UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Weekly Newsletter 06 vol 22 tt 25 sep

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UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 22, Edition 6, Friday 25 September





MSHS Trip Week


Standardised Tests - Parent Information Session, 18.00-19.00, Community Room

MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) Testing Grades 3-5, SEP 5-7


MS Boys’ Basketball @ WIS, 15.30-17.30



Grade 5 Camp

JV Boys’ and Girls Volleyball @ BIS, 16.00-18.00



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Autumn Blastoff Swim Gala HAC Varsity Volleyball Tournament @ OLY SAT Testing

Youth Sport Season 1 Festival, 14.00-16.30 MS Boys and Girls’ Basketball @ OLY, 15.30-17.30


UN Day Celebration, 10.30-11.45, Sports Centre UN Day Community Lunch, 12.00-13.00 Early Dismissal for all students, 13.00 No UMA


Autumn Break - Offices Open Weekdays/ No Classes

School News


From the Head of School Back in August, I announced that the Ciputra Gate Entrance nearest UNIS Hanoi would be closed for six weeks beginning on 23 September. Ciputra has now revised the construction schedule and the new dates for the gate closure are 01 November – 15 December. More details about traffic flow and entry/exit options will be published as the time gets nearer to 01 November. Best wishes to our students, faculty and staff in Grades 5-12 who go out on their annual school trips next week. Respectfully,

I would like to thanks the 20 or so parents who attended our first Community Meeting of the year. After a brief presentation of our IB Diploma results, we had a lively discussion about ASAs, Safety on School Trips and a range of other topics. The questions and answers will be posted in the Tin Tuc either next week or the following week. We have four of these each year and here is the schedule for the remaining three: • 22 October at 19.00 (evening) • 18 February at 08.15 (morning) • 26 April at 19.00 (evening) We hope you can attend all of these.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Dr. Chip Barder Head of School headsoffice@unishanoi.org

We wish all the best to Alexander Xander Neff, 2TL who left UNIS Hanoi this week.

From the Board of Director On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the parents who have volunteered their time to be members of the Board’s committees and task forces. Please click here to see more details about the parent and community members serving this school year. For more information on Board committees and task forces, visit this page on the UNIS Hanoi website. Best regards,

Nguyen Van Hieu Board Chair bodchair@unishanoi.org The Board held an orientation session for new members of the Board’s committees and task forces this week. Providing an orientation for all committee and task force members is part of the Board’s commitment to best governance practice. It helps lay the foundation of knowledge and skills required for effective membership so that new members can quickly become an effective part of the Board team. Please click here to see the membership roster for the committees and task forces for this school year. All meetings are published on the school calendar and in the weekly Tin Tuc. Meetings are open to the wider community to attend. An advance email to boardassistant@unishanoi.org is helpful (but not essential) to confirm your attendance.

Moon Festival Celebration. By Tim Barnsley School News


From the Elementary School Delicious snacks were also provided, including traditional moon cakes, fruits, and young, green rice. Our Moon Festival Assemblies featured student performances, story telling and culminated with the traditional Dragon Dancers outside the cafeteria. As we work together to create a peaceful world, taking the time to celebrate and appreciate the customs and traditions of home and host country are one of the ways we help our school community to develop intercultural understanding and international mindedness.

Colours of the Moon Festival Brighten our Elementary School On Thursday 25 September our Elementary School was buzzing with excitement and bursting with colour as we celebrated the Tết Trung Thu - the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival together. Students and staff looked stunning in their áo dài - traditional Vietnamese clothing.

Moon Festival Performance. By Tim Barnsley

We sincerely thank all involved for making today’s Tet Trung Thu celebrations meaningful and special for our students.

Megan Brazil Elementary School Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Moon Festival Performance. By David Carter

Organised and led by our Vietnamese department, our ECC and Elementary students participated in a variety of arts and craft workshops led by local artists - including rice dough puppets and pottery making which took place in our courtyards, decorated with lanterns.

