tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 20, Edition 14, Friday 22 November
ES Book Week 25-29 Nov Grade 4 Exhibition Week Board of Directors Generative Meeting, 17:30-19:30, B7
K2 Field Trip 9:30-12:00 SCO All Parent Meeting, 8:30-9:30, Community Room Grade 4 Performance for Parents 18:00-19:30, Theatre
SCO Book Fair 29-30 Nov MSHS Transition Workshop with Parents 8:30-10:00, Library Grades 3-5 Winter Party 16:00-17:30, Black Box Grease - HS Musical 29-30 Nov, 19:00-21:00, Theatre
Saturday Soccer and Community Education Session One Ends
Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament
Freedom from Chemical Dependency Visit, 2-6 Dec
Class Parents Board Orientation Session, 17:30-19:00 Community Room
Grade 2 Field Trip 10:30-14:00
SMP 2015-2020 Planning Taskforce Meeting, 7:00-8:30, Conference Room
Freedom from Chemical Dependency Parent Evening 18:00-19:30, Theatre
Patana Swim Meet, Bangkok - Thailand 6-8 Dec ES Snack Sale Morning 8:30-11:00
SAT Tesing (Grades 11-12)
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) ECC Learning Journey (p.2-3) “A Slice of Ice” (p.4)
Freedom from Chemical Dependency - Visitor in December (p.9) Alumni News (p.9) Are you ready for GREASE? Get your tickets NOW! (p.10)
Is your Family leaving Hanoi soon? (p.5) Transition workshop for all parents (p.5) ES Maths Coffee Morning (p.6)
Congratulations! (p.10) HS Basketball Tournament (p.11) Invitational Swim Meet (p.12) APAC Orchestra. (p.13)
A Week for ES Book Lovers in detailed (p.6) Last week to UNIS Book Fair. Who is in the lead? (p.7) Grades 3-5 Winter Party (p.8)
Double check, Don’t Double up (p.13) SCO All Parent Meeting (p.14) SCO Boutique New Item. Check it out (p.14) HIWC Bazaar. Get your tickets (p.14 ) Canteen Menu
We look forward to the HIWC Bazaar on our campus this coming Sunday. The partnership between HIWC and UNIS Hanoi has been a strong and enduring one for many years. The excellent service work that is generated by the HIWC and which is supported by proceeds from this Bazaar fit right into our mission, vision, values and beliefs. So while it is somewhat inconvenient for us to have to work around this massive event with our normally full activities schedule this weekend, it is a wonderful connection and we are pleased to be able to support them in this way. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Also, we have finalized the school calendar for 2014-2015 and have attached the link here. As in past years, there are many items to consider but we work to provide the best calendar we can for students while staying within the parameters of the Board of Directors as stated in the School Policy Document: “The School year calendar provides a sufficient number of instructional days to support the delivery of the Curriculum, and contains no less than 175 days and no more than 180 days.” There are so many issues to consider when making a calendar including external commitments such as exam schedules and activities events, Vietnamese holidays, and adequate breaks for everyone every 8-9 weeks. We realize that everyone has their priorities when it comes to travel and holidays, but we do strongly urge all parents to plan their vacations and trips around this calendar. This is one reason why we give it out so early. Thank you in advance for helping us to facilitate your child’s learning making sure they are in school when school is in session. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
Dear Parents,
ECC Learning Journey Thursday saw our annual Learning Journey event in the ECC. Despite the slightly grey and damp morning, there was a large turn-out of parents who came to spend time with their own child guiding them around typical learning activities set up to demonstrate the ’how’ and the ‘what’ of the ECC curriculum. The Learning Journey is an opportunity to celebrate learning and share understanding as well as to demonstrate newly learned skills in a range of areas. The children did a marvelous job this morning and the parents certainly seemed to be relishing the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of their children. Warm regards, Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org
“A SLICE OF ICE!” ICE Block Celebrations with Parents As parents with students in Grades 2- 5 will know from the Back to School Information Nights in August and from the Grade Level Guides, the visual and performing arts are being taught in what we have named the ICE Block this academic year. The letters I, C and E stand for Innovation, Creativity and Expression and this describes the scheduled time within the timetable when the children in Grades 2-5 have been learning a variety of arts in blocks of eight weeks. Tuesday 26 November sees the first of our parent evenings for the parents of students in Grade 4. The students have finished one block and are well into their second, each class having thereby experienced part of the ICE Block programme with half a year still to go to experience the rest.
