UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 22 vol 20 tt 21 feb

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter


Student Led Tech Session - Parent Info Session 8:309:30, Community Room Campus Development Plan Task Force Meeting 17:3019:00, Conference Room


Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition 18:00-19:30, Centre for the Arts


 

MRISA Arts Festival, Int’l School Eastern Seaboard, Thailand 26 Feb - 2 Mar K2 Exhibition for Parents 26-28 Feb Grade 5 to MS Curriculum Transition Parent Info 18:00 -19:00, Library Central Area


Grade 4 Field Trip, 8:15-12:00 K2 Performing Arts Celebration 9:00-10:30, Theatre

UMA Concert, Theatre Doors open 17:45 Concert starts promptly at 18:00

Volume 20, Edition 22, Friday 21 February FRIDAY, 28 FEBRUARY  

ES Snack Sale Morning 8:30-11:00, ES Playgrounds Parenting in a Digital Age 8:30-10:00, Library Projection Room


UNIS Aquathlon UNIS HS 7’s Soccer Tournament 8:30-17:30, UNIS


ASA and UMA Session 3 Begin


MS Season 3 Volleyball Begins 15:45-17:30


UNIS Model United Nations Conference 5-9 March Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15-9:30, Conference Room


Grade 2 Science Expo 12:25-15:00, Grade 2 Area Head of School Meeting with All Parents 19:00-20:30, Community Room


ES Sports Afternoon 12:30-15:20, UNIS Fields

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Elementary Principal (p.3) Bus News (p.3)

MUN Conference. Host families needed! (p.12) MRISA Arts team in preparation (p.13) MS Global Issues Network (p.14)

Telling the UNIS Hanoi story (p.4) Spring ‘14 Parent Tech sessions (p.5) Canteen voucher updates (p.6)

VTC 2014 Report (p.15) UNIS Summer Programme. Coming soon!(p.16) Important health updates (p.17)

Train with Real Madrid for real (p.9) MRISA Soccer is at UNIS Hanoi (p.10)

Spring Fair. 3 more weeks to go! (p.18-19) Elementary School Snack Sale (p.20) Job Opportunities (p.21)

The next “Breakfast with the Head of School” will actually be an “Hors D’Oeuvres with the Head of School” on Thursday, 06 March beginning at 19:00 in the Community Room - B7. This change in timing is to accommodate those parents who cannot make the morning meetings. Light refreshments will be served and I hope to see as many of you as possible at this meeting.

Come on out to watch the MRISA Junior Boys and Girls Soccer Tournament on Saturday as our UNIS boys and girls teams compete with the 7 other MRISA schools. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

We are pleased to have Perkins-Eastman, our consultant Architects, here this week and next to help us to finalize a master plan for the development of our campus. They have had another series of meetings with faculty, administration, students, parents and board of directors as they get feedback on their “first draft.” It is exciting to think about programme enhancements and expansion to better serve our students and school community. Once the plan is finalized and formally accepted by the board, then we will organise a presentation to the community. This is likely to occur during the 2014-2015 school year.

In May 2010, the Board approved the first Risk Management Matrix (“RMM”), which is the primary tool used for managing risk. Reviewed on annual basis, the RMM contains items which are operational in nature and most risks can be quantified in financial terms. The Board of Directors has determined that the 2014 Risk Management Matrix and review will be expanded to include financial and non-financial risk factors and assessment processes.

Going forward, the Administration will coordinate and compile the required data and prepare the 2014 risk management report for Board review and approval in June. For more information on the school’s Risk Management Matrix and review process, please contact the Director of Finance at dof@unishanoi.org.

