Tin Tuc Newsletter 19 Vol 19 TT 18 January 13

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Next Week... Monday, 21 January ●

3rd Quarter and 2nd Semester Begin Birthday Ball Meeting 08:30 - 10:00, B7

Tuesday, 22 January ●

Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00

Wednesday, 23 January ●

ISA Parent Information Session 08:15 - 08:45, B7 MSHS Band Extravaganza 17:00 - 19:30, Theatre Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00

Thursday, 24 January ●

Grade 1 PAC 18:30-19:30, Theatre

Friday, 25 January ●

Transition Workshop for parents 08:30-10:30, B7

Saturday, 26 January ●

UNIS Hanoi Invitational MS Boy Soccer Tournament Community Education Session 2 Begins (ends May 11)

Volume 19, Edition 19, Friday 18 January

Coming Soon... Monday, 28 January ●

Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00

Tuesday, 29 January ●

Tet Bag Delivery 08:30 - 13:30

Wednesday, 30 January ●

APAC Swimming, ISB, China, Jan 30 - Feb 3 APAC Girls Basketball, HKIS, China, Jan 30 - Feb 3 APAC Boys Basketball, TCIS, Korea, Jan 30 - Feb 3

Thursday, 31 January ●

MRISA Senior Basketball, ISHCMC, Jan 31 - Feb 3 Values and Belief Statement Task Force, 07:00-08:30, B7 Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30-19:30, B7

Friday, 1 February ●

Breakfast with the Head of School 08:15 - 09:15, B7 4LL Parent Concert, 14:00 - 14:30

Saturday, 2 February ●

UNIS Hanoi Invitational MS Girls Soccer Tournament

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.3) Notes from the Principals (p.4-5) Birthday Ball Countdown (p.6)

ABRSM Music Exams (p.11) University Info Session for 11 Graders (p.11) For Book Loving Parents (p.12) Ten Healthy Habits (p.13)

Alumni Reunion News (p.6) 25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.7) PYP & MYP Parent Workshop (p.8) Grade 8 Focus Days (p.8)

Talent Show to Change a Life (p. 14) Tet Gifts (p.15-16) Hanoi’s Tattoo (p.17)

Grade 10 Personal Project Update (p.9) ISA Test Results Available (p.9) Band Extravaganza (p.10) UMA News (p.11)

Spring Fair. Book Now! (p.18) Saussage Sizzle New Location (p.19) Sports News (p.19-20) Job Opportunity (p.21)

Notes from the Head of School I was pleased to be able to attend one of the Values/ Beliefs parent sessions earlier this week and had wanted to make some comments. What I appreciated was the level of conversation that took place as the participants discussed the questions posed by the facilitator. The depth of discussion and reflective discourse was wonderful, and will contribute significantly to the values and belief statements that the board is hoping to have come out of these meetings. And it is my understanding from the consultants that the other sessions have been just as meaningful. So thank you to those who have already participated. This is what makes working at UNIS Hanoi so attractive. We have parents who are willing to give up an evening to contribute to the development of meaningful foundational statements that will guide us long into the future. It is great to be a part of community where parents are willing to get involved in order to make our school better. There are three more sessions next week (see another announcement in this Tin Tuc) and if you have not had the chance to attend a session already, I am hoping you will be able to make one of these three. Another matter that I mentioned in an earlier Tin Tuc was about the new Ring Road construction and impact on access to Ciputra and UNIS Hanoi. Here is an exceprt from the latest announcement from Ciputra management: “The first stage and disruption to Estate traffic will be on the road from Lac Long Quan to the Estate and UNIS Hanoi…..in the short term they intend to build a small BYPASS Road around the small creek and bridge area so they can complete the Ring Road across the entrance road from Lac Long Quan, and this will cause some delays and will need everyone to drive carefully. We understand at a later date this access to Ciputra from Lac Long Quan will be closed permanently and a main entry to CIputra will be opened off the NEW RING ROAD between the Government Apartment Towers CT 13 & CT 14A at the location where the old marketing office and Phu Thuong Police office is currently located. As this project will be later in the new year we will further update you of these changes as we are given more information from the road construction.”

We wish best of luck to Cameron Terry (KCO) Hee Dong Cho (2BMcL) Nicklas Kueppers (2BMcL) Irene Song (2LN) Hannah Lee (3BF) Maximilian Kueppers (3BF) Cooper Terry (4LL) Joāo Felipe Chertouh (4SN) Boo Sung Park (5MS/SC) Kyung Jun Kim (6LH) So Hyun Park (8DS) Hyun Ji Lee (9JG) Mai Muchaku (9MP) So Yeon Moon (9GG) Loc Dinh (11PC)

who left UNIS Hanoi this week.


We will keep you posted as we get further information. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School

Let’s k in tou eep ch!

