UNIS Hanoi Tin tuc 20 Vol 19 TT 25 January 13

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Next Week... Monday, 28 January ●

Values and Beliefs Parent Focus Group 19:00-21:00

Tuesday, 29 January ●

Tet Bag Delivery 08:30 - 13:30

Wednesday, 30 January ●

APAC Swimming, ISB, China, Jan 30 - Feb 3 APAC Girls Basketball, HKIS, China, Jan 30 - Feb 3 APAC Boys Basketball, TCIS, Korea, Jan 30 - Feb 3

Thursday, 31 January ●

MRISA Senior Basketball, ISHCMC, Jan 31 - Feb 3 Values and Belief Statement Task Force, 07:00-08:30, B7 Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30-19:30, B7

Friday, 1 February ●

Coming Soon... Monday, 4 February ●

UNIS Hanoi Invitational MS Girls Soccer Tournament

Highschool Season 3 Sport Starts - Soccer Committee on Directors 17:30 - 19:00, B7

Tuesday, 5 February ●

Grade 1 Tet Adventure Trip 08:30 - 10:30 Curriculum Info Evening for New Families PYP & MYP 18:00 - 19:00, Black Box

Friday, 8 February ●

ASA Session 2 Ends ES Tet Celebration 09:45 - 10:30, B10

Saturday, 8 February ●

Tet Holidays 09 - 17 February. School Closed.

Thursday, 21 February ●

Breakfast with the Head of School 08:15 - 09:15, B7 4BM Parent Concert, 14:00 - 14:30

Saturday, 2 February ●

Volume 19, Edition 20, Friday 25 January

MRISA Junior Soccer Tournament, HIS 21-24 February Finance Committee Meeting 07:00 - 08:30, B7 Advancement Committee Meeting 08:30 - 10:00, B7 Grades 5-6 Curriculum Transition Meeting

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.3) Admissions for 2013-2014 ? (p.3) Notes from the ES Principal (p.4)

Community Turbin Project. We need your support! (p.9) Tet Gifts (p.9-10) Saussage Sizzle New Location (p.11) Notes from the Nurses’ Office (p.11)

25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.5) Grade 5 Exhibition. Read more (p.6) Hearing Screening Test (p.7)

Spring Fair. Book Now! (p.12) What to wear in Spring? (p.12) Basketball Invitational Tournament Review (p.13)

Grade 10 Personal Project Update (p.7) PYP & MYP Parent Workshop (p.8) Grade 1 PAC (p.8)

Invitational Soccer Tournament Programme (p.14) MRISA Arts Festival (p.14) Job Opportunity (p.15)

Notes from the Head of School I am pleased to present to you a special project undertaken earlier this year by our grade 8 students as a class UN Day project under the tutelage of Mr. McGibbon and our grade level advisors. Through the creative use of technology and their own ingenuity, the entire grade came together to celebrate and remember parts of the speech “The right moment� made by the UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon, when he visited our school in October 2010. As part of this collaboration each student created a poster depicting aspects of their home culture along with illustrated words of this unique speech. In all 82 different artworks were created by our students and original music was composed for the video. You can find the video here. I think you will agree that it is a wonderfully powerful message and a nice way to keep alive the ideas and inspirations shared by the Secretary General. But there is more. Through the kind of support of our UN Resident Coordinator, Pratibha Mehta, a copy of this video was brought to the attention of the Secretary General who took the time to view it. I have attached his letter of appreciation here. I would like to extend to the students, Mr. McGibbon and the other grade 8 advisors my heartfelt thank you for creating such a memorable presentation that will help keep the visit and words of the Secretary General fresh in our minds for many years to come. And of course our appreciation goes out to our own UN Resident Coordinator and the Secretary General for seeing that our students were properly recognized. Our UN connection remains as strong as ever thanks to the efforts of everyone mentioned above. BREAKFAST WITH THE HEAD OF SCHOOL All parents are invited to meet with me this coming Friday, February 1 at 08:15 in the Community Room. In addition to the usual "Town Hall Meeting" of questions and answers, I would like to present some trends in international schools around the world. I hope to see you on Friday morning. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School