Welcome to UNIS Hanoi

In recognizing the importance long lasting Board members can make to the health, effectiveness and efficiency of a board and in keeping with international Board best practices, the Board of Directors reviewed a proposal at the January open Board meeting to replace the two, three year term limit cap for members to serve on the Board, with two, four year terms. In addition to extending the length of terms, members will also have the option of serving for an additional four year term for a total of 12 years of service. This item will return to the Board for second reading and approval in April. For more information on the proposal for the extension of term limits for Board members, please contact the Board Assistant at boardassistant@unishanoi.org. Best regards, Sarah Garner, Board Chair

Twenty four excited Student Council representatives from all classes in Grades 3 to 5 were called to a special meeting yesterday with the architects, Perkins Eastman, who are visiting school again this week. A smaller representative group met with them during their previous visit in December. At that first meeting the students shared their ideas about how to make the school a better place in terms of the facilities. This time around, the architects shared back how they had interpreted the ideas of the students as well as all other stakeholders (Board, staff, parents) and incorporated some of them into their latest designs. The children felt privileged to see the different options available for the overall campus design as well as focusing on potential changes in the Elementary School. They learned to interpret plans and 3D renderings as well as appreciating the photographs from other schools which have inspired the architectural team. During the session they had the opportunity to ask questions which revealed how closely they had been listening and understanding the proposals. Their questions were insightful and really gave a student perspective on both process and product. The Student Councillors will now be preparing a presentation for their peers in an upcoming assembly which will also give them the opportunity to synthesize their thoughts and share their views. Thank you to all Student Council members for their significant role in this process. Kind regards, Carole Denny esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Dear Parents Please be informed that there will be no ASAs and no UMA lessons next week (Feb 24 -28) Therefore, no late bus will be arranged. Everyone will need to go home right after school finishes. Late bus will be provided when ASA and UMA sessions 3 start on March 3. Thank you very much for your attention. Kind regards UNIS Hanoi Bus Office, transportCoord@unishanoi.org

Do you have an inspiring story about UNIS? Were you or someone you know involved in a UNIS activity that changed your life? Do you want to star in our new film? If so read on..

community of students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni linked to our Values and Beliefs. When you read the Values and Beliefs statements can you find something in your experience at UNIS Hanoi that creates a special connection for you that you can share?

We are in the early stages of creating a new school film which will be a central part of the new website, helping UNIS Hanoi showcase its unique story to the outside world, and helping provide a rich and inspiring introduction to the school for potential new families and faculty.

 It could be a special moment, or a long lasting

And we are looking for stories and storytellers from our community!

 It might be seeing a child transform, or helping others

We will be using the newly approved School Values and Beliefs to structure the film around LEARNING, RESPONSIBILITY and COMMUNITY. Our goal is for someone to watch the film and take away powerful stories told by our community demonstrating our most deeply held Values and Beliefs… and a desire to know more about us! We believe the most powerful way to showcase the School and “Learning to Inspire” at UNIS Hanoi, is to illustrate these three Values in action with true stories, told by our community, for our community – nine stories, one for each of the Beliefs.

experience, a special event or the daily rhythm of the School.

 It might be the impact of a programme that we have introduced, or a trip or Service activity that impacted you profoundly. to grow and fulfil their potential through their time at UNIS.

 It might be a student or a staff member that has especially demonstrated these values in their life, alone or working with others… we would like to hear from everyone! Please CLICK HERE to share with us a brief outline of your story and how it connects to ONE of the Values and ONE of the Belief statements. Once we have harvested the ideas for our stories and storytellers from the community we will be in touch to find out more, and then we will work with a professional film maker to make the selected nine stories come alive! We look forward to hearing from you by the end of next week (Friday February 28).

We are currently ‘harvesting’ story ideas from our

Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org

some of the exciting ways that they are using technology in their classes. Elementary students will be showcasing their work with blogs and digital portfolios, Middle School students will be sharing their ideas about gamification of education through Minecraft and the value of digital citizenship, and High School students will show how they have created “flipped classrooms” of their own. Please email techdirector@unishanoi.org if you plan to attend the session.

We are pleased to welcome Kit Green and Russell Fryer from the Hanoi Counseling Psychology Group to UNIS Hanoi Friday next week. Kit and Russell will be leading a workshop for parents on effective parenting strategies for appropriate technology usage. Specific topics to be discussed include:  The realities of technology usage  What is “over-use” of technology and is there a danger of addiction?  Parenting strategies to promote the appropriate use of technology  What parents can do if they are concerned about their child’s use of technology As this is often a topic of parent questions and concerns, we look forward to seeing many of our UNIS Hanoi parents there. If you have specific questions you would like considered during the presentation, please email your child’s counselor so this information can be passed on to Kit and Russell. Hanoi Counseling Psychology Group.