You will be missed

Notes from the Board of Directors Help us better define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs: last focus groups announcements The Board of Director invites you to participate in a new process underway to help better define the School’s Values and Beliefs. All parents should have received a personal invitation to join community-based focus groups where you will have an opportunity to help better define the School’s values, based on the existing Vision and Mission statements and what is important to you and your child. These meetings will be independently facilitated by consultants; Rebecca Hales and Cynthia Mann. Faculty, administration, staff, alumni and students will also be contributing to the values and beliefs statements at school. Thanks to all parents who attended the meetings held this week and especially the Brennen/Dybdahl, Pierangelo and Fairman families for their generous hosting. The next parent focus groups will be held:

 Tuesday, 22 January 7-9pm hosted by the Rickard family  Wednesday, 23 January 7-9pm hosted by the Anderson family  Monday, 28 January 7-9pm hosted by the Rana/ Kachelo family If you did not receive your invitation yet or if you cannot attend on your scheduled date, don’t worry, you can join in any of these remaining sessions. Please contact Ms. Hanh hosassistant@unishanoi.org about your preferred date and she will add you in. Finally, we will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday 27th February 7pm at school to give everyone in the community an opportunity to feedback on an initial draft of the values and beliefs statements that will be compiled based on input from parents, students and faculty members who participated in the focus groups. Please note that this is a change to the date previously advertised. The Board believes that everyone who is part of the School community should have the chance to be involved and engaged, because the final values and beliefs statement will belong to all of us. We all look forward to your feedback and inputs to this important process and thank you for your time. Craig Burgess, Chair of the Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force

Notes from the Elementary School Principal Happy New Year! A belated Happy New Year to everyone. I am sorry I was not here to welcome everyone back after the winter break but it is the time of year when the school administrators need to attend recruitment fairs in order to staff the school for next academic year.

Parent Teacher Conferences I am delighted that we have been able to offer an extra parent teacher conference session this year in addition to the normal two that have taken place in the Elementary School in past years. Each time we try to refine the process for sign up in order to make things as easy as possible for parents. I can only apologise for the frustrations experienced by many with the new blocking system for the homeroom teachers. However, I believe the method worked better in terms of people signing up for the subject specialists and we continued to have these teachers grouped together in one area in the Centre for the Arts as we had received positive feedback from parents about this last time. I hope you found all sessions useful, especially as the conferences took place following the earlier publication of end of semester written reports this year, giving parents an opportunity to reflect on the written comments before meeting with the teachers. The next conferences in March will be Student Led and we will send out more detailed information nearer the time.

New Families We have been busy showing around new families this week and last as we prepare for New Family Orientation on Friday 18 January and the start of the second semester on Monday when most of the new students will join their classes. I know everyone will welcome and support them and their families as they join UNIS Hanoi community for the first time; the student buddies are already preparing to look after them around school and all children seem excited at the prospect of making new friends.

Kind regards, Carole Denny, Elementary School Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Notes from the Middle/High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, Greetings and Happy New Year from the MSHS! I trust everyone enjoyed a relaxing Winter Break and found time to unwind and spend time with family and friends. Hopefully our learning community is now geared up, well rested, and ready for an exciting 2013! I must apologize for not being on campus during the first week back from Winter Break but Dr. Barder, Ms. Denny (ES Principal) and I were busy recruiting faculty for the 2013-2014 school year at two recruitment fairs in Bangkok. Although I never like to miss school recruiting faculty is extremely important to the success of our school and it does require significant time and effort to ensure we secure the very best faculty possible. I am happy to report that the MSHS has been extremely successful at the recruitment fairs and we have secured the services of several extremely talented educators. Dr. Barder will provide you with more detaileds in the coming weeks but I wanted to state how pleased I am with the quality of the faculty joining us for the 2013-2014 school year. I have now been at UNIS Hanoi for almost one semester and continue to be impressed with the talent and competence of our student body. I have found the vast majority of UNIS Hanoi students to be respectful, conscientious, creative, and prepared. However, one pattern I have noticed is that many students view deadlines as flexible or unimportant. For educators this is not a new issue or one solely confined to UNIS Hanoi, but as adults we all understand that managing deadlines is an extremely important skill and one that we must take seriously. Our MS and HS handbooks outline procedures which are applied when student miss set deadlines. However, the current procedures give students up to one week beyond the original deadline to complete an assignment. Clearly this does not instill a sense of urgency in students and it may give those who are late an unfair advantage over those who adhere to deadlines. In the spirit of fairness and to further support students in taking responsibility for their own learning we will be making changes to these procedures in the second semester. Teachers are currently working out the details of a new policy that is designed to foster a sense of urgency and respect for deadlines. Once the policy is completed it will be explained to students and parents will be informed. I thank you in advance for your support. In closing I would like to congratulate all the students who participated in the student led drama production of Hercules. Bravo! It was a wonderful performance and further evidence that when given the opportunity students will produce high quality work that more often than not exceeds adult expectations. As I have stated in past Tin Tuc articles we are challenging students to be more responsible for their actions and have an active role in the governance of the MSHS. Students now lead Morning Meetings and run assemblies. The MSHS Senate will speak to students about the dangers of cyber bullying and its impact on our school community. Clearly students are rising to the challenge! One more example of a wonderful student led initiative is the MYP Personal Project designed by grade 10 student Sidney Hong. Sidney created and hosted “Call it Talent” to benefit the Academy for Business Leadership (ABL). The funds raised through this talent show will sponsor local Vietnamese students to study abroad at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) for a 6 week summer programme. “Call it Talent” will air January 19 in the UNIS Hanoi Centre for the Arts. I hope you will be able to attend and support this worthy cause. Congratulations Sidney! Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