Welcome to UNIS Hanoi! Oliver Newman (PreK-MA) Yi Ryung Kwon (PreK-RT) Thien Anh Nguyen (KCA) Vanille Newman (KCO) Hanan Mugabi Sebaduka (KCO) Benjamin Kehoe (1KB) Omar Werner-Ahmed (1TS) Anna Kehoe (2BMcL) Bao Minh Bui (2JMcH) Christopher Koumendakos (2JMcH) Yoshika Ohara (2LN) Anna Mellander (3AL) Naman Mohan (3AL) Axel Mellander (3JC) Tam Bui (3LB) Aksel Davidsen (4BM) Chang Woo Jo (4LL) Umreen Werner-Ahmed (4MK) Carl Emil Davidsen (4SN) Jonathan Koumendakos (4SN) Jae Chan Lee (5HK) Naia Freeman (5KW) Minh Anh Bui (5MS/SC) Sofya Koroleva (6HN) Manya Arora (6HN) Toya Tabe (6JQ) Keisuke Okumura (6JQ) Li Zhang Yip (7LG) Jek Suan Tan (7LG) Jae Won Han (8DS) Thomy Duong (8DS) Devyani Patra (8MH) Siddharth Patra (9GG) Aaron Barrett (9JG) Kiana Freeman (9MA) Celina Tsukamoto (9MP)

Notes from the Board of Directors Help us better define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs: Last chance to attend a parent focus group! The Board of Director invites you to participate in a new process underway to help better define the School’s Values and Beliefs. All parents should have received a personal invitation to join community-based focus groups where you will have an opportunity to help better define the School’s values, based on the existing Vision and Mission statements and what is important to you and your child. These meetings will be independently facilitated by consultants; Rebecca Hales and Cynthia Mann. Faculty, administration, staff, alumni and students will also be contributing to the values and beliefs statements at school. Thanks to all parents who attended the meetings held this week and especially the Rickard and Anderson families for their generous hosting. The last parent focus group will be held:  Monday, 28 January 7-9pm hosted by the Rana/ Kachelo family Please come along! Contact Ms. Hanh hosassistant@unishanoi.org to confirm your attendance. Finally, we will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday February 27, 7pm at school to give everyone in the community an opportunity to feedback on an initial draft of the values and beliefs statements that will be compiled based on input from parents, students and faculty members who participated in the focus groups. The Board believes that everyone who is part of the School community should have the chance to be involved and engaged, because the final values and beliefs statement will belong to all of us. We all look forward to your feedback and inputs to this important process and thank you for your time. Craig Burgess, Chair of the Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force

Interested in Admissions for 2013-2014? Please register your child by submitting an inquiry form at www.unishanoi.org. Applications will be available at the end of February. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or (04) 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.

Notes from the Elementary School Principal Dear Parents,

Welcoming new students This week the Elementary School welcomed all our new students at a special assembly which investigated what it feels like to be in a family that is on the move regularly and we looked at what this means to then always be 'the new kid’ at school. By a show of hands it was quick to see that the majority of our students even at this early age have attended more than three schools already and some have been at more. This builds a certain resilience in children and an empathy from those already in the school to offer genuine understanding and support to incoming students. This continues to be a strong feature of life at UNIS Hanoi.

Grade 5 Student Leaders I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students in 5HK and 5JH who were pioneers in our first Grade 5 Student Leadership initiative. They have taken on roles of responsibility and duties around the Elementary School to help the school run more smoothly and to give support to their fellow students. Duties have been undertaken in the library, the canteen, the school office, the nurse's room and the playgrounds. It is now the turn of students in 5KW and 5MS. We are pleased that the students are happy to take on such responsibilities and contribute in this way at the same time as being good role models for the younger students.

Visitor from the UN Earlier this week we had a visit from Madeleine Brecher and her husband who were travelling in Vietnam and asked to come and visit the school. Madeleine works with the UN in New York so we took advantage of her offer to talk to the Grade 4 and 5 students about the work of the UN. The children demonstrated some good prior knowledge and asked questions which led to a deeper understanding of certain aspects of the work of the organisation. We are always keen to have the children appreciate what it is to be in a UN school and we continue to build in authentic links within the curriculum wherever appropriate. It is also perhaps interesting to note that our connection with the UN continues to be a real draw when attracting new teachers to come and work at the school.