Above: Dragon Dance in front of the canteen. Right: Moon Festival Celebration. By Tim Barnsley 4

UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

School News


Very First MUN Summit for Grade 5 Results in Calls for Action A passionate plea to world leaders to act immediately on climate change was made by Grade 5 students this week, after they took part in the elementary school’s very first Model United Nations Summit. The group of students, with the support of their teachers demonstrated a keen understanding of the topic and how the perspective on climate change can be shaped by many different factors. In line with the IB curriculum’s line of inquiry on Sharing the Planet, the innovative assignment saw students research countries and explore the impact climate change has on different nations while deliberating the UN’s proposed solutions to the challenge. Twenty-two countries that included Bangladesh, Kenya, Norway, Switzerland, the UK and Tuvalu were represented in the debate. Broken into teams of 4, the students had to research their nominated country and present their cases in front of each other. Each country representative was asked to declare which one of the three UN Resolutions on climate change they wanted to adopt and to present reasons why. The first UN Resolution option given was to reduce carbon emissions by 10 per cent over a period of five years; the second option was to invest in renewable energy and the third, for Governments to introduce a carbon tax. And with only 60 seconds to speak, the students had to prove they knew their case well, while also presenting arguments about why their country did not favor the other two options available to them. A phenomenal 16 out of 22 countries represented in the debate voted for more investment in renewable energy sources as the way forward.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Commenting after the hour-long event, students Bianca Todini and Markus Belete said they now knew a lot about climate change and the impact on our world. While ten year-old Abigail Shahar from Israel, who was representing a little-known country called Tuvalu, added, “If we want the world to change, we have to make it happen. I also learned that countries have different perspectives depending on how rich or poor they are or how much land they have and how big their population is.” Trang Nguyen from Vietnam remarked that although they as children did not have the same power as world leaders, there are things they can also do to help curtail climate change, such as recycling and turning off lights. Evan Schaag, a ten year-old Russian American who was representing Kenya at the event warned that “climate change is now the largest challenge that mankind faces this century.” Ms Megan Brazil, the Elementary School Principal at UNIS Hanoi says she was impressed with her students’ mature, well structured arguments. She added, “We really want the students to understand that the world has really limited resources that need to be shared. The problem that the Grade 5 teachers posed, required students to look at energy sources and the challenges of global warming. The way they wanted the students to analyze these challenges and look at all the different perspectives was via a UN conference model and that’s how this idea came up.” Ms Brazil concluded, “I really like that this grade linked an important

environmental topic to who we are as a UN school. I think connections like this are a key part of our identity and it’s what sets us apart from any other international school around the world. What gives me hope is that we’ve got these wonderful, responsible little people who eventually are going to be in positions to make a difference in the world. And that’s why we do what we do.”

“Climate Change is a defining

issue of our time and Grade 5 students took on this challenge as true global citizens”, said the UN Resident Coordinator Dr. Pratibha Mehta. “This week the world leaders are adopting the new, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for our planet. Debates such as the UNIS Hanoi’s Model UN are hugely important as they raise awareness of global concerns and give young people a voice in shaping the future of our world.

School News


UN Day Celebration The World We Want ... Make it Happen! Join us for UN Day! Friday October 9 • Assembly and Flag Parade at 10:30 • Community Lunch at 12:00


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

UN Day Community Lunch UN Day Celebration, one of the biggest events at UNIS Hanoi, will be held on Friday, October 9. The culminating event for the day is the international community lunch which is enjoyed by students, staff and parents. It is truly international and fun! Our shared lunch is provided by parents and is an opportunity for you to showcase your cultural cuisine. Many parents bring in their favorite national dish or something that is popular in their home country. All parents, family members, faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend the luncheon which will start at 12:00 noon. The Community Lunch is organised into grade level lunches and your homeroom class parents will take the lead on communicating the essential information to you. They will be asking for volunteers to help (especially with the clean up) and the more people to help the better! Please DROP OFF FOOD BEFORE 9.30am to the designated drop off spots listed below.

Grade Level

Food Preparation Guidelines : • Prepare one plate of food to serve 10 people (servings) per child. • Prepare food that does not require refrigeration or needs to be heated. • Prepare food that can be easily served and can be eaten with fingers or forks — no soupy or runny dishes. • Label the food with name and country of origin: Please decorate the plate/food with flags or ribbons, it’s nice to know where the food you are eating originates from!

• List the ingredients of your food for dietary restrictions and allergies. As we are an allergy aware campus this is especially important (please see the sample of the food label).


