tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Friday, 7 December
Next Week... Saturday,1 December ●
SAT Tesing, Grades 11-12 SCO Book Sale 30 Nov - Front of Canteen Community Education Programme Session 1 Ends Saturday Soccer Tournament (End of Session 1)
Sunday,2 December ●
Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament 8:00 - 18:00, UNIS Hanoi Tennis Court
Tuesday, 4 December ●
Advancement Committee Meeting 08:15 - 09:30, B7 Strategic Management Plan Mid-Term Review Task Force 18:00 - 19:30, B7
Wednesday, 5 December ●
Grades 1-5 Leavers Assembly, 13:50 - 14:25, B10 Grades 6-8 Dance Exhibition, 18:00, B10
Thursday, 6 December ●
Volume 19, Edition 15, Friday 30 November
Breakfast with the Head of School, 08:15, B7 KG Trip to the Museum of Ethnology, 8:30 - 11:30 Grades 3-5 Party
Panata Swim Meet, Bangkok 7 - 9 Dec ES Snack Sale Morning Festive Fundraiser 18:00, B10
Saturday,8 December ●
MSHS Forensics Invitational (Speech & Debate) 8:00 - 18:00, B10
Coming Soon... Monday, 10 December ●
Team Read Week (continues until Dec 14) Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30, B7
Tuesday, 11 December ●
D-K Leavers Assembly, 08:30 - 09:00, ECC Gym Grade 3 PAC for parents, 18:00, Centre for the Arts
Thursday, 13 December ●
ES Reports available on ISIS Family, 15:45 Hercules, High School Student Musical 19:00
Friday, 14 December ●
Hercules, High School Student Musical 19:00
Saturday, 15 December ●
Winter Breaks until January 6th
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Note from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Admissions Office for leaving families (p.2) Important Note from the Board of Directors (p.3)
Festive Fundraiser is just around the corner (p.11) Saussage Sizzle is Back (p.12) All about FLU (p.13)
Notes from the Principals (p.4) Inspirational Visits (p.5) Festive Party in Grades 3-5 (p.6) UNIS Hanoi Dance Exhibition Date Change (p.6)
Snack Sale Reminder(p.14) Spring Fair. Country Table Leaders Search. (p.15) Thank you Note from HIWC (p.16)
THIMUN (p.7) Superman is at UNIS Hanoi (p.8) Our Voice Counts (p.9) 25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.10)
SCO Boutique (p.16) Job Opportunity (p.17) New Energize Schedule(p.18)
UNIS Hanoi Mission Statement Our mission is to encourage students to be independent, lifelong learners who strive for excellence and become responsible stewards of our global society and natural environment, achieved within a supportive community that values diversity and through a programme reflecting the ideals and principles of the United Nations.
Notes from the Head of School I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the HIWC for organizing a wonderful community event last Sunday on our campus. As I have mentioned before, it is indeed a pleasure to support an organization which does so many good things in the greater Hanoi and Vietnamese community. The money they raise, the time and energy they contribute, and the generosity of spirit they promote in so much of what they do is truly commendable. And their service work certainly embodies what our school stands for and strives to achieve with our students each day. We take on the responsibility of hosting this event knowing that it is an imposition on our weekend activities and a heavy burden on our Operations Staff. I would like to recognize Dave Porter and his Operations Team for their excellent support of this event. By Monday morning, one would be hard pressed to believe that a fair of 8,000 people with tents, booths, stages and toilets covered the campus the previous day. We did not miss a beat with Monday morning classes thanks to the efforts of Operations and cooperation of the HIWC team. Congratulations to the HIWC on a wonderful event. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School
Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Avik Grover PreK-HS
Notes from the Admissions Office
IS YOUR FAMILY LEAVING SOON? Please confirm your withdrawal by sending notification to the Admissions office of your child’s last day of attendance. Please email admissions@unishanoi.org for assistance or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217.
