UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc 12 vol 20 tt 8 nov

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 20, Edition 12, Friday 8 November





Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day



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Gail Sidonie Sobat - Writer in Residence Programme 12 - 22 Nov K2 Fieldtrip 9:30-11:30 Board of Directors Community Meeting 19:0020:30, Black Box (B10)


Autumn APAC Performing Arts Festivals 13 - 17 Nov Choir (Hong Kong) and Orchestra (Taejon, Korea)


UNIS Invitational Swim Meet 14 - 17 Nov


Grades 3-5 Athletics Morning 8:30-11:00


Alumni Reunion in London 18:00-20:00

Please note: there will be no ASAs or UMA lessons next week

ASA & UMA Session 2 Begin THIMUN 18-23 Nov, Singapore Digital Footprints Parent Info Session, 8:30-10:00, Library


MS Sports Season 2 Starts - Soccer 15:40-17:30 Board of Directors Meeting (Open) 17:30-19:30, Community Room (B7)


Teacher Appreciation Day IB Diploma G10 Parent & Student Info 18:00, Library


ECC Learning Journey 8:10-10:00 HS Swim Meet 13:00-16:00


Phoenix Challenge HS Basketball Tournament 22-23 Nov


NO Saturday Soccer and NO ComEd


HIWC Bazaar

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) New Virtual Tour (p.2) Notes from the Principals (p.3-4)

Magic Music with Richard Gill (p.9) Invitational Swim Meet. Save the date! (p.10) ES Sports Morning. Get Ready! (p.10)

School Bus News (p.3) Grade 10 Parent & Student Diploma Programme Info (p.5) Digital Footprints Info Session (p.6)

Anyone for Tennis? (p.11) Hanoi Run for Children (p.12) ES Walk-a-thon Picture Special (p.14) Sausage Sizzle is back (p.14)

ECC Learning Journey (p.6) More Visitors to UNIS Hanoi (p.6) Technology Info Session (p.7) Are you ready for GREASE? Get your tickets this week! (p.8)

Flu vs. Cold (p.15) UNIS Book Sale (p.16) SCO Funding Available! (p.17) HIWC Bazaar. Get your tickets (p.18 ) Canteen Menu

Just a brief message this week to thank those who came to our Breakfast with the Head of School this morning. A full report of the presentation on accreditation and the follow-up Q & A will be in next Friday’s Tin Tuc. In the meantime, please plan to attend the Board-Community Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday, 12 November in the Black Box. You have already received quite a bit about this meeting already so this is serving as a reminder.

We wish all the best to

Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

All parents, faculty and staff are warmly invited to meet with the Board of Directors  Tuesday 12 November, 7:00-8:30pm  Black Box, Centre for the Arts

Refreshments will be served from 6:30pm with the meeting to start at 7:00pm. There will be some presentations and a chance to ask questions after each presentation and at the end of the meeting. 1. Welcome and introduction of Board members: Board Chair 2. Role of the Board of Directors: Board Chair 3. Board Action Plans for the School year and Board Generative Work: Chairs of Standing Committees (3) and Task Forces (2) and Board Chair 4. Financial update and introduction of draft Budget for 2014-15: Board Treasurer 5. Any other questions/comments: To help facilitate a good discussion at this meeting, we appreciate questions sent in advance to boardofdirectors@unishanoi.org. We look forward to meeting with you. Sarah Garner, Board Chair Note: This invitation is posted here on the portal.

who left UNIS Hanoi this week.

