tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 16, Friday 7 December
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday, 10 December
Monday, 31 December
Teen Read Week 10 - 14 Dec Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30 - 19:30, B7
Tuesday, 11 December ●
D-K Leavers Assembly, 08:30 - 09:00, ECC Gym Grade 3 PAC for parents, 18:00, Centre for the Arts
Wednesday, 12 December ●
Scholarship Programme 13-14 Applications Close
Monday, 7 January ●
School Resumes
Thursday, 13 December ●
HS Art Expo Birthday Ball Volunteer Meeting, 8:30 - 10:00 am
Values and Beliefs Statement Vietnamese Parent Focus Group, 19:00 - 21:00, Black Box
Thursday, 13 December ●
ES Reports available on ISIS Family, 15:45 Hercules, High School Student Musical 19:00, B10
Friday, 14 December ●
Hercules, High School Student Musical 19:00, B10
Saturday, 15 December ●
Winter Break. No School until January 7
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Important Notes from the Board of Directors (p.3) Notes from the Admissions Office for leaving families (p.3)
Thuy An Village Needs You (p.11) Red Stocking for Blue Dragons (p.12) Saturday Soccer Rocked the Football Field (p.13) Tennis Won It All (p.14)
Notes from the ES Principal (p.4) Alumni Birthday Parties 2013 (p.5) 25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.6) The Importance of WHY in Elementary School (p.7)
Everyone Should Know First Aid (p.15) Brilliant Snack Sale and Book Sale (p.15-17) Spring Fair! Country Table Leaders Search. (p.18)
Festive Lunches (p.8) Hercules. Coming This Week! (p.8) Amazing Middle School Dance(p.9) We Have a Weather Station (p.9) Superman Photos Special (p.10)
SCO Boutique. New Arrivals! (p.18) Job Opportunity (p.19) Energize Schedule(p.20)
UNIS Hanoi Mission Statement Our mission is to encourage students to be independent, lifelong learners who strive for excellence and become responsible stewards of our global society and natural environment, achieved within a supportive community that values diversity and
Notes from the Head of School
Dear UNIS Community, As we head into our final week of school for 2012, I have been impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm at the events that have taken place recently from the final performances of Superman by MSHS students, to the record breaking Book Sale by the SCO, to the entertaining Middle School Dance Exhibition to an exciting Saturday Soccer tournament and those that braved the weather to honour the memory of Peter Goverde in our annual tennis tournament. This was a week that also saw the Elementary School enjoy the Snack Sale organised by our tireless parent volunteers and the party season kicks off tonight with the promise of a wonderful Festive Fundraiser – a moment when our D-12 community joins together to help those less fortunate in an atmosphere of strong community support and care for each other. And still to come next week are performances from our Third Graders with their Performing Arts Celebration, and the High Schoolers with their student led musical production of Hercules on Thursday and Friday evenings. All of these activities represent the many rich opportunities that our students enjoy as a part of the UNIS Hanoi community. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the coming week. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School
Notes from the Board of Directors Help us better define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs: the work is continuing! The Board of Directors invites you to participate in a new process underway to help better define the School’s Values and Beliefs. Last week I reported that work had begun with students and the first group of parents. In the coming weeks, all parents will receive a personal invitation to join community-based focus groups where you will have an opportunity to help better define the School’s values, based on the existing Vision and Mission statements and what is important to you and your child. These meetings will be independently facilitated by consultants; Rebecca Hales and Cynthia Mann. Faculty, administration, staff, alumni and students will also be contributing to the values and beliefs statements at school. The next parent focus group will be: Focus group for Vietnamese parents: Wednesday 12th December 19:00-21:00 at school in the Black Box, Centre for the Arts (Building 10). Translation will be available and light refreshments will be provided Nhóm thảo luận tiếp theo: Nhóm thảo luận dành cho phụ huynh Việt Nam: Thứ Tư, ngày 12 tháng 12, 19:00 - 21:00 tại Black Box, Trung Tâm Nghệ Thuật (Tòa Nhà 10). Chúng tôi sẽ phục vụ đồ ăn nhẹ và bố trí người dịch cho buổi thảo luận. Other focus groups will take place in January before the Tet holiday and specific dates will be announced in the Tin Tuc very soon. If you cannot attend on your scheduled date, don’t worry, you can join in any other session. Finally, we will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday 20th February 7pm at school to give everyone in the community an opportunity to feedback on an initial draft of the values and beliefs statements that will be compiled based on input from parents, students and faculty members who participated in the focus groups. The Board believes that everyone who is part of the School community should have the chance to be involved and engaged, because the final values and beliefs statement will belong to all of us. We all look forward to your feedback and inputs to this important process and thank you for your time. Craig Burgess, Chair of the Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force
Notes from the Admissions Office
IS YOUR FAMILY LEAVING SOON? Please confirm your withdrawal by sending notification to the Admissions office of your child’s last day of attendance. Please email admissions@unishanoi.org for assistance or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217.
