UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 07 vol 22 tt 2 oct

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UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 22, Edition 7, Friday 2 October





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MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) Testing Grades 3-5, SEP 5-7

Youth Sports Season 2 Begins JV Girls’ Volleyball vs CISH @ UNIS, 16.00-18.00



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MS Boys’ Basketball @ WIS, 15.30-17.30


JV Boys’ and Girls Volleyball @ BIS, 16.00-18.00


• JV Boys' Volleyball vs HIS @ UNIS Youth Sport Season 1 Festival, 14.00-16.30 MS Boys and Girls’ Basketball @ OLY, 15.30-17.30


UN Day Celebration, 10.30-11.45, Sports Centre UN Day Community Lunch, 12.00-13.00 Early Dismissal for all students, 13.00 No UMA

MAP Testing Grades 6-8, 20-22 Oct Advancement Committee MS Boys & Girls’ Basketball vs CISH @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30


APAC Tennis @ International School Beijing (ISB), China, 21-25 Oct

APAC Volleyball @ Shanghai American School (SAS-PD), China, 21-25 Oct JV Boys and Girls’ Volleyball vs HIS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30 Board of Directors Meeting, 17.30-19.30, Black Box

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Autumn Break - Offices Open Weekdays/ No Classes

MS Boys’ Basketball vs HIS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30 Community Meeting With Head of School, 19.0020.30, Black Box


Quarter 2 Tuition Fee Deadline


HAC JV Volleyball Tournament @ SPAS

School News


From the Head of School Whether it is working on a sustainability project together, brushing teeth together, taking a hike together on a mountain or through a forest, building a boat together, facilitating a science, mathematics or cultural studies lesson, or performing a service learning activity together, our faculty and staff willingly give of themselves in ways that I appreciate so much.

We are pleased to welcome back our students, faculty and staff in grades 5-12 as they returned from their School Trips today. I had the distinct pleasure of joining the Grade 12 trip to LaVie Vu Linh for Thursday and Friday of this week, and it reinforced for me the many reasons why these trips are so important. Students experience things that they otherwise might not have the chance to experience. And they make connections with each other in such meaningful and fulfilling ways. And none of this would be possible without the willingness and dedication of our faculty and staff. Our faculty and staff as a whole are second to none when it comes to going above and beyond the call of duty to have a positive impact on students. And it is more than giving up their personal lives for 3-5 days 24/7. It is extending their reach to connect, support, cajole and appreciate students while together on these trips.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

My two day experience with the grade 12s was an opportunity for me to think once again about how lucky I am to be in this profession, and to be at UNIS Hanoi at this time. It makes me look forward even more to our UN Day celebration next week when we are all together to celebrate one of the most important days in our school year. Speaking of which, we again anticipate over 2,000 people so we ask that you arrive by 10.15 so we can get the students seated properly and begin on time at 10.30. Have a wonderful weekend. Respectfully,

Dr. Chip Barder Head of School headsoffice@unishanoi.org

From the Elementary School

Grit, resilience and the growth mindset We waved goodbye to our fifth graders on Wednesday morning as they boarded their buses for their first school trip away at UNIS Hanoi. The excitement was palpable as the students lined up, gathered their luggage and got on board. Undoubtedly there were many among them who were excited and looking forward to their trip but my hunch is that there were just as many who were nervous and maybe even a little anxious about the trip ahead and time away from family. Everyday young children and students throughout our school are faced with challenges. They spend much of their time exploring new ideas, analyzing tricky concepts and thinking about how to solve problems. It made me wonder, how do we, as adults, develop a sense of grit or resilience in our children- what can we do to encourage them keep going when they are faced with a challenge?