Notes from the Board of Directors In last week’s message there were important updates from the Board on the results of the recent audit, the Questions and Answers from November’s Board Community meeting, the outcomes of the governance review and an introduction to the work to define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs. If you missed those messages, please click here to see them again. Sarah Garner, UNIS Hanoi Board Chair
Help us better define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs: the work has begun! Last week I invited you to participate in a new process underway to help better define the School’s Values and Beliefs. In the coming weeks, all parents will receive a personal invitation to join community-based focus groups where you will have an opportunity to help better define the School’s values, based on the existing Vision and Mission statements and what is important to you and your child. These meetings will be independently facilitated by consultants; Rebecca Hales and Cynthia Mann. Faculty, administration, staff, alumni and students will also be contributing to the values and beliefs statements at school. I’m pleased to report to you that the work began this week. With support from ES Assistant Principal Ms. Humpleby and MSHS teacher Mr. Garland, students from the ES and MS Student Councils and HS Senate discussed the values that are important to them. You can see them hard at work in the photos. We thank them for giving their time and participating so well (especially just before their lunch!). Yesterday evening, the first of the parent focus groups was held at the home of Joh Ponsen and Dale Smith. Led by the independent consultants (Rebecca and Cynthia), parents also had an opportunity to consider what values they would like for their own children as they progress through school life. I would like to thank them all for their contributions and to Joh and Dale for graciously providing their home. There will be one more parent focus group before the December holiday: Focus group for Vietnamese parents: Wednesday 12th December 19:00-21:00 at school in the Black Box, Centre for the Arts. Other focus groups will take place in January before the Tet holiday and specific dates will be announced in the Tin Tuc very soon. We will be holding a focus group for Korean parents to attend and 5 other groups will also be scheduled. If you cannot attend on your scheduled date, don’t worry, you can join in any other session. Finally, we will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday 20th February 7pm at school to give everyone in the community an opportunity to feedback on an initial draft of the values and beliefs statements that will be compiled based on input from parents, students and faculty members who participated in the focus groups. The Board believes that everyone who is part of the School community should have the chance to be involved and engaged, because the final values and beliefs statement will belong to all of us. We all look forward to your feedback and inputs to this important process and thank you for your time. Craig Burgess, Chair of the Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force
Notes from the Middle/High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from the MSHS. It is hard to believe that winter break is just around the corner. As such it is a very busy time of year both on and off campus. At UNIS Hanoi activities abound. We have drama productions, sporting events, dance exhibitions, debate competitions, and the list can go on and on! Please encourage your child to participate and enjoy seasonal activities but also have them be mindful of their academic obligations. A healthy balance is the goal! Danish Performance Team During a special all school assembly on Thursday our school community was treated to an impressive display of dance and gymnastics by the Danish National Performance Team. The performance featured beautifully choreographed dance numbers and an impressive tumbling run. The highlight came later in the morning when Physical Education classes had the opportunity to work closely with members of the performance team to develop new skills and routines. Working in close contact with highly skilled performers can serve as a catalyst to reinforce classroom activities and inspire our students to pursue excellence and follow their passions. IB Course Registration Night On Tuesday night we had our grade 10 IB Course Selection Evening. This was very well attended, and the culmination of a number of sessions that we have held with students in order to prepare them for the course selection process. For those who were unable to attend or who would like additional information please contact Mr. Powers, our IB Diploma Coordinator at dpcoordinator@unishanoi.org. Student Led Initiatives Research is clear, academic achievement increases when students are able to take ownership of their learning. This year we are encouraging students to develop more opportunities for student led initiatives. High School students currently have a very active Senate, run our Morning Meeting program, host the majority of our assemblies, run talent shows, administer service learning programs, and are producing the drama Hercules which is set for December 13-14. In the coming weeks a student group will host a TedEx conference focusing on Issues of Youth. Often a student’s first foray into large scale projects can be compared to a rollercoaster ride with many highs and lows but it is important that they are given space and encouragement to follow their passions. It is essential that the entire community support student led initiatives. Please encourage your child to get involved, demonstrate leadership, assume responsibility, take a bit of risk and reach for the stars. As parents please attend student sponsored events whenever possible, you will be amazed! Upcoming events: MSHS Drama Production: Superman. Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. Festive Fund Raiser: Dec. 7 Grade 12 Sleepover Debate Competition: Dec. 8 at UNIS MSHS Student Led Production: Hercules. Dec. 13/14 Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org
