tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 23, Friday 22 February
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Tuesday, 26 February
Monday, 4 March
Community Event with Peter Brown 18:00 - 19:30, B10
Wednesday, 27 February ●
APAC Drama Festival - South Korea , Feb 27 - Mar 3 APAC Band - China, Feb 27 - Mar 3 Kindergarten PAC, 09:00 - 10:00, Theatre Meeting with Kevin P. Mulvey, 09:00 - 10:00, Black Box Community “Town Hall” Meeting: Values & Beliefs 19:00 - 21:00, Black Box
Thursday, 28 February ●
UNIS Hanoi MUN Conference 28 Feb - 2 March ECC Parent Info Session 14:00, ECC-Room G27 Information night for G5 Exhibition, 18:00 - 19:00, B7
Friday, 1 March ●
MAP Testing (Grades 3-5) March 5-7 MS Season 3 Sports Begins - Volleyball Board Meeting 17:30 - 19:30, Community Room
Wednesday, 6 March ●
A Morning with Community Resource 08:30 - 12:00, Library
Thursday, 7 March ●
Community Norms Presentation with the Counselors 18:00 - 19:30, Library
Saturday, 9 March ●
ES Snack Sale Morning Community Norms Presentation with the Counselors 08:30 - 10:00, Library
Session with Dr. Yong Cho 13:30 - 15:00, Library
Tuesday, 5 March
UNIS Phoenix Cup HS Boys & Girls Soccer Tournament 9-10 March No Saturday Soccer
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Middle/High School Principal (p.3) Notes from the Admissions Office (p.3) 25th Birthday Party Season! (p.4) NEW! Uniquely UNIS Auction (p.5) 25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.6) MAP Tesing Grades 3-5 (p.7) ECC Parent Info Session (p.8) Kindergarten Perform. Come and Join Us (p.8) Meet Peter Brown next week. (p.9)
Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition. Save the Date! (p.9&11) Health and Safety Awareness Info Sessions (p.10) Biking Around the World (p.11)
Coming Up College Visits (p.12) MS Student Council News (p.12) Family Activity: Hand Washing (p.13)
Volunteering for FUN! (p.14) ES March Snake Sale (p.15) Boutique News (p.15)
Notes from the Head of School I am pleased to present the notes from the Breakfast with the HoS held back on Friday, February 01. Please click here to review them. Also, I encourage you to attend the “Town Hall” meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 27 beginning at 1900 in the Black Box of the Centre for the Arts. Our two consultants who have led the parent focus groups regarding values and beliefs will present the preliminary findings of data collected during the focus group sessions. It will be interested to see how the different parent, student, faculty
and administration groups addressed the questions presented by the consultants and what common themes were discovered. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School
Notes from the Board of Directors Values and Beliefs Community Meeting Wednesday 27 February, 7pm Black Box, Centre for the Arts In the past few months through a series of focus groups, more than 350 members of the UNIS Hanoi community, including students, parents, faculty, staff, admin and alumni have provided their views about the values that are important to them. This will provide the basis from which the Board will generate Values and Belief Statements for the School. Next Wednesday we invite you to come and hear the results of those focus group sessions with consultants Cynthia Mann and Rebecca Hales. At the meeting there will be a presentation on the data collected and they will share their analysis, making suggestions for a first draft of the Values and Beliefs statements. At the meeting, you will have a chance to ask questions and provide feedback. There will be translators available for Korean and Vietnamese speakers. In the coming months, the Board will finalise the Values and Beliefs statements, taking everyone’s input into account. The Board looks forward to meeting many of you at the community meeting next Wednesday. Craig Burgess, Chair of Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force
Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Sung Woo Jee (PreK-HS) Yeon Su Park (6WR)
Notes from the Middle High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, Greeting from the MSHS. I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Tet holiday. The hustle and bustle during the lead up to Tet was amazing to watch and provided wonderful (albeit noisy) insights into Vietnamese culture! During the break I happened on to the very popular TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson. In his “talk� Robinson puts forth the case that schools in their current state kill creativity and that a radical change must take place in order for future generations to be successful in the workplace and in life. Although I have seen the video on many occasions it never fails to inspire me and thought you as parents would find it relevant and thought provoking, perhaps even food for thought? Ken Robinson is speaker and author who is urging for a paradigm shift in schools who is very popular amongst forward thinking educators. I hope you will take a few minutes to view the video with your child? Perhaps it may lead to a fruitful discussion? Please follow this link to watch the video: Ken Robinson TED Talk As UNIS Hanoi continues to develop relevant and engaging curriculum designed to prepare for students for life in an uncertain future the words of Ken Robinson ring loudly. In my opinion we must be mindful of tradition but not the status quo. This is surely an exciting time to be an educator! Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal
Notes from the Admissions Office
ADMISSIONS ARE OPEN FOR 2013-2014 Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org.