Notes from Advancement Office Birthday Ball Countdown The countdown has started to our Birthday Ball on April 13. It will be a glamorous night of fine dining and fun for all involved… but our main goal is to fundraise. Our hope is to raise at least 25,000 USD (for our 25th Birthday!) which will fund exciting education projects through our Service Learning programme. Thanks to the lead sponsorship of Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake, this is our chance to give a wonderful birthday present to our host country community! We have a dynamic group of volunteers and we are very excited to get going! There is still a chance to join the fun and get involved in organizing an event which will not only be a night to remember but also create our 25th Birthday Gift Fund. Email advancement@unishanoi.org to get involved and join us on JANUARY 21 at 8.30-10am for our first action meeting (Community Room B7). Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org

ALUMNI News Please HELP US SPREAD THE WORD about the upcoming reunion gatherings if you have UNIS Hanoi friends in following cities. Students, their families and faculty/staff are ALL alumni of UNIS Hanoi and we want to stay in touch. Alumni activities for UNIS Hanoi will just keep on growing with your help and we especially want to celebrate together in our 25th Birthday Year. SAN FRANCISCO - February 16th 4-6pm - meet at Eclipse Restaurant - Hyatt Regency San Francisco at 4pm. Head of School Dr Chip Barder will take our alumni to an afternoon tea to catch up about them, about the school, about the world: RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE – March 23 Details to be confirmed - watch this space! Email alumni@unishanoi.org and we will keep you posted TOKYO – March 30 Afternoon tea from 2-4pm at Lutheran Ichigaya Center (1-1 Sadohara-Cho, Ichigaya, Shinjuku-Ku)! RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm TOKYO SEOUL – May 11 6pm onwards at COEX Seoul – same place, more fun! RSVP to alumni@unishanoi.org and confirm SEOUL Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org

Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. My Project is to get in contact with our alumni through the use of a quick, simple online form so that our current community can hear what our school was like over the last 25 years. If you know anyone or you are someone who knows anyone I could get in contact with who has any interesting stories then please contact me! Thank you! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student

Nationality: Korean Where are you living now? Korea What are you doing (job/studying)? Working for Bosch in Automotive Aftermarket Marketing team What year(s) were you at UNIS Hanoi and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? Year 2003 and 2004. I was in 10th and 11th grade. What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? I used to live in Kim Ma street in Daewoo Apartment. On Kim Ma street I still remember many Xe Om drivers were waiting for their customers. The interesting things were they had certain rule for example I tried to get on the one driver but they did not let me so but the driver who are always taking me to UNIS came in front of me and take me to UNIS. It was quite interesting to find that even in Xe Om driver society there are certain rule of taking benefit. Before coming to UNIS I used to go to Korean school and in the Korean way of teaching there is not much discussion time, debate, or writing essays that sort of make statements. For me UNIS offered a different education system which helped me to develop my logics. Other than learning, I had international friends who were interesting and they were people who I shared different aspects of life with. I was not used to hang out on Fridays but my Australian friend invited me to her place and introduced me to her family. This helped me learn how to mix with other people socially and that was my best experience. When I was 10th and 11th grade I was thinking about what I wanted to become and what I wanted to do. I was very lucky to take art class, physics class, IT class, and many other classes to fully understand what I want to do and what I am good at. Personally I really liked the UNIS courses, teachers, and friends although there was cultural gap. What was the best advice a UNIS Hanoi teacher gave you? My teachers were very friendly and always gave me advice. Once I was working on homework a lot and not having enough personal time because I was one of the hard working Korean students. But she gave me advice to do some other things, experience meeting people, and exercising. So I changed and did more activities not just work. This made my life more enjoyable. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? My favorite subject was art. It was not easy to create or design a project but I really liked expressing things. For example my feelings and what I have seen to an object.

Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? I am facebook friends with them. But since we are living far away I have slowly stopped messaging them. This year I got invitation from my friend to come for her engagement party but she is living at Australia and it is very expensive to visit there, so I decided not to go due to financial issues. How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? During that time we used to play basketball, collect dvds, go to friends house for dinner, watch movies, swim, go to cafes, and shopping for accessories.