• If you bring food on a serving plate, please collect it after the lunch is finished so it is not misplaced. It is recommended to clearly mark it with your child’s name and homeroom. Many people made a disposable serving container using a small cardboard container lined with foil which is then decorated to serve their food. • If your dish requires a serving spoon or fork, please provide. • More appetizers and main courses are required than desserts. UNIS Hanoi will provide: plates, napkins, cups, and forks. Children are encouraged to use their water bottles and parents are welcome to bring their own non-alcoholic drinks (in addition to a cultural dish). Water will be available for everyone. If you have any questions regarding the UN Day Community Lunch, please contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun: clo@unishanoi.org

Drop off

• Discovery & Kindergarten 1 • Kindergarten 2


8.00- 9.30

ECC/G10 (K2CO) + G12 (K2 CA)

8.00- 9.30

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Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Homerooms B9/G32 (2 CH) + G34 (2 TL) B9/122 (3VdC) + B9/120 (3TS) B9/138 (4 MT) + 136 (4 BM)

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

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Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9,10,11 & 12

B9/G16 (5 DL) + G18 (5 TC) B6 - 119

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

B6 - G23 B6 - G16 Canteen

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

School News


Tiệc Trưa UN Day • Trang trí nhãn thành phần món ăn (nội dung gồm tên món ăn và tên nước); trang trí khay đựng/thức ăn với quốc kì hoặc ruy-băng. • Một điều đặc biệt quan trọng là mỗi món ăn cần có bảng các thành phần & nguyên liệu để những người ăn kiêng và dị ứng cần biết. Vui lòng xem mẫu dưới đây. Tiệc trưa UN Day được tổ chức thứ Sáu ngày 9/10/2015, bắt đầu vào lúc 12:00 trưa, là một trong những sự kiện nổi bật tại trường Quốc tế UNIS Hà Nội. Điểm nhấn của UN Day là Tiệc trưa UN Day – tiệc trưa tất cả học sinh, phụ huynh, giáo viên và nhân viên mong đợi. Đây là một hoạt động mang tính quốc tế và vô cùng thú vị! Tiệc trưa UN Day sẽ do phụ huynh đảm nhận ăn trưa cho toàn trường. Cứ mỗi học sinh, gia đình sẽ đóng góp MỘT MÓN ĂN đủ cho 10 người – mời quý vị phụ huynh xem hướng dẫn ở phía dưới. Xin chân thành cảm ơn. Tiệc trưa UN Day sẽ được phân chia theo khối lớp. Phụ huynh đại diện các khối lớp và các lớp sẽ sớm liên hệ với


từng gia đình về việc tình nguyện tham gia các công việc chuẩn bị (nhận đồ ăn, trình bày bàn ăn, dọn sau bữa ăn, v.v.).

Một vài hướng dẫn về việc chuẩn bị món ăn: • Cứ mỗi học sinh, gia đình sẽ chuẩn bị một món ăn đủ cho 10 người (10 phần ăn). • Quý vị chọn những món không cần để tủ lạnh hoặc quay lò vi sóng/lò nướng. • Có thể ăn bằng dĩa hoặc tay – do đó không nên làm súp hoặc món ăn có nước.

Vị trí

Thời gian nhận

• Discovery & Kindergarten 1 • Kindergarten 2


8.00- 9.30

ECC/G10 (K2CO) + G12 (K2 CA)

8.00- 9.30

• • • •

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Homerooms B9/G32 (2 CH) + G34 (2 TL) B9/122 (3VdC) + B9/120 (3TS) B9/138 (4 MT) + 136 (4 BM)

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

• • • • •

Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9,10,11 & 12

B9/G16 (5 DL) + G18 (5 TC) B6 - 119

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

B6 - G23 B6 - G16 Canteen

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

• Nếu phải mang theo khay đựng thức ăn, quý vị vui lòng thu lại ngay sau buổi lễ để tránh thất lạc. Phụ huynh nên đánh dấu khay bằng tên và lớp con mình; hoặc cũng có thể tự làm khay dùng một lần bằng bìa cứng bọc giấy bạc, sau đó trang trí lên trên. • Hãy mang thìa hoặc dĩa nếu món ăn của bạn cần dung đến thìa dĩa khi ăn. • Chúng tôi khuyến khích các gia đình làm món khai vị và món ăn chính hơn là các món tráng miệng. Nhà trường sẽ cung cấp: đĩa, cốc nhựa, dĩa nhựa và giấy ăn. Học sinh nên mang theo bình nước, phụ huynh có thể tự mang theo đồ uống (không cồn) cùng với món ăn. Chúng tôi rất mong nhân được sự ủng hộ và giúp đỡ tận tình của quý phụ huynh để Tiệc trưa UN Day thành công rực rỡ. Nếu quý phụ huynh có thắc mắc gì, vui lòng liên hệ với cô Nathalie Grun, phụ trách quan hệ cộng đồng, tại clo@unishanoi.org