Challenge can take many forms. For a three year old learning to take their shoes off might be a challenge. For a five year old, new to school, making friends might be challenging or for a 10 year old going away for 3 days might seem challenging. We would all probably agree that growing up and learning new skills is not without regular doses of frustration. Preschool children are in the early stages of developing their mental picture of who they are, what they can do, and who they are capable of becoming or what is called their ‘self concept’. Deborah Farmer Kris, writing in the education publication Mindshift, says ‘during this pivotal time, the language parents and educators use with preschoolers — particularly when they face challenges or struggle to learn new skills — can help them shape a healthy mental model of how people learn and grow.’ Connected to this notion of using particular kinds of language with children, is the work of researcher and psychologist Carol Dweck. At UNIS Hanoi, our teachers work hard to develop what is known as a ‘growth mindset’ in their students. Dweck coined the concept after decades of work on achievement, success and motivation. The ‘growth mindset’ is in contrast to viewing intelligence as a fixed trait that cannot be altered. In an interview with Stanford News in April 2015, psychology professor Dweck explains that children with a growth mindset “believe that their intelligence or talent can be developed through hard work, good strategies and even help from others.” Children with a fixed mindsets however, view intelligence or talent as fixed traits. So, what can you do to foster a growth mindset in your children?

Dweck describes grit or resilience as “stick-to-it-iveness” and her research has shown that having a growth mindset helps to enhance the way children deal with challenges. One way to do this is in the kind of feedback we give children. Dweck says “When children are praised for the process they engage in- their hard work, their strategies, their focus, their persistence- they remain motivated learners. They’re more likely to take on challenges and thrive in the face of difficulty”. Her research shows that students who adopt a growth mindset thrive on challenges and show resilience in the face of obstacles, viewing failure as part of the learning process. If students understand that their actions lead to success, then when faced with a setback, they realize that their actions can help them overcome that. So the next time your child completes a project or task they have been working on, praise their effort- let them know their hard work paid off. As with most things this is easier said than done but on the back of decades of research and the possibility of inculcating grit and resilience in our children, this is worth the effort.

Nitasha Crishna Chaudhuri ES Lower Deputy Principal esldprincipal@unishanoi.org

School News


UN Day Celebration The World We Want ... Make it Happen! Join us for UN Day! Friday October 9 • Assembly and Flag Parade at 10:30 • Community Lunch at 12:00

Our UN Day Ceremony is only a week away and we are busy preparing for this wonderful celebration on Friday, October 9! Invitations to ALL parents and guardians were sent by email last week… and we hope that you have marked this date in your calendars! The Assembly will start promptly at 10:30am in the Sports Centre and we encourage ALL parents/guardians to attend this wonderful event which involves many of our children from all three divisions. Please plan to be in your seats by 10.20am as entrance doors close for the Flag Parade.

What do I wear? What do the children wear? You and your children are welcomed and encouraged to wear something representing your “national” dress or clothes from a place where you have lived. With such a multicultural mix of nationalities, it is sometimes difficult to identify with only one nationality, so we encourage the children to create or put together a costume that represents their own sense of identity. In the end, wear something you will feel comfortable wearing. Business dress is often preferred by parents and no one should feel any pressure to ‘dress up’.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

UN Day Community Lunch UN Day Celebration, one of the biggest events at UNIS Hanoi. The culminating event for the day is the international community lunch which is enjoyed by students, staff and parents. It is truly international and fun! Our shared lunch is provided by parents and is an opportunity for you to showcase your cultural cuisine. Many parents bring in their favorite national dish or something that is popular in their home country. All parents, family members, faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend the luncheon which will start at 12:00 noon. The Community Lunch is organised into grade level lunches and your homeroom class parents will take the lead on communicating the essential information to you. They will be asking for volunteers to help (especially with the clean up) and the more people to help the better! Please DROP OFF FOOD BEFORE 9.30am to the designated drop off spots listed below.

Grade Level

Food Preparation Guidelines : • Prepare one plate of food to serve 10 people (servings) per child. • Prepare food that does not require refrigeration or needs to be heated. • Prepare food that can be easily served and can be eaten with fingers or forks — no soupy or runny dishes. • Label the food with name and country of origin: Please decorate the plate/food with flags or ribbons, it’s nice to know where the food you are eating originates from!

• List the ingredients of your food for dietary restrictions and allergies. As we are an allergy aware campus this is especially important (please see the sample of the food label).