Notes from Advancement Office A week of inspirational visits…. Our students had the opportunity to learn from an extraordinary range of talented international artists this week with two visits to UNIS Hanoi. The first from the National Danish Performance Team for all students D-12 and the second for our budding musicians in Middle and High School from British jazz band Empirical. NATIONAL DANISH PERFORMANCE TEAM A breathtaking show kept more than 1000 students from Discovery through to Grade 12 spellbound this week as UNIS Hanoi welcomed this team during their world tour. The top 28 gymnasts in Denmark have been working together since February in preparation for this world tour aimed at inspiring young people for an active lifestyle. They combine dance and gymnastics in synchronized routines which had every student captivated for nearly an hour. The NDPT will perform the full show at Quan Ngua Stadium tomorrow (Saturday) at 3pm and it is highly recommended and FREE. UNIS Hanoi had the exceptional fortune to host them for the morning with both the all-school performance and a series of workshops for 320 fortunate students. The enthusiasm, energy and excitement could be felt throughout the new Sports Centre and covered court, with workshops such as: Rhythmic Challenges, A World of Dance and Acrobatics on offer. The workshops were centered on students past experience, age range and direct authentic curriculum links. Many of the students who participated in the workshops are studying Movement Composition at the moment or in the very near future. Freshly inspired from the performance and workshops, I’m sure the students will relish the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
EMPIRICAL This jazz trio provided a revelation to our Middle and High School students from the band, choir and instrumental programmes with an outreach workshop, this week. Empirical are award winning musicians from Britain who are here to participate in the European Union Music Festival: http://www.empiricalmusic.com/ Thanks to the British Council, our students enjoyed a private performance with these virtuoso musicians and were able to learn a unique insight into the ‘conversations’ of improvised jazz. Joining our students were also visitors from Nguyen Dinh Chieu school for visually impaired children and all students peppered the musicians with questions, hungrily taking the chance to learn from experts.
Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org
Grades 3, 4 & 5 Festive Party We are holding an exciting event for students in Grades 3, 4,and 5
Where:- UNIS Black Box theatre in the Centre for the Arts When:- On Thursday 6th Dec
from 18:00-19:00.
How much:-VND 40,000 The ticket sales will fund drinks and ice lollies for the students. WE WILL NOT BE SERVING PIZZA AT THIS PARTY SO PLEASE EAT BEFORE YOU ARRIVE Any extra money will be donated to charity. Tickets are on sale each recess time from the ES office. Please Note:- Students should not wait at UNIS between 15:20-18:00. Parents/Caregivers will be asked to sign their children IN and OUT of the party
UNIS Hanoi Dance Exhibition In order to better accommodate the myriad of activities that happen throughout the D-12 program, the UNIS Hanoi Dance Exhibition has been moved one day earlier than originally planned - It will now take place on Wednesday December 5 at 6pm. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we hope the slightly later start time will make it possible for more parents to come see what their students do in dance class. We will performance pieces representing Polynesian Fire Dance, Street Dance, New Zealand Haka, and Martial Arts, as well as students from the High School Dance Team. Please note that ALL students enrolled in Dance in Grades 6-8 will be performing. The performance will take place in the Theatre of the UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts – Admission is FREE! Photo (above): The Buffaloes were the winners of the House Haka Competition this September – Come see their demonstration of power on Wednesday 5 Deember!
THIMUN On Monday November 18 a group of sixteen UNIS Hanoi students and their two MUN Directors began their trip to Singapore for the four day Model United Nations conference. The International Hague Conference (THIMUN) topic for this year was “Seas and Oceans� and all topics for the resolutions were related to this. The students were able to see other students from all over the world, gathering for a single cause of trying to resolve world issues. The UNIS Hanoi students were representing Hungary, Malawi and the International Whaling Commission. Every student had prepared weeks in advance for the conference by researching the country they represented and writing their own resolutions for their committee. When writing the resolution the students had to have a good understanding of their topic and know what would be the best solutions to the problem for their country. The conference began on the Tuesday with the MUN students traveling to the Hwa Chong Institution where the conference was held. The conference began with an opening ceremony including speeches from various people sharing their own experience and insight with the UN, a speech from the Secretary General, and a performance from the Hwa Chong Institute. After the ceremony each UNIS Hanoi student, now a delegate of the conference, entered their respective committee and began the lobbying process. Over the following day and a half the delegates had to work and negotiate with other delegates they had never met before. Each delegate had to compromise with other like-minded delegates to create one powerful resolution that would be debated in front of the entire committee. Then came the beginning of debates for the UNIS Hanoi delegates. The anxiety and nervousness of speaking in front of over one hundred people in their committee was soon dissolved by the thrill of being able to speak in front of all the people. With each resolution the delegates had to decide whether or not it represented what their country would want and from there they had to vote in favour or against it. The final day each committee finished their debates and all the General Assemblies came together for the plenary session, debating one resolution from each committee. This was the one time during a debate that everybody representing a country was present. After this the delegates watched a bittersweet closing ceremony which ended the eighth annual THIMUN conference in Singapore. The delegates went onto their plane, flew back to Hanoi, where they became students again. Despite the conference being over, the students can keep in touch with the new people they met in Singapore and cherish the experience.