Today we have launched a new virtual tour of UNIS Hanoi to help prospective families and faculty get to know our school from afar. But it is also a lot of fun if you are here in Hanoi too with 360 degree photos linked to tour the campus! Explore and enjoy and share the link (http:// virtualtour.unishanoi.org/) with your family and friends for them to see where your child(ren) go to school every day! You can find it from the front page, quicklinks, admissions or CLICK HERE! And although it is designed for multi-platform and browser use, you will have the best results with Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

With early morning starts and relatively late afternoon finishes for many of our children in ES, especially those who may travel some distance by bus, the lunch recess provides a vital opportunity for some down time for our young learners. We are very keen for all the Grade 1- 5 students to self-manage and develop their independence when using the canteen. This provides a great opportunity to reinforce the key areas of our PSEL programme which we have introduced this year (self-awareness, selfmanagement, social-awareness, responsible decision – making and relationship skills.) It is for this reason that we are asking parents and nannies to give children the space and time they need to follow the agreements and protocols that we have established in the canteen without adult intervention from home. We have teachers on duty daily who are there to supervise and encourage healthy choices, good manners in terms of showing courtesy and respect to the canteen staff as well as to each other and to ensure they eat as much as they can of the food that they have – either from home or the canteen. In this way we are keen to have the children consider issues of waste as well as health and hygiene. Sitting together with their friends at the tables in the canteen, the children are able to engage in social communication that is different to other conversation opportunities they may have during the rest of the day. It is a social event with their peers which is altered and compromised when an adult from home is

there. We ask therefore that parents continue to respect that lunchtime in the canteen is for the children and is part of their school day where we are reinforcing aspects of the programme in a different setting. We hope that we can help you find other ways to get involved in school in support of your child. From being a class parent to accompanying the students on trips to helping with specific learning activities under the direction of the teacher, there are several other opportunities available when we welcome parent assistance during the school day. The parent-school partnership is of utmost importance to us and we continue to want to have you involved in ways that best benefit the school and the students. In terms of the canteen and lunch itself, we are also in the process of involving the students in giving feedback. Student Council representatives gathered information from their classmates regarding what they like about the canteen and suggestions for improvement. These are being collated at the moment and then some councillors will be invited to represent the student voice at a meeting with a representative from J&J to share their thoughts and ideas. A representative group of ECC teachers has already met with J&J and there have been some changes to the menu as a direct result of these conversations. We are looking forward to engaging in similar conversations between the G1-5 staff and students and the canteen in the very near future. Warm regards, Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Dear parents, If your family intends to leave UNIS Hanoi at the end of the first semester, please notify the Admissions office via email of your child’s last day of attendance. School will close for the Winter Break on Friday 13 December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 17 January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.

There will be No ASAs from November 12-15, therefore there will be NO LATE BUS. Students will go home immediately after school finishes. Kind regards, Lai Chu Xuan, Transport Coordinator TransportCoord@unishanoi.org

Dear MSHS Families, The entire MSHS faculty would like to thank all parents who attended 3 – Way Conferences on Monday and Tuesday of this past week. There was a positive energy present on campus and many parents reported that they were very pleased with the information provided by teachers as well as the signup process. At UNIS Hanoi we listen to our community and try our best to address concerns regarding our programme. Last year many parents reported difficulties and were extremely frustrated trying to sign up for Conferences using ISIS Family. As a result our Director of Technology Ed Gilbreath and his team worked hard to streamline the process. I am happy to report that this year’s sign-ups went extremely well and we only had four parents report difficulties. Of those two had compatibility issues, one had to install appropriate software, and one could not find the link. Kudos to Ed and his team! Last year several parents also reported difficulty understanding the MYP Progress Report used in Grades 610. MYP Coordinator Sibylle Harth worked wonders and revamped the Progress Report so that it is easier for parents to track their child’s learning. Thank you Ms. Harth! I am pleased to announce that Ms. Luanne Bellafiore has been contracted to teach MS Science beginning on Nov. 4. Ms. Belafiore will teach two sections of MS Science. She comes to UNIS Hanoi with many years of successful classroom teaching and is very excited about the opportunity to work with our MS students. Due to an uptick in enrollment to start the school year Mr. Vermeire and Mr. Haug each taught an extra Science class during for the first quarter. Thank you to Mr. Vermiere and Mr. Haug for guiding our students so wonderfully!