All UNIS student tablets have a program called ManicTime installed. ManicTime tracks student use of programs on the tablet. ManicTime was installed in order to help students make better decisions about their use of their tablet. If you are interested in looking at the data from your own child, simply send an email to techdirector@unishanoi.org and we will use the workshop to help you understand what the results actually mean. We will also show you how to access the data yourselves in order to have conversations with your child regarding tablet use.

: Get to know about tech tools and parent tips that work! This is the chance to share practical examples of successful use of technology in school and at home. Speedgeeking works exactly like Speed Dating - we will introduce you to a great variety of ideas in a short amount of time. Parent volunteers needed! Please email mmatias@unishanoi.org if you are interested in sharing during the session.

: Find out how UNIS Hanoi is working to lead the region in educational technology and innovative learning. We’ll be sharing the UNIS technology vision, goals, and the ways that we are working to make those goals a reality here in Hanoi. Kind regards, Edward L Gilbreath, Director of Technology techdirector@unishanoi.org

Starting Monday March 3rd newly designed canteen vouchers with improved security features will be introduced at the UNIS Hanoi canteen.

All old tickets will be accepted until Friday March 21st for food purchases, and can also be exchanged for new tickets during this 3 week period.

From March 26th onwards ONLY new vouchers will be accepted. No exchanges will be possible after this date.

Vé ăn căng-tin mới được thiết kế lại với những chức năng đảm bảo an toàn hơn sẽ được đưa vào sử dụng từ ngày Thứ 2, mồng 3 tháng 3.

Hạn sử dụng vé ăn căng-tin cũ là Thứ Sáu, ngày 21 tháng 3. Quý phụ huynh cũng có thể đổi vé cũ lấy vé mới trong thời gian 3 tuần đầu của tháng 3.

Kể từ ngày 26 tháng 3, căng-tin sẽ chỉ chấp nhận vé ăn mới. Vé ăn cũ không đổi được sau ngày này.

유니스 하노이 캔틴 이용권에 대한 최근 정보: 

3월 3일 월요일부터 더 나아진 보안기능을 갖고 새롭게 만들어진 식당 이 용권이 유니스 캔틴에 소개될 것입니다.

예전에 사용하던 모든 티켓은 3월 21일 금요일까지 음식을 구입하는데 사 용할 수 있으며, 3주 동안은 새로운 티켓으로 교환할 수 있습니다.

3월 26일부터는 오직 새로운 식권만 캔틴에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 이날 이후에는 새로운 티켓으로 교환할 수도 없습니다.

GRADE 6 Anna Jang GRADE 7 Uyen Trinh Ela Kalra KHushi Kapoor Rohan Gowda Jina Park

GRADE 6 My Anh Truong Ju Yeon Kim Ting Chih (Tiffany) Cheng Sung Eun Kim Liam Hollis Lara Wertheim Chi Phan Min Hyung (Roy) Lee

GRADE 8 Joel Akio Tamura Na Yeon Kim Hosana Tagomori

GRADE 6 Commitment to Studies Chi Phan Ju Yeon Kim Courage and Risk-Taking Andreas Jorgensen Leadership Anna Jang Caring and Kindness Josephine Nahoum Jonathan Lai Positivity Parnika Mathur Richard Dang Citizenship & Commitment to UN Principles Peter Haug Liam Hollis Creative Excellence So Yeon Kim My Anh Truong

GRADE 7 Predtheev Ravi Hana Hayashi Alicia Dziedzic Shimli Satpathy Gia Han Le Phuong Le Marcelle-Marie Villars Hazel Kevlihan Giang Le Eliza Tu Thi Stelmach Ju Yeon Park Eui Sung (Brian) Lee Nadya Suprobo Khanh Linh Duong Krist贸f K谩rolyi

