tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 20, Edition 18, Friday 10 January
Tet Bag Collection, 13-24 Jan MS Arts Expo, Centre for the Arts, 13-15 Jan Advancement Committee Meet 8:15-9:30, B7 Parent Info Session - Copyright & Creative Commons 8:30-9:30, Library Projection Room ComEd Spring Session Sign Up begin 8:30 Board Executive Committee Meet, 12:00-14:00, B7
Finance Committee Meet, 7:00-8:30, Conference Room SCO All Parent Meeting, 8:30-9:30, Community Room
APAC Swim Meet, HKIS, 15-19 Jan APAC Basketball, Canadian Academy, Japan, 15-19 Jan ES Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-18:00, 11:30 Early Dismissal for D-Grade 5 and ASAs cancelled for ES students
ES Parent Teacher Conferences 16:00-18:00 5JH Parent Concert 13:15-13:50, Theatre 4HK Parent Concert 14:50-15:20 MS Girls Soccer 16:00-17:00, HIS
Tet Bag Collection, 20-24 Jan Semester 2 and Quarter 3 Start MSHS Art Exhibition, Centre for the Arts, 20-29 Jan HS Season 3 Sports Begin - Soccer 15:45-17:30, UNIS
Grade 1 Art Show, Centre for the Arts, 22-24 Jan HS Basketball Boys & Girls 15:45-16:45, Sports Centre Board Meeting (Open) 17:30-19:30, Community Room
MS Boys Soccer 16:00-17:00, UNIS Sports Fields Grade 1 ICE, 18:00-19:30, Centre for the Arts
ECC & Grade 1 Tet Assembly 13:10-13:50, Theatre Grades 2-5 Tet Assembly 14:10-15:20, Theatre HS Basketball Boys & Girls, 16:00-17:15, Sports Centre
Saturday Soccer Session 2 Begins SAT Testing (HS) Tet Bag Delivery
New Family Orientation and Welcome Coffee, Community Room Semester 1 and Quarter 2 End HS Boys Basketball 16:00-17:00, Sports Centre
MS Boys & Girls 7-Aside Soccer Tournament, UNIS
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Important Notice - Canteen Vouchers (p.2) Bus News (p.3)
Grade 10 Personal Project (p.4-5) Teen Read Week in MSHS (p.5) School Health Centre News (p.6)
Are you leaving UNIS Hanoi? (p.3) Parent Technology Info Session (p.3) Beginning Band Breakky (p.4)
UMA Updates (p.6) ComEd Session. Join NOW! (p.6) Bag of Love (p.7) Boutique News (p.7)
Happy New Year! I hope and trust that everyone had some kind of break during the most recent set of holidays. Thank you for your patience as the government contractor who is constructing the new bypass road near the school decided to close Lac Long Quan at the last minute causing some difficult traffic issues last week. While we believe we are over the worst of it for now, one can assume that there will be more situations like this as they work to try and finish the road. We still have no timeline of when it will be finished but as soon as we know, you will know. Also, welcome to the new families who have joined our community this month. We hope you will enjoy your time with us and that your children will transition well. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that our last day of school before the TET Holiday is Wednesday, 29 January and the first day of school after TET is Monday, 10 February. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
IMPORTANT NOTICE - CANTEEN VOUCHERS Dear Parents, It has come to our attention that counterfeit lunch vouchers may have been printed and maybe in circulation. In agreement with our canteen service providers J&J, a new design for lunch vouchers with additional security checks will be introduced after the Tet Vacation.
Please be assured that any tickets bought from the canteen or given as change by the canteen are legitimate and your children will not be refused service. We are committed to introducing an electronic card system as a long term solution, but in the transition period we believe that increasing security protects our community from potential fraud.
All lunch vouchers currently in circulation will be redeemable until March 1, after which date only the new lunch vouchers will be accepted by J&J.
We apologize for any inconvenience and we will send reminders nearer the deadline to ensure that all families have sufficient time to exchange or redeem their vouchers.
Existing vouchers may be exchanged for food at the canteen or for new vouchers from the canteen ticket sales desk when they become available after the Tet vacation.
