Tin Tuc Welcome Programme Edition

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Special Edition - New Family Welcome Programme 2015-2016

Xin ch o! Ch o m ng b n n v i UNIS Hanoi! Hello and Welcome to UNIS Hanoi! We are delighted that you have chosen UNIS Hanoi for your child/ren and our Welcome Team of faculty, parents and students are here to help in any way we can to ensure that your family settles into School and the city, making new friends in your new home! We all know what it feels like to be ‘new’ and what a difference a friendly face makes in your first days. We are dedicated to making your transition into the 2015-2016 school year as smooth as possible with our Welcome Team on hand to guide you through your first days and weeks here. UNIS Hanoi is an exceptional place to learn. We incorporate the ideals and principals of the United Nations into every day teaching and learning, as we strive to embody our School’s Vision: “Our learning community will be an inspirational role model for a better world.” Our Welcome Programme is specifically designed to carefully guide you through the orientation process with a host of events and activities for our new families (details on pages 2 and 3). This special Welcome Edition of the Tin Tuc will serve as an introduction to UNIS Hanoi giving you essential information about programmes/ activities available at school, key contacts, UNIS ‘Survival Lingo’ and much more! In case you are wondering…Tin Tuc means information or news in Vietnamese. The Tin Tuc is the School’s news service.

School News


Getting to Know Your School BACK TO SCHOOL INFO NIGHTS All parents attend an informative evening where you learn more about the expectations of the year ahead for your child as well as the School goals. It is also an opportunity to meet the other parents in the class.This evening is for parents only.

We have designed a broad range of events all with one goal to help welcome you to our vibrant community. Please check the online School Calendar (www.unishanoi.org/ calendar) for all event details and locations and don’t hesitate to contact our Welcome Programme Coordinator and Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun, in the Advancement Office with any questions: clo@unishanoi.org

NEW FAMILY ORIENTATION AND WELCOME BBQ Tuesday, August 18 (See Programme in your Welcome Folder for details) Mandatory for new families to attend. Complete registration, receive Welcome Folder, meet the principals & teachers, take a campus tour, visit classrooms, browse the school information tables, attend tech sessions and end the day with a whole school BBQ!

UNIS MUSIC ACADEMY (UMA) OPEN HOUSE CONCERT Thursday, August 20 16.30 – 17.30 / Centre for the Arts


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Enjoy performances by the talented UMA instructors to give you a taste of what the UNIS Music Academy has to offer! Meet the teachers and get advice on learning a new instrument, voice coaching and developing your child’s musical talent.


Tuesday, August 25: ECC&Grade 3 (18.00 – 19.45) Wednesday, August 26: Grades 4 & 5 (18.00 – 19.45) Thursday, August 27: Grades 1 & 2 (18.00 – 19.45) Thursday, September 3 : MSHS Grades 6 to 12 (18.00 – 21.00)


Monday, August 24 08.00 – 09.00 / Centre for the Arts Foyer

Monday, August 31

Join us for coffee and take this opportunity to meet other new parents and members of the community in a more informal setting.

Learn about the English as an Additional Language (EAL) support programme at UNIS Hanoi. Meet your child’s EAL teacher and find out how you can help.

TECHNOLOGY TRAINING SESSION Monday, August 24 09.00 – 10.00/ Centre for the Arts, Black Box Room 104 In this workshop you will be guided through what is available on the UNIS Hanoi website and become familiar with Tech Connect, ISIS, Haiku and other computer programmes used at UNIS Hanoi.

18.00 –19.00

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASS SOCIAL EVENTS WITH THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY ORGANISATION Join us in an informal setting after school in the ES courtyard to meet the other parents in your child’s class while the children run around and play! Perfect opportunity to exchange phone numbers with other parents for play dates! Monday, August 31: Grade 1 (15.30 – 16.30)

Tuesday, September 1: Grades 2& 3 (15.30 – 16.30) Thursday, September 3: Grades 4& 5 (15.30 – 16.30)


Wednesday, September 16: Grades 1 & 2 (8.30 – 9.30 Info Session) & (9.30 –10.30 Library Orientation)

Years Programme (MYP) curriculum framework.

Thursday, September 17: Grades 3,4 & 5 (8.30 – 9.30 Info Session) & (9.30 –10.30 Library Orientation)



Tuesday, September 8

Friday, September 11

8.30 – 9.30 All Community Meeting / Community Room

8.30 – 9.30

9.30 – 14.30 Hanoi Bus Tour / Meet at bus stop GET INVOLVED! Parents provide invaluable support to the school community. By getting involved, you send a powerful message to your child(ren) that you take an interest in their education.The School Community Organisation (of which you are automatically a member) works in close partnership with the School and is always looking for parent volunteers! It’s fun, it’s easy and it’s a great way to get to know the School! Following this meeting, all parents are welcome to join our insightful ‘Get to know Hanoi’ bus tour organised by UNIS Hanoi parents!

CHILD DEVELOPMENT INFO SESSION AND LIBRARY ORIENTATION Meet with the counsellors, understand how they support students’ welfare, learn about the developmental stages your child will go through this year and how you can help them. Following this you will have an opportunity to learn about what the library has to offer and how you can use the library effectively. Thursday, September 10: ECC (8.30 – 9.30 Info Session) & (9.30 –10.30 Library Orientation)

How is your transition going? What challenges may your child/ren be facing? Our counsellors are here to talk to you about the cycles of transition and what to expect from your child in the transition period. Find out what you can do to help.

19.30 – 23.30 Leave the children at home and celebrate the new school year with us! This is a great night of food and drinks with live music and dancing organised by our wonderful School Community Organisation! You will leave this soir e with a new cohort of friends! Trust us, you do not want to miss this event!



Wednesday, September 23

Saturday, September 12

Meet with the Head of School as he shares exciting news about the School year ahead! This is a great opportunity to ask Dr. Barder any questions you may have about UNIS Hanoi. This is the first of four community meetings with the Head of School. Refreshments will be provided.