Notes from the Elementary School Principal Dear Parents, SCO Book Sale A huge thank you to all the parents who organized the Book Sale on Friday last week. It was wonderful to see all the children rummaging and then purchasing new books to share with friends at tables before taking home to share with their families. The tallying is now complete and the announcement of the two classes who donated the largest number of books is happening in assemblies this week and next. Thank you to everyone who contributed through donating, volunteering and/or buying. Leavers’ Assemblies At this time of year, international schools prepare themselves to say good bye to students who are moving on with their families. This Wednesday was the assembly for the leavers in Grades 1 to 5. As has become the tradition at UNIS, each leaver has a friend speak on their behalf thanking them for being a friend and for things they have done, outlining what they will miss about their friend as they move on to a new school. Parents of the leavers were invited to attend and I am sure they were as touched as I was by some of the lovely things said about their children. Every leaver received a special UNIS farewell T shirt and was serenaded by the rest of the school with the special “Goodbye” song. Miss Steph, who has been teaching Grade 5SC since the start of the academic year, was also invited to the stage to receive her T shirt and word of thanks from her Grade Level Leader. Ms Heidi thanked Miss Steph for all her work covering for Miss Mindy (who has been on maternity leave) and wished her well as she prepares to have her own baby. We have our second leavers’ assembly next week – for the ECC. Festive Fundraiser The Wednesday leavers’ assembly afforded us the opportunity to have the Grades 2 to 5 sing their songs in preparation for the Festive Fundraiser this Friday. It certainly promises to be a great event, based on what we heard in the theatre. We are hoping this beautiful weather will last so we can all enjoy the festive fun in relative warmth! Reporting to Parents The first semester written reports will be available on ISIS Family at 15:45 next Thursday, 13 December. Next week we will also be sending out all the information regarding the ES Parent Teacher Conferences which are scheduled for January 16 (all day) and January 17 from 15.30. The electronic sign up will open next Thursday 13 December at 0700 and all the necessary instructions will be sent to you before this date. Warm regards, Carole Denny, Elementary School Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org
Grades 1-5 Leavers’ Assembly
Notes from Advancement Office ALUMNI REUNION DATES FOR 2013 – HELP US SPREAD THE WORD If you are still in touch with families that left UNIS Hanoi, please forward this onto them. Students, their families and faculty/staff are ALL alumni of UNIS Hanoi and we want to stay in touch. Alumni activities for UNIS Hanoi will just keep on growing with your help and we especially want to celebrate together in our 25th Birthday Year. SAN FRANCISCO - February 16th 4-6pm in San Francisco’s Embarcadero area, hosted by Head of School Dr Chip Barder: RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE – March 23 Details to be confirmed - watch this space! Email alumni@unishanoi.org and we will keep you posted TOKYO – March 30 Details to be confirmed - watch this space! Email alumni@unishanoi.org and we will keep you posted SEOUL – May 11 Details to be confirmed - watch this space! Email alumni@unishanoi.org and we will keep you posted
AND THERE IS STILL PLENTY OF TIME TO JOIN THE ANNUAL HANOI REUNION When? December 22 from 6pm to 8pm Where? Wild Lotus, 52 Nguyen Du, Hoan Kiem Who's invited? ALL FORMER Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff RSVP: alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm HANOI And if you are leaving UNIS Hanoi then make sure you SIGN
UP for the alumni community or follow us on
Hanoi Alumni or @UNISHanoiAlumni, and put these dates in your diaries for a ready-made welcome to your new home town if it is one of the reunions listed above.
