tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Friday, 18 January
Next Week... Monday, 14 January ●
MS Art Expo 14 - 16 January Tet Bag Collection 14 - 25 January Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00
Tuesday, 15 January ●
Board Finance Committee Meeting 07:00 - 08:30, B7 SCO All Parents Meeting 08:30 - 09:30, B7 Parent Session with Drama Consultant 09:45-10:45, B10 Strategic Management Plan Mid-Term Review Task Force 18:00 - 19:30, B7
Wednesday, 16 January ●
MRISA Arts Festival - ISHCMC 16 - 20 January ES Parent Teacher Conferences 10:00 - 18:00 No school for ES Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00
Thursday, 17 January ●
Volume 19, Edition 18, Friday 11 January
Advancement Committee Meeting 08:15 - 09:30, B7 ES Parent Teacher Conferences 15:30 - 18:00 Parent Session with Drama Consultant 18:00-19:00, B10 Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00
New Family Orientation & Welcome Coffee, B7 UNIS Hanoi Invitational HS Basketball Tournament 18 - 20 January 5HK Parent Concert 11:50 - 12:20
Saturday, 19 January ●
Saturday Soccer Session 2 Begins
Coming Soon... Tuesday, 22 January ●
Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00
Wednesday, 23 January ●
Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00
Thursday, 24 January ●
MSHS Reports available on ISIS Family Grade 1 PAC 18:30-19:30, Theatre
Friday, 25 January ●
Transition Workshop for parents 08:30-10:30, B7
Saturday, 26 January ●
UNIS Hanoi Invitational MS Boy Soccer Tournament Community Education Session 2 Begins (ends May 11)
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Important Note from the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Admissions Office for leaving families (p.3) Birthday Ball Countdown (p.3)
Book for Parents too! (p.8) Expert Preparation Advice for Health Tests (p.9)
Alumni Reunion News (p.4) Black Voices Sing-a-long (p.5) ABRSM Music Exam (p.5)
Talent Show to Change a Life (p.10) Tet Bags (p.11) ComEd New Season Launch (p.12)
25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.6) Drama Consultant at UNIS Hanoi (p.7) University Info Session for 11 Graders (p.7)
Spring Fair Coming Soon (p.13) SCO Project Funding (p.14) New Hoodies in town! (p.14) New Energize Schedule(p.15)
Notes from the Board of Directors Help us better define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs: the work continues in 2013! The Board of Director invites you to participate in a new process underway to help better define the School’s Values and Beliefs. All parents will receive a personal invitation to join community-based focus groups where you will have an opportunity to help better define the School’s values, based on the existing Vision and Mission statements and what is important to you and your child. These meetings will be independently facilitated by consultants; Rebecca Hales and Cynthia Mann. Faculty, administration, staff, alumni and students will also be contributing to the values and beliefs statements at school. The next parent focus groups will be held: Monday, 14 January 7-9pm hosted by the Brennen/Dybdahl family Wednesday, 16 January 7-9pm hosted by the Pierangelo and Fairman families Thursday 17th January 7-9pm for Korean parents in the Black Box, Centre for the Arts 7-9pm (with translation) Tuesday, 22 January 7-9pm hosted by the Rickard family Wednesday, 23 January 7-9pm hosted by the Anderson family Monday, 28 January 7-9pm hosted by the Rana/ Kachelo family If you did not receive an invitation yet or if you cannot attend on your scheduled date, don’t worry, you can join in any session. Please contact Ms. Hanh hosassistant@unishanoi.org about your preferred date. Finally, we will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday 20th February 7pm at school to give everyone in the community an opportunity to feedback on an initial draft of the values and beliefs statements that will be compiled based on input from parents, students and faculty members who participated in the focus groups. The Board believes that everyone who is part of the School community should have the chance to be involved and engaged, because the final values and beliefs statement will belong to all of us. We all look forward to your feedback and inputs to this important process and thank you for your time. Craig Burgess, Chair of the Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force
We wish best of luck to Saphia Soualah (5KW) who left UNIS Hanoi this week.