From the Tech Director was not fastened. Frankly, wearing a helmet without a fastened chin strap is equivalent to not wearing a helmet. When your child falls the helmet will NOT stay on your child’s head. Some students have indicated that they either didn’t wear their helmet or didn’t bring a helmet because the helmet is broken. Parents, please inspect your child’s helmet and make sure that they have properly fitted helmets that are not broken. Two students arrived with their helmets on backwards.

Helmet Safety Followup I promised an update regarding my informal helmet survey at Gate 5. I performed another survey last Monday, 3 weeks after the initial survey. We are making progress and our students will be safer because of our combined efforts. As you can see from the table below, 7 students arrived at Gate 5 with helmets on their heads but the chin strap


Please take time to ensure that your son or daughter is wearing a properly fitted safety certified helmet with a fastened chin strap anytime that they ride a bicycle or a motorbike. We expect helmets to remain on rider’s heads until after they dismount at the gate. Adults should model rules that we expect students to follow. Cycling in Hanoi can be safe and rewarding if a few simple precautions are taken. Please provide yourself, your children and your helpers with the opportunity to enjoy safe cycling. Please call or email me if you have any questions about cycling in Hanoi.

Monday 31 August

Monday 21 September

• Total bicycles arriving at Gate 5



• Students with helmets on handlebars or in baskets • Students with helmets on head but not fastened • Students with no helmets • Adults with no helmets • Helper with no helmet • Helper with child and child no helmet • Motorbike arrival no helmets





6 20 N/A N/A 6

5 5 7 3 2

Haiku Training for MSHS Parents Haiku is the Learning Management System (LMS) used to maintain information for Middle School High School classes. Your son or daughter uses Haiku to access documentation and lesson delivery for the classes they are taking in MSHS. UNIS Hanoi has recently opened Haiku for parent access. Your son or daughter can help you access Haiku or if you wish you can attend a training session offered to UNIS Hanoi parents. Haiku Training for MSHS Parents will be offered in the Tech Support Office (B6-102) at the following times: • Tuesday, October 6 from 9.00 am to 9.50 am • Wednesday, October 7 from 6.00 pm to 6.50 pm. The space limits participation to 10 parents per session. If you would like to attend one of the sessions, please email pswanson@ unishanoi.org. Your email should include your full name, names and grade levels for your Middle School or High School students and your preferred workshop. If parent interest exceeds the space available additional sessions will be scheduled.

Ed Gilbreath Director of Technology techdirector@unishanoi.org

School News


Counseling Highlights University Fair Monday, September 21 The high school students had a great opportunity to participate in a big education fair of sixty universities last Monday. It started with an informal lunch session which enabled many of the eleventh and twelfth graders to chat directly with university representatives and be answered the depth questions they may have about majors or university application process. It followed by a small workshop for all high school students presented by Linden Educational Service – an organization works for connecting students with representatives from accredited U.S institutions so that they can explore

possibilities and pursue their goals in higher education. The highlight of this event is the big outdoor fair where the grade 9 and 10 students also had a chance to meet with the representatives of leading universities and colleges from the US and Europe to have more information for their future studying plan. Please enjoy some pictures being taken in the event.

University Info Session this week for Grade 12 Monday, September 28 8:10 – 9:00, Community Room • Brandeis College • Case Western Reverse University • Emory University • New York University • University of Rochester


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Standardised Tests Parent Information Session If you would like to know more about ISA or the other standardised tests we use – the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) – there will soon be an information meeting with the Director of Learning, Janet Field. When? Monday 28 September Time? 18:00 – 19:00 Where? Community Room, upstairs in the B7 Administration Building The purpose of this meeting is to explain more about the tests and where they fit in UNIS Hanoi’s total assessment of student learning. We’ll talk about why we do two different tests, why we do these tests at all, and we will give some examples of how we use the data to improve student learning. Everyone will be welcome – please bring along your questions!

