tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 21, Friday 01 February
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday, 4 February
Monday, 18 February
Highschool Season 3 Sport Starts - Soccer Committee on Directors 17:30 - 19:00, B7
Tuesday, 5 February ●
Grade 1 Tet Adventure Trip 08:30 - 10:30 Curriculum Info Evening for New Families PYP & MYP 18:00 - 19:00, Black Box
Thursday, 7 February ●
MS Tet Celebration 09:30 - 10:35, B10 HS Tet Celebration 10:40 - 11:25, B10 ES Tet Performance 13:30, B10
Friday, 8 February ●
ASA Session 2 Ends ES Tet Celebration 09:45 - 10:30, B10 Grade 10 Field Trip to Army Museum 9:30 - 11:30
School Resumes
Tuesday, 5 February ●
Technology Advisory Council 16:30 - 17:30, B7
Thursday, 21 February ●
MRISA Junior Soccer Tournament, HIS 21-24 February Finance Committee Meeting 07:00 - 08:30, B7 Advancement Committee Meeting 08:30 - 10:00, B7 Grades 5-6 Curriculum Transition Meeting
Friday, 22 February ●
ASA Session 3 Registration 22 - 24 February
Saturday, 23 February ●
UNIS Aquathlon
Saturday, 8 February ●
Tet Holidays 09 - 17 February. School Closed.
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.2) Admissions for 2013-2014 (p.2) NEW! Uniquely UNIS Auction (p.3)
Technology & Design Special (p.10-11) Community Turbine Project. We need your support! (p.12) Saussage Sizzle New Location (p.12)
Notes from the Middle/High School Principal (p.4-5) 25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.6) Celebrate Tet away with UNIS (p.7)
What to wear in Spring? (p.13) Keep Your Heart Healthy (p.13) Spring Fair. Book Now! (p.14)
Community Survey and Workshops (p.8) PYP & MYP Parent Workshop (p.8) A Call for Creative Writers (p.9)
Aquathlon 2013 (p.15) It’s All about Soccer (p.16-17) Job Opportunity (p.15)
Notes from the Head of School MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses – are now being offered at many top universities in the United States. This latest development in the provision of virtual education has been written about quite a bit recently in the Economist and the International Herald Tribune, and has been discussed in many forums throughout the world. Many believe it has the potential to transform tertiary education as we know it today. Universities are now moving in the direction of offering all their courses online……..for free. At the beginning, they were not offering these courses for credit but now some universities are offering credit. I will be attending a conference session in San Francisco next week presented by Professor Andrew Ng of Stanford University who is one of the pioneers in this movement. I hope to gain insight into what impact these developments may have on our school as we try to prepare our students for the next level. In the meantime, I encourage you to search the net for MOOCs to gain a better understanding of what is happening with this latest development in the use of technology for learning. Respectfully,
Interested in Admissions for 2013-2014? Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org. Applications will be available at the end of February. For assistance please contact admissions@unishanoi.org or (04) 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.
Dr. Barder, Head of School Welcome to UNIS Hanoi! Boua Tiaree (KCO), Nozomi Saita (KJK), Sang Woo Kang (1JH), Rebecca Holli (3LB), Ayumu Saita (4BM), Tetaumari Tiaree (6JQ) We wish best of luck to Shuta Echigo (PreK-HS) who left Hanoi this week.
Notes from the Board of Directors Help us better define UNIS Hanoi’s Values and Beliefs: Thank you and save the date: Wednesday February 27, 7pm The Board of Directors would like to thank the Rana/ Kachelo family for hosting the final parent focus group this week and all parents, students, staff, faculty, administrators and alumni who have participated since the end of November. Around 350 people have been involved in the meetings and the information you have provided is now being analysed. We will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday 27th February 7pm at school where we will be sharing the first draft of the values and beliefs statements that are being compiled based on everyone’s input. The Board believes that everyone who is part of the School community should have the chance to be involved and engaged, because the final values and beliefs statement will belong to all of us. Thank you again for your willingness to take part. Craig Burgess, Chair of the Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force
Notes from Advancement Office WHAT ARE YOUR TIME AND TALENTS WORTH? This year we are celebrating 25 Years of Learning to Inspire and fundraising through some special Birthday Events for our Birthday Gift Fund – our chance to give a transformational gift back to our community. We are delighted to launch at Spring Fair the UNIQUELY UNIS AUCTION. In addition to the traditional Spring Fair Silent Auction with the wonderful prizes of fine dining, luxury spa experiences or hotel deals you will also be able to bid for special items donated by our community! UNIQUELY UNIS is a celebration of our community’s talents, and as well as raising funds for the Birthday Gift Fund, will demonstrate the value we place on donations of time and talents too. UNIQUELY UNIS is what we can offer to each other as a school community, which includes all school faculty, staff, students and parents. It will also only be open to UNIS Hanoi community members for bids. So put your thinking caps on, uncover your hidden talents and donate to our community Birthday Gift Fund.