GRADE 7 Commitment to Studies Linnea Niklasson Adelaide Charlier Leadership Uyen Trinh Caring and Kindness Farhah Hisamuddin Kushi Kapoor Hazel Kevlihan Positivity Jung Hwan (Jay) Lee Commitment to UN Principles Marcelle-Marie Villars Rohan Gowda

GRADE 8 Joel Akio Tamura Na Yeon Kim Hosana Tagomori Niklas Jaakola

GRADE 8 Commitment to Studies Long Than Leadership Natania Hui Ting Peh Caring and Kindness Carolina Maffei Citizenship & Commitment to UN Principles Joel Tamura Creative Excellence Min Joo (Alice) Choi


GRADE 9 Seyon Park Young Ju Lee GRADE 10 Linh Vo Jin Sun (Sunny) Park

GRADE 9 Yoon Zoo Gee Giang Nguyen Shweta Mondal Hoi Yoon Jung, Trine Marielle Wik Elizabeth Phan Ngoc Trai Nguyen Kimberley Van Anh Knaggs Henryk Le Hai

GRADE 11 Nam Nguyen Tae Jun Park Duong Nguyen Viet Than YoungNan Kim Na Young Kim So Yeon Jeong Jonas Fiebrantz Thu (Rosie) Tran Devin Cheong So Hee Jeong

Gillian Vallely Quynh Anh Do Jae Young Yoo Veronica Lai Minh Anh Nguyen Duong Vu Trung Tran Hae Ji Noh

GRADE 12 Maximilian Tang Shefali Satpathy Seung Hyung Sohn Eun Bee Ko My Tran Son Le Mana Muchaku Chi Mai Hyun Su Hwang Hanna Tagomori Tuan Anh Nguyen

Minh Nguyen Yerim Kim Maho Wakui, Ngoc Le Tae Young Jeong Alan Wichink-Kruit Nils Jaranovs GRADE 10 Phuong Ly Awua Buahin Chihyun Ryu Nina McLean Ewa Dung Lachman

GRADE 11 Kim Lan Mallon, Animesh Sakorikar Van Do Hung Nguyen Victoria Cortes Freeman Thanh Le Sze Kate Tang Min Jeong Kang Sidney Hong Khanh An Vu Kenna Valles Soo Hyun Park

GRADE 12 Kyung Hyea Hyun Phuong Le Hiong Lin Tam Anna Le Hai Lucas Prytz Taku Aiga Tiara Le Calvez Partho Mondal Emma Simson van Dijkhuizen Hai Anh Nguyen Quynh Anh Do Phong Hoa Minh Ho

GRADE 9 Learner Laureate Seyon Park

GRADE 10 Learner Laureate Linh Vo

GRADE 11 Learner Laureate Jonas Fiebrantz

GRADE 12 Learner Laureate My Tran

Leadership Award Kimberly Knaggs

Leadership Award Michael Emblem

Leadership Award Duong Nguyen

Leadership Award Jamie Trees

Citizenship Award Anh Phuong Nguyen

Citizenship Award Seung Yoo Yang

Citizenship Award Tae Jung Park

Citizenship Award Jessica Van den Brink

Humanitarian Award Marielle Wik

Humanitarian Award Awua Buahin

Humanitarian Award Kim Mallon

Humanitarian Award Aincre Evans

This week saw the official launch for the Real Madrid Foundation Football Clinic to a packed press conference in Hanoi! Manuel Parreno Rodriguez from the Foundation visited this week to inspect the UNIS Hanoi fields and to attend the official launch press conference with UNIS MSHS Spanish teacher, Alvaro Grana as official translator! UNIS Hanoi is delighted to partner with Vietnam Football Passion Academy and the Real Madrid Foundation to offer an exciting opportunity for all our budding soccer stars… A chance to train with the Official Youth Coaches from the world famous Real Madrid Football Club, here at UNIS Hanoi! In April we will be organizing two Football Clinics in partnership with Vietnam Football Passion and their local soccer academy, which will run concurrently at UNIS Hanoi from Monday to Friday. One clinic for UNIS Hanoi students and with open registration for all football fans (aged 6-16) and the second clinic will be organized with our Service Learning Programme partners to offer the opportunity of a lifetime to some of the most disadvantaged youth in Vietnam.