9.00 – 12.00 / Centre for the Arts Foyer The purpose of the Community Connections Fair is to provide useful information, especially those newly arrived families, by bringing a variety of Hanoi’s service providers and organizations together to one convenient location! Learn all about our local medical providers, fitness/health centres, service and activity groups, transportation and travel agencies, and more!

PYP AND MYP WORKSHOPS FOR NEW PARENTS Tuesday, September 15 19.00 – 20.00 Learn more about the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle

8.15 – 9.45

BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMUNITY MEETING Tuesday, November 3 18.30 – 20.00 Join the Board of Directors as they host a Community Meeting with the primary purpose of presenting a draft budget for the next School Year. Community members have the opportunity to meet the Board of Directors, provide feedback to the Treasurer and to ask questions.

School News


From the Head of School enter our 28th year as a not-forprofit international school here in Hanoi, Vietnam. We have once again planned for a series of curricular and co-curricular activities designed to enhance and support student learning throughout the year.

Dear Families New To UNIS Hanoi, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome for the 2015-2016 school year. We are pleased that you have chosen UNIS Hanoi as your school of choice here in Hanoi and we look forward to an excellent year. We anticipate at least 1,100 students from more than 60 countries as we

We hope that the enquiry and application process has gone smoothly. It is important to us that all new students and families feel welcome from the beginning so please be sure to let us know how we can support your transition to our school. Being new can be intimidating as well as exciting and we will do our utmost to ensure your children don’t feel new for long. We have a great team of people including students dedicated to providing you with resources and assistance – please use them! As one of our three core values (which also provide the goals in our new Strategic Plan - Strategy 2020) we place great importance on the meaning of Community at UNIS Hanoi. Our hope is that you will sense that, possibly even before you arrive. We firmly believe that it is the quality of

relationships that we forge together that make the UNIS Hanoi experience so unique. I look forward to meeting you at the new family orientation on Tuesday afternoon, August 18. We welcome you and your family to UNIS Hanoi as part of our learning community. Respectfully,

Dr. Chip Barder Head of School headsoffice@unishanoi.org

The Board at a Glance On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are delighted to welcome our new families to UNIS Hanoi for the start of the 2015-2016 school year. UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit private school that is governed by a Board of Directors and we would encourage you to find out more about the School’s governance on the UNIS Hanoi website. In brief, we are nine voting Directors, three are appointed by the United Nations Resident Coordinator, two are elected by parents and four are appointed by the Board. The Head of School is an ex-officio Board member and a faculty consultant for the Board is appointed by the faculty. All voting directors are unpaid volunteers and this year, all are parents with children at UNIS Hanoi. The Board meets regularly and the meeting dates are all on the School Calendar. Community members are welcome to attend and observe Board open meetings and we have two Community meetings each year; Tuesday November 3, 2015 when we present the budget and the Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2016. You can find agendas and public minutes from all meetings posted on Tin Tuc and more information is available on the website.

Who’s Who • Board Chair, Nguyen Van Hieu (Australia) is parent elected. He joined the Board in 2011 and has two children at UNIS Hanoi.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

in 2013 and has one child at UNIS Hanoi. • Secretary, Amie Pollack (USA) is Parent Elected. She joined the Board in 2015 and has one child at UNIS Hanoi. • Bakhodir Burkhanov (Uzbekistan) is UN appointed. He joined the Board in 2013, and has three children at UNIS Hanoi. • Jean Munro (Canada) is UN appointed. She joined the Board in 2012 and has three children at UNIS Hanoi. • Ngo Thi Quynh Hoa (Vietnam) is Board appointed. She joined the Board in 2015 and has one child at UNIS Hanoi. • Yoon Durbin (USA) is Board appointed. She joined the Board in 2015 and has one child at UNIS Hanoi. • Gabit Ismailov (Kazakhstan) is UN appointed and joined the Board in 2015. He has three children at UNIS Hanoi. • Chip Barder (USA) is Head of School and an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board. He joined the School in 2008.

What we do

How you can get involved The Board appoints a number of committees and task forces to carry out its responsibilities and achieve its annual objectives and goals. Committees and task forces bring together Board members, school employees and interested parents who can offer expertise and commitment to research, analyse and discuss the detail of a particular subject in order to bring thoughtful and clear proposals for Board consideration. Committees and TaskForces for 2015-2016 are: • Advancement Committee (Board, Admin and Community Members) • Executive Committee (Board Officers)

The Board has four roles:

• Finance Committee (Board, Admin and Community Members)

• Developing and approving school policy;

• Committee on Directors (Board Only)

• Developing strategic plans, ensuring their implementation and monitoring progress;

• Vice-Chair, Barry Knaggs (Malaysia) is Board appointed. He joined the Board in 2009 and has three children at UNIS Hanoi.

• Hiring, nurturing and evaluating the Head of School; the Head is responsible for the day to day management of the School; and

• Treasurer , Bob Hughes (USA) is Board appointed. He joined the Board

• Ensuring the financial health of the School.

• Campus Development Task Force (Board, Admin and Community Members) To find out more please contact the Board Assistant, Maeve O’Donovan: boardassistant@unishanoi.org.

School News


From the Elementary School

From the Middle and High School I am pleased that you have chosen UNIS Hanoi and hope your family will enjoy an enriching experience! Having moved quite a few times over my career in international education I understand both the excitement and challenges that come with moving to a new country and school. Rest assured that I along with the entire UNIS Hanoi faculty and staff will try our very best to make your transition as smooth as possible.

am really looking forward to being a part of this dynamic school community. Our most important priority for families in transition is to quickly help you develop a sense of belonging. I offer strong and heartfelt reassurance that you and your child(ren) are joining an especially warm, welcoming and supportive community where you will be made to feel at home in your new school. Please know that here at UNIS Hanoi we place a high value on parent engagement and open communication at all times. Don’t be afraid to be in touch at any time to share great ideas, discuss your concerns and to get involved with your child’s school life. Dear New Elementary School Families, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the United Nations International School of Hanoi. All of us here at UNIS Hanoi are familiar with the feelings associated with new beginnings – nerves, excitement and anxious anticipation are all part of the transition process for students and families. My family and I are also new to UNIS Hanoi and to Vietnam this year. This summer we relocated from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where I was working for 7 years in a variety of educational leadership roles in a forward thinking IB World School. I am also experiencing the nerves and excitement that come with change, and


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

We look forward to getting to know you and your family through all manner of academic, cultural, sporting and social events throughout the year and hope that you will very quickly feel a part of e UNIS Hanoi community. the armly, Warmly,

Dear New Middle and High School Families, I would like to warmly welcome you to welcome you to the United Nations International School of Hanoi! We are here to support your children by providing a high quality educational programme designed to promote both academic and personal growth.