ALREADY CONFIRMED FROM FACULTY… A round of golf with the Head of School
Dr Chip Barder will host you and friends for a round of golf at one of Vietnam’s top courses. Handyman for the Day Sick of all those little jobs that just never get done? Director of Operations, Dave Porter, will set your home straight. Digital Scrapbooking Class Introduction for beginners with HS Physics teacher Ingrid Renneberg to this beautiful photoshop hobby. Personalised Perfume! ES French teacher Clemence Barbier (La Dame Clemence) will consult and create a perfume just for you! French Cheese and Wine Tasting With her French husband, Director of Advancement, Emma Silva will host a ‘guided tour’ from their homeland.
Personal Style Review Wardrobe Review & Personal Shopping tour Knitting Masterclass Either beginners, starting again after a long absence or looking to tackle something more difficult. Cooking Whizz! Learn to cook a delicious new menu and then enjoy eating it! Private Yoga Class 75 min private hatha yoga class for absolute beginners to intermediate-level practitioners These are just a few of the wonderful ideas that our parents and faculty have already come up with… But anything goes! Other ideas could include:
cup cake decorating with kids cook and/or host a dinner party pool party for kids Personal trainer or running partner poker night snooker competition
games night craft classes pet sitting catering tutoring
Contact the UNIQUELY UNIS team on advancement@unishanoi.org with any questions or with your ideas. All offers can be individually tailored to suit your availability.
Notes from the Middle High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from the MSHS. As the first semester has come to a close MSHS students and faculty have or will participate in Awards Assemblies. The MS Awards Assembly was held on Jan. 30 and the HS ceremony will take place on Feb. 6. While I am very proud of all students who work hard and aim for personal goals it is also important to recognize students for academic excellence and community building accomplishments. The entire MSHS faculty would like to congratulate the following Middle S students: Academic Honor Roll: 5.75 grade point average (Out of a possible 7). (See p.5) Grade Level Awards: Selected by faculty with student input/nominations. Courage and Risk-Taking
Commitment to studies
Grade 6: Phuong Le Grade 7: Yoav Shahar Grade 8: Son Dao and Morgan-Belle Bradshaw
Grade 6: Kristof Karoli Grade 7: Nguyet Nguyen Grade 8: Trine Marielle Wik and Maho Wakui
Citizenship and commitment to United Nations Principles
Grade 6: Rohan Gowda and Alicia Dziedzic Grade 7: Saskia Brennen and Jessica Heaton Grade 8: Ngoc (Emily) Le Caring and Kindness Grade 6: Farhah Hisamuddin and Gia Han Le Grade 7: Mateusz Nguyen and Su Yun Jeong Grade 8: Juan Paolo Azarcon Positivity
Grade 6: Uyen Trinh and Kiridan Munro Grade 7: Yoav Shahar Grade 8: Kimberley Knaggs Creative Excellence Grade 6: Sun Woo Jung Grade 7: Toby Norton Grade 8: Anh Phuong Nguyen and Young Ju Lee
Grade 6: Dat Truong Grade 7: Lan Anh Foster Grade 8: Amara Anderson Congratulations to all recipients! Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, Middle High School Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org
Notes from the Middle High School Principal Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Emily Rayside Jae Yoon Jung Matthias Heindl Kristof Karolyi Predtheev Ravi Dat Truong Shimli Satpathy Marcelle-Marie Villars Yeong Jin (Ted) Lee Temma Ishikawa Eun Ki (Sera) Lee Phuong Le Gia Han Le Jina Park Ela Kalra Sun Woo (Alice) Jeong Uyen Trinh
Phuong Anh (Anya) Ngo Lan Anh Foster Minh Quan Dao Nguyen Svea Nyberg Akira Hirama Sunu (Isabel) Kim Darlene Cheong Quang Anh Nguyen Hosana Tagomori Rachel Lambert Niklas Jaakola Yoav Shahar Ha Nguyen Ye Hyun (Olivia) Kim Long Than Nguyet Nguyen Joel Akio Tamura Min Joo (Alice) Choi
Hoi Yoon Jung Sophia Rafuse Giang Nguyen Taito Ishii Ly Ann Foster Nikasha Chaudhary Henryk Le Hai Minh Nguyen Ngoc Le Young Ju Lee Tanusha Mishra Jee Eun Kim Yoon Zoo (Yoon Ju) Gee Ngoc Trai Nguyen Trine (Marielle) Wik Benedicte Lykkegren Truong Son Trinh Maho Wakui Ye Rim (Jenny) Kim Seyon Park Kimberley Van Anh Knaggs Ailsa Davies Shweta Mondal Kaitlin Rayside
Academic HONOuR ROLL
Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. My Project is to get in contact with our alumni through the use of a quick, simple online form so that our current community can hear what our school was like over the last 25 years. If you know anyone or you are someone who knows anyone I could get in contact with who has any interesting stories then please contact me! Thank you! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student
Nationality: Dutch Where are you living now? Brighton, United Kingdom What are you doing (job/studying)? Studying, Criminology and Applied Psychology What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? From Grade 4 - Grade 12 What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? The education and the help you receive from teachers. What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? Keep working hard, they never gave up on me even when I was not doing very well in 12th grade. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? Psychology, the teacher was really good (Ms Philips ?). Who was your favourite teacher and why? Ms. Shaw, she was amazing at what she did. How did you get to school every morning? Motorbike Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? Didn't have best friends, just groups of people. We dont really keep in touch anymore, everyone has their own lives and they live all over the world How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? Movies, eating, partying!
What year(s) were you at UNIS and what was your job at the time? Parent of 2 UNIS students 1995- 2000 Chair of Board of Trustees 1996 to 2000 What is your favourite memory from UNIS Hanoi? Our first graduation (5 students) Returning to the new Hanoi campus for the Grand Opening in October 2004 What do you remember was really important to the Board at the time? Vitally important to get land to build a proper school campus as the rented buildings, especially at Hanoi Amsterdam, were in adequate; personally as I had a son in Grade 9, it was important to have the school increase to offer Grades 11 and 12. Also important to be authorised for the IB programs and to be accredited. We had a lot on our plate during those years. What projects did you work on? Many projects: Highlights include: Negotiating with various government bodies and Ciputra to get a land lease to build a campus In the meantime looking for alternative space - we moved out of Hanoi Amsterdam and gutted/renovated two apartment buildings in Van Phuc. Chair of Search Committee to hire a new Director (Dr Frances J. Rhodes) Public Relations Committee which designed the new UNIS Hanoi logo, still in use today. Revised Constitution and Bylaws and expanded Board from 7 to 9 members Registered UNIS Hanoi as a corporation in Delaware, from then on being governed by Board of Governors. Involved in IB authorization process and first accreditation self-study with two agencies, in USA and Europe What is your favourite memory/place in Hanoi? Sitting with friends at Au Lac Cafe on the edge of Hoan Kiem Lake and watching the world go by.
Nationality: Canadian Where are you living now? Victoria, BC Canada What are you doing now? Student Advisor at the University of Victoria
What is your claim to fame? Being part of the Board that negotiated the land lease and one of my last duties as Chair was signing the lease agreement with the Hanoi Peoples' Committee to lease 9.2 hectares of land in Ciputra, Westlake.
Tet Celebration
ết is VIETNAMESE NEW YEAR- the biggest and most important festival of the year in Vietnam. It is an occasion for the Vietnamese people to show their respect to their parents, ancestors as well as welcoming the New Year with entire of their family members. According to the Lunar Calendar, this year Tết falls on Sunday, February 10th. This year is the year of SNAKE.
Elementary School Students will have Tết Assembly at 9.45am on Friday, February 8 in the Theater. The assembly is hosted by the students who take Vietnamese class in grade 1 and 3 and also the Vietnamese Mother Tongue students in grade 2, 4 and 5. There is also a Tet Performance on Thursday at 1.30 pm for all Pre-K, K and Grade1 students. Parents are kindly invited to the assembly and the performance to join us in such a festive atmosphere of the year. All the students are encouraged to wear “Áo dài” on that day. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Elementary School Vietnamese Teacher ntthuyen@unishanoi.org
Middle/High School When? What time? Where?