Grade 3 Trip On Wednesday 23 September 2015 Grade 3 went to visit the Trick Art Museum at Landmark 72. The trip allowed students an opportunity to participate in and see art including perspective, emotions, colour and interpretation. They also were able to see and experience the devices we have discussed in class from our current unit of study. ‘How We Express Ourselves: Talking Without Words’ focuses on the understanding that Artists use various devices to portray emotion and character. The students were divided in small groups and used the ipads to record their experiences. Lots of fun was had using their bodies and facial expressions to become part of the exhibition. There was many trials and errors along the way, both in positions and photo taking skills, but lots of great pictures and memories were created.

Grade 3 Team

Janet Field Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org

School News


Service Learning News Operation Healthy Heart and East Meets West (OHH EMW) This year OHH EMW is led by four amazing grade nine students Kiridan, Bea, Linnea and Max Linnea was only two days old when she had her first heart operation in Sweden. Now she wants to give back the precious gift of life to others that cannot afford the operation in Viet Nam, and she is. Linnea’s work has been acknowledged in Sweden by being recognised as a Swedish Hero in 2012. UNIS Hanoi is also very proud of their local hero. Linnea started this service at UNIS Hanoi with her Grade 5 exhibition. Now with Max, Bea and Kiridan are leading an inspired group of middle-school students to save the lives of children in

Viet Nam with heart disease. Some of our students are in the group because of heart disease in their families. All of us are in OHH EMW because we can make a direct and permanent positive impact on a family. Read more about this project https:// www.facebook.com/heartoflinnea and http://heartoflinnea.tumblr. com/ Please watch out for more information from OHH EMW about heart disease and what YOU can do to help us fundraise and save the life children this year. We are so excited to meet these children and their families this year.

Any questions? Please ask our OHH Service Learning Group. EMW Vimeo Giang’s Heart Operation - read about our work

OHH EMW Team Anna Albareda Coca, Ayumi Nagatomi, Beatrice Dominique Campilan, Cat Tien Nguyen, Emma Husted, Ho Lun Shum, Jonathan Lai, KiridanMunro, Linnea Niklasson, Mai An Nguyen, Max Knight, Michael, Vagner, Minh Nguyen, Trung Ngo, Tuan Trinh, Zhan Fang

Our fundraising goal is US$3000. If we reach this goal, The Birthday Fund will donate another $1500. Each operation costs $2500. With some money from our accounts last year and $3000 this year we can save three lives! Help us to Make it Happen.

• The Numbers - Fundraising Goals.

• Kiridan, Bea, Linnea and Max - leading us in our fundraising and raising awareness goals.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

• Malin, Linnea’s mother speaks about Linnea’s Hero Award and our Awareness Goal.

The Shop

Photos by Tim Barnsley Dear parents, students and UNIS Hanoi staff,

News from The Shop Need to pack for Trip Week? Don’t forget to check out our brand new products in The Shop! We have swim suits, quick dry microfiber towels, water bottles and Phoenix duffel bags all available at great prices.

SHOP HOURS: Due to Trip Week, The Shop will be open on Monday morning only and CLOSED from Tuesday – Friday.

It is my great pleasure to let you know that all images taken by me for Tin Tuc and other school purposes this year will be available for you for cherished memories of your time at UNIS Hanoi! Social, academic and sporting images captured by me over the 2015/16 school year will be uploaded to my website and saved in titled folders of the particular shoot, for example, UNIS High School Day September 2015. Here are five simple steps to order photos: 1.


Select the relevant folder for your required photo, eg UNIS ORIENTATION DAY AUGUST 18 2015


Click on the required photo and record the file number at the bottom of the shot


Print and complete THIS FORM with the folder name,photo number,your email details.

• Monday: 8.00 – 9.00 • Tuesday – Friday: CLOSED

Visit my website, www.timbarnsley.com and click on the UNIS 2015/16 folder

Please remember that not all the photos I take from shoots are included in Tin Tuc. If you are wondering if your child, friend or staff member has been photographed, please visit my website www.timbarnsley.com to enjoy many other photos of the event that have not been published. If you have any questions regarding ordering, the website or photography at UNIS Hanoi in general,please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great school year and thank you in advance,

Tim Barnsley School Official Photographer tim.barnsley@gmail.comp

5. Enclose form and payment of 200,000 VND (per photo) in an envelope which can be dropped at the Advancement Office in the PHOTO ORDERS dropbox. I will then send you both a high resolution digital file suitable for framed prints and a low res version suitable for emailing to family and friends wherever they live around the world ! Saturday Soccer. Photos by Tim Barnsley

School News


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