 The Soccer Clinic for our Service Partners will take

place from 14:00 to 15:45 (by invitation only)  The Soccer Clinic for UNIS Students and other soccer

fans in the Hanoi area will take place from 16:15 to 18:00 The cost to participate in the five after school sessions will be 350 USD (which includes an official Real Madrid training uniform)

www.frmhanoi.com If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact either Emma Silva, Director of Advancement (doa@unishanoi.org) or Lionel Wong, General Director of Football Passion Vietnam (vfpacademy@gmail.com).

On February 21-22, UNIS Hanoi will be hosting an international soccer tournament. The 2014 MRISA Middle School Soccer Championships will involve 16 teams from 4 countries and 160 players. This is truly an international tournament, with players representing more than 30 different nationalities. UNIS Hanoi will welcome the following MRISA schools to our campus:  Hanoi International School (HIS)  International School Eastern Seaboard (ISE)  International School Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC)  International School of Phnom Penh (ISPP)  Northbridge International School (NISC)

Three UNIS Hanoi teams will be participating in the tournament – the MRISA Boys and Girls, plus the UNIS Blue Girls who are replacing a team which was unable to attend. We wish all teams and their coaches the best of luck! There should be some great soccer action over the two days of the tournament. The UNIS Community is invited to come out and support this important school event and cheer on the home teams. See the detailed schedule next page.

 Saigon South International School (SSIS)

Thank you for supporting UNIS Hanoi Activities!!

 Vientiane International School (VIS)


Boys Group A:

Boys Group B

Girls Group A:

Girls Group B

1st - UNIS

2nd - NISC

1st - UNIS A

2nd - ISPP

4th - ISPP

3rd - ISE

4th - ISHCMC

3rd - VIS

5th - SSIS

6th - HIS

5th - HIS

6th - SSIS

8th - ISHCMC

7th - VIS

8th - ISE

7th - UNIS B


Field #1

Field #2


Opening Ceremony / Team Photographs

Girls Group A UNIS A vs. ISE Boys Group B 10:00 ISE vs. HIS Girls Group B 11:00 VIS vs. SSIS 11:45 - 12:30 LUNCH BREAK Boys Group A 12:30 ISPP vs. SSIS Girls Group B 13:30 SSIS vs. ISPP Boys Group A 14:30 SSIS vs. UNIS Girls Group A 15:30 UNIS A vs. ISHCMC Boys Group B 16:30 NISC vs. ISE 09:00


09:30 10:30

Girls Group A ISHCMC vs. HIS Boys Group B NISC vs. VIS Girls Group A HIS vs. UNIS A

Girls Group B ISPP vs. UNIS B Boys Group A UNIS vs. ISHCMC Girls Group A ISE vs. ISHCMC

Boys Group B HIS vs. NISC Girls Group B UNIS B vs. VIS Boys Group A ISHCMC vs. ISPP Girls Group B ISPP vs. VIS Boys Group A UNIS vs. ISPP

Boys Group B VIS vs. ISE Girls Group A HIS vs. ISE Boys Group B HIS vs. VIS Girls Group B SSIS vs. UNIS B Boys Group A SSIS vs. ISHCMC

BUSES DEPART / Homestays Picked-Up by Hosts Boys – A3 vs. B4 vs. Girls - A4 vs. B3 vs.

11:30 12:15 – 13:00 LUNCH BREAK Boys - 7/8 Game 13:00 vs. Girls – 7/8 Game 14:00 vs.

Girls - A3 vs. B4 vs. Boys - A1 vs. B2 vs. Girls - A1 vs. B2 vs.

Boys - A4 vs. B3 vs. Boys - B1 vs. A2 vs. Girls - B1 vs. A2 vs.

Boys - 3/4 Game vs. Girls – 3/4 Game vs.

Boys Plate Final vs. Girls Plate Final vs. Boys Final vs. Girls Final vs.