RE-ENROLMENT FOR 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees Agreements and invoices for deposit payments shall be issued directly to families in early March. Placements for returning students must be secured by April 1, 2013. Families are required to pay tuition deposits for each attending student and commit to the terms and conditions of tuition and fees for the 2013-2014 academic year.
WITHDRAWING FAMILIES Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or call 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.
Notes from Advancement Office 25th BIRTHDAY PARTY SEASON! Spring will be a time to celebrate with not one but
3 major parties for the UNIS Hanoi community!
25th BIRTHDAY SPRING FAIR – MARCH 16 Spring Fair will kick off the party season as a fun family day for the entire community with food, games, shopping and entertainment. The School Community Organisation are busy with final preparations for a wonderful celebration of our multi-national community (see page 14). And fitting for a special Birthday Party there will be some wonderful new activities including:
UNIQUELY UNIS auction (see page 5)
World Passport Quiz and Prize Draw for children with a Kindle and 100$ Amazon voucher
“Masterchef” Competition with KOTO and MSHS Students working and competing together for the coveted title.
Special guests from Sapa! Our MSHS students will host students from the Sin Chai school.
25th Birthday gifts for sale! Exclusive Mugs, t-shirts, fridge magnets, tea towels and orders for framed copies of the all-school photo from UN Day will be unveiled. Limited edition only!
25th BIRTHDAY BALL – APRIL 13 If you haven’t already got the date in your diary – please make sure you mark it in NOW! This is a night of fine dining, fun and fundraising, with live music and some wonderful, exclusive, silent auction items. Most of all this is the night that we will raise the funds to create our Birthday Gift Fund. The Fund aims to establish a legacy gift for our host country which will invest in those most in need in Vietnam, with our Service Learning partners, for the next 25 years! The event will be held in the magnificent ballroom of the Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake- our lead, platinum birthday sponsors. The decorations and theme for the evening will take guests into the heart of the Old Quarter’s 36 Streets and MS student art will create the spectacular backdrop for the evening, created by our team of volunteer parents. We are also honoured that the Head of School from UNIS New York and former Heads of School from UNIS Hanoi’s history are planning to join us for the evening, flying in from around the world. TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE IMMEDIATELY AFTER SPRING FAIR
25th BIRTHDAY ALUMNI REUNION – TOKYO, MARCH 30 More than 80 alumni of UNIS Hanoi will join together with Head of School, Chip Barder, Director of Advancement, Emma Silva and Community Liaison Officer, Naoko Inui to celebrate the Birthday for afternoon tea in Tokyo. Spread the word for all alumni students, parents and faculty and for more information contact: alumni@unishanoi.org For further details and other reunion information, please visit our website.
Notes from Advancement Office UNIQUELY UNIS! What can you give? Our Birthday fundraising aims to raise $25,000. Our goal is to make a Birthday Gift which will support those most in need in Vietnam for the next 25 years! And most importantly, will also engage our students and build meaningful connections in our community through Service Learning. Before Tet, we announced our UNIQUELY UNIS AUCTION – an auction of our community’s time and talents! It is a celebration of what we all have to offer! It will also only be open to UNIS Hanoi community members for bids.
Director of Activities Dirk Kraetzer and wife Susan (PE Dept.) will take on a couple determined to get fit! NEW! Back to School for Head of School
Bid for Dr. Chip Barder to join your child’s class for a half day and carry their bag! A round of golf with the Head of School
Dr Chip Barder will host a round of golf at one of Vietnam’s top courses. Handyman for the Day
Director of Operations, Dave Porter, will set your home straight. Digital Scrapbooking Class
HS Physics teacher Ingrid Renneberg will introduce this beautiful hobby. Personalised Perfume!