Grade 1 Performing Arts Celebration There was a great turnout of family and friends for the Grade 1PAC last night. The audience was treated to an opening rap before being surprised to find that they were to be an audience 'on the move' as they followed their children from venue to venue within the Centre for the Arts enjoying performances in PE, Music and Drama and sharing poetry the children had written. The excited and proud Grade Ones clearly enjoyed showing everyone what their new skills and the audience members really seemed to enjoy the different format. Well done and thank you to all involved. Kind regards, Carole Denny, Elementary School Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. My Project is to get in contact with our alumni through the use of a quick, simple online form so that our current community can hear what our school was like over the last 25 years. If you know anyone or you are someone who knows anyone I could get in contact with who has any interesting stories then please contact me! Thank you! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student

Nationality: People's Republic of China Where are you living now? Melbourne, Australia What are you doing (job/studying)? Studying at university What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? I was studying in UNIS from August 2001 to December 2003, I was studying grade 7, 8 and the first semester of grade 9. What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? I remember the after school activities the most, especially I had learnt how to play baseball and soccer while also participating in the baseball team and men's football team. I also enjoyed the cooking class with all the girls who were older than I was. What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? Always be organized, plan everything for the day and try to follow that plan as close as possible; don't just go into a day without a plan in your head. Whenever I followed this advice I was very productive and successful, but when I failed to follow this advice, I suffered terribly. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? My favourite subject at school was Social Studies / History, because it was very challenging. I enjoyed the subject because I learnt a lot of information about Europe and Ancient South America that wasn't available at other schools I had been to. Who was your favourite teacher and why? My favourite teacher was Mr. Ian Edwards (Middle School Math, Science, and Physical Education) the reason I liked him so much was that he taught me the importance of discipline and planning to ensure the successful outcome of anything in my life. He took his personal time to help me to come up with daily plans and I followed his advice on budgeting my time. I used to be a very unorganized boy where I get almost nothing done everyday, but Mr. E's emphasize on daily time planning and careful organization of homework has reversed my experiences in UNIS into a period of success and confidence. Secondly, I was born in China where no one really took the time to teach the younger generations the importance to concern and serving others in need. Through helping me in the Know One Teach One program and the process of telling me the importance of recycling, I was able to learn that the society will be much better if everyone puts in a bit of his/her effort to help others around you, and through developing the habit of concern for the wellbeing of others, I was able to broaden my mindset and make a lot of good friends. How did you get to school every morning? I walked to school every morning, UNIS was located on Van Phuc street, which was right next to the Van Phuc diplomatic compound that I was living in. Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? My favourite friends were Mr. Monet (Ee) Su and Miss Lena Girerd Barclay, I met Monet at the first day of attending UNIS and Lena a year later. I am still in touch with them occasionally via Facebook.

How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? At UNIS, we spent our free time between classes talking about various topics, mostly related to politics, food, sport, and sometimes about whose country was better (which was funny). After school we mostly went to after school activities, played some team sports and do some group studying together (which mostly consisted of copying off each other's assignments).

Nationality: Netherlands Where are you living now? Thailand What are you doing (job/studying)? Job - Research Coordinator at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? 2000-2006. Grade 7 (halfway) to Grade 12 What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? I remember the small community, the great teachers and the ability to play sports. Since the school was so small back then, you had a very strong and close relationships with your teachers. The teachers would give you as much attention as you needed in order for you to excel. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been at UNIS in those years and to have seen it change and progress over the years. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? P.E. and D.T in middle school and later economics in high school. Who was your favourite teacher and why? Ms. Zamojski - I liked her for her attitude and willingness to teach. She was always ready to help those that needed it and was very understanding. She was tough when you needed her to be, but extremely loving and comforting when you had had a rough day. How did you get to school every morning? To the old campus by car, to the new campus by driving my own motorbike. Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? Friends came and went quite often in Hanoi and especially for me because I was there for a relatively extended period. At first my best friends were Maayan Levy and Joey Baird, and later they were Andreana de Jong, Nadia Engelbrecht, Rie Davidson and Laurie Augustin. I would say that I'm still in close contact with Andreana de Jong because we are both from Holland and try to see each other when we're both there. How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? We played a lot of sports, watched movies, went shopping and hung out at the Hanoi club.