15:00 16:00 17:30 18:30 19:15

Field #3


Dear UNIS Hanoi Community,

As you may be aware UNIS Hanoi students are involved in many wonderful Co-Curricular activities (including sports, the arts, MUN...etc.). Through our association with MRISA and APAC, UNIS students travel to many events. We also do our share of hosting events. Providing guest students with homestay accommodations is what makes these events possible. When a school hosts an event they must reach out to their school community and ask parents and teachers to take students into their houses for the duration of the event. Without host families the costs of these events would be much higher and students would not experience another culture fully, which is one of the event aims. UNIS Hanoi is looking forward to hosting our annual Model United Nations Conference from March 5-9, 2014 (schools arrive on Wednesday, and depart on

Sunday). We must find host families (houses) for about 100 visiting students. Please consider taking some students into your homes as other schools have done for us in the past. If you have the space in your homes to host 1 or 2 or even 10 guests we would greatly appreciate your assistance. I will be coordinating the hosting of this event. If you could help support this school-wide event, by having some visiting students stay at your home, we would really appreciate your contributions. Please read the following attachment to give you additional information about hosting - Host Family Expectations To sign-up to be a host family for the UNIS MUN Conference, please complete this Host Family Information Form and return it to the UNIS Activities Office as soon as possible. We will match nationalities and students ages as best as possible, but it isn’t always possible to meet all requests. Many thanks for your continued support of the UNIS CoCurricular Programme! Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

Photos: THIMUN 2013

During the festival students will be able to participate in specialist workshops in Visual Art, Drama, Music and Dance and mix with like-minded students from the region. As part of their preparation, UNIS Hanoi students have devised a student led workshop entitled Little Hanoi, where students will replicate a busy Hanoi street scene with games, relief printing, bamboo dancing, street food, rice sculptures and games. There will be a practise run through this activity this Saturday 22 February in the UNIS Centre of the Arts Foyer from 11.15 am, all invited. Robert Natoli, MSHS Art Teacher rnatoli@unishanoi.org 14 Excited MSHS students have been busily preparing for the upcoming MRISA Arts Festival in Thailand hosted by International School Eastern Seaboard (ISE) from February 26 to March 2.

They have worked independently for the past few months on a project of their choice. At the exhibition, students will share their products and show what they have learnt.

What: Presentations followed by open exhibition Where: Centre for the Arts - Theatre Date: Tuesday, 25 February, 18:00-19:30 Who: Grade 10 parents, Grade 9 students and parents, anyone else who is interested

The first UNIS Hanoi Middle School delegation to attend a Global Issues Network Conference have returned from an exciting 4 days in Jakarta. Over 300 middle school students from GIN groups across SE Asia attended the Dare to Care conference. Our students participated in Burst the Bubble trips to do service activities at a variety of places in Jakarta- from orphanages and animal shelters to a school in the middle of a huge garbage dump! They listened to inspiring speakers and participated in workshops that were both fun and thought provoking. It was a great opportunity to connect with other youth who are committed to making a difference in their schools and beyond. Our group of nine Grade 6, 7 and 8 students were outstanding representatives of UNIS Hanoi and have returned with a conviction to embed the GIN experience into our middle school culture. Donna Bracewell and Maite Montero Nahoum

UNIS HANOI HOSTS MAJOR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE Last weekend saw more than 150 educators from 30 different schools and organizations, from 6 different countries, on 3 different continents will converge on UNIS Hanoi for 52 workshops in 3 days! UNIS Hanoi hosted the Vietnam Tech Conference 2014, an annual educational technology conference targeting international schools in Vietnam and designed for teachers, administrators and support staff to network, share effective practices and continue to move the use of technology forward. UNIS Hanoi (founding partners of the conference with Saigon South International School) hosted this conference for the first time and were delighted to lead what was an exhilarating programme, thanks to our team of passionate presenters and generous support from sponsors; Finalsite, 21st Century Learning, Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake and FPT. Launching the conference theme (Learning, Responsibility, Community) was keynote speaker, Patrick Green - Apple Distinguished educator, Google certified teacher and trainer, leading Google Bootcamp presenter and closing speaker at Google Summit in Kuala Lumpur; recognized as a You Tube ‘star teacher’ and someone with extensive experience in supporting teachers in “flipping” the classroom.