Keep in touch and let us know what you are doing, but most of all, get the word out and let’s get together! Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org
London November 10
Kuala Lumpur November 4
Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. The 25th anniversary is an excellent opportunity for UNIS Hanoi to learn about its rich history through contact with our Alumni. I want to get the perspectives and experiences of ex-students, staff, board members and parents. Over the next 12 weeks you will be introduced to them here so keep coming back as we go further back! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student brickard@unishanoi.org
Nationality: Australian Where are you living now? Perth, WA, Australia What are you doing now (job/studying)? Studying Business Information Systems and Business Information Technology What year(s) [eg. 2010-2012] were you at UNIS and what Grade level(s) were you in at that time? I graduated in 2010 and was at UNIS for grade 11 and 12. What is your favourite memory from UNIS Hanoi? Coming to school after a big storm and some crazy weather to find the field was under water. Because something that unbelievable is only possible in Hanoi. What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? Not one teacher but all the teachers at UNIS taught me if i set my mind to something it could be achieved.
What is your favourite memory/place in Hanoi? Favourite memory would be buying my motorbike and riding it everywhere. What is your claim to fame? I stared as Bill in the Mamma Vina play.
Nationality: Australian Where are you living now? Australia What are you doing now? Living and working What year(s) [eg. 2010-2012] were you at UNIS and what was your job at the time? My son was at UNIS 2008-2010. I was on the Board of Directors 2009-2010.
Who was your favourite teacher and why? Mr Neilson who taught me Business Management because he is a friend but also someone I respected and wanted to learn from. Plus he played this every morning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB2yiIoEtXw
What is your favourite memory from UNIS Hanoi? Watching our children's increasingly red faces do laps around the oval and raise money for charity in the Walkathon.
How did you get to school every morning? I drove to school on my Honda 67 and parked out the front of the guards office.
What do you remember was really important to the Board at the time? Keeping our eye on the 5 year horizon (focussing on strategy and not on operations / tactics); Maintaining a strong relationship with the Principal
Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? My best friends are Matt Rickard, Nick Paredes, Galen Campbell, Emily Murphy and many others. Yes I still talk to them all on a weekly and some monthly basis. How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? Study haha. After school we would go to two different places that I cant remember the names and on the weekends we would head into the old quarter.
What projects did you work on? Development of new sports centre and auditorium What is your favourite memory/place in Hanoi? Opera House What is your claim to fame? Being of some (small) support to the Board Chair, Sarah.
Notes from the PYP Coordinator
If you visited the Elementary School on Monday, your senses may have tingled a little. There was a faint smell of exotic spices, trays of delicious samosas, south Asian music seeping from the classrooms and an array of bright and colourful cultural artifacts. Grade One is inquiring into celebrations. They are learning why celebrations take place and why they are celebrated the way they are. The big question in Grade One these days is ‘WHY?’ OK, for some celebrations the answer to why is easy. We all know why we celebrate our birthday – we were born that day! But why is there a moon in Moon Festival? Why do some people have eggs at Easter? Why do they throw water in Thailand during the festival of Songkran? These sorts of questions are bouncing around the classrooms and homes of Grade One students. Everything has a why. As case study to investigate the why behind celebrations, the Grade One teachers set up a Diwali day on Monday. Diwali is the Hindu festival of light. Indian clothes capture our interest Children moved from inquiry station to inquiry station where videos, artifact and sounds provoked the children to see, think and wonder and ask why behind traditions of Diwali. Why do we have so many lights? Why do people place red dots on their forehead? Why do they create colourful patterns at the entrance to their houses? Why does Diwali exist in the first place? At UNIS Hanoi we want the children to acquire the skills of life-long learning. One of those skills is to ponder, to think and to ask “Why?” A student in the habit of asking why is a student who is displaying a valuable learning disposition. Mums and Dads if you feel inspired to nurture this disposition both in yourself and in your children then here is a provocation for you to watch. Are you an inquirer? Click Here! Christopher Frost, PYP Coordinator pypcoordinator@unishanoi.org Intrigued by a video about ringali
Greeted with ‘Namaste’ and a ‘bindi’
Displaying our own creativity
Questions provoke children to think
Notes from the Elementary Librarian Dear UNIS Hanoi ES Families If you are travelling over the winter break, please leave your Library books behind where they can remain safely stowed. Many thanks, Ms. Conroy, Elementary Librarian eslibrarian@unishanoi.org
UNIS Hanoi Dance Exhibition
Festive Middle school Band and Choir classes will present lunchtime
Festive sing-alongs next week at the times and days below.