From left to right: Mr. Edwin van Olst, Na Young Kim, Eun Bee Ko, So Hee Jeong, Viet Tanh, Hai Jo Noh, Duong Nguyen, So Yeon Jeong, Jamie Trees, Mana Muchaku, Cian Hamer, Shefali Satpathy, Elena Zabidi, Sirinada Wongkantee, Kanji Sugimori, Van Do, Seung Hyun Sohn, Ms. Jennifer Prescott.
MSHS Musical
Come to See Our Talented Students This SATURDAY All profits will support the UNIS Hanoi Community Service Activity - Thuy An Village -
Grade 10 Visual Arts Last week the Arts Dept. hosted visiting representatives from La Salle College of the Arts ( Singapore) and University of Arts London. The visitors spoke about arts based study opportunities and a lecturer from the University of Arts London also ran a design based workshop entitled, East meets West that encouraged participants to think in new ways ! Rober Natoli, HS Art Teacher
The Forensics Club ASA News Hello UNIS Hanoi parents and community members! On Saturday, December 8 UNIS Hanoi and the Forensics Club ASA will be hosting a three-school public speaking event with Hanoi Academy and HIS participating. The event will run from 9:00am until about 5:00pm with three different disciplines being showcased: Debate, Impromptu Speech, and Oral Interpretation. The advisors for this event are calling out to parents and community members for help with the judging responsibilities for the early rounds and for the final. The commitment would require your time for about an hour for each event you are willing to judge, with the biggest requirement for judges coming at 3:00pm to 4:30pm for the final rounds. If you are free and would like to support UNIS Hanoi and the students who have been working on this event since August, please contact Phillip Sanchez at psanchez@unishanoi.org for more information. Thank you in advance for any commitment of time you can give us. Sincerely, Phillip Sanchez
Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. The 25th anniversary is an excellent opportunity for UNIS Hanoi to learn about its rich history through contact with our Alumni. I want to get the perspectives and experiences of ex-students, staff, board members and parents. Over the next 12 weeks you will be introduced to them here so keep coming back as we go further back! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student brickard@unishanoi.org
Nationality: Australian
Nationality: Japan
Where are you living now? Melbourne, Australia
Where are you living now? Japan
What are you doing (job/ studying)? Studying as a student What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? 2009-2012 grade 7-9 What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? I remember talking and playing with my friends all the time and also UN day. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? Lunch because I love food! Who was your favourite teacher and why? Mr Trebesch because he helped me with math and tolerated my harry potter obsession (and should read the books). Mr Garland because he was an awesome humanities teacher and he created the scary bug eyed face. How did you get to school every morning? I took a taxi and sometimes the bus. Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? My best friends are Bryony, Gillian, My Linh, Sara and Sidney How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? at the cinema, riding bikes, eating Oreos (or anything in general), and having sleepovers!