Learning Journey and the Grade 1 evenings which have taken a similar format in recent years. The evenings will be the time to exhibit art work as well and will be instead of the former ES Art Shows. Each grade level will exhibit their work at the same time as the performance element. K1 and K2 will continue to produce a ‘show’ and Discovery will also have a performance for parents towards the end of the year. However, for our older ES students we believe this new ICE Block celebration is more fitting as a way to showcase the process as well as the product from the arts programme at UNIS Hanoi. We hope you will enjoy the evenings ahead and we look forward to your feedback as you attend the various grade level events. Grade 4: “A Slice of ICE” – Tuesday 26 November (18.00) Grade 3: “A Slice of ICE” – Tuesday 10 December (18.00) Grade 1: Exhibition and Performance for Parents – Thursday 23 January (18.00) K2: Exhibition and Performance for Parents – Thursday 27 February (09.00) G5: PYP EXHIBITION – Thursday 24 April (18.00) G2: “A Slice of ICE” – Thursday 8 May (18.00) Discovery: Exhibition and Performance for Parents Thursday 15 May (09.00) K1: Exhibition and Performance for Parents – Wednesday 21 May (09.30)
With the return to work of Ms Alexis Ramsey after her maternity leave, we said goodbye and thank you this week to Mr Grant Chamberlain who has been teaching music in K1, K2, G1 and G3 since before the summer break. Mr Grant has done a great job for us in the classroom as well as through the cocurricular programme. We will miss his contributions greatly and are very glad that he is still going to continue with the Beginners’ Band. I am sure he will be in to ‘sub’ for us too and we just wanted to take this opportunity to thank him publicly.
At this point in time we have scheduled an evening for the students to share their learning and to showcase some of their visual and performing arts outcomes to date. Each class will explain and demonstrate the aspects of the arts that they have encountered so far. Parents will see what their children have already been learning and what lies ahead for the rest of the year. The evening will comprise music, drama, media arts, visual arts and expressive writing. The children will present the various elements to their own parents (writing and art) and to the whole audience (drama, video and music). This type of evening will take the place of the more traditional Performing Arts Celebration (PAC) for these Grade Levels (2-5) and will build on the idea of the ECC
Warm regards Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org
Please notify the Admissions office of your intended withdrawal date. School will close for the winter break on Friday 13th December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 17th January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.
If you will be leaving UNIS and Hanoi soon, please come and join us!
Friday, November 29, 8:30-10:00am in The Library Projection Room Come join us and learn about:
The Stages of Transition
Tips to Help Children Through Transition
Suggestions for Adapting to Your New Location
The UNIS Hanoi Counseling Department D-12
There will be an Elementary School Mathematics Coffee Morning on Thursday, December 5 for the first lesson of the day (8:20-9:00). Parents, come, enjoy some coffee, and “be a fly on our wall.” Please RSVP to your student’s teacher if you are able to attend. Beth Murray, emurray@unishanoi.org
NO TV CHALLENGE: Can you go a week without TV? Challenge your class to give up TV and/or devices for a week and read instead! All Week activities and displays
READING CHALLENGE: How many books can you read in a week? Start your day with a story every day in the library or ECC from 7:55- 8:10 Banned Books (library). Mystery Reader Faculty. (library).
Story Telling in the Library
Which Came First the Book or Movie? (CfA)
Sometime during the day Curl up and Read: with a book, in your Pyjamas with your favourite Reading Buddy Cuddle Toy.