Venue will be outside the canteen and parents are welcome to attend.
Monday December 10 - Grade 8, 11:40am Thursday December 13 - Grade 7, 11:40am Friday December 14 - Grade 6, – 11:40am
High School Music classes will perform compositions in a special lunchtime concert on Thursday December 13 @ 12:00pm outside the canteen. Parents are welcome to come.
UNIS Hanoi Dance Exhibition Congratulations to all the students who performed their choreographies at the UNIS Hanoi Dance Exhibition on Wednesday December 5. Many parents and friends attended - Everyone did an amazing job. Thanks to the parents for their support, and also the teachers, administrators and support staff for helping to make a successful production. The students are already excited about planning the next exhibition near the end of second semester!
Weather Station at UNIS Hanoi Campus
Hello UNIS Hanoi Community! We are happy to announce that UNIS Hanoi has recently offered to host the weather station from an organization named WeatherBug. The sensor station is installed on the corner of the rooftop of the tech office. This stand-alone, fully automated weather sensor monitors and electronically displays the current wind speed and direction, outdoor temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, and rainfall at UNIS Hanoi Campus. The weather station is expected to not only help the UNIS community with the weather forecast, but also support students’ learning in all classes by providing accurate data displayed in the following link: http://weather.weatherbug.com/weather-safety/online-weather-center/OnlineWeatherCenter.aspx?aid=5047 The page includes links to Daily Observations, Monthly Observations, and Station Graph, which present cumulative data values from our station in reader-friendly tables and graphs. If you have any questions or concerns please email Na Yeong Yang (nayeongyang@unishanoi.org) or Ms. Rebecca Bechard (rbechard@unishanoi.org).
MSHS Musical
The Cast, Crew and Production team of the MSHS Musical Superman would like to announce that the total money raised from ticket sales is 44,000,000VND. This money is being donated to the UNIS Service Learning Activity Thuy An Village. This money will be used to purchase medical supplies, food, clothing and to cover education expenses for the disadvantaged children and teenagers at the Village. A big THANK YOU to all audience members who watched the performances and especially to the UNIS students who were involved in the Superman Musical. Thank you
Thuy An Village
Blue Dragon
Help kids in need this Christmas in Vietnam! Two great ways to join the Red Stocking Campaign for Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation
1. Buy a Christmas gift and change a child's life Care for a street kid by providing nutritious meals Buy a bike so a poor child in rural Vietnam can get to school Support the rescue of a trafficked child and help their community keep them safe It’s easy to donate through our website! You'll receive a Christmas decoration that you can keep, print out, or forward to your friends and family. 2. Host a Red Stocking Christmas Fundraiser Any party can become a Red Stocking Fundraiser. If you’re already having a Christmas gathering, pass around a red stocking to collect donations or charge a cover fee. Just get your friends, family and colleagues together and have a great time for a good cause!