Notes from Admissions Office
IS YOUR FAMILY LEAVING SOON? Please confirm your withdrawal by sending notification to the Admissions office of your child’s last day of attendance. Please email admissions@unishanoi.org for assistance or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217.
Notes from Advancement Office Birthday Ball Countdown The countdown has started to our Birthday Ball on April 13. It will be a glamorous night of fine dining and fun for all involved‌ but our main goal is to fundraise. Our hope is to raise at least 25,000 USD (for our 25th Birthday!) which will fund exciting education projects through our Service Learning programme. Thanks to the lead sponsorship of Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake, this is our chance to give a wonderful birthday present to our host country community! We have a dynamic group of volunteers and we are very excited to get going! There is still a chance to join the fun and get involved in organizing an event which will not only be a night to remember but will also create our 25th Birthday Gift Fund, our legacy for the next 25 years! Email advancement@unishanoi.org to get involved and join us on JANUARY 21 at 8.30-10am for our first action meeting (Community Room B7). Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org
Notes from Advancement Office On December 22 when the weather sensor station at UNIS Hanoi showed just about 10oC, around 30 UNIS Hanoi alumni gathered on the warm and cozy top floor of Wild Lotus restaurant for the annual Hometown Alumni Reunion to reconnect with friends and celebrate the time at UNIS Hanoi. Hosted by Head of School Dr Chip Barder with Steve and Christina Powers, Adrian Hubbard and Ms Hoa, it was a lovely evening filled with positive energy. One alumni family – the Dolejschka – who were at UNIS Hanoi from as long ago as 2000 and who left 5 years ago, were visiting from New Zealand for the winter break and made the most of the chance to see their UNIS Hanoi friends. Alexander Dolejschka and his classmates of Class of 2012 reminisced about everything he had missed, while Mr and Mrs Dolejschka were delighted to see Mr and Mrs Shell and Mrs Tanuja Khadka who they had known for long. Former teacher Bob Linaker was also visiting and was thrilled to meet his former students and colleagues.
Each of the alumni feels that taking the time to reconnect with the school is important – and that there is something about UNIS Hanoi that keeps them connected – a special energy that contributes to a sense of belonging and helps build lasting friendships. So please, HELP US SPREAD THE WORD about the upcoming reunion gatherings if you have UNIS Hanoi friends in following cities. Students, their families and faculty/staff are ALL alumni of UNIS Hanoi and we want to stay in touch. Alumni activities for UNIS Hanoi will just keep on growing with your help and we especially want to celebrate together in our 25th Birthday Year. SAN FRANCISCO - February 16th 4-6pm - meet at Eclipse Restaurant - Hyatt Regency San Francisco at 4pm. Head of School Dr Chip Barder will treat our alumni to afternoon tea to catch up with them and each other: RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE – March 23 Details to be confirmed - watch this space! Email alumni@unishanoi.org and we will keep you posted TOKYO – March 30 Afternoon tea from 2-4pm at Lutheran Ichigaya Center (1-1 Sadohara-Cho, Ichigaya, Shinjuku-Ku)! RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm TOKYO SEOUL – May 11 6pm onwards at COEX Seoul – same place as last year, more fun! RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm SEOUL Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org
Important Notice Please do not share the school directory under any circumstances. Any requests for directories should be sent to advancement@unishanoi.org
Notes from Advancement Office
Black Voices at UNIS Hanoi Thanks to the British Council we were very lucky to have BLACK VOICES visit us all the way from London! Elementary Students and Middle School High School Vocal Students were treated to a unique and special session of A cappella singing, warmups, question and answers workshop and getting to know the performers, Black Voices today! http://blackvoices.co.uk/music In addition to UNIS Hanoi students, the British Council sponsored 100 Students from Vietnamese Schools, Giang Vo Secondary School and Phan Chu Trinh Secondary School to attend and learn about A cappella singing. The afternoon included many fun warm ups and interactive singing with the group as well as our very own Staff Oi Cappellas and 43.8 members singing a rendition of ‘I Can See Clearly’. A cappella is a unique and heartwarming style of singing, commonly known as ‘voices without instruments’. Each member of the group has an integral part to sing and make