At the heart of a UNIS Hanoi education is a commitment to the highest levels of teaching and learning. UNIS Hanoi attracts a faculty of highly qualified and dedicated teachers whose knowledge of their craft and commitment to their students are central to our success. Our over-arching aim is to instill in students the qualities embodied in the IB Learner Profile: communicators, open-minded, principled, inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, caring citizens, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.

student body is extremely friendly and outgoing so please encourage your children to be open to new friendships, participate in activities, and study hard! I truly look forward to meeting you in the very near future. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to offer my assistance.

Warm regards,

Pete Kennedy MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

All of us at UNIS Hanoi look forward to working with your entire family. Our

Megan B Brazil il Elementary School Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org

School News


Getting Started Essential Information The website and our other online resources are your primary source of information for all that is happening at UNIS Hanoi. In the coming days and weeks you will receive a lot of helpful information, but on these pages we hope to highlight some of the often asked early questions.

home or purchase canteen lunches. The lunches provided by the canteen are on a “set menu” basis and are delivered to the ECC children to eat in their classrooms. The general information, including prices and updated weekly menus is available on our website visit www.unishanoi.org/ canteen.

Please do not hesitate to use any of the contact information on page 20-21 or see the “Contact UNIS Hanoi” page on the School website.

In order to register your child with J&J Food Service, please contact them directly at canteen@unishanoi.org or you can register with the ECC Secretary as well.

Items to Bring to School School Calendar and Hours The detailed school events calendar can be found on the UNIS Hanoi website (www.unishanoi.org/calendar).Every family will receive a copy of the print calendar with the same colour coding for different division events, but you are always advised to check all events for detailed information and any changes online.

Elementary School Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Discovery: 08:10 to 12:00 (partial day) to 15:20 (full day) Kindergarten 1 to Grade 5: 08:10 to 15:20 Wednesday Discovery: 08:10 to 12:00 (ALL students, BOTH partial and full day) Kindergarten 1 to Grade 5: 08:10 to 14:25

Middle and High School Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 08:10 to 15:25

Elementary and Middle and High School

Elementary School (ES) students (Grades D-5) Please ensure that your child comes to school with a sun-hat and sunscreen as necessary. Students are required to wear a hat at recess and during PE. UNIS Hanoi requires children to bring a water bottle. Safe drinking water fountains are available throughout the school. Students will require swimming gear (one piece suit for girls) and a towel. School bags large enough to carry an A4 folder, a water resistant library bag (available from the school shop) and a change of clothes for younger children are recommended. UNIS Hanoi will provide all of the necessary basic stationery supplies for children to start school. UNIS Hanoi does not implement a school uniform but younger children are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing without difficult fastenings. Details of your family’s “School House” will be provided in the Welcome Folder and you are encouraged to purchase a house t-shirt for PE. Middle and High School (MSHS) Students

a calculator should be provided from home. Students in Grades 6-8 should have a Casio scientific calculator. All Grades 9 -12 need to have a TI-Nspire CX (non CAS) calculator. Calculators are available for purchase at the UNIS Hanoi Business Office. Students will require swimming gear (one piece suit for girls) and a towel. MSHS School students are required to follow the standards of the dress code as outlined in the MSHS Parent and Student handbooks both available online on the School website.

Lunch and Snack Break Early Childhood Centre

Wednesday: 08:10 to 14:35 The School issues each student with a tablet computer however, stationery such as pencils, pens, highlighters and


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

You are required to provide a healthy snack for morning break time; however, you may choose to prepare food from

All students must purchase lunch vouchers from the canteen or bring a packed lunch from home. The general information about the Canteen, including prices and updated weekly menus, is available on our website: www.unishanoi.org/canteen. You are encouraged to purchase lunch vouchers directly from the canteen table during Orientation. For ES students, you are required to provide a healthy snack for morning break time. MSHS student have access to the Deli Canteen during break periods. ES students are unable to purchase from the Deli Canteen. A smart card system for the canteen will be introduced in 2015-2016.

Nut and Allergy Aware Campus • We encourage parents to provide food that is free from nuts in their child’s lunch and snacks as well as class parties. • We encourage parents to be allergy aware of harmful allergens that may

trigger an allergic reaction in a student at school. • We encourage parents to consider the need of minimal risk of exposure to all students with nut and other allergies. The school cafeteria prepares food without known nut products; however, some foods may contain traces of nuts. Parents of students with known allergies are required to complete an Allergy Action Plan and or a Asthma Action Plan. Please visit the School Health Centre to discuss your child’s allergies, allergy action plan and medications.

Parent access to Information Technology at School UNIS Hanoi uses a wide range of technology to support student learning. TechConnect has many resources for both ES and MSHS parents to help you and your child successfully use technology at school. Please take a look at our UNIS Hanoi Tech Handbook for information about the Technology Programme. We have created UNIS Guest access to allow personal devices to be linked to our WIFI access. Guest bandwidth is limited and shared among all guests using the network as we reserve most of the bandwidth for teaching and learning. Office secretaries have login information for campus guests. Families are welcome to utilise the library catalogue and resources to borrow books or access the school information network. Parents will be provided with usernames and passwords which will enable direct access to information on ISIS Family (used for student reports, ASA registration and conference registration) and the UNIS Hanoi Parent Hub used to access the parent directory.

