UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc 08 vol 20 tt 4 oct

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter


Volume 20, Edition 8, Friday 4 October


ES Snack Sale Morning 8:30-11:00 MSHS Parent Coffee with the Counselors 8:30-10:00



Using Technology to Transform Learning 8:30-9:30 Library (B8)


ISA Testing Grades 3-9, 15-17 October Grade 11/12 DP Art Trip 11:35-14:00 MS Boys Basketball Inter-Squad Game 16:00-17:15 MAP Testing Parent Info Session 18:00-19:00


PSAT Testing (High School) SMP 2015-2020 Planing Task Force Meet, 7:00-8:30, B7 HS Volleyball - APAC Boys vs. Staff 17:15-19:00, B4


MS Basketball - MRISA Girls vs. BVIS Boys 16:0017:15, B4

 

UNIS MS Invitational Basketball Tournament UNIS Autumn Swim Meet UNIS High School Invitational Tennis Tournament


Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15-9:30, B7 MS Girls Basketball vs. SIS 16:00-17:15, Covered Court Board Directors Generative Meeting 17:30-19:00


APAC Tennis Tournament, ISB - China 22-27 October


APAC Boys and Girls Volleyball, UNIS Hanoi 24-26 October, Sports Centre  MS Girls Basketball, St. Paul American School 15:30-18:00  MS MRISA Boys Basketball vs. UNIS Grade 9 Boys 16:00-17:30, Covered Court  ES Mathematics - Parent Workshop 18:00-19:30 


Quarter 1 Ends

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the ES and MSHS Principals (p.3)

Hanoi Classic Volleyball Tournament (p.9) APAC Volleyball News (p.10-11) Bridging Math and Design (p.12)

UN Day Photo Special (p.4) UN Day Activities (p.5) 7 Lanterns: Rapprochement of Cultures (p.6)

Tech Tidbits (p.13) Using Technology to Transform Learning (p.13) College News (p.14)

Transform a Future Today (p.7) Notes from the Director of Learning (p.8) UMA News (p.8)

School Health Centre News (p.15) SCO Funding Available (p.17) SCO Boutique News (p.17) ES Snack Sales (p.18) Canteen Menu


By the time you read this, our UN Day celebration will already be over. This is the most important day in the life of our school and I want to thank all of the faculty, staff, parents and students who helped to make this day such a success. As one of the students said, “I want every day to be like UN Day.” Have a wonderful Autumn Break and I look forward to seeing you when school resumes on Monday, 14 October. Respectfully,

The campus is closed on Monday and Tuesday, 07-08 October. Offices will be open on Wednesday to Friday 09-11 October. Thank you!

Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

Last week, the Board held an orientation session for new members of the Board's committees and task forces for the 2013/2014 School year. In keeping with the Board’s commitment to best governance practice, the orientation helps lay the foundation of the knowledge and understanding required to contribute to the effectiveness of the Board team. Please click here to see the membership roster and meetings schedule for the 2013-2014 committees and taskforces. Meetings are posted on the portal school calendar and in Tin Tuc each week and are open to the wider community to attend. An email in advance to boardassistant@unishanoi.org is helpful (but not essential) to confirm your attendance. In addition to Board, Admin and Faculty members, I would also like to recognise and thank the parents and community members who volunteer their time to be members of the Board's committees and task forces. Please click here to see more details about the parent and community members serving this year. Best regards, Sarah Garner, UNIS Hanoi Board Chair

UN Day Photos

Dear ES Families I write this the evening before UN Day as the excitement mounts for what promises to be another wonderful occasion. The children have been practising so hard and thanks go to Ms Sally for all her efforts in bringing the ES Mass Choir to this level in time for our special whole school assembly. Please find here the link to the minutes from the first ES Parent Forum, held last week. Whilst only 7 parents attended, we had a good discussion and exchange of ideas. Everyone is looking forward to a well-earned Autumn Break next week and we will see everybody back at school on Monday 14 October. Have a safe and happy holiday.