Nationality: Australian & Pakistani Where are you living now? Kuala Lumpur What are you doing now? Retired What year(s) [eg. 2010-2012] were you at UNIS and what was your job at the time? I was in Hanoi 2000-05 as the General Manager of ANZ Bank Vietnam. My two kids (Nadir Ahmad Aliya Ahmad) attended UNIS during this time. What is your favourite memory from UNIS Hanoi? I have lots of fond memories of UNIS. One that I share regularly is regarding Dr. Fran Rhodes, who was heading UNIS when arrived in Hanoi. Fran was a very determined lady who was passionate about building a purpose built campus for the school - this is the one you kids are enjoying now. She quickly determined that (as a parent and head of the largest foreign bank) I would very useful in helping raise the funding. I recall getting a call from her inviting me to join UNIS's Finance sub-committee I had recently arrived in Hanoi and had my hands full with work at ANZ, and tried very hard to avoid making the commitment. But, as I said to her later and to many people subsequently, 'what Fran wants, Fran gets'. I was soon a member of the Finance sub-committee, where I did my little bit towards the development of the new UNIS campus. Many people have made contributions to this very worthwhile endeavor, but in my mind Fran gets the lions share of the credit for the new campus.

Who was your favourite teacher and why? I had many favourite teachers. One of them is Ms. Noullet. She was my EAP teacher. She is very friendly and caring and she gave me lots of advice. I liked her way of expressing things.

What is your favourite memory/place in Hanoi? My family and I have numerous fond memories of Hanoi. We've made some of our best friends during our time there, and we keep in touch with them on a regular basis. The expat have now pretty much all left Hanoi, but the locals (and this includes expats married to locals) are still there, and we plan to visit them and Hanoi one of these days.

How did you get to school every morning? Xe Om, Daewoo shuttle bus, Cyclo, or by walking.

What is your claim to fame? Too many to list!

Curriculum Workshops for Parents

UN Millennium Development Goals ~ Grade 8 Focus Days ~ On January 28-29, all Grade 8 students will be off-timetable to focus their learning on the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG). They will inquire into the issues of inequality faced by global societies today and how the UN uses the MDGs to drive and evaluate development. Through a systems thinking process they will develop proposals for student action to address the following question:

Millennium Development Goals for 2015 (Source: UNDP)

How can we, as UNIS Hanoi students, contribute to meeting the Millennium Development Goals? For questions, please email mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org. For further information on the MDGs, please click here. Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org

Grade 10 Personal Project Students are embarking on the final seven weeks of their Personal Project journey. Parents can engage in conversations about their progress by asking them about their product or reading their monthly blog entries. To leave sufficient time to report on the project, students should complete their products before the Tet break. Please direct questions to: mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org

March 11 – Personal Project deadline (students submit product, report and process journal) March 14 – 18:00 Personal Project exhibition Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator

The International School’s Assessment (ISA) News Test Results for Grade 3-9 Students You will receive an email from the school today with instructions on accessing your child’s International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) report which is ready to be viewed through the ISIS Family Module. Your child participated in the ISA test in October 2012. UNIS Hanoi has been using the ISA program for six years as one way to measure student learning through standardized testing. It is based on the internationally endorsed reading and mathematical literacy frameworks of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). It is used by schools with an international focus whose language of instruction is English. Approximately 60 000 students from 300 schools in more than 50 countries will participate in the ISA during 2012-13. The ISA is designed for students experiencing different curricula, and the assessment is geared to the skills and understandings that research suggests underpin major curricula throughout the world. Please remember that the ISA reports are only one way to measure how your child is progressing. At UNIS Hanoi we believe that standardised tests can provide additional data on student achievement. The results from the ISA test are not used in the UNIS Hanoi report card. Teachers use the results from the test in various ways in order to add to their understanding of student achievement and to consider what learning outcomes should be the focus of instructional time in the classroom. The results are also used at a school-wide level to help evaluate the effectiveness of our program. A parent information session for general information on the ISA and how to read the report will be held for all grade 3-9 parents on Wednesday, January 23 from 8.15-8.45am in the Community Room. If you have general questions about the ISA test please come to this session. If you have questions about your child’s performance on the test please contact the teacher directly. For additional questions about the ISA please contact Meagan Enticknap-Smith, Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org


Drama Consultant’s Visit The two-week schedule with our Drama consultant, Debbie Holland, finished up this Friday. Debbie provided a variety of workshops for students, teachers and parents, while also participating and facilitating in classes from grade 3 to grade 10 and leading curriculum review discussions with our teachers. It has been a full two weeks for our drama department and everyone has benefited from the experience and knowledge that Debbie shared with us. Thank you to those parents who were able to join us for the parent sessions.

UNIS Hanoi Music Academy News Happy New Year! Important dates and information from the UNIS Hanoi Music Academy for Parents and Students. Saturday January 19 – UMA Lessons for Semester 1 officially finish Monday January 21 – UMA Lessons for Semester 2 start February 18 to March 2 – UMA Semester 1 make-up lessons Parents and students who wish to cancel their Music Academy lessons or change their lesson time for Semester 2 need to email Ms. Cham – Music Academy Assistant (maassitant@unishanoi.org) before 6:00pm, Monday January 21st. The UNIS Hanoi Music Academy welcomes the return of Ms Hien (Viola Specialist) and Ms Viet Anh (Piano Specialist) from their Semester 1 leave. During Semester Two Ms Hien will be teaching on Wednesdays and Ms Viet Anh on Thursdays. Please email Ms Cham (maassistant@unishanoi.org) to register lessons with either of these teachers.