There will be Tech Training Sessions for parents on Orientation Day and also in the early weeks of school to assist with introductory training on using these two key applications within the school and we highly recommend all parents attend one of these sessions.

Our Community There will be many opportunities for you to get involved in school and community life at UNIS Hanoi throughout the academic year and we actively encourage you to participate in the school you have chosen for your child. You will receive plenty of information once the school year starts, but if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Nathalie Grun, the Community Liaison Officer, in the Advancement Office (Building 7): clo@unishanoi.org We also have a very active parent and teacher community group, the School Community Organisation (SCO), who will be ready to answer any questions you may have on Orientation Day and also organise fun events for the community. Parents can also share their knowledge and talents with the UNIS Hanoi Board of Directors. There are many committees and task forces which can use your expertise in the areas of Finance, Campus Development, Advancement, etc. Contact the Board Assistant, Maeve O’Donovan, if you have any questionsor see the Board pages of the website: Boardassistant@unishanoi.org

Questions? Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions at all! Telephone extensions and email are listed on Key Contacts on pages 20-21.

School News


Engaged, Supportive & Full of Spirit The School Community Organisation stocks a variety of UNIS Hanoi gear such as House Shirts, PE uniforms (required for MSHS only), hats, swimwear, shorts, sweaters, tracksuits – just to name a few! The Shop is another essential service provided entirely by SCO parent volunteers. The opening times depend on the availability of volunteers who generously give their time every week to help sell product at The Shop. The schedule will be published in the Tin Tuc and online as soon as the schedule is finalised at www.unishanoi.org/sco .

The School Community Organisation (SCO) is made up of all of us - every parent, faculty and staff member - an inclusive body that is led by parent volunteers. At UNIS Hanoi, the SCO aims to proactively build family-school partnerships. By sharing your time and talents and getting involved in your child’s school, all parents have the opportunity to enhance student-learning which is at the heart of all we do.

SCO Executive Committee The SCO Executive Committee is responsible for the overall governance of the SCO and works closely with the Head of School. We help with the Welcome Programme, recruit Class/Grade Level Parents, select UNIS Hanoi community projects to fund and provide overall support at SCO functions. The ES Chairs and MSHS Chairs regularly meet with the School Administration and liaise with Class/Grade Level parents. We look forward to getting to know you over the year.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Spring Fair

Parent & Faculty Sparkly Social: September 18 Discover another side of our community! The SCO organises a Parent and Faculty Social each year in September, trust us, you do not want to miss this event! Leave the children at home, arrange a date night with your partner, put on those dancing shoes and take this opportunity to socialise with your new found friends!

All Community Meetings To facilitate open communication within the community, the SCO holds All Community Meetings four times a year. We invite guest speakers, such as our Principals, Counselors, Tech Facilitators or Community Service staff, to share information on school related topics. The first All Community Meeting will be held

on September 8 in the Community Room from 8.30 – 9.30am followed by a Hanoi Bus Tour. We do hope to see you there!

Class/Grade Level Parents We invite at least one parent in each class to act as the SCO Class/Grade Level Parent. Class Parents arrange class socials and provide invaluable assistance for finding parent volunteers to assist for events such as the UN Day Community Lunch, sports days and the Spring Fair. Help out as a Class Parent, it is a GREAT way to get to know your class and the school!

The Shop (aka SCO Boutique) Show your School Spirit and get all your UNIS Hanoi logo wear for school at The Shop! It is located in the Sports Centre and

One highlight of the year is our annual Spring Fair. A fun day for the entire family with games, international food, student performances and Service Learning groups raising awareness and funds for their service partners! The Spring Fair Coordinating team together with the help of UNIS Hanoi parents, faculty and staff organise this community festival. The success of big events like these requires the participation of many volunteers. We hope that we can count on your support for our Spring Fair in March next year!

Elementary School Healthy Snack Sales The Elementary School Snack Sale is a long standing tradition at UNIS Hanoi. Over 20 years ago, the “Bake Sale” was created to raise funds for library books while providing students with the opportunity to taste a diverse range of snacks from all around the world! The Snack Sale has evolved into a fun opportunity for children to exercise choice, learn how to handle money and is raising awareness of the value of healthy snacks. We have a total of four snack sales each year, each family will be asked

to will play a part in providing snacks when it is your child’s turn to contribute.

Used Book Sale At the SCO Used Book Sale both kids and adults have the opportunity to purchase some ‘pre-loved’ books at bargain prices. Last year, the community donated over 5,000 books and we were able to raise 109 million VND to support Room to Read’s Girls Education campaign! If you have any books you or your children are ready to pass on, drop them off at the collection box in front of the library and get your bookshelves ready for new books.

We look forward to meeting you soon! SCO Executive Committee 2015-2016: MSHS Chair –Pippa Wood SCO_MSHSchair@unishanoi.org MSHS Vice Chair – Chikako Oba SCO_MSHSvice@unishanoi.org ES Chair –Natascha Senftleben SCO_ESchair@unishanoi.org ES Vice Chair – Carmen Kuebler SCO_ESvice@unishanoi.org

Phoenix Booster Committee

Treasurer – Petra Eichler SCO_Treasurer@unishanoi.org

Join the new parent booster committee and amplify school spirit at every Co-Curricular event! GO PHOENIX!

Committee Coordinators:

For detailed news and updates please visit our website www.unishanoi.org/sco or email us at sco@unishanoi.org

Spring Fair – TBC SpringFair@unishanoi.org

The Shop – Malin Niklasson Shop@unishanoi.org

Snack Sale – Bo Young Hwang Seung Shin Lee, Hiromi Ogura, Makiko Matsumoto SnackSale@unishanoi.org Used Book Sale – Megan Todd BookSale@unishanoi.org Phoenix Boosters – Renea Freeman PhoenixBoosters@unishanoi.org

For general questions: sco@unishanoi.org

School News


Technology 101 Online User Guide • Sign up for 3-way (Parent-StudentTeacher) conferences • Register for After School Activities (ASAs) and the UNIS Music Academy (UMA) • Update family contact information

Tech Connect Accessible through Quicklinks on the website. Tech Connect is a teaching and learning technology hub. Here you will be able to access the tools, resources, applications, video tutorials, helpful apps and discussion forums; such as: • Tech Handbook • Responsible Use Agreements • Digital Citizenship resources We envision technology as a crucial tool for learning and inquiring that empowers students to become collaborators, communicators and creative, critical thinkers, thereby supporting the UNIS Hanoi Mission statement and preparing students to thrive in a global society. UNIS Hanoi is a Tablet PC school implementing a 1:1 Tablet Programme from Grade 4. At UNIS Hanoi we use a variety of platforms to encourage learning, foster communication and keep track of student and family data.