Thursday, February 7, 2007 Middle School: 9:50- 10:35 High School: 10:40 -11:25 UNIS Hanoi Theatre
The Middle and High school Vietnamese language students of UNIS Hanoi have been organizing a Tet Celebration for the last few weeks. It will be held on Thursday, February 7 from 9:50 – 10:35 for Middle School and 10:40 – 11:25 for High School in the UNIS Hanoi Theatre. The Celebration will include songs, plays, and dances. This celebration aims for Middle and High School students to learn and enjoy the Vietnamese culture. Please mark the date on your calendar. Your attendance will be greatly appreciated. Phan Thanh Hoa, Middle/High School Vietnamese Teacher pthoa@unishanoi.org
Notes from the Counselors Up Coming Health and Safety workshops sponsored by the UNIS Hanoi Counseling Department Throughout the months of February and March the UNIS Hanoi counselors will be organizing a series of guest speakers and workshops surrounding the topics of Community Norms, Health, and Safety in Hanoi. In order for us to begin to establish the community social norms in the UNIS Hanoi community we are asking all parents to complete an anonymous survey covering a variety of topics ranging from homework and tablet usage to family norms. The students from Grades 4 to 12 will also be completing this survey. The results will be complied, compared and shared during workshops in March. The social norms approach is a highly effective model for reducing unhealthy behaviors. This survey will enable us to collect factual information about student behaviors in order to narrow the gap between “myth” and “reality” in our community. This will provide parents with knowledge on how better to support your children in the UNIS community and Hanoi. You will be sent an email with a link to the survey this week, if you do not receive this email please contact your division counselor. The survey will close on February 10 at midnight. In conjunction with this survey we will also be hosting guest speakers presenting to students and parents on various topics. More details will be available after the Tet break. Cami Endicott EScounselor@unishanoi.org Jason Caruana MScounsler@unishanoi.org Tanya Arnold HScounselorarnold@unishanoi.org Candy Crouch HScounselorcrouch@unishanoi.org
Curriculum Workshops for Parents
Hoa Sen Short Story Competition
Attention all UNIS Hanoi CREATIVE WRITERS aged 7 to 18! This is your chance to unleash the power of your voice. The 5th annual Hoa Sen Short Story Writing Competition is open to all international students in Vietnam. This competition allows young people to explore their creative story writing talents. Short stories must be written in English using the signature word of ‘INSPIRED’. The signature “INSPIRED” is not a ‘theme’ but rather a ‘signature’ that must appear somewhere in the story and act as proof that it was written specifically for this competition.
Entries Must be Submitted by: Monday, 11th March 2013 Award Ceremony: Tuesday 26th March 2013 Category
Age on 1 March 2012
Word Length
7-9 years old
Handwritten or Word Processed
10-12 years old
Word Processed
13-15 years old
Word Processed
16-18 years old
Word Processed
Entry Form, Competition Categories and information are available on the AIS website: www.aisvietnam.com Prizes include: Winning stories will be published in The Word Magazine, Cash Prizes, Award Certificates, Sponsors Prizes If you have any further questions please direct them to: Ms. Emma Collins ecollins@unishanoi.org
Black Voices CDs BLACK VOICES – some CDs are still for sale from Ms. Sally Oxenberry at 150,000VND per CD. There are three albums: Go Where I Send Thee Sisters let’s talk Spiritual Journey
First come, first serve to me in the ES Music Room. Also, can download from I-tunes and/or on their website: www.BlackVoices.co.uk Sally Oxenberry
Design Technology
Q quarter
CLOCK PROJECT - To start the course, students undertake series of short design and make activities to familiarize themselves workshop practice and processes such as typographic logo, key ring design, sea monster cut out and wooden block letter. During these projects, student learn about computer aided design manufacture. Using this new knowledge and understanding they work with 2D Design software to design a clock face that is manufactured with the help of the laser cutter. PALU, JACQUELINE (SAO-HOM) SY 2012-2013, Quarter 1
MODULER DESK TIDY – Students are asked to respond to the same design need, a cluttered desk, but using very different forms of manufacture. The first is a pencil holder that is a one off bespoke production using 3 different materials. The second is designed to be batch produced using the Vacuum forming process. Both involve CAD but and two forms of CAM; a laser cutter and a Computer Numerically Controlled Router.