• If you bring food on a serving plate, please collect it after the lunch is finished so it is not misplaced. It is recommended to clearly mark it with your child’s name and homeroom. Many people made a disposable serving container using a small cardboard container lined with foil which is then decorated to serve their food. • If your dish requires a serving spoon or fork, please provide. • More appetizers and main courses are required than desserts. UNIS Hanoi will provide: plates, napkins, cups, and forks. Children are encouraged to use their water bottles and parents are welcome to bring their own non-alcoholic drinks (in addition to a cultural dish). Water will be available for everyone. If you have any questions regarding the UN Day Community Lunch, please contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun: clo@unishanoi.org

Drop off

• Discovery & Kindergarten 1 • Kindergarten 2


8.00- 9.30

ECC/G10 (K2CO) + G12 (K2 CA)

8.00- 9.30

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Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Homerooms B9/G32 (2 CH) + G34 (2 TL) B9/122 (3VdC) + B9/120 (3TS) B9/138 (4 MT) + 136 (4 BM)

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

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Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9,10,11 & 12

B9/G16 (5 DL) + G18 (5 TC) B6 - 119

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

B6 - G23 B6 - G16 Canteen

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

School News


Tiệc Trưa UN Day • Trang trí nhãn thành phần món ăn (nội dung gồm tên món ăn và tên nước); trang trí khay đựng/thức ăn với quốc kì hoặc ruy-băng. • Một điều đặc biệt quan trọng là mỗi món ăn cần có bảng các thành phần & nguyên liệu để những người ăn kiêng và dị ứng cần biết. Vui lòng xem mẫu dưới đây. Tiệc trưa UN Day được tổ chức thứ Sáu ngày 9/10/2015, bắt đầu vào lúc 12:00 trưa, là một trong những sự kiện nổi bật tại trường Quốc tế UNIS Hà Nội. Điểm nhấn của UN Day là Tiệc trưa UN Day – tiệc trưa tất cả học sinh, phụ huynh, giáo viên và nhân viên mong đợi. Đây là một hoạt động mang tính quốc tế và vô cùng thú vị! Tiệc trưa UN Day sẽ do phụ huynh đảm nhận ăn trưa cho toàn trường. Cứ mỗi học sinh, gia đình sẽ đóng góp MỘT MÓN ĂN đủ cho 10 người – mời quý vị phụ huynh xem hướng dẫn ở phía dưới. Xin chân thành cảm ơn. Tiệc trưa UN Day sẽ được phân chia theo khối lớp. Phụ huynh đại diện các khối lớp và các lớp sẽ sớm liên hệ với


từng gia đình về việc tình nguyện tham gia các công việc chuẩn bị (nhận đồ ăn, trình bày bàn ăn, dọn sau bữa ăn, v.v.).

Một vài hướng dẫn về việc chuẩn bị món ăn: • Cứ mỗi học sinh, gia đình sẽ chuẩn bị một món ăn đủ cho 10 người (10 phần ăn). • Quý vị chọn những món không cần để tủ lạnh hoặc quay lò vi sóng/lò nướng. • Có thể ăn bằng dĩa hoặc tay – do đó không nên làm súp hoặc món ăn có nước.

Vị trí

Thời gian nhận

• Discovery & Kindergarten 1 • Kindergarten 2


8.00- 9.30

ECC/G10 (K2CO) + G12 (K2 CA)

8.00- 9.30

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Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Homerooms B9/G32 (2 CH) + G34 (2 TL) B9/122 (3VdC) + B9/120 (3TS) B9/138 (4 MT) + 136 (4 BM)

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

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Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9,10,11 & 12

B9/G16 (5 DL) + G18 (5 TC) B6 - 119

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30

B6 - G23 B6 - G16 Canteen

8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30 8.00- 9.30


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

• Nếu phải mang theo khay đựng thức ăn, quý vị vui lòng thu lại ngay sau buổi lễ để tránh thất lạc. Phụ huynh nên đánh dấu khay bằng tên và lớp con mình; hoặc cũng có thể tự làm khay dùng một lần bằng bìa cứng bọc giấy bạc, sau đó trang trí lên trên. • Hãy mang thìa hoặc dĩa nếu món ăn của bạn cần dung đến thìa dĩa khi ăn. • Chúng tôi khuyến khích các gia đình làm món khai vị và món ăn chính hơn là các món tráng miệng. Nhà trường sẽ cung cấp: đĩa, cốc nhựa, dĩa nhựa và giấy ăn. Học sinh nên mang theo bình nước, phụ huynh có thể tự mang theo đồ uống (không cồn) cùng với món ăn. Chúng tôi rất mong nhân được sự ủng hộ và giúp đỡ tận tình của quý phụ huynh để Tiệc trưa UN Day thành công rực rỡ. Nếu quý phụ huynh có thắc mắc gì, vui lòng liên hệ với cô Nathalie Grun, phụ trách quan hệ cộng đồng, tại clo@unishanoi.org

From the Tech Director working with UNIS Hanoi. Seventeen vendors expressed interest and were sent the criteria for rating their ability to meet system requests based on: • Features Currently Available • Features In Development • Features Possible with Development • Features Not Available In addition to rating their ability to provide requested features vendors were given the opportunity to comment on any of the features in the list.