UNIS Hanoi Website The UNIS Hanoi website (www. unishanoi.org) is the primary information reference source for all families. You will find information about the school, its programmes and services, the staff and faculty directory, the school calendar, TinTuc (the school newsletter) and quicklinks


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

own home! For more information about navigating through the online resources, please attend a Library Orientation Session (see Welcome Programme on page 2 and 3 for grade specific dates and times).

Elementary School Class and Specialist Blogs All parents are automatically registered for their child(ren)’s class blogs in Elementary School and have access to the Specialist Teacher Blogs (Music, PE, Drama, Art etc) and are notified when blogs are updated. They provide an opportunity for parents to know more about what is happening in terms of learning and teaching within their child’s class and grade level as well as specific and detailed information pertaining to upcoming events or special occasions.

Technology Training Sessions It is essential to attend a Technology Training Session. Our Tech Team will guide you through key elements of the website, and ISIS family. Stop by the Technology Table during Orientation to register for one of the following timeslots (limited space available for each session):

Tuesday, August 18 • 14.00

to all the other key online resources you will need, as well as a host of useful information about moving to Hanoi and Vietnam. Your starting point should be the Starting School Resource Centre under Admissions, but we encourage you to fully explore.

• ISIS Family web tutorials

• Links to Google apps

• 9.00

Are Parent Directory will soon be accessible via a password protected area ‘The Parent Hub’ on the school website. Stay tuned for updates!

• Blogging tools


ISIS Family

The catalogue is accessible through Quicklinks on the website and on www.unishanoi.org/library .

Accessible through Quicklinks on the website. ISIS is our secure Integrated School Information System. You will have received a Username and Password from Admissions in your Welcome Folder during Orientation. On ISIS family you will be able to: • View student report cards and standardised test results

• Haiku (a digital learning platform organised by teachers for students) • Resources from Parent Tech Workshops • FAQ by parents on Technology

Library Catalogue and Online Databases

UNIS Hanoi community members can browse our Library Catalogue collection of more than 35,000 multilingual prints and audio visual resources. In addition on the Library Portal, you will be able to access our online resources, including eBooks, eMagazines and academic purpose based subscription databases designed for learning from your

• 14.30 • 15.00 • 15.30

Monday, August 24

• For general Tech related questions, including Username and Password questions, contact our Tech Team: techsupport@unishanoi.org • Questions regarding the website should be directed to the Advancement Office: Advancement@unishanoi.org • For further information about ISIS Family, contact Sayeh Peterson: speterson@unishanoi.org

School News


Expanding Horizons The Co-Curricular Programme of potential interest, improve skill sets, and interact with like minded individuals outside of their immediate peer group. The offerings vary from year to year as teachers, parents and professionals from our community apply their expertise and enthusiasm to develop unique opportunities for students. These activities are wide-ranging and generally fall into one of five categories: • Visual and Performing Arts - Ceramics, Contemporary Dance, Glee Club, School of Rock • Academic Pursuits - SAT Prep, The Spark (MS Newspaper), The Flame (HS Newspaper), Math Challenge, Gardening Club • Technology - Coding Club, Computer Club, 3D Art, Robotics • Sports and Movement - Learn to Swim, Running Club, Offseason Volleyball, Indoor Games, Tennis Club • Social/Cultural - Korean Club, Board Games, Cooking Club Welcome to the UNIS Hanoi Co-Curricular Programme – a dynamic and ever-evolving programme designed to offer a wide range of opportunities for the children and young adults of our school community. We aim to inspire our students to actively engage in purposeful activities beyond the classroom to develop skills, to become life-long learners and responsible world citizens. In addition to our comprehensive co-curricular offerings for UNIS Hanoi students, our office supports several community programmes for members of our extended community.

is detailed information about all these Activities on the website (www.unishanoi.org).

On these pages we hope to give you an introduction and brief outline of the options. The Activities Team will be distributing more detailed information in the coming days and weeks and there

Please don’t hesitate to stop by the Activities Office in the Administration Building (room 112 on the second floor) where a member of the team would be happy to discuss or answer any


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

questions. Additionally, you can contact the office by emailing cocurricular@ unishanoi.org, the specific email addresses listed below or by calling 37581551 (ext. 8713).

Co-Curricular Offerings UNIS Hanoi provides a wide range opportunities for our students to support our holistic educational programme. The foundation of our co-curricular offerings is our After School Activities (ASA) Programme where we offer students from Discovery through Grade 12 the opportunity to investigate areas

Building upon what our ASA programme offers, we support a variety of programmes requiring a higher level of commitment, but offering a deeper understanding as well as more opportunity to enhance skill sets. Sports teams that represent our school at events ranging from festivals to high-end competitions and tournaments are available at developmentally appropriate levels from Grades 4 to 12. The Arts offerings provide students the opportunity to develop and nurture their growing talents through innovative and creative experiences, and age-appropriate leadership opportunities are available to UNIS Hanoi students in elementary through high school.