STRUCTURES. SHELF DESIGN – After making and testing the weight to strength ration of a variety of joints (lap joint, but joint, mitre joint and a super joint of their own design,) students are asked to design and manufacture a shelf to hold 12kg using their newly acquired understanding. Traditional woodworking tools and CAD/ CACM are used to create a unique product for their bedroom.
LE, GIA HAN SY 2012-2013, Quarter 1
Thoughts and musings welcome dgibb@unishanoi.org
Design Technology
S semester
During one semester Grade 9 students complete two storage projects that follow the MYP Design Cycle; investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate to solve a design need. They are required to be enquiry based learners who research a problem, design a solution and create the required product. Skills and understanding of manufacture techniques and CAD & CAM learned in the middle school are applied and developed by the student to complete a personal response to a design brief. An Acrylic Phone/MP3 holder and storage boxes are designed and manufactured using wide of range of traditional woodworking tools and processes and computer aided design and manufacture.
During the first semester Grade 10 students complete a project that requires them to design and make an educational toy. Researching the correlation between play and learning in through a variety of sources students gain insight into their own childhood, the importance of serving the their own community and working with real clients and end users. In the age of digital technologies it is easy to forget that our steepest and most rooted learning curves occurred when playing with tangible objects. Grade 10 students are asked to visit an ECC class to observe the various forms of play taking note of the skills acquired. This knowledge is then used to design and manufacture a product that suits both client (teacher) and user (child). SARA CURCIO
Thoughts and musings welcome dgibb@unishanoi.org
Community Turbine Project
For more information visit:
Saussage Sizzle
We have moved to our new location! Your UNIS Hanoi Sausage Sizzle is now serving our WORLD FAMOUS products behind the B-4 Sports Centre. Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda, popcorn and sausages will be available on Saturday from 9:00 to 11:30
SCO Boutique News We are preparing for our Spring wear and would like to invite parents and students to share with us: What is your opinion on our current new clothes
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
products in terms of selection, colours and designs? What else do you suggest the boutique should produce
or sell? We have produced some new designs of clothes including the colorful PE girl shorts, Polo and Baseball Long-sleeves, long-sleeves slim fit, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Also some merchandise, i.e. swimming towels, picture frames, etc We can’t wait to here your ideas and suggestions. Please email us at SCO@unishanoi.org. Your opinions count!!!
From the Nurses’ Office... HAPPY YEAR OF THE SNAKE...
KEEP YOUR HEART HEALTHY As we look forward to welcoming in the year of the snake, let’s also take time to keep our hearts healthy. There is much you can do to keep your heart healthy – whatever your age. Taking exercise, eating a healthy diet, encouraging children to be heart healthy and being aware of dangers such as smoking, drinking alcohol, high blood pressure and stress are important reminders for long term heart health. Getting the balance right Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables – aim for a portion each. Have some starch food – bread, rice, pasta and choose some lean protein – tuna, salmon, boiled eggs, beans chicken turkey. If able to tolerate dairy products then have some low fat yogurt, fromage frais or reduced fat cheese. Add in a drink including plenty of water, unsweetened fruit juice or low fat milk. We know all children can be fussy eaters and reluctant to exercise as can some adults1 Learning about healthy eating and doing the right amount of physical exercise activity is important if your child is going to grow up with a reduced risk of heart disease. Please encourage your children to take the time to look at the notice board outside the Nurse Clinic and check out the pink and red hearts. The first five people that email the Nurse Clinic and tell us the correct number of healthy hearts on the board will be given a small surprise. Nurses’ Office, nurse@unishanoi.org
School Community Organisation News
SPRING FAIR 2013 Celebrating 25th Birthday! Saturday March 16, 11:00-15:00 UNIS Community Commercial Table Needed We invite any UNIS Parent or Staff with a small business to sell at the Spring Fair. The cost for a commercial stall is 2 million VND for 4 tables, no power. Commercial Stall holders must purchase entrance tickets for all staff. The deadline for registration is 22 February. For information, please contact the Commercial Tables Coordinator, Liz Druitt at edruitt@unishanoi.org. Garage Sale/Used Item tables
International Food Table
This extremely popular area is for UNIS families and staff wanting to sell used items. If you will be leaving Hanoi, a second hand table is a great way to quickly downsize before the packers come to move you. Lighten your load at the SCO Spring Fair. Share a table with a friend or have your own. The cost is 1,000,000 VND for 2 tables, no power. Garage Table holders must purchase entrance tickets. The deadline for registration is 22 February. For information, please contact the Garage Sale/Used Item Tables Coordinator, Liz Druitt at edruitt@unishanoi.org.
