents – UN DAY Community Lunch Organization Meeting: 14:15 (Please note this is a new time and is different from the printed calendar)

 MSHS Grade Level Parents – UN DAY Community Lunch Organization Meeting: 15:30

UNIS Hanoi Moon Festival Celebration was filmed by VTV (Vietnamese Television Broadcasting). The video clip will be on shown during the Moon Festival live show on VTV6 and VTV1 channels at 8:20pm on Wednesday Sept 18, 2013.

As promised when we launched the new website at the start of the year, our goal is to develop a communication tool that works for our community.

Go to Tin Tuc News under Community Life Scroll down the page to Current News and click on the blue ‘Alerts’ button

1. You can read the website in 77 different languages!

Register as a new user

In the past translation costs were prohibitive – all that has changed thanks to Google! We have added the GOOGLE TRANSLATE function to the website so you can read all the information on the website in 77 languages. It is not always a perfect translation but the information is accurate. The button is at top of the home page and EVERY page in the website.

2. You can receive the news items direct to your email address? We are starting to use the ‘News’ function on the website to share top stories and information from Tin Tuc and from the School. We believe excellent communication requires multiple platforms, to allow you to receive your news as you want. Through the website you can choose to receive the news direct to your inbox in five easy steps:. Follow the instructions opposite and have your news delivered to you!

Select the News Categories that interest you – Select ‘School News’ to receive all news items Exit – All done! Any new ‘News’ posts will come direct to your inbox.

3. Our MOBILE SITE is designed for smartphone quick access to key information. Our full site can be accessed by all mobile devices but we have developed a special UNIS HANOI MOBILE SITE which is designed for handheld devices and which gives the user quick access to the information they are likely to need when they are on the move.

 What time is the parent meeting this evening?  When is the pool open on Saturday?  What did the children have for lunch today so we don’t eat the same for dinner?

 When is the School Store open?

VIRTUAL TOUR: We are in the middle of developing a virtual tour of the school so families living across the world can ‘visit’ the school before they move to Vietnam. We will be launching the Virtual Tour after the October break. FACULTY & STAFF DIRECTORY: An easy to use professional directory for all our faculty and staff contacts including photos so our community can recognize each other! Due to be ready for the start of 2014.

All of this information is just a few clicks away in an easy to access, and easy to read format. Of course you can always opt out of the mobile site and visit the full site too. Enjoy! And let us know if there is other quick and easy information that you would like on your MOBILE SITE.

ALUMNI SITE: A password protected online area dedicated to our former students, their families and faculty. Find out who is living in your city when you move on from Hanoi, stay in touch with your friends, noticeboards and of course all the reunion event news. Go beyond Facebook and get involved! iPHONE APP: A special UNIS HANOI App is in development to give you more functionality from your iPhone (sorry – not available for Android users yet!)

This year in the Middle School UNIS Hanoi was pleased to welcome over 40 new students to Grades 6, 7 and 8. Transitioning into a new school is a big event in the life of a student, and of course this is magnified if the whole family is transitioning into a new city or country. Support for these students and families is a priority for the UNIS Hanoi Counseling department and our programme has continued to grow and develop this year. Our transition support includes matching students up with buddies for daily classroom and routine support, the use of Student Ambassadors to lead transition activities for new students during orientation, new student lunches with the counselor, and our Transitions Workshops for New Families which were held on September 6. This was the first year that we separated into Elementary School and Middle and High School presentations to best meet the needs of parents. It was great to welcome parents to these presentations and we received very positive feedback on the usefulness of the information and discussion opportunities provided.

Another new idea that I hope catches on was introduced by one of our Grade 8 students and her family. In their words, here’s what was done: From Christine’s perspective: I remember being a new student going into UNIS. I recall feeling out of place because I did not know anyone. So this year I decided to have a small gathering of the new 8th grade girls at my house. I did this so hopefully they would feel more comfortable in their starting days at UNIS. It was fun to get to know them and answer some of their questions. I encourage others to do this because I know that when I was a new student this would have helped my transition a lot. I hope it helped the new girls in this year’s transition. From Kathy’s (Christine’s Mother) perspective: In order to help the new 8th grade girls feel welcome at UNIS, my daughter decided to hold a pre-school gathering. She invited a few old friends and all of the new girls in 8th grade to a gathering the day before orientation. Putting the event together was a simple matter of getting the list with parent email address from the middle school counselor, sending out an email, and getting a few bags of chips, cookies, and drinks. While, the old UNIS students planned a few ice breaking activities, they were not needed. The girls arrived and eagerly went off to our upstairs family room where they were excited to meet each other. The parents gathered in the living to get to know each other, ask a few questions about UNIS and general Hanoi questions. The event lasted about 1 1/2 hours. We were happy see the girls looking comfortable, confident and having fun the next day at orientation. From the Counselor’s perspective:

In the Middle School we also introduced a new element to our Transition programme this year. New students were scheduled by grade to have lunch with our MS and HS Technology Facilitator Paul Swanson in order to talk about technology issues and concerns. Students were also able to use this time to review tablet set-up and organization procedures. These lunches were set up based on feedback from new students in past years that the use of technology at UNIS Hanoi is an area they needed more help with.