music together. The group only succeeds when each individual member is singing their part and listening to the whole group sound. Members become close like family as they experience this type of singing together and achieve amazing results. I am very proud of our UNIS Community and Staff members for embracing the challenges of A cappella singing and supporting one another. Many thanks to the British Council and BLACK VOICES! What a great way to warm up our souls and finish off the first cold week back after holiday! Black Voices CDs are for sale from the Advancement Office 150,000VND or 100,000VND – Come quick as they are almost all gone already! Sally Oxenberry, Elementary School Music Teacher/Elementary School Representative of the Advancement Committee
ABRSM Music Exams UNIS Hanoi will be hosting the Northern Vietnam ABRSM Music Exams in early June 2013. ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) exams are internationally recognized practical music exams which are available for all instruments. An examiner for the UK will come to UNIS Hanoi to conduct the individual exams. More information about ABRSM Exams can be found at – www.abrsm.org Registrations for these exams will close on February 22, 2013. All registrations for ABRSM exams can be directed to the UNIS Hanoi Music Academy (unisma@unishanoi.org), Ms Cham (maassistant@unishanoi.org) or Elizabeth Druitt. (edruitt@unishanoi.org)
Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. My Project is to get in contact with our alumni through the use of a quick, simple online form so that our current community can hear what our school was like over the last 25 years. If you know anyone or you are someone who knows anyone I could get in contact with who has any interesting stories then please contact me! Thank you! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student
Nationality: Vietnamese
Phan Chu Trinh, where you can get the best sticky rice with ice cream, and bubble tea drinks.
Where are you living now? Chicago, IL - United States
What is your claim to fame? I have no intention of becoming famous.
What are you doing now (job/ studying)? Studying What year(s) [eg. 2010-2012] were you at UNIS and what Grade level(s) were you in at that time? From 2004 to 2009, grades 8 to 12. What is your favourite memory from UNIS Hanoi? Grade 12 graduation walk, tree planting ceremony and senior trip What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? "Don't go studying basket weaving" - Bob Linaker Who was your favourite teacher and why? In no particular order: Bob Linaker, thank you for inspiring me to get on top of my work discipline; Emma Phillips, for making instructing psychology look so simple; Maite Montero, for making Spanish so fun to learn in the classroom; Steve Powers, to his skills in frying up my grey matter after every TOK class. How did you get to school every morning? School bus Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? Cherry Griffiths, Natasha Gautam, Rie Yokoyama, Amy Lau were my best friends by the end of 12th grade. I now only keep in relative close contact with Amy Lau. I am surprised to hear how our '09 class lives don't stop just because we've split up after UNIS - we all hear stories of how everyone's doing. I am now better friends with people I wouldn't expect, such as Odette Bakker and Duc Le. How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? UNIS + Hanoi + High School style = I will let you fill in the blanks. Be creative. What is your favourite memory/place in Hanoi? Favourite places are defined by the memories you create with your friends. Each year had different places, but right now, as an alumni, it would be at the corner of Hai Ba Trung and
Nationality: Swedish Where are you living now? Sweden What are you doing (job/studying)? Studying What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? 3rd - 12th grade (2002-2011) What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? The people and community. And IB What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? Martin Neilsen: "On your first day of work you will get there first, leave last and work the hardest. The rest doesn't matter" What were you favourite subjects at school and why? Business Management because of the teacher. Computer Science because I liked the subject. Math because I liked the subject. Who was your favourite teacher and why? Martin Neilsen. He was charismatic and more friendly than teaching. However he still managed to teach me better than most teachers. How did you get to school every morning? Bicycle Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? MATT. He better have put me. How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? Hanging out, playing video games, it's pretty easy to just do nothing if you're comfortable enough with your friends.