Additionally, our UNIS Music Academy (UMA) and UNIS Aquatics Academy enhance our co-curricular offerings and support continued development in music and swimming. The UNIS Music Academy (UMA) is a wonderful resource for all our students, parents and staff to learn a new instrument, to train their voice or to develop their musical talents by working directly with gifted musicians. The Academy teachers are members of the Vietnamese Symphony Orchestra, professors from the National Music Academy and local expatriates. Lessons are given on weekdays after school or on Saturday mornings. Instruments are available for rental and a fee is charged for each lesson which includes all resources; books, instrument accessories, instructional time and ensemble rehearsals. Students will also be able to showcase their talents and what they have learned during one of the UMA concerts organized at various times throughout the year. For more information about UMA, please contact our UNIS Music Academy Officer, MsTrang, at umaofficer@ unishanoi.org.

UNIS Aquatics Academy programmes will be available Monday through Saturday as part of After School Activities (ASA) and Community Programmes. Swimming lessons are offered in three 9-week long sessions, with the first session starting in early September.

School News


In addition to the general UNIS Aquatics Academy offerings, the academy supports representative swim teams at the elementary, middle and high school levels. For more information about the Aquatics Academy contact our Head Coach, Andy Myers, at aacoach@unishanoi.org.

Activities Organizations – APAC, MRISA, HAC UNIS Hanoi is a member of three activities organizations. Locally, UNIS Hanoi participates the Hanoi Activities Conference (HAC) which supports various opportunities for our students in grades 4 to 12. Internationally, Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC)

Key Dates:

and the Mekong River International Schools Association (MRISA) provide UNIS Hanoi students opportunities to represent the school and work collaboratively with other international schools in both sports and performing arts festivals. These events involve our students travelling to and being hosted by other international schools. We also host exchanges ourselves on a rotational basis. UNIS Hanoi hosting responsibilities for 2015-16 in these organizations are: APAC Choir, APAC Band, APAC Girls’ Soccer, and MRISA Middle School Volleyball.

Try-outs and Auditions (including APAC and MRISA), Season 1

Energize Energize is an opportunity for the UNIS Hanoi community – parents, students, staff and their spouses to use our recreation facilities outside of school hours. Members are entitled to use both the swimming pool and fitness room, staffed by a fitness instructor. To become an Energize member simply apply online at www.unishanoi.org/ energize

Community Programmes

Saturday Soccer

UNIS Hanoi is committed to serving the wider Hanoi community. Community Education is a programme of classes, workshops, and activities that the school offers to both the UNIS Hanoi and the local community and runs throughout school year. We believe that learning and growth should take place throughout our whole lives. Our aim is to provide learning opportunities and to encourage and promote a deeper understanding of our host country and of other cultures. Hard working instructors and volunteer coaches share their time and skills by offering more than 100 classes and courses each year for both children and adults. If you have a skill to share or would like to receive our notification email regarding new community programmes, please contact our Community Programmes Officer, Ms HaThien Ha, at communityprogrammes@unishanoi.org

Saturday Soccer stemmed from the UNIS Hanoi Community Programmes, meeting the needs of soccer players from ages 4 to 15. It is an inclusive programme for all boys and girls from the Hanoi community. Saturday Soccer offers players of all levels the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of soccer, meet new friends from Hanoi, experience teamwork and cooperation and build self-confidence. Our volunteer parent coaches are the backbone of the programme who freely give their time to the programme. If you or your child/ren are interested in being part of the UNIS Hanoi Saturday Soccer Programme either as players or as a volunteer coach, please contact our Saturday Soccer Coordinator, Ms Mukhayyo Burkhanova, at saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org.

Varsity (Sr.) Volleyball:

August 24, 2015

Varsity (Sr.) School Tennis: August 24, 2015 Middle School Swimming: September 7, 2015 Middle School Basketball: September 7, 2015 High School Choir:

September 3-4, 2015

High School Orchestra:

September 3-4, 2015

MSHS Musical:

August 25 & 27, 2015

ASA’S Registration period:

August 28-30, 2015

Session 1 Start:

September 7, 2015

Summer Programme Every summer UNIS Hanoi provides a Summer Programme when the academic year has finished for its students and the community. For 1 – 3 weeks students participate in fun learning combining science, technology, performing arts, sports activities and lots more. The Programme also provides outstanding leadership experience for our students who work alongside the administration, organizing and delivering fun packed sessions. Registration for the 2016 Summer Programme will be announced in Spring.

COMMUNITY PROGRAMME Registration Period:

August 24 - 31, 2015

Session 1 Start:

September 12, 2015

SATURDAY SOCCER Registration Deadline:

August 29, 2015

Session 1 Start:

September 12, 2015

UMA Registration period:

August 26-27, 2015

Session 1 Start:

September 7, 2015

ES SWIM TESTING Note: Aquatics Academy registration is through ASAs August 20, 2015 Grades 4 & 5 August 21, 2015 Grades 2 & 3 August 24, 2015 Grade 1


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

School News


Beyond the Classroom

Advancing UNIS Hanoi Our Service Learning Partners

UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme

• Blue Dragon Children Foundation • Habitat for Humanity Vietnam

The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme was launched to celebrate the School’s 25th Birthday in 2012-2013.

• KOTO (Know One Teach One) • Operation Smile • East Meets West Foundation • HoaBinhPaediatric Hospital

The Service Learning Programme The Service Learning Programme at UNIS Hanoi is central to our Mission and Guiding Principles and is firmly embedded in both Curricular and Co-Curricular activities from Elementary through to High School. There are scores of opportunities for our students of all ages to become more closely involved with the Vietnamese community from fundraising events to teaching English to organizing activities for children at orphanages, visiting local communities and distributing microloans. We believe Service should extend into a student’s school and personal life. We encourage students and faculty to lookoutside themselves and give to others, which brings its own learning and intrinsic rewards programme, which benefits our own children as much as the people with which they are involved and is a learning experience for all. The Service Learning programme offers a wide variety of choice for students at UNIS Hanoi. Students engage in a structured process of investigation, planning, action (through trips and visits), reflection and celebration. At both MS and HS level, Service Learning activities are grouped by concept. Broadly


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

speaking, these correspond with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Students explore specific concepts as they apply to the local Vietnamese context. For all students, Service opportunities exist both within the school day linked to curriculum units and as After School Activities.