This was a fantastic idea! I applaud the initiative and effort from Christine and her family. I definitely think that this effort helped our new grade 8 girls – and their families – feel more comfortable and have a more positive start to the year. Several parents who attended have told me how much they appreciated the idea and that it helped their whole family out with the transition into UNIS and Hanoi. I hope that this idea takes hold within our parent community and I’d be happy to help other families host similar events in the future. The Counselors at UNIS are here to support all students and families and we are especially sensitive to the needs of new students families. Please let us know if we can help you out in any way. Jason Caruana, Middle School Counselor mscounselor@unishanoi.org

16 September, 8:30 am, Library Projection Room Join us as we talk about the challenges we’re facing and various strategies as we learn to balance technology use in our daily lives. In this session we will look at the different ways parents can manage technology use at home. We will also be sharing a whole host of online resources that are available for you to use. Ed Gilbreath, Director of Technology techdirector@unishanoi.org

Grade 8 parents are invited to see the work produced by students during the Reel Youth Workshops on the morning of Friday September 20. 8:10 -9:10. Be sure to arrive early if your child is currently attending DT as their films will be shown first because the students will need to leave to attend first block classes. Right: Photo from the film Masked created by Emeline Do,

Hosana Tagomori Yehyun Kim and Svea Nyberg Michelle Wise, MSHS Art mwise@unishanoi.org

These databases, for Grades 3-6, cover a variety of science topics and include information, games & experiments. Go to the UNIS Library Portal Online Resources for links, username and password. Online Resources Elementary Online Resources MSHS Science


http://monash.edu.au/ Time: Monday, September 16, 2013 @ 12:30 - 13:30 Venue: Library Group Study Room Monash is ranked:

 in the top one per cent of world universities – 99th in the world – according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2012-2013)

 in the top 100 of world universities according to the Times Higher Education Reputation Rankings (2013)

http://www.cia.edu/ Time: Venue:

Monday, September 16, 2013 @ 12:30 - 13:30 Centre for the Arts

Cleveland Institute of Art is named one of the best design schools in the world by Bloomberg Business week and a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD), a consortium of 36 leading private art schools in the United States.

http://www.cia.edu/ Time: Venue:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 @ 12:30 - 13:30 Classroom B5 102

 Creighton University is listed in the top 400 universities in the world according to The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 20122013 administered by Thomson Reuters. The rankings are based on 13 performance indicators that look at teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

 Creighton is No. 1 in U.S. News & World Report's 2013 ranking of Midwest Regional Universities. It is the tenth consecutive year that Creighton has been named No. 1 and the 25th straight year the University has been ranked at or near the top of the magazine's "America's Best Colleges" edition.

http://www.uky.edu/ Time: Monday, September 16, 2013 @ 12:30 - 13:30 Venue: Library Group Study Room Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington attract students from around the globe who want the ideal college experience – great traditions, a gorgeous campus, international culture and an active academic climate. Innovation, creativity, and academic freedom are hallmarks of IU Bloomington and its world-class contributions in research and the arts. IU was named the “Hottest Big State School” in 2005 by Newsweek, America’s Hot Colleges. University of Kentucky The University of Kentucky regularly is listed in many "top" or "best of" categories by national publications or organizations.

 College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and College of Nursing (overall), U.S.News & World Report "America's Best Graduate Schools," 2013 The University of Kentucky is well on its way to becoming a Top 20 institution, and is a place to dream and succeed.

Time: Venue:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 @ 18:30-19:30 Library Projection Room

A college night will provide all the information parents need for a successful journey through the College Application Process. Wherever their child is applying we will have information for them including: Application Deadlines, transcripts, IB predicted grades, UCAS, Recommendation Letters, Standardized Tests. The goal is for each student to find a college that develops a life-long love of learning and provides the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life beyond college.