In closing please continue to support your children as we look ahead to the end of the first semester. It is clear that students reach higher levels of academic and personal success when they are supported by a partnership between parents and the school. We hope that you, as parents, feel welcome to join in the educational process in what is in the best interest of your children. Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

Please note that this is not an opportunity to discuss individual course selections. The timeline for individual student consultations and questions is below. The International Baccalaureate's (IB) Diploma Programme is a challenging twoyear pre-university course, which leads to a qualification that is widely recognised by the world's leading universities. Preparation for the DP programme and course selection is about to commence for our current Grade 10 students. On Wednesday 20 November we would like to invite parents and students in Grade 10 to attend an Introduction to the Diploma Programme at UNIS. The presentation will commence in the Library at 6.00pm. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a basic overview of the Diploma Programme; to provide further insight into the subjects that are being offered; and to outline the requirements for passing the Diploma in Grade 12. Seran Choi and Ms Hoa will be at the presentation to provide translation into Korean and Vietnamese.

Grade 10 students will commence their IB Diploma orientation and course selection process on 19th November. The table below shows the information sessions for grade 10 students for each of the subject groups 1-6. In addition to these sessions, students will also be engaged in the grade


November 20 Introduction to the Diploma Programme in the UNIS Library, at 6.00pm, for parents and students November 20-December 14  Individual parent and student sessions with DP Coordinator and HS Counselors (please email to make bookings)  Grade 10 Advisory and X Block sessions for introduction to Group’s 1-6 (students only)  Grade 10 Advisory sessions on Naviance (students only)  Teacher Recommendations to students for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 5 (emailed to students) January 7-11 Formal sign up’s for Grade 10 students

10 advisory programme that is designed to assist students throughout this process. Students will also be meeting with subject teachers and discussing teacher recommendations for the courses as well as possible options for their study during the next two years at UNIS Hanoi.

Facilitator Responsible


Introduction to the IB Diploma Programme Group 1: Lang and Lit/Lit Group 2: Language Acquisition

DP Coordinator Ms Emma Collins HS Counselors Ms Candy Crouch and Ms Tanya Arnold

Tuesday 19 November X Block – 12.35-1.15

Head of Department Language A

Ms Chris Mills

Head of Department Language B

Ms Maite Montero

Monday 18 November Advisory

Parent and Students Information Night

DP Coordinator Ms Emma Collins

Group 3: Individuals and Societies Group 6: The Arts Group 5: Mathematics & Computer Science Group 4: Experimental Science

Wednesday 20 November

Head of Department

Ms Kelsey Giroux

Head of Department

Mr Brendan McGibbon

Head of Department Mr Ben Moyale Head of Department Ms Rebecca Bechard

Friday 22 November X Block 12.35-1.15

Tuesday 26 November X Block 12.35-1.15

18 November, 8:30-10:00 am, Library Projector Room Many parents have heard the term “digital footprint”, usually in a negative or fearful connotation. The purpose of this session is to discuss how UNIS Hanoi is promoting and helping students to think about their own digital footprints. We will also look at how parents can help their child to manage a positive online identity. Topics in this session include:  Social media use - when is it appropriate to use?  Public vs. personal vs. private information  Sharing options/visibility  Screen names and avatars Kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to mmatias@unishanoi.org

The faculty will have orientation sessions to prepare us for the schoolwide self-study that we will be carrying out over the next 10 months. These will be run by a visiting consultant, Mr Ray Davis, the Associate Director of School Support and Evaluation Services for the Council of International Schools. CIS and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) are the accrediting agencies that will be conducting the school’s 5-year review, together with the IB. On the same day, we will also run workshops on the IB standards and practices against which our curriculum programmes will be evaluated. These periodic selfevaluations, coming as they do with external feedback from experts, help us to maintain our quality and deepen our understanding of what it means to be an excellent international school.

A writing residency from the Canadian author Gail Sidonie Sobat (http://www.gailsidoniesobat.com/). Gail will work with students from Grade 3 - 12, provide professional development and coaching for teachers and be a visiting author in the library. Parents will have an opportunity to meet Gail while she is here – more in the next Tin Tuc!