UN Day - ES Mass Choir

Kind regards Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Dear MSHS Families, A great big THANK YOU to everyone who supported our UNIS UN Day celebration. Thank you to parents who organized food, national dress, and to those who attended the festivities. It was a wonderful community event filled with international good will……..and great food. Well done and thank you! With the UN Day in the books and Autumn Break set for next week 3-Way Parent Conferences are just around the corner. Please set aside November 4 or 5 for conferences with your child and his/her teachers. I look forward to meeting with many of you and hope that your conferences provide valuable information regarding your child’s progress and how you can reinforce curricular and behavioral recommendations at home. More information regarding parent signups via ISIS family will be sent to parents shortly after Fall Break. I would like to thank all the parents who attended the MSHS Parent Forum. It is important that I hear questions and concerns directly from parents, whether positive or negative. While I may agree or disagree with parent comments or opinions I can promise that your concerns will be listened to, reflected upon, and in some cases acted

upon. Areas of interest generated by parents included: student stress and workload, tablet and “gaming” boundaries, timely communication, curriculum, academic rigor, and campus security. Moving forward the MSHS will work to address areas of concern and report back at appropriate times during the year. If you should have any questions or concerns my door is always open and I encourage parents to actively engage with the School. In closing I am happy to report that the students and teachers who participated in our first ever Grade 12 trip enjoyed a wonderful experience together. We climbed waterfalls, hiked up a mountain, built rafts, ate way too much, visited a local village for the Full Moon Festival (Where several of our students performed the UNIS Hanoi version of the traditional Lion Dance) and most importantly, the students had the opportunity to bond as a group. A good time was had by all! Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

The sun was shining down on our celebration of “Rapprochement of Cultures� for our 26th UN Day today! It was a carnival of culture and learning with the UN Day Assembly as its centre-piece with its wonderful Flag Parade celebrating the 65 nationalities represented in our community. We were delighted to see so many of our parents joining us in the Sports Centre. We were honoured to be joined by our guest speakers Dr Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam, Madame Nguyen Phuong Nga, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr Tran Ba Viet Dzung, Director General, International Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Education and Training. Thanks to all our student flag bearers, the UNIS Hanoi Symphonic Orchestra, the Middle and Elementary School Choirs, the HS Dance Group and our student speakers, Quynh Anh Do, Long Than and Hae Ji Noh. And thanks to the entire community for joining together to create our Community Lunch to end a wonderful day.

Before today’s ceremony, students from Discovery through to Grade 12 spent several hours engaging in various ways with the UN theme of Rapprochement of Cultures. Our younger children got to think and talk about who they are and where they come from. Clothing, food and flags helped them notice something about themselves and to start to explain who they are. At the other end of the spectrum, the Grade 11 and 12 students watch the documentary Baraka, an exploration of universal beauty and meaning and the diverse forms these take from culture to culture. In between, classes tried out mini UN-style debating, read stories, worked with symbols of their own identity, played with cultural stories and generally explored the diverse things that make us all unique but which also connect us. In Grade 7, for example, the students captured symbols of their cultural identity in a bell jar. The morning activity gave students the fascinating opportunity to explore these, being curious and appreciating who others are. This year the elementary school students created a very special art installation based on weaving. The children saw how they could make something beautiful by each weaving

a little bit; they also thought about the metaphor of weaving and what it tells us about the culture of our school. The children all wrote down wishes that were then woven into the texture of the art work, as well.

“What are the threads that weave all cultures together? What makes us who we are? What role does our culture play in this?” “What is open-mindedness?” “In what ways are we all the same?”