ABRSM Music Exams UNIS Hanoi will be hosting the Northern Vietnam ABRSM Music Exams in early June 2013. ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) exams are internationally recognized practical music exams which are available for all instruments. An examiner for the UK will come to UNIS Hanoi to conduct the individual exams. More information about ABRSM Exams can be found at – www.abrsm.org Registrations for these exams will close on February 22, 2013. All registrations for ABRSM exams can be directed to the UNIS Hanoi Music Academy (unisma@unishanoi.org), Ms Cham (maassistant@unishanoi.org) or Elizabeth Druitt. (edruitt@unishanoi.org)

University Information Now is the time for 11th Graders to get the information for universities! Applying to UK , Canada, Australia. UK Students who are thinking of applying to the UK should not miss these UK universities representatives visiting our campus! You will find out all about UCAS 1. How to research courses/universities in the UK 2. How to write a good personal statement 3. What qualifications you will need 4. How and When you should apply You can bring your lunch. ( Please bring a sandwich and not a tray ) University of Waterloo - Monday, January 21, 2013 (Canada top in engineering) Melbourne University - Tuesday, January 22, 2013 (Australia) The London School of Economics and Political Science - Thursday, January 24, 2013 (UK #1 in economics)

From the Library... The Library is a place for parents too!! Take a look at some of the books about parenting! Raising Global Nomads. Pascoe, Robin. 2006. Pascoe takes us on a wonderful, humourous and above all intensely informative journey with her family, and yours. Every overseas family will instantly see themselves in Pascoe's often moving description of her family's trials and tribulations in adapting to life abroad. Strong fathers, strong daughters : 10 secrets every father should know Meeker, Margaret J. 2007. The author discusses the importance of fathers in the lives of their daughters, and draws from her experiences as a pediatrician and counselor to girls to explain how fathers can strengthen or rebuild the bonds between them and their daughters. Why boys are different and how to bring out the best in them Macmillan, Bonnie. 2004. Explains how and why boys differ from girls in the areas of brain development, emotional development, communication, motor skills, and achievement from infancy to adolescence, providing guidance for mothers and fathers on helping sons grow up happy and reach their potential. Why boys don't talk--and why it matters : a parent's survival guide to connecting with your teen Shaffer, Susan Morris. 2005. Offers parents practical advice for raising teenage sons and provides tips on understanding why boys often hide behind a wall of silence, recognizing ways to communicate, and maintaining strong bonds.

I'd listen to my parents if they'd just shut up : what to say and not say when parenting teens Wolf, Anthony E. 2011 Anthony Wolf applies his philosophy and humor to a wide variety of everyday situations, showing both the way interactions tend to go (not so well) and why, then offers parents a script and guidance on how to achieve the most satisfying outcomes.

Fitness Tracking Programme: Round three HEALTH, NUTRITION AND WELLNESS ADVISORY TASKFORCE MONTHLY POST – ISSUE 1 Dear UNIS Community, At the beginning of this academic year a decision was made to create a Health, Nutrition and Wellness Advisory Taskforce involving members of the school community. The purpose of the task force is to discuss and develop ways to improve our health, nutrition and wellness and I’m pleased to say that 13 dedicated members of the task force, including parents, students, teachers and administrators are heading into our third monthly meeting. Part of the Taskforce’s mission is to circulate valuable and relevant information to the wider community through school publications. The first; Ten Health Habits will give some simple tips on how to aid a healthy lifestyle. This might be especially relevant if you’ve indulged a little over the recent festive period.


There are certain fundamentals and habits that should be a daily part of your life if you are going to improve your health and wellbeing. Some of these are: 1. Eat Your Vegetables Make a habit of eating at least four servings of vegetables every day. A diet rich in vegetables may help reduce your risk of getting certain types of cancer and heart disease and having a stroke. 2. Eat Fruit Incorporate fruit into your daily diet. Fruit is a food source that is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, which can protect your body from heart disease. Eating whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice is preferable, as fruit often loses it fiber content when made into juice. 3. Eat Breakfast Make time to eat breakfast every morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it supplies your mind and body with energy to function optimally throughout the day. Interestingly, people who eat breakfast are 4.5 times less likely to be obese than those who don’t, according to an article in the On-line 49er of California State University at Long Beach. 4. Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation If you are over the legal age and consume alcohol, limit your consumption to very moderate levels. Regardless of the carbohydrate content of the alcoholic beverage, at seven calories per gram, with no nutrients whatsoever, alcohol is simply empty calories. According to the University of Illinois, the health benefits of drinking in moderation only apply to men over 45 years old and women over 55 years old. 5. Don’t Smoke If you smoke, you should stop. If you do not smoke, you should not start. Smoking is the No. 1 risk factor for heart disease according to the Net Wellness website, a service of the University of Cincinnati. Smoking accounts for an estimated one out of every five deaths each year. 6. Limit Your Red Meat Consumption Eating lean protein sources such as chicken or fish is preferable to eating red meat. Even the lean cuts of red meat have considerably more saturated fat than chicken or fish. Limit your weekly red meat consumption to 4 oz. or less. 7. Get a Good Night’s Sleep Most males and females need seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Chronic sleep deprivation is a risk factor for obesity. 8. Drink Water According to Sheila Tucker, administrative dietitian at Boston College University, two-thirds of Americans do not drink enough water. Most adults need between 8 and 12 cups of cup per day. If you live in a hot climate or exercise frequently, you may need more than most adults. 9. Don’t Drink Soda Avoid drinking soda or any other beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. More so than regular sugar, high fructose corn syrup encourages your body to store fat on the abdominal regions according to researchers at Princeton University. 10. Exercise Exercise promotes optimal health and should be a part of your lifestyle. The Harvard School of Public Health notes that just 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five days a week will produce health benefits. If you cannot exercise consistently, just staying active can be a decent temporary substitute. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/383261-ten-healthy-habits/#ixzz2HmeW8Afs Adrian Hubbard, Chair of Health, Nutrition and Wellness Advisory Taskforce ahubbard@unishanoi.org