UNIS Hanoi Service Learning Vision By addressing real and authentic community needs, the Service Learning programme at UNIS Hanoi aimes to provide opportunities for our students as individuals, and as part of the UNIS Hanoi community, to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their community and their world. Our Service Learning programme aims to provide opportunities for our students to develop the knowledge, skills and outlooks required to play their part in creating a fair, inclusive and cohesive society and to encourage them to drive and inspire sustainable change.

• Peace Village • ECERP (Early Childhood Education Renovation Project) • GIN (Global Issues Network) • Animals Asia - Tam Dao Moon Bear Santuary

The Advancement Programme at UNIS Hanoi has a single purpose - to ‘advance’ the Mission and Vision of the School.

• Asia Injury Prevention Foundation • New Beginnings - Chuc Son Orphanage • Bloom Microventures Vietnam • Room to Read • Flavors of Vietnam • Huong La Centre • Mai Chau Secondary School • Ba Vi Homestead • Cuc Phuong National Park • Australian Charity for Children in Vietnam ( ACCV) • Bamboo School • Tan Trieu Cancer Hospital • Helping Hands • Vietnam International Volunteer Placement Service (VIVPS) Thuy An Group • Chieng Chau Secondary School

For more information and questions about the programme, contact the Service Learning Coordinators, Collin Campbell: CCampbell@unishanoi.org (MSHS) and Krista Ramsay: kramsay@ unishanoi.org (ES) and Dzung Tran Kim: tkdung@unishanoi.org (ES)

Empowering Our Vision!

• Ba Vi Secondary School • The Children’s Initiative • San Sa Ho Primary School

The Programme is designed to empower and support the School’s Strategy 2020 – a long term plan for the School’s future – through the areas of: 1. Communications, Marketing and Institutional Reputation 2. Constituency Relations (including students, faculty, parents, alumni, local Hanoi community) 3. School Philanthropy and Fundraising The Advancement Team is delighted to support many projects and activities at the School including the website and social media, community liaison and events such as our global alumni reunions and the highlight of the year UN Day(this year celebrated on Friday October 9). In addition the Advancement Team is supporting programmes through fundraising, namely The Scholarship Fund and the 25th Birthday Gift Fund.

Until this year, the six, 100% Scholarships have been funded exclusively through the School’s operating budget, but this year we welcome our first Scholarship students funded through community fundraising. We have an additional Scholar starting in Grade 9 funded through the generous contributions of the UNIS Hanoi parents, teachers, Board members and alumni ($78,772). And we are fortunate to welcome a new Bitexco Founders Scholar in Grade 10 whose place is supported 100% by the generosity of the Bitexco Group ($75,000). Our Community Campaign for The Scholarship Fund 2016 will launch in January. You can find out all about the campaign and the programme on the website: www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund

25th Birthday Gift Fund We are proud of the six, studentled Service Learning projects that were made possible thanks to the community fundraising that we undertook to celebrate our 25th Birthday. As part of the birthday celebrations we wanted to give a birthday gift to our local Vietnamese community, recognizing 25 years of partnership and investing in the next 25 years! We raised more than 37,000 USD to establish our 25th Birthday Gift Fund, from which project grants have been awarded to six different projects which fulfill the Fund’s goals: • ENGAGE UNIS HANOI STUDENTS in genuine and reciprocal learning experiences • BUILD COMMUNITY and meaningfully strengthen the School’s relationships with the local community over time • ARE SUSTAINABLE for both for the community the project aims to support, and for UNIS Hanoi.

The 25th Birthday Gift Fund was made possible through the generous participation of our entire community and especially thanks to our generous sponsors and donors. Details of these projects may be found on the UNIS Hanoi website: www. unishanoi.org/advancement

• K-Hospital

School News


Key Contact Information Telephone: (84 4) 3758 1551 www.unishanoi.org/contact

Senior Leadership Team

Elementary School

Middle and High School

Dr Chip Barder

Megan Brazil

Pete Kennedy

Megan Brazil

Nitasha Chaudhuri

Stephen Lush

Pete Kennedy

Michael Cyrus

Marc Vermeire

Head of School

Elementary School Principal

Middle and High School Principal

Elementary School Principal esprincipal@unishanoi. org

Middle and High School Deputy Principal

Middle School Deputy Principal

mshsprincipal@ unishanoi.org

Elementary School Deputy Principal Upper Elementary

Middle and High School Principal

esprincipal@unishanoi. org

Elementary School Deputy Principal Lower Elementary

ext 8900

ext 8500

ext 8900

esldprincipal@ unishanoi.org

esudprincipal@ unishanoi.org

ext 8914

ext 8914

Reception General Inquiries adminreceptionist@unishanoi.org 8700

ES Office ES Student Absences ES Questions esdpsecretary@unishanoi.org eccsecretary@unishanoi.org espsecretary@unishanoi.org ext 8900/8914/ 8111

MSHS Office MSHS Student Absences MSHS Questions hssecretary@unishanoi.org mssecretary@unishanoi.org

HeadsOffice@ unishanoi.org ext 8701

ext 8500/8502

mshsprincipal@ unishanoi.org ext 8500

mshsdprincipal@ unishanoi.org

mvermeire@ unishanoi.org ext 8502

ext 8502

School Health Centre Health Inquiries Your Child(ren)’s Illness/Allergies nurse@unishanoi.org ext 8911

Co-curricular & Activities Office ASAs / UMA / Aquatics Academy/ Community Programme / Saturday Soccer / Energize / Summer Programme / Activities Organization cocurricular@unishanoi.org

Janet Field

Ed Gilbreath

Len Archer

Prueann Browning

Thomas Cole

Anissa Zotos

Cindy Barnsley

Christine Mills

Shira Fisher

Director of Learning

Director of Technology

Director of Finance and Operations

Elementary School Counselor

Elementary School Counselor

Middle School Counselor




Middle Years Programme Coordinator

Diploma Programme Coordinator

ext 8918

ext 8903

ext 8725

ext 8600

pypcoordinator@ unishanoi.org

dpcoordinator@ unishanoi.org



techdirector@ unishanoi.org

Primary Years Programme Coordinator

ext 8713

Business Office Payment Arrangements

dol@unishanoi.org ext 8608

ext 8708

ext 8900

Bus Arrangements (Mr Lai, Transportation Coordinator, 091 876 7755)

mypcoordinator@ unishanoi.org

ext 8513

ext 8508

ext 8508

stransportcoord@unishanoi.org ext 8727

Tech Support Office Information Technology System Questions techsupport@unishanoi.org ext 8600