What are you doing (job/ studying)? studying at junior highscool What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? 2006~2010 Grade2~Grade6 What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? Meeting friends from all over the world UN Day Grade5 camp! What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? Have confidence in your self and enjoy your life. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? Music It was fun to play the recorder and to sing Art It was fun creating and drawing. P.E I loved gymnastics. I loved every sports. Who was your favourite teacher and why? Ms. Heather (Former Grade5 Teacher) She taught me many things. She also opened up my view. Mr.Pete (P.E Teacher) He was so nice to me. He often praised me for what I am good at and I was able to build up a confidence from that experience. How did you get to school every morning? By sedona bus or car Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? Kiana, Lucca, Borah, Lulu, Hien Mai, Minako, Touko, Anna, Annie, Kaitlin, How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? Chatting, playing sports,Chasing Grass hoppers (With Kiana in Grade2)
Festive Fundraiser Friday 7th December
Sausage Sizzle (LIMITED AMOUNT) 5:00 – 6:00pm MSHS band playing Festive Tunes from 5:30 pm Performances 6:00 – 7:00pm
100,000 vnd per family (donation) IMPORTANT: Students will go home as normal and then return, with their family. We request that families come together as children MUST be supervised at all times. Sausage Sizzle amounts are limited – first come first serve for food but you are welcome to bring some snacks to enjoy while listening to the music! Where? UNIS Plaza (outside the library and canteen entrance) What is it? Musical performances by Elementary School, Middle School and High School students and teachers What is it for? To raise money to support Vietnamese schools and students.
Come along for fabulous performances and sing-a-longs!
Saturday Sausage Sizzle is Back!
Your UNIS Hanoi Sausage Sizzle is now serving our world famous products behind the B-4 Sports Centre Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda, popcorn and sausages will be available
Saturday’s from 9:00 to 11:30
Saturday Soccer Tournament Dear Saturday Soccer Families, This Saturday (December 1st) is the final day of 2012 Fall session for the UNIS Hanoi Saturday Soccer program. Little Phoenix and Phoenix will practice at their regular time 8:15 - 9:30am. There will be a tournament for those in Grade 1 and above. The tournament will be played in 3 sessions, please check the time below:
8:15 -10:30
Grade 1 and Grade 2
10:15 -12:30
Grade 3, Girls Grade 3-4 and Grade 4
12:15 -14:30
Grade 5, MS Boys and MS Girls
Players need to be on the field at least 15 minutes before their tournament starts. Hats and sunscreen are a must, as are shin pads for all players in the tournament. Remember your water bottle! The UNIS Hanoi canteen will be open during the tournament. Ribbons will be distributed to all players at the end of practice/tournament. UNIS Hanoi School Community Organisation Boutique will be open 10:00am-12:30pm in Sports Center. The online registration form for the 2013 Spring session will be sent to all the current players by the second week of December. See you all this Saturday! Saturday Soccer Coordinators
From the Nurses’ Office... SORE THROATS……COUGH…..COLDS….ahhhhhh chooo……….. and the dreaded FLU! Cover up your coughs and sneezes if you don’t you will spread diseases! This week we have seen many students, teachers and parents with symptoms of sore throats, cough, colds and runny nose. Let us try and keep our students in the classroom and not at home by having a look at some health reminders for this time of year when those little germs are out and about. Cold, flu and respiratory illness are caused by different viruses. They have similar flu like symptoms and can be difficult to tell the difference. In general, flu is worse than the common cold and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness and a dry cough are more common and intense. Colds are milder than the flu. People with colds tend to snort, sniffle and sneeze and they don’t result in serious health problems like pneumonia and bacterial infections. Sore Throats: Sore throats make it painful to swallow – and feels dry and scratchy. A sore throat is a frequent symptom of the common cold or other respiratory tract infection. Causes: Most sore throats are caused by viruses, like the ones that cause cold or flu. Other sore throats like Strep throat are caused by bacteria; which will require review by a Doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Other causes: Allergies, dry air, pollution (airborne or chemical) Smoking and exposure to 2nd hand smoke. Contact with other sick people. Not washing your hands, not covering your cough or sneezes. Signs and Symptoms of a viral infection accompanied by a sore throat: Sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, mild headache, mild body aches, runny nose, low grade fever Defined by the CDC as 37.8 C and 100F. REMEMBER: See a Doctor if: Sore throat more than a week. Cover coughs and sneezes –throw your tissue in the trash. Difficulty in swallowing or breathing. Stay away from sick people. Temperature 38 degrees Celsius or 100 F WASH HANDS often with soap and water or alcohol Pus on the back of the throat based hand gel Rash Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Blood in saliva or phlegm Keep surfaces clean –wipe them down with a household Symptoms of dehydration, like – dry sticky mouth, sleepiness, disinfectant according to the label. Decrease urination, muscle weakness, headache, dizziness. Antibiotics should not be used to treat the common cold, If your child has had