To change a life...

Talent Show TO CHANGE A LIFE… TOMORROW NIGHT (A Grade 10 Personal Project) Saturday, January 19

UNIS Hanoi Theatre

at 6:30 pm

My name is Sidney Hong, I am a grade 10 student studying at the United Nations International School of Hanoi (UNIS Hanoi) working on the project Call It Talent: Hanoi. In the summer of 2010, I attended the Academy of Business Leadership in Los Angeles and can honestly tell you that it changed my life. I would be nowhere without the help of ABL and its president, Ms. Anna Ouroumian. Before this programme I was a very timid young woman who never even thought about talking in front of people. Now I feel so much more confident with myself, my ideas and goals. I am now on the HS Student Council (HS Senate) as the Communications Officer, I run and co-own a business and am an honor student. The ABL seminar has taught me so much about myself and has massively boosted my confidence in so many directions, challenging me to reach for much higher goals. A non-UNIS Hanoi event hosted at UNIS Hanoi (my Grade 10 Personal Project), Call It Talent: Hanoi will help raise awareness and funds for the Academy of Business Leadership (ABL). I am raising funds through this talent show to send a local Vietnamese student to Los Angeles to study at the amazing Academy for Business Leadership. The funds raised through this talent show will cover the costs of airfare, tuition, and lodging for the 6-week-program for two students that would otherwise not be afforded this wonderful and life-changing opportunity. All funds will be put in trust with UNIS Hanoi, who will remit them on behalf of Call it Talent: Hanoi. The Academy of Business Leadership envisions students who leave their academy confident, knowledgeable and inspired, who challenge and inspire, to believe in themselves to help build a better global community. This dynamic and innovative non-profit organization that is at the forefront of providing business and leadership education to the youth of the world in southern California, and has been changing the youth of Southern California for years. Now I believe with your help we can change the youth of Vietnam.

HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE  Buy an entrance ticket: VND 100,000  Buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win prizes contributed by the hotels Mövenpick Hanoi &

Hilton Hanoi Opera It doesn't matter how much you give, what matters is when! Every little bit counts, no matter how big or small, it's all pieces towards the larger goal of changing a life. I hope to see you all there having a great time, watching the best acts in town and supporting a great cause!

Tickets available on the door TOMORROW NIGHT!

Tet for Chuc Son Chuc Son is an orphanage where kids with disabilities live. As Tet is approaching, it will be a great idea to provide little “presents” that would make them glad. Just you’re a pair of socks, gloves or scarf! These little things will surely make the Kids happy. Please drop your items by the Service Learning office, B5 - G18. This event will end on February 1. Thank you for your support. The Chuc Son Group


Middle School Toys for Tet Donation Drive The Middle School Student Council has started their annual Toys for Tet donation drive. We are asking all Middle School students to bring in one new or slightly used gift that can be given to children at the Tam Hiep cancer hospital. The hospital typically has about 65 children receiving treatment there at any given time. On the week before Tet, MS student council members will be visiting the hospital and distributing the gifts we have collected. Thank you for thinking of those less fortunate than you. Together we can help bring some joy to the lives of some very sick children.

Ideas to Consider when buying a gift      

Crayons, coloring books and other art supplies are great when you are stuck in bed Vietnamese books are good Think of puzzles, games or toys you could use if you were stuck inside all day No Candy allowed—The kids are sick and have doctor approved diets Fruit is a healthy alternative No stuffed animals or soft toys—They can gather too many germs

On behalf of the Middle School Student Council, thank you for all of your support and for helping to bring a little joy into the life of a needy child. Kevin Johnston, MS Student Council Coordinator kjohnston@unishanoi.org

Tet Bag

For detailed information regarding the guidelines for the items you can donate please visit your class blog or contact Andrea Lim贸n (alimon@unishanoi.org).