Drama Consultant Visits UNIS Hanoi Our Drama consultant, Debbie Holland, has already spent one week on campus working with a variety of teachers and administrators to provide professional development and feedback on our programs. Next week Debbie will provide two workshops for parents. The two parent sessions will be exactly the same content but we have planned a morning and an evening session in hopes that one of these times will better suit your schedule. Next week Debbie will continue to observe teachers, model lessons in classrooms, hold coaching discussions with groups of teachers and provide feedback on our Drama curriculum. Debbie comes with a wealth of experience from both a teaching and leadership perspective. Debbie has been working in the field of drama education for more than 30 years.
Invitation to the Parent Sessions Please join our Drama consultant, Debbie Holland as she conducts an interactive session with parents, which will focus on the importance of drama in education and schools. What exactly is drama? Benefits of drama to a child, class and school How can parents foster drama education? How does drama education change as a child gets older? Drama as an adult
Tuesday, January 15, 9.45-10.45 in the Black Box (this session follows the 8.30-9.30am SCO All Parent meeting) Thursday January 17, 6.00-7.00pm in the Black Box *The focus of the two parent sessions will be the same Meagan Enticknap-Smith, Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org
UK University Information Now is the time for 11th Graders to get the information for universities! Applying to UK , Canada, Australia. UK Students who are thinking of applying to the UK should not miss these UK universities representatives visiting our campus! You will find out all about UCAS 1. How to research courses/universities in the UK 2. How to write a good personal statement 3. What qualifications you will need 4. How and When you should apply You can bring your lunch. ( Please bring a sandwich and not a tray ) Kent University - Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 (UK) University of London - Tuesday, January 15, 2013 (UK) University of Stirling- Wednesday, January 16, 2013 (UK) University of Waterloo - Monday, January 21, 2013 (Canada top in engineering) Melbourne University - Tuesday, January 22, 2013 (Australia) The London School of Economics and Political Science - Thursday, January 24, 2013 (UK #1 in economics)
From the Library... The Library is a place for parents too!! Take a look at some of the books about parenting! Bringing up parents : the teenager's handbook Packer, Alex J.1992. Discusses ways that teenagers can improve their relationship with their parents and help each other develop mutual trust and respect. Childhood unbound : the powerful new parenting approach that gives our 21st century kids the authority, love, and listening they need Taffel, Ron. 2010. Identifies the challenges facing parents as they raise their children in the early twenty-first century, and describes a parenting approach designed to encourage the good in kids of all ages, while steering them away from the bad. Dealing with the stuff that makes life tough : the 10 things that stress girls out and how to cope with them Rutledge, Jill Zimmerman. 2004. Presents a collection of advice and information for teenage girls to help them deal with stress, including peer pressure, divorce,school, dating, and more.
How to talk so teens will listen & listen so teens will talk Faber, Adele. 2005. Presents a practical guide that addresses many of the tough issues teens and parents face, and offers advice to maintaining a positive dialogue that fostered mutual respect.
Please note the date! UNIS Hanoi Library is fortunate to host American author and illustrator Peter Brown from Feb 25 to March 1, 2013. Please check the Tin Tuc and class blogs for upcoming additional information. Check out Peter Brown at http://www.peterbrownstudio.com/
Fitness Tracking Programme: Round three Exercise Preparation and Dietary Advice Dear Parents/Guardians, As mentioned at the beginning of this academic year, the Physical Education (PE) department introduced a new Fitness Tracking Programme for our students. Although the programme has been very successful to date, it’s apparent that some students are not preparing themselves adequately for the tests, especially with regards to their dietary intake. In light of this, I have prepared some ‘expert’ information and advice from a dependable source (Sportsmedicine.com) to aid you in preparing your child/ren for the tests. Additionally, the information below is especially pertinent when students are conducting maximal effort tests, such as the Multi-stage Fitness, Muscular Endurance and Muscular Strength Tests:
When to Eat Before Exercise Exercising on a full stomach is not ideal. Food that remains in your stomach during an event may cause stomach upset, nausea, and cramping. To make sure you have enough energy, yet reduce stomach discomfort, you should allow a meal to fully digest before the start of the event. This generally takes 1 to 4 hours, depending upon what and how much you've eaten. If you have an early morning workout, it's best to get up early enough to eat your pre-exercise meal. If not, you should try to eat or drink something easily digestible about 20 to 30 minutes before the event. The closer you are to the time of your event, the less you should eat. You can have a liquid meal closer to your event than a solid meal because your stomach digests liquids faster.