Amazing Science from Philip Rose, a presenter who enthuses and intrigues students with hands-on, active demonstrations and experiments. Philip Rose’s website, http://www.scitech.co.uk/, describes some of his presentations and shows children making ice cream, investigating the effects of liquid nitrogen and so on. At the moment he is working with our staff to plan presentations that support our curriculum.

How to use Google Search effectively When we talk about ‘Remembering’ in a modern, digital society, one of the most useful skills is to take advantage of search engines to aid our own memories. Since Google is the dominant search platform, we spend time with students at various age levels to help them learn to search quickly and efficiently. This includes: Thank you to all those who attended our first parent tech session of the year! Here’s a recap of last week’s session: We began the session with three goals: to explore the value added of using technology in the classroom, build on our home-school partnership, and do some hands-on, practical stuff.

  

What Google counts: word order, articles What Google ignores: capitalization, punctuation

Positive Limiting: adding words to a search string to focus the results

Negative Limiting: adding a minus word (eg: ‘-red’) to eliminate a term from search results

Quotes and Exact Phrases: using “” to force a search for a particular chain of words Next, we introduced an educational framework in order to better understand the different ways that technology can be used to enhance and transform learning. This framework is known as Bloom’s Taxonomy, and we talked about both the original framework from the 1950s as well as its updated version:

Particular Websites: how to include a ‘sites:www.somesite.com’ to limit to one website Using Diigo to bookmark and share favorite sites Diigo is a fantastic and free web- based tool that is helping our students organize, annotate and share information that are found on the web. Any student who creates an create an account can build their personal library of resources and have the ability to share these resources to anyone. We created a general parent account that is open to parents - let us know if you would like to give it a go and we’ll send you the password! Sign in to http://diigo.com Username = unisparents Password = **** Diigo Parent Group: https://groups.diigo.com/group/unisparents

In both versions of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the point is not that higher order thinking skills are more important that lower order, but rather that teaching and learning require all of them. Using the Bloom's Taxonomy framework we then shared, discussed and learned about some of the knowledge and skills that students are learning in school.

The participants also found time to learn some useful strategies. Try the following!

Wrapping it Up At the end of the session, the parents did some thinking (possibly inspired by our Bloom’s Taxonomy discussion!) and came up with few ideas on how to build home-school partnership:  Create a parent forum in our future Tech Connect online community site. This is where parents can post questions, initiate discussions, and learn tips and tricks related to technology.  Revisit some of the knowledge and skills that your child has learned in school. For instance, ask your child about how blogging works, or what an effective comment looks like. Want to learn how to create your own video? Ask your child to teach you how!

“Grease” is a Broadway musical drama set in the early 1960’s at Rydell High School. It is the first day of the school year and the new good girl, Sandy Dumbrowski arrives at her new high school and is befriended by the Pink ladies. Sandy describes to the Pink Ladies how she and Danny Zuko, leader of the Burger Palace boys (a group of black jacket greasers) had a brief romance the summer before but the romance had to end as they both went to different schools. The Pink Ladies realize that Sandy and Danny now go to the same school and they set up a surprise meeting between Danny and Sandy. When Sandy and Danny see each other for the first time, they are both mutually happy to be reunited. However, due to Danny’s social image around his friends, Danny acts differently and pretends like he does not care about Sandy who becomes heartbroken. Will Danny be able to win Sandy’s love back or will he conform to the expectations of his companions? Find out in this year’s student-led musical, “Grease” on Friday, November 29 & Saturday, November 30 at 7pm in the UNIS Hanoi Theatre. Tickets will be on sale starting next Tuesday, November 12 in front of the canteen during HS lunch time from 1:15 to 2:05 pm and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30P.M. Tickets will be sold at 100 000 VND! Buy your tickets as soon as possible to get the best seats!

This week’s Visiting Artist Mr Richard Gill has touched lives across our UNIS Hanoi Community in his work with discussing, practicing, extracting, challenging and extending us on

creativity in education.