From the Nurses’ Office... THE HANOI TATOO - MOTORBIKE BURNS

Every day in Hanoi, around 4.4 million motorbikes hit the streets, and for every bike, you also get an extremely hot exhaust pipe. Whether walking by a parked bike on the footpath or riding on the back, even the most careful may bump into these accidents waiting to happen. At UNIS Hanoi we are having regular visits from students and teachers with motorbike burns so please take care near motorbikes. According to the Mayo Clinic, February 1, 2012 the following First aid treatment for burns should be followed. To distinguish a minor burn from a serious burn, the first step is to determine the extent of damage to the tissues. Burns are classified into:

1st Degree Burn The least serious burns are those in which only the outer layer of skin is burned.  The skin is usually red.  Often there is swelling.  Pain sometimes is present.

2nd Degree Burn When the first layer of skin has been burned through and the second layer of skin is burned.  Blisters develop  Skin takes on an intensely reddened, splotchy appearance.  Severe pain and swelling.

ADVICE If the burn is no more than 3 inches or 7.6 cm. diameter, treat it as a minor burn. If any bigger, seek medical advice.  Cool the burn under cool (not cold) running water (clean) for 10-15 minutes until pain subsides. If not practical, immerse the burn in cool water or apply cool compress.  Cover with sterile gauze. (don’t use fluffy cotton wool)  Wrap gauze loosely so as not to put pressure on the burn. Wrapping keeps air off the burn and reduces pain.  Take an over the counter pain reliever.  Observe for signs of infection such as increased pain, redness, fever, swelling or oozing.  Seek medical help if infection suspected.


Don’t put ice on the burn. Don’t apply egg whites, butter or ointments to the burn. Don’t break blisters.

Nurses’ Office, nurse@unishanoi.org

School Community Organisation News

SPRING FAIR 2013 Book NOW!!!!! Commercial Table (for small businesses run ONLY by UNIS parents or staff)

Garage Sale Table (ONLY for UNIS parents or staff) If interested please contact Liz Druitt at edruitt@unishanoi.org To the date we have the following country tables confirmed: Malaysia, India, Korea, Japan, Mexico, Indonesia, UK, Italy, Chile, Spain, Belgium, Australia If you don’t see your country in this list don’t worry because you still have time to get a group of your compatriots together to set up one. We can never have too many!!!! If you still have doubts, questions or are ready and set to commit to take part in the event, please contact: Michiko Kadono at michikokadono@gmail.com And if you want to help but still don’t know how, we will be needing volunteers for specific tasks shortly so please contact: Paulina Pineda at paulinapineda@hotmail.com

Thank you!!!! Spring Fair Team

SCO Boutique News Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00

Saussage Sizzle

We have moved to our new location! Your UNIS Hanoi Sausage Sizzle is now serving our WORLD FAMOUS products behind the B-4 Sports Centre. Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda, popcorn and sausages will be available Saturday from 9:00 to 11:30

Upcoming Sports Events The UNIS Hanoi High School basketball teams and Middle School soccer teams are back into the swing of things after the 3 -week Winter Break and are preparing for their season-ending MRISA and APAC tournaments. In preparation for APAC and MRISA, teams will be participating in a number of local tournaments hosted here at UNIS Hanoi. This is what is coming up over the weeks that are ahead: Phoenix Challenge HS Basketball Tournament January 18/19 Friday (16:00-20:30) & Saturday (08:30-20:00) MS Boys Invitational Soccer Tournament Saturday, January 26 (09:00-16:00) MS Girls Invitational Soccer Tournament Saturday, February 2 (09:00-16:00) APAC Girls Basketball @ HKIS (Hong Kong) January 30 – February 3 APAC Swimming @ ISB (Beijing) January 30 – February 3 APAC Boys Basketball @ TCIS (Taejon, Korea) January 30 – February 3 MRISA Sr. Boys & Girls Basketball @ ISHCMC January 31 – February 3 For High School athletes, as soon as Season 2 basketball has ended, the start of the soccer season will come immediately thereafter. Monday, February 4th will mark the first day of try-outs for the HS Boys and Girls APAC and MRISA soccer teams.

Spring Saturday Soccer Begins This Weekend! The UNIS Hanoi ComEd Saturday Soccer Session 2, for Spring 2013 is starting this weekend. The session will run from January 19 to May 18, 2013. The date for the Spring Tournament (for Grade 1 and above) is still to be confirmed. Please make note of the following Practice/Training Dates for Session 2:

January 19, 26 February 2, 23 (No practice on Feb. 9 and 16 due to school event and Tet Holiday) March 2, 23, 30 (No practice on Mar. 9 and 16 due to school events) April 13 (No practice on Apr. 6, 20 and 27 due to school event and Spring Break) May 11, 18 (No practice on May 4 due to Spring Break) Here are the various Group Schedules:  Early-Morning Group (8:15am - 9:30am) : Little Phoenix, Phoenix and Grade 1  Mid-Morning Group (9:30am -11:00am) : Grade 2, Grade 3, and Girls Grades 3-4  Late-Morning Group (11:00am-12:30pm) : Grade 5, MS Boys and MS Girls If your child is below Grade 3, parents are encouraged to stay by the pitch during practices. The coaches cannot not be responsible for each child. Soccer Jersey Orders All players who are new to Saturday Soccer are required to purchase a jersey. Returning players who would like to order a new jersey are welcome to do so. Many players have already placed their jersey orders by submitting the online application form but if you haven't and would like to order one, the jersey order can be placed at registration tables on January 19 and 26. Please note that soccer jerseys are all personalized and can't be re-done once the order has been placed. So make sure your order details (name, number and size) are correct. Orders must be placed by January 26 and no cancellations will be accepted after this. The jersey fee (200,000VND) will be added to your invoice. Due to Tet holiday, the jerseys

will be ready on February 23.