Share a poem during the day with people you come across (in class, in the hall, etc).
Read with a friend.
9:45-10:10 Dutch
9:45-10:10 Dutch
9:45-10:10 Dutch
9:45-10:10 Tagalog
11:35-11:55 French
11:35-11:55 Spanish
11:35-11:55 German
12:00-12:25 Portuguese
12:00-12:25 Chinese
13:50-14:10 German
13:50-14:10 Vietnamese
during period 8, Tumblebook, teacher reads, SSR (silent, sustained reading): Class choice.
Dress up as your favourite book character - no toy weapons please.
Only one week to go until the UNIS SCO Book sale! Have you sent in YOUR books? With only days to go, competition is HOT for the class prizes. Children in the winning ECC class can choose one of the new books featured in the picure below. ES winners can choose from dozens of brand new award winning or visiting author books! And the winning middle school class can win either a new book or ice cream! LAST ACCEPTED DONATIONS, TUESDAY, 26 NOVEMBER.
Remember: On the inside cover of books, please write in pencil, in English, the LANGUAGE the book is written in (if not English).
Get rid of you old dusty novels –and build a library! Bring 20+ books to the UNIS library for donation and get a prize!! Please show Ms Joyce or Ms Huong your loot in order to receive the fabulous mystery prizes!! Monday and Tuesday mornings ONLY!!
In the lead we have...
ECC: K2CA - 143 books ES: 5MS - 453 books MS: 6JT - 123 books
Your child(ren) will visit the SCO Annual Used Book Sale on Friday 29 November. ECC/ES will visit with their class; MS/HS at lunch.
Please: 1. Send your child(ren) with small change to buy books – eg 10,000 and 20,000VND notes. (All books will be 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 or 40,000VND) 2. Come buy books yourself. Find us outside the front of the canteen: Buy adults’ books any time; Buy children’s books after 2.45pm Friday or any time Saturday (8.30am-12.45pm). Thanks to everyone who has sent in books and all who’ve signed up to sort and sell – we’re looking forward to a great sale! Check the Book Sale thermometer in front of the Canteen for the most up-to-date number of total books collected. Thanks to everyone who has sent in books and all who’ve signed up to sort and sell – we’re looking forward to a great sale!
Questions? Contact Peppi Wilson/Lori Fairbairn at: Scobooksale@gmail.com
Dear Parents and Students,
On Friday November 29th there will be a Winter Party for Grades 3, 4 & 5. There will be pizza, ice- cream and drinks. You will receive a permission slip. Please hand it in to the ES secretary before Wednesday 27 November with your money.
The Party will take place in the Black Box There will be music too! From 4:00-5:30! Cost: 100,000 VND
This message is from Kiana, Brielle, Amber Travis, Xin Hao, Fuka, Joong Gun and Samantha (3rd Grade Student Council)
As part of our student support and health education programmes, we have invited Prevention Specialists from FCD Educational Services to visit our school. FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency) is a non-profit organization that provides alcohol, tobacco, and other drug education to schools and colleges world-wide. FCD Prevention Specialists are not coming here to tell your family what to do. They recognize that every student makes his or her own decisions about alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drug use. FCD Prevention Specialists will present the most up-todate information available on the physiological and psychological effects of various drugs, and provide a forum for discussing social, cultural, and personal issues that relate to the choices people make. One thing that makes FCD unique is that all of the Prevention Specialists have achieved long-term recovery from alcohol or other drug addictions. Most FCD Prevention Specialists began their own drinking and drug use during middle school and high school. They have experienced the pressures, personal issues and social situations teens face with regard to alcohol and other drug use. They also have first-hand knowledge of the destructive aspects of drug use, and how occasional use, in their case, led to addiction.