Following on his heels was a giant Speedgeek in our Sports Centre, during which our 153 delegates were able to ‘sample’ some of the conference presentations and gain a quick (6 minute!) insight into a range of 18 different, fascinating ways of integrating technology with learning. It was fast and furious fun! After lunch a change of pace, with an exciting afternoon of 34 different presentations for delegates to explore; from digital literacy in the Early Years to 3D Printing and Math, Creating a MOOC in Hanoi, Minecraft Gamification and Geogebra! The conversations continued with Cocktails at the Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake (conference sponsors) and on Sunday morning, delegates had the choice of a further 20 workshops featuring leadership workshops, ePortfolios and even “Driven to Digital Distraction!”. The popularity of VTC 2014 builds on the success of the inaugural conference held last year at Saigon South International School. It was an inspirational weekend for all and the conversations are still continuing! VTC 2014 Team: Ed Gilbreath, Michelle Matias, Paul Swanson, Janet Field, Emma Silva and Ha Dinh

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Visit the conference website: http://vtc.unishanoi.org/ Follow us on Twitter @VietnamTechConf Access the discussions: #vtc2014 Follow our Instagram feed @vntechconference MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW! VTC 2015 at Saigon South International School on March 7-8, 2015

 Sessions will be offered for current ECC,

Elementary, Middle and High School Students  Programmes offered will include a

balance of activities including Sports, Math, English, Arts, Science and time in the Pool! Registration will open soon! Enrollment will initially be restricted to current UNIS Hanoi students and spaces will be limited so make plans to attend now and check back in to the Tin Tuc for the registration date. Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Programme Principal mscounselor@unishanoi.org

Measles: Vietnam has experienced an increase in measles since the beginning of 2014. Most people infected were not vaccinated. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh have had reported cases. Measles is caused by a highly infectious, uncommon, acute viral infection that spreads from person to person via infected droplets. Symptoms include:

Transmission: Incubation period: Infectious Period: Exclusion:

Treatment: Contacts:


lethargy, cough, sore and swollen eyes and nasal passages, fever and rash. Airborne or droplet 8-14 days About 4 days before and 4 days after Exclude for 4 days after the onset of the rash, no fever for at least 24 hrs. unmedicated and student well. Varies with symptoms – consult with Doctor Do not exclude vaccinated or previously infected contacts. Susceptible contacts should be excluded until 14 days after the rash in the person infected. Immunization

Reference: International SOS website, Communicable Disease Guidelines, 2012 Edition Health Reminders: The last 2 weeks have seen large numbers of students with high fever, headache. Some other symptoms including sore throat and abdominal pain have been experienced. Please refer to the following link for information regarding student’s exclusion from school. All parent information can be located on the Portal under School health Centre

In brief: I have received some questions regarding reported cases of H5N1 in Vietnam and thought some up to date information may help you to understand the current situation. Two fatal cases of H5N1 have been reported in Vietnam this year. Virtually all cases worldwide have occurred in people who have had direct contact with poultry. H5N1 is consistently present in birds in Vietnam and all though very serious, the risk to travelers is low. There is a new bird flu called H7N9 – there is a lot we don’t know about it as yet. It was first discovered in 2013 and has only been seen in China according to the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and prevention). Even though the risk of contracting H1N5 appears low please follow the recommendations below: DON’T:  Go to live animal markets.  Handle birds  Touch things that may be contaminated by bird

droppings.  Swim in any body of water that is used by birds.  Have unnecessary contact with animals  Eat raw or undercooked meats or poultry products.  Touch your face except with clean hands

DO:  Wash your hands often, especially before eating.  Make sure all poultry is thoroughly cooked before eating

including eggs.  Flu vaccination – won’t protect from bird flu but will

protect you from seasonal flu. Symptoms: Fever, cough, chills, difficulty breathing – SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION REMEMBER: There is the common flu in the community of Hanoi at present. However, not every flu like symptom is bird flu related. School Health Centre, nurse@unishanoi.org