This Friday from 4:00-7:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00am7:00pm UNIS Hanoi will be hosting the Autumn High School Volleyball Tournament in the Sports Center. The tournament will feature local club teams from Hanoi and the UNIS Hanoi APAC Volleyball teams. Championship matches for both the boys and the girls are

scheduled to start at 4:30pm on Saturday. Please refer to the schedule in page 10 for all match times. We hope that you’ll come out to support your Phoenix teams as they prepare for the APAC Tournament, which will be hosted by UNIS in October. The UNIS Hanoi APAC Volleyball team members for 2013 are:

First Name

Last Name


First Name

Last Name








Jed Michael Tobias Ricky Henryk Scott Mateo Nam Tomi Edward Hauke

Edwards Emblem Henaes Kimura Le Hai Mills Motyl Nguyen Nurmi Park Schmidt

10 10 11 9 9 12 9 12 12 12 12

Kiana Ewa Phuong Tiara Anna Nina Nina Lana (Lan) Elizabeth (Lulu) Mai Kate

Freeman Lachman Le Le Calvez Le Hai McLean Palosaari Pham Phan Phung Tang

10 10 12 12 12 10 12 11 9 10 11

The UNIS Co-Curricular Office is looking for coaches in both the boys and girls basketball programmes for the upcoming winter sports season. If you or someone you know has some previous experience coaching the sport of basketball and would like to know more about the positions that are available, please contact Dirk Kraetzer at

da@unishanoi.org. The season starts in late October and runs through to the end of January. GO PHOENIX!!! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

Date: September 13-14, 2013

Venue: UNIS-Hanoi Sports Center

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (Matches are Best of 3 Sets) Court 1 - Boys


Court 2 - Girls

Warm-up Starts UNIS vs. Ha Noi The Cong vs. Bien Phong

15:45 16:15 17:30

Warm-up Starts Ha Noi vs. Khong Quan UNIS vs. Thong Tin

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 (Matches are Best of 3 Sets) Court 1 - Boys


Court 2 - Girls

Warm-up Starts


Warm-up Starts

UNIS vs. The Cong


Ha Noi vs. Thong Tin

Ha Noi vs. Bien Phong


Khong Quan vs. UNIS

Bien Phong will have a 30-minute rest period before the start of the 15-minute warm-up

Khong Quan will have a 30-minute rest period before the start of the 15-minute warm-up

Bien Phong vs. UNIS


Thong Tin vs. Khong Quan

The Cong vs. Ha Noi


UNIS vs. Ha Noi

PLAYOFFS (Matches are Best of 5 Sets) 3RD vs. 4TH


3RD vs. 4TH

1ST vs. 2ND


1ST vs. 2ND

AWARDS CEREMONY Teams playing in the 3rd/4th match will have a 30 minute rest period before the start of the 15-minute warm-up if they are playing back-to-back matches.

Dear Members, I just wanted to give those of you who make use of the swimming pool on Saturdays an update on some changes that you should be aware of. With the start of After-School Activities and the UNIS Community Education Programme last week, we have also introduced our first attempt at providing Learn to Swim classes on Saturdays. Practices for members of the UNIS Hanoi Swim Team will also take place on Saturdays. Both pools will remain open for Energize use, but the number of lanes available will vary depending on the type of class which is being conducted and the number of participants. Here's what things will look like:

 From 8:30 to 10:30 there will be 3 lanes available for Energize.

 From 8:15 to 8:30 the ComEd Infant Class needs to use lane space at the shallow end (most likely in Lanes 1 and 2). So for 15 minutes, only Lane 3 will be available.

 For the rest of the day there are at least 4 lanes available. Thank you for your understanding. I trust that these additional swim activities will not be very disruptive to Energize members and that with everyone's cooperation, all users of the facility will be able to co-exist quite happily. Regards, Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

The UNIS Hanoi ComEd Saturday Soccer Session 1, for Fall 2013 is starting this weekend. The session will run from September 7 to November 30, 2013. Please make note of the following Practice/Training

Dates for Session 1:  September 14, 21, 28  October 19, 26 (No practices on Oct. 5 and 12)  November 2, 9, 16, 30 (No practices on Nov. 23) Here are the various Group Schedules:

 Early-Morning Group (8:15am - 9:30am) : Little Phoenix, Phoenix and Grade 1

 Mid-Morning Group (9:30am -11:00am) : Grade 2, Grade 3, and Girls Grades 2-3

 Late-Morning Group (11:00am-12:30pm) : Grade 4, Grade 5, MS Boys and Girls Grades 4-9 For children below Grade 3, parents are encouraged to stay at the pitch during practices.

Water bottle



Shin-pads (these can be purchased at sports stores on Nguyen Thai Hoc street)

Positive Attitude and a BIG smile!!

Thank you to our many volunteer coaches!! Without you we would have no Saturday Soccer! An especially BIG thank you goes out to our Administrative Coordinator, Ms. Mukhayyo Burkhanova, who has worked countless hours since last spring to get everything organized for Saturday’s start!!! We’d also like to introduce our new Coaching Coordinator, Mr. Petter Wik. Together, Petter and Mukhayyo, will lead the Saturday Soccer Programme for the coming year. We hope that everyone has a fantastic fall session of soccer, with an emphasis on skill development, having fun and good sportsmanship. ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL GAME!!

BOUTIQUE IS OPEN THIS SATURDAY As we start the new soccer season, Boutique will be open to serve the community this Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 9:00 – 11:00. Please note that if soccer is cancelled, Boutique will not open.