www.streetkidsinvietnam.com Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation is an Australian charity working with kids in crisis in Vietnam
Saturday Soccer Fall Tournament The UNIS Hanoi ComEd Saturday Soccer Session for Fall 2012 just wrapped up this past Saturday with the Fall Tournament. At one point weather threatened to affect the day, but in the end all matches went ahead as scheduled, with players enjoying a great opportunity to show off their soccer skills. The day consisted of three separate 2-hour long tournaments. The Saturday Soccer players were divided into equal teams according to their age group, making up the majority of the teams involved. UNIS Hanoi was very pleased that teams from two local schools, Lomonoxop and Thanh Cong, were able to take part in the event. In addition, girl’s teams from Concordia International School and Hanoi International School participated in the MS Girls Tournament. All in all, it was a fantastic day of soccer. The Saturday Soccer Coordination Team would like to send out a BIG “thank you” to all the volunteer coaches who contributed, not only the tournament, but who gave up many other Saturday mornings to work with the children. The Saturday Soccer Programme relies completely on volunteer coaches, so their willingness to get involved is integral to the success of the programme. THANK YOU! Information about registration for the spring session will be available very soon. If you have any questions, please contact saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org. Here are some photos from the tournament:
Peter Goverde Tennis Tournament - December 2012 The Peter Goverde Tennis Tournament is held annually in memory of a popular UNIS Hanoi PE teacher who loved the idea that a sport, such as tennis, could be used as a vehicle to bring people together. The tournament this year was the 4th held in Peter’s memory. Peter Goverde was an avid tennis player and was instrumental in helping to promote tennis within the UNIS Hanoi Community. The event is usually divided into two half-day tournaments, with UNIS Hanoi students playing in the morning and adults from the school community taking to the courts for the afternoon. Unfortunately inclement weather forced the postponement of the student tournament. Overnight rains continued into the morning, leaving the courts too wet to play. Students in grades 4-12 had signed up to play in a mixed-doubles format, with players scheduled to compete in three different age categories - Grade 4-5, Middle School and High School. Although a new date has yet to be confirmed, it is hoped that the students will get their opportunity to play sometime this coming spring. It’s amazing how quickly things can change! By mid-morning the rain showers had ceased and a pleasant breeze dried the courts, setting the stage for an enjoyable afternoon of tennis for the adult players. An enthusiastic group of 24 adult players took to the courts to play mixed-doubles. In each round of play, players were paired up with a different partner and took on a new set of opponents. Each player ended up playing at least 4 matches and everyone took their turn at umpiring one match. With each match that was contested, players accumulated individual points based on the number of games they won. Play-off matches were required to determine the top players in both genders, such was the equality of play. Congratulations go out to the following players for being the top three finishers: Females: Kanae Saito (1st), Candy Tien (2nd) and Kyrstin Oanh Ha (3rd) Males: Gareth Davies (1st), Hieu An (2nd) and Robert Natoli (3rd) Thank you to all who took part in the tournament! It was great to see so many of you out enjoying the sport that Peter loved! A special word of “thanks” goes out to Maeve O’Donovan for organizing the event. All in all, it was an excellent afternoon of tennis for the UNIS Hanoi adult community….something that would have made Peter very happy! Thanks everyone! Let’s all do it again next school year! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org
From the Nurses’ Office...
IF NOT YOU……WHO? You are running late for work, for school, for a party. You stop to get some things on the way to where your heading and you notice a group of people standing around looking at something. As you get closer you notice it is someone you know lying on the side of the road looking dazed and holding their head. Even though a crowd has gathered, no one is helping them. They’re just looking at each other. They need help from someone. That someone could be you. If placed in the above situation, would you step forward to help? “I hope I never have to”, is what you are probably thinking. However given the number of injuries and sudden illnesses that occur at anytime and anywhere you might have to deal with an emergency situation someday. Everyone should know First Aid. Next week we are very lucky to have a visiting Medic from the United States who will give generously of his time to train some of our teachers and staff that accompany your children on their school trips. He will be training them in First Aid and CPR. Perhaps you and your children may like to consider attending a First Aid/CPR course that is offered through Family Medical Practice (04) 3843 0748 and International SOS (04 3934 0666). UNIS Community Education Service also offers Safety and Hygiene for nannies that includes First Aid /CPR .