“Even though there are differences between cultures, what weaves them together are the mind and the soul.” “Rapprochement of culture: it’s about understanding what we could have been and can become. That though we have come from separate worlds, places and cultures, we still understand love, faith and hope. “

“Happy, peaceful, healthy and fun life! P.S. Not fighting with my brother and sister!” “Wish for people to understand other people’s culture.” “I wish the world will be more friendly.“ Janet Field, Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org

This week at school the elementary students came together and worked on an Art project for UN Day. The project is called 7 Lanterns: Rapprochement of Cultures and it incorporates weaving and wish making. The lanterns were made in various sizes and colours by weaving different materials into chicken wire. The colours and textures represent the diversity of people around the world. The weaving represents how people are interconnected. Students also wrote wishes for the future about how people can become more respectful, understanding and appreciative towards each other and then wove them into the lanterns. The collaborative nature of this project helps students to understand that together we can produce an artistic impact which often exceeds one which we could accomplish on our own. When visiting the school to view the 7 Lanterns we invite parents to discuss with their child/children how they feel connected to the UN Day Art project. We will notify you once it is installed in the foyer of The Centre for the Arts. A big thank you goes to the students, families and teachers who brought materials from home to weave into the lanterns, as they added to the beauty and meaning to the lanterns. Chris Frost, PYP Coordinator pypcoordinator@unishanoi.org

Applications for the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship programme opened this week on Tuesday October 1. And this year, we are expanding the programme both in number of students that we can enroll and the age range that will be eligible. The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme gives the opportunity for Vietnamese students from a low socioeconomic background, who are excelling at their local Hanoi district school to enter UNIS Hanoi until graduation.

FOUR full Scholarships will be available for entry to UNIS Hanoi in the 2014-15 academic year. Students may apply to the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme for entry to Grade 8, Grade 9 or Grade 10. In all cases, the 100% Scholarship will be valid until graduation from UNIS Hanoi. The programme was launched in 2011-12 and we have welcomed two scholarship students to UNIS Hanoi in the last two academic years.

Please help eligible students find out about this programme by spreading the word amongst your friends, colleagues and associates. UNIS Hanoi is a well-connected community and we ask you to mobilize! In addition to the fees waiver, significant support will be available for the Scholarship Students to access English support, to be able to participate fully in the activities programme in MSHS and for transport to and from school.

Deadline for applications is Tuesday 31 December. Full eligibility criteria, the timeline for the selection process and application documents are available on UNIS Hanoi website in both ENGLISH and VIETNAMESE. All questions concerning the Scholarship Programme should be sent by email to scholarships@unishanoi.org

year to year so they can be used to track changes. The report will be used to provide data to the school, to you, and to your child. The results of the assessment will be available to parents in the form of a written report and we anticipate receiving these in January 2014.

Between Tuesday 15 October and Thursday 17 October we will be administering the International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) test, for students in Grades 3 to 9. This test requires no special preparation. We simply ask that students have a good night’s sleep and an adequate breakfast on the test days. The ISA was developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). This organization also runs the PISA tests (Programme for International Student Assessment) which compare the competencies of 15 year olds across many nations. Both ISA and PISA are based on the same frameworks for literacy and mathematical skills. The data that ISA generates gives us very useful comparisons about the quality of our educational programme in relation to other similar international schools and also to national norms. Each of the four parts of the ISA takes between 45 and 60 minutes to complete. There are both multiple-choice and open-ended tasks. The test is completed in a paper booklet which is then sent back to ACER to be scored and analysed. The ISA give us descriptive information about what students know and can do. The results are equated from

Dear parents and students, Please kindly note that there is NO UMA lessons during the Autumn Break (5 – 13 October. UMA lessons will recommence as usual on Monday 14 Oct. Please visit the UMA calendar on UNIS Website to update your own calendar. Wish you a wonderful break. Regards, UMA Office

Last month students in Grades 3 – 8 undertook MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) tests in Mathematics, Reading and Language Usage. Individual student results for these tests are ready to be viewed through the ISIS Family Module. If you have specific questions or concerns about your own child’s results, please contact his or her teacher directly. If you want to know more about the test in general, please come to our parent information session.