Advancement Office Scholarship / Fundraising / School News and Publications / Website / Community Questions / Alumni / External Relations

Tarique Al-Iesa

Emma Silva

Tanya Arnold

Scott Loeffler

Director of Activities

High School Counselor

High School Counselor



Director of Advancement



ext 8703/8704/8718

ext 8720


ext 8513

ext 8513

ext 8712


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

School News


On the move? Transport Information & School Buses Centre where you will also find the Bus Request Form for completion.

UNIS Hanoi contracts Transport Companies to provide daily travel to and from school. Buses arrive at the school campus each morning at approximately 8:00 am and depart from school at the following times:

Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri • 1st bus leaves Campus at 15:40 • 2nd bus leaves Campus at 16:40 (For students who have Co-Curricular activities after school) • 3rd bus leaves Campus at 17:45 (For students who have Co-Curricular activities after school)

Wed • 1st bus leaves Campus at 14:40 • 2nd bus leaves Campus at 15:40 Please note: The bus will depart at the scheduled times and cannot wait for late students. The detailed Bus Regulations are posted in full on the School website under Community Life (www.unishanoi.org/ transport) as well as on the Starting School Resource


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Please note that bus services cannot be provided on a route where there are less than 8 students requesting the service and the bus service cannot deliver every child to an individual address.The school reserves the right to cancel any bus route service with 7 students or less. The school will provide a late bus during After School Activity (ASA) sessions and during the sports seasons arranged by the Activities Office only. This may affect students in Mother Tongue or UMA make-up classes as these lessons may continue throughout the academic year when ASAs and sports are not in season, parents will need to arrange transportation for their children during this period separately. Bus monitors are present on every bus route and are there to help protect your child’s safety. We expect all students to follow their instructions and to be respectful and courteous at all times. For any questions, contact the Transportation Coordinator, Mr Lai, at transportcoord@unishanoi.org or call 091 876 7755

Cars and Motorbikes on Campus

You Are Here! Campus Map 1

Families who wish to be on campus with a car and/ or motorbike (including drivers and house staff) must complete the relevant permit application forms and submit them to the Operations Office. The forms are available for download from the website, either from the Transport page under Community Life or from the Starting School Resource Centre. Our primary concern at all times is the safety of your child(ren). Please be sure to read carefully and follow the rules concerning cars and motorbikes on campus.


Main Gate




Physical Education/ Swimming Pool


Sports Centre: Orientation Registration


Middle/High School Campus Grades 6 - 12. Common Room for High School Orientation


Middle/High School Science, Design, Tech & Language Buildings. Tablet Pick-up Grades 7 - 12


Administration: Head of School’s Office, Business Office, Admissions, Activities & Advancement


Library (upstairs): Middle School Orientation & Middle/ High Parent Info Session

11 7

10 6




9 2

3 4

Canteen (downstairs): Welcome Back BBQ


Elementary School Campus


Centre for the Arts: Elementary School. Orientation Programme Grades 2 - 5


Early Childhood Centre (ECC): Discovery - Grade 1 Orientation in Gym and homerooms

School News


Key Dates Please check UNIS Hanoi calendar for specific event details including event description, location and times www.unishanoi.org/calendar

Survival Lingo Common Abbreviations and Terms used at UNIS Hanoi

August 18 – 21

ECC Half Day Transition


UNIS Music Academy Open House Concert

20, 21, 24

ES New Student Swim Test


New Parent Welcome Coffee


Technology Training Session

25 – 27

ES Back to School Info Nights


Grade 1 Class Social


EAL Parent Info Session

September 1, 3

Grades 2 - 5 Class Socials


MSHS Back to School Info Night

4, 9

ES Parent Teacher Conferences

7 – 11

School Photo Days


All Community Meeting & Bus Tour with the SCO

10, 16, 17

ES Child Development Info Sessions


MSHS New Parent Workshop with Counselors


Community Connections Fair


Parent and Faculty Sparkly Social


Community Meeting with the Head of School


ES Moon Festival Assembly


Standardized Test Parent Info Session

October 9

UN Day Celebration


Community Meeting with the Head of School


ES Student Led Learning Journey

November 3

Board of Directors Community Meeting


ES Walk-a-Thon


Grade 9 College Intro Night


All Community Meeting with the SCO


IBDP Parent Information Night


MSHS Talent Show


Vietnamese Teacher Appreciation Day

24, 25

MSHS Parent Conferences

December 11


Annual General Meeting (for parents)


Asian Pacific Activities Conference


After School Activities


Board of Directors



Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate) Discovery Programme (for children aged 3 years) English as an Additional Language

ECC Energize ES HAC

Early Childhood Centre School ‘Fitness Club’ for UNIS Hanoi Families Elementary School Hanoi Activities Conference



International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate Organization Grades 11 & 12 Diploma Programme Innovation Creativity and Expression (ES) International Schools Assessment (standardized test) School Operating Software used for report cards, conference and ASA/UMA sign ups and updating family contact details Information Technology Learning Management System (MS/HS) Head of School Kindergarten (for children aged 4 years) Kindergarten (for children aged 5 years) Learning Support Measures of Academic Progress (standardised test) Mekong River International Schools Association


Middle School/High School Model United Nations Middle Years Programme (also IBMYP)


Physical Education Personal, Social & Emotional Learning School Community Organisation Service Learning Student Support Team School News The school shop in the Sports Centre Primary Years Programme (also IBPYP) UNIS Music Academy Units of Inquiry

D or Disc

Festive Fundraiser cut out and stick on fridge


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

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