What to Eat Before Exercise Because glucose is the preferred energy source for most exercise, a pre-exercise meal should include foods that are high in carbohydrates and easy to digest. These include foods such as pasta, fruits, breads, energy bars and drinks.
Suggested Foods for Exercise Eating before exercise is something only the athlete can determine based upon experience, but some general guidelines include eating a solid meal 4 hours before exercise, a snack or a high carbohydrate energy drink 2 to 3 hours before exercise, and fluid replacement 1 hour before exercise. For example: 1 hour or less before exercise: Fresh fruit such as apples, watermelon, peaches, grapes, or oranges and/or up to 1 1/2 cups of a sports drink. 2 to 3 hours before exercise: Fresh fruits, bread, bagels, pasta, yogurt and/or water. 3 to 4 hours before exercise: Fresh fruit, bread, bagels, pasta with tomato sauce, baked potatoes, energy bar, cereal with milk, yogurt, toast/bread with a bit of peanut butter, lean meat, cheese and/or water.
Foods to Avoid Before Exercise Foods with a lot of fat or fiber can be very difficult and slow to digest and remain in the stomach a long time. They also will pull blood into the stomach to aid in digestion, which can cause cramping and discomfort. Meats, doughnuts, fries, potato chips, and candy bars should be avoided in a pre-exercise meal. PE teachers, the school nurses and counselors have been and will continue giving advice on such matters though assistance from you as parents/guardians is also required to minimize any discomforting experiences. The next round of fitness testing will take place between 21st January and 1st February of this year at various times throughout the school day depending on lesson times. Thank you for your cooperation, Adrian Hubbard, D-12 Physical Education Coordinator ahubbard@unishanoi.org
To change a life...
Talent Show TO CHANGE A LIFE… (A Grade 10 Personal Project) Saturday, January 19 UNIS Hanoi Theatre at 6:30 pm My name is Sidney Hong, I am a grade 10 student studying at the United Nations International School of Hanoi (UNIS Hanoi) working on the project Call It Talent: Hanoi. In the summer of 2010, I attended the Academy of Business Leadership in Los Angeles and can honestly tell you that it changed my life. I would be nowhere without the help of ABL and its president, Ms. Anna Ouroumian. Before this programme I was a very timid young woman who never even thought about talking in front of people. Now I feel so much more confident with myself, my ideas and goals. I am now on the HS Student Council (HS Senate) as the Communications Officer, I run and co-own a business and am an honor student. The ABL seminar has taught me so much about myself and has massively boosted my confidence in so many directions, challenging me to reach for much higher goals. A non-UNIS Hanoi event hosted at UNIS Hanoi (my Grade 10 Personal Project), Call It Talent: Hanoi will help raise awareness and funds for the Academy of Business Leadership (ABL). I am raising funds through this talent show to send a local Vietnamese student to Los Angeles to study at the amazing Academy for Business Leadership. The funds raised through this talent show will cover the costs of airfare, tuition, and lodging for the 6-week-program for two students that would otherwise not be afforded this wonderful and life-changing opportunity. All funds will be put in trust with UNIS Hanoi, who will remit them on behalf of Call it Talent: Hanoi. The Academy of Business Leadership envisions students who leave their academy confident, knowledgeable and inspired, who challenge and inspire, to believe in themselves to help build a better global community. This dynamic and innovative non-profit organization that is at the forefront of providing business and leadership education to the youth of the world in southern California, and has been changing the youth of Southern California for years. Now I believe with your help we can
HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Buy an entrance ticket: VND 100,000 Buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win prizes contributed by the hotels Mövenpick Hanoi &
Hilton Hanoi Opera It doesn't matter how much you give, what matters is when! Every little bit counts, no matter how big or small, it's all pieces towards the larger goal of changing a life. I hope to see you all there having a great time, watching the best acts in town and supporting a great cause!