Tuesday 15 October 18:00


Community Room


How to read your child’s MAP results General explanation of the test, opportunity for questions

Janet Field, Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org

Have fun on your vacation but please, LEAVE…. Your library books at HOME!

Last Saturday, UNIS Hanoi hosted the 3rd Annual “Hanoi Classic Volleyball Tournament” in the Sports Center. The host MRISA and APAC boys and girls from UNIS Hanoi battled it out with Hanoi International School and two guest teams comprised mostly of UNIS Hanoi staff and parents.

Kobe, Beijing and Korea will be here to play against the UNIS Hanoi Phoenix. Come on out to support your UNIS Hanoi teams. We are still looking for host families for this event. Please contact the Activities Office at cocurricular@unishanoi.org if you can help with hosting. This is a school-wide event, so please get involved.

In the end, the UNIS Hanoi APAC teams came out on top in both the girls and boys divisions, finishing the day with perfect records of 3 wins without a defeat.

The following students will be representing UNIS Hanoi at the MRISA and APAC Volleyball Tournaments:

Congratulations! The final standings and each team’s win-loss record on the day were as follows:

1st – UNIS APAC, 3-0

1st – UNIS APAC, 3-0

2nd – HIS, 2-1

2nd – Staff, 2-1

3rd – Staff, 1-2

3rd – UNIS MRISA, 1-2

4th – UNIS MRISA, 0-3

4th – HIS, 0-3

A special “THANK YOU” goes out to those members of staff and parents who helped make the tournament a success by coming out to play against the students. Let’s wish the UNIS Hanoi APAC and MRISA teams the best of luck as their seasons continue and they prepare for their season-ending tournaments. The APAC Volleyball Tournament will be here at UNIS on October 24-26. Teams from Shanghai, Hong Kong,

MRISA Boys Volleyball Team – Amara Anderson, Awua Buahin, Phong Hoa, Minh Ho, Aiden McGibbon, Hung Nguyen, Khanh Pham, Phuong Trinh, Tae Jun Park, Ji Hoon Kang. Coach – Andy Dutton. APAC Boys Volleyball Team – Kofi Buahin, Jed Edwards, Michael Emblem, Tobias Henaes, Ricky Kimura, Henryk Le Hai, Scott Mills, Mateo Motyl, Nam Nguyen, Tomi Nurmi, Edward Park, Hauke Schmidt. Coaches – Ben Moyale and Simon Mills. MRISA Girls Volleyball Team – Fabiana Alcala, Gina Chen, Angelique Somers, Nhi Trinh, Celina Tsukamoto, Abigail Vallely, Gillian Vallely, Ngoc Trai Nguyen, Freya Norton, Irsalina Mohd Jamil. Coaches – Christine Mills and Lin Turley. APAC Girls Volleyball Team – Jemima Brennen, Kiana Freeman, Ewa Lachman, Phuong Le, Tiara Le Calvez, Anna Le Hai, Nina McLean, Nina Palosaari, Lana Pham, Elizabeth Phan, Mai Phung, Kate Tang. Coaches – Claire Sauvage-Mar and Susan Kraetzer. GO PHOENIX!!! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org


(please see APAC Teams on next page)

On October 23-27 teams from five other APAC schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Taejon, Hong Kong and Kobe will join our UNIS Hanoi boys and girls in competing for the 2013 APAC Volleyball Championship. The tournament itself will take place over three days – October 24, 25 and 26. See the schedule in page 11. During their time in Hanoi, UNIS Hanoi will be hosting 120 visiting athletes. We still really need help from the UNIS Hanoi school community in providing homestay accommodations for our guests. If you could help support this school-wide event, by having some visiting athletes stay at your home, please read the following attachments to give you additional information about hosting: APAC Volleyball Hosting Letter Host Family Expectations To sign-up to be a host family for APAC Volleyball, please complete this form and return it to the UNIS Hanoi Activities Office as soon as possible.