Notes from the PYP Office Grade 5 Exhibition Commencing Soon! What is the Grade 5 Exhibition? The PYP Grade 5 Exhibition is a very special unit of inquiry which occurs towards the end of elementary school. This year at UNIS it starts just after the TET holiday. The Exhibition is a chance for the students to put all of their inquiry-based learning into action. Celebration of Learning The Exhibition is an opportunity for the students to show off their skills, knowledge and attitudes. It is a ‘right of passage’ into Middle School and a celebration of the students’ learning during the IB Primary Years Programme. Although it is rigorously assessed, The Exhibition has no influence on Middle School entry, placement or movement into other schools. The benefits of The Exhibition are the experiences, the sense of achievement and the learning gained through the whole process. While we aim for every child to be successful and support them to be so, the Exhibition is not intended as an ‘examination’ with a pass or a fail. Global or Local Issue Early in the process the students choose an issue about Sharing the Planet which interests them. So long as their interest fits this theme their issue may be anything which interests them. Typically students choose topics such as racism, child soldiers, pollution, endangered animals or equal rights for girls; but these are only examples . Research and Collaboration After the students have determined their interest, they work in small, interest groups to research about their passion. They must draw upon all of their inquiry skills to find out as much as they can about the issue. The students have to collaborate and decide how they can best find out: drawing on experiences they have gained over the years at UNIS and former schools. Ways of finding out include books, the Internet, field trips, interviewing experts, writing to organizations, watching videos, carrying out experiments and so on. Not only is the research process itself challenging, but so are the group dynamics: the students have to share the responsibility and decide together who does what. They have to create action plans and follow timelines: it is not easy! Action An expectation of the project is that once the students have researched their issue, then they actually do something about it. We call this 'taking action'. We hope the students will try and improve the situation and make a positive difference to the issue. This may be as small as raising awareness here at UNIS, writing a letter to influence someone or it may be a larger scale action such as giving up their time for a sustained period to work with a charity or organization. Final Performance At the end of the inquiry the students have to present their findings and the action they have taken (or intend to take) to the school and wider community. There are some special requirements about how the children share their learning including the use of information technology, language and one or more of the arts. This happens during special Exhibition Days. During these days we invite other schools, other students here at UNIS, parents and the wider Hanoi community to join in the celebration. This year these days fall on the 24th, 25th and 26th of April. If you have a child in Grade 5 or you are interested in the Exhibition, please pencil in your diary 6pm – 8pm on the 25th of April as this will be the official parents Exhibition performance held in the UNIS Arts Centre. Christopher Frost, PYP Coordinator, pypcoordinator@unishanoi.org

Notes from the Speech and Language Therapist Prior to the Tet Holiday, I will be completing hearing screenings for all NEW students in Discovery, Pre-K, and Kindergarten, as well as for students who did not pass the screening in the Fall. The ability to hear properly is an important component in developing speech and language skills and for learning in general. As such, early detection of hearing loss is vital so that each child is able to get the full benefit of language learning experiences both within, and outside, the classroom. The most common cause of hearing loss in children is otitis media (glue ear). Fluctuating hearing loss nearly always occurs with otitis media, whether or not the fluid is infected, due to the anatomy of the middle ear and the Eustachian tube. A build-up of fluid in the middle ear prohibits the movement of the bones which transmit sound from the ear drum to the inner ear. Ongoing fluid in the middle ear can cause permanent hearing loss. The hearing screening is not a full audiological test which measures the softest sounds you are able to hear. The screening test measures whether or not you are able to hear at a level necessary to hear the sounds used in spoken language. Three sounds (low, medium, and high pitched) will be presented in each ear at the same loudness level. The majority of children will not have difficulty hearing all six tones and these children will be considered to have passed the screening. You will not receive individual notification that your child has passed the screening. You will however receive notification when your child’s class has completed the screening. If your child does not hear one or more of the sounds, you will be notified individually and one 25dB to two weeks later, your child will be re-screened. Following the re-screening, you will be notified 1000Hz if your child passed the screening or not.