In the meantime we would remind students, staff and parents to only purchase tickets from the canteen and not to accept tickets from any other source.
Until the new vouchers are available, security checks on the existing tickets will be reinforced.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Advancement Office at advancement@unishanoi.org.
Dear Parents, Due to ES Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 January, school buses home for ES students will be as follows: Wednesday 15 January – Buses depart from school at
11:45 – NO ASAs bus for ES students Thursday 16 January – Buses depart from school at
15:35 – NO ASAs bus for ES students. Thank you very much for your attention and we appreciate your help to arrange to collect your child/ren from the drop off point accordingly. Kind regards, UNIS Hanoi School Bus Office
Please notify the Admissions office of your intended withdrawal date. School will close for the winter break on Friday 13th December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 17th January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.
Understanding the different
January 13, 8:30 am, Library Projection Room In this day and age, it’s never been easy for us to copy images, videos and information from the internet. What are your responsibilities when using media created by others in the classroom or online? This session will explore the following: Difference between copyright and alternative licensing
such as Creative Commons
Creative Commons licenses and how you apply them How to reinforce your
child’s learning at home For any questions, please contact techdirector@unishanoi.org.
Grade 4/5 Students welcomed themselves back after the holiday with a ‘Beginning Band Breakky’ on Thursday morning. Whilst the weather turned a little grey, our stomachs were warmed with yummy bacon and egg bagels cooked by Mr Grant and Ms Sarah Garner. Plus the scrumptious sweets and snacks brought in from all members to share at the breakfast. Beginning Band students commit to the group on Thursday mornings before school for the entire year. Thank you to all Beginning Band Parents for your constant encouragement of practice and learning an instrument at home as well as your help in the breakky this morning. Always an excellent, fun way to start a Thursday! Kind regards, Sally Oxenberry and Grant Chamberlain
Grade 10 students are in the final weeks of their personal project, aiming to finish their independent inquiry. This will result in a product and a project report. They will also submit a process journal which they have been keeping throughout the project. Deadline:
Tuesday, 18 February, 6pm (process journal, product, report)
Tuesday, 25 February, 6pm Centre for the Arts Special invitation to G10 parents; open to school community
We will offer six, optional drop-in sessions after school and on weekends in January and February. A teacher will be available for questions and support during the times below. These are not formal sessions but a time for them to work on their project and ask questions when necessary. If supervisors are concerned about a student’s progress, they may request that they attend one or two of these sessions. Parents will be informed of this; attendance takes priority over other school activities as completion of the personal project is a requirement for students in grade 10.
Drop-in sessions: Saturday, 11 January
Tuesday, 28 January
Thursday, 16 January
Thursday, 13 February
Saturday, 25 January
Saturday, 15 February
Location: either library or B5-127; refer to poster on campus In case of questions, please contact your child’s supervisor or Sibylle Harth, mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org.
My name is Nhi Trinh and for every 10th Grader in the MYP it is a requirement to do a project, due to the fact that we have to complete it by ourselves with only the assistance of a teacher supervisor it is called the Personal Project. For my project, I have decided to create a blog which I will talk about traditional Vietnamese food and how it has affected my life. All throughout my life food has always had a huge impact on me, especially traditional Vietnamese food. Growing up my parents would prepare for celebrations or memorials and explain to me the meaning of each food and how it is made. This has lead to my interest in not only Ha Noi food but also food all over the world. And so I would like to pass on my knowledge of Vietnamese cuisine and a part of my childhood because what I have come to learn is that not a lot of people actually know too much about Vietnam, more specifically Ha Noi even though they have lived here all their life. I would like to ask for everyone's help by reading my blog and giving me comments on how to improve it. Please CLICK HERE to visit my blog. You never know, maybe you will learn something! Thank you so very much, Nhi Trinh
During the week before the holidays, the Middle & High School celebrated Reading and Literature. Classes across all subjects focused lessons on academic reading skills and encouraged students to pick up a pleasure read for the holiday. What’s the buzz? Over 500 books checked out to MSHS students! The library was a hive of busy, buzzing activity….. Along with all the classroom activities, Teen Read Week celebrated ‘The Hour of Code’ on Dec 10. Our relationships with technology are at the mercy of reading and writing….. and coding is the composing language. For great activities in coding, check out Khan academy’s coding activities
Get Reading
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Divergent series by Veronica Roth
Mortal Instruments &
Legend Novels
Infernal Devices Series
by Marie Lu
(Allegiant arriving soon!!)