Amongst his work with all students in Grades 1 – 5, he has encouraged thought provoking discussions with the whole D – 12 Arts Department, the UMA Instrumental Staff Team of 30 Instrumental Teachers and an excellent Parent session for the whole Parent community with great Parent involvement and discussion. He has spent time rehearsing the UNIS Hanoi Concert Band, APAC Orchestra and Singers United as well as Grade Level Choral sessions in the theatre for Grades 1–5. In addition to this he has met Vietnamese Symphonic Conductors and performers, facilitated by the Australian Ambassador in Hanoi. Some Parent feedback from Richard’s visit…… “I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the talk from Richard Gill last night. It was fascinating and I was particularly interested to hear how much of an impact a good musical education can have on a child……. Mr Gill has left a lasting impression on my child…… …..My children love Richard Gill ”….. As Mr Richard says, UNIS Hanoi is a special and unique place where the Elementary Students have creative play in

the school yard and caring and dedicated Teachers. He says it is obvious in their learning and creativity in the music room. Richard’s visit culminated in the ES Assembly on Friday, with active student involvement in singing and performing on stage. He has had a wonderful time, and I think he’ll be back. Many thanks for the support and encouragement from Parents, Teachers and Administration in my yearlong preparations to facilitate Richard’s visit for the only four days he has been available in his conducting touring calendar of 2013. Sally Oxenberry, ES Music soxenberry@unishanoi.org

UNIS Hanoi swim team is proud to host the 8th Invitational Swim Meet next week. Team of 90 swimmers from Grades 4-12 will be presenting UNIS Hanoi during two days swimming event. The guest teams are:       

The International School Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC); American International School of Guangzhou (AISG); Concordia International School – Hanoi (CISH); St. Paul American School (Hanoi); QSI Shekou(China); International School Eastern Seaboard (ISE); Hanoi Japanese Swimming Club (Hanoi).

Programme, times, records and other information about the meet is available on Aquatics Page. Many thanks to the coaches –Andy Myers (Head Coach), Brian Healy (MS), Catherine Cenere (ES, MS and HS) and Cora Stainton (MS) for preparing our students for the meet and to Director of Activities Dirk Kraetzer and the Activities Office for help with organizing the event. Special thank you to all UNIS Hanoi families who offered their homes for guest swimmers, as well to parents and UNIS Hanoi HS Swim For Life Service students who already offered help with the meet. All families and friends are kindly invited to come and cheer up for UNIS Hanoi team! The times for the meet are on Friday from 13:00-17:30 (warm starts at 12:00), on Saturday from 9:00-12:30 (warm starts at 7:45) and from 13:00- 17:30. Eleonora Jaranova, Aquatics Coordinator and Coach of HS team ejaranova@unishanoi.org

Calling on all UNIS Hanoi tennis players!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013 This isn’t the US Open. It’s not Wimbledon. It’s better than that!! And if you’re a tennis player, you don’t want to miss out!! The UNIS Hanoi Tennis Courts will be full of tennis enthusiasts on Sunday, December 1 as players from the UNIS Hanoi community gather to remember a former staff member, Mr. Peter Goverde. Four years ago the inaugural tournament was held, as UNIS Hanoi recognized and remembered Peter, a truly special PE teacher who passed away in the late summer of 2009. Peter brought the passion of tennis to the students of UNIS Hanoi and loved to play the game of tennis with everyone and anyone! He is missed by those who had the pleasure of knowing him and this event is held in his memory. The 2013 Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament will be divided into 2 portions:  Morning Session (08:00–12:00) for students  Afternoon Session (13:00–17:00) for adults

All play will be doubles (with mixed doubles being the aim). UNIS Hanoi community members are encouraged to come out to enjoy a fun day of tennis. There will be refreshments and food available for purchase from 09:00 to 15:00. If there are heavy rains on Sunday morning, the tournament will be re-scheduled.