The start of the High School basketball season is only a few weeks away. The UNIS Hanoi Co-Curricular Office is looking for coaches in both the boys and girls basketball programmes for the upcoming winter sports season. If you or someone you know has some previous experience coaching the sport of basketball and would like to know more about the positions that are available, please contact Dirk Kraetzer at da@unishanoi.org. The season starts in late October and runs through to the end of January. Teams practice after school M-W-F 3:455:30 and the APAC teams also practice on Saturdays from 9:00-11:00. All UNIS Hanoi coaches are paid a stipend. GO PHOENIX!!! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities

Thank you for supporting UNIS Hanoi Activities!! GO PHOENIX!!! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities

October 24-26 United Nations International School of Hanoi Day 1: Thursday (Matches are best of 3) 8:10 OPENING CEREMONY in Sports Center 8:25 TEAM PHOTOGRAPHS (starting with SASPX & TCIS girls; UNIS & CA boys) Home Team is in BOLD LETTERS (to wear light-colored uniforms) Match #



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Court 1



HKIS 14:45 30 Court 2 Playoffs (All matches are best of 5)





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Court 1


vs. #6 18:00 34 Court 2 Day 3: Saturday (All matches are best of 5)





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Court 1

SF2 5th/6t






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14:30 16:30


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h rd

3 /4 41 43

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Court 1


CA 18:20 18 Court 2 Day 2: Friday (Matches are best of 3)






Banquet and Awards Coaches Meeting & Banquet (Cafeteria)


Awards Ceremony (Centre of the Arts Theatre)


Buses Depart for Homestays


Over the past three weeks, grade 10 students participated in UNIS Hanoi’s first annual Bridge Building Competition as part of their mathematics curriculum. To start the competition off, UNIS Hanoi hosted a guest engineer from the Freyssinet firm in Vietnam, who spoke to students about the key considerations in making a sturdy and cost-effective suspension bridge. Students then built their own bridges in small groups, and used Autograph software to model the suspension cable with a quadratic function. After analyzing the mathematical accuracy of their work, the fun began with two competitions: a design contest where administration and teachers voted for the bridge with the best visual design, and a strength contest to find out which bridge could hold the most weight. The winners were:

Best Visual Design: Nina McLean, Long Gan, Anne Tran, and Sussan Kittikhoun These students got to show off their design skills one more time by “redesigning” their math teachers’ faces with a makeover. Their teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Trebesch, had to wear the makeup and accessories all day on 2 October!

Strongest: Vince Escalante, Hieu Phan, Celina Tsukamoto, and Angela Tran These students will show off their strength in mathematics by teaching the class for a day after the October break. Their math teacher, Mrs. Trebesch, has to do all the homework they assign!

Mrs. and Mr. Trebesch with makeovers, compliments of the team with the winning design. 6 people on the strongest bridge

It doesn’t seem possible that Autumn Break is next week. So much has happened since school started last August. UNIS Hanoi always feels so vibrant and alive when school is in-session and I can talk with students. All students in grades 4 through 12 received a copy of the Technology Handbook during the first week of classes. You can access the Technology Handbook on line by clicking this link. Please take time to review the contents of the Handbook with your child during the next two weeks. ES teachers have spent time discussing the Technology Handbook with students. For example teachers in Grades 4 and 5 have spent time reviewing the Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) with their students. The general format for the lesson included reading the RUA with a follow-up class Q & A to check for understanding. Students were also given time to sit with a teacher if they needed help with the document. Students were grouped for a discussion based on a series of questions specific to the RUA. The next lesson was called Circle of Viewpoints. Students were divided into groups, given five scenarios of inappropriate behavior related to technology use, and then asked to decide on the student’s fate in each scenario based on what students know about the Responsible Use

How is technology being used by your child for learning? Oftentimes we fall into the trap of only using technology to replicate things that we were already doing. Technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning at every level of thinking. In this workshop we will talk about some of the exciting ways we use technology to open up new avenues of understanding, critical thinking, and creativity. Hope to see you in our second Parent Tech Session! Kindly confirm your attendance by sending a message to mmatias@unishanoi.org.