ES French teacher Clemence Barbier (La Dame Clemence) will consult and create a perfume just for you! French Cheese and Wine Tasting
With her French husband, Director of Advancement, Emma Silva will host a ‘guided tour’ from their homeland. Tandem Tour with our Cycling Supremo!
A fun trip out with Director of Technology, Ed Gilbreath and his tandem
Design your new look with Vidal Sassoon trained hairdresser NEW! Limoncello Masterclass
Learn the art of making this Italian liqueur from a Sicilian family recipe Personal Style Review
Wardrobe Review & Personal Shopping tour Knitting Masterclass
Either beginners, starting again after a long absence or looking to tackle something more difficult. Cooking Whizz!
Learn to cook a delicious new menu and then enjoy eating it! Private Yoga Class
75 min private hatha yoga class for absolute beginners to intermediate-level practitioners British Beetle Drive Bonanza
A traditional Games Night for teams of 4 – Fun for all the family! Contact the UNIQUELY UNIS team on advancement@unishanoi.org with any questions or with your ideas. YOUR TIME AND TALENTS CAN CHANGE SOMEONE’S LIFE THOUGH THE BIRTHDAY GIFT FUND!
Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. My Project is to get in contact with our alumni through the use of a quick, simple online form so that our current community can hear what our school was like over the last 25 years. If you know anyone or you are someone who knows anyone I could get in contact with who has any interesting stories then please contact me! Thank you! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student
Nationality: South Korean In your opinion, what was the most important thing that you did while being Head of School and why? Bringing a vision of what UNIS could be. In the summer of 1994, change was coming and my job was to position UNIS to be ready for it. Up to that point, few families at UNIS had experienced another international school and had no basis for comparison: indeed, they were just happy to have UNIS so that they could keep their children with them. The new wave of families about to arrive in Hanoi included many whose children were already in international schools elsewhere and the facilities and state of education at UNIS was decades behind other international schools in Asia. In 1994-95, several families stayed (for example) in Bangkok or Singapore while the breadwinner worked in Hanoi and flew back to join the family on weekends. That changed by 1995 and most of them came to Hanoi. The expatriate populations at other Asian capitals at the time were serviced by international schools of 1,000 to 1,500 students or more and we assumed that should be the minimum size planned for UNIS. That, in turn, spoke of the need for an amount of land that was far in excess of what the Vietnamese government allocated to their own schools and therein lies a story: At the time, all contact with the government was through the Service Bureau and negotiations for land, which opened with offers of one hectare, were clearly insufficient. Eventually, a dinner meeting was arranged at a restaurant in the “Snake Village”, where six or seven snakes would be served to the assembled guests. At the table, with spouses, was the Head of UNDP, the Head of the World Bank (and his wife, who was Chair of the UNIS School Board), the Head of the Service Bureau and myself. Now, for anyone who has not eaten cobra before, it is presented live at the table and an incision made in the thorax to extract the still beating heart, which is then cut out of the snake and put into a small glass that is presented to the most senior guest at the table, so I knew I did not need to worry about eating (swallowing, actually) the live heart. It was first given to the gentleman from UNDP, who quickly used his diplomatic skills to gracefully decline the honor, and it was next passed to the World Bank representative . . . and when he began talking, I began to realize that I could be next! Sure enough, the heart was passed over to me and before upholding our honor as guests and swallowing the warm, still beating heart and blood, I raised the glass to propose a toast and said “Mr. Quang, here’s to ten hectares of land for the school.” The sequel to that story is that my going-away gift from the board two years later was a solid gold cast of a cobra heart, but it took another four years for UNIS to take possession of the almost ten hectares it currently sits on, all due to the persistence and insistence of so many board members over the years that UNIS needed that much space . . . and it all started with a cobra heart!