The plan is for all play to be in a mixed-doubles format. Students will play in 3 separate divisions: Elementary School (Grades 4-5) Middle School (Grades 6-8) High School (Grades 9-12) Adults will also play with a variety of different players throughout the afternoon in mixed doubles. Registration for the tournament is on the UNIS Hanoi Portal under Community – Tennis Tournament Registration. You can register by going to – http:// portal.unishanoi.org/Activities%20Office/SitePages/ PETER%20GOVERDE%20Memorial%20Tennis% 20Tournament.aspx A limited number of places will be available in each of the divisions. Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. A waiting list will be established and if openings do become available and we will contact those who are next in line. Closing date for registration is end of the day on Monday, November 18. This tournament is organized specifically for the UNIS Hanoi community, so registration will be limited to UNIS Hanoi students, parents and faculty/staff. We look forward to your participation and an enjoyable day of tennis! That’s what Peter would have wanted! Regards, UNIS Hanoi Activities

Dear Parents Are you interested in being part of a UNIS Hanoi Team for this event? If so, please indicate your interest by signing up on this Google Doc (see link below). So Yeon Jeong; Min Jeong Kang; Kate Tang; Nhi Nguyen

For more information on the Blue Dragon Charity please go to http://www.bluedragon.org/

Your UNIS Hanoi Sausage Sizzle is now serving our WORLD FAMOUS products behind the B4 Sports Centre Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda, popcorn and sausages will be available Saturday from 9:00 to 11:30

COLD vs. FLU - School Health Centre       

Fever* or feeling feverish/chills Cough Sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Muscle or body aches Headaches Fatigue (tiredness)

Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. * It's important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.

Flu Complications

What is the difference between a cold and the flu? The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two types of illnesses have similar flu-like symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more common and intense. Colds are usually milder than the flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations.

How can you tell the difference between a cold and the flu? Because colds and flu share many symptoms, it can be difficult (or even impossible) to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. Special tests that usually must be done within the first few days of illness can be carried out, when needed to tell if a person has the flu.

Influenza Symptoms Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:

Most people who get influenza will recover in a few days to less than two weeks, but some people will develop complications (such as pneumonia) as a result of the flu, some of which can be life-threatening and result in death. Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus and ear infections are examples of complications from flu. The flu can make chronic health problems worse. For example, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks while they have the flu.

Fight the flu: 1. Take time to get the Flu Vaccine – if you missed out last week –please make an appointment at SOS or FMP 2. Take everyday preventative actions to stop the spread of germs  Avoid close contact with sick people.  If you are sick with flu like symptoms, stay at home for at least 24 hrs after your fever has gone without the use of fever reducing medication.  Cover your nose or mouth with a tissue – do not cough into your hand.  Wash your hands regularly with soapand water or a sanitising gel.  If concerned about yourself or your child, please go to see a Doctor. School Health Centre

 Because books are wonderful and we all enjoy getting

new books to touch, feel and, of course, read! Collection has now started for the 2013 UNIS SCO Book Sale: send your pre-loved books to school now! Details are below, and on your class blog.

 It’s exciting to be able to find pre-loved books in our

We are also now looking for volunteers to help on the days. It’s a really rewarding, fun event to help at, and you are supporting a good cause, so please sign up to help! It’s easy to do so, just complete this Google form: CLICK HERE

 It’s empowering for children to be able to choose and

 We’d like BOOKS:  any age group  any language

PLEASE just ensure they are sellable! (No scribbled –in workbooks; no magazines, no out-of-date travel guides, no DVDs, CDs or toys, please!)

NOTE: On the inside cover of books, please write in pencil, in English, the LANGUAGE the book is written in (if not English) (This is to assist us sort the books appropriately)  Collection baskets will be in your child’s

homeroom classroom (grades D-8). Collection locations for HS students are: Outside the library; Canteen; HS Common Room; MSHS Office  There will be prizes for the ECC, ES and MS class that

collects the most books.

native (or other!) language at an affordable price (all books will be sold at between 5,000 and 40,000VND). buy their own books (and affordable for parents to give them this freedom)  The sale also raises money for a good cause!