Tickets sold outside UNIS Hanoi Canteen: January 16 - 18 (11:30 - 12:15)
Service Learning
For detailed information regarding the guidelines for the items you can donate please visit your class blog or contact Andrea Lim贸n (alimon@unishanoi.org).
From the Nurses’ Office...
Brrrrr, It’s Cold Outside! Dressing for a chilly climate
Wearing the appropriate winter clothing is a good idea for our students at UNIS Hanoi. Dressing in layers can be useful as they can keep warm and dry when playing outside. Layers can easily be removed should your child get too hot. LAYER IT ON For extreme cold, the innermost layers (next to the skin) should be made of a material that can “wick” away moisture. Non- absorbent material works the best. Cotton will retain moisture and if wet, will result in a loss of body heat no matter how many layers you have on! The middle layer should insulate – polar fleece, down, or wool are good insulating materials. Finally, the outermost layer, should protect from wind and water. Don’t forget socks as well! CAP IT OFF Don’t forget most of a person’s body heat is lost through the top of their head so helping your child to follow these simple tips will keep them warm and prevent them from getting too cold. DRINK UP Did you know that drinking liquids is important in colder weather? It’s true! As people breathe in and out, the body loses a large volume of water! Winter is an exciting time to play outside, but make sure you and your children are well prepared and well – dressed for the occasion otherwise, they will be at home and not learning in the classroom which is where we all want them to be! Nurses’ Office, nurse@unishanoi.org
Community Education Programme - Session 2 Registration The new course offerings for the ComEd Session 2 Programme (January – May 2013) are now available on UNIS Hanoi Website (http://www.unishanoi.org/?page=comed) and online booking starts at 08:30 on Monday, January 14, 2013. Many classes are offered to all members of the Hanoi Community in different areas such as: language, sport, cooking, skill building, movement, arts – culture and children’s activities. This session, we have new courses that might be of interest to you are: Language: Spanish for Beginners Movement: Bollywood Contemporary Dance Skill Building: Photography Workshop, Lacquer Painting Workshop, Cold Porcelain Workshop, Paper Magic Workshop Art and Culture: Craft Tour, Tour to Contemporary Art Studios Children Activities: Paper Model Building, Swimming for Beginners… ComEd is a programme of activities and sports that UNIS Hanoi offers to the wider local community of all ages and runs throughout the school year. Our aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to expand their knowledge, to have fun and to bring the community together. We are looking forward to your participation! Ha Thien Ha, Community Education Officer ComEd@unishanoi.org
School Community Organisation News School Community Organisation All Parents Meeting
Date: Tuesday 15th January Time: 08:30 Place: Community Room (Administration Building upstairs)
All parents welcome!
SAVE THE DATE: SPRING FAIR IS ONLY TWO MONTHS AWAY! Are you back from the holidays full of energy but still don’t know how to use it properly? Are you considering setting up a country table, commercial stand, garage sale table or help during the event? Please come to the next Tuesday’s SCO all parent meeting (Tuesday 15th January, 08:30 in the Community Room) so that we can answer any questions you may have. Keep in mind that we are only two months away from “D” day (Saturday, March 16th)! If you can’t make it to the meeting but would like to get more information please contact Country Table Coordinator: Michiko Kadono (michikokadono@gmail.com) Commercial and Garage Sale Table Coordinator: Liz Druitt (edruitt@unishanoi.org) Or myself: Paulina Pineda (paulinapineda@hotmail.com) Looking forward to hearing from many of you!!! Paulina Pineda, Spring Fair Coordinator
School Community Organisation News SCO Funding Allocation Announced The SCO is proud to announce that funding has been allocated to these applications for the 2012-2013 school year.