Learning First Aid/CPR saves lives. Nurses’ Office, nurse@unishanoi.org
SCO Elementary Snack Sale Today was the SCO’s second Snack Sale of this school year and it went wonderfully well! We thank all parents of Discovery SS, Pre-K/HS, 3LB, 4SN, 4LL, 5JH, 5KW who provided a variety of snacks from the ones reflecting the season such as Gingerbread Man cookies, healthy snacks such as strawberries with condensed milk, to snacks from home countries such as samosas, sesame balls and puffed rice bars. We were impressed with your clever ideas! We were very happy to see many parents turned up this morning to volunteer. Snack Sales cannot happen without your help, thank you! We look forward to seeing you again at our next Snack Sale. We would like to thank all ES/ECC teachers and teacher aides for organizing the visits to the Snack Sale, and all UNIS Hanoi Operations staff for setting and cleaning up. We also like to thank all parents for your support so that your child(ren) can participate in Snack Sale. We are happy to announce that today’s sale raised 9,705,000 VND!!! All proceeds from Snack Sale will be used for SCO sponsored activities, projects and charity. There will be 2 more snack sales this school year with the next on Friday 1st, March 2013. We will be asking the following classes to contribute snacks: KCA, KCO, 1TS, 1KB, 2JMcH, 2LN, 3AL. We wish you happy holidays! Bo-young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com Ikue Mizuno: mikue@mbn.nifty.com Christine Olga: cdheaton@indo.net.id
School Community Organisation Book Sale UNIS Hanoi SCO Used Book Sale – WOW!!! Q: What do you get if you cross approximately 5,700 generously donated books, 75 volunteers, and hundreds of excited UNIS Hanoi students, teachers and parents? A: Loads of smiles, noses stuck in books and a very happy UNIS Hanoi Community! Wow! What a sale! It was exciting and truly gratifying to see so many excited and happy faces at this year’s SCO Used Book Sale. If you didn’t manage to attend yourself, on either Friday or Saturday, hopefully your child(ren) have reported home on what fun the Book Sale was and are enjoying their purchases. Pictures can tell a thousand words, as the old saying goes: so please take the time to enjoy photos of the sale at: click here. Of course, words can paint amazing pictures too; here are some delicious words about the sale for you to delight in:
From first grade teacher Ms Tracy’s blog: Last week’s book sale was definitely a hit in 1TS. The anticipation of when is it ‘our turn’ and then the excitement of book shopping time was only outdone by the “look what I got” and “Ohh you got that book” excitement back in the room.
Text (SMS) from parent of grade 3 & 5 girls: Just wanted to let you know that my girls were very excited about the book sale, happy with the selection of books available and pleased with their purchases. Thanks for all your hard work!
Pizza parties
Congratulations to the following classes who will be enjoying pizza parties: ECC winner: PK-HS – 202 books donated ES Gr1-5 winner: 5HK – 397 books donated MS winner: 7LG – 472 books donated
School Community Organisation Book Sale OTHER STUFF: Funds raised, left over books The Book Sale raised over VND 75 million. This money will be combined with money raised from other SCO events, to be used to fund ongoing charitable concerns (eg Operation Smile), other charitable concerns and some UNIS Hanoi projects. We sold nearly all the books donated, with about 6 boxes of English language books left at the end; a couple of boxes of Vietnamese and quite a few ‘other’ language books. Bookworm accepted and collected all the English language books as a donation. All donated books that they sell assist their preferred charity, Project Renew, an NGO. See: http:// www.landmines.org.vn. Generally Bookworm gives 25% of the selling price of donated books to the project but in this case, as it’s about the time to give the project a Christmas bonus, they committed to donate 50% of the cover price of all books we donated to this worthy cause. All Vietnamese remainders will be donated to an orphanage in Lang Son, Hope Centre, through a UNIS CAS group One Thousand Paper Cranes. All other language books will be offered to UNIS language/mother tongue teachers before being otherwise disposed of.
THANK YOU! We would like to thank the following people/organisations for their assistance in making the event a success. Your help and generosity was very much appreciated: Saigon Vans – for lending us storage boxes for all the books – including delivering and collecting them from us – very helpful staff and great to deal with! Our wonderful parent volunteers for helping sort, price and sell books. Everyone worked very hard! (But I think everyone will agree that it was very rewarding to see the joy it brought!) ES and MS Student Councils (students and teachers) for helping advertise the sale, distribute baskets, collect tallies and make announcements in assemblies.
Book Sale stats at a glance Books donated: approx. 5,700 ECC - total 608. Top 3 classes – PKHS, 202; PKMA , 138; KCO, 88 ES G1-5 - total 3,019. Top 3 - 5HK, 397; 4BM, 368; 4LL, 355 books MS - total 1660. Top 3 – 7LG, 472; 6WR, 449; 8MH, 201 260+ from one HS family alone! Money raised: over 75 million VND Number of volunteers: 75
Community Action Service Students for volunteering their time for the Saturday sale - you were a great help! All UNIS families for donating their precious books to the sale – some families donated literally hundreds of books for others to enjoy. Thank you everyone for your generosity. ECC, ES and MS Homeroom teachers for helping the students remember to bring in books and sort them to the relevant baskets. UNIS Operations Staff for emptying baskets, helping set up tables & the countless other things you helped with. UNIS’s Community Liaison Officer for being a great ‘go to, can help with anything’ person. Bookworm for accepting and collecting all our English language left over books as a donation (see above for more details).