For the first time, this year, ALL profits from the sale will be donated to the Charity Room to Read (see: http:// www.roomtoread.org/ ). Your donated books will therefore give twice: they will be enjoyed by a new family; AND money raised from their sale will be used to help buy books for children in Vietnam who do not have access to a library. Thank you to Saigon Van for kindly donating the collection boxes for the UNSI Hanoi SCO Book Sale! Further details about the sale will be circulated nearer sale day. In the interim, please contact Peppi Wilson & Lori Fairbairn with questions: Scobooksale@gmail.com . Volunteer Sign up form: https://docs.google.com/a/ unishanoi.org/forms/ d/1iLh4XtoGdrVhBMdDp93EmNtK4Ryl0xJyZII7EgRPC O8/viewform?edit_requested=true

Each year, our community raises funds, through the SCO, in course of implementing activities, the main activity being the organization and administration of the Spring Fair. Some of those funds are available each year to carry out project ideas from members of the community. The funding process is designed to be fair, transparent, and community-based (Please note, these funds are separate from those raised at the 25th Birthday Ball Fundraiser).

     

throw cushions for the Library big drum and gong for the Centre for the Arts badge making machine cameras for the ECC bedding/supplies for an Orphanage production funding for the Operation Smile Charity concert  and many more!

Applications for funding may NOW BE SUBMITTED for consideration until Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 17.00pm.

Any member of the UNIS Hanoi community; including teaching staff, administration, faculty, students of all ages, student groups and parents. The kinds of projects that may be funded are:  extra equipment/furniture outside the UNIS Hanoi Administration budget, fees, wages or expenses for a teaching specialist  entertainer/workshop provider  Publications  and/or production costs. Examples of projects that have been funded in the past are  compost bins for the school garden  outdoor seating, decorations for the Library

For specific instructions about the application process, please read the Project Funding Application Information. All applications must be submitted using the Application Form and the Budget Form available under SCO Project Funding on the UNIS Hanoi website. Questions about the process or the forms should be directed to the SCO Treasurer, Petra Eichler at sco@unishanoi.org Pippa Wood, Renea Freeman, Petra Eichler SCO Funding Committee

The HIWC Coordinator’s Team is excited to announce that the 22nd Annual Charity Bazaar is right around the corner! We are proud to share with you that we will have 42 Countries and Communities participating in the event, bringing with them an authentic taste of their culture and traditional foods. In addition to this, we have 38 Charity Organizations, as well as 30 Commercial Businesses providing an opportunity to support great causes and get an early start on holiday shopping! Bring the whole family, kids and all, and enjoy the Kid’s Corner section of the Bazaar and the non-stop live entertainment on our main stage. We have a great line up of games, activities, bands, fashion shows and dance performances. There is truly something for everyone! The event will be held at UNIS Hanoi, Ciputra on Sunday

November, 24 from 10:00am-3:30pm. Come join us at Hanoi’s largest charity event, and help us raise fund to support underprivileged women and children in and around Hanoi. Interested in doing more than just attending this year’s Bazaar? We are still in need of volunteers for the day of the event. We will need help with set up, ticket sales, kid’s corner activities and much more. Please contact Tania Cattanach at Bazaarvolunteers@hanoi-iwc.com for more information on how to join the team! For any other questions please contact Brooke Badon at Bazaarcoordinator@hanoiiwc.com, and be sure to check out our Facebook Page by searching “Hanoi IWC Bazaar 2013”. Thanks and hope to see you at this year’s event!

Ticket prices and sales locations are as follows: Adult (Pre-sale) 120.000VND Child (3-12yrs) 50.000VND Children under 3yrs enter free Jafa – G2-G3 Ciputra Jaspas – 49 Hai Ba Trung Kitchen – 30 To Ngoc Van Oasis – 24 Xuan Dieu Pure Heaven – 55 Xuan Dieu

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