contact with someone with strep throat or runny noses or most coughs. reoccurring sore throats. If your Dr prescribes an antibiotic for a bacterial You as a parent are not sure and need advice. infection, ensure they take the entire Medicine. (Your Dr. will determine cause and treatment) Consult your Doctor for advice if unsure. How can you help: Sore throat – ice chips and lozenges (visit; www.cdc.gov to see if over counter lozenges are safe for your child). Keep up your fluids. Ear Pain – Warm cloth over the ear that hurts. Tylenol, Panadol, Acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen* to relieve pain and fever (visit ; www.cdc.gov to see if over the counter medications are safe for your child) Headache – rest, oral pain relief as mentioned above. * Runny nose and Sinus Pain- Warm compress over nose and forehead to relieve nasal congestion. Breadth in steam from a bowl of hot water (supervise your child) or run a warm shower and inhale the steam. Clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer. Consider vaccinating yourself and your children against the Flu. (FMP and SOS currently offering Flu vaccine) Should I keep my child at home: If your child has a fever (defined by CDC as 37.8 c or 100 F) please keep your child at home at least 24hrs after the fever has gone. Your child should rest at home to avoid passing on to other children or teachers. Ensure they keep up their fluids. References: CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention Nurses’ Office, nurse@unishanoi.org
Elementary Snack Sale
SCO is back organizing the popular snack sale event for ECC and Elementary School students. This is the event that most of the students wait for! This year we will have four snack sale events with this following schedule: 1. Friday, 5th October 2012 Contribution class: KAP, KJK, 1JH, 1BB, 2BMcL, 2DL, 3JC
2. Friday, 7th December 2012 Contribution class: Discovery SS, Pre-K/HS, 3LB, 4SN, 4LL, 5JH, 5KW 3. Friday,1st March 2013 Contribution class: KCA, KCO, 1TS, 1KB, 2JMcH, 2LN, 3AL 4. Friday, 31st May 2013 Contribution class: Pre-K/RT, Pre-K/MA, 3BF, 4MK, 4BM, 5HN, 5MS/SC We will ask parents of all ECC and Grades 1-5 students as scheduled above, to kindly contribute 10 individual wrapped healthy snack items to be sold to the students. We welcome both savory and sweet snacks. As we encourage children to have healthy snacks, we will not sell any choco-pies, chips, candies, pre-packaged cookies, or chocolate bars. We also will not sell any snacks that contain any nuts. All ES and ECC students can buy up to 2 snacks, with each snack cost VND 10,000. This is one of events organized to provide a fun activity to and from UNIS Hanoi Community that children enjoy. All proceeds from Snack Sale are used for SCO activities. Past initiatives included funding music scholarships for Vietnamese students, purchasing equipment to support learning environment, hosting SCO social events, and organizing teacher appreciation days. We thank all the parents who have helped previous snack sale and would like to invite all of you to participate again. We would also love to welcome any other parents who are willing to help. Your child(ren) loves to see you at school. Please contact one of the coordinators listed below if you would like to assist in any way. Thank you for your cooperation. Bo-Young Hwang soool2@yahoo.com Ikue Mikue@mbn.nifty.com Christine Olga cdheaton@indo.net.id
SCO All Parents Spring Fair Kickoff Meeting Spring Fair 2013 call for
Country Table Leaders!!! Can you still recall the goose bumps when our kids were part of the parade of nations and we saw those 64 flags waving at UN Day? So how about we all come together again for a wonderful sharing of the amazing cultural diversity in which our kids are learning each day at UNIS Hanoi during Sprig Fair 2013? The SCO would like invite all the countries represented by students attending UNIS Hanoi to participate and take part with a country table at next year’s event to be held on Saturday, March 16th. We are sure that for every student at UNIS Hanoi it would mean a great deal to have his/her country represented. So please do consider organizing a group of people, either from your same country or world region, to participate and offer one or more dishes that represent your culture during that day. You may complement this with traditional crafts and/or games. We want you to be part of our big event but most important we want you TO HAVE FUN IN THE PROCESS!!!! As you may know proceeds from this event go to the School Community Organization (SCO) and the different projects and initiatives sponsored by it. In order to give everyone the possibility and enough incentive to participate each country table will have three options from which to choose regarding their costs & profits and what is given to the School Community Organization (SCO) after the event: They can donate all profits to the SCO They can donate 50% of the profits to the SCO They can come up with their own figure of how much to donate and how much to keep after calculating their costs Initiatives like donating books in a country’s specific mother tongue or similar ideas are welcome. So let’s all come together to make Spring Fair a truly a multicultural culinary feast and memorable day!! If you would like to participate as the leader for your country table, or have any questions or doubts regarding your possible participation please contact our Spring Fair Country Table Coordinator Michiko Kadono at michikokadono@gmail.com or Paulina Pineda at paulinapineda@hotmail. Thank you!! Paulina Pineda, Spring Fair 2013 Coordinator
SCO Boutique Announcement The Boutique will be open tomorrow!!! Saturday Dec 1st from 10:00 to 12:00 You will receive a gift for any purchase you make.