School Information System UNIS Hanoi has used ISIS (International School Information System) for nearly seven years. During the 2014-15 school year an advisory team reviewed potential criteria required for systems to meet UNIS Hanoi needs for a fully functioning School Information System (SIS). The set of criteria covering 29 separate areas including but not limited to Business Operations, Facilities, Parent/Guardian Access, Student Information, Grading and Scheduling. The final document exceeded 40 pages. Contacts were made with other international schools from around the world requesting information about the SIS in use by those schools. Twentyfive different Student Information Systems were identified that were in use by multiple schools. Contact was made with each of the system vendors to determine their level of interest in

Several vendors self-selected from the list and the Advisory team sat through product demonstrations for six different systems. Product demonstrations included an overview of the systems and confirmation that features indicated as currently available in the criteria list are in fact available. The Advisory team has shortlisted two systems for further follow-up and more in depth exploration of available features. Both system vendors are expected to provide a list of satisfied international school customers with IB programmes. Contact will be made with schools from the list to ask questions about training, support, implementation and other factors involved with major system implementations. The target date for a Student Information System decision is January 15, 2016. Planning and implementation timelines will be developed by May 2016.

Haiku Training for MSHS Parents Haiku is the Learning Management System (LMS) used to maintain information for Middle School High School classes. Your son or daughter uses Haiku to access documentation and lesson delivery for the classes they are taking in MSHS. UNIS Hanoi has recently opened Haiku for parent access. Your son or daughter can help you access Haiku or if you wish you can attend a training session offered to UNIS Hanoi parents. Haiku Training for MSHS Parents will be offered in the Tech Support Office (B6-102) at the following times: • Tuesday, October 6 from 9.00 am to 9.50 am • Wednesday, October 7 from 6.00 pm to 6.50 pm. The space limits participation to 10 parents per session. If you would like to attend one of the sessions, please email pswanson@ unishanoi.org. Your email should include your full name, names and grade levels for your Middle School or High School students and your preferred workshop. If parent interest exceeds the space available additional sessions will be scheduled.

Ed Gilbreath Director of Technology techdirector@unishanoi.org

School News


Standardised Tests for growth in students’ development of knowledge and understanding in the areas tested. The schedule for this semester is as follows: Grade 3-5 students: October 5 - 8, 2015 Grade 6-8 students: October 20 22, 2015

At UNIS Hanoi standardised testing is one way that we gather information to promote and inform student learning. A standardised test should allow students, teachers and parents to identify a student’s strengths and areas of need in the subject areas that are tested. At the schoolwide level the standardised test can help to identify areas of the curriculum that may need adapting. It will also help the school to determine how its students are performing in comparison to other students around the world and to evaluate the effectiveness of our programme. The school currently uses two different forms of standardised tests. We recently completed the annual International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) tests in Writing, Reading and Mathematics. The other tests we carry out are the Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP) in Reading, Language usage, and Mathematics. We do MAP tests twice a year so that we can check


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

MAP tests are done on computers, and are unique because they adapt to each student’s level as the test proceeds. Each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. There is no special preparation that students can do to prepare for these tests. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep and a sufficient breakfast prior to testing. If your child is anxious you can help by talking, listening and reassuring. Encourage your child to simply do their best as he or she would do with any school assignment, test or project. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child’s reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the MAP test in general please contact Janet Field, the Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org

Janet Field Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org

Counseling Highlights University Info Session this week Tuesday, October 6 13:20 – 14:00 Common Room • Les Roches International School of Hotel Management (Switzerland) • University of Miami (US)

Thursday, October 8 13:10 – 14:00 Common Room U.S. University Mini Fair: • Colorado State University • Grinnell College • Loyola University Chicago • Oregon State University • University of Mount Union • Vasaar College

Co-Curricular News Singers Truly UNITE for Every Day is Earth Day Singers from UNIS Hanoi and Wellspring International School have been rehearsing together each Thursday after school. The end goal is to perform a collaborative mini-musical on Nov 10th, 4pm in the Black Box One and Two for our school communities. Students began by meeting and introducing each other to the group, learning new fun warm ups and repertoire, and getting to the task of putting on a show! Creativity and social skills have been heightened, to develop their own original scenes in between the set songs.