at the Spring Fair Have a Favorite Dish you want to share? Don’t have a country table at the Spring Fair? No need to feel left out! Bring a dish for your country and join us at the International Table! International Table is for everybody who does not have their own country table but would still like to participate and be represented at the Spring Fair. Please contact Michiko (michikokadono@gmail.com) if you are interested in participating.
All are welcome!
Aquathlon 2013 News This winter UNIS Hanoi is organizing the third Aquathlon event on Saturday, February 23, 2013 after enjoying such great success the last two years. We are offering the following categories of participants this year:
Individuals UNIS Hanoi Family Teams Student Teams
Thank you to all one hundred – students and parents – who registered for the Aquathlon. All participants and coaches are looking forward to a fantastic event and opportunity to spend time together with families and friends. For experienced contestants we are offering a long course Aquathlon of 300m swim and 2250m run, both of which will happen on the campus. For younger students and those who are taking their first steps in this challenging event we offer a short course race of 200m swim and 1500m run. Students from the UNIS Community Service group are preparing to direct the event together with the Aquatics department and Co-Curricular Office. More information and detail can be found on the UNIS Portal: Aquatics page, Aquathlon 2013. Further online registration is closed as we have reached our maximum number of 100 participants. There are 44 Individual contestants, age 6 to 18, fourteen Family Teams and twelve Student Teams. All those registered will be contacted directly with more information once the event draws closer. Warm regards, Ella Jaranova, Aquatics Coordinator ejaranova@unishanoi.org
Notes from the Activities Office 2013 UNIS Hanoi Boys Soccer Tournament This past weekend (January 26) UNIS Hanoi hosted a Boys Invitational 7-aside Soccer Tournament, which involved our two Middle School boy’s teams. The two UNIS Hanoi teams, coached by Maurice Humphries and Alan Hough (covering for Phi Nguyen) were joined by six visiting teams:
Lomonoxop School (LHS) Hanoi International School (HIS) Viet Uc School (VDS) Doan Thi Diem (DTD) Tran Quoc Tuan (TQT) Phu Dien (PD)
Some would say that the weather was “perfect” for soccer, as grey skies and a light drizzle of rain were the conditions under which the tournament took place. The eight teams were separated into two groups of four teams each and played a round-robin format within their groups. After round-robin play was completed, each team played one more match against a team from the other group who had finished in the same spot (e.g. 4th vs. 4th and 3rd vs. 3rd....etc.) The UNIS Hanoi MRISA team found themselves in the match to determine 3rd place overall, having finished second in their group, despite not losing a game. Their opponent in the game was Phu Dien. The game finished in a scoreless tie, which meant a possible five minutes of “golden goal” extra time. In “golden goal” as soon as one team scores, the game ends and they are the winner. If no goal is scored, the game would then be decided by the exciting, but dreaded, penalty kicks. Less than one minute into the extra time period, the UNIS Hanoi boys scored against their opponents to end the game and secure the 3rd place finish!! Congratulations boys! The second UNIS Hanoi team, made up largely of Grade 6 and 7 students, played very well in each of their four matches, but simply found the opposition a bit too strong. It was a great learning experience for the team and they responded very well under challenging circumstances. Thank you to Mr. Hough for helping out to coach the team on the day! The Championship Final was played between two of the visiting local teams. Both Tran Quoc Tuan and Doan Thi Diem came into the final as undefeated group winners, although the UNIS Hanoi MRISA team had managed to hold Tran Quoc Tuan to a 1-1 draw in their group match. In the end, a goal in the last minute won the game for Doan Thi Diem 2-1 in an exciting final. The UNIS Hanoi MRISA teams (boys and girls) will soon be playing in their season ending MRISA tournament. This event will take place here in Hanoi, hosted by Hanoi International School. The dates of the tournament are February 22-23 and will take place at Xuan La stadium. Good luck to both UNIS Hanoi teams!! This Saturday from 9am-3:30pm there will be another soccer tournament at UNIS Hanoi, involving the MS MRISA girls and the UNIS Hanoi Phoenix girls. Providing some good opposition for the MRISA girls will be the MS Boys “B” team and two local teams made up of Grade 5 boys. This should be good preparation for the MRISA tournament. Come support the UNIS Hanoi teams! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org