2000Hz It is possible that your child may not have been able to hear all the tones even during the rescreening. If this is the case, you will be asked to have your child’s hearing tested by an 4000Hz Audiologist or Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor (ENT) and to provide the school with a copy of the report. The school is able to provide referrals to community resources where the hearing test can be completed. I look forward to meeting with all the new children in the ECC over the course of the next couple weeks. Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns either prior to the screenings or after. Mary Pool, Speech and Language Therapistmpool@unishanoi.org

Grade 10 Personal Project Students are embarking on the final seven weeks of their Personal Project journey. Parents can engage in conversations about their progress by asking them about their product or reading their monthly blog entries. To leave sufficient time to report on the project, students should complete their products before the Tet break. Please direct questions to: mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org

March 11 – Personal Project deadline (students submit product, report and process journal) March 14 – 18:00 Personal Project exhibition Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator

Curriculum Workshops for Parents

Grade 1 PAC The Grade1 Performing Arts Celebration last night was a great success. The children were SO excited and full of energy! The evening started with a fun rendition of the 3 Bears Rap. The children then showed off their dramatization of “Stone Soup” wearing masks they had designed themselves and staying wonderfully in-character. In music they sang in a different language, used percussion instruments to accompany themselves, followed a dance routine and had Konobori fish to wave that they had created in art. Their PE performance was showing off a huge variety of balances they had created both individually, in pairs and in larger groups. A great “family time” was also enjoyed sitting on cushions sharing poetry they had written over the past few weeks. The final song summed up the evening perfectly: “Glor-glor-glorious”! Julia Hatch, Grade 1 Teacher

Community Turbin Project


For more information visit:

Middle School Toys for Tet Donation Drive The Middle School Student Council has started their annual Toys for Tet donation drive. We are asking all Middle School students to bring in one new or slightly used gift that can be given to children at the Tam Hiep cancer hospital. The hospital typically has about 65 children receiving treatment there at any given time. On February 2, MS student council members will be visiting the hospital and distributing the gifts we have collected. Thank you for thinking of those less fortunate than you. Together we can help bring some joy to the lives of some very sick children.

Ideas to Consider when buying a gift      

Crayons, coloring books and other art supplies are great when you are stuck in bed Vietnamese books are good Think of puzzles, games or toys you could use if you were stuck inside all day No Candy allowed—The kids are sick and have doctor approved diets Fruit is a healthy alternative No stuffed animals or soft toys—They can gather too many germs

On behalf of the Middle School Student Council, thank you for all of your support and for helping to bring a little joy into the life of a needy child. Kevin Johnston, MS Student Council Coordinator kjohnston@unishanoi.org

Tet Bag

Thank you for all your donations for the 2013 ES Tet Bag Appeal! We greatly appreciate all the wonderful gifts you have donated that we can pass on to children in need. If you have not had a chance to send anything in, please consider donating some items – we are still accepting donations and have extended the deadline to January 30. For detailed information regarding the guidelines for the items you can donate please visit your class blog or contact Andrea Limón (alimon@unishanoi.org).

Saussage Sizzle

We have moved to our new location! Your UNIS Hanoi Sausage Sizzle is now serving our WORLD FAMOUS products behind the B-4 Sports Centre. Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda, popcorn and sausages will be available on Saturday from 9:00 to 11:30

From the Nurses’ Office... Conjunctivitis Please be advised of the school’s policy on conjunctivitis (pink eye). If you suspect your child has conjunctivitis please seek medical advice. Symptoms of conjunctivitis are: 

Red eyes

Watery discharge

A yellow or green discharge common in bacterial infections

Feeling of grit or sand

Itchy eyes

Sensitivity to light

Swollen eyelids

Crusts that form on the eyelid overnight

School policy states that students must remain out of school until there are NO further symptoms of conjunctivitis, even if antibiotic eye drops have been started.

Fever If your child has a fever of 38.0 or higher, please keep them home from school. Children can return to school when they have been fever free, without medication (Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen), for 24 hours.

Vomiting/Diarrhea If your child has vomiting or diarrhea, please keep them home for 24 hours after last vomit/diarrhea episode.