Volunteers sorting and pricing books prior to the sale
Finally, if you have any feedback (good or bad) about the sale to help us for next year, please send to: scobooksale@gmail.com Thank you! Peppi Wilson, Lori Fairbairn, SCO Book Sale Coordinators.
SCO All Parents Spring Fair Kickoff Meeting Spring Fair 2013 call for
Country Table Leaders!!! Mexico! England! Japan! Chile! Italy! Korea! All these countries have already said “YES!” to have country tables during next March’s Spring Fair. Is yours in the list? We know it´s very hectic and busy for everyone at the moment so we are just going to leave you all with “homework” for the winter break. If your country still is not in the list please just give it a thought, think of whom else you could organize a table with and then let us know as soon as you come back in January. You can still contact us during these last days of school and even during the holidays if you have doubts or questions (Spring Fair Country Table Coordinator Michiko Kadono at michikokadono@gmail.com or Paulina Pineda at paulinapineda@hotmail. So, enjoy the break, rest and come back with lots of energy so that between all of us we make Spring Fair 2013 a memorable event as we celebrate UNIS Hanoi 25th anniversary ! Note: If you are already thinking about participating and you are going back home for the holydays it’s a good idea to think about bringing back fun decorations to use at the event!!!!! Thank you!! Paulina Pineda, Spring Fair 2013 Coordinator
SCO Boutique Announcement The new sweat pants have just arrived, ready for sale at the boutique for Vnd 150.000 each. The Hoodies in 2 colors and the vests will follow on Monday, Dec 10.
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
Employment Opportunity Short-term High School Mathematics Teacher (December 3, 2012 – June 14, 2013) UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from more than 60 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a short-term High School Mathematics Teacher. Term of employment: December 3, 2012 to June 14 2013. Courses to be taught (Curriculum Documents will be made available): Math 9 Math 10 IB Math Standard Level 11 IB Math Standard Level 12 The successful applicant should have the following experience and qualities: Experience teaching High School Mathematics Internationally recognized teaching qualification Knowledge of the International Baccalaureate Program Excellent classroom management skills Strong computer skills Enjoy working with adolescents In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, and competitive remuneration. This is a local hire expat position, and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org as soon as possible. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam ------------------------------------------------------UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programs from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (November 29 to December 14) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17:45 - 19:45
No A.M. Swim 17:45 - 19:45
06.15 - 07.45 16:45 - 19:45
06.15 - 07.45 17:45 - 19:45
06.15 - 07.45 17:45 - 19:45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
Canteen Menu for the week of December 10 to 14 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
*** Main dish contains EGG
Western Set Menu 10 Grilled Chicken w/BBQ Sauce Multi Grain Rice Green Salad w/Banana Dressing Mini Donut Fruit / Milk
11 Spaghetti w/Bolognaise Sauce Cucumber & Apple Salad Mixed Vegetables Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk
12*** Meat Loaf w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Broccoli & Tomato Salad Orange Cake Fruit / Milk
13*** Chicken Cutlet w/Sauce Steamed Rice Cole Slaw Spinach Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
14*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk
13 Noodle w/Jajang Sauce Vegetables Sticks Spinach Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
14 Miso Chicken Steamed Rice Sauteed Vegetables Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk
13*** Chicken Cutlet w/Sauce Steamed Rice Cole Slaw Spinach Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
14*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 10 Bun Cha Stir Fried Bean Sprout Mini Donut Fruit / Milk
11 Teriyaki Chicken Multi Grain Rice Mixed Vegetables Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk
12 Stir Fried Fish Ball Steamed Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Orange Cake Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 10 Grilled Chicken w/BBQ Sauce Multi Grain Rice Green Salad w/Banana Dressing Mini Donut Fruit / Milk
11 Spaghetti w/Bolognaise Sauce Cucumber & Apple Salad Mixed Vegetables Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk
12 Stir Fried Fish Ball Steamed Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Orange Cake Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org