Where are you living now? Seoul Korea What are you doing (job/studying)? Employee at Nexon (foreign legal affairs) What year(s) were you at UNIS and what Grades level(s) were you in at that time? 1994 and then 1996-1999. What do you remember most from your time at UNIS? I didn't have to study as much as students in Korea. That was the best part. However, the quality of the education was great. To add to that, my most memorable time at UNIS was going to field trip to Hue and Sapa. I had great conversation with my classmates on the train and had a wonderful experience and opportunity to get to know about my classmates throughout the entire field trip. Moreover, I was in the football team and we had friendly matches with the Russian, French, and Hanoi International School teams. I just want to say, every moment, every second at UNIS cannot be exchanged with anything precious. It was a priceless gift which cannot be valued. You will understand this when you turn thirty :) What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? Cool down. Don't get into fights. What were you favourite subjects at school and why? Social studies was my favorite subject. The teacher was (Mr. Herbert) great. Who was your favourite teacher and why? Mr Herbert, an English gentle man was so generous and understanding. He had special method to motivate the students. And never got angry with me even though I acted crazy. Also, the ESL Teacher Ms. Minix. She was wonderful! How did you get to school every morning? At first, by Cyclo or Xe-om. However, when I got into 11th grade, I had my own motorbike. Who were your best friends and are you still in touch with them? John Cho, yes I had a drink with him last month. How did you and your friends like to spend your free time? There was this bar called "Polite Pub" near Hoan Kiem. We used to meet up there every Friday, drinking and chatting. Polite Pub is still in Hoan Kiem, I went there in 2009. Remember, you are blessed and enjoy the time at UNIS and make as many friends as you can. I went to 12 different schools, and UNIS was the best. There is no school like UNIS!!
Notes from the Director of Learning Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Test March 5-7 for Grades 3-5 Students April 23-25 for Grades 6-8 Students In September UNIS Hanoi students from grades 3-8 took part in the MAP test. The MAP test is an online standardized test which is completed individually by each student on a computer. These computerized tests in reading, language usage, and math are called Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP). At UNIS Hanoi standardised testing is one method of gathering information to promote and inform student learning. A standardised test should allow students, teachers and parents to identify a student's strengths and areas of need in the different subject areas that are tested. At the school-wide level the standardised test can help to identify areas of the curriculum that may need adapting. It will also help the school to determine how UNIS Hanoi students are performing in comparison to other students around the world and evaluate the effectiveness of our program. The MAP test at UNIS Hanoi is done twice a year so that we can check for growth in student’s development of knowledge and understanding in the areas tested. This semester students in grades 3-5 will complete the spring MAP test during the days of March 5-7, 2013. Students in grades 6-8 will be testing in April and more information will be sent out to MS parents closer to that time. The results of the assessment will be used by classroom teachers to better understand individual student achievement and future steps for learning. Results will be sent home to parents using a parent report that will be uploaded onto ISIS. MAP tests are unique in that as students complete the test it adapts to be appropriate for their level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. Please be aware that there is no additional preparation that students can do to prepare for these tests. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep and a solid breakfast prior to testing. If your child is anxious you can help to alleviate their worries by talking, listening and reassuring. Encourage your child to simply do their best as he or she would do with any school assignment, test or project. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child’s reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the MAP test in general please contact Meagan Enticknap-Smith, the Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org
MAP Test Schedule Grades 3-5 Reading
Language Usage
Grade 3
Tues. March 5
Wed. March 6
Thurs. March 7
Grade 4
Tues. March 5
Wed. March 6
Thurs. March 7
Grade 5
Tues. March 5
Wed. March 6
Thurs. March 7
Early Childhood Centre Parent Info Session ECC parents, please join us on Thursday February 28 at 2 p.m. for our next ECC parent-teacher session. Mary Pool, our Speech and Language Therapist will lead a discussion focusing on young children’s eating skills and the effect on speech development. Please RSVP hsayerssanchez@unishanoi.org to confirm your attendance. The session will be held in the in the PYP meeting room (ECC B11 G27). Hedi Sayer-Sanchez, Grade level Coordinator
Kindergarten PAC
Visitor at UNIS Hanoi Caldecott Honour Award Winner Author and Illustrator
Peter Brown AT UNIS HANOI February 25 to March 1, 2013 Author Peter Brown will be visiting UNIS Hanoi students
UNIS Hanoi Community Evening Event February 26, 2013 18:00, Center for the Arts
Please join us for a Parent Workshop with Peter Brown Friday March 1, 2013 14:30 to 15:15, In the ES Library Reading Corner
Please read ES Grade Level Blogs for additional information Kindly note that nine different signed titles by Peter Brown shall be available for purchase during the week of Peter Brown’s visit: 400,000 VND and 150,000 VND respectively depending upon the title.
Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition Invitation What:
Celebrate the grade 10 students’ achievement in their personal projects Examples: musical compositions, photography, restaurant guide, water filtering
Audience: Parents, siblings, students, staff, board members Where:
Centre for the Arts (B10) – theatre and foyer
March 14, 18:00 – 19:30
Health and Safety Awareness - D-12 Parent Info Sessions The UNIS Hanoi Counseling Department invites you to join us as we present a series of presentations focusing on health & safety awareness! Speakers from the hanoi community and beyond will present information on helping promote mental and physical health and safety for our children!
SCHEDULE February 27—9:00-10:00 am (Black Box in the Centre for the Arts) —Parent Meeting with Kevin P. Mulvey,
Substance Abuse Treatment Advisor—US Embassy Dr. Kevin P. Mulvey is a Substance Abuse Treatment Advisor to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) at the US Embassy in Vietnam through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. He has experience working in the region as a Senior Technical Advisor for HIV and Drug Use Interventions. An Applied Sociologist, he as has held positions with the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Division of Systems Development as the Acting Division Director, and the Chief of the Performance and Technical Assistance Branch. Kevin will be speaking on prevention and harm reduction. Kevin will also be leading assemblies for our middle school and high school students on February 27 to help promote safety and health in Hanoi. March 1—8:30-10:00 am (Library Projection Room) —Community Norms Presentation
The UNIS Hanoi D-12 Counselors will present results of the Community-wide survey recently completed by students and parents. All parents are encouraged to attend whether they completed the survey themselves or not. March 4 - 1:30-3:00 pm (Library Projection Room) — Session with Dr. Yong Cho, a Clinical Psychologist and CEO
of the Tree Group in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Cho has experience working with international school students and families both in Korea and throughout the region. Dr. Cho is completely fluent in both English and Korean and offers services to families in both languages. During this session he will be talking to Korean parents about how to support their children in English speaking school environments, the importance of Korean fathers’ involvement in their children’s education, and issues of child development. This session will be in Korean. March 6 - 8:30 am-12:00 pm (Library Projection Room) —A morning with our Community Resources discussing
health & safety in Hanoi: 8:30-9:30 am—Dr. Brian McNaull (Medical Director – Family Medical Practice Hanoi) – “Keeping Healthy in Hanoi” 9:45-10:45 am—Andrea Fleming and Masooma Kachelo (Mental Health Professionals of Hanoi) – “Raising Emotionally Healthy Children in the Expatriate Community” 11:00 am-12:00 pm—Lillian Canada (Mental Health Professional in Hanoi) – “Safe and Sound” March 7 - 6:00-7:30 pm (Library Projection Room) - Community Norms Presentation (an encore presentation from
March 1st for the convenience of those able to attend evening sessions) The UNIS Hanoi Counselors have attempted to source a variety of presenters and workshops during this week and offer different presentation times to meet the needs of our parent community. Several of these topics and sessions are directly the result of parent requests and feedback. We hope to see as many parents as possible in attendance at these events. Please contact your division counselors for more information or if you have any questions: ES Counselor: Cami Endicott – escounselor@unishanoi.org MS Counselor: Jason Caruana – mscounselor@unishanoi.org HS Counselors: Tanya Arnold – hscounselorarnold@unishanoi.org Candy Crouch – hscounselorcrouch@unishanoi.org
Grade 10 Personal Project Students are embarking on the final two weeks of their Personal Project journey. Parents can engage in conversations about their progress by giving feedback on the product or proof-reading the project report. This report is the main focus of students’ work in the final weeks as the product should be completed. Please direct questions to: mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org
March 11 – Personal Project deadline (students submit product, report and process journal) Sibylle D. Harth, MYP Coordinator