Head Lice Parents, please remember to do frequent inspections of your child's head in order to prevent lice infestations. With your help, we can keep lice to a minimum. A full copy of our lice policy and wet combing procedure can be found here. Nurses’ Office, nurse@unishanoi.org

School Community Organisation News

SPRING FAIR 2013 Book NOW!!!!! Commercial Table (for small businesses run ONLY by UNIS parents or staff) Garage Sale Table (ONLY for UNIS parents or staff) If interested please contact Liz Druitt at edruitt@unishanoi.org We would like to invite anyone interested in setting up an “International Table” during Spring Fair, to please come to the Country Table Meeting on February 6, at the Community Room (Admin Building upstairs, Room 104) at 8:30 am. This would be an ideal option if you wanted to do a table but couldn’t find enough people from your own country to do so. If you still have doubts, questions or are ready and set to commit to take part in the event, please contact: Michiko Kadono at michikokadono@gmail.com And if you want to help but still don’t know how, we will be needing volunteers for specific tasks shortly so please contact: Paulina Pineda at paulinapineda@hotmail.com

Thank you!!!! Spring Fair Team

SCO Boutique News We are preparing for our Spring wear and would like to invite parents and students to share with us:  What is your opinion on our current new clothes

products in terms of selection, colours and designs?  What else do you suggest the boutique should produce or sell? We have produced some new designs of clothes including the colorful PE girl shorts, Polo and Baseball Long-sleeves, long-sleeves slim fit, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Also some merchandise, i.e. swimming towels, picture frames, etc We can’t wait to here your ideas and suggestions. Please email us at SCO@unishanoi.org. Your opinions count!!!

Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00

Notes from the Activities Office PHOENIX CHALLENGE High School Basketball Tournament On January 18-19 UNIS Hanoi hosted the Phoenix Challenge High School Basketball Tournament. Four UNIS Hanoi teams took part in the event, joined by 12 visiting teams. Games took place over Friday afternoon/evening and all day Saturday, with each team playing at least 3 games. Teams advancing to the championship games played a fourth game on Saturday evening. UNIS Hanoi would like to thank the following visiting teams which helped to make for a successful weekend: Lomonoxop High School (LHS) Hanoi International School (HIS) Viet Duc School (VDS) Dong Da School (DD) Hai Ba Trung (HBT) Nguyen Hue School (NH) Le Quy Don School (LQD) Both of the UNIS Hanoi MRISA teams qualified for the Championship Finals, playing against the boys and girls from Viet Duc School. Unfortunately, the two UNIS Hanoi teams could not overcome their opponents from Viet Duc. Congratulations to Viet Duc School on winning the Blue Division in both genders! In the Red Division, our APAC boys and girls came up against some strong opposition, finishing 3rd and 4th respectively in their divisions. Coach Powers (girls) and Coach Cuming were both pleased to see the progress that their teams made during the weekend. The Red Division winners were Nguyen Hue in the girls and Dong Da in the boys. Here are the weekend results and scores from all UNIS Hanoi teams: MRISA Girls Won 18-2 vs. LHS Won 31-11 vs. HIS Lost 8-20 vs. VDS Lost 5-20 vs. VDS (Championship) MRISA Boys Won 28-23 vs. LHS Won 24-26 vs. HIS Lost 24-25 vs. VDS (overtime) Lost 5-20 vs. VDS (Championship) APAC Girls Lost 21-37 vs. NH Lost 22-28 vs. HBT Lost 21-32 vs. DD APAC Boys Lost 33-35 vs. DD Won 42-30 vs. HBT Lost 47-51 vs. LQD Good luck to the UNIS Hanoi MRISA and APAC teams as they will soon be traveling to their respective season ending tournaments. The MRISA teams will be competing in Ho Chi Minh City against the other 8 MRISA schools. The APAC girls will be in Hong Kong and the APAC boys are traveling to Korea. This Saturday from 9am-5pm there will be a Middle School Boys Soccer Tournament at UNIS. Come support the Phoenix teams!