The main purpose of the Spring Fair is to celebrate our diverse community! It's about having fun together, sharing our cultures and diversity, and getting involved so we can grow closer and stronger as a community. We all have so much to give! Please do not sit on the side-lines! We need YOU to make this fair a SUCCESS! It doesn’t take much…a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. Country Tables: we are looking for all countries to be represented! (We have over 60 Nationalities represented in our school). So far countries that have signed up to participate this year are: UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Philippines, Chile, Korea, Australia, Germany, Malaysia, Hungary, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Bangladesh Do contact us if:  Your country is still not in this list (we can help you with

ideas)  You want to help or get involved with a country that

already has a team behind it  If you are the only family representing your country at

UNIS Hanoi, YOU CAN STILL HAVE A TABLE! You can do something as simple as a drink stand, selling baked goods OR something as creative as only your imagination can invent - it doesn't have to be food related – how you organize your table is up to you! This FAMILY EVENT is a chance for you and your children to show off your country and share your culture with the rest of our UNIS Hanoi community You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, including fun with your children, pride in your country and a great way to meet other people who are sharing the UNIS Hanoi journey with you! For all Country Table enquires please contact: Michiko Kadono at michikokadono@gmail.com

If you are interested in having a Garage Sale Stand Contact Pippa Wood at pippa.phoenix@gmail.com If you are interested in having a Commercial Stand (for small business of school parents ONLY) Contact Natalia Tasovac at natasovac@gmail.com We need you ALL to make this another memorable event for our community!! If you want to help but still don’t know how please contact Paulina Pineda paulinapineda@hotmail.com.

Since the Spring Fair is a UNIS Hanoi Community event, the Spring Fair Silent Auction Team would like to ask if you have the following to donate for our Silent Auction Booth:  Do you have any Unique Artwork/Paintings/Lacquer Art at home that you no longer want  Do you have any items (picture frames, wine bottles, unused jewelleries, etc.) that you no longer use and would like to donate  Can you donate items into our Super Baskets team such as Spa Day Basket, Tea Time Basket, World's Best Mom or Dad Basket, Let's Read Basket, Baker's Day Basket, Artist Basket or create your own team. Please make sure that all donations are in good condition or not used. Sample of Basket Donated: Total value $40.00 (Plush bear; White Tea and Ginger scented Bath Salts ; Body Butter (4.0 oz.) and Almond Roca Butter Crunch Toffee Candy ) Please get your donation by March 5, Wednesday to the Advancement Office. If you have any questions, please email us at unissfsponsorship@gmail.com or call 01673814649. Thank you in advance. Eunice Chin & Cameron Stauch, Sponsorship & Silent Auction Team

When it is your turn to be a contributing class, we encourage that each family supports the ES Snack Sale by providing:  

 10 individually wrapped homemade healthy snacks (the

value of each treat should be at least 10,000VND)  A labeled container/dish with your child’s class and

name along with a list of ingredients The Elementary School Snack Sale is a long standing tradition at UNIS Hanoi. Over 20 years ago, the “Bake Sale” was created to raise funds for library books while providing students with the opportunity to taste a diverse range of snacks from all around the world! The Snack Sale has evolved into a fun opportunity for children to exercise choice, learn how to handle money and is raising awareness of the value of healthy snacks.

 REMEMBER: UNIS Hanoi is a Nut Free Campus,

therefore the snacks CANNOT CONTAIN NUTS  On the morning of the snack sale, please deliver the

snacks BEFORE 8:10am to the designated tables in the ECC or ES Courtyard Both savory and sweet snacks are welcome (i.e. fresh fruit bowl, lightly salted/sweetened popcorn, rice balls, homemade muesli bars, muffins, samosas, etc.), below are a few example of snacks provided in previous snack sales. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about what snacks to bring, please contact the Snack Sale Coordinators: Akiko Nakano: akiko.nakano2088@gmail.com Ikuko Mizuno: mikue@mbn.nifty.com Bo young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com

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