Last Saturday nearly 50 alumni traveled from everywhere in the UK, flew in from the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark for this year’s Annual Alumni Reunion in London! The reunion was hosted by alumni faculty Andrea Law in the Vietnamese restaurant Cay Tre in London’s trendy SOHO. Among those who attended were many recent graduates as well as students who had studied at UNIS from as early as 1998! There was plenty of catching up and story-telling to keep everyone smiling for several hours! Many stories about times at UNIS were told, in particular fond memories of many teachers. Former faculty Andrea Law said "I heard over and over again how teachers from UNIS had influenced our alumni's choices of career and study. It was quite magical." Our next stop is HANOI – 21 December, then MELBOURNE – 5 January, then BOSTON – 8 February. So please, help us SREAD THE WORD!
FCD believes in educating the whole school community, not just students. FCD educators will be visiting our school for five days and working with students in Grades 5 through 12. There will be educational sessions for teachers and parents as well. The parent information session will take place on Thursday, December 5 from 6:00 to 8:00 in the Community Room in Building 7. If you have any questions or concerns you would like the FCD Specialists to know about prior to their presentation, please send them to your level counselor: escounselorcole@unishanoi.org (Tom Cole - ES) escounselorfleming@unishanoi.org (Andrea Fleming - ES) mscounselor@unishanoi.org (Jason Caruana - MS) hscounselorcrouch@unishanoi.org (Candy Crouch - HS) hscounselorarnold@unishanoi.org (Tanya Arnold - HS) and they will be passed on to the FCD team. For more information on FCD in advance of their visit, please go to their website at: www.fcd.org. We look forward to seeing you at the FCD Parent Workshop. The D-12 Counseling Department
Congratulations to 10th Grader Chihyun Ryu who will be presented with two Awards at the 28th international illustration competition and exhibition held by the Korean Society of Illustration Research in Korea next week. She has won the awards with her parody illustration, ‘Judith and Campbell Soup’ and ‘Self portrait, Upside Down’ which were both created by Chihyun as part of her art classwork with MS Art Teacher Michelle Wise. Chihyun’s work will feature in the exhibition next week in Seoul, Korea and she will attend the Award Ceremony on Saturday with her family.
Judith and Campbell Soup
Local tournament this week The tournament will involve 16 teams from Hanoi, playing in two divisions (Varsity and Junior Varsity). This tournament kicks-off the HS basketball season for UNIS Hanoi teams, who are preparing to attend APAC tournaments in Japan in January and MRISA tournaments in Ho Chi Minh City in February.
This Friday from 4:00-9:00pm and Saturday from 8:30am-9:00pm, UNIS Hanoi will host the 3rd Annual Phoenix Challenge High School Basketball Tournament at the Sports Centre. Please refer to the schedule below to see when your favourite team is
playing. (Home teams are listed first for each game and should wear light-colored uniforms.)
GO PHOENIX!!! UNIS Hanoi Activities
November 22-23, 2013 - UNIS Hanoi Sports Centre
Saturday, November 23 5
08:30 – JV
VD vs. LQD
09:30 – JV
JVGirls4 vs. KL
10:30 – Varsity
LQD vs. VD
11:45 – Varsity
LUNCH BREAK (set lunches served from 11:00-14:30)
14:00 – JV
LQD vs. JVGirls4
15:00 – JV
KL vs. VD
16:00 – Varsity
VD vs. HBT
17:15 – Varsity
Boys JV Final 1st vs. 2nd
18:30 JV Finals
Girls JV Final 1st vs. 2nd
Boys Varsity Final 1st vs. 2nd
19:45 Varsity Finals
Girls Varsity Final 1st vs. 2nd
Awards Ceremony
UNIS Hanoi Invitational Swim Meet - November 15-16 UNIS swim team hosted its 8th Invitational Swim Meet last weekend. The schools attended were:
International School Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC)
American International School of Guangzhou (China)
Concordia International School – Hanoi (Hanoi)
St. Paul American School (Hanoi)
QSI Shekou(China)
International School Eastern Seaboard (Thailand)
Hanoi Japanese Swimming Club (Hanoi).