Notes from the Activities Office 2013 UNIS Hanoi Boys Invitational Soccer Tournament Date: Saturday, January 26, 2013

Venue: UNIS Hanoi

TEAMS: Pool A Hanoi Inter. School (HIS) UNIS Hanoi MRISA (UNISM) Lomonoxop (LHS) Tran Quoc Tuan (TQT)

Pool B Viet Uc (VU) UNIS Hanoi B (UNISB) Doan Thi Diem (DTD) Phu Dien (PD)



Field 1

Field 2

Home Team is listed first – to wear light colored uniform 09:00

Pool A




Pool B

PD vs. DTD



Pool A




Pool B

VU vs. PD


LUNCH BREAK (13:15-14:00) 12:00

Pool A




Pool B


DTD vs. VU



3rd A vs. 3rd B

4th A vs. 4th B



Championship Game 1st A vs. 1st B

3rd/4th Place Game 2ND A VS. 2ND B


(immediately after final games)

MRISA Arts Festival The MRISA Arts Festival came at us all too slow, but it went again all too fast. After three days of pure fun and arts, returning back to normal school life sounds anything but appealing. Every day was filled with workshops and performances. New memories were made and old ones were revisited. New friendships were made and old ones were strengthened. What more could you ask for? ISHCMC and its students were great hosts and made us all feel so welcome there on their campus, although we could have survived without the juice, don't you agree? On a happier note, the 15 of us - the 13 students, Ms Quigley and Mr DallaGrana - got to trade in the cold weather here in Hanoi for a few days of sunshine and sweat! Every morning, we got straight into things, starting with vocal and body warm-ups and all of us singing "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. All of our Creative and Specialist workshops lead up to the Final Exhibition on Saturday night, which was an amazing experience! Every moment was filled with energy, excitement and talent! The only problem was that we had to say goodbye after that. Now all we can do is to wait for the MRISA Arts Festival 2014! Kimberley Knaggs, Grade 8 Student

Job Opportunity Short term part time ES French Teacher 27 March – 14 June 2013 UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Short term part time (57%) Elementary School French Teacher with the contract from 27 March 2013 to 14 June 2013. The incumbent will report to the Elementary School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities       

To teach French to groups/classes of students within the school as determined by the curriculum needs of the school. Provide for the students a differentiated programme of instruction that incorporates appropriate challenges and high expectations of learners. Deliver the curriculum within the agreed framework and philosophy of the school. To assess and report upon student progress according to the School Assessment Policy. To share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of all students. Participate in and organize meetings to support the curriculum. Any other reasonable duties, as directed by the Principal.

Position requirements        

Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualifications Knowledge of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Cross-cultural exposure and understanding Ability to work as part of a team Strong skills in monitoring and follow through Excellent organizational and time management skills Strong computer skills

In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. This is a local hire expat position, and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview

Application deadline: 8 Feb 2013

Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam

Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (January 14 onwards) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

08.15 - 16.45

08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45

Fitness Room

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

08.00 - 17.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

Canteen Menu for the week of January 28 to February 1 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com

Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color

Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.

*** Main dish contains EGG

Western Set Menu 28 Grilled Chicken w/BBQ Sauce Multi Grain Rice Green Salad w/Banana Dressing Mini Donut Fruit / Milk

29 Spaghetti w/Bolognaise Sauce Cucumber & Apple Salad Grilled Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

30 Nepolitan Pork Steak Steamed Rice Greek Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk

31*** Fish Cutlet w/Tartar Sauce Steamed Rice Green Salad w/ Pineapple Dressing Carrot Cookie Fruit / Milk

1*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk

31 Rice Noodle w/Beef Rice (Only ES) Spring Roll Carrot Cookie Fruit / Milk

1 Miso Chicken Steamed Rice Sauteed Vegetables Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk

31*** Fish Cutlet w/Tartar Sauce Steamed Rice Green Salad w/ Pineapple Dressing Carrot Cookie Fruit / Milk

1*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk

Asian Set Menu 28 Bun Cha Stir Fried Bean Sprout Mini Donut Fruit / Milk

29 Teriyaki Chicken Multi Grain Rice Grilled Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

30 Singapore Noodle w/ Shrimp Greek Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk

ECC Set Menu 28 Grilled Chicken w/BBQ Sauce Multi Grain Rice Green Salad w/Banana Dressing Mini Donut Fruit / Milk

29 Spaghetti w/Bolognaise Sauce Cucumber & Apple Salad Grilled Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

30 Singapore Noodle w/ Shrimp Greek Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk

Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org

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