Biking Around The World with Jeremy Scott The Friday before Tet break, Grade 10 were invited to a talk by Jeremy Scott. Jeremy is currently completing a round the world trip by bicycle and wanted to share some of his amazing photographs and stories with UNIS Hanoi students. By the time he reached Hanoi, Jeremy had already clocked up an astounding 27,000 kilometres on his bicycle. He is completing this trip to raise money for the British and New Zealand Heart Foundations, inspired by the fact he had open heart surgery himself as a child. Here is what he has to say about the decision to embark on this epic journey: ‘’Over the last 6 or 7 years I have dreamt about and plotted this monumental challenge. It has dominated my thoughts for what seems like an eternity and finally the time for dreaming is over. Back in October 2011 I nervously set off from my flat in London to start an adventure that will see me pedal half way around the globe, passing through approximately 30 countries on my way from England to New Zealand. My goal is to not only reach The Land of the Long White Cloud alive and well, but to cycle more than 50,000km (30,000 miles) in the process.´´ You can see pictures from his trip, read his travel journal, donate and find out more about his motivation on his blog. http://quinsadventure.wordpress.com/
Notes from the High School Counselors’ Office College Visits Coming Up at UNIS Hanoi. Don’t miss the date! Webster University (US) - February 26th 2013 Savannah College of Art (Hong Kong) - February 27th 2013 (For Students intersted in Art) Business Faculty/Hong Kong Polytechnic University - March 05th 2013 (For Students interested in Business Degree) Canadian Education Fair - March 08th 2013 Gold Smiths/University of London - March 11th 2013 (For Students interested in Art) International College of Hotel management (Australia) - March 14th 2013 (For Students interested in Hotel Management) Durham University - March 22nd 2013 (Ranking 05th among UK institutions) For brief introduction about the institutions, please follow this link.
Middle School Student Council News On Friday, March 1 the Middle School Student Council will be running a games and movie afternoon from 3:30 to 7:30. They will be organizing a homeroom dodgeball tournament immediately after school. After the tournament, they will be selling sausages as well as snacks and drinks. They will cap off the evening by offering a choice of 4 different movies. All Middle School students are encouraged to stay after school on Friday, March 1. However, there are no late busses on that day. Therefore parents will need to arrange transportation home for them when the event ends at 7:30 pm. For any further information please contact Kevin Johnston at kjohnston@unishanoi.org
Saussage Sizzle
We have moved to our new location! Your UNIS Hanoi Sausage Sizzle is now serving our WORLD FAMOUS products behind the B-4 Sports Centre. Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda, popcorn and sausages will be available on Saturday from 9:00 to 11:30
From the Nurses’ Office This week at School we have seen many students with vomiting. Evidence suggests hand washing is the single most important thing that parents can teach their children to help prevent the spread of germs especially at school. We want our students to spend more time in the classroom than at home being sick and so this is a timely reminder to remember the importance of hand hygiene. The article from, the Center for Disease Control, Atlanta highlights this in an easy to read format. UNIS Hanoi School Nurse Team
School Community Organisation News 3 Hours of FUN, plus 1 hour of FUN WORK! Volunteering is FUN when we all do it as team. We need MOMs, DADs as well as STUDENTS to help us during Spring Fair!!! So please sign up with Philippa Wood( Pippa) at sco@unishanoi.org, specifying:
Subject of email: Volunteering
Your name
Mobile phone
If you are a student, your homeroom
Preferred time slot (11-12 / 12 -13 / 13-14 / 14-15)
She will respond you indicating where your help will be most valuable. Spring Fair is all about us having a great time as a community, but we do need help to make it happen. We have approximately 200 slots to fill in!!! Note: In case you want to help but you have a daughter or son that will be performing during the event, and want to wait to find out the time of their performance, please do let Pippa know about it, and she will assign you to an specific area once you have that information. Remember: EVERYONE need s to buy a ticket to enter UNIS Campus on that day! (info about tickets coming soon!) THANK YOU!!! And see you HAVING FUN HELPING on Saturday March 16!!! Spring Fair 2013 Team
Bottle Donation Back by popular demand! Our Operations Director, David Porter, will be running his bottle game at this year’s fair. This adult game requires donations of bottles. The bottles donated should be new (full and unused) of whatever filling – water, whiskey, milk, spaghetti sauce, lemonade, soy sauce, champagne, eye drops (possibly not), tomato sauce, cough mixture…… Big ones, little ones, miniatures ……… anything that resembles a bottle……. Check your shelves or stop by the market and drop them at any collection location: Advancement Office, ES Office or MSHS Office.