Notes from the Activities Office 2013 UNIS Hanoi Invitational MS Girls Soccer Tournament Date: Saturday, February 2, 2013
Venue: UNIS Hanoi
TEAMS: Blue Division UNIS Hanoi MS Boys (UBoys) UNIS Hanoi MRISA Girls(UNISM) Lomonoxop Boys (LHS) Thanh Cong Boys (TC)
Black Division Hanoi International School (HIS) UNIS Hanoi B (UNISB) Phu Dien (PD)
Field 1
Field 2
Home Team is listed first – to wear light colored uniform 09:00
PD vs. HIS
UBoys vs. UNISM
TC vs. UBoys LHS vs. TC
LUNCH BREAK (available from 11:30-13:30) 12:45
TC vs. UNISM Blue Championship Game 1st vs. 2nd
LHS vs. UBoys Blue Division 3rd vs. 4th
(immediately after final games)
UNIS Hanoi High School Soccer Tryouts Are you the next Lionel Messi or Mia Hamm? The start of the High School Girls and Boys soccer season for APAC and MRISA is right around the corner. Mark Monday, February 4th on your calendar. That is the first day of the season and the start of tryouts. Meet on the soccer field at 3:45, dressed and ready to go. This year UNIS Hanoi is hosting the MRISA Tournament and the APAC Girls Tournament!! APAC Boys will be traveling to Beijing! GO PHOENIX!!! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org
Job Opportunity Short term part time ES French Teacher 27 March – 14 June 2013 UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Short term part time (57%) Elementary School French Teacher with the contract from 27 March 2013 to 14 June 2013. The incumbent will report to the Elementary School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
To teach French to groups/classes of students within the school as determined by the curriculum needs of the school. Provide for the students a differentiated programme of instruction that incorporates appropriate challenges and high expectations of learners. Deliver the curriculum within the agreed framework and philosophy of the school. To assess and report upon student progress according to the School Assessment Policy. To share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of all students. Participate in and organize meetings to support the curriculum. Any other reasonable duties, as directed by the Principal.
Position requirements
Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualifications Knowledge of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Cross-cultural exposure and understanding Ability to work as part of a team Strong skills in monitoring and follow through Excellent organizational and time management skills Strong computer skills
In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. This is a local hire expat position, and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview
Application deadline: 8 Feb 2013
Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam
Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (February 1 onwards) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
Please note that the swimming pool and fitness room will both close from Friday, Feb 8 afternoon to Sunday , Feb 17 for Tet holiday.
Canteen Menu for the week of February 4 to February 8 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
*** Main dish contains EGG
Western Set Menu 4 Macaroni Cheese Green Beans Broccoli & Tomato Salad Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
5 Roast Chicken w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Green Salad w/Mango Dressing Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
6 Beef Stew Multi Grain Rice Romain Lettuce Salad Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk
7 Fried Fish w/Cream Dill Sauce Oven Roast Potatoes Green Salad w/Yogurt Dressing Apple Cake Fruit / Milk
8 Margarita Pizza Butter Corn Green Salad w/ Basamic Dressing Apple & Spinach Cookie Fruit / Milk
7*** Stir Fried Pork (KR) Multi Grain Rice Egg Roll Apple Cake Fruit / Milk
8 Chicken Curry Steamed Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Apple & Spinach Cookie Fruit / Milk
7*** Stir Fried Pork (KR) Multi Grain Rice Egg Roll Apple Cake Fruit / Milk
8 Margarita Pizza Butter Corn Green Salad w/ Basamic Dressing Apple & Spinach Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 4*** Sweet Sour Chicken Steamed Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
5*** Fried Rice w/B eef Mixed Vegetables Green Salad w/Mango Dressing Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
6 Stir Fried Fish Ball Multi Grain Rice Sauteed Vegetables Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 4 Macaroni Cheese Green Beans Broccoli & Tomato Salad Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
5*** Fried Rice w/B eef Mixed Vegetables Green Salad w/Mango Dressing Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
6 Stir Fried Fish Ball Multi Grain Rice Sauteed Vegetables Raisin Cookie Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org