Agreement. Students were expected to take on the role of student, teacher, parent or principal in order to assess the scenario from various perspectives before making a group decision. Students shared their responses with the class, defended their ‘decisions’ and finally arrived at a class consensus for every scenario in order to have closure for the topic. Students in Grade 7 have been involved in a Digital Citizenship project also based on information in the Technology Handbook. Students pick topics of interesting that might include cyber bullying and intellectual property rights. Once they have completed their research and formed opinions regarding the topic students are expected to share information and opinions with each other using videos, websites, screencasts or animations. The above examples represent a very small subset of the many ways that teachers develop and deliver meaningful teaching and learning experiences using technology. Please join us on Monday, October 14 in the Library Projection Room in order to see other ways that UNIS Hanoi is using Technology to Transform Learning. Ed Gilbreath, Director of Technology techdirector@unishanoi.org




Monday, October 14 15:30-16:30

Common Room

University of New Brunswick University of Saskachewan

Tuesday, October 15 12:30 - 13:30

Common Room

University of British Columbia

Wednesday, October 23 12:30-13:30

In front of Common Room B5 G29

U.S Midwest Education Tour Marian University (Indianapolis) Maryville University Carroll University Kirkwood Community College Minnesota State University Saint Louis University St. Catherine University St. Olaf College University of Missouri University of Wisconsin Steven Point

Thursday, October 24 12:30 - 13:30

Library Projection Room

VHL University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

Friday, October 25 12:30-13:20

Group Study Room

Illinois Wesleyan University

Friday, November 11 12:30 - 13:30

Group Study Room

Loyola Marymount University

Time Saturday, October 12 09:00-12:30 Melia Hotel 44B Ly Thuong Kiet St. Sunday, October 13 08:30 Movenpick Hotel 83 Ly Thuong Kiet St.

Venue UK Education Fair Over 40 Top UK Institutions & Hundreds of Valuable Scholarship Yale NUS College Information Session

Wednesday, October 16 Thursday, November 17

Saturday, October 19 13.30- 18.00 Melia Hotel 44B Ly Thuong Kiet

University of Melbourne Virtual Fair for International Students Education UK Exhibition Up to 68 UK Institutions




Prospective students and their parents can register now at http://go.unimelb.edu.au/e7in Registered participants can access the Fair from 7:00pm on October 16 until 11:00am on October 17 (Melbourne Time) at www.collegeweeklive.com Read more and register to attend the event at http:// duhocanh.eduk.vn/

IN BRIEF…. An outbreak of conjunctivitis has affected Hanoi and major cities and several provinces of the country. Viruses and bacteria can cause conjunctivitis. It is a common illness and outbreaks can be associated with a change in the climate as we have seen recently here in Hanoi. Close attention to hygiene is the best way to prevent infection. It has causes the closure of some classes at schools in Hanoi so WHAT IS CONJUNCTIVITIS? A common, acute, viral or bacterial infection of the eyes. ADVICE….To prevent infection: 

Avoid close contact with anyone who is infected.

Wash hands thoroughly and frequently.

Don’t touch your eyes.

Do not share personal hygiene or grooming items such as wash cloths or make up


Itching, irritation, and/or burning

Feeling like a foreign body is in the eye(s) or an urge to rub the eye(s)

Crusting of eyelids or lashes sometimes occurs, especially in the morning

Symptoms of a cold, flu, or other respiratory infection may also be present

Sensitivity to bright light sometimes occurs


Contact lenses should not be worn – change to glasses

Keep infected children out of school until recovered (no more discharge from eyes)

Serious infections can occur – seek medical advice if – symptoms persist and are severe, eyes are red and swollen and feel like sand is in them. Or if you have sensitivity to light.