BOUTIQUE SCHEDULE Boutique's schedule for school year 2013-2014: MONDAY



8:00 - 9:00



Visit the Boutique Online for our item price range.

Some of the out-of-stock items will be available from mid-week: Girl shorts in limited quantity, library bags in blue and swimming bags with 5 colors to choose from: red, green, blue, turquoise and pink.

By popular demand, we are glad to introduce our new key/pen/ pencil pouches in assorted colors.

We are looking for a parent volunteer to join us as Boutique Coordinator. Please email sco@unishanoi.org for more information, specifying that you wish to apply for the post. The team is looking forward to meet you!

Being involved with your child’s class can be one of the most rewarding things that we can do as parents. Supporting your child’s teacher and classmates will certainly win you popularity points! But also, you will be helping your child be more successful at school. Research indicates that children who are supported in their school activities by engaged parents will do better as this article from the National Education Association details with links to a host of supporting research articles. http:// www.nea.org/tools/17360.htm Please consider being a Class Parent (ES) or Grade Level Parent (MSHS) this year…. the more the merrier! There are still some spots available, and this is an easy way to contribute which will not take up a lot of your time and can certainly be balanced with busy social and professional lives.

You can read the job descriptions (Class Parent or Grade Level Parent) on the SCO Portal area if you want to know more (or volunteer TODAY!) please contact: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Joh Ponsen (ES Chair) or Paulina Pineda (ES Vice-Chair): SCO@unishanoi.org MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL: Pippa Wood (MSHS Chair) or Renea Freeman (Vice-Chair): SCO@unishanoi.org

 Strong background in Science. Bachelor degree or

(one class of Grade 6 and one class of Grade 8) UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Part-time Middle School

Science Teacher (Integrated MYP Science, Grades 6 and 8). The position is 40% employment with salary and benefits prorated – Very possible to live comfortably on the salary provided. The Science Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal.

 Teach one one class of grade 6 and one class of grade 8  Provide a differentiated program of instruction that    

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incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the MYP framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Science Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Become an active member within the UNIS community : advisory, sports, after-school activities, students clubs, and community service activities Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decisionmaking groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities

above in Science Education or equivalent Technologically able Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification IB experience (MYP) Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of High School students  Cross-cultural exposure and understanding  The ability to work as part of a team  Excellent organizational and time management skills     

Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties as soon as possible. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam

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UNIS has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a part time Elementary School Counselor. The position will report to the Elementary School Principal. Purpose of the position Utilizing leadership, advocacy, and collaboration, the ES School Counselor (part-time) promotes student success, provides preventive services, and responds to identified student needs by serving the needs of individual students and parents who may need one to one or small group counselling. The position will work in partnership with the ES fulltime counselor and jointly manage the caseload of the department. Duties and Responsibilities  Work as part of the D-12 guidance/counseling and resource team  Work as part of the UNIS Crisis Management Team  Liaise closely and work with all members of the ES Student Support Team and participate in team meetings  Coordinate professional discussions between administration, teachers, specialists and parents as necessary  Collaborate with others to develop and maintain a written curriculum for effective delivery of school counselling/ PSE program based on the ASCA International Standards.  Implement developmentally appropriate and prevention -oriented group activities to meet student needs and school goals  Plan, together with the teachers, any PSE based Unit of Inquiry and help to implement the UOI and specific PSE lessons from the PSE curriculum in the classroom (where appropriate)  Individual Student Planning – assist students within the ES, individually or in groups, with developing personal/ social skills, goals and plans.  Provide Preventive and Responsive Services  Conduct individual and small group counseling sessions as necessary for students and parents  Develop and administer special programmes (e.g. parent courses, peer tutoring/counseling) as needed with

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administrative approval Monitor the impact of the special programmes in the classroom Communicate effectively with all relevant professionals both within UNIS and in the wider community to support Individual Learning Plans, as appropriate. Help develop the ES counseling resource centre Conduct staff development/in-service sessions as requested Attend relevant professional development Contribute to the enrichment of student life at UNIS Support the UNIS Service Learning programme Any other task that the Elementary Principal may request

Position Requirements:  University Degree or above in Counseling  Experience in a counseling position within an Elementary School setting  Experience working with students and individually, in small groups and in larger settings  Advanced communication and presentation skills  Strong collaborative and inter-personal skills  Cross-cultural exposure and understanding  Deep understanding of issues for families in transition in internationally mobile communities  Strong skills in monitoring and follow through  Excellent organizational and time management skills  Strong computer skills and ability to manage data  Energy and dynamism In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. The successful applicant would be expected to commence duties as soon as possible. Also, this position is for 20132014. The load for this position will be evaluated and could change beyond this school year. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org by Friday, 20 September 2013

Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam

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