By Cassandra Clare
Healthy Reminders from the School Health Centre Wash hands
frequently!!! Keep nails short. Washing hands is the number one defense against infectious diseases.
Get plenty of REST, students need 8-10 hours of sleep
a night to be productive in school and stay healthy. Eat a balanced diet, including the most important meal:
BREAKFAST. If your child has either a fever, diarrhea or vomiting
they must stay home until fever-free or last diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours without medication. Remember to do wet combing once a week to prevent
We are happy to administer your child’s prescribed medication to them during school hours but you MUST provide a letter with clear instructions and your signature.
Please complete all medical forms as requested and remember students in grades 3 – 6 and 9 must have an updated medical every 3 years. Students with Allergy concerns must have an Allergy Action Plan completed - see link here Students with Asthma must have an Asthma Action plan completed – see link here. Please do not hesitate to contact the School Health Centre with any concerns. School Health Centre, nurse@unishanoi.org
lice infestations, for more information please see here.
Dear Parents,
Session 3 UMA lessons.
A Happy Musical New Year to you all. As an inspiration to all of you take a few minutes to watch this wonderful young musician.
Session 2 will finish on February 21 and the session 3
Below you will find some important updates from our UNIS Music Academy:-
Several students have been invited by their music teachers to perform a piece of music in a celebratory UMA concert. This was due to take place on Friday January 17 but has been postponed to allow students more time to practice after the vacation. It will now be held on Thursday Feb 27 from 18:00-19:30 in the Theatre. This is the week in between session 2 and session 3 and therefore will not interrupt normal lessons. We will hold a second concert later in the year on May 14 when different UMA students will be able to share their progress. All our UMA community are invited to come and enjoy both concerts. More details will be sent nearer the time.
sign up process will begin on Feb 10. Parents who have registered and paid for the whole year
PRIOR to Jan 29 will have their lesson slots reserved. Students who have had lessons in session 2 and want to
continue with the same instrument, time slot and teacher in session 3 should email the umaofficer@unishanoi.org by January 17 confirming they want to continue with the lessons. Invoices for the session 3 will then need to be paid PRIOR to Jan 29 to reserve this spot. Once existing students who have paid invoices for the
future lessons have been allocated, additional places will be available for sign up in session 3 from 7:00am on Feb 10th We are currently interviewing additional UMA teachers
and hope to offer more possibilities for piano, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone and guitar.
The Community Education (ComEd) Programme - Session 2 (2013/2014) - is now available for viewing on the UNIS website. Many classes are offered to all members of the Hanoi Community, including: Art and Culture: Bat Trang Ceramic Tour, Old Street
Tour… Cooking: Indian Cooking, Homemade Baking… Skill Building: Lacquer Painting, Decorating Basic… Children Activities: Tennis for Children, Judo, Latin
Dance, Painting, Indoor Games for Children, Swimming … PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL PROGRAMME
We will open the link for registration at 08:30 on Monday, January 13 on the website. ComEd is a programme of activities in the areas of cooking, movement, language, arts and culture, skill building, sports, children classes that UNIS Hanoi offers to the wider local community. ComEd has 2 sessions in a school year: Session 1 (September – December) Session 2 (January – May).
Our aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to gain new skills, expand their knowledge, have fun and to bring the community together. We look forward to your participation in the session 2. Ha Thien Ha, ComEd Officer ComEd@unishanoi.org
Extended hours on Friday, January 17, 2014 from 8am 12pm (new family orientation day)
Track Suits (blue color) in various sizes
Visit the Boutique Online for our item price range.
For detailed information regarding the guidelines for the items you can donate please visit your class blog or contact Andrea Limón (alimon@unishanoi.org).