HANOI INFO…. According to local health authorities in Hanoi , since September this year , there has been an increase in the number of cases in Hanoi – much higher than previous years. This is due to the high humidity and rain we have had of late. The outbreak is widespread effecting many cities and provinces in Vietnam. REFERENCES: International SOS – Health Alerts-Vietnam – Membership Access Site Communicable Diseases Guidelines , for teachers, child care workers, and medical practitioners. 2012 Edition. Government of Western Australia. CDC, Centre for Disease Control, online access, 2/10/2013.

Pink or red color in the white of the eye(s) (often one eye for bacterial and often both eyes for viral or allergic conjunctivitis)

Swelling of the conjunctiva (the thin layer that lines the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelid) and/or eyelids

Increased tearing

UNIS Hanoi Health Centre

Discharge of pus, especially yellow-green (more common in bacterial conjunctivitis)

Tel: 04 3758 1551 ext 8911 nurse@unishanoi.org

Do you have project idea or something extra you would like to see around the campus? Think something is needed for one of the charities UNIS Hanoi is connected to ?      

bedding for the Peace Village UNIS Hanoi Community Garden decorative items for the Library reading buddy cushions for the Library outdoor tables and chairs for around the campus cultural items such as the big drum and gong for the Arts Centre  a badge making machine for the Design Department  digital cameras for the ECC  production costs for an Operation Smile Charity Concert.

If so, now is the time to note your ideas down : WHAT it is, HOW you will do it, WHO will it benefit, how HOW MUCH your idea will cost to make happen? Any one from the UNIS Hanoi community can apply for the funds for their project idea/item. Once again the School Community Organisation has allocated funds collected from Spring Fair to be used for project ideas within our community. The application forms and information is currently being updated and will be available on the Portal soon. In the mean while you should research your idea, in preparation, and make further enquires from sco@unishanoi.org


8:00 - 9:00



FRIDAY 08:00-09:00

Visit the Boutique Online for our item price range.

P.E. shirts (light blue & white colors) - made of moisturewicking fabric

We are looking for a parent volunteer to join us as Boutique Coordinator. Please email sco@unishanoi.org for more information, specifying that you wish to apply for the post. The team is looking forward to meet you!

The Elementary School (Discovery to Grade 5) FIRST SNACK SALE of the year will take place on Friday, October 18! This is a highly anticipated event that all ES students eagerly wait for!

All ES students can buy up to 2 snacks, with each snack cost VND 10,000. Please provide them with cash in small bills only (not lunch ticket from the canteen) if you wish for them to purchase snacks.

Please mark your calendar: 

Contributing Classes: 3SE, 3AL, 3NO, 3TS, K1RT, K2CO, 1JH 

Contributing Classes: 4HK, 4LL, 4MK, 4BM, K1PM/ HS, K2CA, 1JK 

Contributing Classes: 2MT, 2BM, 2TB, 2JC, DSS, DTU, K1MA, 1TA 

Contributing Classes: 5DL, 5KW, 5 JH, 5MS, K2AP, K2AS This event will take place both in the ECC and Grades 1-5 courtyards from 8.20am to approximately 11.00am.

This is one of events organized to provide a fun activity to and from UNIS Hanoi Community that children enjoy. All proceeds from Snack Sale are used for SCO activities. Past initiatives included funding music scholarships for Vietnamese students, purchasing equipment to support their learning environment, hosting SCO social events, and organizing teacher appreciation days. We thank all the parents who have registered as volunteers and will join us. We would also love to welcome any other parents who are willing to help. Your child(ren) loves to see you at school. Please contact one of the coordinators below if you would like to assist in any way. Thank you for your cooperation. Akiko Nakano: akiko.nakano2008@gmail.com Ikuko Mizuno: mikue@mbn.nifty.com Bo young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com

We ask parents of the contributing classes above, to kindly provide 10 individually wrapped healthy snack items to be sold to the students. We welcome both savory and sweet snacks. As we encourage children to have healthy snacks, we will not sell any choco-pies, chips, candies, pre-packaged cookies, or chocolate bars. We also will NOT sell snacks that contain any nuts.

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