Both days were fun-filled and competitive, with swimmers, parents and coaches alike all commenting on how much they enjoyed the meet. Results, records and photos are now available on our Aquatics Page. Congratulations to all UNIS Hanoi swimmers for their enthusiasm and great team effort over the weekend,
particularly to the new record holders in individual events – Uyen Trinh (G7), Marielle Wik (G9), Min Jun Kim (G6), Duc Do (G9), Hiep Nguyen (G12) and to the whole team for winning the trophy – “Team Points
Runner Up”. Many thanks to the coaches of the teams – Andy Myers, Cora Stainton, Cat Cenere and Brian Healy for preparing UNIS Hanoi team and to the Activities Office for help with organizing the event. Special thank you to all UNIS Hanoi families who offered their homes for guest swimmers as well as parents and UNIS Hanoi HS Swim For Life Service students for volunteering their time to help with the meet. Ella Jaranova, Aquatics Coordinator and HS coach ejaranova@unishanoi.org
More than ninety HS Students from UNIS Hanoi, TCIS, HKIS, ISB, CA and SAIB participated in APAC Orchestra Festival 2013 from November 14 -17 in TCIS (Daejon Korea). Young strings musicians had been working so hard ( approximately six hours in a day) to bring out the wonderful concert night with high quality music. Please click here to see concert performance. Giang Nguyen, MS Music nthgiang@unishanoi.org
When used as directed, Acetaminophen is safe and effective but there is a limit to how much you can take in one day. Taking more than the directed is an overdose and can lead to liver damage. So, know your dose – always read and follow the label and NEVER take 2 medicines that contain Acetaminophen at the same time. School Health Centre
It’s Cold and Flu season: Remind yourself to, “Double Check, Don’t Double Up”, on Acetaminophen (Panadol, Tylenol, Paracetamol). Beginning now and through winter, The Acetaminophen awareness campaign is kicking off the, Know your dose campaign. “Double Check, Don’t Double Up”. Safety message to urge people to double check their medicine labels so they don’t double upon medicines that contain Acetaminophen. It is the most common drug ingredient found in more than 600 different prescriptions and over the counter medicines including pain relievers, fever medicines, sleep aids as well as cough, cold and allergy medicines. On prescription labels, Acetaminophen is sometimes labeled as Panadol, Paracetamol, Tylenol, APAP, Acetam.
Please join us at our 2nd All Parent School Community Organisation Meeting of the year on Tuesday, November 26 at 8.30am in the Community Room to learn more about how you can take a more active part in the School Community!
We know that many of you have been focusing your energies on contributing to the HIWC Bazaar......save a bit of that energy, and let’s keep the momentum and use it to get us started on planning for the UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair!! If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more about it, but are unable to join us at the meeting, please email Paulina Pineda, our Spring Fair Coordinator at sco@unishanoi.org . In addition, we have a special Guest Speaker at the SCO Meeting Ms Michelle Matias, our Elementary School Information Technology Specialist, who will discuss Parenting in the Digital Age. We will be exploring what parenting means in this day and age and discuss the concerns parents may have about digital use. We will also look at helping families create strategies that will help them live a balanced life in the digital age.
Microfleece vests (grey & blue colors)
Sweat hoodies & pants in various sizes.
Don’t miss out on all the amazing food, games, prizes, entertainment, shopping, culture and FUN! Of course don’t forget that all proceeds raised are donated to fund charity projects for disadvantages women and children in and around Hanoi. You still have 24 hours to buy your ticket pre-sale: JAFA - G2-G3 Ciputra Jaspas - 49 Hai Ba Trung Kitchen - 30 To Ngoc VanOasis - 24 Xuan Dieu Pure Heaven - 55 Xuan Dieu Pre-sale Adult 120.000 VND or 150.000 VND at the gate / Child (3-12yrs) 50.000 VND
Thank you and See you Sunday!