Operation Smile Support to the Operation Smile club of UNIS Hanoi who will work with the Hanoi Amsterdam school in organizing a concert on February 11, 2012 at the People’s Committee of Tay Ho District Culture Centre. The concert will include performances from various schools in Hanoi along with a few famous guests. This will help to accomplish the goal of raising funds for children’s surgeries and awareness of the activity of Operation Smile to the community.
ES Library - Additional Reading Buddy Pillows Reading Buddy Pillows were requested in 2010, and though the Reading buddy Pillows were requested specifically for use by the Elementary School students. These pillows have proven to be very popular amongst all age groups. Additional pillows will also be used for outside the Library for PAC’s, Visiting Author presentations, Student Parties, and ECC Learning Journey. Additional decorative items eg. mannequins for ES Library.
Badge Maker for Art, Design and Technology Department It is a piece of equipment that will add to the staff's ability to teach Graphic Design. It provides students with a quick professional, original way of presenting their design work. They will learn how to manufacture products in a range of familiar merchandising as badges, key rings and Fridge magnets. As well as a very effective piece of equipment to support the Art, Design and Technology curriculum it is also a very useful whole school resource, a way of raising awareness of a whole range of activities, events and issues. The products can also be used for fund raising.
UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts Purchase of a large Vietnamese Traditional Drum in the foyer of the Centre for the Arts. The Drum is a representative of our host culture and also a symbol of the Arts. The drum will be used for whole school assemblies and special occasions at UNIS Hanoi.
Workshops for UNIS Hanoi students to learn face painting and balloon tying skills Professionals will offer workshops to interested UNIS Hanoi students who can then use their skills and the UNIS Spring Fair and in the future, if they chose. eg. for casual work at children’s parties. And of course we maintain our ongoing commitment to contributing to the Nhat Tan School / Music Academy scholarships. The School Community Origanisation
SCO Boutique Announcement The Hoodies with zipper have arrived. They are available in red and blue, only 10 pieces per-size. Please visit our boutique sooooooooon!!
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (January 14 onwards) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
Monday 3 December - Fitness Room will not be open in the P.M.
Canteen Menu for the week of January 14 to 18 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
*** Main dish contains EGG
Western Set Menu 14 Vegetables Pasta Mixed Vegetables Green Salad w/Carrot Dressing Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
15 Barbecued Pork Chop Steamed Rice Greek Salad Pound Cake Fruit / Milk
16 Beef Stroganoff Multi Grain Rice Green Salad w/Yogurt Dressing Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
17*** Chicken Cutlet w/Sauce Multi Grain Rice Cole Slaw Brownie Fruit / Milk
18 Sloppy Joe French Fried Potatoes Spinach Salad Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk
17 Noodle w/Jajang Sauce Vegetable Sticks Brownie Fruit / Milk
18*** Thai Fried Chicken w/ Black Bean Sauce Steamed Rice Mushroom & Paprika Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk
17*** Chicken Cutlet w/Sauce Multi Grain Rice Cole Slaw Brownie Fruit / Milk
18 Sloppy Joe French Fried Potatoes Spinach Salad Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 14 Beef w/Black Pepper Sauce Multi Grain Rice Mixed Vegetables Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
15 Boiled Chicken w/Potato Steamed Rice Broccoli Pound Cake Fruit / Milk
16*** Grilled Fish w/Egg Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Morning Glory Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 14 Beef w/Black Pepper Sauce Multi Grain Rice Mixed Vegetables Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
15 Barbecued Pork Chop Steamed Rice Greek Salad Pound Cake Fruit / Milk
16 No Lunch
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org