Timberwolves Invitational Varsity Volleyball Tournament What a great weekend of volleyball for the Senior Varsity Boys and Girls in Hong Kong! It was a great opportunity to learn and grow as a team as well as test our capabilities against some of the top schools in the region. It was the first time this year our teams were truly tested and we were able to learn

what we are made of. Whether it was showing the power of their serves, how far off the ground they can get on a hit, or just the ability to pull together as a team, our players did it all. We are definitely looking forward to these next couple of weeks where we can practice all that we learned and then put it all on the court in Shanghai for our APAC tournament. Come out to Olympia this Saturday to see both the boys and the girls fight for the HAC Championship Title!

Please come and support this energetic group of students in their final performance. They really want to make a positive impact on the world we live in, connecting to our United Nations theme ‘The World We Want….. Make It Happen!’. To hear the great sound produced by our Grade 4 and 5 Singers United, please CLICK HERE

School News


Campus Card Update

Job Opportunities

There are a few important features of the new system that you need to be aware of: • Value can be added to a card by using one of the two cash Kiosk machines in the canteen or at the Business Office in B7. An online option will be available but is currently still in testing phase. • Families have one account which will be managed by parents once the online system is up and running. • You will be able to set limits for each card in the family, see what each card has purchased or block spending on a card at any time.

As you may be aware, UNIS Hanoi has been implementing a new “smart” ID Card for all students, faculty, staff and parents. This has been intentionally a measured roll-out to ensure we can test systems as we go, but which will eventually be used for a variety of school services including library and canteen as well as security for all members of our community. We are currently stepping up the use of the cards for the payment system in the Canteen. The system was installed in March and was tested with staff and some MS/ HS students until the end of school in June. At the start of this school year the system was made fully active for all UNIS Hanoi staff and all MS/HS Students. We will be expanding the system for Parents and ES Grades and aim to have that step completed by the Winter Break.

As soon as the online system is fully tested we will send instructions on how to use it.

1. Technical Officer

At this time all Parents and ES students are not forbidden to add value at the kiosks and use their cards, however only the new “smart” ID cards work with the system. We will soon be notifying all parents and ES students how to “trade up old ID cards” to the new “smart” ID Card.

To view more information about these openings and other job opportunities at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement this new system. The existing cash voucher payment system in the Canteen will continue for this school year or until everyone has a smart ID Card and the electronic payment system is working perfectly. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Len Archer Director of Finance and Operations dof@unishanoi.org


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for the following vacancies: 2. Fitness Instructor 3. UMA Cello Instructor

School Heath Centre News Fever If your child has a fever of 38.0 or higher, please keep them home from school. Children can return to school when they have been fever free, without medication (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), for 24 hours.

Vomiting/Diarrhea If your child has vomiting or diarrhea, please keep them home for 24 hours after last vomit/diarrhea episode.

The Shop PE Uniforms have arrived! Starting Monday students can pick up their PE shirts and shorts from The Shop. We have plenty for everyone. Planning on going somewhere sunny over the October break? Protect yourself from the sun! Pick up one of our popular swim shirts with UV 50+ Protection! All sizes available only for 380,000VND

Head Lice

School Health Center Policies on illness Conjunctivitis (pink eye).

Parents, please remember to do frequent inspections of your child’s head in order to prevent lice infestations. With your help, we can keep lice to a minimum. Any student’s showing sign/symptoms of an illness at school will be sent home.

If you suspect your child has conjunctivitis please seek medical advice. Symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

Susan McComic

• Red eyes


School Health Center

• Watery discharge • A yellow or green discharge common in bacterial infections • Feeling of grit or sand • Itchy eyes • Sensitivity to light • Swollen eyelids • Crusts that form on the eyelid overnight School policy states that students must remain out of school until there are NO further symptoms of conjunctivitis, even if antibiotic eye drops have been started.

School News


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