School Community Organisation News Elementary School Snack Sale - Friday March 1, 2013 SCO is organizing the popular snack sale event for ECC and Elementary School students. This is the event that most of the students wait for! This year we will have four snack sale events with this following schedule: 1. Friday, 5th October 2012 Contribution class: KAP, KJK, 1JH, 1BB, 2BMcL, 2DL, 3JC 2. Friday, 7th December 2012 Contribution class: Discovery SS, Pre-K/HS, 3LB, 4SN, 4LL, 5JH, 5KW 3. Friday,1st March 2013 Contribution class: KCA, KCO, 1TS, 1KB, 2JMcH, 2LN, 3AL 4. Friday, 31st May 2013 Contribution class: Pre-K/RT, Pre-K/MA, 3BF, 4MK, 4BM, 5HN, 5MS/SC We will ask parents of all ECC and Grades 1-5 students as scheduled above, to kindly contribute 10 individual wrapped healthy snack items to be sold to the students. We welcome both savory and sweet snacks. As we encourage children to have healthy snacks, we will not sell any choco-pies, chips, candies, pre-packaged cookies, or chocolate bars. We also will not sell any snacks that contain any nuts. All ES and ECC students can buy up to 2 snacks, with each snack cost VND 10,000. This is one of events organized to provide a fun activity to and from UNIS Hanoi Community that children enjoy. All proceeds from Snack Sale are used for SCO activities. Past initiatives included funding music scholarships for Vietnamese students, purchasing equipment to support learning environment, hosting SCO social events, and organizing teacher appreciation days. We thank all the parents who have helped previous snack sale and would like to invite all of you to participate again. We would also love to welcome any other parents who are willing to help. Your child(ren) loves to see you at school. Please contact one of the coordinators listed below if you would like to assist in any way. Thank you for your cooperation. Bo-Young Hwang Ikue Mizuno Christine Olga
soool2@yahoo.com Mikue@mbn.nifty.com cdheaton@indo.net.id
SCO Boutique News Thank you for all of your input and suggestions. We sure are growing from good to great! Please not that the boutique will open on Elementary Sports day, Thursday March 14 from 08:00 – 09:00
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (February 22 onwards) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 18.00
No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 18.00
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 18.00
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 18.00
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 18.00
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
NOTE: Starting today (February 22) we will be closing the swimming pool at 18:00 (6pm) until further notice due to some sign of the Rove Beetle, which was problematic this past fall.
Canteen Menu for the week of February 25 to March 01 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
*** Main dish contains EGG
Western Set Menu 25 Chicken A La King Grilled Potatoes Bean Topping Salad Mini Donut Fruit / Milk
26 Meat Loaf w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Caesar Salad Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
27 Beef Stroganoff Steamed Rice Garden Salad Brownie Fruit / Milk
28 Chicken Parmesan Steamed Rice Lettuce & Tomato Salad Choco Chip Cookie Fruit / Milk
1 Hot Dog w/Grilled Onion Potato Chips Spinach Salad Lemon Cookie Fruit / Milk
28 Beef w/Black Pepper Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce & Tomato Salad Choco Chip Cookie Fruit / Milk
1*** Thai Fried Chicken w/Black Bean Sauce Steamed Rice Broccoli Lemon Cookie Fruit / Milk
28 Chicken Parmesan Steamed Rice Lettuce & Tomato Salad Choco Chip Cookie Fruit / Milk
1 Hot Dog w/Grilled Onion Potato Chips Spinach Salad Lemon Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 25 Mafa Tofu Sauce Steamed Rice Sauteed Vegetables Mini Donut Fruit / Milk
26 Boiled Chicken w/ Potato Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
27*** Tempura Noodle w/ Shrimp Rice (only ES) Garden salad Brownie Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 25 Chicken A La King Grilled Potatoes Bean Topping Salad Mini Donut Fruit / Milk
26 Meat Loaf w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Caesar Salad Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
27 Beef Stroganoff Steamed Rice Garden Salad Brownie Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org