The Long sleeves slim fit and Polo shirts are selling very fast. Hurry up before they are all sold out! Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
The Picture Frame with the UNIS logo is now available. Some of the parents of grade 12 students initiated this for their graduation picture framing.
Thank you from the Hanoi International Women Club To the UNIS Hanoi Community, On behalf of the Hanoi International Women's Club (HIWC) and the 2012 Annual HIWC Charity Bazaar Committee, I would like to say a thank you to the whole UNIS Hanoi Community for all your support and help with the HIWC Charity Bazaar that took place last Sunday, 25th November at UNIS Hanoi. It will be a little while before we get the final figures, but there were many of you who were involved in the preparations, volunteered your time or came along to spend the day at the Bazaar and enjoy the wealth of things on offer. Your presence made it an amazing experience and has given the international community in Hanoi and a very large number of Vietnamese, a fantastic day to remember. You have also helped to raise a record breaking amount for charity! Thank you again for all your support. Tiffany Banner (President HIWC) and Nathalie Grun (2012 Bazaar Coordinator)
Employment Opportunity Short-term High School Mathematics Teacher (December 3, 2012 – June 14, 2013) UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from more than 60 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a short-term High School Mathematics Teacher. Term of employment: December 3, 2012 to June 14 2013. Courses to be taught (Curriculum Documents will be made available): Math 9 Math 10 IB Math Standard Level 11 IB Math Standard Level 12 The successful applicant should have the following experience and qualities: Experience teaching High School Mathematics Internationally recognized teaching qualification Knowledge of the International Baccalaureate Program Excellent classroom management skills Strong computer skills Enjoy working with adolescents In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, and competitive remuneration. This is a local hire expat position, and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org as soon as possible. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam ------------------------------------------------------UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programs from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (November 29 to December 14) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17:45 - 19:45
No A.M. Swim 17:45 - 19:45
06.15 - 07.45 16:45 - 19:45
06.15 - 07.45 17:45 - 19:45
06.15 - 07.45 17:45 - 19:45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
Monday 3 December - Fitness Room will not be open in the P.M.
Canteen Menu for the week of December 3 to 7 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
*** Main dish contains EGG
Western Set Menu 3*** Pan Grilled Pork w/ Tomato Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk
4 Roast Chicken w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Caesar Salad Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk
5*** Carbonara Grilled Vegetables Green Salad w/Carrot Dressing Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk
6 Beef Stroganoff Multi Grain Rice Romain Lettuce Salad Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
7 Hot Dog w/Grilled Onion Potato Chips Garden Salad Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk
6*** Grilled Fish w/Egg Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Morning Glory Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
7*** Thai Fried Chicken w/ Black Bean Sauce Steamed Rice Mushroom & Paprika Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk
6*** Grilled Fish w/Egg Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Morning Glory Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
7 Hot Dog w/Grilled Onion Potato Chips Garden Salad Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 3*** Tempura Noodle w/ Shrimp Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk
4 Stir Fried Beef (VN) Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Pickle Mustard Leaves Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk
5 Stir Fried Chicken (VN) Steamed Rice Grilled Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 3*** Pan Grilled Pork w/ Tomato Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk
4 Stir Fried Beef (VN) Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Pickle Mustard Leaves Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk
5*** Carbonara Grilled Vegetables Green Salad w/Carrot Dressing Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org