Soccer Fee Payment You will receive an email invoice from the UNIS Business Office later. You can settle the payment once you receive the invoice. Payments can be made in the UNIS Business Office (cash) or via bank transfer. The UNIS Hanoi Business Office is open from 8 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday (cash payment in VND only). Details will be included on the email invoice regarding a bank transfer. No cash payment can be accepted on the UNIS Hanoi field during the practices. Soccer Fee for the Spring session:  Little Phoenix and Phoenix: VND 1,000,000  Grade 1 and above: VND1,200,000 If you are a volunteer coach, you will receive a team roster and field locations later this week. What to Bring to Saturday Soccer  Water bottle  Hat  Sunscreen  Shin-pads (these can be purchased at sports stores on Nguyen Thai Hoc street) Positive Attitude and a BIG smile!! Thank you to our many volunteer coaches!! Without you we would have no Saturday Soccer! An especially BIG thank you goes out to Ms. Chie, who works countless hours to get everything organized!!! We hope that everyone has a fantastic spring session of soccer, with an emphasis on skill development, having fun and good sportsmanship. You can obtain further information about the Saturday Soccer Programme by contacting – saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL GAME!!

Job Opportunity

Systems Specialist UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for an expat Systems Specialist. The contract will be up to June 2014. This is a local hire expat position and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. The incumbent will report to the Technology Director. Work Schedule: Monday to Friday, when necessary on Saturdays or in the event of responding to emergencies) Work Hours:

8:00AM to 5:00PM with 40 min lunch break

Duties and Responsibilities: The Systems Specialist is responsible for organizing, directing and administering the UNIS Hanoi financial, administration and student information systems in order to efficiently and effectively meet the administrative information needs of the school. This position is also responsible for general planning, overseeing, implementing and training on the data processing and information systems; performing routine and non-routine system operation and maintenance functions. Position requirements

    

Degree in Information Technology or equivalent Good English communication skills, both written and oral Experience with project management and implementation Proven ability to liaise between developers and customers Demonstrated competence in data systems with a thorough knowledge and the ability to use MS-word, MS-Excel, and MS-Access  Knowledge of accounting, student record management and Crystal Reports software  Four or more years of relevant experience in database administration and management  Experience managing SQL Server databases  Experience in performing and tuning of SQL database servers  Experience with SQL monitoring tools  Experience with the Extensible Markup Language (XML)  Experience with VBScript  Experience performing data conversion using Data Transformation Services (DTS), Access and MS SQL server  Knowledge of SQL database will be a plus  Proven interpersonal relations skills  Ability to work independently, orderly and precisely; ability to deal with problems tactfully and with sensitivity for the end user; keen sense of responsibility; ability to handle confidential files and information in a professional manner  Ability to organize and analyze complex tasks in a systematic manner; ability to learn new software and develop procedures In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org by 31 Jan 2013 Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam

Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (January 14 onwards) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

08.15 - 16.45

08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45

Fitness Room

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

08.00 - 17.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

Canteen Menu for the week of January 21 to 25 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com

Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG

Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.

Western Set Menu 21*** Pan Grilled Pork w/ Tomato Gravy Sauc e Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk

22 Chicken Corden Bleu w/ Cream Gravy Sauce Multi Grain Rice Caesar Salad Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk

23*** Meat Loaf w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Broccoli & Tomato Salad Soft Roll Fruit / Milk

24*** Chicken Fajita w/Salsa Sauce Potatoes Wedge Mexican Salad Marble Cake Fruit / Milk

25*** Hot Dog w/Grilled Onion Potato Chips Cobb Salad Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk

24*** Boiled Pork w/ Egg Multi Grain Rice Sauteed Vegetables Marble Cake Fruit / Milk

25 Tandoori Chicken Chicken Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk

24*** Boiled Pork w/ Egg Multi Grain Rice Sauteed Vegetables Marble Cake Fruit / Milk

25 Tandoori Chicken Chicken Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk

Asian Set Menu 21 Tempura Noodle w/ Shrimp Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk

22 Bulgogi Multi Grain Rice Jab Chae Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk

23*** Fish Pancake w/Sweet & Sour Sauce Steamed Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Soft Roll Fruit / Milk

ECC Set Menu 21 Tempura Noodle w/ Shrimp Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk

22 Bulgogi Multi Grain Rice Jab Chae Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk

23*** Fish Pancake w/Sweet & Sour Sauce Steamed Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Soft Roll Fruit / Milk

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